PAGE TEN__ _ _ - _______ w afr ffnBel's ow-T he N EW~!C A Mrs. Cexq 'Frenchs and childn-n, manville. Toronto, visited hon si.ter, M-.Horb 'Mr. and Mus. Geo . Wright and Toms. ciildree. Toronto, visjted at MnI. J. TI Dr. W. H. Walten-Ball entortuinol R Fisiers. a par',y of Toi-ente friends cet Ilairu. W. M. S. will meot in S. S. Rooms LodgeL. on Friday at 3 p. m. Miss O. Var- Mr. Geo. Farncomb is makîng a- ren's çrroup in charge. Mn. John Robinson had W. R. Coyw- teratiens and imrpneonnts to his Resserve May 24th for tise concert an and F. B. Lovokin build e new "Bungalow" pnoperty,Neatl-n in Community Hall te ho given by tise garage al his Manvers St. home. the-Lake. 'Mn. Frank Gibson i5znie;' Scheol Harmonica Bnnd. Mn. and Mrs. C. J. Staples an-d ing an-] nonovatinig a large out-buid- Mr-. and Mus. John Scott neceîved MTs. S. C. Scultisorpo, Welconse, vis- ing. a ;'isit at Easter frein their nieces. ited Mr. andM-. W. H. Pearce. _______________________ tise Misseý Scett, of Hoppe. Rev. W. P. Rogers end 'Mn. Fred ' Miss Derothy Niche' s, Bownan- Grahani are attending tise Oshaw'a 4 ille. visited isor grandpane.nts-, Mn. Presbytory at Whitby tisis Thursdav. -and Mrý:.Amsen Walton, and hon 'Miss WiLma Wcri-y, Oshawa, and u ncle and aunt, '.I-. and Mu-s. R. W. M i'ss Allun. Whitby. wore guests of IW a:ton. Miss Lerine Batty o'.cr the weekend. Mn. Fred Trel1eeven, Toronto, bîas 1 Rev. E. B. Cooke and Miss Eileen -jhad Mr-. Frank Gibsen enecting a tali .ooke, Tweed, visited friends ie this [twsj)-ar flagplonhsppey viinity last week. Mns. Cooke vis- and doing censiderable ethon carpen- it.ed her parents at Unionville. tr wei-k. St. Geerge's Cisuu-h-Rev. F. H. - Miss Bernice Belîman, Bownsan- Mason. Recto-r. Sunday, May 4th: ville, spent tise Easten isolidays xith il a. m.-Morning Prayon and Holy Miý s- , Dorotisy and Evelyn Rickei-d, Communion; 2 p m-Sunday Scisool; and assisted tise Young People's Choir 7 p. m.-Even-nong. on Sunday. United Cisura-Rev. W. P. Rcg- Ris many friends le Newcastle will ors, Paster. Suunday, May 4th: 11 07 be pleased te know that at the Con- a. in.-.Morning Wonship; 2.30 p. ns.« VIOftf ~ vocation of the Faculty of Divinity -Sunday Scisool; 7 p. m.-Evening visio at Trinity Co)llege, Toronto, Mr. soivice-C. S. E. T. anniversai-y; Loi-ne Tihomas wes ansong tise gradu- special speaker, Mn. Gordon Lapp, ates iso noceived tise degnee of Li- f ornserly cf Brighton, fi-at Premier centiate oM Theology. o f Tise Older Boys' Parliament of IS IMPORTANT - Master Donald Jose ia in a clasa Ontario, at present Field Secretary AT ALL TIMES \ by fhimseîf, 'being tise sole new en- of t ho Boy-s' Work Board. Every- 4 trant te tise Jr. room of tise public body welcome. CORRECT EYESIGHT scho:ol wien scisocl re-opeeed on Mr. and Mus. James Douglas, Mn. Mondey. Helen Gibson, wiso has uand Mrs. Lyn Dudley and other means returned freni Toronto witis herifrienda frons Toronto atteeded tise GREATER EFFICIENCY mother, isas îesumed hen studios un- Geo. Wade's Cern Huskens' 4ance in Firîtder Miss Mason. tise Gomnrunity Hall Tisursday eveln- KNOW WHAT'S WRONG Tise Tuxis Square greatly enjoyed