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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1930, p. 10

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PE ENTEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, M.%AY 15th, 1930 DON'T WAIT TILL THIS H APPENS Get your auto insured to-day and býe protected. The cost is sinail compared with the retures in case of ire, theft, accident or public iability. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville BETERORDER ANOTHER TON 0F. LEHIGHVALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satia fies The old coal bin and the furnace have cer- tainly lied a long speil of it this winter. Yet it- isn't ail over now as there will be plenty of cold deys and nights ahead. So better lay in another ton or two of Lehigh Valley Anthracite-The Coal That Satisfies. Our drivers are careful not to î'aise a dust or make unnecessary muss. We seil Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 orV Bowmanville SoId in~ Bowmanville by Mc'CLELLAN & CO. LTD. Gives Name to Rockies Pass - naming a pass in the mountains after hini. Gibbon SPaqssbas hitherto been anonymous and lies between Shadow Lake and the Twin Lakes, below Bail and Str ounitains in the vaiiey of the Bow, midway Sbetwcen Banff and Lake Louise. Not far froin traveiied routes in the Rockies and located in one of *their most picturesque sections, Gibbon Pass was actually discovered by Mr. Gibbon when lie was plan- ning the route to be taken by Trail Riders iast sum- mier and himself hiked over the trail between the two lakes. The name was conferred reently by the Geographic *Board of Canada in honor of Mr. Gibbon's work as -poet, novelist, promoter of musical and folklore festi- vals and founder of the Order of Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies which numbers members from ail prsof this continent, Europe and Australia and R~ ecognition of the years of devoted labor by J. which has done inestimable work in bringing the "Murray Gibbon, general publicity agent of the giories of Canada to the knowledge of the world. Canadian Pacifie Railway, in popuiarizing the Cana- Lay-Out shows the Pass, with inset of Mr. Gibbon dian Rockies th.roughout the worid, has been given by and, beiow, close-up of group of Trail Riders. I lHere andiThlere Twenty-two days iwilli uc ouct.- pied by thbe annuai tour acruss Canada to be conducteu by Deau Sinclair Laird, ort Macdouald cul- lege, when is party .c-aves rtue Windsor Street Station, oNttreai, by special train over Lanauiani Pa- cifiecIines on Sunlday, Jui> 2u. Th7is year will be the seveuit tip con- ducted by Dean Laird aud, as Ini past years, will includie automio- bile dies over the mamous Banit- Windermnere bigliway and iront Fîeîd, via the ioiio Vailey, to Laite Louise, as well as steamer trips across the Kootenay Lake to Nelson; £rom Vancouver tu Victo- ria; and on the Great Lakes Istea.mships f romt Fort William to pri Mcsicolng in the west ia proceeding at a rapid pace, ac- cording teà report at the end of April fromt the agricuitural de- partaient of the Canadian Pacifie Rallway at Wihnipeg. Taking the three prairie provintes as a whole it was then estimated tbat 43 per cent. of wlieat seeding is complet- ed, with some districts in south- eastern Aberta reporting between 50 and 65 per cent. finished. Heavy sbowers have somewbat retarded progress in aorth-western Saskat- chewan. Twelve representatives of the New Zealand press are at preent travelling through Canada via Can- adian Pacifie on their way t0 the fourth Imperial Press Conference to be lie In London, Eng., neit June. The members of this party with their wives and cbjîdren have been visiting Banff and Lake Louise . the Canadiau Rockles. Contracts are let and grading bas been started on three addl- tional brandit Unes of the Canadian Pacifie Raiiway covering 145 miles In Saskatchewan and Alberta, if le announced by the company's en- gineering department. These new sections of raiiroad wiIl provide facilities for passengers and f reight into one of the richest agri- cultural areas now under setie-. ment and wiii give encouragemnent te, farmers already settied in the areas affected. With 1,X9,0200 pouflds more flsh landed In Nova Scotia during March. 