PAGFOURTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l5tmh, 1930 THE LITTLE BLACK HEN .. Said the littie red rooster, "Gosh ail hemlocks, things are tough, 8 EPUVIVi'4Iwqh 5p1 J.gppq FI>i, Seenis that worms are getting scarcer, end 1 cannot find encugh, What's become of ail those fat ones is a mystery to me; There were thousandz thr:ugh tihat ran sel u or where can they be?"NE I J She had gone through lots -of dry speils, she had livèt through floods of rein- So-she flew up onl the grindstone, and she gave her claws a whet, As she said, "I've neyer seen the tinie when there were no wormis to get." She picked a new and undug spot; the earth was hard and firin; The old black hf n just spread her feet, she dug both fast and free, "TI must go to the worms," she said, "the worms won 't corne to me." T 3 cS AN7x The -rooster vainly spent the day, through habit, by the ways ~rauatrr oe Where fat wortns have passed in squads, back in the rainy days, When nightfall found him supperless, he growled ini accents rough,- We have just put into stock over 200 New Summer Frocks - purchased "I'm humgry as a fowl con he; conditions sure are tough." ~ at a big saving from one of Montre al's Ieading mnfcues oe He turned then to the old black hen and said, "It's worse withl you, talks - and in this particular insta nce it SHOUTS. Here are Dresses For ryou're not only hungry but you must be tired too.bivaet sylsndcornszs14o46 1 rested whufle I watched for worms, so 1 feel ifairly perk, to meet every taste in a bgvreyofstlsadcori ze14o46 But, how are y'ou? Witho<ut worms too? And after ail that work?" This is a fine opportunity for you to dress up for the 24th at littie cost. The old black ben hopped to her perch and dropped ber eyes to s]eep, And niurmured, in a drowsy tone, "Young marn, hear this end weep, I'm full of worms, and happy, for I've dined iboth long and well, 'Uhe wornis are there, as always,-but, I liad to, dig like- ' Oh,, here and there, red roosters stili are holding sales positions,10 umr5 0 Sm e They cannot do much business now, because of poor conditions, V1 But soon es things get right again, they'l] sell a hundr',ed firins;- ar ut n ghligu tewof Dresses $2.39 Dresses $ 3.49 _______ j _______ We can't begin to describe them. lne styles, new lengths, flares, Mr Jh Hpur istd tTo- Mrs. T. E. Kaiser, Oshawa, visited fCrei n e o oref waistlines, in plain and printed onto. Mr.A .Rni udy oo ryshenes, Fugis, Voiles, etc. Seeding is almost completed in this 1 r atrSieCrwl ~sI.eeywatdsye n îe Values to $5.95. See the win- neighborhood. ~a Sunday visitor at Mr. W. H. NÎoh-fKAla n pca osSz 4t 6 nihoho.1OS. AIl-n seca Mr. and Mrs. H. Stinson recentiy Aneln B nan.le:p:c i at.... ...... to46 visied a Jantvile. aý a -isitor at Mr. G. F. Annis' over - Messrs. AIL. and Elmer Prescott the' weekend. have purchesed a tractur. Mr. Jack Pickell, Dettroit, called on 1#f MssadMsJ McCulloch stdan relatives here recently and Mr. and Mis Id MculochvistedtOflon. Mrs. Kenneth Courtice accom * J j. M.and Mrs. T. Bowman and Mis hin to Otf-i--a andl dIDee li a t Se c 4a i Elsa Bowman visited at M.l s. Wec welcoine Mr. Cameron TrullI Mother's Day was fittingly ûobserv- dn Miss Marjory to our village. ed here on Sunday in the church ser- 'Ïi'ey have moved into Mr. Blake- vice. Courtice's house on the highway. Z. Miss F. MýoPadden, Purple hili, ha's On Saturdey afternoon the C. G. 2 00.~J been visiting at Mr. Arthur Ormis- 1. T. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.adMsJ.J riton, s.h Bert Wilkins. The presidentMs Mr. nd rs.J. . Oristn, Gay, was in the chair, and Lte i awa, recently visited 4t Mr. W. J. dvtoa eidwstknub Orrnsto's.Miss Della Walters. A program of Miss Helen Pascoe, Wick, Miss Bes- reacings by Misses Louise Courtice, sie Pascoe, Toronto, and Mr. Walton Theda Taylor end Bernice Gay, and Pas-coe, Clumbus, visited at 'Mr. L. in oob isHlnWlis C.Pso'.was given. After the mieeting,$ 1 9 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Falconer and candy and bananas were served by j- -Mis. Leac Niddery, Haorlonto, antd \Miss Helen Wilkins' group and then I atMr. G.ev isey aiton , iste the girls went (to the woods for a hike.' at Mr. G. Ormiston'Ms. MsWilkin.s and Helen gave the girlsj orml olr ~ L L M ' , .