PA(1F~ TWC) THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1930 LEGALi THE EDITOR TALKS 1 M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Whba a grand oU t vn u.h 1; Rw-1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 1 tianvîHe ,w ouid b, if cvery man, w- Money to ban on Farm and Town , i, bî amti girl woul ilrl iite di Property. Royal Bank Building, aitilbe. oartt -tlv aiid sincerely, with Bowmanville. Phone 351. Go',i shelp. the very besu and noIlezsu persan tba u hoaud she Cal i ili u,î W. R. STRIKE i do oad be for tube blc f 193>0. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Trv v,-ty faintfaL,Iit, o o 'rouir- Slctrfor Bank of Montreal , >' f. Too U.opiatt dIo \-,u ->îv M'lietor 1 ' ilet u.' aul give jr a .fair, aît Money to Loan. Phone 91 holiest trial, for *,h(- hou-oie x Bowmanvilie, Ontario. p~îO i uoyprv xol W. F. WARD, B. A. ingîy benoficial. Ai l ugeteu-a ai hie resolution. XVe nover can t, 1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary %%wiau we Cali do or l4e befure wv. honi- Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. eatis ur-V Our vet-Y beot (tRf,.o-Ripak1pv Block, King Street, Bownîanvilie, Ontarlo. Phnes:- Office 102; House 409. DENTAL ' DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto University. Graduate et the Royal CellegeofetDental Surgeons et On- tarie. Office: King St., Bowmanviile. Office phone 40. flouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipmnent la Office. j DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate et Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King St. East, Bowmans'îlle. Office boucs 9 a. nM. te 6 p. ni. daily except Sunday. Phono 90. House phone 283. j X-Ray Equipmeat la Office. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL We bavt road srnewh-ene that a normalinl î.iduaaican ho what ho ori she scvilla te ho and can do wbau ho or she wuiuis te do. Be- this as it may, the huntan svilh invelvos mys- tories wbich have nover been fathona- ed. As a faculty ef mind it la, nc-%-ertthelc-ss, a tamîliar and practicat [neality. Wbile differencos ebtaint airx-:igwriters as te the source et the Wiil, its constitution, its tanctions, it; liniitati-itns, its treodont, ail con- cerde uhat the Wil l iseit la an actual Part et the mind eut man, and that its Place and uses la our lite are et transcendent importance. The- Will la seimnetimes defined as the faculty et conscience and especially et deiib- erate actiom. Whether t-ho word con- science is essential te the definien may be questioned, fer seme actions wbich are un-ceu'cioîas are, nevertbe- bass, pnobably expressions et the Will and some involuntary acta are cor- tainly conro-.ous. sh,dows that darken our lives. Fo4low us yet a littie farther. iOfuen w-e envy wbat others have en I that ive bave ne-t. Wo spend time in -%wlsbing instead oit wnîng suc- cesin lite. We litle roalize that ifal aur wùsbes sboud ho granted tht e would bc the «nost miaerable cîreaur s la al thbo world .And we littie realîze tau if we shouL.d uake advanuage of ail ubat we bave anc makc the most of our talents and oui tinte, -wo woaold be tbe happiesu mor- tais tbîs sido of paradiso. Stupid as la mule -%as a vet-y fonil- ire.xpres.