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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1930, p. 9

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l~HE CANAL'IAN STATESMAN, B0WMANVIL~E, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 PAGE MINE Sow Clean Seed We have a supply of Government Tested Grass Seed of the following varieties: No. 1 Red Clover No. 1 Alsike Pine Tree Timothy No. 1 Purity No. 1 Alfalfa Utah Grown No. 1 White Blossom Sweet Clover No. 1 Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover (Jimited Quantity Only> WE ARE OPEN TO BUY A LIMITED QUANTITY 0F FEED QATS McClelIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274 King St. E. Bowmanvulle BUY FIRESTONE TIRES from JAMIESON BROS. Auto Tires Vulcanizing Batteries Statesman Block - Bowmanville 9 te- for Extra Strength and MiIeasz EENFATH the ruggecl saFety tread of touglîest rubber, Firestone Tires hâve il:e strong- est 'nost durable cord construc- t.'-rî ever known. Layer upon l:yz. ciý cords are sciz-7Wficalfy twîsted for rreatast sticngth and clastici!y-- Iben dipped in pure rubber whifiSprotccts every ribre àgaidfl3t i l .heat and friction. G umn-Diping doubles lexins lite and addstho usands of extra m:IescF dependable, service. Cnly Firestonc t 7ires are Gum-Dippcd-Nî, ot4ir tire has Its advanta3es. Because OF th" eiuci pi icess, Firestone tires bold c w-, records for mileage and enJurance. See your nearcst Firestonie Dealer We Recommend and Si FIRESTONE TIRES WEST END GARAGE VIL. D. Cllemens King St. W. Bowmanvile Corbett Miotor Sales Co. Bowmanville, Ont. CROSS IT OUT f yqu're feeling rather blue Or distressed by foolish doubt, There is tino best thing te de; Cross it eut. 'f y u think you are malligned, Pronsptly put the the>ught te rouf; Do nef argue or resent: Cross if eut. if your neighbor talka disease, As.hrna, backache, fever, gouf, Liat;,en pleasaabtly,. and thon cross if ouf. If the raucous noise oif town Makes you long te scRearn or about, Seek at once an inner poise: Cross if eut. le !-ie qander rcond the air IOr niean gossip afaîks about, Put a finger on your lips: Cross if eut. If you feel that you have fa.Iled, Tîa- your efforts ceunt for nauglif, Di) not wcrry: star! again: Cross if ouf. Why sufer needlessiy? Douglas' 1 Fgyptian Liniment brings' quick. Isure relief te ac.aid feot, soft cernes t and warts. Relieves inflammation. 1 Rerneves proud fleali. READ 0F A CAE UKE HER OWN D.idd to take Lyclia E. Pikham'a Vegetable Compound Moueton, New Brunawick-"Before my lut baby wua bora 1 wus very weak, nervous and dis- couraed. i aaw an adertisernent in fthe paper about a wtiran who had bouht a bottlc tof Lydia E. Pink- liam's Vegetable Comrpound. 1 fook three betties and it carri<'d nee se- ly. throtigh tijat critical tinîr. i have three chldren to rare for anîd I feel well and strong. 1 have teld two other weren about yoîur mediîne."- MiS. GUS AIUIENAULT, 82 Albert Stroot, Moncton, New Brnawick. ORONO CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL (From The News of May lSth.) Counicil met Mauy 6th at Orono, Moiss Deacon az)d Miss Jew,-t Mc- Reeve M. J. Holnum presiding and flac, Toronto, were weekend v;sitora mrem'_rs al resent. af their uncle's, Mr. John McRae. Loiimuniet0fl5 were :uad as fol- Mr. Henry Hill has bought the îows: j. A. Carroll ii )f ad- farrn on the 8th concession, 100 rinistering thue Weed Control A.ct; acres, form,ýr Thos. Patterson fari. Mrs. E.:r tb; a- couteil o- .. and M4rs. A. J. Le<fl haveý re- iuture care of Min. Wiý:*L.. andJ turned -home af ter spending the win- farnily; Jones and Leor.ard re M. E. ter with their daugitter i Toronto. Raýnoü.1d esate; H. 