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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1930, p. 2

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PAETWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l5th, 1930 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. Barrister,' Solicitor, Notary Mgoney ta boan on Farm and Towm Property. Royal Bank Building, Eowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 91 Bawmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Rarrister, Solicitor, Nota.rY Ifoney ta Loan. Bond& for Sale. Ofles-Bleakley Block, King Street, Elowmanville, Ontario. Phons:- Offce 102; House 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ronor graduate in Dentlstry, Toronto Unfterglty. Graduate of the Ra]â Coflege of Dental Surgeons of On- tv1o. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office Phono 40. House phono 22. X-Ray Eqnipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Gaduate of Royal Denit1 College, Toronto. Office: King St. East, Eowmanv'ille. Office hours 9 a. mn. to a p. ni. daily except Sunday. Phono 90. House phone 283. r -Ray Equipinent in Office. DRt. R. S. DINNIWELL Hoenor graduate of Toronto Univer- mity and member of Royal Collego of Neutal Surgeons. Licensed ta praetise in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in aIl its branches. Of- foot- King St., Bownianvillo, opposite Eank of Montreal. Phone 301. MEDICALI C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, fommerly of Enniskillen Office and Residence: Dr. Beith' former residence on Church Street Bowmanvilie. Phone 259. 44'-I J. CLARK BELL M. 0., Ch. B., F. R. C. S., <EdIn.), 0. P. H. <Successar ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber. deen University; Fellow of the, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residence: Queen Street,i Eowmanvilie. Phono 89. OffieHeurs: 2 ta 4 p. mn., te 8. 30 P.m j THE EDITOR TALKS those who have passed fifty years '~ age, the consumption of meat ýhould jWe neyer tire of hLalth topic.s, for be reduced to at least ane-half. what is life when health is gone?* * aSomne years ago when Dr. Charles J. Furtherniore, fresh vQgetables, es- Hastings was Medical Health Officer pecially the leaf y vegetabl4es auch as of Toronto he wrote for the news- spinach, lettuce, chard, cabbage, etc., papers a very valuable series of constitute practically the primary health articles and we were very sor- source of a&l of our vitaimines or ac- ry when he cea.sed ta write for pub- cessory food factars which are es- lication. One adf bis common sense -sential in securing for us a properly articles was headed "Care Needed in balanced diet. Eating as We Approach Middle Age." Even the throe vitamines a.s con- Ail folk who attain oId age and ail tained in milk are consuined by the desire ta, so Dr. Hastings' advice is coi% in the form of grass, vegetab4es of special interest to a very wide and hey. circle of people in this Dominion, sa o here are some points he discussed: Dr. Hastings said it would bc diffi- * * * cuit to o'er-estimate the extrême im- When people have passed middle port.ance of this ibalanced diet. That life they should realize that to main- is, that our daily diet shou.ld cantain tain the same degree off efficiency a proper amount of these varjous they rnust take greater care of them- vitamines. This bas 'been demon- selves. This is'particularly the case strated beyond question in the lower with regard to eating and drinking. animals which, when deprived of People as they graw aider begin ta these vitamines, -no matter how ample learn that they cannot take the saine their food supply may be, have devel- 1chances witb their stomachs and "get! oped certain diseases, and in ather -away with it" successfully. These cases have gradually wasted away protests ýby the stoainach and ailment- and died. ary canal are officially registered as*** stomach aches, indigestion, dyspeps;ia Pýurtherniore, fruit and vegetables and s0 f orth, and the usual result is constitute the moat economical a feeing of niailaise and headache.j source froni which wo can obtain the Guess many