THE CANADIAN STATESMN, DO WMAN VILLE, T.HUR81DAY, MAY 8th, 1930 RAILWAY TIMJE TABLE Canadian National Railway Standard lime)1 WEST BOUNO EAST BOUNDI 4.07 a. mi. 8.45 a. mi. 1.44 p. nm. 6.48 p. m. $7.26 p. rn. 7.47 p. mi. .All trains are dailyé *which are: 8.42 a. mi. *9.13 a. mi. 1 1.28 p. rn. .13 p. mi. 6.00 P. nM. 9.53 p. m. 1i.24 P. ni. 11.59 P. ni. exrept those marked Sundray ony. Canadian Pacific Railway (St;andard TIme) WEST SOUND EAST BOUND 5.29 a.nmi.()3Oa. 805 a. m. i3.1 . lo .0*. ni.8.45 p. ni 6.22 P. ni. 11.27 Ail trains daiiy except those niarked whlch are dally except Sunday. ENNISKILLEN (Crowvded out last week) League meeting was heild on A4pril 23rd, with President in the chair. Miss Audrey Dor]and led in prayer. Devotional le.sson was taken by Mar- jorie Martyn. Superintendent of the S. S., MTe. J. A. Werry, mieved the, League accept the thanks froni Miss Margaret Virtue for the neck- lace given ber on her departure from Enniskillen. Moved by Annie Oke and secondèd by Marjorie Martyn that the same conimittee be appoint- ed to get a play for May 24th anni- voLr.qary. 3rd Vice President then took charge, 'Mar-jorie Martyn; piano miusic, Annie Oke; and a read- ing by Muriel Moore; topic was taken by Mrs. H. Ferguson on "Thep Scandal of the Cross"; a reading was given by Mrs. Pye; followed by a duet by iGordon Stevens and Bruce Ashton; a reading, Audrey Donland. Attend- ance 34. Mc-etnig olosed with bene- diction. A OHARMING BATH ROOM Any woman can be justly proud of a bath- room fitted with the modern, beautifully designed fixtures shown in our display room.. An attractive bath is not out of your reach. We feature equipment for every purse, ail modernly designed and quality- built. Let us help you with suggestions on a new bathroom outfit. Len Elliott, The Plumber IPhone 348 Bowfnvilej STYLJSH FOOTWEAR ATTRACTIVELY PRICED TO BE WELL DRESSED MEANS TO HAVE GOOD LOOKING SHOES We specialize in the famous "Murray" Shoes for men and women. A fit fori every foot. Every pair gives real service and their value is unsurpassed in any make of the same grade of f ootwear. Men's Shoes sold in C D E and EE widths. Women's Shoes sold in A B C D E and EE widths. We show: r(41ý O Men's Oxfords of black caif, snap- py up-to-date goods $6.00 to $8.00 pair Women's pumps in black or brown kid, covered cuban heels .................................$7.50 pair Black kicl gore pumps, -leatheî' cuban heel with rubber top lift, $6.00 pair Beechwood caif 1- strap with buckle, walking heel, $5.50 pair. Mh l It is a pleasure to serve you. Corne in. THE ELITE SHOE STORE SHOES THAT SATISFY Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager ST. LAWRENCE DEVELOPMENT (Continued fromr page 1) Power usera east of Toronto are now et a great disadvantage. We pay froni thirty to forty per cent higher foi our -electricity than do the people in and west of Toronto. This condition is due to the fact that pri- vately owned concerns govern our source of power and fix the rates mauch bigher than the Niagara rates. If the St. Lawrence were developc< to a maxim-um the estirnuted herse power produci.-d would be 5,000,000. (Considering that at the present mo- nient Canada's estiniatied borse power is 5,000,000, the St. Lawrence would practically double the -output. In this section of the country 1,000,000 H. P. would be availlable. The power aspect is only one of the adventages of this scbeme. Nav- igation demands a great deal of at- tention on the.prograni. The Wel- land canal recently completed and costing $120,000,000, allows sbipping in fairly large boats to the bottoni of Lake Ontario, but docs not rt-lieve the middle west. If this p.rojcct went through al the higher canais vould