PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 DECORATE For Shîjuers Let Bowmanvil]e do its part to give the visiting Shriners a cordial welcome. Decorate your shops and rtsidences-. We have Shriner Pennants, Transfera for wind shields. amd other decorations. FLAGS FOR MAY 24th. Yes, we have lots of Union Jacks, in ail sizes and prices. NEW LINE 0F LINENS Just in time for showeTs and wedding gifts -very beauti- fui. IF IT'S WALL PAPER You can corne right in our store, pick out what you like and take it away with you. No need ta order out of to-wn. Our prices are right. J. W. Jewell Big 20 Booictore Bowmanville TENDERS FOR DREDGING SEA LE) T1L2NDERS, ;ctdrssed ta the nclersigncd a.nd endorscd -Tender for I rdcgi ng, Po'rt Hocpe, Ont ario-,'%%illie receivtKI until 12. o'clock noon (daylight saving), Weiaesday, June 4, 1930. Tend ers wil~l nat le con sidered un ess muade on the form s-u pplied by t h, tDe- lurtinat and in cccortlance xvi tI th, conditions st forth therein. t omibined ajîcciication andi form Pt ften- j dem cc.n le obtaîneti on application ta the îî idersigcned, alsoa at tilie ottice o!fithc Dis- trict Engineer, Eclity Btuilding, Toronîto, Ont. Te rdera must i nclude the towing of th, p ulant ta and front the- work. The dretiges andi ther plant wlîiclîrare Intendeci ta be employetl on Ibis work. shali have been duly registered in Can- adla on or befor- the Tblrty-first Day of Decemiber, 1929, or shaîl have been con- structed acnd registered in Canada ince t h, sa liidate. Eacli tender must be accompanied by an accelîteti cheqlue an a chartereti barik, payable ta te order of the Minister of Public Works, for ;) per cent o! the con- tract price, ýbut no cheque ta Le for lest. than ive Itundreti dollars. Bondls af the DoýmInIon of Canada or bond. of the Can- adian National Ralway Company willI be acd)clas qecurity. or bonds andi a chequie if rc<juired ta make ui) an odd iiil flt. tty order, N. DESARDINS, flejartment of Public orks, Ottawa, May 21, 1910. 21-2 GET YOUR 24th MAY OUTEIT from GILCHRIST AT THESE LOW PRICES We're doing our part to help you prepare for the Spring seas.90 We have assemibled an e9pecially bandsoxne asslortment of the things men like and priced theni mucb below ordinary. Ufi you in pnepanednress, and most -men do, don't negiect to corne bere and share in the bargains we present. r TOP COATS To clear the balance of Top Coats on hand w~e quote the following reductions: Rzguýar $20,00 foir Regular $25,00 for $ 14.95 $18.75 Regular ý$22,50 for $16.75 Regular $30.010 for $23.50- MEN'S SUITS 2. Mlen's fancy tweed i;uit-s (odd sizes anti d.îplet.ed lines "), shades of fawn, grey and brown. Thes< represent suime very high dlace sîits, in Value-~ to $30.00, clearing this week aniy, $19.95 FINE SHIRTS A speciai purchase of the papular DIXIE BLUE SHIRTS, with collan attached, also a few -nesotf separate colliar shirts, in vaîlues ranging up to $3.00 each. This week-end at a big clearance ýpice of $1.69 each or Two for $3.0 Te B. CGikhrist Directîy Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanvilîe LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 'Misa Cora M. Scott, Toronto, was C. C. Ravin, C. N. R. stationl agent~ guest of Mr. and Mms. F. A. Hadidy at Pickering, is at preselnt attelldig on Sunday. the Telegrapliers' Con>vention in Lo5 Dr. G. C. Bonnyca.stle attended the Angeles, Calif. Ontario Dental convention in Toron- Miss Margaret Pettigrew, Chief ta this Week. Attendance Officer Toronto Public Mr. James Brown, Toronto, pet Schools, was -the guest of Mr. and Sund«y wituh his iatber-in-lauw, Mr. Mrs. W. A. Shane during the paist Markus Mayer, week. Miss Mary L. Nortbwa.y, Tomrnto, Mr. Gea. B.t Kemiedy, 