-ion ia our youub. The nmule imiagines that ube grass is swLeu- ex and g-reculer beyond the fonce and negltes ta eau bis ewn. The poor * think uLherich are bappy. The ricl tbluîk uhe poar are free from cares. Se there is a large streek of mule in aIl of us. And like the mule, we afuen lca-p the foence and nt-ayhap land in briars and thisuies. Things are not aiways what uhey soora. It is bouter to bo content wiub what ave are and whet ve have, ai- ways makiag the most o.f opportuni- ttc-s and sriviang te excel la what we undertake. The successful man is he wb-o put bis talents, wbetber great on smali, te the use that Go-d intend- ed. If yeu would wish te gain respect 0f ail the -human kind, Tbis brief ada-ice do net neglet- But impreffl it on your mid: Whetever ytou atteinpt do well Tbis is uhe beute-r plan; And if inafal you don't excel- Honor graduate et Tocante Univer----------Juat ao une cest you cai. sity and member et Royal Colege eof * * * Dental Surgeons. Licensed te A botter definition efthie Will, Ahi mon cannet ho-itatesman, non practise in Ontario and the Dominion. theretore, la: "Tire poawer o esoi- can thcy hbcsuoaltby onraise, but ahi Dentistcy in ail its branches. of- direction." This power acta la con- aiea can ho bonest, indusunieus and fice: Ring St., Bowmanville, opposite junction auith feeling and kneau-ledge, -contonîod. The man su'o trias te ho Bank )f Montreal. Phono 301. but it is net te ho dentitted svtb seme-body eLse vill nove-n ho himself, thora as a matie-r et definition. Non non avilI h l-anybedy else. And the ought it te bu- contounded -u-withde- nian avbolvs up t nyea e sire nor -uuith the menai sonse. One easy 'because eftuhe success et euh- MEDICAL miay teel suithout siiing and oela ers, su-ut get nothing btter than dis-- C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. imay wjhl centrary te feeling. Se the appointamenueut lite, and faitune Wili may Proceed eluher asiub knoa--- ilbus e hiseled on the slab that Graduate et Trinity Medical Colle ge, 1-dge on in opposition thereto, on, in- marks bis grave. Toronto, formecly et Enniskillh n de-e-j in a manîter indifferent. Oft- *A Office and Resîdence: Dr. Beith' tims desines uvib are unaccemp-, We are tnequently hearing oet on-, former residence on Cburcb Streetanied by acta et Wiil, and the moral and anothen dying et inthuna or Bomnvlo. Pon 59 enefrqenhy ueu-e tesooo--th rip.Is' i trn4 ht tu J. CLRK BLL ýcasion of auiinig, or it lasoet aside by 1 thi--fOtti tii;iease bas carried off so o. Jh BF . CARK, BELL 0 P H the Wiil. Whaucver the ethicati die-i nany people, yeung, middle aged M. .. li B. F R.C.S.,(Ein., . PH.ta',Os in the case. Ail su-l agreL and olci, ihat public heaitb officiali <Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) that the Will la a suay a person bas et arc, eady t.o admit itthe real knoav- Haons. Graduate la Medicine, Aber- boing andi doing, by wuhich it-elt andi ledge et infl-uenza, or the grippe, net-- R t he body linauhic-b it dwe-eus are dir- w îustanding that it is a disease ah- deen University; Fellow efthte Roya! ected. It la net the Wil ubat sils svays Present in tube Coffieeand rens, QEen Street,'any more than it la the perceptive centres et population and otuhau BOffceandvtlie. Phno 89. posStre-t, that perceivos on the feculty f rom tinte te tinte stroada in epidem- iifl'r"inaticn that pictures montali ms cf lacal on wcnlîh sitie exuenu. Au ome Hors 2 o p.m.,6 O 8. 0 p mi images-. We repeat: The WiiI is the a rocent netinug cf the Amonicon W.H BRSM sul itseif exercising self direction. Public Hcalth Ass;-ociati;on, discus- O W.ce Heurs: 1 ta M.aD7ta3. ***s'on of this di-sea.