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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1930, p. 9

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r r, -' i -,'~----~. - ~ ~ r' THIE CANADIAN STÂTESMAN, BOW WMAN VILLE. PAGE NINE THURSDAY, MAY 8Sth, 1930 . .- .i . ..... Its Extra Traction Cuts Down Fuel Costs ITsm takes one look at a "Caterpillar" to see wby it does s uch 'work on se littie gasoline. Look st the traction it gets, with those long, wide tracks. It simply can't slip or sink, 'wbether the going is rough or srnooth, level or sloping, wet or dry. .. ....A ful 80 per cent. of its engine power is delivered at the draw-bar. Best for Farm or Road Work The 'Caterpil1ar" ia witbeut a peer for farm work- economical to operate-abundant power-cemarkably low cost of upkee-Iong ife-goes anywhere-works dlose to trees and fence-turnýs almost "on a postage stamp".-easy to steer -comfortable to ride. On the road job-construction or maintenance-it works in any weathe - uphill or down -along the ditch, or any- whcre you want it to go-doing the work st the lowest possible cost. Look f or the Name "Caterpillar" There are various tractors on the market. But tbe genuirie "Catecpillar" bas tbe name on the radiator. Look for it. That's your assurance of sturdy dependability. Send your name and address, and we will mail you the "Caterpillar" Magazine, FREE. Shows you actual photographs of thie "Caterpillar" in action. It's interesting. Toronto Tractor & Equi*pment Co., Limnited 510 King Street West Toronto, Ont. 1 * *~U~UVS TIB~~ CCL? tVtLY LIJISt Highest Quallty IESTONS ;wn-Dippeo Balloon 'JDi rs rF IRESTONE Tires are famous every- where for their high quality andiio'w cost Per mile. Because of their extra strength and toughness, they hold ail world's records for mileage and endurance. !No matter what price you want ta pay for tires--- go ta your nearest Firestone Dealer. He bas a Firestone-buit tire for every purse and urpose --- tires rhat oeer the greatest vaflue --- that serve you beter and save you money.. Fireatone Tire and Rubber Company o! Canada. Limited Hamilton, Ontario Firestone 6uilds tke only Gum-Dipped Tires 0 NHA .................................. NADDRESE..............-................ l No matter bows tubborn your case mna'y seeni to be or b'ow many medi- cines you bave tried witbout results -don': think your condition is hope-1 Iess on the natural consequence o! advancing years untîl you have tried the amazing value o! Dr. South- wortb's "URATABS." On a strict guarantee o! money hack on first box purchased if you do not receive swift and satisfying relief, any grood druggist will sup- ply you with "Uratabs" in sealed packages contaîning a ten days' aup- ply. If! îhcy bring great relief inside of 48 boucs snd a wonderful intprccement inside of ton days, youl wiL e greatly pleased-if they do' not help, tbey cost you nothing! Ask your druggist today. TAKE VACATIONS WINS MASSEY FELLOWSHIP By D. Rogers, St. Thomas, Onte. Wi1I Attend Christ Church Callege _______1 at Oxford University It ia now the style to have a vaca- Ho a on oM.Hw tien. More, it is relîgious te do so. Marjjtyj, a young man well-known in Body and soul depend on it. If we this town and vicinity. and grandson work ini the whir of machinery our of oine of our highly respected resi- hearing dcpends on it; if we bend ov- dent,,, Mrs. Jamies G. Rickard. Centre er a ledger eighteen inches from out Street, Bowmanville. The Stratford eyes, our sight depends on it; if we Beacon-Hcrad says: are students, ministers, etc., who have to produiete hought, our general and continucd efficiency depends on it. A minister 'wbo was somewhat "run down" announced to bis coingrega- tion: "My brethren, the collection ______ will now be taken for rny expenses for a trip, for I arn going away for ... , Mny bealtb. The more I receivf' the longer I can stay away." The larg- est collection ever taken in that church was receivod. And now the question is whether the size of the collection was a conpliment to the preaoher, or much the reverse. It would seenn, ýhowoven, théit ev- cryone does nlot get out of a vacation what it is reputed te impant, -for Mna. Partington, on returning frorn the sea-side, said: "Yes, I have been to a seaside retort; I have had my sum- mer extortion, and I1nmust confess iny anticipations surpassed rny ex- pectations." To people in indignant circum- stances, the recommendations mightM bie satisfactory, but it is beyond my reprehiension how people of refui-- gence-people who have lugubrieus Hw atn tafr homes, surmounted by aIl that embez- Hw atn tafr els civilized life-can put upin such Aýnnouncement bas just been made caverns. They must have investcd thajt one of Stratford's billFant ,,tu- tesqtes." den:ls bas wvon furtber hinors, Har- A gentleman was once examined old Howe Martyn, son of Mr, and by his physician and bhis general con- Mrs. H. G. 