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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATEsMMAYq BOWMAN1930 MORE BABY BEU AT REGULAR BEEF PRICES We have again been ver-y fortunate in secur- ing some exceptionally choice Baby Beef which will be on sale foi' this week-end. Although such meat usually seils at a higher pr-ice we are selling it at regular prices. Be sure to get a roast or steak. C, M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bommanville 1~ CORBETT MOTOR SALES 26 Athol St. W. King Street Oshawa, Bowrnanville, Ont. Phone 428 Phone 248 GUARANTEED w-E ms 1929 O]dsmobile Sport Coupe ......... $925.00 1929 Oldsmobile Business Coupe .........9M.00 1928 Oldsmobile Coach..................... 700.00 1928 O]dsmobile Landau Sedan .......... 75000 1928 Durant Sedan ............................50000 1928 Oldsmobile Coupe..................... 700.00 1D927 Oldsmobile Sedan..................... 500-00 1926 Morris Cowley Coupe ................ 400-00 1926 IBuick Coupe ..... ............. 475.00 1925 Buick Coach .............................350.00 1926 Chevrolet Coupe ...................... 200-00 1926 Oakland Coach .....................400.00 CORBETTIWOTOR SALES OLDSMOBILE - VIKING DEALERS 26 Athol Street, Oshawa PEOPLE DEMANDED MORE S0 WE ORDERED ANOTHER SHIPMENT The popularity of this soap recently placed on i ,. .,sale has been wonder- fui. We have been fortuiiate in getting an- / other limited lot which fwe are authorized to ' sel.] at the introductory price of 6 CAKES 31c. VISIT "THE GARDEN 0F EDEN"p That is our populai' annex whene we have aIl kincîs of shî-ubs, gar- den plants ai(1 vege- table plants for sale- big sturdy hea]thx' spec- imens. Make v'our- own selections an(l we]l de- liver them îright to youî' gai-den. We handle eýv- ery variety foi' youî' fiower an-I vegttable garden. HEADQUARTERS FOR POULTRY SUPPLIES IiARRY ALLIN, Orocer PHONE 186 BOWMÀNVJLLE Oui- play "Above the Clouds", la Friday evunin.g was well given. Th scenery and costumes wure, very al propriate. Much credit is due Mn. H. Ashton and Mrs. E. Bradley fo t heir untiring effoi-ts and capabl manner in wbicb tbey direct.ed thi play. Between acts Miss Ver Slemon favoned us witb a consic read ing and th& orchestre a5ssisted by Mr A. Wilson anîf son of Burketon, vai MALEGROVE Miss Dora Eames spent the wuek. end with friends in Toronto. Rei-. Mi-. Beekley oif Marmora, ýwil occupy the pulpit on Sunday after- faoni. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and son Ray spent Sundey witb ber par- ents at Port Granby. A number of relatives and friends from Toronto visited Mi-. and Mrs. Alfred Laii-d on Sunday. Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Meti-aif and 'faniily spent Sunday with ber par. ents, Mi-. anîd Mrs. A. Trenouth, Hamipton. Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Home and two childi-en, Mi-. Hector Sadler, visited Mr. and Mi-s. Walter Rahm at Bunku- ton on Sunday. MIissýes Nellie Snowden and Mabul Evans, Toi-tnte Normal, spent the weekend with the foi-mer's parent-%, Mi-. and Mi-s. C. H. Snowden. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, Mi-. Burt Boyle, St. CatharineLs, Mrs. 