'Bar.row,ýclough re Mr. Frank Pearson has secured a accident to hla car on 5th C'on., near good Position in Toronte with Fesa Sfarkvi7.e, arncunting te $10 was 're-~ uilICo. Frank was home over the fýrred to The Globe lndemnity Ce. weekend. for adjustinent whidh in -the opinion Miss Elsie Rainey ]eft lasf week f0 tof the corn.pany liabiliby shoculd net be take a Position with Mr. John Russell admitted; A. D. Cartwrigiht, secre- in the Superier grocery store at fary Board Railway Conimissioners, North Oshawa- re C. N. Railwaèy service Orono Diviis- Mr. Duncan Brown, chief horse ion tcq which reply was made 'by r'eso- promoter, Ottawa, and Col. F. Moss, lution. Toronto, sccretary Ganadian Hanters Wm. Bannon end Son asked coun- Society, were recent guests at the cil fer $10 for a winter road and Camnpbell farms. dairnages to hay field crossing their The barns on the late Thoe. Under- pro.pert.y durin* the winter season. wood homes'tead ýfarm, Kendal dis- Cou.ncillors Morton and Dent werc* trict., were destroyed by fire îasf appointed tô invefftigate and report. Wednesday tevening, May 7th, during Departinent of Public Highways ,a heavy electrical stiorrn. submitted an account for cleaning Mrs. George Seymouir and daugh- sno'wv off pavement frein Newcastle. ter, Miss Ettie Seyrnour, and grand- te Orono. The clerk was instructed s'on, Grant Seymour, were down fromr to infor'm the Departrnent that ceun- Toronto over the weekend. cil is in no way rcspon.sible for pay- Mr. Levi Edwardz, a fermer resi- ment of titis work. dent of Orono when hie conducted a R. J. Rowe, ass.s-or, having cein- barrel factory here, la ii at bis homeI pleted the asosament rol for 1930), in Oshawa having recenfly suffered a returned sanme tu counceil on May 6th. light stroke. Clerk was instructed te write firms The Wurnan's Association met I ealing in roed machin rry te submif Tuesday afternoon, May lSth. Mrs. tenders 'by June 1sf for their consid- devotional haif hour. The annual with a mediumn sized atone crusher, strawberry festival was planned for conveors and bin. the latter part of June. Clerk will connunicate. with the Mr. John N. Powers, local manager C. P. Railwa>y and enquire as te the of the Royal Manufacturing Go., Tor- responsibility for maintaining certain ente, has se.curc.d 33 acres, about lino fonces on Lot 14, Con. B. F. double the acreage oif former, Council instructed Mr. Henry te for grewing cucumnbers ifor theiri dean out culvert and rernove the pickling vats bene. The seod is ex- wator dam in the ditch on Con. 4, op- pected te arrive in a few days. posife Lot 13, in respect te coïliplaint Mrs. McGiUl, Toronto, accompanied1 made by Erwin Farrow. by lier son, DrT. McGill, and his i Bills ordered paid are: daughtors, were Sunday guests in town. In Centre Street. Church Miss Merle, Merle and Ray, pyav- Kathleen sang "The Holy City- ing work in Orono ...$5002.18 Iwhich ail enjoyed very much. Mr. Pedlar People, Ltd. centre Wyvan Reid aise sang in g<od voie o, joint paving work in Orono 53.28 ".Abide with Me." S. Cutteil, advertùsing pav- The Oil of the IPeoPle.-Many oils ing work in Orono........ 23.751 have corne and gene, burt 3r. Thon-a' Municipal Werld, debenturo Eclectric 011 continues te maintain forms, paving in Orono . . 3.83 ifs Position and increase its sphere of R. R. Waddell, legal fees, usefuiness each year. Ifs sterling paving in Orono.......... 35.00 qualities have brought if te the front J. J. Weicker, consulting en- and kept if ther'o, and it can truly be ginecr, paving in ýOreno . . 176.94 called the cil of the people. 'fheus- A. J. Staples. clerk's fees, ands have beneflted by if and wouid paving in Orono.......... 50.00 use ne other preparation. W. J. Lycett, supplies Jessie While affending the 5th anniver- Waddell................. 1.00 sary o the founding o the A.&.M.E., J. R. Cooper, supplies Jessie Prof. Billings, head cf the Mechanical Waddeii................, 9.57 Engineering deperftrent of Drcexel, S. E. Allen, supplies Jessie and an old Orono boy, was given a Waddili................. 5.05 dinme.r in his honor. The dinner J. R. Cooper, supplies Mrs. was given by the Drexel Alumni tif A. Wr'ghf................ 15.081 Washingten, D. C. Mrs. E. *J. Randall, monitbly The officers and merabers ef Col- pax-ment R vs F.......... 48.001 borne Lodge,. A. F. & A. M. , visited R. J. Rowe, baL assossessr's Orono, Lodge last Friday evoýning and salary............. ..... 94.20 presented the Lebanon Square. The R. H. Wood, caretaker .... 15.00 sarne eve4ing Sunnyside Lodge, Tor- ,1o Henry, Road Supt., enrte, were present on a fraternal vis- Jn.