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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1930, p. 2

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PAG~E TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILi.~E, THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1930 LEGAL i THE EDITOR TALKS know-% theniman who could do this. 1 GOES TO LONDON Vib M. G V.GOUL, BA., L.D 1 ound hinm in his neat dairy-house L, M. . V GOLDB.A, L.D. Wonder how miany Statesman rcai- ,xith his engine running smoothly and Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ers hiàve read Mlrz,. Moodie's book i everv part in perfect order, and when 19oney to loan on Farrn and Town "Roughing Il in the Bush." It's a 1 the qusion came as te, how ihe did Property. Royal Bank Building, v'cry fascinating book for youth or l his answer was~, -Why, it had to is t, Bow-manville. Phone 351. aduit t<i read in lhis age. In la.St bto.ehewa o sumto week's Rural New Yorker we fo und of skili, yct any eLngineer îvould have do W. R. STRIKE enan rti e headed Recsolkct ions of ee roud of his machine as 1 found Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Days Long" by G. M. Twitceý',+,ll i, and :1 was an uninvited strangerC. Solicitor for Bank of Montreal of Maine that %ve have read over and hose visit Xas flot expected. I saw is Mone to oan Phoe 9 ove 'îd ve do flot think we can just what 1 desired. a stîbtantial, e write a more înteresting article, s-0 thought.ful 'mani, going about his wl Boinnvll, niri. We are giving it to, our readers for work as he did it every day. tn W. F. WARD, B. A. their dlectation and say to thern read 10M teno Notry I Roughing It in the Bush" if 'iou can Barrister, Solicitor, Ntr get hold of the book in you.rPublic In conversation hie said "M.ýy fatherdo Money to Loan. Bod.o ae Lbavo levhr si ies lw hauled up a lot of logsoý for BnsfrStre-et, good ofse preaioec9"îa n Winter use and then véent into te Offces-Bleakley Block, King Srey oddescription o iner y nwoost erfnoeanreaslf Ontario. Phones:eytanscoun srI. Eownianville, Ontri. Poe:-tj cuty as a small boy to do the chores, take 'e Ln Ofie12 os icel ~ . carie of the stock and eut and bring ~ ~ posi Nir.______________ r.T tells a most thrilling in the supp[ly of wood for the house. Cerv story whieh he begins thu.sly: apiofbts~tl2 DETLISoneti mes, when 1 pause to think vears old, and al-ways used a block of suce BONCATE of the seenringly countless blessings wood which I heated to stand on when ivill DR. G. C. ONCSL flooding in on every hand, there aria- cutting the logs." Here there was ui 1[onor graduate in Dentistryp Toroiitj es a question of doubt as to the ben- no -%ord of coemplaint, for, in the turn( University. Graduate of the RaYal efit accruing to indijvdal eascNt ' ie fta e ontry, he kno College of Dental Surgeons of On-1 the niutiplication af labor-saving1 had -fo und compensations and devel- P tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. 1 machines, radios, telephones. etc., oped a sense of fitness of things Hon. Vinicent Massey, mie' Office phone 40. House phone 22. backed as ail are itb ±forced urge Žf or a 1hbruh stsatin hL ig X-Ray Equipmnt in we areEnvoy to, Washingtû-n, who will suc- hng drvnocr a n aeltl iememory of those -ody a e edtelt o.PC.Lrias ep X-ayEuimfl n fic. in aevmdase andehavelun eti o- a eaare to as t hfas re- ceed he latser on.P.CnLarkinasr DR. J. C. DEVITT for rest at night. 'The improve<î ma in ofascuerle-,sofs ot oiactal Hg omssooMo Cnd n P Assistant Dr. E.W.Sso ahnrmutbmdeopyfr essentials flot always counted, and Biai.Was Graduate of Royal Dental College, its cost and therefore 'mor.- acres compensations flot always considered. over Toronto. Office: King St. East, must be operated. The radio neces- **.*Hi Bowsnanville. Office hours 9 a. nm. sitates a quiet hous*e that we rnay get ***Thse Canadien Geographical Jour- oral éo 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. the music, andthe temptation to turn We do not practice the selif-denial nial, $3.00 per annuni, Lawrence J. the1 Phone 90. House phone 283. night into day to realize the best la or meet the hardships of those days, .li'p, Editor, 238 Sparks Strieet, frien X-Ray Equipnient in Office. strong. The teI,,phone invite., long but soniohow there ciomes the feeling Ottaiwa, has been launched hby the tions conversations with friends while that we have gone so far in thse op.