'H. S. Freeman, Chrissie Frneeman, ToYwn, visited tihe ;fo.s-miei's bro-bh&r, Mi-. H. G. P-reeman, on Sunda-y. A free musical demonstration willý bu given by Miss X. Orchard, miusic teacher, and Maple Gi-ove Sehool in thoL Hall on Friday evening, ýMey 16, at 8 P. m- standard time. Let there bu a good turnout. Rutb Ar'mstrong, Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, Miîss Marie Rundle, Ebenezer, and Mr. and Yrs. R. C. Scott and grandehIdi-un, Margaret and Bobbie, Solina, spent Sunday at Mi-. R. H. Arn-sti-ong's. Mi-. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf and daugbtur Helen, -Mrs. M. Densern and son Scott, Mr. and Mrs. H Huniplries, Sunaay and visîted (the latteirs' cous- SOLINA ins, Mr-. and Misspes Scott. Mr. Isaac Hardy visitud at Por-t Motber's Day prograin was carried Purny. out on Sunday in the iresence of a M- n r.A .JnigOh full cbui-ch. The sttiry entitled A .JnigOh "The Soai-cb for the Býeautiful" was awa, visited et Mnr. John Pascoe's. -splendidly gîven IbY Miss Hilda Foley.1 Miss Rutb Rey-.nolds is holidaying "Motbei-'s Day," was splendidîy sung «witb bei- cousin, Miss June Whitnell, hy Mi- Norman Laird, Mr. Colin Kerr-, Toronto. ,Mi-. Ernie Laird, Toronto, and Mi-. Co'ngratulations to Mr. and Mrs. lIfred Laird Si-., Mi-. Norman Laird W. J. Reynolds on the arrivai of a Itaking the solo part. Rev. Mi-. Fer- young son. Iguson, 'Pickering, gave a splendid ad- Mr-. and Mis. Will Quick and son dress suitable for the occasion. Donald, 'Bowmanville, visited at MT. S. E. W4erry's. ENNISKILLEN Metssrsr Roy and Nornian Heddon, Toi-onto, we-re recent visitors at Mr. Mis E'lsie Moore viited friends inJakYloee Wbit-evaie. on Sunday. .Mn. and Mn. . Noriman Leach, Doris Mr'. H. W. Painten spent the week- and Jean, Taunton visited at Mi-. end at Mr. Tbos. McGill's. F'rank Westlakes. Mi-. and Mrs. Oi'r J-eff rey and Clerm. Sundey School isch-ola-s' bavet start- spent Sunday -with Wrn. Jeffi-ey, Scu- ed Plractising foi- anniversa-y on gag. J une 22nd and 23-d. Mn. and Mrs. Russe-il Gilbert and Mi-. and Mis. Lauren Hogarth and Velma spent Sunday witb Mn. Milton Miss Doi-otby, llur:rmony, visite<l at Siemon, Haydon.j Miss Mary l-logarth's. Mi-. and Mrs:. S. Petbick and dfam- Mi-. and Mi-s. L. C. Snowden, ily visiteid Wrn. Shepperd's, Zita, and Maple Gi-ove, vi sited ber parenýts, Mi.. Fred Andenson's, Canton. and Mrs. Thos. Baken. Miss Mai-jouie Mai-tyn spent the Mi-s. R. J. McKessock and Mn. A. wee.kc.nd witb ber parents-, Mi-. and L. Pascoe visîted their mothun, Mrs. Mi-,. Albert Martyn, Hamptan. Thos. Pasetie, on Sunday. .Mi-. and Mrs. Cecil Rabm and fai- Mi-. and Mi-s. Rob't Rainey, Mi-. ànd ily, Burketon, spent Sunday witb the Mrs. Ii-win Rainey, Orono, visited latte1r'; pai-c-nts, .Mi-. and Mi-,. F. W. Mi-. anîd Mrs. W. T. Taylor-. Sn'iih. Mir. and Mis. Chas. Howsem, Mr. Dr. and Mi-,. Fctrgusmn and Allan W. T. Bakeri- Messrs. Jack and and Donald vi-iteLd t he fioi-mei's par-- George Edga -viÀzted fi-iends at Port ents, Mi-. anI Mi-ý. J. Fei-gu.son, Ux- ['ci-iy. bridge. Oui- voung people bave houa invit- Mi-. and Mu-s. FsJ Preston, Peter- e( ogv hi oplrpa Mr boro, Ont.. -Mr. anWMs W. Toms, r ' ing Anne" at the NuNwtonville An- Oshawa, vi-.itî-d thuli- mother, Mis. G. niv-ei-sai-y, May 24th. IPruston. Mr-. and Mes. J. T. Rundle, Mi-. andMi.