-e dev-ltrped that, offie Hurs i o 4and to9.3. 1Themin maybe oimare toanuhere have boom groat ditterencra cf Themiephayhonor pae08teanopinion as to the real natute ocf la- Telephne 10. c, iattora-; dischanges et force fluenza, aînd uheoroigin oe tis out- Office & Residence: Dr. Hazlewo ' depeaci upon the size and make-up et breaks, .modc-rn investigotors are anc f-ormer cesidence, Wellington Street, the itstrura'-nt; large amount.s et la cuttitonu-ng it a tv.pical infectieus, Bowumanville. terce may ho accuumuated sihîn t; dsae lmet Piî go- shc _____________ ead by proper maunipulation an alec- dpasse tduetat ua livin ngther , hih AND RUGLSSItrie carrent ef greutatrteng-ub nbay pr ubably la tuhe secretions cf the up- CHIROPRACTIC ho oUGES 1bcctaincd. Phono are mis ubat penrcspii-atrury passsageis and by THEROPY a-ota capable ot hage oxerceise o-E 'droi:et" infetoneu. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Will- poser ia single acus and un er* * * peculiar inumstaiuncs-as. by the lu i., mat k-nasva suhoîther periseus honon graduate et Tarante Colege insane when o'naged, or by ordinary~ acuively .ick, those canvalose-,nu o-r of Chiropractie wilho la the Bow- peoe ounden the influence et excess-apt-ttI healu-hy "ci-rrier. ai-e manvillo Office Tuesday, Thurs3day We tea'r, or by excoptionai inclivicrtaî and Saturday oveninga, phono 141J- nennxeùv pessessed of ne-atankable ni) 's ucastle fctnspneacl et ihe - luttlcls aeduigfr,-mria eery ner- ton ut bu hc--o hý i-se esidence Readetil oIl mde unngtan-1motaion-ry. Sa, peau-en et Will f t bbc bieftuhat the diszea.s tu t is no-on Imay, as it suere, be nogandeel as cap- ealv r-ttge- ir- nias,' eeuiagious. Thb ne ___________________ __able ef accumulation. It may ho bas be -n littie pi-agi-oaý,ýs in the ifieid S IteOked upon as an onergy, 'which lot prevuniion, the most imtpotant FUNERAL DIRECTORS susceptibe et ncrease la quantity 1utteasrues lic-tvappearing to be ce- F. MORIS ~and cf de-selopmemt in qualiuy. Icognizatirin of uhe tact that nmas sut- F. F*M*RIS C. 1 * torrrn s aa pcisbi- source of unf(et-!1 &àp~e aUO{ U Developnient of the Wili has no ion of rto a htdrc otc fm Horse Equipment. otber high-way than absolute ariher- %vith hi.m or wvith peoplIe having coid., All41 cails proinptly once te wisL and intelligent resolu- .çhould, as far as possibic, -ho jvoided. attended to. It io ns. Honce the conduct of lite * ý Private Ambulance. hingos on the Will bu.t the Wifl de- Avoidance of croiwds during an Bowmanville phonie: pends upon the individual. Ultîm- epidermic and rofusai ta use cannnon 10 and 34. at.elv luitis nover other than hi., own% drinkiag giasses, towe's or other Brancb Stores- lection. This may scerm to be thot migbt casily'carýi-y germis 17 Orono & Newcastle. somewhat paradoxicai: The Will is from the sick to uhe weil, are o'nly ALAN . WILIAMS the sou's po'wer ûf self direction; i easonablc, precautions. Careful ALA M WILIMSYet th-e soul must decide how and for washing of the lands before eating Embalmer and Funeral Director. what purposes this power shall ho nîay save coýnvevine ditoease Calls given prompt and personai at- exercL.sed. t i.