PAGE FOUR TECNDA TTMN B MNVLE TRTTRflMIAAVt For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. WouldAnMuneo lie a foc ial lion(m i way A faded, ba ttered bat is hardly respectable. . -Yet no worse than duil, gray-looking shoes ...-your moi-ning toilet should always include a "Nugget" Shine-whieh waterproofs the AW shoes as it polishea. 9 SHFOE POLISH q/l NIJOOET 11N cjieiwithatritl e MI LER75 fEU~E MEe RE$TLESS CONDITIïoN BROUGHT ON BY THE PRESFN'CE OP WORUO' AND REBTORE THEC CHILD TO"NORMAL HEALTH..I OBITUARY Frecerick Stickle Moody Major and Mrs. F. H. Moody ba the sincerest sympathy of their m& friends in Boewnanville and e]f where in the deatb of their young s on, Frederick Stickle, . hicb occu ed on Wednesday, April 23rd. F. e lmost three mnonths the little, lad h Ibeen putting up a brave flght. F( lowing an operation for appendicit otber comîplications arose and aft spending tiwo months in hospital ar four weeks at home vohere everytbir in the way of medical help and go- nursing was given hlm, ýhe pas-, away as above stated. Fi-eddie W. bora in Toronto on July 15th, 192 and came her-e about two years ag w'hen his parents moved bere. The funeral took place Saturda afternoon from the family rcsiden<i Concession Street, service being cor ducted by Rev. J. U. Robins, pasto of Trinity United Cburcb, Who paid beautiful tributc. to the litble ber W-ho had made such a strenuous, figh for life. The pail bearer-, wer Messrs. Alec Birks, Bob Corbeli Chas. Cawker. Ken . Morris, Ne Rehder and Byi-on vanstone. edThe many beautiful flo-wers receiv edvere silent expressions nrf syr pathy with the bereaved parents an( the only brother. and included trib utes from: Parents. Brother Hay wvard, Grandpa and Grandma Stickle Dr. Grace Bird. Providence, R. I. 1Mrs. and the Ml-ses Hoppin, Kings ton; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Leslie, Misý Doris Kline, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kift Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ede, Toyronto, Old Comrades of 1l6tb Bn., Lebanan Masonic Lodge, Office Staff Inspec- tion Dept. G.M.C., Mr. and Mrs. N. 1H. Daniel, Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Beator, Hleads of Insîpection Dept. G. M. C. Factiory Production Office G. M. C. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Henderson, Mr-. and Mrs. G. Grahami, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Corben, Oshawa; Trinity United Church choir, Trinity Sunday Sdhooc Primna-v Glass, Mrs. Editb Fortier, ,Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks, Dr. and M'rs. J. C. Be4-ll, 'usic Study Club, Mr. and _Mrs. Smith Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Franicis Sutton, T. S. Hol- gate, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Morrison, M2i-. and Mrs. F. F. Morris., Mi-. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke, Misg June Burleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Snmith, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Foster, Miss M. Jehson, Mr. anc Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Mr-. and Mis. Harold Clem- ens, Miss Belle G. Alltn,ýiMr. and Ms T. W. Cawker, Mr. Han-y Allun and Staff, Mi-. and Mrs. L. B. Tapson. Among those froni a distance at- tending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stickle, Toronto; Mis.J. H. Moody. Kingston; Miss Annie Stickle and Mrs. S. Meyers, sonFe J. Murray