- Arl........65 it, and af the close of 'the iodge thâ 'Municipal Worid, blank visiting brethren were entertained at foris............ ....... 1.33 a banquet at tht. Kumrite hotol. Peter Laing, sheep damage.s 34.00 Rcduced by Asthma. The constant W. Ed(y, sheep darnages . . 18.00 atraiin tif asthma ýbrLings tihe patient rFiercy Patton sucep darnages 22.50 to dreadful state of hopelesa ex- N. Allun & Sopn, sheep in- hausti'on. Eàarly use should by al pectors, ............12.00 ineansobe made cf -the farnous Dr. J. Hydre Power Cern. light for D. Keilogg's Asfhma Remedy, which hall...................... 4.72 more than any other acts quickiy and Mrs. Edgar Eby, supplies surely on fthe air passages and ibrigs Mrs. Wheeler............. 2.00 blessed help and comfert. No home Frank Law, supplies Mma. where asthmea la present in the leasf Wheeler................. 8.00 degree should be without titis gi-caf Canada 'îngot Iron Co.. 2 remedy. st:el culverfs............. 210.06 Orono Lodge, A. F. & A. MX, No. me. Henry, road mainten- 325, heid its annuel elcection cf offie- ance Jan. - April.......... 796.25 e rs fo r cuiret y ear, orn May fth, th e Council adjourned te meet Tues- baing elected: W. M- day, June 3rd, for genevtl business AdlPh Henry; 1. P. M.-S. E. Allen; and holding a Court of Revision oif S. W.-Harry Milison; J. W.-O. W. aassessinent roll for 1930, Court te IRolph; Tref.-Týhos. Smith; Sec'y. meet at 2 o-cieck. I-Neil Golville, M. D.; Tyler-W. J. Martyn; Audito-J. J. Gilflilan and A. J. Staples, M. J. Holman, J. R. Cooper; Boarid cf Instafled Cierk. Reeve. Master-J4. J. Gilifllan, Neil Clville, _________________ G. M. Linfon. The Horticutural Society regrets RAJLWAY TIME TABLE that the heavy storni on Tuesday ev-____ ening tast prevente-d 50 many hearing CaainNtnlRiwy the very fine address given by Rev. <StadandNartile)iw IGeorge Tebb cf Burlingt.on. ThosD Sadr ie who wero privileged te hear hum wiÛ WEST SOUND EAST SOUND net soon forget the oharssing manner 40 .m .2a i and reai humer with 'which ho de- 40 .i .2a i scribed the beautiful English g9eca 8.105a. in,-913 a. in. visifei by him l ast aurnrnr. Th ese 11 . i .'28 P . were rnade te livti before uis by the 6.46 p. ni. 2.13 Pi. In. very, fine colered alides rnade by Mr. 17.6 p.n.6.0).niý Te'bb. 7 17P. ni. o~ >n Miller's Worm Powders acf mildly Il - p.n. and witheut injury te the child, and exýil fherz-can %be ne deubt tof their deadly \11trainls ar, dat eci ty m.irkei ofect upon worns. They have been w1oiich arc. SunLiaoii in successful use fer a long turne and Cnai PicRaly are recognizc.d as a Icading prepara- CndaPcie ily tien fer the purpose. Tbey hav St...d T~ proved 'their power in nunuberless WEST SOUND EAST SOUND cases and have given relief te thous- a-ni 10. 0.1a. ni ands oif chi.idren, who, but fer the . nasp n good offices of this superior corn- 3 I i . 8.45 p. m. SPITTING ON SIDEWALKS FORBIDDEN In a very irteresting report of a study made on Tuberculosis covering a section of England, we find that the report closes with the following:- "Thzi-e is one reform, and that by no oleens unimportant, which need flot cat a.nything. If the filthy habit oif sp4itting in public places c>ýuld be ended by pressure of public opinion, a considerable source of infection iwou'd d:sappear." That a repoot which deals with the reiationship of tuberculosia, te houa- ng. employment and malnutrition should close with such a definite staternent as regards the dangers of spitting shows just howw serious the matter is in thae, pinion of the writer. S-,itirg is largc4-y a habit. Net .:o many years ago, everyy man spat when he smeked. Why did he? Just because he had seen others do it and, thcreifore, it seemed to him to be associated with the smoke. The cuspidor wes part of -the household furnishings. This bas ail changed, howeiver; tle smoker no longer spita, and the cuspidor in the home la be-. conxing rare. There are men and beys who aeem te spit in order to have aomething -te do. The'y stand on the ceriner andu Lalk and spit. This is simply a bad ahrt. There la ne disagreement es te the habit's being an oibjectiona1ble and a filthy -one. Thore is, however, judg- ;!ne f rom what we see every day al .ack of understanding that the habit 1 i., a very dangerous one4 affeoting oth.