t 4 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, B0WMANVILIE, TTURSYAY, MAI? lst, 1930 PAGE THREE rnummmmw. 'ALKER STORES LIMITED PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS M M M M M E .11 'I i AB906-A good service- able quality Broadcloth, 36 inches wide; suitable for al general 'puiposes. In aIl the wanted new eolors of Pink, 'Green, Heljo, Rose, Yellow, Copen, Peach, Sand, White, Nav, Black, etc. Be sure and sec this -splendid mater- il et our store and &ecure a good supply DURING 3 SIG DAYS2e per yard ........2 c Big Bath Towels 35c A gaod dryer and sec what you save AB904-A nappy, fanicy stripe.d Bath To.wel, neasuring 20 x 40 inches, with henîrned ends. Comhbination colored strip- ings and bordera of Blue.G-old, RoselBlue, Green.Gold and MauveGold. A good value if offered you at 50c ... 35c DURING 3 BIG DAYS, each. or 3 Towels for $1.0 Good Pillow Slips of Cotton 21c - FB919- cotton Sc v er,- attr A.B0-Hemmed Pillow SliPs Of goo(lî'îwn. an f1rm White Gotton, in 1-oth 40 and 42 inch Yow woul widths-, by about 33 inches long. wilI 1 vour shar keep t.heir shape as they are torn nstead bIG DAÏ Of cut. Usually sold at 29ec. Note our price on both Sizes. DURING 21 I THRICE BIG DAYS, each ........21 Child's Panty Dresses A splendid opprtunity ta lay in an early summer supply at a law prace. A Good Big Cake of Soap 5c A great cambination - high quality and Iow price. GB917 - Walker's Big Beauty" Bath Soap, containis full fo&ur ouncea of ail the qualities that inake good soap. D«intily Penfu.med in Rose and Lîlac. A regular 10cecake. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each ................5 (Not !Inore than five cakeýs te a Customer.) Wort~s 4 C!i!314ifl* Aiiaut y -'s U=:::::: ttuummu ut m uuuru Special ! Rubber Balîs Low Priced, 8c GB918 - Heavy Weight Rubber Baîls, 2 Y inches in diaineter; gas fllled. White- body with embossed sinal design, and painted colred stripings. Usueilly sold at 15c. Get these for the kid- dies early. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, 8 each................ 8 Attractive Lace Panels Corne ta aur store cluring Three Big Days and sec these Curtain Panels. You'II want thern! We shared in a wbolesale clean-up, which resuits i this great saving for you! AB907-Lace Panels measuring 40 inches ie n 21/4 yardis long. Several new desigons £rom m-hich yo.u can choose in this assortment of servic"Mbe Lace Panels. Al with scalloped ends rwith heavy cord fringe. Usually sold at $1.15. Notepour price DURING 3 BIG DAYS, eac(h............................. 79c Bungalow Table Cloths Made of Japaneze Crepe. A real opportunity ta save 36x36 inch-39c. 54x54 incb--89c H13910-Japanese Crepe Table Cloths in 36 inch and 54 Inch sizes. Hemined ahl round. Large variety of border colorings in novelty Floral, Fruit, and Jaîpanese de- signa. Saine plain colors with printed de- signs; others Creain centres with fancy printing and colored borders. 'Two useful sizes at very special prices. DURING THRZEE BIG DAYS, 36 x 36 inch, each................ 39c 54 x 54 inch,89 each .. . . . . .. . . . 89 FOR THE MEN- Summer Socks, Special 19c Wàri Aboi jA -A good quality, fancy striped. L}Ck that men wvill liket. era *active fancy colorings, in Grey, id -Tan shqades. Sizes 10 to 11. Id appreciate these at 29c. Secure re early. DURING 39 YS, per pair ............19 Handkerchiefs OF PURE LINEN, 10 x 10 INS., 7c It will pay you ta lay in a liberal supply at Our prace. We specialize on Lanens. -Women's Pure Linen Handker- 2suring about 10 x 10 incites. ity, sinooth thr-cad Linen, with rnstitched edge. A good value you at 10c. DURING 7 UG DAYS, ec ....7 .~80e patter- Print, lu neidesigs, ana fancy Pinted Fiiteesun ligh ~3 G od vale if oferedati$15. DURNC 98 THREE IG 'DYS, ech............. uu::urnrnWALKER ST rLMT Eold your temper and you wili hold your friends, and your job. 1-t Ls good ta keep your muscles in tim by using themn, likewise your brain. Much leg rwork and little beed ,work seldom adds toae sales- man's salary. BIG DATS flEUR FRI.SAT. MfAT 1-2.3. Sale Ends Saturday LYýnternonn o Women's Bloomers 0f fine knt Balbriggan, per pair 29e It wl0 py yo ta ecur sevral air 1'. weKnII tî wOrld. ail,. W[MB913-'-fine Knit BalbrigganBitloelners, Mnstore Bodat.seiler. made full end ro>my with ample gusslet. fluyoay esre a hil the lVoabout Free running elastic at tvaist and knees. valuctae alw a bu In colors of White, Flesih, Mauve and .Thom ~Sig bays" values About' ec;i nal eim n ag on . Kstand out. We n' îe.Ecletvlea 0.DR " W < O ~store and see the ~ N H E I A S 9 1ornEary.toP. ur felper e Jpair ........................ 