'B. A., Prin- has been spending a few days with cipal of. (jom" ffi Egh School, pass,- Miss Dorotby m. James. ed awây on'May 1Otih after an iilness Mx and Mrs. H. T. Humlby and of three weeks. He was in i 7th fanuil'Y, Hamiton, spent Sunday witb year. Mr. and (Mrs. T. H. Knigqt. Dr. M. J. A. James, Cleveland, Mr. Edward ielding, Toronto,, Ohio, wht is attetndiaig the Ontario spen th wekendwit h*Dental Association Convention in spen' th weeend itb is niee., Toronto, was guest of his father, Mr. Mis. Mebourne Wight, and otber , M. A. James, on Sunday. relatives bere. Trinity Swîday School commences Mrs. A. J. Eckardt, Miss Gladye1 its summer session on Sunday next, Eckardt, and Mrs. Cuthbertson, Tor-j May 25th, at il a. mn.- Let every onto, weîro guests of Mia. W. E. TiI- meinber of the school be in bis <or ber ley oni Sunday. place next Sutnday mnirning. jutrs. Hneit fR. iley oo Marcelling dane at Mrs. W. Adamns, justretînedIf ne n and one-haf King St. W., Bowlnanville, an Wed- Years' trip abnoad, was guest of Ml-s. nsasadS ias3c hn W. E. Tilley, Beecb Ave., on Wed- I 275 forapdpaitnxent. On honiea nesdy. week Tuesday and Thursday. 19-4 Mi. and MTS. Chas. H. G. Fletcher, i Dr. and ýMrs. G. E. Reaman and Dr. ~Tornonto, are visiting hier sister, Mia and Mrs. J. C. Devitt represented Rach, and other relatives. Mr' Bowmîanville Rotary Club at the 27th Fletcher is îecovering froni a severe District Rotary Convention held ainess. Monday and Tuesday at Niagara M. and Mca. M. S. Reenigk and Fals, Ontario. an Mr. A. Hows, VncuKreBk., Miss Beatrice E. Crydernian, and r. . A I~ws, elona, B. C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cry- have.becn ç%ieiiting 'Mn. and ,Mrs. T. derman, Bowinanwviïle, was anong the H. Knight. guestas at a dinnei given by the Toi- Dr. and Mns. W. J. T. Veale and onto Generai Hospital Aluîmnae As- daughter Mary, Harrow, Ont., are csaciation at Hart Bouse in honor of visiting their parents, Mr. and Mis. the 1930 Graduatinug Cass. Ch. VA. ontnad e n . Mr. W. N. Tilley, K. C., Tarant o, Thos Veae. cone of the miost prominent niembers Mr. and Min. J. F. Gecîge, daugh- of the Canadian legal profession, ters Phyllis, Jean and Shirley, Mis. was e..cted Treasurer of the Law G-eorge Si., and Mr. J. M. Termy,, Society af Upper Canada in succes- Sinitfldield, Mn. and Mis. B. E. Ing- 1 sian ta the late Hon. Wallace Nesbitt, hani and san Mac, Part Hope, weie K. C., at the convocation of the Sundity guests of Mis, W. C. Was'h- benchers of t.he law soci.-ty at Os- ington and Mrs. B. M. Wainica. goode HaAl l ecently. This position is regaided as the highest honor _____________ __________- which can be conferred on any law- yer in the province. Mi. Tilley Is son of Mns. W. E. Tilley, Beech Ave. NEWTON VILLE The ladies of N4wtonville Unîted Church are holding their Annivei-sary on ay 4thand 25th. On Sâtur- day, May 24th, at 5 p. ni. a supper wili ýbe served in the Sunday School Roani. At 8 p. m. a play entiViled 'tMarying Annre" avill lx. given b Solina young people in the Commun- ity Hall. Admission: Supper and play 60c; childien 30c;,play only 35c. On Sunday, May 25th, services will be conducted at 2.301 and 7.30 p. mi. hy Rev. E. Harston, pas-tor of Simcoe St. Chunch, Oshawa. Special mnusic. Wamlted WA NTEO--Cap)able N antan for getreral hliuseNvark. Apply Lis K. Smith, (t(aticcssion St..,llowmanville. Phone fifl.21-tf WANTED-Two exprienced salesmen far Bowmanvil andi district; musat bave reicreaces and preparedti ta la bonded. Aî,îly Thureclay andi Friday at Bawman flouise Itotel. Ask for M.%r. Seymour. To Let FLAT TO RENT-Fîve roorns, waaer- works, elecîrlo ligbts. Apply Statesman Office. HOUSE TO RENT - Containing 6 rooma; garden: possession May 6th. Ap- ply to Mrs. Jas. Jebson, Hampton. 