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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1930, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY lat, 1930 PAGE NINE What mosti people cal indigestion is usually excess acid in the stomach. Thu food bas soured. The instant remedy is an aîkali which neutralizes acids. But don't use crudu helps. Use wlîat your doctor would advise. Theu test help is Phillips' 'Milk of Magnesia. For the 50 vears since its invention it lias remained standard with physicians. You will find notbing else Bo quick in its effect, se harmless, Lio efficient. ri They are a great chain of tire service depets, spread like a network acress Canada. Each is the finest tire store in its locality and ail are co-operating te, assist moterists in getting the greatest possible mileage from their tires. Th)ese Dominion Tire Depets are painted in a uniform celer scheme ef orange and blue. Ail bear the Dominion Tire Depot sign. -MM a do il 760 Immediate Relief! One tasteless spoonful ln water neu- tralizes nîany imes its sets. The resuIlts are iizjwdiate, witb 11o bad after-effects. Once vou learn tbis fart, vou will never deii with excuss acid in thie crude wa 'vs. Go learn-now-why tbis metbod is supreme. Be sure b gýet the gunuine Phillipa' 'Milk of 'Magnesia jîrescribud by physi. cians for 50 years in correcting exeaSl acids. Eacb botle contains full diree- tions-any drugstore. Sold in Bowmanville by MoClellan & Company Ltd. No other Orange Pekoe cati equal titis ln flavour 0 MNIO T BE DPO -Tires at the price ýreu wantto pay.. each tire the best value at its pnice. -A periodic tire inspection service de- signed te check tire injuries before they become serieus. Pressures will bc checked and everything pessible done ta add rileage te the life of yeur tires. -Reliable repair work, honestly and promptly executed at f air prices. IF TLjA 'Fresuh D omtegardena' Fanious READING Anthracite CLEAN - SAFE ECONOMICAL We Sold inaell ize:. b Exclusively. HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 SEVERAL NEW FEATURES FOR 1930 SCHOOL FAIRS Examination in Agriculture to bel Held lnstead of Essay Compettion' -New Features Wail Add Interest. Several changeshuiv- been made iin the liý.: of exhib)i-. at the schoal falrs' tilîs Ycar. w ::ich w ill no dauut add to the interest of these events. 'Instead of the usual essay ,Nriting contest there is to be a written agri- cultural exaniination c.pen to Third and Fourth Classes. &mre of thel subjects on which these examas will touch are: camtnon ýweeds and their' contro], native agricultiaral produets, soil types and cultivation, -farm arith- metic problems, collecting weed seeds, winter feeding of poultry, bre.ods of farm animais, silos and en- silage, use of certified se'ed potatoes, care of milking utensils and milking, grafting and pruning, spray ing of fruit treles, treatm.ont of oats for smnut, feeding of baby chicks, trans- plan ting, home garden wrk-draw I plan of your garden, value of alfalfa, Arbor Day, etc.1 The exagination will be a simple 1 one and pupils will be required toi ansmrer five questions out of ten. They will -bu written in school undur the supervision of tîhe teachers. Fruit Section In the fruit section it la stated tàiat while apples must ho selected fby the eohibitor Vihey need flot necesarily corne froni the home corchard. In- cluded in thesL, classes is an apple collection, to consist of six varieties, rangin.g from early faîl to, three of each named; varieties chos- en -and quality both to counit in de- termining prize winners. Collection* There is an open class for the col- lection of ten of tîhe worst weeds in tîhe soihool section. Specirnens to in- clude ro-ot, stem, leaves, flower and seed, suitably pressed and mounted, each specimen to be named and a.c- companied by a foot note containing an outline of the -means of ccont-rol. Second class and under mounit and name cuts ýcf breeds of livestock; Third class mounit and name 20~ weeds, at least 