2 c Stencilled Rag Mats 43e Boys' Khaki Coveraîls 59e Macle of Extra-Durable Cotton Material IFB920 - Boys' Khaki Coveralîs or Play Suits. For boys ages two to sev- en ycars. A splendid fiîini quality that will stand hard knocks and wear wel'l. Red or BMue 'binding on meck, pockets, and waist band; buttoned back; drQp scat; long siceves and long legs. Made with three pockets. Excellent value at 85c. Just note this price. DURING THREE BIC DAYS,59 pere suit ........59 Women 's Summer Vests 19c Madle of Fine Quality Cotton MNB914-Wonîen's fine Iribbied cotton Vcsts, nmade in sleeveess style, with Ibuilt-up shoulder. Neat Ibeading ;hou!derstrap wth 44.Thi taeliusua3- t4.hiaw aeli sual6 ly seils at 29c. It will be worth your while to se- cure.scierai of these vests DURING THREE BIG. DAYS,19 Pach ............19 Yau wilI be surprised at such quality being abtaîn- able at this low price; corne ta the store and see! A handy size. Attractive patterns. Good quality. Low price. AB903-Stenclled border Rag Mat with knotted tfringed ends. Meastires 24 inches wide x 48 inches long. Good clean Rags. A le.rge 'variety of hit-and-iniss ,patterns front which to choose. A regular 60c qual- ity. DUIRNG THIREE BIG DAYS, your opportunity to save at43 each . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3 Smart New Lisle Gloves 39c These Glaves are in this season's wanted styles and colars. At a very substantial saving. Just when you need theni. a vrr ,~6ôô4.ééééa*é*éaéééé~*ééa6?? UI.=e. -e9 YOUR FAVOI SHOPPING CE: Service Chil Hose 98c. FulI-fashioned servict ity. A rare value for firut quality Houat WALKER STORES LINt XB921 - Full F'ashioned Service-quality Chiffon Hose knit fromi flnest silk. Silk to narrow lisle hemn; rein- forced at points of weajr. Modifled French Heel. AU flrst quality goods. Ini auch colora as Flesh, Mirage, AI- (lare, Afternoon, Muscadine, Evenglow, Light Gunnietal, Suntan & 'Gunmetal. Woufld be good value at $1.50. DURING S BIhG 98 DAYS, per pair ..98 Damask Table Cloths Only 89c VerY attractive in both quality and price. Corne and sec! HB909- Blea.vhed Dama.sk Cloths, size 54 x 54 inches, hezmned s-eady for use. ('Made in Ireland). Fine quality Oboths in a variety of ehoice floral designs. Reg- ular $1.25 value. DURkNG 89C THREE BIG DAYS, eah ........ Triangle Searves in Newest Designs 98c A big &avina for you on this nuieded costume accessory JB9 16-An exra weight Btik Seul in new ]igihitpastel and monotone coloring ef-, feets. Ahiover designs witîh plain colored borders. See the.se et aur store. You will be 'pleased with theçm. Regular value $1.50. DURING THREE BIG 98 DAYS, each.....................8 Girls' Printed Dresses For ages froni seven ta seven- teen-See these Dresses early f or Birut choice .JE1P15-Coud serviceable we4-ight, fancy CUIT Lisle Cloaves. Tailored turned top and -sCtIloped styles with <ainty enîbroid- ered designs. Fancy stitched back. CoJ- ors of Grey, Sand, and Mode, in ai7es 61/ to 8. Extra good value at 50c. DURING T'HREE BIG DAYS,3e lier pair........................3c NAIKER STORES LIMITED Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE ED If there is any question as ta what is fair-give the otther eiow the ad- vantage. Elimination of Suqday funerals in Chatham isla aplan wvhich la te ibe considered at an eerly mneeting of ministeau and undertakers of the. city. Many new styles, .pleated effeerts, attractive designs; and neatly trimmed witîh inset effect.s, engandy, piping, ribbons, etc. - A splendid varîety frou which -to c'oose. Regular $1.50 to $2.50. Coe early DURING THIREE BIG DAYS, ecdi........................ $1.29 WALKER STORES LIIEU= =t - - - - - - I I A shallow talkeo seldoîn nakes a deep impression. Join the HorticultuTal Soeety titis w'eek. The Options are wendeofui this year-lFee onlly $1.00 and yen get belrween $ 1.00 and $2.00 wirth oif foeimiumis free. Se preenlum lat at Jury & leoel's.I Harry Salter, one of the grand old Canada Lu e Go. las lte right idea «nmnu oe Oshawia reoently celebrated es to how te tackle the joi ta mal lte elghty second anniversary of Ma roeeity rshei its Baya: Wbat we do l ors i=Portant than what we blnth and alec starting of the e2ighty- aaY. Let us buy and sMll-libuild- third milestone of a (long lit etinm 9go ahead--,plan and work--keëp the Mr. Salter la lln fine healtlh and la 'wh«Iee turnlng toelt utqmoat aI Our elbout the city evei-y day. Wbility au indi'rduaks A oollege education la anpposed ta HlaPPinew s aOne thing you don't fit you for a poetion-not entitle you bave to go araund looki1ng for. if ta one. Ylou are entitled to it it rwiIlcorne Hlave you ever nctloed how you te *YOU. iearn to aike the feilqow ffou-have done îIt'a ,well to have a igood opinion of Y'ourself, but it la flot advisable te, a friendly tue-a, and how 'yen? hate air that opinion too miuoh-.4it nflght grows 1er 1th one yen bave injured. make you 'unpopular. 36-inch Broadeloth Per Yard 22c A surprise for you in quality et a Iow price lake thas. Corne early ffl4**v RITE 'NTRE IffonI e quai-E ,ryou in ieJyM It will pay you to secure several pairs PAGE TEREZ