- Canadian Geographical Society. com DR. R. E. DINNIWELL household duties wait, and thse com- posite dLrection that we have loat Three dollars includes meiubershitp in Hfonor graduate of Toronto Univer-' bination drives us by day and night some cf the richer blessings of life, thse Society and one year's subsc'rip- afty and member of Royal College of with no time for real rccreation, for,1 and thet the people of the 'whirlpool tion. Ali persons interested sho'uld Detl ugen. Licensed to -wbien the auto la started, tise one 1 are to be pitied because of the press- send to the Ottawa address for a De ntal S r oadteDmnon. cran bjcti ove how mch f mile ing demands 'wbich iear so heavily, sa.iple copy to see what a good pub- s ractise i ntroan h Drii r.oe a oe lat eehow many ofthe loaving littie tme for that sweet 1 iscation thse new venture 15. Piec Dentistry in ail its branches. Of-' nagnificent vie-lys we can drink in or homne ile whioh the fathers and _____________________ fice: King St., Bowmanville, oppositej friends woe can calon. mothers enjoyed in spite of depriva- Pos Bank ofMonÏrel. ubaal undeLr open neyer to -be realize'd in crowd- able IWe are very sure al the you ng presentcodtns In the life in ed streets. arn g MEDICALj folk who read this fascinating ac- God's open, with the floo.d of invita- iG ..M. Twitchell. ness counit of tise early times in -Mainie, tions flowing out from ib-neath the Androscoggin Co., Mainc, farrr C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. U. S.'d and Nc-w Brunswick, Canada, feet, in tube growing crops or the rich- gîoor Graduate of Trinity Medical ýCollege, wouîd greatby enjoy a chat with this er beeuty of the changing seasons, Editor's Note-We are verv grate- rLad. Toronto, formerly of Ennikl~ bright old lady. Thse writer contin- there cornes a coinpanionship with fui to the good obd farm journal that Offce ndResdece:Dr Beth I în sas~the forces of thse Infinite not to be' we read e.s a boy on the farm-The Lii forme resdenc on CurhS et Alil these things iwere not mnatters found in city streets with ail their Rural New Yokr-for this vivid Tabtl Bo'wmanville. Phone 259. 44-o nte period, adtL question atatos hr' qualityintesor.af4 of compensation forces when we get J. CLARK BELL time to think. I arn tinking of a .,. Ch. B.. F. R. C. S., (Edin.), 0. P. H delightful estperience 45 years ago (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) when, being in Aroostook County, 1[ons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber. Maine, a friend took me out to, spend deen UniversitY; Fellow of the Royai an hour wiith is grandmother. I Colege of ureon, Einbrg. found her a woman of more tîban 80 Office and Residence: Queen Street, years, of large, strong physique, eyes ibright and intellect as sharp as a Bowmanville. Phone 89. 1 oung person, and, more than ail,T hNe Offce Hours: 2 to 4 p-. m., 6 to 8.3f) P.M ;taking a lively interest in e'verything W.H IKM . going on in public and private. 1 hIe W. H BIRS, M D- vant to repeat as best 1 can the story O)ffce Hours: 1 to, 4 and 7 to .30. of her life, tfor to ber it had been full Telephone 108. of compensations so rich that al were Office & Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's treasured.** former residence, Wellington Street,* Bov6-manville. Wben e girl of 12 her father, liv- ing then in Western Mainie, felt the irrrANn DRTUGLESS. Ilurý for. tiseoilds of wisat ,la 1nov Ll1IUri~'- ss'. ~'i~..'I .roostook and, selling al 'he had, the THEROPBY fami'Iy with their belongings were DURWIN E. STECKLEY l oadod on wagons and thse journey of honor graduate of Toronto College 200 miles te what is now Bangor eorn- of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- mecned. Here the horses and outfits manville Office Tuesday, Thuraday wvere exchanged for bateaus and the and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. joarney by '.ater commenced, going Residential calîs made during fora- up the Penobscot into the- West iLoonBranch and thon thte lakes to the Al- moon legasb River, and thon on into the other akc-s until tb"e Aroostooük River FUNERAL DIRECTORS was reaeised. The river runs no>rtb, F. F.MORRI CO.and dcà'n this they laid their course F. F. ORRISCO. Iuntil it erptied into thse St. John, Complete Motor or which skirts the whole nortbern ho>un- Horse Equipnient. daî'v of the county. Carrying by AIl calîs promptby t-be fals they made their wiay te the attended to. mouth otf the Mýeduxnekeag S t Wood- \ 'P rivate Ambulance. 