Emerson, Nestieton Cartwright Township lost one of its most highly respected and honor- ed Ictiz"nýs in *he death of J. Mýurray FEmerson on April 9th. The late Mr. Emnerson was born in Muriposa Town- .hip ini 1856 and lived there until 1898, -,hLn he nîoved to Nestleton where he spent the remaining ycars of his life. Last sammner his health began to fail, and he sp-cnt several week in the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsàa-. hi the fail he went to Barrie to visit his daughter, wherer he passed peacefully âgvay on ApriH 9th. From his earliest days 'he took a Ideep interest and active part in church work, especially in the Sab- bath School. At valentia ihe es- teemed it a gracious priviilge to wjtne.s.-,for bis Master and he left be- hind hlm many sacred and haEowed menteries ivhcn he moveýd to Nestle- ton. For 28 years he wa-, the hon- ored superintendlent of the Nestieton United Sunday School, and was hon- orai-y Superinten(lent at the time of bis death. H-e was loyal to every good cause, and the chu.rch at Nestl<ston bas lost one of its staunchest an<l most de- voted supporters. For mony ytars he was a local preacher and his ser- vices were always deeply appreciated. His funeral was lai'ey attended. A short service wvas held at bis laite home by hi.; pastor, Rcv. F. W. New- e cl, B.AÀ., B. D., and thc, bodv a then taken to the Nestleton Ùnited Church for a public service. Thej cîluré,h was filed with rnourn ers and1 fritrnds. Rev. J. R. Bick, B .AÀ.,of) Hampton, a former ps.oand Rey. Dr. R. P. Bowles, paid glowing tr-- bute, to his noble life. The bodlyj was tenderly laidl to rest in the Union1 Cemt-tery, ('admus. The pail-bear- 1 ers were MIessrs. Xil] Suggitt andj1 Fred Orr of valentia, and J. J. Bruce, 1 S. Bruce, A. Suggitt and G. Proutt.11 He leavesc to niourn his ]o, h is1 daughtr. rs. W. (iedof Barrie;!r his son Malcolm, on the bonieslead;î three brothers, Frank of valentia,J John of Seattle, WasL-h., and Thuma.s1 of Central Butte, Sask.; and seconi grandchildren. lus wife, Fllen Mal- colin, predeceased hlm in 1917, atlso .1Bles-d are the dead -hi,, i the Lord, they rest. fi-cm their labors,< an<l their works (1<> follow then." TI] EAVETj TI, Cceme in and your work. line of Pumnps tern or Pressînr your requiremei ZING - ME h 'ROUGH 1.1 [ME d conult u abou I conulusabgou fWe Ilo ban i soo- ie Systeros, to suit ents. FIRST CLASS WORK Our Slogan R. E. LOGAN Plurnbing, Heating & Tinasm.tling Phone 264 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ýaveI any dse- ; ur- For, has ýol- itis te r .nd ing )od sed as 23, Lgo lay n- bor 1a i-o t re uad i j George Albert Cook e- peopale 'swh erct hnieougb.4'tfu There paaa.d to rest on Thursday, n- popl erct amemria. lApril 24tih, at the ýresidence of bis, Id is a tribute of thoughtful son-in-lawv, Mr. Fred J. Spry, Brad-' b- i-s-t. shafw St., Bowmanville, George Ai- lei 'ou illbe nde nooblga- bei-t Cook, aged 62 years. Mir. Cook e,; tionwil bae iundery n ourig as been aiùîng aince the ea.riy part ýs- 811P on mnemorial designs lof Vhid year but has ondy been coa- and construction. fined to bed about two weeks. Deceased was bei-n in Maiton, Peel t. Couty, and à," a son of tihe late Ln BONSAL'S MABLE OR ISJo&eph Cook, wh'o died whcn George n- BOU Stabl'shMAR18W57) w-: a snaidi Wy. After bis niother q.