- Miltoni Tamblvîi and Mis. John Naylor, Mi-. and Mi-s. Cec-il soi-iGien, Mr-. und NMi. John Brown Ilascoe an<l Master Gordton visited and Olive, Orono, visited Mi-. -urne Mi-. Frank Cros.-lnan, Kedron. 1-tlanu on Sunday. Mi-. and Mi-s. Ar-thur Ds-ew, Mr-. and We weicoile ta our village MI-S.-Mrs. Gori-on l>rew, Mi-s. Ter-wilîege- PitiYd Page. ni fanilv i'.ho have mov- Mi-. Mr Waltoii, Oshaw, Mi-. ai ,.i ntothe bouse (fornîei-lv iccupiuîl Ms. Fîme-Wlt, Torotnta. Mrs. Eli by Mi-. 1IU'ni-t Sti-ong. Osborne', M-ssLila and Hattie, Eh- Mi-r. and MTrs. Walter Scoîtt, Osb- ecriei, visiteil ut Mir. John Pascoce's. awa, Mi-. Arthur- Beech and <laugbtei- Ada, Hyl, Mi-su .ýG rie and Win- Mr. and Mrs. Wjil Law, Mr-. and nificî Oki-. Boua nville, Sundavod Mi-.s. Roison, Mr-. and Mms. ('urcblev at Mi-. W! Okî-'s. Uinm son., O-bawsa, Mrs. Mar-tin an<I i snsD.tro, u.s-sAitchison and Mis. Ceui-gi Hari-îis, daught r ani Claugh, Mi-.. l>uInage oif Pete-bo-n ,uai-irilaw, Queenstuun, ru-ar Eldor- we-e i-ecu-nt i gests tif Mi-. andl Mi,. ai u, at tendei service bei-e Su riday Geti. White-. leve ring and hi -a-i their for-mer pa.;- toi,"ev .1. M. Whyte. Oui-Molr' )ay service on Sun- day aftu'iii ui,î 'as w9ll atteni~d. Dri. uni Mis. Gai-net Ti-ewin, Osh- Ou- pasiur, itev. Bick, gave a very axsa, Mi. ,and Mrs. Wnî. Tr-wjn and applipiaie dis end Miss Lena îlaugbte- Gi-i -c, Buwiîîamville, Dr. 'Fax-loi- anlg a solo. A baptismal and Mi-s. f. W .Sle mon, B oyîlandl se-ivice wa.-u belil and Baby Evelyn 1 K .ith, Mr . ani NMis. Ilugbh Annis, vis- Taylour,. îautrhtu.i-of Mr. and Mrs. E. it a i.andlM- Juu n Slernm on R. Taylor, ws u. luptised. ý. n i 1 yt.L e a g u e m eeut i g M o n d a y e v e n in g Sundiy evenimg serivice was well wa- in caio- f 2n<I Vice Pi-esident, atten<led. Special nmusic for Moth- Mis; ,Hte]cn Baîker. Devotional pur- e-i-s F)ay was giv-cii y the' choir. iodl was taken by Mýiss Evelyn Tink; IMiss Dorothy Pasetie, Enfleld, sang a Rev. J. R. Bu-k gave a veey interest- solo wh ucfi was; muabh appi-eciateî and ing topi- an the Angle Saxons in Can- a uluet by Ah-et Ashton and Elsie ada; vocal solo, Mr. Harold Shuttie- 1Moone( was nicely sung. Oui-pater Iwoth; rua<ling, Mise Vera Squiie; Rev. J. M. Whytu gave a splenýýdid meeting clo.sed wýitb the League &kn- message on Mothur, Home and Chili]. ediction. HAYDON Mir. and Mrs. C. Avery visited Mrs. G. Niddery's, Hamî-pton. .Miss Annie Oke, Enniskillen, Su dayed with Miss Renia Bradley. Mi-. and Mrs. Norman Wels)h a Mr. John Martin is suffiering fi- pneumonie and is undier the docto: cane. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stainton ai childi-en, Hampton, visited at Mr-. Mr. Howard Bowun, Oshawa, w bei-e last week i'enewing olda quaintances. Mi-. and Mrs. Russe] Gilbert ai Velma. Eninizkil,,en, visited at 'M Milton Slenios.. Mi-. and Mrs. W. J. Challis e:t Phyllis, Bn-invlewru guests Mi-. Tbei-on Mountjoy's. Mi-. and Mi-s. H. McC<>mb and far ily, Toronto, Mi-. and Mi-s. W.D Henry and fainily, Lindsay, visitedi Mi-. E.