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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1930, p. 6

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. PAGE SX Piev. J. iM. Whyte, Enniskillon, lg&ve his lectuTe "Seven Years in Lumaber Camipa" in Port Ferry United Ghrch on Wednesday evening, Ap- ril 23rd. BEFORE DECORATING Corne in and see our range of tihe lateot waUlpaper patterns and colonings. Appropniate papers on the walls quickly convent a bousqe into a home and add an air of restful channi. Art Mo>derne, plastics, pauieling anid "down-growth" effects are fally repnessented. Semi-Trimmned waîlpape ns save time, while the beauty of Sun- wonthy lasts. Our expeience is at your dis- posai in selecting the rnost suitable paper for each rooni in youn borne. J. W. Jewell Big 20 Boolustore Bown'nville -I THIE CANÂDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY Ist, 1930 SHJ Report fer 1V-AllUn ence (h), Th( by Anderson. Sr. rU-11H Ashton. Jr. 11-Rt Wight. II-Elford Rickard, Isab Sr. I-Banr Jr. I-Gent Sr. Pr.-Rc Webher, Aud: Jr. P.u Anderson. (i) -honoî: MA Easter Rer, lington. Na Sr. 1V-Là Laird 70, Mil geline PolIay Ross Law 57, Lavonne Trisr Sr. III-'] George Polley Jira Upper 67 en Metcalfe 5 Douglas Gowe Jr. III-Ev Jarvie 71, Cauldery 61, enV Bothwell Sr. lI-Leo et Uppen 64, bie Snowden Cliff ord John 28, Eliner Hu Jr. II-Jea Evans 69, Jea Sr. 1-Ineni Sr. Pr.-Pe Gowen 60, Ka ton Stonnas 4' You'11 Smartly In one oft SPRING which we are sale Thursdaý markably Io $148 Tweed A very specii mwill place on, and Saturda3 very cie yerl exceptional vî days oi $9.1 THE SMART Si GEO. R. MASC m RAISE HEALTHY CHICKS Jt's UI) to you to see that your chicks get the right kinÏd of feed. Healthy chicks pro- perly fed gî-ow into dlollars . . . ]et us help swefll our 1ank account by feediîîg Ful-O- Pep Chiek Starter and Chick Grain. Suc- cessful potîltrymein îecommend it. Leonard's TestecI Seeds offer most for~ the noiiey. Ask those who used Leonard's last year. H-awes' Wax, lb. tiîî r1ow ..................4:3c Canada Dry Ginger Aie We now have this popuIaur beverage at city prices: 15c pint botule; 25c quart. Buy a Hostess Package to-day. HIARRV ALLIN, (irocer PHONE 188 BOWMAN VILLE. kW'S SCHOOL BLACKSTOCK COURTICE -April: The pancake social heMd in the Sun- Mr. and Mxs. Otis Worden, Misees Rowe (b), Jean Clem- day Svhool roonb of the Uniited Patty and Doris, Toronto, were ho0li- ornton Anderson, Oris- Ghurch under aus4pices off W. M. S. day visito'rs Mt Mr. F.ran k Runde's. . was greatly enjoyed. Readings, con- .. Mrs. Johinsion, Whitby, is with her ,elen Rickard (h), y tests and music furnished the enter- daugliter, Mrs. J .Sanoa h tainment, then pancakes and niaple Parsonage... Mûrs Elleen Wight, uth Cobbledick, Murray syrup insured -the enjoyment of ev- Providence, spent a few days with eryone. . Rev. F. W. Newell, B. A., relatives here . . .Master BrzlySoules, Cobbledick, ýBrenton B. D., took es bis subject on Sunday Toronlto, sPent some of the Easte.r el (emience. nigbt "The Courage oft Je--us." The holhdays rwith ihis grand(parents, Mr. nice Wig'ht. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was and Mrs. S. S. Brs. ... Mr. R. C. -don Allun (fajled). adniinistered at the close of the ser- Shortt, Tory HIMI, visited his niother' oss Cobbledick, Ferne vice .... Glad to hear that Mrs. D. and brothers, Jack and Jamnes Shortt, rey Wehber. W. Bradburn is recovoring after ber recently ... . On Friday evening last label Clemence, Dentzel illnes.s. .