'Martyn, Water Street, a dition of blooq, 'heart and lungs was student at the Unîversity of Toronto, pronounced good, 'but the doctor add- ha-, had a Fellowsbip, provided by the ed: "Your nerves are tired. Get away Hart A . Massey 'bcquest, awarded to fro'm here and live awbile out of hini by the Graduate Scho.1I of the doors. You don't need medîcine, but Arnerican University at Waý'zsbington, change. Find out whet you can est D. C. This fellowship has been and eat plenty of it. Get some flesb otwarded to Mr. Martyn on the nomin- on your bones and when you corne ation of Victoria College, Toronto, back, I will prescribe a course in the and upon the recomnendation of art of baving fun. You take life too professors under whorn he has stud- seriously. Good bvý. 1 want you to ied. He wilI graduate from the corne back ten pounds heavier." University of Toronto in June and hie But I started to write on vacations. intends to enter Christ Chureh Col- I may Ïbe poorly qualified to do se, lc'tre at Oxford University in tbe as 1 have had s-o few in rny time. iiutunn of tiis year. His course 3lodesty is the word with which 1 will be the "ModMem Greats." includ- would describe tbem-modest in ing phiiosopby, history and cconom- nmfmber, cost and achievement. Have iCs. not visited large cities, broad or It wilq be rememibered that Mr. prominent places, save wbat was in- j Martyn headed bis cless in phi]osopby cuded in a trip to Vancouver in 1908. at Victoria College for the la-st two I have looked rnestly into speces and ycars, and bas been tbe winner of up to the masses of clouds where 1 several scholarsbips. This- great bon- thought I saw wonderful things frorn or wbicb bas corne to hm is but fur- an automobile driven by Santa Claus ther proof of bis extraordinary abil- to the castle on the Rhine. ities in the field of acadernic achieve- It is now the season when manv nient and also of the esteem in which people think of vacation. Eyes that he is held by his professors and fel- bave pored for montbs over ledgers low-students of the University. and menuscripts need to be stre tcbcd Howe's many relatives and friends across mountain walleys, ocean here join in heart3' congratulations. waates, or waving fields of grain. - Lungs wearied of tîbe moil and dust of town cr city will be renewed in breezes murmur and brooks gurgle the zone of green fields or woûdland and waves dash and birds sing, snd patîhs. listen to the great antbern of the That is a signîficant fable of the worlds unwnî.rtten nmusic, and bathe in ancients concerning the demigixl who, undilu ted and undefiled sunsbine. in battfle, got al bis failing strength The law of a ceai valuable recrea- back wben threwn to the earth. She tion would seem to be 'forgetfulness.' was is 'mother. A mothec',s toucb rt a man is going to carry bis buai- has a virtue not feund elsewhere. ness and anxieties with him, ho rigbt And eartb, nature, is to ail of us, if as well stay at home. we will shlow it, a physician for our If the pastor is determined to study sickness ansP our wounds. sermons, viait tbe sick and carry the A man said 'lie was looking for a load of bis prayer meeting and other place to spend the summer where he services on bis beort, he had wouldn't bave to spend anytbing else. remain in bis parsonage. Il a wom- Se, undoubt-edly, the expense is a an intends te take with ber al ber consideration with rnany. "Dea- bo-usebhofld cares she migbt as well John," the wife wrote from a fash- not calber holiday a vacation. ionable cesort, "I enclose the hotc'l The value ef a -vacation doos not bil." "Dean Mary," he replied, "I' wholly depend uqpon its cost nec upon enc.los.e cheque te cover the bill, but bhe distance we get from our bomne. pleasse do not buy any more botels It depends rather upon our succes st this figure, tîhey are cbeating you." along the line already indicated-ini 1f we find one so&circumstanced lcaving Ibehind us tbe daily burden, that lie cannot join the procession Of hv arousing an interest in seme othei suitcases and bandboxes, he will ex- kind of service or employrnent. press bd.s regret in a tone as sad asa Iteeisntngha spor the sighs oef the rwind along a locîely ft int nthn ta bspoe rossI. Those going bave been think- ou it erst us, then relaxation la ing of the surn total o! thoitr saving Oto! the question whetben it ba 50 account-will it hold out, etc. One or 1,000 miles frorn berne. If you bas pt it hus:cen sec the mountains or the ses. basLttl it thua:l er pat, you wil experience a deligbt, per- Lttme ban oîltecm e Jart, Ihaps neyer toelac- sucpassed. But it ALethme hyo veunmytearo± u is welii te rememiber that ie suinsets Il thee ari"ve lyug1vo enuefrom our windows are sornctimes as ivfe benkfaitoll, yoe~en