1930, as compared wifh the same mnonth of the previous year, fishermen of the province received a total of $385,384 for their catch, according to the monthly report of the fishieries branch of the Depart- mient of Marine and Fisherles. To- tal quantity landed In March was 9,473,990 pounds. The new Montreal Hlartor Bridge, a two-mile span acroffl the St. lýawrence River, bulit at a cost of $12OM0000.willibe for"a- iy opened on Victoria Day by t. lion. W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Mfinister of Canada. This bridge, work on whicb was comraenced five years ago, is one of the long- est and largest in the wonld. Marquis wheat stili constitutes more than one-half of the western grain crop. This is shown by the test sanîples taken frem 48 car- goes of Canadian wheat exported to England In 1928-29 and reported hy the Dominion Department of Agriculture. The tests were ma&I at the Dominion Experiniental Faru at Brandon froin samvie. coiiected by the Qanadan Go-op- eratîve Wheat ProducerBa a «e- port ports. t ttakes nacre than vaselinesl hair andl a ltrbeî--h,1nainicure to mak(e NUol a poi ished gentleman. T[he biliicollec(.r ho ain el 01 whiie standijng un e oolr matbe- ing tht.word 'Wlom,'feeli lho i.- ahuve lyjng. TOWN COUNCIL Toronto General Hospital Ühat John - Dobsen, a former employee at Good- (Contiinued fro(ni page 1) year Plant, was admitzed te that in- stitution on April 17tli and town Mf stitution. Grant will be considered, Bowmanville would fbe regponsbble by Finance Coni. whicli wîil report! forepne nur at next meeting. ore1 ess nurd Secretary Mason thên brought up Waternvorks Coni. was instructed a pathetic case for the s.ympathetic to imaure new truck. consideretion and public spirited gen- pîametnofCuclwi b erosity of tlie city fathers. A young hScilmeigo 'ucl*ilb Weis.hman who had heen in Canada held May l2tli to consider Hydre by- le&-, than a year and was net famllar laws 're purch ase o! local distributioin with the severe Canadian winters plant. wa found early in I}ecemher last in Citizen.; in vicinity o! prix-ste dump a barn on the Frank Farin with both at 'Ontario and Duke sts. are coin- feet frozen. He -n'as taken te th -ýplaining vers- strenously about the hospîtal and gîven every cane but it terrible condition of this lot with tlie was found necessary te amputate his 1 stencli from the carcasses of dead an- f-Let. The unfortunate man is nowV imaîs.' br'edin« place fur rat-. stag- in a physical condition te ieave the! nant water, biowing around. liospital but lie las neither clothing, disbanded cars and the general un- meney, relatives, fricnd. or a job-! sightly appesrance of the place. and in the 150 or more days in th-c Council de-cide<l te ask Medicai Health hospitailihelias incurred a bill of! Officen te (take necessas-y action. over $500. These factas were brought1 totei council's attention in the hope. Public Propenty Corn. will get nid tliat tiy would share the expense of! of 0old afe, long since outliv-Ld ifs thls cae es the Hospital Acti usefulne.sin -the police office. did net cover sucli circumstanc.s. 1 Couns. L&ckîhart and Campbell weres Reeve Carrufliers gave notice that appointe.d te confer witli the liespital petitien of farmers for rebate cf board before any action la taken. taxes iead been delayed, but saine This disposed of temporarily, Mr. would lie presented at next meeting. Mason n4oxt appeared befere council By-laws wcne passed ratifying sale- in the role of a deputation frein the of land and building te Geo. Weekes Rotary Club whîcl i oganization lias for $800; aise reappointing Aif. H. liad under consideration for some Bickell Working Foreman of Roads finie lie utilization and beautîfying and Stt'eets et salary of $1225, an of Hoskin Park, also famniliarly ices ! 