.-,' u~' au I SPECIAL NOTICE %iuna of performance at Royal Theatre wil b. operated on Daylight Saving Tme as foll'ows: Week nighta -firat performance at 8 p. m.; St uTdays and HolIidays--7 p. nm. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-A 5-room fur- nlsbsd cottage nt Armstrclng's Point, Laiks Scugog, for sale or refiL Aise lots for sunimer cottages for sale. Appi>' te W. E. Arnmstrong, Bowmanvllle, Ont. rPhione 321J. 19-tf Lost or Found Building Lots For Sale LOST-Lýast Saturday eveniflg on King LOTS FOR SALE-Two very desirable Street between Jury & Lovelîs ani Cor- building lots, one on Centre Street and' betts Bakery, a package containing other on Liberty Street, good locations, lady's whte broadclolb blouse. Woiul. central. Muet be sold to wlnd up es- finder please leave at Statesman Office tale . pply Mmelr. Norman S. B. James. 1-tf 1pion. n18-tf I To Let ROOMS TO LET-Apply Mrs. R. Hlobbs, Liberty St.. Bowma.nville. Phone 561. 16-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-rourned house on Zlgin St.. opposite publie achool, Tnoderfi oonvenlences, possession June Ist. Ap- PIY Ir. Sutton, Elgin St.. Bowmaxnville. 19-tf Apartmnents to Rent FLAT TO RENT-Five rooms. water- works, electric ligbls. -Apply Statesmnaf Office. TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - In Bowmanvilie, modemn conveniences. Apply 10 W. F. Ward, Barrister, etc., Bownianville. Plhone 102. 46-tf Houses to Rent HOUSE TO RENT - Contalning 6 rooîns; garden; Possession May 6th. Ap- plY t10 Mrs. Jas. Jc-bson, Hampton, 18-tf I-bUSE To RENT-Seven roome, wat- erworks, bath, electric llghts, located King & Ontaiý St., Bowmanville. Ap- ply A. A. Col I ll, Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-By May lst, part- ly furnished, 6 rooms and bath, ail con- veniences ani garage . Apply Mrs. Er- nest Passant, Duke St., Bowmanvilie. Phone 563. 17-3 HOUSE TO RENT-Two-story house, sultable for sumtrimr camp a.1 Bowman- ville Beach. ,%-mile east of harbor. Ap- PlY to W. J. lenderson, Base Line, Bow- nsnville. 19-1' Baby Chicks For Sale BABY CHICKS FOR SALZ-From higli liroilucing stock, 22-5 eggs up. Anyone requil iîîg Say tiatclied chicks kindiy Pîhone 252J. F. W%. Ratte, Milddle Road. BABY CH ICKS-Leghorn Chickens for the end of 'May, 17cecd; first week of June. lI5c each. Plione 38-%. W. H. Carruthers, R. R. 1, Bowmanville. 10-tf Wanted MAID WANTED-For generai hous- work. Aîîply to Miss I. K. Smith, Bow- inanville. Plhone 644. 17-tf HOUSE WORK WANTED-12y tie lay. Apply 10 Mrs. Ethel Graluani, Lowe and Division Str-, is lowmanville. 19-1' WANTED TO RENT-Itouse with moitira conveniences anud garage. Ap- ply ta E. P. Bradt, Bowmanville. Phone 634. 17-If MAID WANTED-Fom general bouse- work; plain cooking. Apply 10 Mrs. John Burns, 62 Connaugbt St, Oshawa. Phone 2042. 19-1' YOUNG GIRL WANTED-To asslst wth housework. Appi>' 10 Mrs. F. H. Moody, Concession St., Bowmanvile Pitone 304. 1-tf WANTED TO RENT-Furnisbed or un- furnslied bouse (preferably furnishsd) Mlay lst for 5 or 6 monîlis. Write giv- lng full particulars and prices.to Mme. W. R. Jacknîan, 688 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago, MI.. or S. J. Jacieman, Bow- manville. 