-r peope.1 When we consider thet about one per cent oif the population are sufer- t rg f rom active tu.bercuiosis, we un-1 1i-er-îa&nd tha, if spitfing la a common habit, .hcre aze baund to be nîany ir. %%!h-have Spitting i_- moctly a habit. In the -a oria for tuberculosis, very littie s h..Inar, because the pst- lents are taught that most of their coughàng la unnece&e3ary, hat it is simply a habit, and that it can be 1 suppressed. 'in the same way, those )ersons- who, on account of sorne con- lition, d,- collect phlegrn in the hre»Lt and se derire te spit, can .tr: a'ly lessen the frequency oif the 'icý, and when the-y must spit, can rakc use tof the:, bhar, .kereniedfs. P,'îblic opinion has a great deal to :, î\ith habis. We &o net ea. f rom ,ur knýves. bccaus. th.s siriply is not d -iis' contrary la pub'iic pn- on. Public opinion, by frowning on tlNe hobitual spitter, can very quickly hrinug te an end this filthy habit which te a menace te ail of us, and which pîsys, a real part in the spreaid of tuberculosis. A by-iaw la in force in Bowrnan- ville foc'bidding spftting on sidewalloe. te nt. l eroeof w«. m on r m a l a b iU T O O NALES eIrUethrilt on 2miuteach eora bi pino n Ioelrn good. Rocommil.d o R8L th monh thlyro* of tW étandard i uy We zn --- incosi*nas Js Scraggly, unahaven beards are like dil, plhed shoes .. . both are entirely out of keeping with your pride of personal apeaance ... so keep your shoes Sat ail tunes smart wlth "'Nugget"' whieh waterproof@ the shoes as it polishes. An Ailing Are y ou prepared teo render first ad and quick cornfort the moment your youngster lias an upset oif any sort? Could you do the right thing-irnrndiately- thougli the crnergency carne with- eut warning-perhaps, ton iglit? Castoria is a rnether's standby at such tirnes. There is nothing like if in emergencies, and nothing better for everyday use. Fer a sudden attack tif colic. or tlic gentie relief tif constipation; te allay a feverish condition, or te soothe a fretfui baby that can't sleep. This pure vegetable prepa- ration is aiways ready toecase an ailing youngsfcr. It is just as ,>yPi1OSPHODINE.' 1-1 7 *ie ;,eiu F.sgush Pfpaéatina s.' ',.ligorat«S the whole ~ ~.. , i vw~ v-teiinîikes new BI.od e k iold Vcî,î.. L"-d fer fersoui >eii~,Mental ai..g Brais Worry %j. 1 os f 1nergv * Palpitation ai Pa-é l.h.Memori. Price 52 o.*box.i& i,, aitdruggisti. or maiied in plai'n .ut &ome New p-iphlé male ZD : ';wr WfIt mto owvo.obm barmiess as the recipe on the wraper rads.If you sec Chas. H. Fetchr'ssignature, it is genuine Castoria. It is harrnless te the srnallest infant; doctors wvill tell youî se. You can fell frorn thc rccipe on the wrappcr how' riid it is, and how good for littie systcms. But continue with Castoria until a child iii grown. .ook'a R.gulatlng Compound 19 A «de.fffla Ch Wo - prepal inn =ede sy ~ mre pamphlet. Addreu: THE COOK MEDICINIECO. - OJ104 .i ore,e.';iem. particularly on Barns and Outbuildings Bea, silos, fences-surfaces subjected t. attack of sun, rain snow, frost. Valuable potthaoetvecoverarg of durblet opt thallae proetv vem faturblet wearandweater eaisingpaint. It ost s vey itte o gveyour buildings this protection with Martin-Senour Red School House Paint. Here is a Martin-Senour produet specially made for this purpose. Made of the finest English Red Oxide, mixed in scientific proportion and flnely ground by the muett modern machinery. A red paint that will stay red, standing off the effece of the weather for many years. A paint that wiII keep your outbuildings alwayu new, free froan expensive repair cost. Where protection and fine appearanoe are oonemned it certainly pays to usne Martin- Senour Red School House Paint. *1 e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILi£, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 e. :3 Moetin.Srnsw Prodee foeoeeJfur- poee f-r ~y uvjoeby buista Cash Hardware Bowrnanville O. L. Byers Ennialeilien 0.-2j PAGE NU«

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