-Misses Margaret Swain our Young people presented their and Olive Van Camp visited et the musical comedy "Gy'psy R.over" ina irs. former's sister. Mrq. (Rev.) M. R. St. Paul',s, Bowmanville, to a most L. Lorriman, tee.cher. Sanderson, Toronto... Nr. Laurence appreciative audience and afterwards I Mountjoy of Toronto spent Easter were entertained and served a boun- WPLE GROVE witb his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. teous lunch which everyone enjoyed. Mountjoy ...Miss Annie Griffith, We are aiways deligihted te go to St ýort of S. S. No. 6, Dar- Toronto. spent tbe Easter bolidays Paul's because we bave such a plea- ames in order of meit: with her grandparents, Ex-Cbancel- ant sociad time to end the evening's [oyd Metcalfe 76, Alfred lor and Mýr-. BowlLs ...The play entertaininent ... . Services were well ldred Snowden 69, An- "Rebeeca's- Triumph" being staged by attended on Sunday. At tbe S. S. 167, Bert Cauidery 63, the Young Ladies' Bible Class on session in the afternoon there was a rDouglas Bothwel1l 56, May 9th, is a very interesting play record attendance, the largest in at mble 54. and the datte sbould be kept in mind least two years. Fbeima Freenian 74, by everyone. y 70, Douglas Polley 69, , Jean Stevens 63, Hel- HAMPTON 54, Reta ýFlintoif 52, SALEM 'er 46.Enjoy "A.bove tbe Clouds" at elyn Evans 77, Gordon Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Oshawa, will Haydon, Friday, May 9tb. 'May Storms 70, Bil occupv the pulpit at the afternooru Several itroni here attended the Lyra Freeman 60, Rob,--service next Sunday. Good attend- Oddlellows' Service in Bowrnanville 54. ance is hoped for ...Mr. Gordon on Sunday miorning. .-Miss Allie na Flintof 74, Margar- Moyse, Toronto, visited bis uncle, Mr. Wood, Orono, is visiting lier sister, Charlie Wrigbt 64, Bob- C. Collacott, recently. Mss M. Mrs. George Armour... Miss Ethel 63, Norman Gowe'r 34, Barrett, Newca.stle, has been spend- Stephens, Mapie Grove, is at lier is 30, Albe'rt Bothwell îng a few days witb Mrs. F. Honey mother's, Mrs. Geo. Stephens.. ggins 28. and other fri£-nds here.....Mrs. W. Miss Myrtie Bradley spent Sunday .n Upper 73, Florence J. Cann and _Miss GAadys were in witb her parents et Enriskillen .... an Jarvie 53. Toronto on Friday. Is. C. Tamn- Mr. A. E. Biliett, Mv. F. J. Groat, ie Wright 67. blyn, Woodbrîdge, end Miss Annie and Miss Nora Horn attended the rcy Flintoif 63, Bernice Thompson have been vi.iting their O. E. A. convention in Toronto last tbleen Aldread 59, Mil- sisteîr. Mrs. F. J. Foster . M..U. and we...... .Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baird, . M\rs. Roy Langmaid and farnily, Sol- Oshawa, visited at 'Mr. and Mrs. T. BE. Souch, teacher. 1 ina visited with her parents, Mr. andi Salter's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mn,. G. A. Stephens, on Sunday. j Taniblyn and faily, Orono, and Mr. .Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat andl family, and Mrs. W. Burnett, Stouffville, vis- Orono . spent Sunday ivith ber par-l ited at Mrs. A. B. Fergusons .. ents, Mr. end Mrs. F. L. Squair. j Glad to report Mrs. Ferguson out R,,,, E. A. Tonkin, B,,,,anilJ, again after tonsilitis... Mr. and wvalked out and spent a day with Mr.1 Mre. A. J. Cole, Bowmanville, visited and Mn'. Squair recenrtly. Mr. at '.