be deepen- ed to 27 ft. and woudld allow passage for the same size boats that are now plying on Lake Ontario. Thus AI- berta would be able to place wbeat on boats that would go througb to Montreal or furtber. United States plays a big part in this proposition. She bas fo.rty cit- jes bordering on the St. Lawrence and Great Lakos containing about 7,000,000 population. United States is looking for some outlet for lber west on tidewater and is willing to co-operate with Canada in relîeving the situation, but the government of Canada apparently does flot wish to launcb into sucb a program at pres- cnt. The only way tbey wiUI bring out any radical program is by having the support of tbe people, but the Western provinces are apatbetic, tbey would rether think about some scberne of taking tihe wheat over the Rockies or via Hudson's Bay and al- inost look at the St. Lawrence ques- tion as very much an improbability. The Maritimes are not directly af- fected and Quebec is afraid for the port of Montreal, so it is up to the people of Ont.ario to voice tho-ir opin- ions now, if United Statesi forced by Canada's shyness to make another op.ening to tide-water, she will not likely assist any future St. Lawrence scheme that will corne Up. It is a shame if Ontario does not; act in settling this prob&lem for the sake of our children and aIl future generations. The speaker was introduced by M. H. Minore. The thanks of the club were expressed to Mn. Conant by J. H. H. Ju ry. President D. R. Morri- son presided. DARLINGTON Report ef S. S. 3, Darlington, for April: Sr. IV-*Winnje Gibson 77, * aie Blackburn 75, Florence Foley 73, Jack innigan 66, tStolla Forsythe 49. Jr. IV-tHaroîdForsytbe-52. Sr. 1IlI-Annie Knsb 70, Wilbur Blackburn 65, Grace Trull 60, tAloy- sius Kusb 47. Jx. M11 - tBobbie Gibson 46, tEunice Lane 41. Sr. II-*Helen Rundie 81, *Hze TrulI and *Louise Foley (equal) 80, *aBernice Robert-, 75, Vera Gibson 68, Hazel Roberts 60, tSammy Van Camp 48. Jr. IL-*Eddie Fonsythe 77, Ar- thur Forsythe 62. Jr. 1-*Jean Metcalf 70, tPeggy Finnigan 49. Jr. P.-*Eveline Gibson, *,Marie Roberts, *Viola Roberts and *Gordon Trulil (e quaI). *-Honoura; f-Failure on total (below 60% ). Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Regulan meeting of the ('ouncil was beld May 3rd, members ail pres- cent except Couns. Watson, Reeve Hyland presiding. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Communications read frorn Dept. of Hîghways, approving of the ap- pointrnent of W. Bradburn, Road Supt.; froni Good Roada Association and aIse Weed Inspection Dept. stat- ing there would be ameeting held in the County f or the Inspectors, Reeves and Road Supt. AUI received and fyled. C. Wilson made application to erect 120 roda wire fence, Con. 6. Granted. Discussions took place on painting Town Hall. Laid over tili special meeting. Clerk will bave notices Dut up in Bîockstock re daniage to property. Orders signed as follows: Pedlar People, suipplies . . . . $ 4.19 Counties' Clerk, ne mainten- ance Mrs. Sbeckleton....... 23.25 W. A. VanCamp, Sec. Treas. S. S. No. 1.........300.00 S. H. Malcorni, Sec. Treas. S. S. No. 7............... 400-00 D. W. Bnadburn, Road Supt. 182.00 Receipta, $2,426.94 from Dcpt on Hlighways for 1929. Adjotirned te meet May 9tb, at R4 p. W. Beacock, Clerk. 