* Mountjoy's. Suîîday School next Sunday 10.30 a. ni. It will bu field at th hour e-vei-y Sunday niorning durin jENNISKILLEN ANNIVERSARY TYRONE atl Enni.skillen United Church Sunday Miss Grace MeKay spent tl 1Scbool Anta versai-v will be hel<j as end at her home in Beaverto un- folloiwa: Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Ci Sunday, May 18t.h, Rev. C. E. ono, Sundayed at Mr. Rio-ati nd j Cragg, B. A., B. D., tif King Street .Wila HmlBy ,v- United 'Church, Oshawa, will pi-each nScolvsiehssÀe t 2.30 and 7.15 p. m. standard tme. ~ S b o, vst. i it sm A massâed choir under the lea deshp Lia Vitue. )r's ti1 Miss Mai-ion Orcherd will lea ite Mr. and -Mrs. Wîlbc(rt J. service of song, asted by Mrs. T. Bowmanville. visited is pare Lnd W. Cawker, soprano soloist, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dudley. A. Owen Nicholes, Welsh baritone, Bow- Miss Ivy Park, Courtîce, ' ivansll. Wight, Bownian-ville, visited as SaturdaiY, May 24th, there wilI be a tefr's sister, Ms G. Phare. ac- prograrniOf Sports, in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hatbe-ly, including a football match, and John and ,Harry Hatberly vi nd hors,3e-sdoe pitching contest, for which Mr. John Greer's, Cartvvright. dr-. prives will be given, aIse prize Mrs. Walter Mu.rray, Toror for best rnger. Supper will be sister, MNiss ~Hezel Werry,( ,nd served fironi 5 p. m. to 8 p. ni. At~ recuntlyý visited Mrs. Horatio at 8 p. ni. a play entitled "Promoting Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mcri Romeo" 'will be given by St. Cuth- Mi-. Brenton and Miss Kathit m- bert's United ýChurch Young People, Cu]lough, and 'Mi. Donald Da, M4. assistcd by Edwin Barker, entertain- ited at Mr-. H. McCullougb's, at er, and the Excelsior Bible Class Or- pool. chestra. Admission: Aduts--Sup- The many friends of Mr. at per and concert 65c; supper only 50c; Curtis will bue glad to knom is concert only 40c; Childien-Supper able to hot home again after si ng and concert 40c; siapper or concert a nuniber tif weeks in Bown 25c. J .Wye J .Wn, Hospital. Rev.J. . Whte, J. A Wery, Rev. J. R. Trumpour preac iet Pastor. Supt. excellent Mother's Day sern ered a suitable anthem, M.%i, 5.HAMPTON garet Moore taking the solo or The Maie Quartet also sang le Mr. Albert Allin, Toronto, .-isited "TeIl Mther l'il be There." is bis home bere. Sunday Scbool anniversarv ra Mr. Bruce Tenant. Toronto, visit- will be held on Sundey, May1 - ed his uncle, Mi-. T. Salter. 10.30 a. ni. and 7 p. mi. 1 r. Mr-. and Mrs. M. Ave,,rv, Buffalo, Harold St.ainton, Courtice.-, N.\ Y., visited at Mr-. R. Avery's. cupy the pulpit in the mornirf -Mr. and Mrs. L. Truil and family Rev. A. L. Richards, Whitby, spent Sunday with frit-nds in Orono. evnng. Special music -v I~ fnished by the sehool assis jMr. and Mrs. E. Boyd, Toronto, Nefvca-lMleQ rt tbo visitud ber motheî', Mrs. Enocb Stev - atlvMIeQui-etatb ens. A meeting of the Women'- Miss Noreh Horn bas returned tutu and Ladies' Aid xvili bu -front a pleasant visit %vith Toronto the Vestry on Weýdnesdav. Ma) friends. et 2.30 p. mi. Al] members d Mr. and MUrs. R. Metcalfu and fan- ested in the success of theS -ily, Line, visited at Mrs. A. should fel under an obligai Trenouth's. attend this annual business niE A 'l rge u m b e att n d e d th e K ind ly b ring in th e na ines v ou s o lrDagervibesr aternoonthefor the autograph quilt. ÀA and evening evie. reatenonprogram is being prepared. 