15-tf REPRESENTATIVE WANTED-Valu- able part-timne Agency is now available for Bowmanvllle and vlclnity, with one 0f Canada'e leading Lif e 1surance Comn- tanies. Good chaacter essential. For particulars write "L. M." Drawer B., Bownianvils. 17-41 BIRTHS HENRY-Inl BowmanviillcHospiîtal, oun Monday, May 5th, 1930, to Mr. and Nirs. L. J. Henry <nes Gladys Witheridge), a daughter. ALLDREAD-At Bowmaniilile Hospital, on Tuesday, April 29tli, 1930, 10 Mm. and Mmes. D.. R. AlIdread, a daugliter (*Mary F o r e n c e ) . D A H MORRIS--ln towmanvilie, on Sunday, May 4th, 1930, John H. Morris, aged 78 yeare. REHDER-IXi BowmsJîviiie, on Thurs- day. May lut, 1930, Mary Reitdem, beioved vifs o! Mr. C. Reitder, aged 77 years. CHAPMAN-Iti Oroito, on Sunday, May' 4th, 1930, Alfred B. Chapnian, beloved husband o! Elizabeth Bircit, aged 78 years Inlerment at Orono Cemetery. ROBSON-At Toronto Genemal Hospital, Ma>' 41h, 'William H1. Bobseet, beioved husband o! Pearl Florence Ellins, aged 56 years. intermet l n Pr-ince Albert Cern- etery. BOW lE-At PrivaIs Patients' Pavilion, Toronto Generai Hospital, on Prlday, Ma>' 2nd, 1930, Harriett Jennie Hardy, beiovsd vifs o!ftDr. T. I. Blonis, Streetevilie, Ontamio. MAHAFFY-Siddely, at t7aesarea, on May' 3rd, 1930, Willlïm Stokes Mahaffy, bsloved husband o! Mary Louisa Scott, 14 H-owiand Road, Toronto, in hie 71e1 year. Interinent Prospect Cemetery. SKINNER-On Saturday, M.%ay 3, 1930, at Womffl'e Coilege Hospital. Sophia Wil- bur, beloved wite of George W. Skinner, 1 Albany' Avenue, Toronito, in hem 751h year. Only' daugbter o! late Mmr. and Mme. Ismael Wilbur, Bradîsy's mebool sec- tion, 7th concession, Dariington. Inter- ment Park Lau-n Cemnetery, Toronto. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-The propemt>' o! thelIat Jolin H. Trulilal offered for sale. For îîarlicuiars appiy 10 Mrs. J. Il. Truli, Churcli St.. Bowmanville. 15-Il ln good condition, U acre land, property of the laIe Richard Hamlyn. Apply 10 Fred Downey, George St., Bowmanviile. 14-tf FOR SALE-7-roomned brick house, wired for stove and ligh n4ý acre of land, next to Canning factory. Appiy othe prenilses 10 E. G. Mitchell. Hunt St., Bownianx-ille. 17-3' FOR SALE-Brick residence willu 7 rootas. hardw-ood floors, and aIl modemn convenienes; metai garage; well plant- ed groînîts; centrally iocated. Phone 358, Boîvmanville. 18-tf HOUSES FOR SALE-6 or 8 roomed rug brick bouses, wlit ail modern con- veniences; garage and garden. Easy ternis. Apply 10 J. E. lehI, George St., l3owmanville. Phone 384. 15-tf FOR SALE-Properly la Newcastle consisting of solid brick 9-roomed bouse on dulh lot. lhe home of Dr. McNaugh- ton on Kingr St., Newcastle. Soid la seule an etate. Apply to John Spen- cer, Iiownuanville. 18-2 FOR SALE-Nice brick cottage on cor- ner o! Liberty and W'ellington Streels; brick bouse, corner Ontario and Wel- lington Sireets: also, a number of good brick hoîses la different parts of the town. Easy terme. Apply 10 Wm Brock, Qusen Street, Bownwnviile. Phone 114. 