THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIHURSDAY, MAY lSIib, 1930PAELVN M OST of the presperous farmers of te-day began by working for seme one ese. Spurred on by the desire teowu., their own farm, they put their money in the bank meuîh by month, and seasen by season, until they couid pay fer iand of their own. If yeu, tee, are working fer anether man and waut a farm of yeur ewn, your course is clear-put yeur mouey in the batik. YOU WILL LIKE RANKING AT THE ROYAL Tho, Royal Baik P91of Canadatg Bowmanville Branch -- L G. Hefkey, Manager 1544 Keep FIRE ,s at Bay with GYPROC F IRE setdom visits houses having . t. Gyproc Wallboard '~ceiings, partitions, Swalls and sbeathing. k ý On the centrary %4 Gyproc bas saved many homes. This pioneer Canadian fire-safe gypsurn board bas a new Ivory coloureti finish this year that makes decora- tion unnecessary (when pan- elled). It is just the thing te use for making extra rooms in thse cellar or attic. Quickly erected, inex- pensive, structurally streng, GyprocWallboard gives per- manent fixe protection. 'Your dealer's name is Iisted below. Ask bim today for fuit information or write for interesting free book, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANAD5A, LIMITED Paris, Ontario 9?eNiWL ©IV - 6 For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son- Bowmanville, Ont. No muan of good appearance goes ou t wi tlhou L a collar... nor dees he go about with dlusty, un;>>lisbed shoe . Personial pri<Ic suggcsts a frequent "Nugget" shine to keep the sheoas sartiy preseni table and wa ter- proof.m SHOL POLISH *41 to you of course. BOUNSALL'S MARBLE WORKS (Estabyiisbed 1857) I I i -I , 1 OBITUARY Sidney J. Rundle, Glasgow, Dakota In The S>tàtcsman of May lst, we Ireferred to taie dea,,h of Sidney J. jRundie. A more cxtended obituary appeared in the Glasgow Courier as follows: Sidney J. Rundie was born in Dar- lington township, ou Easter Sunday, April l3th, 1884, the sou of James and Adeline Pickeil Rundie. Hie was the youugest oe four chfidi-en, two oif whocn, Cephas of ýBowniauvile, and Mrs. Fred Curtis of Darlington, sur- vive.- His father later asi-ed Miss Annie Fraik who him and who passed away about eight years ago. His father stili lives at Darlington on the family homneste ad. Three half sisters, Mrs. Ethel Martin, Mrs. Louis Hare snd XMTs. Will Found, and two haif brothers, Wilfred and Frank, ai- se survive. Mi. Rs.ndle received his education in the Dsrlingtou public acheols, gradunlting in 1901. In 1905 he went te, Battieford, Sask., where he was eznployed by bis uncle, Sid. Piekeil, who was engaged lu tihe mercantile business, later go-. ing te North Dakota where ho filed and proved up <>n a hometead and fi-st engaged in the resI estate busi- ness. In 1907 lie wss mariled te Miss Florence May Hoddon, Mount Ver- non, Darlington, and the sanie yeaa- came te Glasgow and irumediateiy entered inte the real esltate and insur- ance business in wbicb he wa.s very successful. Later he sdded tiho ab- stract business aud hie conipany was known as tbe Rundie Land and Ab- stract Comnpany. For sevoral years he was citiy clerk and in ý1915 repre- sented Valley county in the, state legisiature, being elected -on the Re- public ticket. «e was responsible fer the building of the 1tundle 'block, the iargest and unost izaposin.g build- ing in the city. He was an active factor lu the rapid development et this district folTewing the epening ot the land te bomestea.d entry. Five children.were bei-n te Mi-. and Mrs. Rundhe, Laurenc.e Sidney, Helen May wbe died January 20, 1921, Maxine Heddon, John D>onald and Robert (Paul. The funeral service was îheld fren the 'Metbodist *Fpiscopal Chus-ch, Phoenix, to the Grreenwood Cemetery, the Elk lodge ef that city being in charge of the service. David Walter Johnson, Fraserville The cemmunity eof'North Meus- ghan and village of Praserville sufer- ed a sad ioss in tihe death on May 7th, ef David Walter Jehnson, aged 35 ycars, enly son of Ben. Johnson, Peterboro, who was killiod by liglit- ning while taking refuge under a tree during a severe storm. The deceas- ed was weil and populariy kuown in bis conmunity and wiil be mourned by a large circle of friends aud rela- tives. His -wife, who wes Miss Epsie