n. Tsevtwaacote a -THEN RIGHT IT. a visit fnom a Square frens St. Pau's goed sucesa and a pleasurable one Glaises may be necessa.ry. Churcis. Bo-simanville, Tisuisday ev- by those in attendance. Tise Brownie ConultR. . Mtchll, ening. A team f rom ntise local sqar Tea Rooms and Hotel Newcastle did Registered Optometrist defeated a visiting teeni by 19 to 4 a irvnbunesncoeto wh witis in a lively «ame of basketbalî. On il Tuesday evening in ceenection with. Little Dora Martin gave a party R. M.MitC el, tise Trail Rangera' meet, baskethall for ail hon little associates of St. l~.M.Michel 0C. was again a featuno of tise pisvsicel George's S. S. on tise occasion o er development pregrain, a team cap- binthday asat Monday. Tise party Druggists - Optometrias tained by John Rickard taking tho took place eftor scisool and evoryono Phone 92 honora of victory away fnomn a team had a good tise. Just threL days of Garnet Rickai-d's. prier te tisis hon brotbher Anchie held a birthday party for boys of iis ago. One interesting featuune of tisis was a game of aoft bail played on tise roctory gi-ounds and umpined by Rev. F. R. Mason. An enjoyable partty -wes ield althtie -home of Mi-. and Mns. J. C. Hancock D IL L IC K ou Friday oveni ng in isonor of their D IL L IC Kdaugister, Elizabeth, 'irise was homo fnom St. Catherines for tise Easter holidays. It being tise occasion of hon bithday, Miss Hanceck 'was pre- , rè11iýsencd with a leether-bound book of Quits Business Saturday Night "ms and a silk umbrolla, by Mn. Clarence Allie and Miss Lillian lem- once, on behaîf of honfr fiends. Tise ovoning was spentitnl cards and crok- nole, after which a dainty and delic- EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD loua lunceoce'vas se-vcd. A jolly evoning wias brougist te a close -witis Corne in and get your share of bargains as this is i dancing. Gucsts were pi-sent from Newca-stle and vicinity, Orono and positively your Iast chance. Osawa. ENOUGH SAID Corne and pick out the bargains while they A, DILLICK J F irst on the Land Best for the Road Job W~~7 ITH its long, vvid e treads, tise 'Caterpiltar" actually VVpots Iess pressure on a square inch of soil tisan a mn wvearing No. 9 bouts... It rides easily over low spots that would bug a team. Whether its plowving, cultivating, or isauling a sprayer on)r ader nthe "CatLrpilla " gets you on th c job at the arliest posible minute. . . . On the road job it m' il go through mud.1aongtise dtcis-anywbere-giving maximum draw-bar pull per gallon of fuel. New "Caterpillar" Dealers \%X'e hâve reLcntly been ki')pointed "Caterpillar" dealers for tisis district. \%\'e assure yoti of tjuick deli- ery on any size of ",îrilr trictor-for farre, road, or general contract- ing v <rk. Also Caturi-illar" road machinery . . . \We carry a fullI ii.t: of parts and give prompt, expert Sen ice. Get this Straight Tiscre are sevecri tr.icLît'pe tractors on tise market, but onlv (une't'Cunn < -( , l ,ui-' Lkfor thte naine 'Cart- pi;lar- i un herau -(.0 Let Li,,'ued pil a col)y of tlîui .tri'lr'magazine- ' I" Ju', :. uIs ad. and iil it, '% us ypur naine and Torontô T'rate.ter & quipment