16-6w' CARTING AND TRUCKING AU m -nof t Crtng, Trucklg an Pong o and lon Sit, owanvl Announcing - A New "FAMILY WASH" Service for Bowmanville O ur Prices Arrangements have beon completed for a TegIllar weeklY eall and de]ivery service in Bowmanvifle for "familY waah." i.Damp Wash E&ach Tuesday our driver wili cal at Your home fOr Y01oe Sc per Pound, 20O Ibo. for $1.00 .wash, antd rettiri it on 'Ihui'aday. A phone ceau1 to Mms F. Everything wasbed in jnild suds and rinsed in ten Bateiman, Ring Street, ýBowmanville, (phone 578) is all that changea of water. Excess water removed and the is necessafry to assure you prompt and couiteous service. bundies returned datnp, sweet and dlean, ready to _______________________ The Toronto Wet Wash Laundny Go. Liiited of Toronto 2. Damp Waah, Fiat Work Ironed has just conipleted additions to its plant which makes it pos- Se per Pound, 12%f [ha. for $1.00 sible to handie Bo.wmanville orders as efllciently andiprompt]y Everîything ttashed in mild suds and rinaed in ten as idf it twere located in Bowmanvifld ]t la the tinost mode* different waters. The body clothes are returned and complete plant devoted entirely te "fainily wash" on the damp ready to iroîl. AIl fiat work such as table linon, bed linon and toweis are ironed ready for use. continlent to-day. It embodies every knouwn mnodern device _________________________________for the botterment of this lond of ]aundry 'work. 'Eveoey 3. Dry Wa.sh drop of water u.-od is as soft as science can mako it and each 7c per Pound, 14 Ibo. for $1.00 'washing is dons separate]y without marking or starching. avtin-.oîed dryi m il unîe. heenrefie ifontkidsoffainy as srvce Evsfrytigwars nid sruyd ed insme inton diffoedry wtrs andtougher. hed refvedafeenioderfatel wshsevie _________________________________f rom wlich you niay chooso, each one taking the wash one 4. Dry Wash, Fiat Work Ironed step nearer to comnjietion, Taking it possiuble for you teo sel- lOC per Pound, 10 Ibo. for $1.00 ect as much or little assistance with y'our wash problemn as Saane pr.ocess as dry .wash 'with the exception that your desires inay suggest. The prices of the servi<èes are ail body clothes are returned dry and fl.at work auch «Il extremnely nioderate. as bed linen, table linen and towels reeidy for use. 5. Semi-Finished For f uI i ifoiniation call Mrs. Batenian and have her iic per Pound, 9 Ibo. for $1.00 explain in detail, or ask our driver. Everything ironed. Flat work porfectly donc and- body clothes or- wearing apparel ironoul in such a rnanner that it is entiraly finished except a few of tho ut ay corer atou chintp. Phone 57 wtheufii.sy corer a hn 90 p cntocn e'b5 7a8 Rag eand wool rugs, nmops, a.wnings, hiankets and coiforters may bc ineluded in any o! the above services at no extra charge. Pillows $1 per pair. Minimum Charge for Ail Services $1.0 WASH CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED TORONTO WET WASH LAUN DRY CO., LTD. MRS. F. BATEMAN - KING ST.- BOWMAN VILLE PHONE-578 PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, MAY 8tb, 1930 I -- - -- r A"dces For Sale Lean titan &100 wIll buy Williams Grand Piano. Apply la Box 352, Bowmanville. 19-2' FOR SALE-Two pure bred Jersey heifer calves. Geo. Mason, Hîgh Street, BowmanvIlle. Phone 451W. 18-2 HORSE FOR SALE--Oood size, Clyde horse, 7 years old. Appiy to W. G. \%Verry, R. Rt. 6, BowmanvIlle. Phone l60r3. .ýt , FOR SALE-Good sideboard, cheap, no reasonable offer refused. Nlrs. C. G. Churchill, Concession St., Bowmanvilie. Phone 669. 1-é-3 FOR SALE-Quantity of contractors scaffoiding, poles, plank, tressais, lum- ber, etc. L. Turner, Scugog St., Bow- manville. Phone 170. 