1 a n d e v n i n g ,o n e i n v i t u d t o a t t e n d . I Mis.s Ethel Wakely, Oshawa, visit- League meeting Tbursdav e-, *ed ber grandparents, '.Ir. and Mrs. %vas in charge tif Fi-st Vice P-es Jobhn Wakuly. M iss Ruby Vu-tue. Re Mir. Ernest Gay and bride, Buffalo, Tboughts oný Mother's Day. Misý N. Y., -visited ii.,arents, _Mr. and Richards; s'plendid topic. Tribu Mrs. W. H. Gay. Your Mother and Mine, prepar Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin,,-Mirs. L. J. Gooman and read bN Toronto, cellud on friends ;n the vil- G. .McKay; solo, Miss Mar lauge on Saturday. -Moore; rcading, Motheî-'s Wav Mi-. and Mrs. John Co-%ling ,and ,IAuta Hoper i-Mois VSorn T oo ing spnt a few days ley.aD ohoMs em Mr-. and Mrs. A. Cole', Bowman- ville, spent Sunday .vith her parents, Nlr. and 'Mrs. C. W. Souch. Mnm. Challuner and son, Di-. Reg- inald Challener, Toi-tnto, visited at Mr~. and Mrs. J. Colwill's Jr. .Mr-. L. T. Pasetie, Misses -Marjorie and Editb, spont the ýweekund in Tor-- onto and Mimico and visited Niagara Falls on Monday. Mrs. Bessie Robbins spent a pleas- urable weekend motoring witb friends to, Hamilton, St. « Catherines and Niagara Falls. Her many friends bei-e will bu sor- i-y to know Miss Betty Sargent is in the Isolation Hospital, Peterboro, witb s;carlLt fever. We wish hur a speedy recovery. Average Pie per Gallon. Average Coverage per Gallon. 450 Sq. Feet (2 coats) $35-00rd aoo f 50Sqareet. $3500 LaOALCOSTfply>reu 17.00 or 27.5!% of cost of he whole job is saved by pur- chasing Lowe Brothers' "High Standard" Paint, flot to I peak of the added advantage of having a superior job in Figure your paint requirements on a "Square Foot" basis. If vou do s vou will buy-1 LOWE BROTHfRS' HIGH STANDARD PAINTS AND VARLNISHES $3.50 300 Sq. Fee (2 coats> 71 Gallons $26.25 $5;2.50 Sold exclusive/y b,'- b RICE & CO. NEWHATS On Sale SATURDAY Always something new and different at Walker's Millinery Dept. We were foxtunate in securing this week a group of very classy Hats at a special price. They are ail smart new shapes of fine fancy straw; brims that are different; each one- individual in style; latest spring shades. Choose Saturday at SIX SPRING COATS each Five only Tweed Coats that were $10.50; sizes 12, 14, 16, 18. and one navy tailored Coat at less than haif price. Your choice, Satu.rdayW SMART FRO(K"S Very NWsoderateIy Priced A wonderful showirig of charming afteî ion frocks -t of georgette, piinted silk, printed chiffis and fiat cilepes. All the new shades and stylhto choose ooma e"moIàaepie $3.95 TRENCH COATS $2e98 Ideal Coats foi, school w~eaî' for the rainy day. Styled in the be.s tî'ench coat effeet-sfî'om gabardine w'ith rubber lining; sizes 6 to 16 years. j 4 j't- I WUIMMMMMW,/=MM mm- Economical Protection for YouIFHo0nte "Price-per-Gallon" is a very deceiving basis on which to judge the Cost of Paint. Alil things being equal, the Higher the Price-per-Gallon, the higher the quality-and the lower the initial or ultimate cost of paint is sure to be Cheap "Price-per-Gallon" Paint increases the cost of painting, the. cost of labor, of protection and the cost of repainting. lie. LOWEpaRat OTsHaRiStraeVS, w THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TMIR-qDAV Mavirk;k inon CHEAP PADM $5.35 BOWMANVILL.E $61-75

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