of -us know the symp- necessary saîts and chemicals for the toms. building up and the maintaining of * * *the fitness of aur bodies, such as Unfortunately it is at this age calcium, phosphorrus, lime and niag- when other interes-ts in life are begin- nesluin. ning ta wane, that the interest in eat- CalcitLT and phasphorus are pre&- ing end drinking usually increases, ent in practically aIl vegetablos and and the pleesureo f the table ofton iran is found very abundantly in canstitutes one oaf the chief charma samoe of the vogotables. Take for of existence, instance, spinach, in which we geçt a Instead af indulging in mare elab- much larger supply of iran tlian froni arate and bighly seasoned f oods, any other source of ffood that we people should, af ter reaohing the agei have, and, f urthermare, it is a formn af 35 or 40, begin ta eat more spar- of iran that is 'eosily assimilatod by ingly. The organs of excretion and aur bodie.s-and taken into the circu- in fact aIl the organs af the body lation. have attained their greaitoat degree* * of efficiency and just liko an engine It is true that meat cantains a that has seen much active service,ifairîy high pemrentage of iron, but thy must rece-ive more careful instead the iron that is contained in meat is. of more reckless treatinent. for the most part in the blood thet is * * * retained in the sinaller vessels or When tua rich a mixture of gaso- capillaries and this is flot as readily line end air is fed ta an engine, car- assiinilated as that obtained frani bon is depositod on the cylinders and vegetables. there la a loss of power. When tua We fear that but vory few mnen niucb coal la put into a f urnace, the really appreciate the value of a good furnace does not yield as much hieat vegetable garden producing the diff- and there la tooa iuch ash and clink- erent vegetables Dr. HastingS naines ers left. Sa it la in the humain body. for the family diet or there would be Over-foeding leaves a surplus of a much larger numbor and much les wastes and residues which -have ta be gaod ground allowed to ho unproa- removed and shouid not be allowed ductivo. to--a- acc umulate in the syýstein-. -'-' We once heard a speaker stato that f ar more people die f£rom over- oating than from drinking too muchI spirituouus liquors. Anothor, a writ- W. H. BIRKS, M. D. er, sal id any iniviuals digtg ueir Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 taO 8.30. graves witb their teeth"-alao, noi Telephone 108. duubt, true.*** Office & Residenco: Dr. Hazlewaod's Continuing Dr. Hastings said:r As former rosidence, Wellington Street, wo grwo ader we tend ýta hocome ls Bownianville. active and the food which we con- sume is flot as iiktly to bc huraed up CIIIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS S0 compietely and therefu-re it la wlae THEROPY ta eut down the diet, or, in other words, use less coal. If this iis not DURWIN E. STECKLEY done more work wili ho throwvn upon bonor graduateo f Toronto College, the liver, kidneys and other excret-I of Chiropractic will ho in tke Bow- ory organs whose funiction it is to rid manville Office Tuesday, Thursday the body of this superfluous waste. igud Saturday ovenings, phono 141J. Worse than this, the excessive food Reidential celîs made during f ora- is apt ta decompose in the intestinal boon canal producing toxins or poisor.s ------wbhicb are absorbed and bave a dele- terious effect on the beart and blood FUNERAL DIRECTORS esel e Co.pF. MOR O. o Continuing the Dr. said: That this Cooe EuiMtr o latruc la amply proved hy the fact Hors Equpinet. Ithat such poisons have been extracted AIl cails promptly IbY research men front, tho intestinal attended to. canal of dogs suff ering f rom intestin- ' / P rivate Ambulance. aI obstruction, whicb are so toxic that \~/ Bawnanville phono: they have, when injected into other 10 aOr n 34 healthy dags, quickly kiiled then. Branch Stores- To kQep weill as we graw aider, Ooo&Newcastle. therefore, means greater care in the ALAN . WILIAMSselection Of whoîesomne foods, eating ALAN . WILIAMSno more thon we roquire and seeing Embalmer and Funeral Director. that