17-tf B3ABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Late model, in good condition, bargain for qulck sale. Apply 10 Drawer Z, Bow- rninville, or phone 606. 19-1' AUTO FOR SALE-Studebaker Coach, in irst class condition. A bargain for quick sale. Appty to Mrs. F. J. Horne, Churcb St.. Bowmanville. 18-tf Fid conitinWillias iafo 125,lie paymeondtifn, delsre. John$12eaghe 92 Sme INorti s. John eagh1W. 17-3 FOR SALE-Qiuantity of used lumber, as good as new, one 5-fl. Standard bath tub; one laundry stove: one 1927 Cbev- rob-t truck in Al condition. F. Foley, corner Clîurch and Brown Sts., Bowman- ville. 17-tf BLACK< BERRY CANES FOR SALE- Splendid variety, dont kill back In vin- ter or dry up In suminer; rlpiene Its fruit In August; fruit laswaeet; very prolific; a good ehipper. Jacob Branch, R. R.* 5. Bow man vll11P. 1q-1* FOR SALE-Cedar posts and a number of large nine-foot anchor poste; also timber suitable for sieepers and ether building purposem. Twenty colonies of Becs at a hargain. T. J. Cole, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 201r41. 13-10- FOR SALE-i Hall 'Mirror and Hat Rack. with umbreila Stand: 1 Combina- tien Dresser and WMash Stand, oak fin- ish: i quai tered oak P.,rlor Table. 24" square, with lowe r seldf. Mrs. J. C. i-ancock, Box 59, Newcastle. 19-1 size. full srate Piano. in good condition. At $150 luis instrument should giv-î pleasure to some one wishing te stiffiy piano music. Terms wiul be eaisY. Fred J. 'Mitchell, eon-manville, On t. Pibon,- 10.5. 18-tf ForSale PI<ESBYTERIAN CHURCH BLACKSTOCK Includes Church building, solid brick, containfing 75,000 brick, more or less, aise a large quantity of the best pine lumber, also sheds ai back. The buildings sit- uated on fins lot containlng %-acre, more or leas. Same can be bouglit as a vitole or In part. Those interested please communicate witb Dr. R. J. M. Montgomery 53 Melgund Rd., Toronto EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Ail persona baving any claim' agaïnat the Estate of te late Robert J. LindeaY, who dled on or about the 4tit day o! April, 1930, at the Town o! Bowma.nvile In the County of Durhamn, are requlred te fielte saine witit proof tbereof vith thle underaigned or bis Solictor flot later titap June l6tb, 1930, after wblcb date alite Estate -wili be dislributed a.nd ail claims of wilci the Executor bas 'not received notice wiii be barred sa agaînsl them. DATED at Bowsnanvifle thia lot dal' of May, 1930. W. F. DALE, BowmanvIlllu, Ont., Executor Robert J. Llnd.my E$tet. By M. G. V. GOULO, 19-2 Bowmanvillla, Ont., lM Sollcttor. Tenders Wanted Tenders wiii be, recelved by lte under- slgned upi te Frlday eoon, May istit, 1930, for the conatruotiose of an abulment et the nortit end of vital known as lte Electrlc Ligitt Bridge, abutinent te beB 2 feet lowerettan presenI one; also re- paire te abutmesut at south of same bridge. Plana and specificatlons may be seen at te offIce of te Town Clerk. Lovent or s.ny tender flot neceasarîl>' accepted. JOHN LYLE. 19-2 .