1May 3, 1930. THE HOME BEAUTIFUL (Editoriail in Family Herald and Weekly Star) The tenderest associations of our lives cling around tibat word "Home !" It is flot the amount of money spent on it that makes it a real -home. t is the atrno:pbere that one breathm there. It should be a place of fiapies beauty and comf ont. It should look like home. Mt should bc tidy and attractive. Our farm-bousewives keep the homes amazingiy dean, but- Too often there is sometbing lack- img. It may 'be a coat of paint; a well- kept lawn in front; a fin wer-bed; a vine over the front gallery. Or it may be that the front gai]- Iery needsa a fw repaira, a few nails, lrenewed plank or post; or it niay need a new stcp. 0f course, ail these tbings are go- ing to bie attendcd to, sometime or ano the r. But we are alwa>s too busy, and of whîcb Life itself is made -up- go undone. It la incredible .how §rnall a tbing turna a mere into a borne. And a real borne keeps the ifamuly together. The young folks, instead of being always ont, ilike to bring thein fricnds to tbeir home. Tbey are proud of it, and their pride la an honcast. a justifiable pide. Thi.s is just the tume of year to try the experinient, before- the heavy spring work begins. It la Nature's cleaning time. Don't stop witih the bhouse. Keep up the good work in the yard and around the sbeds. Sucb a thing is contagions. Those of your own housebold will follow your example. Your neigb- hors will ho stirred into action, too. t will spread down tbe concession, and a whole townsbip or even a county, may be affected. The tbing has happened before, and it rnay bappen again. A comniunity may assume an en- tirely new character because of sometihing one person does. Beautiful? It is an invcstment on whicb div- idenda are guaranteed-not in dol- lars and cents, but in the higher things of Life-the tbings that mat- ter-the tbings that feed the sou)]. It la easy to let thinga sie, it is easy ta let the place run down at tbe beel, particulerly if it has not been a good year. But it la Good Farming to keep tbe place up and ta improve it a little every year. The farùn perbaps bas bad it, year by year. Is it flot now the turn of the fanm bouse? What la it that it needs? Would it not b4 well to take stock1 and translate the result into action? BLACKSTOCK Rev. F. W.' NLqwll, B. A., B. D., took for bis suibject on Sunday even- ing, "The Awakening of Spring." Next Sunday being Mother's Day, a special service is being prepared in our Sunday Schooî. Everyone cord- ially invited te attend. United Cburch anniversany will be beld May l8th and 24th. Special services on Sunday. the I Sth, and sports, tea and concert on Sat. 24tb. Muter Gordon Bain, Tor~onto, wbo bas been visiting bis aunt, Mýr. F. W. Newell, returned hom«e on Monday. R.ev. and NIs. F. W. Newell viSitcd in Toronto this week, Mn. Norton VanCamp, Elmira, spent the wcekend with hiý parents, .Mn. and M~ W. A. Vancaîîîp. Victorian Womcn's 1n-titute hold its annual meeting at the borne of Mrs. Stanford Swain on Wednesday. Y. P. S. of the United Cburch met in the Sunday School rooni oui Wed- nesday night. After BibWc study and prayer. Gertrude Ilenny took charge of the prograni. Meeting closed -with a game and the M1izpah Benedliction. Misses Donothy St. John ani Kath- leen Phoenix spent tbe weekend with their parient.. in Greenbank. ROSE FOUND NOTHING ABROAD EQUAL TO IT 'A .<uggiý;h Iiveu' brought on cor- stipation that made me a slave te purgativesý. My digestion fient to pice ndrwan't frec of sour OBITUARY. Tho&. C. McNeillie, Toronto m The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon of Thos. C. McNeillie, who diad at bis home, 91 lvy Ave., Ton- lIARIRY E. ROSE onte, on Snnday, lMay 4th. Mn. McNeïllie was boni in New- stiniacb ,.i. r nigbt. In a week's tonville, Ontario, in 1871. He resqid- tinie after i tÀivîted *Sargon my liveir ed in Woodbridge and Port Hope, was furau iîî ght and mny diges- before going te Toronto wherc he tion 1.