1stùck, New Brunswick, Canada, and \~/ Bowmanvilbe phone: t--re turne I and paddled up tbi 10 and 34. rivûr to tîhe broad valley o-bore Houl Brancis Stores- ton, one of thse moet progre.ssive Orono & Newcastle. tow-ns of Maine, nowv daims atten ALAN M. WILLIAMS -*ion Embaînier and Funeral Director. Onbv tbink of the terrible bard Calîs given prompt and personal ac- ships children endured. Thise lady taution. No extra charge for dis- as a giili said: "I river had a pair tance. Motor Ambulance at your of shees until I1o-as 18 years old. The *srvice. Phsone 58 or 159, Bow- scboobbouse was a mile and a iaif manville, Ont. 3tf from homne andl there wa.e one bouse haîf way. Us ive only had six -oee ks sebool in Winter I ýhad to make thel AUCTIONEERS Most of it. In tise rnorning I w.uld~ THEO M. SLEMON beat e 'block of o-ood and run as long~ as my feet would allo-v and tisen Auctioneer standb on tise block and warnrny feet. Parn and Rouse Sales a Specialty. W'ben 1 reacised tise ialfo-ay bouse I Ternis noderate. Enniskillen P. O. would go in anI warnt myseif andj Phone 197r3. 1-tf boat the woodi and thon on to the scsoolhouse. This isad e big fire- VETERI NARYI place and x-e tood before it and bv turning around frequently kept from E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. f reezing. In this way I go. wbat Orono ç-,ducation I coul ." Hlonor Graduate of University of H-o.,a thought: We read tbi.s Toronto. AIl cases given prompt. story in a baîif bout', but consideri mnd careful attention. Office-Dr. that the bardsbips of tise times ini McElroy's former office. Phsones. questiomn o-en daily weekiv, nionthly, Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. yearly for mainy yc-ars. Think this ___________________________woman in ber whole girlhood nover wore a 'pair of sboes~! To look on this e-videntiy reflned w o-man (ne %'ould almost question bher statemients coneerning ber earlv i lîfe, for certainl'y she was a lady o Ithisn more tluan 80 years of age wtas l as inteieste<I in tise later if as- she -as in tht- earlier lai,,. Sho îobd of bi-r days at tise pinning-wb,-eol and oo)m, for tisese were day-. wben people wore only homnemade clothes. If ber father w'anteI flour (-r nîcal for the family ho took tise isg on bei-seluack and traveileil to Frederi-le ton, N. B., te get it ground, 'four days being requiî't-< for tise journey. Wben 1I spoke nf tube seemi ng bard- siships then she laiuzhbed and said, "0f vours;e w'e bad to m-ork and didî no-, bave o-bhat you o-ould consider neces- stu-y toîay tout uc found corope n-a- t iuun-cvon tisen and I ivedîincls felwhpwith tise few uegxor' Witb bs right and a triaeof the bo<bv ano,4n" -w ould ùnvý' sise talk- ed freu-lv'of ts.-ult',w-ben th at greaý,t (',uUn v w-ut- Juine fa-li,n'u(I, andI 'tb(re wtti not a thougit'of coin- plelint. jMr. Tu t chou crontinuitng tolI.s usi Ithat 'h(,-foi owing <a bhe d roeu12 niile, te vi it a nan heho adî fleri ona farmier w-be in<b rown to i u h o (n a back .ru ad fa roi andb iiu' luben ci totenuinzle with lai-_,r uni t-. li T iu ion alTe', tr 1en a s"i OI'enuie, uandul ailno knoew hure a.s 'o how' ten w tscon- >-t te r ru n. ye t hbl u e irnse-d andI ptto"uether sucb a nmacine, and ,,as running it succe.se5fully in hi-. i îîai'y. NMy visit wo-o. e n tandl APPEARANCE PERFORMANCE COMFORT VALUE NCENT MASSEY IS NAMED LONDON HIGH COMMISSIONER A despatch fromn Ottawa states it the intention of the Government appoint Hon. Vincent M.%assey as ,adian High Commissioner at Lon-f nto succeed thbe bate Hon. Peter Larkin. An announcement to seffect wýas nifidë Friday by Prem- Mackenzie King. Mr. Massey Irernain at Wasbington, wbere hc. riow Canadian Minister Plenipo- iary, until the Stummer vacation, )bably Juby. Ho will go to L,)un-' nabout Sept. 1, to be in readine-ss the Inmperial end Econonîle Con- Toties, which open on Sept. 30. 