PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATES3MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l5tih, 1930 For Sale PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BLAÉKSTOCK In "i1 î'Is Churcl buling. ouiu i brick. containa 75SeS rick, mor, or lieas, al-so "a large quantity of the best pine lumbPr. aso 8hieds at back. Th, bouidinzs sit- Uated on fîn'ý lot oontiinlig cie more or l. Sa,îmecm haboiîcht a., a whate or in part. Those interseste pleaise communicase witlî Dr. R. J. M. Montgomery 53 Melgund Rd., Toronto WAR is Declared Such a starting declaration shouid be neoniere shocking te xeu Mrs. Hou.seax fe than the fact that milio ns of dollers are lost an- nualiy due te raveg ng moths. Now% i the time te end this destruction. Moth Killers Zax............. 15c, 2 for 25c Moth Ga.s............... 75c lb. Moth Balla and Flakes . .. 15c lb. Flykil.............. 50c and 75c Cedar Flakes........... 25c pkg. Fly Tex............ 50c and 75c Larve-,........ $1.00 and $1.75 Moth Bags . .. 25c, 50c and $1.00 Larvex Rinsze............... 25c NO MORE BLACKLEG 100% PROTECTION masure yiurhtrd against inftection by using Blackleg Vaccine jury & Loveli When We Test Eyes It Is Done Pro perly. CORRECT EYESIGHT means GREATER EFFICIENCY Firit KNOW WHAT'S WRONG -THEN RIGHT IT. Glasse. niay be necessax-y. Consult R. M. Mitchell, Registered Optometrist w th R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists - Optomnetrists Phone 92 NOTICE Plea-se takie notice that all persons are forbidden te dumnp refuse of any kind on the sides of the roeds in Dar- lingion township. By erde-r, Thos. Richards, 20-2 Road Superintendent. CARTING AND TRUCKING AUl Mode of Carting, Truaklng an lioving; local and long distance. H4. BOMUARD, Phiono 130 Queon St., Dowmanvllm LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinde or zaunary worI< done prompt- y, satisfactorlly and at reaaonable pricea Write Post Office Box 12, or ceil Mrs. WV. Marjoram, King St. E. Bowmnanvifle. Pbone 478W. Tenders Wanted Tenders will he reoei'. d by the under- signed up 10 Friday noon, may 16th, 1930,1 for the construction of an abutimeni ati the north end of whati s 1known asethe Electric Lght Bridge, abutment tc, b-e 2 feet iower than present one; also re- paire to abutment at aouth of Same bridge. Plans and specifications may bce seen ai the office of the. Tovn (lerk. 1owest or any t ender net necessariiy accepted. 19-2 JOHN LYLE. Town ,Clerk TENDERS Sr.ALEIi ntenuder c ai resil te 11r. C. il Dudliey, P. Blox 218, Sec' of School Illoari, Bo%%mraniI,, will ti e ccriveîl un- tii May 29th, 1930, for te installation of a Steam Fleatinq Systeni in ihc Central Public Sehool. Tendlers to he submiitted on form suIt- piai by lt-sairI, ald'nveio1w., markeîl, Tnî-rfor St-itîî i isattig. Ce ntral Public Sclitol. PI1ans. Sp. cifi cations 'C.1in1bp s, ,-n andl Tender form obtaineul from C. IL Dudliey, Sicy. of the Board. IThe lowest or any tender net neýces.,ar- BI.ACKSTOCK C. H. DUDLEY, Secretary-Treasurer, 'Rebecca's Triumph" which wços 19-2 Bownai.i- .Pîîulic Scliool BoarI stage-d by the Yountg Ladies.' Bibleý ____________________ Class on Friday, Mlay 