THE CANADIA.N STATFISMAN, BOWMANV1LLkI, . TIIURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 PAGE FIVE "So Skinny Shanied In Bathing Suit. Gained 15 Lbs." * 'ýGained 15 lbs. t.ak- imYg Ironized Yeast. Was aways aghanied ta wear bathing suit but now I cao end no, feel too skinny."- Eulah Lanningiham. Tiousands 'write of 5 ta 15 Ibs. gaincd in 3 w4eks with Ironized Yeast. Bony limbts ound out. Ugriy holloiws liii n. Blemished skin gets clear and -raasy like nagîc. Nervous- mess, indigestion, constipation disap- Pea' ovcrnight. Sound sleep. Ne'w healtlb end Pep frotn vea'y first day. Two gree totnics in anc-special weight-ibuillding Malt Yeast and rtrengthening Iran. Pleasant littie tablets. Far stronger than unimwdi- cated Resuflts in 12 tire. Sa quit being aelbamed of "skinni- ness," saflow skin. Çet Àro)nized Yeast from druggist today. Feel great toimorrow. Money back froni manufactuzrer if mlot deligbted witbfi qrinck result-q.1 EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Amnbi:ýi.i.s, rellable men wanted a-, ( ce.ý Part Urne pay while training or Aviation Mý%ecbanics. Garage work. Driv sîîg. Battery, Electrie Acetelyne Weidîing, House Wiring, Iridustrial E-ctrcity, 2Machinisi, Bricklaylng, Pas*terIng, Draftig, Barbering and H-airdrssing. Act quick, get your ;1.îIýcat!on ln now. Write or eail for DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, LTD. rE astern H-eadquartera, 163 King St. W Ernp!vmentToronto. Fnpoyrentservice-coast ta Coast. ÇJ Brighten up the hon?'- inside and out with Wall Paper and Paint. - Ç We can supply you with Sunworthy Paper andý Glidden's Paints, Var- nishes, etc. We'Hl do the w'ork, too, if you wish. Geo. Pritchlird Decorator PHONE 489 BOWMANVILLE J. HERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Prices t Phones:t Bowmanville: 235.,o: Trinity 3949J \,.irfss: 274 Augusts Ave., tToronto. 37-lyr. As lc*' as 090.00 from Vancouver Victoria, Seatte-to Skagway and return-including meals and berth en,- route. except in Skagway On luxuriaus Prmnces liner- largest. fasttat ta Alaska. Moke your reservations now while the- choicer Pr icess cabins ore avaîlable. Vancouver Island West cas'.i cruises 7 daya. Meals and berth enroule.Minaimum ý$3900 * F'lit,'iformliî'î n'(,(n W nearest (an ditn Pa- RAs L e.%Y cfc tii telagepil or Ge'ieral Pasrîger A geni 'vecntev se aaad Laie LUis. mtee PaciC WHITE SHIELD CLUB YOUNG PEOPLE PRESENT ON TOP 0F THE WORLD 1 CLEVER PROGRAM The regulair meeting of the Whit.e ____ Here are Wall Rogers' reasons fozr Sthizid Club was held on Tuesday ev-~ Great Praise Due Miss Pearclon For clainiing in the New York Times that1 enîng, May 6th, ini St. Paul's LectureJ Excellent Performance in OPera the American people are sitting on' Roomn witn a very good attendance.I Houa, top -of the woild: "For every auto- Mrs. Thomas Gouid presided. Meet-I inig opened bysinging O Canada.1 A clevcr and appealing prograrniof mobile 'we furnish an aceident. For' The raIl was calloed and minutes Of d rLf's, marches, plays and other feat-, every radio scld we put on two mur- 1 the previcus meeting read and ap- uires of entertainment was presented ders. We bave three rolyberies ta I1 proved. Mrs. W .Hall invited the in tîie Opera House on Friday night' evee-y'bath tub installed. We build 1 club ta hold Canadian Night at hier by thc' cbildren