- realIy in such a fge.rms fromt soied fing.ers te the tention. No extra charge for dis- paradox that questio)ns of moral free- I mouth. No vaccine or serum has yet tance. Motor Ambulance at you- <dom, h'vetheir origin, aLso the frec-- I emonstrated it-S curatýive- poiwors ser-vice. Phone 58 or 159, Bow-1d'dvm of the Will is a vexed problenm ovor influenza, and none aeed hoeex- ianvi!!e, Ont. 3-tfliand can bore receîveo niy >.per-ficii poct,-d until the ldontty of the germ riscussion. The casL- seonîs t,ho causinfg the îisea-e l iscoerdand (A-i uh it' t ib- 'o(, , Pleuttisoiated. Sinra ane at:ack <o;not AUCTIONEERS for r cek,,,,ledgu orf the probienm. confer inirnuni' y to the dlseise. ubere ço 'vo e hal i res ,au uh ls point and i - littie hope uhat. aav art ifirial mieth. THEO M. SLEMON considei' he functilîns of the Wil rn od of inminunizaiti'in w il lie founîl. Auctioneer ,ur-<'lveo; and how woe mav bc. or (Io I what, we -will to do or ho' or ta hc, SIMPLIFYING an INDUSTRY Farta and Hou'o Sales a Specia? ty. arof- .noe means colways an easy ____ Terras moderato. Enikiin .Oask t,) Perfo rtn 'r1 our sa ttMactioît. "ln<lautelL t ho c- are too nmaaY Phone 197r3. 1-tf Let u,; make . on.e raster compari- Ivroi;of appos i, wbeing grown.1, s ',n. mor-- fanai 1ar in eryilay con-11- i:uhe views -N o.Xj)es<I b 1)\C. E. Mc- VETERINARY th r ) nîaniv uf lis. I ntosh, Coýntiion r of thx' Domiin- B. V Sc. -rb< roalerion Fruit B ranch. -There are manv E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B.V c h'raIý vil]i agrec tn it the varieuies au 'ho- prear ni tinte %hlch Orono (,Iuctrir n b a bcautifu i thing. lu are not in dýintîto miand which have to Honor GraduateofotUniversity ot1 (lazzc.s aur ùeyes %ith its hrighuaeso ý îl..oedc titoîîa. m Toronti. Ail cases given prompt W e are charm il anu astoni.shed a~t ýhi se undi ru'b'dit affect the sale ()f and caretul attention. Office-Dr. li r iati,,n of co:i>rs and the pro h hao boon ,tarie'lati,, u nbig t MlcEir,-y'.s former office. Phones: ctj-iwih which the silent power thzbensardadduigth 'lac.- ubo hil ding of nian, but we ntu-t rpa.-t twoyear,. partwcuiariy th,-re has Clarko 3921; Orono 18-1. gro ta) the ncliv. du-t-v motor and dynai- b1 -on a lot of tcpl-iwîîrkinz if ttees ta J mc t,,fin(]tîlhe m-al value andi useful . t- aio .Vaniety dl)p fis(t - 11(.z;. of e&ctricity. disticit anud 'bore îhu!il b- a la Tho br aui ful tiings in uhe xvrl'i iatu-iwbiare farntii-,r wit. the 1'are nt'alxax- uthe aauuseful. Thu <district peaLCrCk ca-cbhes car (oye nd coni- PO LtY anle our olrtîmbt luis .011 _______ I3iuilv," tuýhomylineyhn, th.i aIys he W ~ N r LeeL-s anrd -_,rî0rhes for the lhîtule I want ail kinds of chcka;cm neerom. o _oltv andi amn na-vinz ,. i,, ~ ~ highest price. Phone Whitby 81 and reverse charges. 1. STEIN WHITBY J. HERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Prices Phone&a Bowmonvîl.c: 23.. Toronto: Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 87-lyr. te rainhrux'-'ins;, but itis the -rin- -bhine ani the- nain tuhat make- the beau' antnd i -'bu- criios. Thebo crgeuas g-ansn an t p)auneci, chou-k may t- -ran ay antileze tus %si¶.b thoir gamtrr.but it la the g-ing- hara apron anti thelitousesu fr- aîiuîn i-si uha' mako otîr homes thc- happitý-t place rua eartbh. Tht-els-rnote mav t-bau-m th(- t-il- uaal eian, btuuth(>nitultitudeit-fini - tht- ,,we(t-te. ýt mur-le lanth(,uuid fati'- itmr tuars.. ** * h-r ,;the ti(oful (bing' iii <lie i-rnir t-bau count. Lt is (ho men andt s-cn- on suhbeau' the iooti anti carry flic-, j aat-n that maki- tttte s' antinruîndc. If mnidnanti sueen roui t1bw-sa s- fui ul vtbh hing u.'efui tndi c<ilumli e ciartnt to st-rvec the- pilrrpose for -xvbicinature ha.s fitîrd 1anti oaci rusuor litemn, uhis wo-plld sulctn ne trîgeli a uxtabo cf tas"but avoulti Ie a place xuhene ongoels mig-ht linîg-ern l iheir flight. Tt is aur envies, caur Sj-alou.