(F alsed15>w.s anied the seoond time te .Mr. BOWMANVILLE hCuahm they moVed te Stayner where hgrW up and where in 1891 ho ma.rried iMiss Minnie F. Ogilvie, whli ýd survives hlm. They farmed for a tmthen mioved to Meaford, aftier- ýd OBTUARYwar-ds te Thornbuiry and Newmarket d OBITUARYwhere lie conducted a grocery and j onfectionery business before cern- r, Mn. Williamn Jolliffe, Lindsay ing to Bowmianville in 1913, wthere d ýhe conducted e sinîiar business. They On Easter Sunday evening, April retuî-ned te Meaford living tiiere un- -. 2Oth, MatildaJllf, beloved wife tii about twvo years ago. For a time 1- of William Jo.lliffe, paýssed away at be conducted the general store of 0. i, er home, 72 Cambridge Street L. B3yers, Ennisîcilien. Sinice bis d North, Lindsay, at the age, of 74 healt.h failed he bas made bis homel k years and 9 inonths. Death came with bis onî,y daugliter, Mvrs. Fred J.j d after a lengtby illness.. Mr+. Jolliffe Spry, here he passed axvay. ;had flot ýbeen in good heilth for Thne funeral took place on SatLu 1 about three years and for the past. day afterncson and xvas attcîîded by aI year 'bail been ander the doctor's numîtber of old friends froîni here and care. She was born near Tyroqie Enniskillen. The servicp w-as inj -in [>arlingtoa tow-nîhip, being a IchargŽ of R.ev. J. U. Robins, pastori 1 daugbter cf the late John' and Matil- cf Trinity Unîited Church, assisted by da McClung Brunt, both of Tyrone, j îev. W. A. Bunner, anti Rev. J. M. - 'lreland. She Tno'ved teo Lindsay fol- i %h3-te, pastor of the United Church, 1lowing ber mar'riage to William JOIl- Enniakillen, of rwhich Mi-. Cook was liffe, 27 yeai-s ago and bas been e e meniber. resideLnt there ever since. She was The pal,'-beal-ers w-cie Mes.-rs. F. C. a mernber of the Fi-at United Churcb vanstone, T. H. Knîght, H. H. Rich- 'but recently ber ill-nes.s bas n0t :Cr- ards, Bowmianville, and W. J. Stain- mitted bhei to attend regularlY or to ton, Howard Stevens, Sidney Trevin, take part in the work of the wonme-ns Ennîskillen. The fiwei - bearr..î-s societiesl. Surm-iving ber are fier were thî-ee bî-others-in-law Mlâessî-a. husband, Mi-. William Jolliffe; three Elmer Ogîlvie, Fi-ank Ogilviie and brothe-rs, Levi Bi-unt and David XVill Holliday. Toronto. Brunt, cf Enniskillen, and William Besides bis u-idow and daughter. Brunt, of Orono; and a nephew, Les- iMi-. <Sok la survivcd b3y a haif-sister, lie H-ancock, of Oshawa. The in- Miss Ainie A. Gulham, Tor'onto; and ternient took place on Wedne.sday haîf-rbrother, Mir. Albert E. Cuihans, April 23î-d, in Rivei-sidýe Cemetery. Stayner. Charles F. Gibson, Formerly Town, Teh.uîa lrlofiig n cludecl tribtites fi-o-m The Faînily, Engineer at Bowmranville, Dies Mrs. H. Ogilile and fan-ily, Mi-. and in Glaît Mrs. H. H. Richards and 'Mr. R. Harding, Mr-. and .Mrs. T. G. Idie and Taken seriously -ilI,-hile on a visit Jean (Thornbury). Sunsh.ine Club cf to bis son in Gaît, Char-les Frederick Rebekah Lodge, Mi-. and M-is. J. M. Gibson, a wi dely known contrector, Roxc. Mi-. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstoae, died April 2lst in GaIt Hospital, ia Mris. Delmage, Mr. and Meis. Will hi-s 74th year. He w-as beni-n l Spi-y and Mr-. Fred Spry Si-., Mi-. and Whitby and camne te Toronto as a Mrs. D. Moi--on and Mr. and Mis. E. young man, embarking in the build- Reddick, Miss Jennie Culhani. ing trade with his father. Among Anîong the friends attend ing the their most ncted contracta wex- th, jf unei-el w«cre: Mi-. and Mrs. A. E. building of the ro1d Union Station and CuLham and daugbtei- Della, Mrs. the King Street suibway. . He wa-,;j David Moriison, Stayner; Mr-. and Tow-n Engincer- at :BownianvLlle forijMr-s. Ed. Redddck, King; 'Mris. Fred several years, and aftei- the deatb Steckley, Stouffville; Miss Annie Cul- of bis wife fie went te Wesen Can- h ain, Mrs. Win. Ti-avis, Mr. and M-is. ada for a few years, returniug te Frank Ogilvie, Mr-. and M-is. Elmier Toronto. He -was an Anglican in Ogilvi , Mi-. and M-i-rs. Will- Holliday,j religion. Surviving are four sons: Mr. R. Bruels, Toronto; Mr-. andi Har-y cf Medicine 'H-at, Albert.a; Ar- Mcar. ViliI Spi-y, Oshawa; Mi-. and~ thur W. cf Gaît; F. Ray of Hailey- Mi-s. Wm. Stainton, Mi-. andI Mrs.I two brothers, John Gibson oof Oak-j Trewin and son. M-is. Sweetman, En- ville, and William cf Port Hûpe, alI niskillen; 31-slena Fairbairn, 'M-is. i of whom were present at thbe funealJ. E. Armtsrtong, Mfrs. Stainton, i except Harry. Interment took place cîaly Mr. anti M-is. HoewardChi in Bowmanville Cemete---y April 23-d, lis, Orono. service being held inSt. Jb' CARD 0F THANKS chai-ch conducted by Rêv. R. J. Mi-s. G. A. Cook and foiiy desii-e Sbires, Rector.i to thank theii- fi-nds and neighbcrs Oliver Mutton, Pickering j for the sympathy and ex- ________ended to themn during theii- hereave- ment and for thL, beautiful floral oif; On Sunday, April 2tb, thei-e pess- frns ed aw___inOshawaHospital,___tirl 1 1 cdo away sin Oswa OirMtl. fe Pi-okeeng. ilnessOer Muttbon in, Pickeri. 66Deas dwas ,bonin so owm anville 66 years ago, beh sons f t~lte TlhalaEizethun Pfiesut ton.iveWb ise uite, oMun haes wettRives, ikeis ng, Mi-.ý_ Ji as Rcrds, Pick reiadater ujp to the time of bis illness. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the residence of bisi cousin, Mr-. J. J. Matton, Churcb St., Bowmanville, service being conduct- cd by Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor ,rf T-inity Unit.ed Church, assisted by Rev. Dr. Best and Rev. W. A. Bun- ner- T'he bearers were four cousina, Mcessa. David, Clarence, W. H. and W. G. Mutton. Survivin-g ai-c two brotbei-s and two sisters: William J. Mutton, De- troit, Mich.; Thomaes Mutton, Taun- ton; Mrs. G. T. Charlton, Bowrnan- ville; Mi:ss Mai-y Mutton, Cobourg. Among the relatives and friends atte nd ing th e funeral were - M-r. Nor- man Pérkins, Guelph; Mi-. Henry Peikin, Moo>rc-fleld; Mr. M!utton, Taunton; Mrs. Stella 'Maison, MIrs. Frank Smith, Mira. W. R. Ai-i ou-, Mr-. and Mrs. W. C. Fursey, "h awa; Mi-s. Allie Le-e, Miss Hilda ond M4r. Fred lxee, Pickering; M-i-s. Eva A mong the be),-autiful floral offer- ings werc tibitues fro-n the Brothers and Sisters, Mi-. and Mis. Geo .M31Iferý rOshawa, AI mond's 6unday Scbool, Whitby, M-r. and Mxs. D. Mutton, Mr. jand Mris. J. J. Mutton andM.. us seil Perkins. CARD OF THANKS Th'e brothers and sisters of the late 'Oliver Mutten, Pickering, desire to tbank the niany f rieudsansd relatives for thei- syînpathy and kiudness dur- ing bis ilncass and death, and for th. -beautiful floral offetrirîg. $27.50 AND UP Let the youngsters enjoy the hLaILhy of bicycling. It develops leg and body musclv.s, rosy cheeks aind ail around good health. G;od bi- cycles are now off ered at is-conoînical prices. Make your boy or girl happy buv a bicycl-e today. WE REPAIR Bicycles, Motorcycles, Radios and lots of other things. Try us with your repair work. Harry Aluin King St. . Bowmanvill. 