9îh, was de- cidedlv a success. Th~e cast of char- EXECUTOR'S NOTICE 1 acierr were:Ou Club-Rebeccc- Ail persons having n iî gini oMli-Leona Weatherilt, Jeuî- the Fsata, of the lateieliueri j. Liindsay, nie-Olive VanCanip, 3îaria-Fran- wh i dî on or about theIt.ih day ofce Elford; Mrs. Delaine-Mrs. W. in the C ounty of Iluihans. are requirediteC'm CaisaMsha.Venn file th,, samne wiîli proor thereof wîîh tlîe ap hs enn undersignedl or, hi. Solicitor net lator Meg, a vagran-Dorothy Stephens. t han June l6th, M9), after wtiicii date Proceeds ovc-r $30, pa-rt of which La t ue Estate %%,Il bh. distribuitei and ail te be given to;ward.s the re-dccorating caims of which the Execuitor lias not 1 cf the church. rceîivedl notice wiil be harrptil is aitainst Vcoin WmnsIsiu hl them. 1VcoinWmn. nttehl DATED nt Bewmanviile thîs Tht day ' ils ann-u(il meeting on Wc.dnesday, of 2itay, 153n. Ia ta h oeo Is tn W. F. DALE, a 7h i hfhmofrr. tn Bowmanville, Ont., fod Swain. New officers are: Execuior Robert J. Lindsay Estate. I President-Mcrs. L. Graham; Vice By M. G. V. GOULO, President-IMrs. L. E. M~ountjoy: 392 Bowmanville, ont., his Solicitor. -Seccrota ry-Treasurer - Mrs. Arthur -_________ ________________ JBaiiey; Audfiiors - Misses France- Mounijoy and Mlargai-et Swain; Pin - .ist-M isa bila Hoeoey; Fruit Coni.- JMcc. W. Cr-awfordl and Ms Margacet Swain; Gift Com.-Ilrs. E. _Marlow ~~jjant I Mc. John Wrifght; Park Com.- Mca. G . Marloyw and Mrs. O. Xright. 'i~<'Mr. Neiveli and Mliss Glfidys; New- Geo W dUe cil, 1D)etreit, are risiling .v. F. W. and Mlrs. Neweli, B]ackstock. AND HIS Mr. borne Bradbticn, Torornto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Ma.J. XV. Biadburn. 111 R,,c. F. W. Nc*well, B. A., B. D., orn IIUSa vS k approlyriate .suject for Corn Hus er hýý dd .s n Sunday evening, "The Gif ofa %othr." The love of a ioher ste nîoc.ntlner and most g have been engnged by the badrflting in the world. AI- thouab we nicy forget other things N EWC STLEwe'I! never-forgei she )vho wouid sac- Nexi Sundax-, May 18th, is, the j COMMUNITY HALL United Church Anniversary. Rev. A. L. Richards, B. A., Whitby, will COMMITTEE gire the wvorshipful address in the niorning andI in the evening Rex.'.R. T. Rit-harda. B .A., Port Perî-y, will te gire. anoîher progcam of ho the minister. LATESTW. Ml. S. are holding a special SQUARE AND mAET ieeting on Friday. Port Perry POPULAR DANCES Wonten's Auxiliany areproviding the 1porm, while ail the Women's Mis- WEDNESDAY, MAY 21 sionary Societies of the Township are exete o epresent. Admission 75c each. Spectators 50c OWEN NICHOLAS, DANCNG p. . t 1 a m.A. L. C. H. DANING9 p a.m. Welsh Baritone Soloist Gonte and haroea dance on a ceal Talent supplied for Chureh or floor. Concert work. BOWMAN VILLE Phone 325 LE A MID-SEASON SALE 0F NEWEST STYLES Think of it - the most exclusive models of the season now offered for this week at exceptionally low pr1ces: The saving possibilities of this sale are out of the ordinary and right in the height of the season. TWEED AND JERSEY SUITS 3- plece s12.95 LADIES' COATS Broadeloth and Tricotines, al our better coats clear'ing at $19.75 TWEED COATS Cleaiing at $10o000 Bî'oadcloth