-ies andi oun lo-ng-ings for asuat i 1 ave de net bave that cast meat ef the WRIGLEYS Drowsiness is dangerous. Weary miles secm shorter and the day is brightened when you have Wrigleysawith you. - Its sugar peps y0u up. Its delicious flavor acdes to any enjoymnent. j DURHAM COUNTY BOY NOW IS THE TIME Native of Darlington Township T DETS d Operates One of the Largest - -' Privately Owned Motor Coachi By Earnest Elmno Caikins -ILines in Ontario in Review of Revjews iIt is alweyr- a p)'t.n>are t,îrecordi 'Tee mach eraphasis is placed upoi t in tibe honte tr,,s t haltr the suc(: sses big business - lumbering, railroads, af anhra ouny Iv wb haesteel, banking. Tîtcse do net niakt, ie pî-foi-.sicne n îca rt ta 11k. lîtpresperity. Tbey înerely reficu it. diho eatm cf o itn ;po.n They presper wbucn the country pros- -tio Shcrvwîl .1. Cl ,Oshawva, that daiiy round ef amatI expenu .i- l s;on et the Lite Mir. antd Mrs. W.J tures of millions 'of familles, the grist oflcxte Maplu (ïi-ove andl Ty- et greceries, toiliot articles, dry gaods -rone, bas earneît a place la the "Hall and clothing tbey buy. As lcîîg as t of Fanto" amioa ti- grt-ua and near that keeps up, cverytbitîg is normal. - great Canauiaan îuf th - Txvonti,-îb But lott hose housowives b.ýgin ta I i entur 'v. Sh-borIs riit-ly exper- pare their daiiy budget's, substitute a rlence in transpotation dates haick to boiling piece for theit- w, kly rociat, ji thce days when ho ,trove t-he old gray atake -aver littie Mary's frock instead -. nYirta u.î >cn aîan(jlttle citer ped- of buying aawoeadbsns o alleda biycleeach:îy rainMapi gins te fail off. The iiaily lucat aGrave te Bo-wvnmxns llle lligh SehOol. Iof millions et peoplo are conditioned 1 It may bave booti rock it bis -chool by advertising. Tbe breakfast foods, days cs hc0 pushedl lus bicycle uap Van- ketchups, toetbpa.stes and galeshes tone's and Suaalu-y's hilîs that S1io't- that they could do aitheut. and avîtidh i veod evolved t-lie iii- a of a speedlie-r their groand fathiers did uithout, wero ondmor cmfattblounrdeou trv-introdaced by adveruising an.d are clling via Collacuur's modern niotor kept there by advertising. c oacheos. Cut this advertising sharpýy off and we would bave a s]ump berite uvhicb the Stock Exchtage debacie svoîuli e a atere incident Durng the news- paper strike in New vYor-k enîpley- - ment stores avereL deprivod et their daily advertising anneuncements and sales fed] off immediauely and alarat- ingiy. Reraindors te buy arc esson- tial. Our prosperity deponds on the state et mind et the ultintate cont- sumer, and the ultimate consurner 1-. at the other end of-an advei-tisement. Forts' realize bow important is the. state et mini et the average man anti woman wbose daily round et noces- sity buyiag is the touadation et oui passperits'. Last yîtar's state etfaminci. whicb led te sucb cntbusiastic buying and gave the averge American honte sucb an extraordinary standlard et -coratont, wsa product et advortis- i ng. lt taugbt us te abandon the thrifty technique et older countries -Nand et our ewn earlier days, the ho- lief that "doing witout' is a virtue. Enîhusiastie