aur ailmentary tracts are kept Cella given -prompt and personal at- in the ibest possible working candi-I tantion. No extra charge for dis- tion. Fresb air, moderato exercisel tance. Motor Ambulance at your and frcdom from -worry are othe r service. Phono 58 or 159, Bow- essentials requisite ta a life frec frumn manville, Ont. 3-tf unnecessary illness and discase. We believe cvery word, dactor. AUCTONERS1 In another olf'Dr. Hastings' weekly THEO M. SLEMON mes.sages be wrate: Iutine There bas been no moei lal Auctineerwork donc during the present decade Pariniand House Sales a Specialty. in the interest of public bealth and Ternis moderato. Enniskiilen P. O. physical fitass than tihat enbracing Phono 197r3. 1-tf the- relative values of our dijferent VETERNARYfoods and the determining of what VETER NAR constitutes a balanced diet. 1. G KERLAKE V. ., B V. We oftimes are slow ta recognize E. G KESLAE, . S, B V.S . the valuaible lessons that Nature i; Orono cndeavoring ta t4eacb ujs. For in- 1Nonor Graduate of University of stance, during the aummer months, Toronto. Ail cases givon prompt in oui, temperate zone, wban, in the and careful attention. Office-Dr. interests, of healtb, the cansumption McElroy's former office. Phones: of neat and fattY foods should bc Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. . reduced ta a minimum, we have an ____________________________ample suppiy af fresb vegetables and a I fruits. Wbilea iwe do not rccannmend the exclusion of meat fron the diet in the sommer, yet wo do advise that vegetaibies and fruit, witb an ample supply a! miik, sbould canstitute the, great bulk of aur diet frmn May until October. In fact, we %vouid ail en- joy better hal th 'if we reduced aur consumption of meat by one-third ait lest during the entire year, and for Use t for richer baking i, l',J, CLimi ted 14() St. i'î.1iW,\utcu Sand Free Recip Boock ta: .- ........................... .......... ADDRESS ......... 703 SUNSHINE FOR BABIES The baby shqu.ld spend a large port af its life out of doors in the fresh air and sunshine. It needs fresh air and sun4shinoe in order to build up a strong and resistant body. Nat only are sunsbine 'baths pleas- aint, but Ithey bring ta thebaby sanie- thing ho needs. One definite gaod resulting from sunshine is that the action of its rays tipon the jbody of a baby prevents rickets. Sun baths should bo taken regular- Iy eacb day, and, as the weather gruws warmer, these should lie taken out of doors rather than in front of the open window. The right way ta take sun baths must ho followed or barm will resuit. Thc. first day, banda and feet are ta ho expased for five minutes. Noxt day, ton minutes, and so live minutes a day are added until the bath lastai for an haur. As tume la incneased, extension of the aireai of the body should ho cex- pased ta the sun. The second dey, expose the legs belomw the knees, thon the whale leg; after that, the abdo- moen, and, lastly, thbe chest, front and back. The dey each areai is first exposed, timo of exposure is five minutes, and this period is increased by five minutes eacb day for each part until the whole body is given an hour's sun bath daiîy. The baby should flot have hla sun bath just ibef ore ar af ter a meal. In really hot ýweather.. its sun bath should ha before eleven or aftor three s0 thet it may not be e)cposed ta the mid-day sun. In addition to the good that cames directly in the sun's rays, there ix no doubt thatthe exposuro cf the hody ta the air-the air hath--is of benefit ta the cbiîd. Taking the sun bath out of doors or in front of the open window gives the baby the bc-nefits of bath the sun and the air at thesane time. The ancients worshipped the sun a.s a god. We ail sbould appreciate and use the sun.shine as a giver of healtb at ail times. Questions concerning Healtlha- dressed ta the Canadian Mod iaA- sociation, 184 Coliege St., Toronto, will be answered personaliy by lett4-r. THE MAN AND THE JOB (Ayhmer Express) Why are sa many young mon and otbc'r persans out oif employsnent at the present tirno? Are tbey .simiply indolent and regardîcas of the 'future, or~ are they