TEE CANÂDIAN STATESMAN, BlOWMANVLE, THUR.9MAY, MAY 4h, 1930 DURHAM COUNTY BOYS HEALTH SERVICE 0F THE gins with the maintenance of physical CORN BORER INSPECTOR BAKER'S SCHOOL BLACKSTOCKFR MO lE _______CANADIAN MEDICAL fitness hy proper food, f resh air, sun- Esate MOmIeot:Pi~i Sho eor fEse Ainog te cassof 930grau- wns eguar enta creandSr'. IV - Gladys Yellowlees 90, Examinatioms: a ong them E mmas ue Cf 1930 r - AS O I T O hine, reHtwand play.o A9 IVeane Wrigtht __0__(lion),____Mar- a Her is valuable information 0 h treatmeft or remnoval of dîses- E~ fTE gaduateof Victoria College in Arts Heart Disese. The hrtiamuscle ed teeth; the treat2meft, or xeniaval, J.I- te ory8.,Dr-inSisn7 HnJa rgtO E ati Ir. rankd Crlleged, Tor - thea on eua etf ae n cwr Mlsn7.i ae rgt8 HnMr gr eat 4.ain3, Mnaet 7.4 Vanu nd V8rnu 72, Eao Tîaylor 6, Lslu WnhtRed o T isMeicn iii 19 8,a ou g ia w ll kno n a rg n hih ct a a pu np, sending if necessary, of diseased tonsils. 74.3 W ona otta 7 .4, an d 7ar-3. 62, Ea n o aylr m 6 , Ls le Beac ek Fth des home tis aaper. whïr the blood ta ail parts yftebd. propt attention to tonsilitis or Sr. l'I-Caiîl Ferguson 76.8, va48. 7 i he ecevedhis acholThen blcase otdcrmeutet ntriionupo jonts coaerorSt.Vi(s-Fas's rtonehsraoHaptn WereTheblod mst eah a prts e- orethoatlgrwlfg pinsoo pan4U.8,guMar7.8,May Sron 70 70ay raam 0, val HlpeHe 'T ite r e d i e a l s c h o l t r i g c a s t c r i s t e n t i i n u o o n s c o e r S . V t s a n c e , a r e J r.l U I1- V e r n a M i l l s o n 7 7 , I s o b e a S r in the 'ltl e co house. " He which depends the ver y life of each al essential, as are the prevention oif Ylole 52 etaVru 34 tn 5 always took an active part in church pat f n e h ati an g d h i hh ra by immunization t anJr I- a e Va C m 74 Lo a wokand was President o! the Ep- esli heart disease. Depending early age,protection against the com-JrH worth League for sorne time before u:n te naur a[ extent of the m.,cbl 1~~ a&>ý<I~ Milison 78, William Strong 61. EbrT.ewin 61, Ele Arche 46,. Frad the moti~o 1ui uleaevaueing mncbl ieae ndpoercr Jr. I-Harvey Yellowlees, Bernice Wright 43, Vincent Archer 30. laigfor college algo esigning as damage, the heut is correspondingly of these, if contracted, with partic.U- Moe.I oadTe 4 rn Prsdn of Bownianville dititual ocryout its work. lar supervision during the convale- e i'r.-Vera Strong, James Hrr. 1-Rdar 59,>rre 77re (H 1n) Har societies. During these years the vis- The hrlmsle e~ damage cence. Fiuesoodaprcn.1 = ord 59 ildred Arhe 41. Fig re denot perim ont ohe Crauiford 75r (Han) Royr muelerry onndaisoth Milt3 W as the resut of infection. The pois- As the individual grows older, care Aci eatahr 1 ahenTyo 8 osBi-yl slowly but surely being impressed Up- ogi'vertofn ygem n p on in. ns offfb grm are ver .p should be taken to avoid those coiidi- Ar6e7estece . 71faheniar6, oaBie tocuse njuries to the heurt musele. tions which, althougfn not directSr P. ohneW ry7,ealf îý ,causes, do prdoprt h Rear ta, Si'. Pr.J<> n soe 6e5y , Pari Rhw matic fever, syphilis, diphtheria prdsoe dtyieh W right 67 o Sisn 65 a an, le fever are the principal damage, or to the breakdown o! a nwl bev algt Iih d i s e u s e e e r i s d m ar i e d s r e h t d m g da v i n g t i m e f o r 2 m o n t h s n l y f r o n 1 L u r m e r 6 3 . E Id ""hc h hmdnight June 30oi ta midnight Aug- J.r. Pr.-Gwenith Marlow 71, Helen .ýaby the poisons of the germs Such conditions are excesses o! any aCm 64 whih causlhm kind, whether in food of drink, or in ustl Ji Vnampso 6459e. akon6,ç~. m A nth e f oatm of infection ihich the m anner o f ai e I i t e o o It's w rth N o.n br k n b s n s , E r a on 59l -. muhexercise, lack olf rest, ver- Or losig 'yaur job once or twice in f uently responsible for heurt muc life. Too littl orn toaKtlenE hei, ece.w is req vhich is caused by eating and worry are some >ftelf utt idet o in o nrl-O diseuse is thatinsyo ae tonsilitis and diseased teeth. In suchfatr ic otiuetth li-------te qbà t e e i a o u of i f ci n dence o f heurt diseuses. R ~ ey. Thom as M <N ug t B.t D , thf - m in osiis or teeth where p~oisons are We ~s et cetda nt-tsdmo lin n Whn îhart iseae isdetetia n ta become pastor of Warkwý,orth clharm and be-uuty. Magical in its ]B cm, m, &bm. iproduced by the germs living ut the eary3, and teidvde sal n foie s ind the b oisoea, maye da- wîllîng to udjust h.s life to the capac- .D. J. GIBSON United hurch. effect on the kin. There s nothng_______ age ~ern the heut.ity o!awuee ogn ev re- wousCrBreInptrfrDr-.Re*v. w. Paton, M-A., o' Airden,l'like it for creating and preserving