18-tf MOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms, aat- erworks, bath, electrlc lgbts, iocated King & Ontario St., Bowmanvllle. Ap- ply A. A. Colaill, Newcastle. 51-tf TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - In Bowmîanville, modern convenlences. Apply ta W. F. Ward, Barrister, etc., Bowmanvillîe. Phone 102. 46-tf MOUSE TO RENT-4-roomed bouse on3 Elgin St., opposite public schooi, modernI convenlences, possession June Ist. Ap- pIy F. Sutton, Elgin St., Bowmanville.I 19-tf HOUSE TO RENT-The aouth-half of double bouse on Temperance Street, con- taialng six rooms, witb modemn conven- iaces. Apply ta Wllard Caldwell, 76 Elgin St. E., Oshawa. Phone 2867W For Sale or Rent MOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-Tavo- storey brick veneer, 6 rooms and bath, ail conve-niences, 1 acre lamd, aIl kinds of fruit, garage. Apply Mrs. E. Passant, King St. East, Bowmanville. 20-3 FOR SALE OR RENT-A 5-roomn fur- nlsbed cottage at Armatrong's Point, Lake Scugog, for sale or rent. Also lots for sommer cottages for sale. Apply ta W. E. Armstrong, Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 321J. 19-tf Baby Chicks For Sale BABY CHICKS FOR 8ALZ-From bigb producing stock, 225 eggs up. Anyone requlrlng May hatchûd chicks klndîy phone 252J. F. W. Battle, Middle Road. 18-tf Desirable Business For Sale 11ai.îug declded Io discontinue the radio buîsnîes uc ivih selI the assets o!ftte lipire Sale.s Ca. TItis includes tlîret o! tht Icst radio franchises, testlng la- sîlunîelîts, etc. ( Thet-It aret no second- Incunî1lradios or ather tlcad stock ta tumn cVer1. Books hauve heen auditeti snd ir1" upin 10 Interesteti parties ta show volumne of busine-ss cone. WIII sell at tiraetive Irice. AîduIy C. E. Rebtier, lloNvmanville. 21-t! TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Court of Revision and Appeal Nulice is liveety giveri that te lirst sctings o! thi t, t-t af Revisionhforhthe c o ru liIi p aofIiciiii gIon willl e hel t t tic. Ta'wn Ilili, i the Villaige o! .1îîîuion satuirdl.y. Jtine -.tlî, 1930, i ,î o atr of 2.2'01, ni. to liear andi i t .riiine t ie sierc con iflai att and omiîssions in the Aesssiiint Hall for t1. .aîcýl Mulnicipality fori tue year 1830. All iirraois lia vuie lcisilercs at the a lit a u mci ie tu î~att.-nd as afore - W. R. ALLIN, i le k of thle T'lwîsil orî af Dimngton. Pati lclia rî111icoii thite2:trcl clcy ofMay, 1931). 21-2 COURT 0F REVISION Township of Cartwright Notice e iem elciy gi\tcli tiat te irst siliing ai the tCourltcof Revision foi, the oofnlipa l'ami w rigîit iwl lielitelîl la th, lown lil, I t la l oek, on Sa tiirclay, Jolti'. -.Il), 19:111, il S <ctltcck 1p. ii. talitear an inlîet.r-tni i,* wse 'ra I Conîua ints ofi erras o oris.cloin ithe Assessînent lîcî l ie1h, cciii rlaiclpaliry for the yeiîr 1930, Iax )ctml ils I h lci y of May, 19130. WM. BEACOCK, 2 1 --2,Clcrk o! Cartwrihlt. OWEN NICHOLASj W shBaritone Soloist Talent supplied for Church or Concert work BOWMAN VILLE Phone 325 DEÈATHS MARTIN-Iin Darlington, on Saturday, May 17th, 1930, John Martin, in his 75th year. Interred at Bethesda Cemetery. CH-APMAN-Iii Clarke, May la-th Jos eph W. Chapman, aged 75 years a.nd 61 months. Interîmnlt at Orono Cemetery, CUNNINGHAM-At Port Hope, May erts. beloved wlfe of the late William c'unningham. PARNAL-On Thursday. May 15th, 1930, at lier home, 275 Hillsdale Ave., Toronto, Mî%fnnie Whito, beloved wife o! L. G. Parnal. L EASK-ln Oshawa General Hospital, May 19, 1930. Jane C. Heron, beiloved wlf e o! John Leask, aged -.0 years. In- terred at A@hburti. VIRTUE-At the residence of lher tlaughtCr, Mrs. J. M. Trimmner, 106 Ful- ton Ave., Toronto, on