Co., 5 10Ki Srt c Toronto, Ont. ANGLICADI CHURCH NOTES April 29th the W. A. of St. George's Church held it-, annual Cor- porate Communion at 10 a. m. whicis was well attended. A number of nsenbers from Orono wecnt prosent. Visitors were entertained et lunch-1 eon by Mrs. Scott Howard and Miss Mcelnto-sh in their respective homes. In the afternoon a quilting was held in thse Parish Hall -wNhen tea wvas ser- ved. .Njr.. D. J. Galbraith has almost rcached ýher objective in thse Rectory Fund Campaign and is te be sincere- y congratulat-ed on her untirîng zeal. Repains on ithe Rectery are almost finished, theL work having been done by local wvorkmen in a satisfactory manneri. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL EASTER.RE.PORT Senior Room Entrance lass examined in tise nine subjects of study: Readieg, Writing, Spelling, Aoithmetic, Comn- position, History, Literature, Grams- mer and Geography. Standing giv- en in percentage: Sr. IV-Jean Rickard 81, Muriel Pellard 75, Margaret Toms 74, Aud-t rey Bonathan 71, Evelyn Alin 71, jMary Van Dusen 69, Mary Chaplin 68, Alecia Williamss 66, Jack Rare 63,1 Gwen Williams 63, Marie Henning 62, Harry Coucis 60, Milton Brown 56. Thos. A. Rodger, teacher. Intermediate Room Easter Test Exams in aIl subjects: Jr. ili-Reta Po%ell 77, Jimmyi Ceyne 74, Archie Martin 72, Frances Brereton 71, Molly Quigg 71, Lloyd Hancock 69, Victor Garrod 68, C lar- enco Clark 68, Hazel MeManus 66, Dorotisy Henning 66, Stanley Brown, 61, Lois Rowe 011i). Sr. 1l-Patricia Pearce 92, Tommy Brereton 87, Margaret Pearce 84, Sam Cowan 83,' Helen Robinson 81,1 Harold Hockin 74, Lfllian Burley 72, Ethel Spencer 72. Jr. il-Alfred Gray 72, John Arych 63, Gerald Henning 51. (Sr. list Antis.) noet graded. H. A. Mason, teaciser. Junior Room Sr. 1-Examined in Reading, Spel- ling, Arithmnetic, Writing, Geograp1hy, Nature Study and Art. Standing in per cent: Royy Wrighst 92, Reita Ceok 84, Vivien Duck 83, Jimnije Lovekin 82, Nora Merediths 82, Bruce Van IDusen 81, Rosa Allin 80, Keitis Rowe 177,' Dick Anderson 74, Stanley Coucis 74, Artie Toms 70, Neel M~id.dleton 69: Harry Brown 65, Jimmie Keech 64, Charlotte G.ray 62, Margaret Wrighst(as) Douglas Branton 58, Jack Getten 71 (a4), Gordon Cotter 64 (a4). Promoted ta Jr. I-Harold Roa, Grace Powewl, -Carl Fisher, Cnsilla Bon, H ard Reowe, Wison Mc- 1Manu, EuFgene Wright, Chaxlie Bon- atisn, isalleAldread. Promoted to Sir. Primer-TO,1T Walko-r, Rger Moadows and Jean Benathan, Norma Van Dusen, Mar- garet Aldread, Douglas Walton, Reg- gio Meado'ws, Dora Martin, Shir1ley Coucis. Jr. Primer-Reita Aldread, Arthsur Clark. zl1a4--absent for 4 oxaninations. Marjorie Purdy. teachier. LSTLE INDEPENDENT PHURSDAY, MAY lst, 1930 YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Newcastle iYeung People's Society The anniversary service of Lake held a very interesttng and enjoyable Shore Sunday Schooil was held on meeting on Monday evening. After Sunday afternoon, April 27th, with thse devotional exercises and business, a splendid attendance of members session, conducted by the President, and visitors. Rev. Thos. Wallace, Clarence Alun, Loreen