a qu h hat touin the frounty seeîngs tha fa, ueail United the chi su% e ta Ote ing lit soothen eive i o Acute rheumatism n is the chie! f ently utlive i re d e a s u Cauinty, la busily engaged ù. ea h Uncted t rh subje% f t ose th e l co pe in. Coleve , aresa- Th cfccause of isuei realy ie ims l ers and citizens in towns and villages a.pproal ef the Settlexuert Bboaxd o! ness cause1dý by -weuther conditions. CONKEL Frank Cryderman, B. A. not known. It ehould be understood Questions concerning Heulth, ad- iwho grow corn are makiiig a thorougli the Bay of Quinte Conference. I Delicately fragrant, it enhuan'e6 t-heV1 i Januury 12FrnketfoA1thut Errowing pains, tonsilit, chorea dressed to the Canadien .Medicul, As- 1 dean up of corn ireninants. Mi'. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is un- inost finished appearance. Makes the bert192 Coraege Blei le.A eve anft iu'Dnc r vdneo sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, Gibson bas been înstructed ta stricl rivalled for speedy relief in niuscular skin rose-leaf in texture. Truly a actitie e Beltil s le . v tn Dellv1923 rheumatismn ini childi'en. ill le answered personally by let- en orce te act. Read warning ta corn rheumatism, lame back, influo ru-ipeerless toilet requiste fr v ry he took an active part in al tudenti T he prevention o! heurt diseuse be- ter. growers in lat week's Stutesman. tion, burns and fe'LoIns. discerning wolnan. and been awarded the Blackburn, Gold Watelh for ail-round efficiencyI and character. After his strenuous careýeFrn took a year off to recuperate, =hich he spent us student minister iný Storthoaks, Sask. Two other suiniers o were aiso spent in Saskatchewan at North Estevan, and three sunnners travelling in South West Manitoba' for Prairie Nurseries Liinited, us a sulesnian, in w-hieh he achieved con- siderable success. However the calil of financial gain wus not the stranger Victoria College in tihe fuli! 1924 puisued his preparation fýor a greater vocation. .I ... . During his Arts carer Frank was .... ... an ardent footiballer, and wus aso- ated with the Student Christian M ove ent, o which e becam e Pre s.....-...... ident in his senior year, being associ- ated aiso with the university eorgani- zation, the Student Christian Associ- ation. Uponi graduating with the de- 1 or w gieof B.A._, he entered Emmanuellt ' i / / College,the new theologicai collegel o! the United 'Church af Canada. Here he distinguis-hed hiniself in var- bous directions, being elected in his~ final year President of the Emnian- n ulClege, Students Society, which f at the Colilege. Pearhaps the greatest event o! the year was the raiaing of $4200 towards the new coliege build- ings, by a, cominittee o! whidn Frank Ri lnsaet spend one year inREINIA Union Theolagical Sentinary, New York, in post-graduate woffrk, return- ing in the Spring of 1931 ta be or-I ?oe dained. Saskatchewan Conference will then dlaim hiîn. rT. and Mrs. A. B. Ci.ydeilmai o! W Hampton have just cause ta feel proud o! tihe ambitions o! their fainily -Mis Edna Crydeirian graduat-ed e Ireeently f roin Belleville Hospita.l as a nurse, Miss Mlanche wiiil graduate Imam that Hospital in June and Mr. Albert Aqlin wiil comuplete, bis Medi- cal course in tM'o years. OSHAWA PRESBYTERY Memetso!the Oshawa Presbyte'y o! the United hc etiW May lst. The chairman, Rev. J. R. Bick, Hampton, ennouneâ that Reiv. Dr. J. R. VanWyck. f ormerly o! Bay City, Mich., no'w living retired in Whitby, hue contrihuted 1200 books to be distributed umong the ininisters of OFeha-wa Pre-ibytery. Calis were present&d to Rev. J. R. R. Cooper, ~arui i froin Collumbus and Ked- tron, and to Bey. R. H. Rickard, Pick- ering, f om Oakwoo{l. MI'. 'F. M. H. Crydermnan, B. A., a graduate o! Emmanuel College, wil1 be orduined ut the next session of the Bay o! Quinte Conference. Bey. Thos. Wallace, NewtonVilie, and Mr. 0 M. Alger, Oshaiwa, werei0 appointed to the Settlemnent Commit- tee, and Rev. J. R. Bick, Rer. P. L. JuIl, Brooki'in, Rev. J. M. Whvte, En- 76 beats 36 mieIe aln..prdla Read thia wonderful letter front aà a e 76wola . more active tban 40 eu t ea t the daliy dimefi Mo.u~e iN CI m ilesR peOa l n .. p r d la . n e e Sauje o otg and ofir huiuiS &U* tI hve *0we tfoud aMeir d. = ., fuel with driVe tectian bctW eeflrà& ..m -L M T 80 ch Saltas eI ha- vr fo a = 6 eand rs Of "nMVcCOLLFRONTENAC 01L COMPANYLMTD Gd h n t W .r 100 ai 6 a ipwb iq t -- d a p a r t i n t to reS L a c a n a "a t 7 5 . b o t e c n a n n u l a la i t i e . . . . ... We~S contai"S enïzat orsâ wb. p<Iu mhO uI eer1 Jol f 1 .. - .-I ý -