and youniger people twG godlf clubs to every church. Our' I home on Tuesday evening, May 2&4th. of the touwn under tbe capable direc- bootleggers have meanicures and our Everybady 'bring refresbments. Next tion of Miss Edith Peardon. farinera bhave mortgages. Ou'r courts regular meeting in St. Paul's on aMr are full, aur jails are f ull, our poli-4 ruesday, June 3rd. Rtefreshinenta The program opened with a 1ad ticians are full. If we can't bouse and prograin will be supplied by Mrs. of sixteen girls . carrying sinali en-arsoeebrnump" Jury, iMis. M. A. Nel aund Mrs. F. sigoîs whicb wass exceedingly weU ex- J 4er e un i u. &at'.inson. ecuted. A Mirror Sang and drill in.4 Prograni for May 6tb consisted of: svich eaeh carried in tbei.r banda' TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE ~ Piano duet, Misses Edith- Sellars and 'rail mîrrors, was very effective and -s4au a S'ybil Mutton; recitations, Mr,. Tho, nicely donc. In the exhibition of Trinity Young Peoiple' egu a Goud; vvcal solos, Mrs. A. Golville, play.ground activities, which was ed- beld on Monday, May l2th. pro- acconipanied by ber daughtecr Mar- ucational as wclas entertaining, gra.m was in charge of the Missionary garet; Inidian recitations, NIrs. W. many useful suggestions were pre- group and was conducted Iby Miss Hall in Indian costume; piano due, ;entz-d that should iprove useful ta Gcqtrude Hamley. An exceptionally Misses Arletta Maynard and Gertrude teachere and leaders of the little fine program was given, consiting ofj Hoolper; piano solo, Sybil Mutton .f oUcs. Those taking part in the Sciipture lesffan, Wilfred Haro ey;' Refa'..ýhm-ýts wea'c serve'd and the ebove threc numbers wer'c: Dorothy lesson was wcil explained by Miss G Goo'd Nigbt Sang and National An- Baton. Marion Davies, Kathleen Hamley; vocal solos, Albert E. Hir-,* thm losJ aver enoyale vemng.Blunt, Dorothy BTadt, Betty Edger, cock; -piano solos, Mrs. H. D. lm thmcloed vry njoabe eenig.Marie Gilhooley, Eileen Haliman, ens, Miss Pauline Wagar and Miss Joncs, Lena Kellar, Jean Mce- Ada Allin; Topic was well given by HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Mullen, Sybil M.%utton, B'crnicc Mut- Mrs. L. W. Dippell who dealt withl4 ,on, Lilian Naylor, Jean 'Rundle, the lives of so'me of the missionaries 1 Mra Johnson Thickson New President Kathleen Rabinson, Nora Savage, of different ages and races in 5a er 4 Florence Shotter, Il'ene Shotter, întea'esting address. The reguier meeting of the Haine GLac, Sellers. Georgina Somerscales,4 and School Club was held in Central 1Dorrthy Tapson, Gerti-ude Wagar. ______4 Publc Seool n WJnesay eon- The second numbea' and onc wbich, :ng last with a good attendance and el'cited the plaudite of aIl, was a the president, Mrs. M. L. Hancock, Sprnrm ag b, .vnee i- j4444j44444 B. A., presiding. A pleasant feat- 'Ie girls in green costumes imitated ,re duning the evoning %vas the pres- tue froggies in sang and movement. -____--------________ entation to Miss Leta L Bragg and Tbey were net only attractiveý in cas- Mrs. J. Thicksan of a rose pant ta o 1 _1,~~ . eacb,' and to Mrs. A. A. Hneya a china plate, for services renderedi the Club during the year. The program included a piano solo by -Miss Leta L. Bragg; two vocal soo by Misa Margaret Allun, acoomp- anied by Miss Bragg; a report of the c onvention af Home and School Clubs heýd in Toronto during Easter week, g1ven by Mrs. G.o:o. Pritchard, wha .secàs the delegate ýfrom the local club; t'wo well given and mucb appreciated1 readl'ng3 by Mrs. B. M. Warnica, and a cc-ites.t which was won by Mrs. W. 