Lorriman, 3-rd Newtonville, preached an exception- vice president, took charge of thse ally fine sermon fi-cm.thse text, Luke program. Thse devotional tepie was! 24:32-"Did flot our heart burn splendidily given by Mrs. N. L. Rick- within us, while he talked with us ard. Charlie Glenney reed "Thse by thse way?" Thse '%buining in the Lif e of Beethoven," (followed ap by heart" characterizes thse truc Christ- thse rendei-ing of the famous compos- ian who feels the ever present nea-r- er's "Soniate in G" by Minnie Pearce. ness of Christ. Two musical nu-- Owing to circumastances, the ex- bers were rendered by thse Newcastle pected debate did net materialize, but male quartet, Messrs. W. J. S. Rick- an impromptu debate took place ard, Howard, Harold and (Mark Mllin, whxchproved extreinely entertainîng. with Miss Marion Riekard as accomp- The subjeet was "Resolved that the ist, in their usual able manner. old mode of travel by horse and bug- gy is preferable te the modern mode, Mr. and Mrs. Mainwaring and lit- by metor car." Thse affrmative was tle daughterr, from London, England, taken by T. A. Rodger and Minnie havr,,moved inte the Lake Shore home Pearce, wiso proved victorious; the recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. negative was nobly upheld, however, John Lord...Mr. F. W. 'Bowen, by G. A. Coynet and Mns. N. L. Rick- M-P., and Mrs. Borwen, Newcastle, ard. This dehate was, without a. and Mrs. E. B. Stockdale, Toronto, doubt, thoiroughly enjeyed by every- attended annive-rsary service on Sun- one. During thse ten minutes' pi-e- day. . ..Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner. paration, a contest was conducted for Tyrone, visited at M-r. W. C. Lake's thse others by Miss Lorrinian. on Satunday.... .Mr. and Mis. How- Tise Young Peo-ple will pay a re- a-rd Challis and family, Orono, visited turn visit te Maple Grove League on et Mr. W. A. Adams', on Sunday.... Wednesday, May 7th. Allniembers Mr, and Mrs. AI-an Martin and fans- arrange to go.I ily, Brighton, and Mr. Thes. M'%cNeil, Onono, wereL visitois at Mr. P.ebert Martin's on Sunday. . .. Mr. and Mns. John Farrow, C'larke, were Sunday Tise Coqrnunity Hall C-oxnmittee, visitors at J. F. Bone's..Mr. and Newcastle, have arranged witis Gee. Mrs. Roy McKay, Toronto, visited et Wade and his Cerniskers te put on Mr. Leslie Allin's over the weekend. another dance on Wednesday, May ....Mis. Duncan, Toronto, is visiting 2lst. Dancing 9 p. ns. te 1 a. M. ti. Clarence Mitchell%. REXALL ONE CENT SALE THURS. - FR1. - SAT.- MAY 1 -2 -3 WH-AT 15 A REXALL ONE-CENT SALE? s It is a sale where you bu an item at the regular price thon another item of th same kind ifor one cent. A an illustratin: The standard s price of Klnzo Dental Paste is 50c, you buy one tube et 'this price and by paying 1 Cent more, or 51 cents, you get two tubes, and sae 4 e cents. Everv United Drug9 C-o. artice in this sale is a higih quality guaranteed pro- duc-t, just the same as is so]d every day at the regular iprice. No liniit - buy ail yeu want, but -on Thursday, Friday and Saturday onàyl A Profit-Sharing Method of Advertising This eale