Sunday, May 18th, 1930, Ellen Stalnton, widow of the late John W. Virtue Enniskillen, aged 81 years. Interd at Hampton. IN MEMORIAM In inerory of our dear wifc and mother, 2utIrs. Jas. Hodgson, who passed away Mlay 14th, 1927. (,one is the one we loveti 50 dear. Facr froîn sighit or speech, Sulent the voice %ve loved ta hear, But not 100 far for aur thoughts ta c'reach. Ever remc.mbered ly tuie Famlly. STEVENS-in loving rnory of aur -txcc on andI brother, Frank Stevens, - td a 5th, 1925. lie was a floxver too fair for eartb, Sent here but for a xvhtle, Gocd marked hcm whben lie gavxe ltim birth And tool i hi w ith a smile. -1-ver re-membereci by Fath.r, '.clother, Simter andi Brother. AUTO FOR S/tLE - Pontiac Sedan, which wc have never used, practically an raged. C. P.ehder, F.ownan- ville. 21-tf CAR FOR SALE--4*hevrolet Landa u Sedant. late 1926, in gaod mechanical con- dition and appearanc ;w ill sell reasoli- abcle. '%. Il. Irown, .R.I(.aple Gýrave() tomrnnville. Phone 476r22. 20 -2w FOR. SALE--Cedar posts and a number of large aine-foot anchor posts. aIea timnber suitable for sleepers and other building purposes. Twenty colonies of Becs at a bargain. T. J. Cole, R. R. 3. l3owmanville., Phone 203r4. 13-10* FOR SALE-I walnut settce, 'Morris chair, rocking chtair. 2 rots, anc with mattress, 1 washstanfl, 1 walnut plana stool. 1 casci. grey blankets, dishes, chenille curtains, andi numerous othcer things. Apply ta 'Mrs. A. Mitche-ll. Div- Ision St., Bowmanvillc. Phone 88 . 21-1- Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE-On Duke Street, ln good condition, U~ acre land, property o! the late Richard Hamlyn. Appty ta Fred Downey, George St., Bowmanvllle. 14-tf FOR SALE-7i-roomecd brick bouse, wirecl for s9tove a.nd ight. Y4 acre o! landi, next ta (Canning factory. Apply on premi9eq la E. G. Mitchell, Hunt Street, lBovminville. 21-3 Building Lots For Sale LOTS FOR SALE-Twa very desirable building lots. one on Centre Street and other on Liberty Street, good locations, central. Must be soîd ta wlnd Op es- tate. Apply 'Mn. Norman S. B. James. Phone 35. 18-tf HOUSES FOR SALE--O or 8 roomed rug brick bouses, wlth ail modern con- venlences; garage and garden. Easy termeS. Apply ta J. E. Plett, George St., flowmanvllle. Phone 384. 15-tf FOR SALE-Nice brick cottage on cor- ner of Lberty aad 'Wellington Streets; brick bouse, corner Ontario and Wel- lington Streets; also a number of good brick bouses ln different parts of the town. Easy tErîns. Apply ta Wnm Brock. Queen Street, Bowmgnville. Phone 114. 16-6w* APPLICATIONS For Clerk and Treasurer For Township of Darlîngton Sealeti applications for Clerk and Treasurer for Township of Danlington avilI be received up ta May 26th, 1930, at 12 o'clack noon and ta appear ln persan at 8.30 p. m. on the same evenlng at the Towvn Hall, Hampton. Duties ta com- mence on or about thre-Firat day o! June. SI LAS WILLIAMS, Reeve. Hampton, May 8, 1930. 20-21 For Sale PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BLACKSTOCK Inclucles Church building, solld brick, côntalnlng 75,000 brick, more or legs, aIma a large quantlty af the best pine lumber, also sheds at back. The buildings ait- uated an fIne lot contalning %î-acre, more or legs. Same can be bougbt as a whole or la part. Those lnterested please commuiiicate wlth Dr. R. J. M. Montgomery 53 Meigsand Rd., Toronto sWantedl - 50 - 100 - 150 ACRES We Have Buyers. PHONE, WRITE OR SEE BOB. HOLDEN Phone 371W 92 Simcoe N.- Oshawa Real Estate- Insurance 21-2 BANKRUPT STOCK SALE GOINO STRONG ENDS FRIDAY. AT ROVAN'S "rtcles For Sale COWS FOR SALE-3 good mnilking cw.Apply ta Y. Arvay, Hampton, Ont. 20-3 FOR SALE-A modern hen house, 32 x 16, Iocatt-d on Scugog St. & Middle Roa.d. For î,aîticulis lphone -'19J. 20- FOR SALE-%Vhlte iron cat and baby carniage. Apply ta Mrs. R. H. West- away, Queen St., Bowmaarville. 