Repu-blicans give credit Sherwood J. Coiiacutt toeox-Pnîsidenu Criali ?ge, for our ci-a et presperity, but if the average cuti- The Collacutu Coach Linos, one et zen speat anoney as cautiousiy asMn. the iargest privatoiy oxvned bus Coolidge, thori, wouidn't have beoit cmaisin Oiurio oporauing unree ,aan- era et presponiuy. XVe bave lie, oo te t Kingston, 'oronto iearnetd tbat the mnoay uve tpond tPe,teiîboro, and Trenton to icoerra- back t us; thai noneof ufsir, and own-ing uweaty lairge o r wbatever our gaintul occupatien, can coaches, bas bcen tlbe resaitefthue prosper alene; that if 'se want othors vision of S. J. Codý,acuut, Osbawva, toti-ade Nviuh us ave must trade wsitb svht se-yen yoa-s ago nealized that thora: that ave are ail m rabers efthte the m-Juanr bus %vouAi some dav bho- greatest ce-operatis-e institution in conte an important factor intans the sveiId. pertation. S-.ii-tiag îh one snîaii Orange grouvers bave taughu us ue bus, MnI. Collacutu secuneri a tran- eaut itty more oranges a yoar. Whba* chise 'te carry pa-seutg-s on the do they deos%ith the meney they get bîgltsuay betwcen Or-Itas aandtI 1r- for theni? Spend lu !forthe goIods ycu enteo, exclusive of local traffic -ho- and I make and seil for a lviag1. tween W-hhtby aad Oshawa which Thec - would bave ber-une such con- wIas eevered by a franchise of the sruntption cf oranges buit foi- the ru- GatoBIus Ce., et Boss ntrl'iutlle. opeicittive ads ertising of theoraiange Thé business rapidly expanded. and g-,ruwens 5 A langer nîarket svaý cre- 'the passengc,r earniing- ot the Colla- a~ a tatig fto e i cutu company g-ro-av iy .eaps .ad itcdoutdfslmp backIf aur clet an bounids, until on Air. t Ot1b-,. h - i ul ssp ac. ,oor ll1 Mn.Celacuut ad i- -raîcliao~,;nual quota of sovente-en oiraniiuuý pi-r Mr. ollcuaso' hi frnch.ýet(;capita instcad et sixty-seven, andî the the Tocante Tran-sporuation Commtnis- orange growuers wýýou!d havL e bas te sion for $120,000.j spend for tootbpastes and radilos, anti Mr-. Calaeuti ha-, al'ay- given the!i taothpiýtc r" -i rý': -,nutactut-î tir- clOernu o-aiu a ùth ie comapan:.- i veuld have teî a i'tIand wbhich he founded and it was lus con- se on around the circuit. BusineLss li- sant alnta provide the bu-st î,,îsible sintpiy oos nni -conoy in circula- s-ervice by nur cvach caîîbining t:.oun. When there b- ;reztraini, cou- safeii and ceraforu in trav.A wilt tien, hesitation, business slumps. s:peed. Hle nover aiiosved crewdiag on bhis and bis drivërs carne i This-year advertising is more ne-ed- a fine reconrd for ceuntcr-y ta par-son i d, net because people have less ta gens and caneful opera tien of sponui, but becaus2e ubey hesîtat o ta coaches, xsicb won f-or tbe company spond iu, ILu sit] ho a fine test <-,f tht- coiidtice anî d -io f the advertlsig. It La fanratone irgietul traveiliar pîublic. te advertise wb-en sales are bard than lm,mndiaueiy atter the siale oft he when they are easy.1 Toicittu-Os 'aîsa franchise bad been ________ anuîcunc"d tf's-as made kusasn tb:t the Coiiacîît Coach Linos ht.ii pur cher-,ed the Aný-lin Bus Linos c-r iuag hetwccn Belleviïle ta Kinzc:on and 'soulil obionate a service betweu T P YSI U Torontoi tri hîngston. The c catpanyFRE isc contiiîied lus Toron to-Peteubo r soý-rvico and l aOr provirled a service betw-oen Tnen, -on and Picon.