%r.C. W. Souch's. ... Miss Mary LookTonkin has rassed hi.. 82nd birthday, Wood, Orono, spent a few days with Ls quite young and enjoys a walk.her grandparents, Mr. and Mm. J. Word ha, been receied recnly«, L. Johns, m.Let. Jes,Hamil- tut the. leath of -Miss, Sarab Courtrigbt ton. visited witbher parents, Mr. and luat (Carbonvale. Pa. Our older rc-si- MYrs. E. J. Clarke. .We synapathize U I~.OOIiU dent.ý would remember when sbe anul w-th the Hig'h Sc'ho.t.stdent.s who bhr mother, Mrs. Couirtrrght, nee have to make sunh an early start te Maiy Po?lard, rcs.;idedl in Salern. be at school on dayligbt saving tume. They nmoved to Carbonvale sone ..Mrs. W. W. Hù>rn and Wallace these new yoar., ago. and in 1915 they paid an bave returned after heving spent a SUITS e\tended visit to relatives and friends pleasant week witb her brother in in thi- vicinity. Mrs. C(urtright Buffalo. Wallace look bis first trip e placing on pesed away a few yc-ars ago. Up in the air his visit tbeve.. . L ttere-A. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Ranton, Trenton, at the~~~ photo of some of the veteran utSndywhbrsitrM. ow price of scbool trustees who attende-d the 69t1b W. J. Virtue ..Mr. Frank Cryder- annual convention of the Ontario Ed- man, B.A., will occupy the pulpit ,95 ~~ucational Association in Toronto here next Sunday evening. *'**Mr week appeaned in the city papers. Jahs. Stainton and Mr. and Mrns. Wal- .9 5Ex-Reeve Geo. A. Stephens, Darling- lace Stainton and daughter Eleanor, ton Township's venerable i-epresenta- Toronto, visited the fovuner's par- tive, was easily discennib'le in the ents, Mr. and Mxs. Heirh Stainton..1 group with bis genial snile and nuag- -.-Mr. aund Mrs. Tbeo Saltcr. Mr. H. netic evsonlity.Peters and son Keith. Mr~. and Mi-i. Y. P. Society meeting vms held H. Salter were recent guest.s of Mr. Sunday afternoon with a good at- and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey. Port Penny tendance, President S. Buttery ope-n- Monthly meeting of W. M. S. was C a sing:the meetng. Mr. L. C-onbs, held in theS S. roernon pl2nd Coats 4th Vice, took charge and reed the when the Mission Band was invited to lesson by Mrs. Welsh; prayer, Mr. L. witb piano mnusic whule the people ai group we Coombs; topic, Mvr. K. Werry; twO were gathenring. Mrs. Bick, Presi- i, salePriday selections by male choir; readings b'5 dent, conducted the business. In- sal Frday Cyril and Reg. Coo'mbs; Mr. Gordon týeresting letters were read froin Mrs. ty, ail sizes, Moyse favored witb two violin solos, Sterling and Mns. A. O. Rutherford; [y designed, whucb were mueuh appreciated. Meet- Mr& H. Peter, was apointed Herald alue fortwo ing closed wi'th League benediction. fer Japan in place of vrs. C. H. Wal- _____for__woLace Who bas gone te Toronto. Miss )nly at Reeve took charge of prograi. SOLINA Esater hymns were sung; Mrs. C. W. ___ ______Soucihbad! char-ge 0f devotional part; Mis G race Werry and Mx. Edgar prayers were offered by Mis. Bick, '9 8' Wright, Enniskillen, spent Sunday at Mns. Clatworthy, Mrs. Tnrenouth and Mr. A. L. Pascoe's ...Mr. Firnest Mis- Reeve; the Mission Bandi gave Twist spent Sunday with Toronto a chorus; readungs on India, Lena frie'ds. .. Mr. and Mms. W. J. Rey- Novick; Mnfica, Cora Gowling; Temp- nolds and Miss visited at Mr. avance, GI.adys Chapman; Canada, W. H. Halfacre's, Tyrone. ...Miss Vera Martyn; Korea, Gertrude Pet- Fi~ rAlice T.bompson, Tyrone, visitled with it; reading "Our Thank-Offering, H O P ~Miss Gladys Yellowlees... .Mr. and Mrs. Sykes; iMizpab benediction was Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Columbus, visited pnonounced; after whieh lunc(h was ON, Manager. Miss Mary Hogart'h and Nlrs. R. Pas- seirved. 