'P. Hall's group. Election of officers vwas presided aver by Mr. J. H. Johnston. The following were e]ected: Hon. Presi- en r.W. 'B. Pollard; President -Mr.y J. Thickffon; lat Vice Pr-c-si- dea'-. Mrz.J.chn Hately: 2nd Vice Ireident-Mrs. Harry Allin; Sec.- Treas. and Press Sec.-Mrs. J. Davis; Pieist-~MssLeta Bragg and Mrm J. Hately; Executive--Mirs. D. F. lienry, Mrs. W. J. Richards, Mrm. F. C. Calmer, Mrs. R. Hebbs. Mrs. G. F. Puxrdy, Mrsz. W. P. Hall, Mme. M. Clarke. The mecting closed with a treat of ice cream an 3 cake served by the re-i tirmor *-xecutive. The next meet- 'ng will be held in October. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mr&. W. D. Brooks, Wb.tby Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Brooks, Dun- lop Street, Wbitby, have just cele- brated the fiftieth anniversary of the ýr -edding. The couple, who are bath in good heaflth, were married ini T'renton, Ont., 50 years ago, by Rev. Mr'. Lewis, of the Methodist Churda. Mr. Brooks is a native ofPrince Ed.. ward County, 'while his bride of lfiVy years ago, vas booen in the township af Sidney. 0f the union oif ifty yeara ago ton children were born, five of wihom aire stfl alive. They are: Bert Brooks, Detroit, Mich.; George Brooks, Bow- mianvi'Uc; Kenneth, Toronto; Lyal, WVhiýby; and Mrs. John Curley, cd Rochester, N. Y. Mr'. and Mrs. Brooks haive been residents of Whibby for the past 14 years. YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYBODY (Brampton Con servator) The worid is full of good natured people who try ta agree with every- body. If they have any opinions of their own, they conceai tbem in their effort toa evoid hurting soneone else's feelings. But they don't get any- where. They don't gain tihe respect or confidence cf an'ybody, and they count for nothing, or next to it, in the lives and affaira of their fanailies and thelir commuioties. How far woul.d a minster get on bis mission f .:t:ed ta niake is sermons plEase everybo3y in tihe :on? The question answers itsel.f The po&itican wbo flattersalal of bis c.-ýtituentsq an:! agre:--s with what- ever any of tbem thinli gets cected, and if he does, be is evocni mare reneminated. The business man who would let*cr custon- ' -tell'-im K-tw 'o i'un bis- s tore would soan be bankrupt. And F be newspapel, editor whi d<l n(, ave any opin:ons of : own but T3n K-o pap>er t4) -it the suip:os-ed vi:w'- cv. ry ana ' his sws~b~~oulc. find b!nee'f in a carry fix. There is one sound rule for evervy on' who) s ambitiaus ta get along in the warld nn i ta île a respec,.t2i member of hie -'muoity and bis country. That '2p îg 'e. torm l'-or ber awn opîn- ;ors. f'îrni h m in the liý,ht if _e' r î'.vcinv!nced that bhey arceih 'mmi 'hi-n ta sztand by th-m. cour:eous- !v -ut firnmly. Even those wbo hon- eo.i'!y and sinccrelv ho-Id ta an op- *poing vie-x. And it is better tob h rec'pec'ed than merely toleratd We are pr-parcd ta ,-;ve v u aîîc!el If-livcrv (in ice an3 perfect Ratigfac- 'ion. You will reed ice for the cam- ;11 seazon. 