indolent, yet witb a de- ternination to do aune great thing only, and are waiting for that great thing to turm up? If the latter, they must 'be loaking at thoe ed in- stcad of at the lseginning. They should not forget the fact that only a very fev, even witb a xihole lfe of inîlustry and ceconomical perserver- ance, reahly acconplish any great thing. As no person cames ta offer the indIolent tbcir axpectations, they standî an(I wait, and will continue ta do sa. The remedy, hbawtver, is in taking the first job one finds--the josb will not find th. inilividual. No natter bmw insignificant that job may Ija il will be botter 'than continued iulleness, and when yau aire see-n do-. ing sonetbing for yourseif, by those a-base opinions are worth considera- tion, tnoýy %will soan offer you more andl hetttr j(ylhs; until finally you wiIl fini that wb%-iüh agrees with your tas;te oir your inclination for a life luins. Gril situations are nover uîflered ta the ile; only the induýstri- oUS and per.-aveiing flows are giv- an tbe aopportunity. Thon wben you hava fmîund a gooi situation oir job, prove yourseif hon est, industrious, pei-.î'vering and faitbful, and you neîd 1not fear your final succesis. Unies' w iorîns lc xpeiied from the sy.stem, no child can lie healtohy. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminatar la an excellent medicine ta destroy Worms. D ROGERS BRUSH- ING LACO UER Dries whiI. you wouti fr Furniture and Bric-a-Brac. ROGERS POLISH A high grade Polish for oit surfaces. QUIC KOTE Four Heur Enumel for ony interior finish. NEU-VAR A Four Heur Vornish for generai use. NEU-GLOS Medium Gloss. Ouick Orying Interior Enomel Finish. MARB LE-ITE In o ciais by iseif as a Floor Vornish. WOOD-LAC VARNISH STAIN A Vornish and Stoin cern- bined, for new or aid work. NEU -TONE An 011 Point for Flot Wail Finish. 'f EMONSTRATIO.N A GOOD Pint, Varnish or Lacquer, if prperly applied, wiII pro- duce a beautiful finish on any surface e You need not hesitate ta attempt any painting or varnishing job, providing you obtain the proper product and know how it is ta be used 0 You are desirous at times of doing over some article of furniture,, your woodwork or your floors, but you hesitate, not being sure of your ability ta bring about the finish wanted. IMPROVED SERVICE IN OUR PAINT DEPARTMENT We have been careful in selecting the MARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE line of Points, Varnishes and Lacquers, and are convinced we can pass on ta aur custamers the best obtainable 0 The Martin-Senour Ca. is just as anxious as we are that yau become fully acquointed with their variaus products, and have orranged for'their representative ta b. at aur store an the follawing dates ta demonstrate and give camplete instructions on the application cf any ane cf their products 0 Be sure and bring in your painting problems at this time 0 We are assured that advice cf any nature wilI be gladly given. To further advertise Martin-Senour Products in aur Iocaliy, we offer you the Coupon below 0 We do this, believing that those of you who have flot been in the hobit of using these high grade goods wiII be sa weII satisflod after your purchase that you wiIl become a regular paint customer. MARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT -SPEAKS> FOR ITSELF REME BER HE D TESTHIS COUPON ENTITIES ME TO A REBATE M AV 2nd 23~25 CENTS M AY 2 d&2 rLA ON THE PRICE 0F NMATNSOU PRODUCT Coupon Redeemable On De- Namne monstraion Dates OnIy. Addres- The Dustan cash Hardware BOWMANVILLE .I-APPINESS IN WORK BEEF GRADING (Orillia News-Letter) (Brampton Conservator) An honest manin l enotitled ta happi- Ontairio la not faliing into lino in ness in bis; work. It la thet one sure the demand for ' graided beef. sign that he bas faund bis true voca- Housewives shauld realize the un- tian. He greets býis 'work each day ipartance of this new step in food with a singing heart and loves bis grading and persistontly ask for the business,. Love is ithe greatest thing gradedpout RdMr"be in the world, and love for one's 'bus- edpdut "RdMr"be 1 i chaice; "~Blue Mark" beof is good. L, sa ntural a-s