1 coe.. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunt and Sec the spc.cial Mýen'.s Work Boot-s Mr. Ernest, Bow%,manville, visited at at $3.49 at Heùrn's; aiso the famous -Mr. S. Bush's. Mr. and Nlrs. W. H. 1'alnîor's boots ruow in stock. Westlake and Mr. W. R. Westlake visited at Mr. Les. Colacmotts, Salem. .Master Bobby Scott vi .i tedwj HAYDON Southamipton fiends... . Mrs. W. T. Baker and childnen witbh her mether,1 A play "AhIove the Clouds" at Hay- * Mrs. N. E.Pen.ÇunrfOshawa. don, Friday v th. Oi-Verv nrett-' Mn. and .Mrs. John Avery, Enlield, visted at Mn. Frank Westlake's... Misses Evelyn ink and Ruth MIcKe- sock visit*-d witb Mm. Thos. Pascoe, Hampton... Miss Vera Baker visited Toronto friends. ..Mn. and Mrs. Norman Mutton, O.qhawa, Mn. and Mns. WiIl Spry, Columbus, Mr. and Mn,. <ollacott eind fanîily, Sal- aem, visited at N. Will Westlake's.. .Miss Minnie Bray, wbho spent thec winter witb friends in Michigan and Indiana, L- spending n few d (avs ih Mrs. A. L. Pascoe... Niss Edna Rey- nolds, Hanîýptc>n, Mnr. andl nIr. Hilton Tink, Mn. and nir. Clarence Tink and Katb:ern, Salema, visitedl at Mn. H. E. Tink's. ..Mn. Muirray Williams,, Fort Penny, visited at N. Chas. How- sam's . M...essrs. Jack and Sam Brooks. O,'ha-%a, visited at «Mnl. .1. T. Rundle's. . .. Mrs. N. S. B. James and .Mn. and MIr. bCas. Mason and farm- ily, Bow,%nianvilk,_ vi5sited at Mn. S. E. Wcrry's . Mr. and Mnr.. Sulas ,WiE lian', i [anuîstuun, viieu t M r. John P .sîr. Mu.r (. ILXG. Paî attend- ed the O. E. A. convention in Tor- ontîl last week.M .nl. and M. Nor- man Ye!o.lî,wbû. visiteul Mn. andi Mnz. F. Sw alla, \I'upie Ci o viý, unSunulnv and a1tendeul churcb there to beau Mrs. MNflies, n rolurnoîl sin fnorn Honan, China, xvhui .spoke. There ova, a good cnui tl ut 'o Leaguut Monday nig'bt t, hear the prî,gnaln in ebtige f the- idVire Presilouit, Mn. Ernest Twist. De- v tioisa! pluouîw\as ini charge o f Mn. Enne.ýt Iîlu.nvocail AMn. Ihan- oid Slhu i* Aeoroth; a iebate 'eu~vu that t'he worldiul1-growi ng iîtter," was then enjoyed. The affirm-tative wa,î taik î ,l*v Mr. Tom V.take anîd MisEvelvuu Tink, îvhilo nI. Loinfil Barton andl Ruth NleKe.-,,ock up- held the nîgar ive ..Somne good points were advanced hybyht siiee. The audiience were juaiges and the nega- tive sie wron y a very snall major- ity. MeIeting closed with League henýeiictio-n. ..May meeting ef the pWomen's Institute will be heid in the Sunîiay Sohool ron, on Thur.sday, May 8th, at 2.30 p. ni. Progreni in charge of Greup I. Electiern of of- fic-rs wil l e held. Everyone try and corne.1 sce-nery-A .%i ong nîighted. Who was te blame-Man on Wife. Corne and see.. Ami,..ion 25e and 15c. .N. .Hernîan Xotten and Miss Wi'nia bave returned berne after spending Easten hoiidays with rela- tives in Osbawa. .Mr. and Mms. E. Bradley, Renia and Viola, Sundayed wý%itbhane mothc-n, Mrs. Edgerton. Pîîntypffll.M..n.I. Roy Thompson, Bonwmauiville. spcnt the w'eekend at home. . . n. . R. 9iemen, Bowman- ville, ivith ber son, Mr. Milton S1cm- on. Glad Io h-an MIrs. Milton Sl1cm- on i.; cunva'iescing.. . . Mn. and Mr.s. H. McCombi anîd faunilv, Toronto, vis- ited at Mn. E. Mnunjoy's. .Mn,. D. .MePhensî<n, Mns. S. J. Vanstone, Mmir. Hobb.z, and sons lurr~ay andl Kerinoth, Mr. James McNeil, Tor'onto, visited aý nI. Il.Mcel. n and Mn,. rbciýrin MusvSundayed witb hc r mcîth on, Mn-. MW. Rutiedge, Sïao4m.. M'.Ni.1Jhn Tal, Sundaved l Mn. 1). (;rahoi' ..Misses Ursulu and Rut'.b McNeil ba%,(,neturuned home af- tur holidua.ving at Mnf. H. Stointuun's. Hanipton Eingena' Beuch. Quieras .gUri*,i ~King'ston. -4pc-nt a ffw (ay*,.sat borne bcsfre leçivinug for Kylo, Sa i.u:l.iwýan, te unelorit.ik( the wiînk or, îsk'.