-Town Clerk TE NDERS SE1ALED tendlers addressed 1e Mr. C. Il. Dudley, P. 0. Box 218' Se'y. of Scbooi Bloard, Bowmanville. wlll be recelved un- til May 29th, 1910, for the installation of a Steam Heating Systein In the Central Public Scbool. Tenders te be submltled on forin sup- îlled by Board, and envelopes marked, Tender for Steam Healing, Centrail Publie Scheel. . Plans. specifications, can be scen and Tendier form obtained froni C. H. Dudley, Scc'y. of the Board. The lowest or any tcndsr.pot necessar- ilyaec-ptd. C. H. DUDLEY, Secrets ry-Treaturer, jq-2 Bowmanviile Public Scbool Boardi Town of Bowmanville TENDERS Tenders will lie received up te Satur- îiay, lOIth Miay nt .5 o'ciock P. m. for îirainimg ait ihe Bow-manv ic C emetery. Sliecification s n be seen ait the office of the Town Clerk. A. H. FLETCHER, Chairman, Cemelery Committe NOTICE Town of Bowmanvville Take notice titat ail raliepayera desit- ing te have Calcium Chloride laid on the road in front of their properties for te purpose of combal-kng the dust, nwalt' hand In petitions te lite Town Clerk flot later titan May 151h. Cent te be pald for on a basis of 80% by tite ralepayer sund 20% by lte Corporation. JOHN LYLE, Cierie. LAUNDRY WANTED kil klnde or Taondry vomis dons prompt- s7 atisfactortlY and at reasonable pricea Vrite Pont OfYle Box 12. or cal lira. W. Marjorain. King St. M. Bowmanvllle. P",one 478W. OWEN NICHOLAS, A. L C. H. Welsh Baritone Soloist Talent aupplied for Church or Concert work. I BOWMAN VILLE I(Phone 82 5 WASH DAY DEAL It will pay you to replns your Wash Day need8 at thesespca price for THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY 3 doz. Spring Clothes Pins ............13c 50 ft. Clothes Line Wîre ...............22c Zinc Wash Boards............... :**»*****139db Galvanized Tubs, mediumn size ........98c Copper Boilers .......................$3.15 WE SELL PAINT FROM 80c QT. UP We are busy filling orders for Garden Tools, Seeds, Lawn - Mowers, Oils, Stains, Screen Doors, Windows, Hot Plates, Païnts, Vae- nishes. You buy cheaper here because we sell for cash. Dustan' s Cash Hardware cox MOTOR SALES BOND ST. WEST - OSHAWA are putting on their SPRING SHOW FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 9th and 1 Oth AUl of the will be.on display. Orchestra in Attendance. Give Mother A Treat Don't forget to give your mother a box of Chocolates for Mother's Day. ~ SATURDAY SPECIAL - Fresh Delicious Chocolates at 28c IL The Bowmanville Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMANVILLE I - MEN'S T wo Pant Suits ai $24,50 THIS WEEK-END ingle and double breasted modelis; heavy qualit ail wool navy blue ereSuits, with two pair pants, Special This Week Only $24t50 FINAL CLEARING Men.s Top Coats as follows: Regular values $20,00 for only ...$14.95 Regular values $22.50 for only ...$16.75 Regular values $25.00 for only ...$18.75 Regular values $aO.0O for only ...$23.50 Buy 'tour Top Coat Now and Save Money T. B. GILCHRIST Dme.et17 Oppaite Bank of Moutroal Phne 61, Bowmanvfle Get the Spring BUJYING URGE in your advertising Use The Statesman Service Springtime is buying time! The new season brings new wants-for every- body! Put Spring in your advertising. Rejuvenate it with striking illustrations and selling copy from our new Advertis- ing Service. This high grade advertis- ing imaterial, prepared for retailers by the best aztists and ad copy writers in the world, will put new punch in your Spring advertisements. We offer it free. Cuts and copy are now here. Have a look at them. Cali us today. The Canadian Statesman TRE <CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMÂNVILME, 4b 1 Phone «0 Qu»n &t.." bowmanvilloi