and Tîicotine Coat-, plainl or squirrel trimmed, 3 only at this very SI)cial pilce of $242.75 MEA Ta SUGAK-CURED SMOKED HAMS 10 TO 12 LB. H L AVERAGE l290 PEAMEA-FOR BOILINGOUORPYIG Cottage Rol l b. 26.e .SMOKED BREAKFAST-SUGAR-CUBED BACON ;L* b.29 LEGS lb.32a FRONTS lb. 19go FINEST SLICED Boiled HAMS lb. 490 FEIIiFR FILLE S ~l) NI lb. Pickerel lb. i M. CO NI):. ,iE D EAGL 'LK Halibut SI eaks lb. 3 1 e FRUITrSand VEGEZ'ARLE& (INAPPE................................2 f or 35c Ti XAS-GROWN CUCUMBERS.................. Each 10c 'dIV FLORIDA POTATOES .................... 5 lbs. 25c C 'tLIFOIINIA-(;ILOWN CARROTS.................. 2 bunches 19c 1105E-G ROWN RHU-BARB.................. 3 bunches 10c SOUTII CAROLINA GREEN CABBAGE ............. 2 lbs. 19c CALIFORNIA IlLENCIA ORANGES.................... Dozen 61 c BANANAS-Large, Ripe Fruit ...... 3 Ibs. 19c '.EW BRUISIC POTATOES.................... Peck 43c TEGUEAT, ATLANTIC & PAÇWJTwVeCo MI'iilx> > CANADA O UTSTA4NDINIG BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 Near you Is an A & P Foodshop ready to serve you wlth the finest of foods, whether it be meat, fish. fresh fruits and vegetables, gro- cerles, daîry and bakery producta or delicatessen Items. 3 Tins 50o N. -il k»n ew "I od vr 4 Il vIE psy you tb dimcVe the A &~ p Fo&op tA dimontration on Bokar Coffee wiIl b. held yM~w noighborhoo& i ur store this week. The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, MAY l5th, 19,30 NEWCASTLE Mr. Andrew Hunter. Nc-wtonville, Miss Helen Hunier, Toronto, is s.pent the w'eekend with Mr. and Mrs. hol;Idayinig ini New~castle. Mrs. Fred Graham spent a fe-- b orne Coxbbledick,. The Mission Band wvill meet in thL- day.a- in Toronto with relatives, Mr. Turner Bros. have rened Mrs- T. S. S. Roomis on Saturday 0ôf thiýs week Graham rnotoring up for the week- M. Gibson's 200-acrc farm and are at 2. 30 p. mi. end. busY putting in the- crop, working ïei Rev. and Mrs. Blanchard, Omemec, MXrs. I. E. Bowell and grand- in connection with ttreir o'wf. vLctd -heir cousins, 'Mr. andiNfrs. daughter, Miss Mda Farker, nur.;e-ini- Mr. Kenneth Pearce and Mr. XVil- W. H. Cooke, last wec.k. Trinngto teeseraspca, bert Graham visited the foirmer's un- i Mr,. Harrv Grier, soloist in the Torontlo, areLainstayngea this 1,L and aunt, Mr. and Mlrs. Amtos Mc- United ('hurch. Tweed, visited at the- Parker is ai present off duty on ac- Muln .Kndl nSna. parsonage lat Saturday.. cotmnt of iliness. Mr. Asa and M~ Haitie Brnad, Nlr. Harold Allin was severely in- Belleville, visited Mr~. and Mlrs. Merk- jured by a 1iec- of bot steel which NECATL UITD HUCH ley Clark and Mr. and Mr.. J. H. Jose sti uck himi in the cfye latiwcek. NEWCSTLEUNITD CHRCH lasit week4end, bringing MIrs. S. Jose Bucklcy's Mill, Ncewcastle, is pre- At the Mother's Day Service in back to Newcastle wirh 'hein. pat cd to - rv farmers and cothers the United Church, Sunday monig St. George's Chuirch-Rev. F. H. with ail kinds of feed including Rev. W. P. Rogers preached . Maon Rcor Sndhey 8h:Whcat, Barley, Oats, Corn, Bran and responsibility of parents -toward theiri 9.45 a. m.