-ion there for the 'uninien r<.... . . .and 'Mn'. lame-Keus r I lazr.l anîd Weuthy, visitel a' M --Il. A\ýhtnn's .. Mn. T. Cosv-liui. , i a snd Eileenu, srent Suind.-vvit MnI. JTu.Cwin',Salemi. MiA iiel "hornpson spent the w okiii1iti b1,,r rndmothen. Mr.. :'unI)rai. inaisnviil1e... Mn. T. S'onitis. ý (cil Siemun, MNisses flilda tuui i \'ra S51înon, Mn. and Mre. S. Trux'1su isli the Silver wr-d- <unr , uiv urof Mr. and Mn,. Cn n î e 'rnevI, O.qbwa..Church la-t Su, lav afte-!-nion at 3 p. mn. Af- innr t(, env 'ýthe lonî's up wv' admnîit * tveeiy our paton, Rev. .1. P. Ti-iiiii:,,un... Mn. and Mrq. Silas Trevvin, Mnr. anI Mrs. Wm. Tre- win, Mr. andi Mn,. Sidney Trewin, at- tencled the %wecdiingof their nophew, Ray Smith, andi Margaret E. Lennox, in Oshawa on Wednesday, April 22. Mn. and Mis. Orval Boe rac antly, visited friends in Port Perry. MAPLE GROVE1 from China, and daughters, Dr. Isobelj and Miss Georgina Meazias, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Nornman Yellowlees, Solina, were vistions with Mr. and Mrs. F. SAvallo5v on Sunday,.. .i and Mns. Eber Snowden, and daugh- ter Margaret, Oshawa, spent Sunday witbh ýhs parents, Mv. and Mns. W. J. Siowden .... Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, Musses Evelyn and Winnie, Mr. Syd- 1 ney Lancaster, Port Granby, visited their daughter, Mis. Ivison Munday,I on Sunday ...A packed cburcb greeted Mms. Menzies on Sunday, mis- sionary speaker for the afternoon, it b>eing the annual W. MIN. S. chuncli servic. Everyone w-ho listened Vo Mrs. Menzies' address on tbeir wonk among the Chinese people, -was great- ]y pleased... Muas Nellie Snowden bas returned to Toronto Nofimnal.... Misses Annie and Susie Laird, Vera Pouwer, B. E. Souclh and Vida Worden bave raturned to their sebools re- specetively alter spending the bolidays at their homes he....... Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Greenhani and daughter Aud- rey, Mnf. and Mrs. Sid Greenhaun. Miss N1iellie, Greenhaun, Bircecliff, motoved to Port Huron, h, and spent the weekend with their bro- tihons. Messrs. Wun. and James Green- ham. Congratulations Vo Mr. and M.Chas. Wbite on tbe hirt-h ouf a daught-er on Sa.turday, Aprul 26th;I aiso to Mn. and Mrs. Ferguson Aber- nethy onthe birtb of n daugbter on April 2.5tb. TYRONE Enjoy '"Above the Cloud.." at Haydon, Friday, May 9th. Miss Florence Do-wn, Osha-wa, spent the w-eekend witb Miss Mar- guret Moore.. . Miss G race M.%acKay, teacher, who ha-s bison holidaying at j her borne in Beaverten, bas returned Vo duties here. .Mrs. Enocb Stev- ens, Hampton, visited witb her daugb- ter, Mns. Robt. Bure... . Mr-,. Jas. Storey spent a f ew days -with ber niece, Mm. David Hooýper, Orono... Mn. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Richards, 'Mr. Milton Vir- tue visited at Mr. Ilo-%ward Fin<iley's, Unionville. ,Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks have neturned home after spending severai weeks; witb friends in St. Catharines and Niagara Falls. .Miss Leverne Burgess visite<i Miss Fiora McIRobei-ts, 0Oshawa... Mr. andM. W. Turner, and Miss Vena Tur-ner, Greecn River, visited thein daugrhter. Mrs. Floyd Dudley.. Me.ssrm-. Dudley and Floyd Bradd have neturned to their borne in Oshawa after holidaying wit.b their grand- pare-nts-, Mn. and Mrs. James Dudley. . ..I.Nl. and Mrs. David Hooper, Or- ono, visited ber fathen, Mn. James Hodgson. . number f rom here at- tended Quarterly Service at Bethesda Sunday morning. Tyrone choir and miale quartette rendered miusic .. Cbtuuch service next Sunday au 7 p. un...League Thursday evening was in charige of the Citizenship Vice Piesident, Miss Enene Camenon. De- vo>tional reading "Strange Leadung" was taken by Mnr. Albert Wood; read- ing "Our Canada" by Miss Leverne Burg-ess; a very intenesting talk by Rev. J. R. T-runipeur on "Un cf the Chaldees"; reading by -Miss Olive 'Milîson, "How Captain John Got Peace"; reading, Miss Edna Camenoni, "Opportunity." CAPTAIN SUTHERLAND PRAISES NEW SARGON "I had ne end of troubles witb in- digestion, constipation and attendant lls. It was comurnon for une te su!- fer for heurs after niy evening meal, and by slow degrees xny nenvous sys- tam was worn threadbare. Alter taking 5 bottles of Sargon 1 can handly vealize that 1 ever suffered with indigestion. My whole system bas been stvengthened and inviger- ated. Sargon PuIs acconiplished wonders in overcouning my constipa- tion. "-Capt. G. Sutherland, former officen of Company B, llOth Irish Regiunent, 50 Rivercourt Boulevard, Toronto. Sargonniay be obtained in Bow- manville fnom Jury & Loveli. $2.95 CARTING AND TRUCKING AU kinda of Carting, Trucklgani Novtng; local and long diaMnce. Phone MO Qumen et., *owmanvIllli Are You One? WHO NEEDS GLÂSSES Then save money, time andi inconvenience by ýhaving your eyes examîned at once. CONSULT KERSLAKE Druggist and Optician KERSLA KE 'S TH-E DEPENDABLE DRUO STORE Phone 49 FOR THE BUSY MAN No watcb is quite es satis- factory as tbe mWist watàhi. A siniple movement cf the wrist teil the time of the day. Its çrreat utility is the chief reason for its in- cneasing popularity. Our assortaient includes a var- iety cf niod(1s designed ýby the besýt known nîanufact- urens, ranging in pnice froun a few dollars up Vo whatever anieunt you cane to spend. MOORE 'S Jewelry Bowmanville LA i 1i PI!, "I Y didn' t 1 have this bathrooin pui lnt l)Qao. It isSoSt) dan IC -- , til tlî:îî 1I fuil p ovol.,e I I * tliflKl)g~ (,f ail that tî. 'a 1i i 1l \ n1ca i sav t i-t jj t ;jj-. 1 le a 1?t la '( Saî"1 l 7 !a a' nt iroi l)ou1tUt lM lv lus w11 ' mii nso rnuch Io ~o RICE & CO, Hardware May Values in Sturdy OYERALLS Tbey're rugged, rip-pvoof ga.rments-these dapendable work clothes--offered in oun May seîling at sp)ecial reductions. The fabvica are the tougbest and sturdi- est; the seanis are double stitched te stand the strain. Evary garunent is cut f ull fashioned, te provide extra free-doun and conifort. Sée these remankable values today. NON-RIP OVERALLS $1.49 Men'a Wear - Boots andi Shoes ROVAN'S STORE Next to Nelson's Kinug St. West Bownianville $3.75 ROVAN'S SHOESTORE Next to Nelson's King St. W. B ovm an ville Our May Sale OfferWmen Most Unusual SHOE VALUES Every wornan wxill welcome the oppoîrtunity to buy smart shoes at the low luices nowN I)revaillng duriîîg our~ May sale. The styles include the l)o1ular successes of the season. There are gorgeous mo(lels for- afternoon andl evening xveaî', andI very p)lactical sl)orts shoes . . . all shaîrply îre- duced to afford truly unusual savîngs. Straps, ties, p)unps, oxfords -every tye in practically ail sizes. sye $3.45 I -- 1

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