50 per cent of which should be noxious; Fourth class cocl- lect ten insects of economic import-I ance, each insect to bu nanie iand having foot-note stating the plant at- 'tacked. Coking Gooking classes are open only to girls and in each case the recipes to be followed are given in the prize lists. Cooking and sewing classes are open only to girls. Last year sev- eral fboys took part in these classes. Farm and Home Mechanics In this c]ass the Primer First lass %vill make plasticine modela of a hoe, a rake and a spade. The second class make window stick with three notches; the 3rd clam make a wood-. en unmodel of a toy windmill, 12 inchues in height, while the 4th lass build a bird house for wrens . These classes are open onily to boys. Drawing In this section, Primer class eut eut and color a bat; lst class cut out and color an Eskimo; 2nd casas design a health poster using eut-onts from magazines; 3rd class show best ar-- rangement of filrm living-room, using- cut-outs oif furniture f rom rnaga- d. zines; 4th class design wall paper T] with border; hiie therc- is an open casas for posters, "Use Better Seed" si or "Advantages ýof Spraying Fruit bl Trees," in water colors.1 There' are the usual classes for aý grain and corn, potatoes, roots andp vegetables, flowefs, livestock, POultry a and w-riting. The prises for live stock th wilil be greatly increased this yuar. Contests Contests on the day of the affair w include public speaking, stock naming competition, apple namning competi- si tion, St'ratbcona exercises, as well asE a program of spbrts. P In public speaking eaoh sehool may have a boy and a girl contestant. Girls speak on "How 1 -ould beautify tîhe exterior of a ferm home, or any phase of poultry raising or market- ing. Boys speak on "Wý'hat 1 would c4 Glidden's Paints, Var- nishes, etc. Ç We'11 do the work, too, if you wish. Geo. Pritchard Decorator PHONE 489 BODWMANVILLE1 lo to insure a good crop of-." .'ime limit is 3 minutes. A Toronto firm is again giving a lAver trophy for the pupil winning the higbest nunther of points at the 930 scbool fair in each township, Ilso prizez for 2nd and Sird highest pupils. A certificate of ho>nor is .warded to tihe pupil winning the highest numiber of points in each scho o]. As usual the School Fair Shield wilI be compet-ed for. Preliminary prize lists have beun sent to cach schýool in the county. Every pupil will ruceive a regula-r prive ]ist in June. AN ARTISrS UNIQUE BILL The awarding of a centract re- cently for the painting of the extarior of Trinity United Church recalls vo mind a cfipping Mrs. James Nokes leit with the -editor some time ago which reads: .An old charcbf in Belilua decided to repaint is properties, and employ- ed an artist to t>uch. up a large _paint- ing. Upon presenting bis fbfllthe corrmmittuu in charge refusud payaient unless the details waire spu.cilied, whereuion he pres.ented the items as follows: To correcting the Tun Ceai- mandaients...............$5.12 Embellishing Pontius Pilate and putting new ribbon on bis bonnet.........3.02 Puttingnew tai] on the rooster of St. Peter and mending hbis contb.................. 2.20 RLeplu'ming and gilding -left wing;of Guardian Angel.. 5.18 Wasbing the servant of the 'high priest and putting car- mine on bis cheeks......... 5.02 Renewing beavun, adjusting the stars and cleaning up the inoon..................7.14 Touching up purgatory and restering lost souls......... 3.06 Brightening up tihe flamnes of huli, ,putting new tail on the devil, imending hus left hoof, and diaing several «Id jobs for the damn-ed............ 7.17 l.ebordering tihe robe of llerod and adjusting bis wig ... ...4.00 Taking the spots olf the son of Tobias.........1030 Retouahing Batlaaim's ass and 'putting one shoe ion him 5.70 Beautifying kdam's lbat rnb, 5.26 Putting a nQw stone in David's sling, enlarging the fiead of Goliath and -extending SauIl's leg..................... 6.13 Decorating NoeLh's ark, putting a head on Shern and ciittiiig Hfa.m's bair ................4.31 Nfen'dîng the shirt of the prodi- gaI son and cleaning bis ear 3.39 $77.100 0: t. If TI E p R T B R1 T R B! p D Muscular Rheuimatisai Subdued.