'he post of High Commissioner at' ndon is consid-ered the ranking iticun in the Canadian diplomatie 'he appointiment of Mr. Massey's tessor at Washington probably flnot be made effective uintil Au- nn, althffugs the Governnient's etion probaýbly wibl be made îvn b-efore tihot. in making the announcement, Pro-1 ýr King paid a tribute t-o the dis-'j iihed way in -bich Mr. Massey perforrned the duties as Canada'si resentative in Washington. 4r. Mas.sey was appointed to the ;bhington post in 1926 and too-k br is duties in Fe-b. 1927. Ton. Vincent 'Massey was the LLb- candidate for Durham County in bast Fede-ral election. His many mds in Durham offer congratula- is on bis apypointment as High umissioner for Canada in London. GOOD ADVICE 'eaking te a grox4p of farmers at ton reeently, Dr. G. I. Christie, sident of the O. A. C., gave some d advice wbich should be applie- Sto ail of us: "That for 1930 1 going to loou-k after my o-o-n busi- sfirst and make overy acre of my r, psy and forget about aIl]tise rny things I have beard and ndsay Collegia«çe's pajpe(r The bers' is issue<I and bas met witbý ne reception. Ssfme Oshawa merchants are týlk- ing of closing their stores Sattrda aft.ernoon during sujmmer mýontha while others will &bsýrve the dwe half holiday on Wednesday ftr floon. EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitions, rellable men wanted at one. Part trne pay while training for Aviation Niechanica, Garage Work. t)rivlng, Eatterc. Flectrlc Acetelyne Welding. Flouse Wiring. Industrial Electricity, Machinist, Bricklaying. Plastering, Drafting, Barberlng and I-tardresslng. Act quick, get your ap plication ln now. Write or call for information. DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, LTD. Eastern Headquarters, 163 K Ing St. w Toronto.. Employment servle-coast to coast. WR[GLEYS ife-like good golf-lin sade Up of nxany littie thimgs ecd orne of which helps the score. Better digestion-steadier nerves-decarer brain, are ail factors that count and are gained front the use of Wrlglcy's. 1/I746LL EJ Vacaitionse El Doradog -the trip of golden ex- perience. An inland ocean -cruise, between towening glaciers and totem-poled isies. Shores so close you look in on quaint Imdian v~ilages. Dozens of glaciers flash. ing rainbow colours nr fascinating ports o' cali. Mysteries of the Kion- dyke. Greatest trip in Amerîca for the money. As low as 69o.00 from Vancouver, Victoria, Seattie -to Skcagway and return-including meals and berth en- route, except in Skagway. On luxurious Princess liners-largeat, fastest to Alaska. Make your reservations now while the- choicer Princess cabins are available. Vancouver Island West coast cruises, 7 days. Meals and berth enroute. Minimum $39.00. Fult informatson from Canadian Pa- RIL cî1fic ticket agent or W E lFulton, Assistant General Passenger Ag~ent Torot Cainadiain Lake LIA"1 on limedway Pccfic v urant Fouri A Strik-ing Example of Modern Car Building 'II-IE new ultra modern Durant "Four" steps to the front to maintain the Durant reputation for sincerity in appearance, performance, com- fort and value in the four cylinder field. You will be proud of its appearance, its size and roominess .. .. will be proud of its performance produced by the new and larger motor .~you will appreciate the comfort of its wide doors, its finely upholstered cushions and proud of its chassis and spring construction that makes riding so pleasurable .. .. will marvel at the value offered in this new Durant' Fou.-." Go now to your Durant dealer for details which he will supply without obligation!1 DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED TORONTO (LEAMME) CANADA Rugby Trucks, Fours and Sixs-V½.ron and 1-ton capacites ID lU RA,LNTr AG O 0 D c A R THICKSON MOTOR SALES OSHAWA ONTARIO Durant, Four Cylinder, Standard Sedan' Model "4-07" Po MARTIN & SON BOWMANVILLE Building Contractors Plasterers - Masons Carpenters and Stucco Interior and Eteror Finishers. Silo mou À f,,r:eor c* r niralNc Concrc'-. Mixer fr hirv. Anything- frorn cellar to roof. Call, write or phone 497W. Estimatbs free. 0 a 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILi£, PAU TWO THURSDAY, -MAY Sth, 1930

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