- Do' or hnyuSui.a good tire. Yi ilinery dla goes faruîîeî au Ne>sons, anytime, bilan any ouîîer Don'ter wor whenbouttemble. The services on Sunday were well - store in town - but thîs of-ig a exceeds ayhn we have ever be- thing that cen't fa]] down. served at the three services. On oeahee. B iigBge n etrVle nMlieyw A snile on the face of sales- either aide of the pulpit were beauti- seli more hats than any other store in this vicinity. W eep down not People often rernind one of the top fui fiowers, one bouquet of calla iiiI trnly u own prices bu tepr s f tersorsi hi twn-Sefor 'yourself - Prove for vourself layer &f apples in a box, or berneý.s in ies in memory osf the Imothers who forbtuepîe ±oîe trsu îî on-e__ _ _ _ _ _ basket.hagoeo efradabnhf - that your dollar at Nelson's buyswhat $2.00 or $3.00 does elsewhere. Because the price is low, don't _____________________lovely pink roses to show regard f orf think you can't get what you want. We have the biggest stock in town -every style, colox' and hlead size. the mothers who are with us. In the morning Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Pickering preached a beautiful so'er-_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ TRALTDmon on Mary, the Mother of Jesus - ]RINGS and in the evening Rv. Hamlet Wol-___________________ Sybl ffrain, Wilfrid, presented a fine dis -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sybls<<course on Hannaîh, mother of Samuel _________________ B ig Iiosiery V alues mod, e O after the lesson period, a short pro - arrivedl stocz gramnb eaning on Mother's Day was ~' awats yourin given. Miss Aura Osborne gaj'.ea HLadi00sKidseLids at * cin eyitretn raigadMiss00Kis' idja Louise Courtice told a pathetic and rWI T * ,* touching story, both being mn t a Omno omm propriate for the day. A vocal duet "My Mother's Song" was sung by KYo cn'tafor t Mrs. J. H Stainton and lMrs. W. hsebg$ 1.3 9 Cou rtice r We hlave a varieci stock of these Hoiey values: Byyu hlrnsMlieya SALEMf popar gret at emtn - 50 doz. reg. 79e for Nelson's. We have the biggest ___ rice. Jnludd inthusoffeingand finest stock in tow'n and we - We are only tee glad to Glad te welcoqne Mrs. Newman and 1 are some sample garments that we o c r urne o aigo af show you our selection littic datîgnter at Sunday afternoon i can off er at 25 ý c less than regular 59c.tsr to it e e y rember of he of rings from $10.00 A 1PlniCC.he' Dyprga prices, sizes 34 to 40. 4 o.rg 1 o a iy was rendere_,d at Sunday Seheol on 4$,fr l toe.rc . upwards.. Sunday. .i....... $1.39_______________ Mrs. Sleightholm (nee Annie Me- $175 o $ .98~O 'I Wae ear.Donald) and her littie son Jim, Whit-_____79______.____pro_____ lVn'c'i Rcpaîîîngbv, visited with ber parents. f ____________________ Phone 463. Misa Margaret McGregor, Bo' ___________________3 o.FI ah ________mrs.G.'llacoà andfamil.fF u aiîty manil-, -pent Sunday with Mr and oeailsi Sunday, June lst, vwill ho S S. A~n- onf I stqal ýS n,,,,,,ary Day %vhen Rev. J. E. Bück- M O ORE é--I, a former pastor, xwill bc thc. peak -$1 9 pr er for both ,ervices,. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson, Jewelry Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. G. Gibson Bowmanville 1%*O.awi tewthK d ' S ok c Mr.S. F. Cator and little grandosofor Kidîsii îzsEs olî motredtoToronto with Mn. JohnSxfrkddei l fsadclr C ator, Maple Grove, on Sunday andIi rpa'... visi!d wit.h Mr. and 'Mrs. l(,ti plain, fancy topsoi socklets,par.. 2 c t 59 A hbcoau;ful bouquet of I ts t$ike" cul- ipS, were sent froum Torontob SW. Willord for the churin Time reninhrance of hr nother th Ti eR. (Xllacott. - I SE NME fan i, S Nn, w rewith ber Ipartn 2; M.and Mrs. G. M o n Stunn i. v, Or-o..erFSn1m v i-ionr thinga Trv us wivth It ir lit every Otan wa hows ll iim j %mp I l k j J J youn repair wonk. how% to handle <ynamie, authoriy, ilSp<.nd fve minute., every dégy i - FOR BICCER AND BETTER BARGAJNS Harry Allin ~thinking of some(. good yon can doW L BOKAD- O arry jT. . . n<I pr<mm.poity. WAKABO.1N O King St.W. Bowmanville Nover min<I the business outlook - Be on the- leokout for busines. m _ r2 ibà4 1e- è l 4j 1 *4 d 4-4- ~I~U II~ii 1 b*i E bAI E ~& ~ AU~A - A - - A - ~II - t' PAGE FOUR mil t 1;,il 1 0