- eheumatisen bu cannot do better than te have thbe region rubbed with Dr. Thomas' Eclectrtic Oil. Lut the rub- bing be brlsk ad continue until ease in, secured. There la umure YÛit.ue in a bottîle of it than can be luIly es- timnateli. P, MARTIN & SON BOWMANVILLE Building Contractors Plasterers - Masons Carpenters and Stuicco Interior and Exterier Finishers. Silo moulds for sale or hire; also Concrete Mixer for hire. Anything from cellar to roof. Cail, write or phone 497W, Estimates free. PENNY BANK REPORT Bowmnanville School Below Average While Newcastle Ansdng Leaders The Penny Bank Report, issued for January and Feba-uary, by In- specter J. R. Littleproud, shows that Bowxnenvjlle Publie Sehools are still below the average in the percuntagu of deposits among the pupils. Thbe average percentage tihroughout On- tarie is 37. Bowmanville bas only 28 per cent of ber pupïls contribut- ing. Newvcastle Public School la among the leadues, in 4th place, with 90 per cent, which augurs well for 'the future prospurity of that cern. aiunity. Mr. Littleproud points out that tihe chief factores to ho stressed in the Penny Bank project are tbe regular- ity .wiVbh whicb deposits axe made, and the usofu.] purpose f-or which the %wney la saved, rather than the aimount saved, thu&---"Not FIow Much-But liow Oftun." That the project la fruitf ni in thbe formation of thrift habits la evidenced in the fact that twenty-seven schoola have over 80 per cent of their attendancu as regular depositers. Thua Bowman- ville is still fair down thbe grade. Bow'manville Public &Sehools are ail- so .going bebind ln the amounit deoe- ited, the tot.]al nourtt on deposit at the end of Fobruary being $3,626.70, as compared te $4,120.68 a yuar age. JUST AS GOOD' Ask Yourself la It ? Wben you ask for a certain line of goods, a line whic'h ou bave seun ad- vertised in nuwspapers-and you are teld "Hure la soanething just as geod and cheaper," it la time te do somu tbinking. If there la more profit in sulling golads not advertised, and you tire buying at a saving, theru must bu sc<m-ething -wrong somewhre-and usually that ýis lossa of quality-.-soino- thing lef t eut that is THERE in the advertlsed commodity yen originally asked for. It la well to remunriber that a mian- ufacturer investis his good dollars in advertisinIt spacc because bu knows bla produet la right. The fact tbat bue advertises in newspapurs se that "bu whe runs may read" la ovidence that he knows bis claimis are right, and tibat hu La ruady te stand beihind his mearchandise and thbe stores that seil it. Ask for and gut nationally adver- tised goiods. 'Don't be wtbout Douglas' -Egypt- ian Liniment. Keep it a1waYs 'hand.Y. R.elieves t.ootibache,' neuralgia, soie tîbroat, quinsy, and Croup, Invalu- able for burns, sores, Baa'ber's itcb end Ringworsn. us I~PHOSPHOOINEe ie Great Engtîsh Prepartîn Jý,dlTnes and Irvigoratesth e uhole W~~ervus ystem., maktes new Bload Sin old Veini. Used for Nervous Debfl ' .Metand Bi'ain Warry bv.sondency, Lais of! Enei'.i, Palpitation o the H.t,Faiiane Memnry. ricc$2beebox,16 for ~S Sold by ailldmggists. or maied in plait pk,. on rcceiptcf pnce Ne,.' panphiitimaitie *,e.tIgWOOO 1111MICINE O.OMTOW ,ook's R.gulating Compound A «eti!. uiabI. r.gslddm "Wdeno. Sold in three de. r ia eu fsrnghN.1 ,rHESOMEDICaNECO. BOWMANVILLE PHILOSOPHER EXPRESSES MORE VIEWS By David Mot-rison, Sr. This la curtainly an age of 2nergors, associe-jion and what not, and wc. no- tice the Horiseshoe Pjtc-heir- D',nin:.