-Suniday S-ch o; Il a. ni. Shorts. A supply of Rolled Oats children and the opportunities pre- . orning Prayer and Holy Comn- ind ail kinds of chop always on hand. sented to them of keeping in touch munion; 7 p. m.-Evensong. '20-2* with their grewing sons and daugh- Mr. Short and M1r. Nicholýon, Tor- Kcep Friday evening, Mny 23rd, ters and helping them become sincere onto, the latter a grand.son of Har- cicar for Empire Day Concert in the- followers of Christ. In addition to bor-master Nicholson of the boonîing Community Hasll te hear the Ne--- the anthem "The Lord is My She-p- deys of 40 and 50 yeari tige, were ce- castie Schools' Harmonica Band, a h ord," Miss Grace Bragg sang e cent visites-s at Mr. and Mr-,. Frank humorous address by G. L. Wazar, beautifnl solo, 'ý1Have You Said Good- Allin's. M.A., of Bowmanville, Robert Wal- Bye to Mother?" In the -evening the ton, soloist, and Patriotic Exercise'i pastor preached the second sermon in The Community Hall takes on aid- by the schools. 20-1 a series of t-iree on The Divine Law ed beauty in uts new settinz of tul- of the Harvest, "Soiwers and Reap- ips which are nov blooniing, and. Unitcd Church--Rev. W. P. Rer- ers, " which were set oui in hundreds lasi crs, Pa-sto(r. Sunday, May I Sth: The standardized program for fal :by the Horticuitural Society Il a. mi.- Morning Worship; 2.30 p. Mother's Day was followed in the along the whole front of the post nm.-Sunday School; 7 p. n.-Even- Sunday School. Mr. G. A. Coyne office and library. ing Service. Th..-nie of the day- Canadian Mli-sions in Africa. 0f gave a hbelpfui and interesting, Mr. Allan Martin, I. P. S., Mrs. the îhree nisiaonaric.s sent bo Angola, suitabie to the occasion. A Motrihadcidrneriho.spn rs fia.bsheCnrgaini Day Pageant was present-ed in which Mthneand ith ,Bigfthn er, tr.Weist ofrithe Unii te Staie ina l0 the folloxwîng took part: Mir. 'Coyne,th ekn.wthifte, r.ssofheUtdSaesn180 Mrs. J. C. Hancock, Mr. T. A. Rodger, Rob t. Martin, and brother and sister- on-., Rev. W. H. Sanders, is stili in Edwin Hancock, Garnet Rickard, in-law, Mr'. and Mr.s. Gordon -Martin. the field. The Canada Congregatr Giedys Pollard, Margaret Toms and Mr. Martin gave ihe> Mother's Day io nal Foreign Missionary Society sent Ruith Honey. The offering ýwas tak- address at the Lake Shore Sunday 1ifs first missionary, Rev. Waitcr- T. en up by Bruce and John VanDusen, Scho-ol. Currie, t-, Chissamba in 1881. and Sam and Norton Cowan. 1~ e 1,1 GR 0 CER E S FTNST QUALITY PASTEURIZED CREAMERY BUTTER SILVERBROOK Sunyreîd Band cREAMERY 21 . Z Ri%,S 69o LcOOK! EXTRA SPECIAàL* bSHRREDDED2PkgU. 190 85IREA BANANAS AND CREAM DANANAS RSe ?eaîl3 lb.IL90o PURE RENDERED LARD WFI 3-lb. Pail 470 20-lb. Pail $2.99 A NEW A & P PRODUCT-OUR OWN SUNNYFIELD ]PASTIRY FLOUR 31,2-1b.RBag 18e 17-lb. Bag 34o 24 $ Ç1 14-lb. Bag 630 IN TItI lLNI>I ' 1<1KAGE HANDY Ammonia 4 Pkgs. THE SMART SHOP rORK and BEANS 3 Tht.25e PEARS-Choice Keif fers ........ 2 No 227c COCOA-Our Own Iowa Brand .... 2 TINS3c~ SAILOR SAVORIES A 'SST. FISH AND)Jr 1 MAGIC BAKING POWDER. .. 16-oz. Tin 34c DESICCATED COCOANUT ..........IL.19c KARAVAN DATES ............ 2 Pkgs. 35c SPANISH PIMENTOS ........ 4-oz. Tin 9c GREEN GIANT PEAS ........ No. 2 Tin 25c CRABMEAT.............. .. No. 1'. Tin 37c ASSORTED PACKAGE 1h~~ri 1 -oz. Pkg23c SWEET MARIE BARS .......... 5 Bars 25c IN TIHE NEW .I.RS-SHIRRIFF'S lAIRMALADE C.:A-,'GE Jar 3?c PINEAPPLE V SCHOOLS' BASEBALL LEAGUE The public and high school boy.-., with an eye on Dr. J. A. Butler'z. shield, hav e after a lapse of a szea- son or tire again organized a bascbal leaý,ue and plauneid a Schedule Of gales. Pi;icipal- Rodger and (Cyne and .X.-'t lr. Beltnty a:s-i-te4l ini t u work oif ox-gan izaiion and th.ý procur- ing of the nece.-sarý' outfit. There aro îhcee ieams, in the League, cap- tainîcd cespertively by Tomt Spcnccr, Geo. Grahoîaîtd Jack (lover. The fluet gaine was playcd on the Conînit i Gi-en diamntîîd on Tues.- day afternoonl aflç'r achool, heiween Tomi Spencerî'.s an i Jack (;love r's tenis, the latter winning by 8 te 7. Principal Rîîd.rcun-upired. h1ate be hoped that lte full series of ganez will be played se Ihat a teant can cqualify fot1. the preseniatioli with Dr. Butler's :-hield at next fali'.- Conîmenccnient Exercises. NEWCASTLE YOUNG PEOPLE Young Pleople's Socicty nmet on Motiday evenin.g and enjoyed a splen- did prograni in charge of MIissionarv Vice Prc-sideuit Chorlie Glenneiy. De- votiopnal period -was ta]en by r. T. A. Rodýrger, foilowed by a delightful mouth-organ and harp duet by Aus- tin Turnier andI Miss A. Wragg. Gor- don Ashîon gave the Missienary Top- ic in a very capablec manner. A read- ing by Minnie Pearce -was followed hy a ntuch en 'ioyed vocal duet "The Barefooýt Trah" by Evelyn Aluin and Harold Deline, accmpanied by Miss H. A. Mason, end an encore number "XVe'l Feed the Eic<las." The Young People's nieeting wili be cailed off nexi Monday evenîig owing te the Presbytery gathering in St. Andrèw's Church, Oshawa, foi' young people. Ail members are uî-ged to attend. Transportation will lie pcovided at the- S. S. i 7 p). m. The -presi4e<-nt, Char acne Allin, teitîeceul bis 're:;gnation.'1 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCK A nmeeting ofthe Par>cýhial Branch wvas held in the Parish Hall on Thurs- day, May Sth, ,vhich was (in the ab- sence of the president) presided o-ver l)y the ist Vice President, Mms. J. Cýýulson. Most of ýthe accounts focr .he Rectory ropairs were received, and resolution passed to pay the same forthwith. A letter from Mrs Rohi>. Gibson was read thanking the Branch for symipathy extended lier ýii lier recent -bereavement. Grecat excitenment prevaiied in the %illagte on Wednesday evening when the spire of St. Gc.orge's Church was s.truck by lightning. Thanks to the efforts of the fire brigades the fire was controlled before any oth»r por- tions of -the church suffered seriously. The interior was practically unharm- 1cd. A very lairge number oif people from surrounding torwns and villages wereL present, emong whom was Rev. Robt. Allen of Brampton, an old Newcastle native. The Wolf Cuibs had their usi meeting on Thursday evening in the P-arish Hall, after which they ad- journed to the Rectory and wezre mieasured for their uniforms. A jol- ly motor ride was then enjoyed by ail mLimbers through the kindness of the Rector. BANKRUPT STOCK SALE THIS WEEK AT ROVAN'SI s., 1 q