1,, t us suppiy Yen1. A!an M. WilljamF. RANKRUPT STOCK - SALE COING STRONG ENDS FRIDAY AT ROVAN'S miovements called forth appreciation froni everyane. Those taking part werce Hazel Aider, Dorotby Bic-kle, Mary Cowan, Moira Dînniwell, Mar- ion Gibson, ;Mavis Gaiton. LouiSe i ,Hobb.s, Darathy Harnden. Evel-yn i Harniden, Viola Larkin, Katherine! tLuxton, Ivy Passant. Jean Rice. i Florence Sheardown, Marjory Tom- linson, Ruth Vii'tue, J.-an Woodward. A Red Cross play, "Molly and Hea' Health Fainies" contained many val- uable lessons for the parents, and was prescnted ini attractive and practicali form hy: Molly Gren-Dorothy Bar- 'on; Betty Green-Gertrude Wagar; Queen of Fairies-Eileen Hallman; Fairy Cleamlines-Dorothy Bradt; Fairy Fre-sb Air-Betty Eder; Fair-y Sunsine-Dorothy Tapson; Fairy Good Fod-Jean McMulen; Fairy Ret-Nora Savage; Teacher-Doro- thy Nichais; Mra. Green-Flor-ence A pkasing varicty '^was give-n by the' Ladies' Quartet -Mesdames C. H. Dudley, H. M. Foster and J. E. An-' 'lerson and Miss Gret Pollard. Sa we'f did tiby presont the first sel,.c- t'on that an encore was dcmanded ta w-ich they willingly responded. An lèxhibition of Indian club swing- ing &vas givc.n b'y D.orotby Barton, KatMecen Bluni, Beirniece 'Mutton and Sybil Mutton, that was very rred- itably donc. Miss Selma Bartlett rccited a hum- orous number and respcsnded ta the encore with an original dreani that too-k wcll. The Athietie Dance by Kathleen and Douglas Blunt was a very thking number and was so rweUl aeceived that they were recalled and gave a second exhibition. The Mazu:cka Dance by Jean Braugh, Dorothy Nichols, Grace Run- gracefully performed. A solo was sung ýbyMrs.C. H. Dud- bey wvho jes lwaysa apopuîar singer and as usual ber solo was very heart- iby a'ppreciated. Tumsbling and Pyramide by the High School Boys, undea' direction of Mr. L. W. Dippc-il, B. A., ruade a plcasing vaaiety to the pragram and was heartily applauded. Other variety -,Ns given by "Rufty Tuftby," a dance by Mrs. Dudley, Mmc. T. A. G'srta'n, Mrs. T. B. Giiebrist and Miss Peardon, members o-f th-c- Ladies' Casas, in suitable costume. Perbaps nothing was mare attract- ive or prettily perfo-rmed than the "Irish Washcr Woman Dance" by' Marion Connars, Be-ssie Martin and Grace Walsh in their green and white costumes. typical of the Emeraid Isle. "Who Salted the Soup'i" a hmr aoc, skýteh by: Grandfatber Re Ro:;: Williams; Mrs. Kane, bis daugh- ter-Alice Pardy; Miss Sarah, en- other dauhtr-Evelyn Taylor; Mary, the iiaid-Crtrude Hooper; ' an I Tom. grande h iidien-SybilJ Mlutton and George Gr'aham; -was -a hem'ani-uingari plovei 'bat too It n-' m' -r - - ' l'o ro h. T hi S 't-b-e conclu i va numnbrr Itaapi -ram of omîcb ini'-.. Miss e ard4l<îm' 'r 'e îb c- tbo traioiim'zr 'mdd e'r f re«-'you ri- mî~"as " - '.1t'< - m.ý e'e - sn t :i lîsor' -. - 'Icular. Tk-e preeentation vf~un- -i atsoi - JDurham ""ap'r Order Es iiSt-mr. - P[UItlING? YES New Plunibing ins-tatl r! 01J PUnib',nr, repai",e rme c i" Frr 'rn R. F. L OGAN llIumbing. Heatinit & Tinsamithing i 264 - PIones - 453 LoWrIANVILLE. ONT. To I hose Who Really Care o a u t Meniories are SacredM Whether Lie has been-I rich with experience or confined within nareow Iim -- its, there are always mcm- cries held sacrcd beyond NESNI the rcach off commouplace andh S OR VsIIJ H To those memories and " THE 0TR F 1BIGGER AND) BETTER f they bave inspired, one y w