în As5zocx-i n) are greitly pcaýed .vith the stride., tn)at have been muade the Past yeûr and expect this will bu a record bruaker in this lino of spyrt If the old sports of seventy-five and eighty years ago, wbe were pitchers osf that puriod and with any old shous bandy did the evening stunt back of the o-ld barn, could cerne back and1 otice thbe gaine with its mles and regulations, its ge'ld and silver plat- ed heersu-shoes made fox the Profes- sion and sold by aIl reputable bhard- ware dealers, it wouldbe apt te anake tbum "wally-eyed" for a time. In another linu something of the: same is on thse air. Au Old-Tlinu Fidd-îers' ChI" las been foined dewn in the State of Miode Islaind, and it la net onlY fcsrrnud but is incorpoe-. ed. What do) you know &bout that? And at the first meeting there wure 300 fidd]eirs ptesentwbich, shows tise interest taken bY those "Devil's jDra" artiste. The Týoronto Globe Itakes a sentiinentai 'view ef tii fid- dIers' club and the Passing away of the oid-time fiddiur of thepioneeri days. WeIl, the Globe sbîou]d lhav seen to that 'when the big Toronto fair people began te notice thla linu 1 of attracion, as well as horse-shoe pitching, and once it started in To>' ente every Prominentfair in the pro- vince hed. taken up o]d-timQ fiddlers' Cionteajts. TheY 'have been taken n-otice ef by thse public and now on tho-y are going te recognlze tihem- selves by buing lncorpeurted as Old Fidd lors' Cilub; but just thbe sanie thse old-timer -witb bis green baise (hag is juat a littie bit of inemory of the past witb the old people of teday, and bomr anyone ce'uld expect him to keep up witb thse Victropisonic and radio pro- cessions of this age without being in- cerporated as a club guis sus. The mouth organ fraternity wil hoe the nuxt. No'w cornes a'Iong anot(hur who de- clares tbat a]] this oratoical centest business for young people la nothing more or luss than a sham, a frausl, nuthing in it for the good of those that tase Part, and aIl this from. a teacher in one of our educational in- st.itutions in this province, and wbho attube next convention of educationali People wil take up thbe subject whem ýprolbahbv thuru wili abu sGmeth-ing do- ing. 'This lsa-a question that, wifl cause sone discussion foT and a-gainst. What about child vitlin- ists, young girl evangelists, boys with extraordinary genius (for rinalhunat- ics, boy sopranos with the mest b>eau- tiful voices in the rworld, sud ma-ny sucb wbich onu could mention. The onu wbho starts this objection te thbe young orators will bave te go somme if he -wlahes te kee.p Up with tihe pro- cession. 0 q Bighten up the home inside and out with Wall Paper and Paint. Ç We can supply you with Sunworthy Paper andi THE Boy BEHIND THE BISCUIT Ever see a boy behind a Shredded Wheat Biscuit? You will ha've to look quick before the biscuit disappears-. but wait and you wilI see him take another biscuit-and more milk. The more he chews the crisp shreds of baked whole wheat, the more he likes it-and that's the reason he is a real -boy, full of bounding energy and radi- ant health. Just as good for Delicious with prunes, baked apples, sliced bananas or any fruit. SHREDDED . WITH ALL THE BRAN - 0OF THE WHOLE W6IEAT THE GANADIAN OHRRDDED WHEAT COUPANT, LTD5 AFTER TUE PIRE WHAT IS THE SITUATION ? If you have been unfortunate enough to have a fire a prompt and satisfactory settiement with the insurance company is most important in order that you may immediately get re-established. In recent fires in this community we have had no difficulty in getting a quick and most satis- factory settiement with our policyholders. There's a reason. Lt pays to insure in the best companies as well as have local agents who know their business. We know the fire insurance business. TAKE"NO CHANCES- SEE J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Sow Cliean Seed We have a supply of Government Tested Grass Seed of the followring varieties: No. 1 Red Clover No. 1 Alsike Pine Tree Timothy No. 1 Purity No. 1 Alfalfa Utah Grown No. 1 White Blossom Sweet Clover No. 1 YeIIow Blossom Sweet Clover (ImitedQuantity On.y) w at are these DOMINION TIRE DEPOTS? The touch that is môdernizing ...thousands of dear old homes -n ý- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY lst, 1930 PAGE NM ANaKMT. fi M

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