~pret eat now witb lived for 37 years, being connected fli- relýh than I bave ince I wasý at varieus times with the MacLean a s1Old,ýr 'n th(, ied. Every trace Publising Ce., Hunter-Rose Ca., and Of dizz;n-*Ne amd headaches bave di- United Cburch Publishing flouse. alipeeired aîî,1 i ay ,;eepla wonderful- For tbe past eigbt years he has been IY imTPi'ive<l. I bave ,taken medioines a niember of the Globe proof-reading in Englan4l, Egypt, South A.f'ica and 5t.aff . Canada 4lurînz the eight yeans I ser- Mr. MeNeilIie leaves bis widow, yod in the Brit ish Arnny but I neyer Mrs. Violet McNeillie; oe son, Eric found any tmat appnoached the Sar- 1 C. McNeillie, Toronto; two sisters, gonî2 - Harry E. Rose, .Mrs. Lewis Strorne, Bloomington, Il., Box 151, Long Branch, Ont. Iand Mrs. Homner McCoy, Nashville, Sarsgîmi nmay be abtained in Bow- ITenn. manville from Jury & Lovell. b. RDD 15ce S er pound reduction on Red Label 5C. Creen Tea. 5c. Ail Grocers are authorized to seil their present stock at these reductions. We recoup them for their loss. T. H. ESTABROOKS CO. LIMITED TORONTO, ONTARIO GOOD SLOGAN TO ADOPT EfficiencyFaosR DNGAtrce ACcurracy aosRA IGAtrce ThOught EarNestness CLEAN - SAFE ActiOn Syst'eM ECONOMICAL HarmonY ~ Penasylvania Hardi Coal Sold in ail sizes. - We als, handie Semet Solvay Coke £ Exclusively. IcigEnds in 1 iue__________ 1 oxneddienefr oo, Pu HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 known. rtcbngs§top& inatantlY. Aiu t or For Bowmanville Merchants Only Being one of a seriez of chats with Bowmanville businessmen, in which it is suggested how they may increase their volume of sales. There's No Need For a Pence Artiund Bowmanville -You cant put a fonce around Bowxn~v-lle to keep Bowmanvilles people -from ashoppinig elsemvwuere. NeitheT can you prevent thora fromi buyîng froni mail order houses. None the less, it isn't by any means the hardeat task to get Bowrnanville's follk te shep and buy in your atoros. It's a task, te be sure, but one in whieh your help v411 go a long way. 'People buy where they are trained te buy. Educat,% theni te buy in Bowmanville and they'll always buy theTx. And buying education la very lnrgely a matter of adver- tisàng. Advertising! That's tihe solution! Yeur owfldvr tlaing and that of the mnanufacturera whose goods you strive te selI. Both, in yeur local, berne newgpaPer, should prove effective in keeping Bowmnlfville's -business in B.ew- manville . . . and Bowmaniville's dollars in Bowmanville. Wlbere the manufacturers' advertising is concerned, your taak ta easy. Wben their salesmen coma te seli you goods, talk up Bowrnanviîle te theni. Talk lit up with enthusiasm. Make tbemn realize- ho'w important BowmanvYLlla la te you in turn- over . . . Hew important it la te theni in orders . . . How important it is te their companies in more sales. Talk up Bowmranville se that these salesmen will pass the geod word on te their sales managers *vho decide where advertising appropriations are te be spent. With the advertising of more national, man ufacturera in your elocal ne'wspaper, Be-wmanville and B.ewmainville county people will find it easier te shop in your stores. You'lll find it easier te keep tPnem coming te your stores. And there won't be any need for a Ifence around Bo'wman- ville. You need the advertising aid of the manufacturer& whose goods you stock-urge their salesmen to fPecommend your local home newapaper. IThe Canadian Statesman ROSE i'~' PAGE TEN Reduction in Prices of TEBA Ef fective immediately per pound reduction on Red Label Black and Mixed Teas. per pound reduction on Red Rose Orange Pekoe. This newspaper has joined with the town newspapers ail over the country in a nation- national advsrtisers t h a t they can best assiat &mail town merchants by advertis- ing in the local, home town newapapers of the amal town merchants. i À