21-2* HORSE FOR SLEco~ ie horse, 7 years old. Aptblýi*t o: eW% Werry, R. R. 6, Bowmanvlle. - Phone l6Or3. AUTO FOR SALE-Oldamoblie sedan, late 1927 model, first class shape, bar- gain for quick sale. Apply W. F. Quick. Phone ""6. 21-t ENGINES FOR SALE--One Massey- Harris and one Sharpley '.%uir, bath li irst class condition,. mal hargains, too. Corbett M.%otor SalEs. 21-tf BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Late model, in good condition, bargain for qulck sale. Apply ta Drawer Z, Bow- ma.nviIIe, or phone 606. 19-P, AUTO FOR SALE-Studebaker Coach, In first class condition. A bargain for qulck sale. Apply to Mrs. F. J. Horne, Church St., Bowmanvllle. 18-tf FOR SALE-On, Durham cow, mest re- newed, with second cal!; also pasture for twulve bead of younîc cnttle. Apply W. T. Perritt. Hampcton. P'hone 1-d6r14. 11 - 2w PRICES With the coming of -the Shriners to Toronto next month housekeepers are predicting a short- age of food stuifs. If you are going to "lay in" a supply of groceries to ward off the famine you will find no better place than our store to buy the best grocerïies at the lowest prices. GOING TO WORK IN GARDEN? Lot of people will be working in the garden on the holiday. We can supply your Seeds, Shrubs, and Plants in great variety. Buy early as there is every indication of shoetage of vege- table plants. Our prices are the same as nursery prices. We specialize in Window and Hanging Baskets Large Monthly Roses ...............60c Headquarters for Poultry Supplies. HARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE I» BOWMUANIULE .5 ~ 'Il Stu-irrier Shoc>es Yes, the young and aild lîke good style. But, to plesse the anes who pay the bills we demanded blgh quahity leathers and careful warlcmanship in therie ahoes. . . . we got them! Resuit, a buge asaortme'nt of shoes with style and quality interest. Sec tihem! Men's Spart Oxfards, brawn and croam eik triai, crepe ruibbew soies ........ .......................$5.00 Pr. Misses' Spart Oxfords, il ta 2 sizes............ $300 pr. W'omen's Sport Oxfords, brown trimmed, creýe rubber soles.................................. . .$4.00 pr. Men's, Womnen's, Boys' and Girls' Tennis Footweacr, low priced, high quality: Child's Slippers............................. 85c Pr. Wamen's Oxfords........................ $1.25 Pr. Men's Boots ................;..$135 Pr. Misses' Patent Buekle Straup flipp)ers, $2.65 and $300 pr. THE ELITE SHOE STORE Phone 200 W. Ç. IVES, Manager MAKE IT A REAL HOLIDAY FOR THE COOK Whoever does the cookàng for the family gets mighty few holidays in most homes. So why not relieve the burden and drudgery of doing a lot of cooking for Victoria Day by letting us supply part of the meals? Our bread, buns, cakes and pastry are growing steadily in popular favor. The Bowmanville Bakery. PHONE 97 BOWMA&NVIU8' SEED CORN Just arrived at HAMPTON,-YILLS a shipment of choice Seed Corn, ail varieties. $2.10 PER BUSHEL Special price for quantity. Full stock of Flour andi Feed always on hanci. C. E. HORN, Hampton1 WIIATEVER YOU DO ON MAY 24TH HOLIDAY If You're Going Fishing-We have the Fish- ing Tackle to attract the big fish-eveî'ything the angler needs. If You're Painting the Auto-We seil and recommend Steel Cote as the correct thing to use to make youÉ car look like new. If You're Working in the Garden-We have the tools which do the work easily and thoroly. Martin-Senour Demonstration of Paint, Var. nish and Lacquer will be given at our store this Thursday and Friday. Dustan's Cash Hardware Bowmaville "«We Serve You Well" 1 - - - - r