Adarason of North Monaghan, bis t'atlier and his sister, Mrs. J. Thick- son, iBowma-nville, have the sy,npathy et a host ef friends lu their sad ber- eavement. He was bei-n near Keene in Oton- aibee township,,but lias resided on bis ferm, Lot 1, Con. 7, North Monaghau, fer -bhe tpast tjwenty-li've years witli the exception of two years when he soi-yo verseas lu the, Great War and tiwo years in Peterboro. He was a valued aud faithful mnember ef Fras- erville United Chureli, Master of L.O.L. 46, Fraserville, a Mason, be- ing a menber of J. B. Hall Lodge 145, G.R.C., Millbrook, and a Conser- vative in politics. The funeral,. conducted under Mesouic auspices, was one et the largest ever held in the community and took place on -May 9tli, froni the bomestead. Rev. E. F. Swain, pas- tor of Fraserville United Churcli, hsd charge of the service and paid elo- quént tribute te the many sterling qualities of the deceased. Honorai-y pali-bearers were Messrs Martin Henry and James Roddy, Fra,-erviile, reprc-senting L. 0. L. 46. Messrs. J. 0. Pue, W. L. Moncrief, R. J. De]ehaye, W. G. Waterman, W. G. Rowland and Geo. P. Berry were pal1 bearers. A large. number ef relatives and friends were present at the funeral. Many beautiful fiower paid a 1ev- ing testimny to a beautiful and es- teemed character. The fiower bear- ers were sîxuten tmeuibers et L.O.L. 46. 'hit,-rmeut teok place in Little Lake Cemetery, Peterbore. OBITUARY John H. Morris, Bownianville A worthy citizen in the -persen of Mi-. John H. Morris, Becoh Avenue, passed away on Sunday, May 4th, aged 78 years. He had heen ailing fur about twe menItéls, the past six weeks et which lie bas been confined te bed. Deceased -was hemn in Slianklin, Isle et Wight and came te Canada about the year 1882, settling in Bowsnanvilie where lhelias resided ever since. He ie.arned the trade et carpenter in the eld land and as a contracter was an exceedingly fine workman. He was aise foind of sport, beîng s ciever cricketor and rifleinan. He was on sonie et the best cricket teains in tihe Old Land, snd was for several years a menmber ef the Wimbledon team, known (later as the Bisley team whose fame is knewn over the wlieole werid. Hie was a quiet in- dustions citizen, a geod neighboc- and friend te ail. 'Before ceming te Canada lie was maried 'ce Miss Elizabeth Payne, who, surrvives hlm. To tliem wore bec-n in the Isleofe 'Wight, two sens, Frankc H. Morris, who passed awa'y in January, 1926, and iSidney of this town: He is aise survived by twe sisters, Misses Bertha and Elizabeth Morris of Shanklin, Ile et Wight. The f uneral 1ttok place on Wed-1 nee-day afterneon from his late resi- dence, Beech Avenue, eervice beiug conductedl by Rev. Dr. Best et St. Paul's United Church. The psU.- bearers were -'Messrs. R. T. Stephens, H. H. Jamieson, John Stacey, G. A. Corden, Chas. 'Heaul sud W. Chas. Rowe. The fierrai efferings were besutiful tributes, expressing esteen tor- thç departed and sympatlsy for the 'ber- eaved, tron Mi-. sud Mi-s. W. B. Young, Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Morris, and Mi-. and Mrs. Mark Hein, Toi-- ente-, Mrs. Murdof 'Sr., and Mr. C. Heai,,Misses Allen, Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Mis.,Clerens and Margaret, Mr-. R. T. Stephens and Sisters, Mrs. Alex Tay- loi-, Mi-. and Mrs. Nornian Taylor, Mi.- sd Mrs. SainuelOke, Mi-. and Mrs. A. L. Nicholils, Mr. sud Mrs. F. Sutton, Ladies of St. Psul's, 'Mi-. and Mrs. F. F. Morris and Miss W. Mor- ris, Mi. aud -Mis. E. Flaxman, Mis. J. MéIntyie sud Bila, S-unshine Club et Rebekalis, Mi-. and Mrs. C. E. Morris, Mi-. and Mirs. W. P. Cibett. Among the -relatives attendiug the funeral wei-e: Mi-. and :Mrs. W. B. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morris, Mi. Mai-k Heain, Torento; Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Peate, Orono. William McLaughlin, Blackstock On Friday, May 2nd, Cartwright lest s very highiy respected pioneer in the person et Mr. William Mc- Laugblin, in bis 79th year. Deeasfed suffei-ed a severe stroke and passcod away within a fev heurs. He was a son of James Y. and Isabeila Me- Laugihlin, both et wnoeuupi-e-decc.esed hlm soine, years ago. He 'was bei-n on the McLaughlin Homestead at Nes- tieton and spent bis lite there until rwo years age 'when his health failed and lie came te ýRlckstock te make his home withi his brother, Mr. John MeLaughuin. D.cceased wasss lite long and consistent ieniber of St. John's Anglican Chureli, Blackstook. He was of a quiet, friendby disposi- tion, upright and honourable, a kindly host and a splendid neighbour. The funetral service was held troni St. Johin's Anglican Churcli, conduuct- ed by Rev. -Mr. Ashcrott, oif Toi-ente, and the remains 'laid te rest in St. Johnu's Cemetery. The church filled te its utmest ca- pacity testified te the love and esteem in which the decea.sed was he-Id. He leaves te mourn bis loss, one sister, Mrs. George S. Richardson, et North Portei, Sask., two brothers, John R. of Blackstock, and George et Ce- bourg, aise an adopted niece, 'Miss F. Fair, -ot Biackstock, who was teo the deceased in his decliuing years, al that a faithfui aud loving daugliter could be. Amoug those present f-oui a dis- tance xere: Lawyer R. J MeLaughlin, esr.R. J. Jolinston n George MeLaw, et Torouto; Mr. and Mrs. F. Russell and familv. Mr. and ýMrs. W. Russell and tamily, iMillbi-ook; MI-I. gand Mis. Grant Riohardsou, Peter- bore; Mr. Rolit. Staples, Woodvillo; Mi-. T. 'Fhompson, Bethany; 'Messrs. J. Fair, Leonard Smit.h and Jasý. Mc- Camus, Cavan; Mr. Afred Jehuston, 'Mr. Jas. Johnsteu, and Mrs. Wm. Jehuston, et Mauvers Station. TRE VALUE 0F TRAVEL (Barrie Examiner) Soon the vacation season wiil be bei-e, sud many theusauds et persens the World's Biggest Value and a SIX! C HOOSE Chevroletforsmnooth- ness! OnIy six cylinders give six-cylinder smoothness. And Chev- rolet is the lowest-priced of six cylmnder cars-easily within thse reach of ail who can buy any automobile. Choose Chevroiet for economy 1 It ia a Six-sud the most powerful car in its fietd-yet it ses no extra gaso- line, ne extra oit! It costs no more for tires or service! And its freedom from vibration mesus longer life. ChooseChevrolet for beauty I The Chevroiet Six gives you body by Fisher - the world's standard of beauty sud qualty inlucoachcraft. Choose Chevrolet for comfort I Because it is a Six, Chevrotet is more comfortable. And it offers extra-long springs - Lovejoy shock absorbera, front and rear-adjustable driver's seat-- deeper cushions- sud seats. Interiors are complete with the finest fabrics and fitmnents. Choose Chevrolet for Safety- assured by weat bei-pi-cf four-wheel brakes-rear-mounted gasoline tank ...-non.glare windshield-ball-bearing steering mechansm- foot-controlled tilting-beam headiamps. Choose Chevrolet from every standpoint -low price, iow operating couts, high re-sale value, sud greater depend- ability. Cati us up for a Chevrolet ride, today. Prove for yourself that it la wise to choose this Six! Ask about the G.M.A.C., Generai Motors' own plan of convenient payments. CHEVROLET SIX Only* Six cylinders give S ix-cy lin der smoothness The Sport Roadsier- - $715 The Club Sedan --- $810 The Coupe- -- ----740 P.4 The Sport Coupe--- 840 The Coach- -- ----750 16 5 The Sedan -- -----870 The SuprSot odtr795 Tht Sport Sedan ---940- (Si s',' wheet, stadard) Roadster or Phaeton (Six wire ,vheet, sLudoed) Prices at lai-tory, Oshawa. Taxes, -00; r and spare tire extra. A complete fiet of Commercial Cars and Truckt front $495 up. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, LIMITED WH-ITBY 0 OSH AWA BOWMANVILLE 1IT 'S B ET TER BEC AUSE IT'S CANADI, Persian Baim preserves and en- Ss hances woinen's natural heritage o-f OP but. For sheer leininine loveli- te Headache G Yld en~ nesit la unrivaIled. Tones and re- Tbous&yds of poople who once safhwud l, juvenates the aidu, and makes it ex- fr~m baadacha, do net malhr n». Thoy quisite in texture. Dliight2ful te use. t"e one ZTOO TABLEn aman- youthfl chai-m te, every complexion. u Odr1ad iesulwdlu2 dindispensable to, ail dainty women. Cas Especially recommended to B YRMD hands soft and white. Delicately A_____________________ fragrant. Preserves and enhances S SApifflm s> H To the loveiest complexions. F0 oU.oWmBrnTIaN.IARNE It's ek C.-2s A N PAGE ELEVEN Isystem et werms and reste-ring those healthy conditions without which thore can ie 'ne comfort for the chiid, or hope ef robust gi-o.wth. It is the most trustworthy ef wormn ex- terminators.