2.Ree arfir lcnown asWli'Fas and the explained that tlie extra $25 was to R.ayne.s Estate. If sufficient en- cover cost cf teleplione. couragement and support from the council and citizens is given the At a special meeting of council Rotary Club propose converting this held a week previeus a Ford truck very desirable and centrally located with 12 ',ton copacity a purchased property loto a play ground, athiet- at cost of $1113. and to Se cliarged ie field, swimming pool and citizens' to atecworks Dept. Iii the deal park. X. L. Hancock of Brookdale $;-0 xvas a]lo'wes foir the al truck. Nurseries lias aiready made a 'coin- plete survey cf the ground.s and dirawn a plan outlining tlie xarieus advantages cf sucli a selieme whicli could be o-xten'ied over several years ln accomplishing the objective. The interest ef fhe. council was areus-ed te the extent cf appointing -.Mavori Elliott, Reeve Carrufliers and Ceun- RY ciller Fletcher te meet the Rotan, Club and furtheLr discuss tlie projeet. o Accounts were passed by Financ Committee amounting to $124412 and Waterworks Committee fer $14 69.39. Tenders wilI he calioed for insta l- ing cernent ahutments and erectiniz anew bridge at the old Electric 1 Liglit Plant ncear Jackman & Son.s' property. à 1 Cliairman of Finance Alan Camp- ',bell presente.dtfli Auditors' Report fer 1929, refen-ing to a $3000 iur- plus as against a deficit of a like, sum the year previeus. Arrear.s lan taxes totallod orcver $18,000, but $2700 cf this liad been paid since first of vear. Attention wa3 drawn te vouchers and minute-, cf Public Sehool and Higli Scliool Boards. The report was adepted and referred te chair- men of Selicel Boards for perusal. Citizens wi.ýhing a dust preventa- tive sucli as calcium chlioide laid on road la front of their properte.s sliould send petitions to Town Cicrk witli the understanding that ratepey- crs pay 80%i and corporation 207e of ceat. This arrangement proved very sntisfactory last year and inucli clieape.r tlion wlien done privately. Notification was receivcd from BANKRUPTI SALE THIS WEEKI ROIVAN 'S Dominion Royal Master is the gneatest tire the world bas ever known. A tire smarfly styled f0 add distinction to the rnost luxurious car. A tire for ycars and years of wear . .. a tire that bas compiled the most ama.zing mndeagc records known to mnod- cmn motoring. DOMINII OU~~34ONoALu-~1KKURAmi) CHRAPzi THAN EVBt She almost trembled Evening rates on 'Any- one" (siation-to-sta- lion) cilis now begin ai 7 p.m. Night raies Iegin ai 8.30 P.m. Just gire "Long Distance" the number you want, -il speeds up tbe ser- vitce. If you donzt know the distant num ber, "Information" wil look il up for you. O! course our boss doesn't run lus business riglit. Probably lie would fine you if lie did. When the boss asks you what yen think about a matter, tell ihl ia you thiink, and flot wliat you tik i thinks. Yeu are well dresseýd wlieunon one cen remeniber anything yen are wearing. at the thought Mrs. Kane was a timid soul-no doubt aboutitr! Modern efficiency radier terrified ber. She wanted so much ro talk to ber sister in a town 80 miles away because a friend had told ber how she enjoyed weekly long distance chats withbher home. But she didn't know how to go about it. "There's nothing to it," ber friend rold ber. -Just ask the operaror for 'Long Distance' and wben she answers tell ber tbe number yo'u want. If you don't know your sister's number, ask 'lnformation'-it's s0 very simple." Mrs. Kane feit encouraged. She tried it out one evening; found the operator helpful; and in two minutes was talk- ing to ber sister and enjoying berseif tboroughly. Amid the oeil cost ber only 40 cents- the evening station-to-station rate (after 7 p.m.). Týhe Friday nigbt 3-minute talk to ber sister is now an institution. Jr bas madle such a difference to know sbe is so near! And Mrs. Kane cails after &30 p.m. now, ar a cost of only 25 cents- the night rare. The man wlio is looking for a job and wages is being given the pvefeT- ence over thie felews loolcing for a position and a salary. Anothes- good thing about belline the frufl isl, you don't have to ve- member wliat you say. Thie boss is always glad çto se the fellow back frein hs vacation who is glad to get back. OMINION ~L MASTERS INOT ONE IN A THOU- SAND WILL îvEr-- >% e \14\ PUNCTUPR---- NOT ON£ IN FIN/6 THOUSAND WILL BLOW OUT UNDER. TWO - - YeARS 0F 5ERVIC£- Wherever you drive, Royal Masters are sold and serviced by Can- ada's greatest tire or- ganization . . . the Do- minion Tire Depot Sys- tem . . . eacb indepen- dent unit distinguished by ifs blue and orange color schenie. DEPOTS 21) 01 PAGE TEN

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