a de. full of beauty as anry we are apt te Yie bandkJ.ol, o aday sce a bundced miles distant, snd the TYouga and feIistavt spoty birds' song, too, in ùun oîvn gardon, l'Il corne back-,but you will net." isa tsan mles way.l(leat eha But passing from this, we may woll atosn ie wy consider the wisdomi of sweking te ne- Heaven's own 'beauty shines al lieve lite monotony of lilfo, put away about us if we bave but eyes to sec our burdens for a wbi]e, and find re- il. To eyces that can sce and to cars newed healtb and strength in wise that can hettr, nature is always will- vçlaxation. ing te unveil bier 'beauties and reveal Thene are many men of business bier secrets. Such can look up wbo sp2nd so many bours in an office througb nature and.see and worship wbere the sun neyer shines, that nature's God.' tbemsevcs -forgot bow te shine. The Tbecniud objects therein are printed on their(Tbecniud minds like a hideous nigbtmare, *and ledgers, chairs and desks know tbeir Don't overlook the clerk eft! tday7; F LAVORY! Crunchy! Meltingly good te cat. Thats Puffed Wheat and PulTed Rice Grains ."grains shot f rom guns"! Choice, plump grains of wheat and rice are nctuallv seaicd i n shining bronze guns. Then tie guns are revolved in fiery ovens to) develop al the natural rich grain flavor. When the guns are fired, 125 million explosions occur in every grain. This breaks open evcry one of thc millions of tiny food celîs. The grains become as completely digestible as though they had been cookcd for boucs. That's why Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice arc rated 'virtually as, nourishing as hot cooked cereals." And these dainty nuggets of nourishment have alI the rich flavor of new nut-meats. Ail the buttery crispness of fresh toast. You neyer tasted grain foods in a more enticing focm. Serve witli fruit and cream for breakfast. As an easily digestible luncheon dish for children. Crisp in buter to make a delicious new kind of It I /1/ Rice fromn your grocer today. The Quaker Oats Company. 5758 QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICE Always leave thema smiling when you say "goodby." Leave thern rernembering what you said and not what yoiu wore. We ail know f olks wbho have "en- joyed" poor health ail their lirves. Simply because a feilow listens to your troubles ia no indication that he is interested in tbem. A nuimber of business colleges are advertising Vihey teach the "touch system." I have met a nunsber cif their graduates. "'Go to a friend for adivice, a stranger for charity, and a relative for nothing" is a little piece o£ ad- vice an "old-timer" gave years ago. Old fnienda in Darlington were very socrry to hear of the death of Rev. W. H. Mentgomery ci Roslin. For the pat yean and a balf he was pastor of Knox Preshyterian Obunchi at Pfulr, 'Foxbono and Roolin and during tha± tifane be and his winfe made 'mnany friands. &a'me we'eks ago be was coenpeUed te gîve up bis work and on Sâturfday, April i 2th, ha pas- ed te Vthe Great Bayond. The fun- eral wus held on Tuesday at Roslin, and intarment was miade atNapanee. lie la survived hy bis soi'rowing wife. Mn.,Montgonieny.waa son of the late Mn. and Mrs. David Montgomeary, Se- lina. 'I. :il I <Wh ut BALÂNCED ENGINEERING. meuns tb OLDSMOBI LE A S exemlifid though balanced engineering means that engine, chassis and body are created net only as units of in. dividual excellence, but . . even more important than that . . as parts of a perfectly harmonized whele. A rugged 62 horsepower engine incorporates many major advance- ments wbich contribute te Oldsmobile's smeoth, powerful pace-setting performance. . a low sturdy, clean-cut chassis ensures unusual roadability and staunch, steady service .. and in har- 9' mony with these balanced engineering principles of motor and chassis, the body by Fisher, introduces longer, lower lines in a wide range of color combinations. In addition, Oldsmobile offers many desirable new features which reveal tbenxselves only when you drive this finer six. Visit eut sh~ow. rooms teday. Get bebind the wheel and let a demonstration reveal Oldsmobile's remarkable flex. ibility. Ask about the G.M.A.C., General Motors' own plan of con- OLDSMOBILE PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED CORBETT MOTO R SALES DEALER IT'ýS- Bowmanville B ET TER BE CA USE 1IT 'S CA NADUýIAN These Strange Guns of Peace explode wheat and rice Giving Puffed Wheat anéd Puffed Rice the rich nourish. Q . ment of hot cooked cereals j?; We Recommend and Seli FIRLSTONE TIRES WEST END GARAGE 'H. D. Clemens King St. W. Bowmanville J, HERMON, Buys PouItry at Fair Prices Phones: IBowman'vile: 235. Toronto: T-rinity 3949J Addrena: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 87-17r. L- . - IF) ' lu venient payments. 0-9309

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