has been develNped by the United Drug Go. as an advLrtising plan. Rather than spend large suans of mnoxiey in other ways to convince you of the menit of these goods, they are Lspending it on this sale in permitting us rbo scU you two £unl size packages~ of high qualîty merchandise for the price of one, plus one cent. It costs money te get new customers, but the sacrifice in profit is justified, because we kn.ow the goods will please yen. JURY & LOVEJL 10 'j' Bowmanviie STORES 0F QUALY k The neatness, the convenience, the courtesy that you find in every A & P store speaks of the high quality of A & P foods. You know 1859 that in such a store you can buy the best of foods. You. serve both ýN0m A & P meats and groceries to your Most fastidious friends, confident WHEE COOMYRUES that theyý will be pleased-and you save at A & P, too. MEA 28 BACON FINESI BOILED RAMI SLICED BRtEAKFAST Slieed Ib, 3le lb. 5 5o Pork Shoulders lb.23o 1Butt Roast Lean lb. 280 IrF NC Y VEA.L R 04979 RACK ROAST lb. 20o SHOULDER ROAST lb. 18,e LOIN ROAST lb. 200 LEGS Rfaif or Whole lb. 25o breasts«Shanks ib. 120 A C& P Quality Selected JROAST BEEF Shoulder Roast lb Blade Roast iRump Roast FISH&WAll rs FLOUNDERS SEA HERRINO FILLETS COD By the Plece MI .23o ).27o b.28a b.100 lb. 22,e lb. 13o FRUITS and VEGETABL£ES PIi<EAPPLE t t'A 4 £or 99o SPINACH iil A~nA~~NEW (,REFK C B AG SOU TIItAItOLINA ORANGES CAL FRM ONIONS Yellow Cooklng POTATOLS New Florida BANANAS RIT 3 lb.. 250 2 lb.. 170 Doz. 69e 6 lb.. 25o 5 1bs. 290 3 1bas, 210 LETTUCE Iceberg 2 Heacà n 23o 2 Heaf-3-210 VEGETABLE and FLOWrîI SEEDS For Sprlig Planting 17 Pkgs. 2-Ça A>lmer Tomato Weekt This week n Caeada Is known as Aylmer Tomato Week.y ,.Not only are Aylmer Tomatoos featuned, but the entire lune of Aylmer goods are brought ta the attention of the buylng publie. ë At A & P you will find a complote stock of Aylmer prod- ucts and at pnices that are as low as the excellent quallty of Aylmer pnoducts IiD aUow. GR OCEJR lEA Week-End Specicil Made in Canada'. Finest Creamerle CAZEESE FANCY ZESTII'TL TANGY New lb. 2,3. Old 'b. 32o Week-,End Speclal Chuck FuU of Figs FIG BARS Crpo 2 ibm. 2'w AYIMER CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES NO. a' 2 je PINEAPPLE AI LMER GRtEEN LABEL SQUAT TINS 3 o 2 , TN'2 190 JAM StrawbàerrY 40-OZ. Jar 370e CATSUIP Tomato , .' -Ti- 17c Manyflowers STAP 3 Cakes 17c more MvoneyoSaving Values AYLMER CHILI SAUCE ......... Botle 24c LA Y ER FIG S . . . . . . . . .... Lb. 21 c BRANSTON PICKLES-C. & B . Bottle 25c STRAWBERRIES QUI'ITYTin35 LYON'S BLUE LABEL TEA %-LB. ,!. 38 MAC<L'tREN'S PREPARED CUP MUSTARD....... Each 9c NUGGET SHOE POLISH BROWC.~TN Tin 12c BUCKINGHAM CIGARETTES ......Pkg. 25c PURE <;nI.i JELLY POWDERS-Asst ........ 3 Pkgs. 17c COOKING FIGS.................. Lb. 1lOc Av.LMER CONSOMME.......... 2 Tins 19c AYLMER SOUP RîîICE~ Tin 14c DP,'-PAK PRUNES-No. 21,- Pkg...Pkg. 35c 'kY!MER PORK & BF-ANS SNQs-,2 2 Tins 21c - 1IIIiiF.IJ 01- CANADA 4 1~ 0BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 Me THMISDAY, MAY lst, 1930 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, Druggists and OptoMetrists il L