%W C,(,org, lliuuwmanrv-ile, 0ýrhava aund WXhit) varc includc<i amnîrthe u towas andcl ctues svliîcb anc set-vot hy 'hi. (o1aitca' t Coach Linos, aon ie oaa tnavël ltv the Collacut L:nor-uit olutos' ve -vîn o f iiporiautc-oiin i-etlaundI mi, tstern 0Onariu.CA Te cut:nin a ase basatarde a opcily f ,-aîering ta the uteeîis utcgrif ut aiîd lubitsN-br îîtîghu ivili -tr, 'rave-I by chanterni- citart for or rsais ioutrututs, aui ibig fle r 'f tvenuty srai-i- cImier- -%\>,, -uper-de-laîu- cli art coac-he-s xv-Au-ri uero atCla ibuat i î'sa wveiks aa.cCl The s- r t-tb,.he ast wou ii t ravel-1 Mai ling- cenîort antî are fittecd s-iuh e- Dre terfieltisttr -writin gtlcsk-raior equipiîiit- n a lcoavefliotice-. uThe cuiitbrat.ntan'mi a w a:iig ( Nc rutii andttilcP ai 12 Prnt oSne- ,basel O htma, v's p -a obain tif crnîfuirtala ntat tir- havi- lr rn e.-tablisbu-ctai (a - !l 1u. .- , t- turtuni f ,,,,, t' r.r 5 r t lrr r ourti] i ruf tir i 1, u 11,rit i . 1t--filu1ftil î-u t tir ru N . DESJARDINS Socr'-urmny. r - ,pu n u lit\ ttîtile Vorkti ttalt'ai. st-i ut11, 1930. 16-2 - -- r UMM . W - ~ Crops, property, and livestock de- stroyed by fire and lightning iaat year amounted te more than $2,000,o00 n Ontaruo. That's one of the reasons et, many farmers are now using RIB-ROLL -the origunal roofing. It defies fire, eliminates up-keep, increases property values and lasts a lifetime. Pro. tected againsr Lightnmng when pnoperly groundeut and equipped with Preston Poinrcd Venulaurs-as required byr the Lightning Rod Act. Each sheet ha$ seven rbs-a naît every fise liches. It us wonderfully easy and inexpensive to îay. Mode of the frumous "Council Standard" qualicy. Under the mnost scvere weathec conditions RIB-ROLL keeps every building on the farm safe and secre. Use Rib-Roll Doofing and Preston LeduHed Nails J, RIB-ROLL and PRESTON LED-HED nails form an unbearabre roofirng comtinaton. The nails are suîentficaliy designed Co use with metal roofing. No punching or threading required. Rernarkably -- easy and speedy ru use. The Iead on the head tom. pleîeiy seais the utai hole-muaking ir rust-proot, weather-proof and water proof. Write for free sanuple of RIB-ROLL and PRESTON LED-1-4ED SNAILS. No Preston Steel Truss Barns IMM N brnm ade cujuats the stzenguh and tArere sisuînig q,,utuines of the PRESTON STEEL TRUS FREE BARN. Bloîit -uh rugged Steel Tusses. Braced agaîrur wîuud pressure fuom every angle. No cura- BOOK bersorne cross-beauns. Weil veusul.ted. weil lighted. iTiee B eO More than 1,000 tin Onart-nou one 1but uhrotugit 'D0C 5ý ThePreson iughuning. We use your timbers and mal,. liberal Book, About aiiowances for thons. r -ouale tosoo. Preston Barn Venfilafors of information Aboltsh danger of spontaneous ronmbuston. Use ..r,-~ about muodern Pe-îon ventitators for roof, side w.11 adjustabie barnbL:Idirug. windows and wide dloors. They drase out te Write for ir. warm, moist air and ensure proper ventilation. jouc(S ) Teronto and Montreal lnquireabolitourattactve spe ciaemi on WinterShipments Drives A-sthma Lîke Magie. The way. The smoke or vapor, reae- iniedicte holp f romt Dr. J. D. Kel- ing the most remo-te passage o>f 'the ogsA.%sthmia Rcniedf: seems like affected tubes, ýbrushes aside the magi. Nveruîo?~.- t i <my atroubleand opems a way for fresh niagc. evethoe.s.- t isonl a ir o eter Ltis soid by deaieSa nâtural ra o , ud c;d ia a naturai throughout the land. E MARTIN-SENOUR PRODUCTÇ VERYPURPSE- R>M EVERYSÇURFACE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1930 PAGE TWO 1