love for bn' 1Wen buying o grade une lasurtie of family. Indeed, lave la tbe greater quaîity. part of success in Iife. There can ho I rtBrti rdigi on no jov without it. 1I rýtBiangaigi on The nlorning tells on intelligent' ahead by leaps and baunds. Excel- main nany thinga. (hneraily, it lent publicity bas put the seheme ruies bis day. If it starts wrong with over. Last Novenibe-r 34 per cent him the day h spoiled. A dislike, on or beef was graded. In January it the part of a healthy man, for begin- jun'ped ta 67 per cent. By the mid- ning the wo-k af the day, is usuaiîly die of February 87 per ec.nt af Scot- an indication ho is flot la the- right tish beef was graded. Because of place, If entbusia.smn doc., not camnei an energetic campaign by the Depart- in the norning ta the business man nîcnt of Agriculture, London hause- ha nay lie'sure that soncuhing i., rad- 1 vives blave been made fanîjlar with ical iv wrrmng. wbatbar with bi5s habits, th-ý' advantagcs of buying on gradje. hi': hialti or bi.s occupation. "N'atioaNlî ark" nicat is i district When one wakes up in the morning favaur. withri.î- that he must get Up and Here in Canada we are fartber go tri wmrk, hae may well understand behind. The .small percentage of that it ital necessitîy of soccess% and animal.scaming up ta the standard happineý- i.s not bis, and that it il slowed( up the campaign cons;iderably bigh rime fr hlm ta make a changeJfronm the sttort. Now, however, the in '.omething-in bis diet, bis con-Idemand must b<' created for success duct or his vocation-for he certain- to be .srd lv is nîr rn the straight road tai pros- Teo sappua rjdc ptirtv nd ahieemen. ,against the blue aid red marks an Where there is love there i,, a fair the beof. Housewives tbink that this cbanc. .of successe, becauso lave cre- na.y ho unhealthy and that they atas ta do and work and would 'bave ta cut off that part that think fr the thing loved in order is marked. This la entirely unnec- that it nîay prosper. Those in a job essary as the marking la donc with o onlY for th(, pay envelope, get only vegetable dyes that are perfectly t hat out of their wark. The pleasire harmless. tbay <erive from the nsoney is short ruaî an nreing umr live<d and i. sel-dom renewed by tai- of people are .sking for chaice hooef. ary in creaos". Emplayers do nat re- The C. P. R. dining cor service bas w4irîl with higher pay those who work "lied Mark" beef an its menu card. anly for love of moay. By degri-es people will ýhecame edu- cated ta the grading systemn and the supply wilI have ta neet the demand. The schene las still young and a strong advertising campaign la all that is needed ta hring aneress. WRIGLEYS Alertneu scores everywhere. Wriglev's creates pep andi an. ergy and keeps you alert. A 51 package may mave vo froni going ta aleepat the wheel of your car. -e RAILWAY lIME TABLE. Canadian National Railway (Stanidard Time) WEST BOUND 4.07 a. ni. RA.,5s ni. L 44 6.16 AIl trainsa aremin p rcî3m 1-hl'h ar- Sid . EAsT BOUNDI 8.4', a. m. 9M 17a. Ini. i 2S P. M 2.13 1). b 6 ). Mi . Canadian Pacific Railway (Standard Time ) WEST BOUND EAST E30UND 5.29 a. mn. i< Cia. m. 85.0.5 a. m. .1 18 P. M. 3.01 P. M. 8,45 p ni. 6.22 1).rm. 11.27 p. M. Ail trains dally except those, marked which are dally except Sunday. HOME CANNING is the titie of a new 72-pate bookiet which the B" O F MONTPEALu h as isue and is now distributing free to .ail who ask for a copy This boolet describes the latest methods of canning fruits, meats and vegetables. A copy nmay bh obtained on application to any B ranch of the BÀNK 0F MON TRýEAJ. Bowmanv'ille Branch: F. O. MeILVEEN, Manager. IFamous READING Anthracite e L m AI b' CLEAN - SAFE ECONOMICAL Pennsylvania Hard CoaI Sold in aIll sizes. We alto handie Semet Solvay Coke ExcIusiveIy. HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 1 i 4 0 P. MARTIN & SON BOWMAN VILLE Building Contractors Plasterers - Masons Carpenters and Stucco Interior andi Exterioir Finishers. Sil.) i ~l f,-i i r ' hire ; also Anvhi fromiea f Cal, write or phmune 497W. Estirnat45S frerc. PAGE TWO

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