1 ~jWomen's pump in black or browm kid, covered cuban he ................................ $7-M pair Black kid gore purnps, -leather cuban heel with rubber top lift,- $6.00 pair Beechwood caif 1- strap) with buckle, walking heel, $5.50 pair. It is a pleasure to serve you. Corne in. THE ELITE SHOE STORE SHOES THAT SATISFY Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager BETTER ORDER ANOTHER TON 0F LEHIGH VALLEY .ANTHRACITE 77te Coal flot Satisnfie The old coal bin and the furnace have cer- tainly hiad a long speil of it this winter. Yet it isn't ail over now as there will be plenty of cold days and nights ahead. So better lay in another ton or twu of Lehigh Valley Anthracite-The Coal That Satisfies. Our drivers are careful not to raise a dust or make unnecessary rnuss. We seli Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel $6.0 to 8.0opae Phone 153 orU Bowmanvil 1 of black caif, snap- py up-to-date goods NO NARCOTICS -PLEASANT AS SUGAR > 1 A Tribute of Thoughtful Respect linsthat are fine and wothiwghile and inspiiing deserve continuowus unbroken respect. Tîme shouid not be allowed to wipe them out. A gre-at Love and an un- derstanding comîpanionsbip is one of those fine worth-while things. And wben untimnely death writes e final cbapter, the rnemory of aIl those inspiring contacts ia certainly wortby of tribute-and of perpeit- OBITUARY MsHarel Williaaison, oot IMiss Harriet Willianison, promin. Onet memnber Of St. Andrew's United Cburcb, end an untiring rworker in the cause Of the chuircb, died Sunday, April 2th, at ber borne, 21 Suffolk St., Toronto, aftcr a short illness. The funeral took place Tuesday, at 12 o'clock noon fromn Bates & Dodds ,Cbape], 931 Queen Street West. In- terment was at Bowmanvjlle. 'Miss Wtlliamson was a daughter iof the late William Williamson and Dor- inda Levens of Darlington Township, Durham County. Following several Ye-ts' residence in Bonwmanville and Pickering, she came to Toronto. Surviving are one sister, Miss Mar- ion, of Toronto; and one brother, Bruce, Of Los Angeles. Her sister, Miss Barbara Williamson, passed away d'bout six weeks ago. Rev. Dr. Muni-o of St. Andrew's Chai-ch conducted the service and ac- cotmpanied the remains bere. Rev. W. A. Bunner o£ Bownianviîle, an old friend, assis'ted in the service at the PLEASE ~'THEM ALL tf We have ordered some very delicious rY Chocolates which we offer as ~ SATURDAY SPECIALS CHOCOLATES 28c LB. 35c LB. 49c LB. Thfle Bowmanville Bakery New Piumbing for The greatest progress of any in the way of household improvements and comforts has been mnade in the way of plumbing and heat- ing equipment. Modernize that fine old home of yours by letting us instali for you a new water supply andh eating plant. We will gladly submit plans and estimates to, you, showing how effectively and reasonably it can be done. Len Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmnanville SMART FOOTWEAR REASOABLYPRICED TO BE WELL DRESSED MEANS TO HAVE GOOD LOOKING SHOES We specialize in the famous 'Murray" Shoes for men and women. A fit for every foot. Every pair gives real service and their value is unsurpassed in any make of the same grade of footwear. Men's Shoes sold in C D E and EE widths. Womnen's Shoes sold in, A B C D E and EE widths. We show: e7o%,0 Mens Oxford&s s 1 e TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THTJRSDAY. MAY le. lq.qn