yq respect. V L E The heautiful custom of ercigamonument-.Jig. DO YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING FRIDAY springs from this natural _ STORE OPEN TILL 10.30 P. M. Chooasing such a memor- STORE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY, VICTORIA DAY ial is often somewhat i n. volved wth doubt, and we -___ respect f ulIy ffer our cr, vices in the capacity of A K A BL C O BOUNSALL'S MARBLE WORKSU (Established 1857) BOWMANVILLE U uuu: m rn r:mw At last m m a sane and sènsible .wash"pý m m IBowmanville gets a new laundry service I. Damp Wash Sc per Pound, 20 Ibis. for $1.00 Everything washed in mild -zuds and rinsed in ten changes of water. Exces-c water rernoved and the bundles returned damp, sweet and dlean, reedy to be ironed. 2. Damp Wash, Fiat Work Ironed 8c per Pound, 12%h ibs. for $1.00 Everything washed in mild suds and rinsed in ten different waters. The body ciathes are returned damp ready ta iran. AIl fiat work such as table Ànen, bed Iir.en and towels- are ironed ready for use. 3. Dry Wash 7c per Pound, 14 Ibo. for $1.00 Everytbing wasbed in mild suds end rinsed in ten different waters and thoroughly dried in moderate a.r-cooled dry roomn tumibler. 4. Dry Wash, Flat Work Ironed 10c per Pound, 10 Ibs. for $1.0 sarne process as dry wash with the exception that all body clothes are returnerl dry and flat work suc'r as bed linen, table linen and toweis reody !iSr use. 5. Semi-Finished li c per Pound, 9 Ibs. for $ 1.00 Everything iraoned. Fiat work perfectly done and ho,!y clathes or wearing apparel iî-,npl in ruch a nmanner that it ;.. entirely finished excrpt a few %- i h~fuz-y corners and 90 per cent can bc wün witbriut any further touching Up. Minimum Charge for Ail Services $1.00 The launiry is flot a new institution nar is "famiiy ws"a new househald problem, but -this leundry has a n.-v way of heiping bousewives do away with the irk- sorne Parts of washing. A study of the list of five diffierent kinds of Iaundrry service on the left side of this advertisement will rex'*aI -the fact that it is n-ow possible to have as znuch or littie af the wash dane as you wîsh - end pay anly for that part of the wark. . This new systeni has been in opzration in Toronto for many years and has prcven such a great comfoTt ta hausew-ives that it is rapidly replacing the aider forms of laundry. It is actually a money saving aver n.y known home* method. A rcmarkable feature af this new form of laundry is that at no stage of the work ie there any rubbim.g. There ie nso marking - no starcbing - and each wasbing :.S <lne scpa,.at:1y. a feature that should commend itFecf ta al] gooi housekeepers. Each 'TueFdayý our driver wiil cal] at your home for your waeb and wi]l return it an T.hursday. To try this IICw service jus-t phone Mis. F. Batoman, King Street. A FEATURE WELL WORTH NOTING ' Rag endl waol rugs, mopez, awnings. blankets and comforter-, may be inciuded in any of the abave Fserv;ces at no extra charge. Pil!aws $1 per pair. VVASH CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED TORONTO WET WASH LA&UNDRY CO., LTD. MRS. F. BATEMAN - KING ST. - BOWMANVILLE PHONE 57 8 0 J solution of that worst of al household problerns "famnily THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL", - THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 PAGE FIVE 1