TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 PAGE IR 1lT DON'T WAIT TILL THIS HAPPENS Gel x'our auto insured to-day and be protected. The cost ýs sa2l compare<l with the returns in casýe of fire. theft, accident or publ:c liability. J.J. m A.Co1N Real Estate and linsurar Phone 50 King St. E. !&SON rice Brol.-ers Bowmanv ill BETTER ORDER~ ANOTHER TON OF LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 7U. Codl 7a1 atafia 'I'e old coal bin and the furnace have cer- ta,,iniy, had a long speil of it this winter. Yet it isq't ail over now as there will be plenty of cold days and nights ahead. So better lay in another ton or two of Lehigh Valley Anthracite-The Coal Tfhat Satisfies. Our drivers are careful flot to raise a dust or make unnecessary muss. We seil Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & S Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2f Bowmanville oixM ie fi watt . Tti ii sti rlri i fiestis-, 3'ttharii 1' ss. It tis loi if thte - -tanîîaril attacir fur 50 s -ar among Olvi-a' -v-3iîr' ilv' tiorînfî I w Il tîcu t ralizie ft iti mf'nsv timps its votume in acis. It im thse rigbt way, tise suick, pleamant and uit - üie nt way ta kill the exceestt eid. TIse storach becomeî sweet, the pain dle- ýour Stomach Sweetened instantly sa rt . xiii, are' happy ' tiain in five i uiýt seiîîîî s-mi rsiils'nu Itilsi. Ens- ph, i slit' ti-st Cii. Xit t.'ûiitil i al tite i- a-rrs if sîar'isrs. is ît illipia oltksf Magrît-iia. Bit'surtir-)tigît titi' g(iîiiig. l>tillist Nlilk rf Misgnî'ssi s-iia-ttltv1iîysi- r-lattafoîr .10 tars in correctirtg exf-eiss a4-i<j5 Hach Iottle contaitiru llfîîitlrc- tions-atsy drugstore. -il of hier brothers anid s.ter': Mrs. lob Tbompson -of Strangfield. Sask.; M1rs. Debe'rah Dieltinson, Tos-ne; Clark and G*t'rge Wilbur of Darling- tan. She was a rnimber cf Brockin Mathedisrt (naw United) Church. an ctive, worktr in its societies until ill iPalth and failing sight made it in- 1--ihie to continue chut-ch activities. Sho 'base ber tume of isolation eitis ý-"'nt patience and cheorfulness. There were a great ýmany beautiful <I i-aI tributes froni friends. Thse . npre.ssiv-- sineral service was.ý con- ducted by Rev. P. L. JuIl, ber pastor. Psul bearers were six nepbews: Wes- 'i-y Allan, Roy Hickirgbetton, War- ,le.:l White, Ralph Wbhitc, Carl Wt.bji- i Emr D:ckçin.an. KEEP FURNACE & CELLAR DRY Ncw that the warm weatber is lier-, the li probMem cf dampnessý the, malte- cellas's murzty andf--c riu.ty is- heing faced again. Recent- v w- heard of a remedy that bas s"Jess tried with good] success and that îs te prit unsiaked lime in a pan unj dpii-petb the grattes cf the fus-nace an-i in an cisen box in the iasnp cor- n r of the ceilar. E.veo though the' .1-uýc s izelsed -ring the summer .me t<'e furnace wilhi- found îIs-v -"d the ce'ar ,, 'veet on n 's re'urn Thi- appli-s, cf courî-se, ta tlie avar- 'r- Ce.'l". Tht r-c' Iss w e<xc np i u'o r e a ~- t-a-fi(j' -elr-un-i may lefy eai! -f " ,t in thiý or inary cellar the -t '11 beht ound to serve tise purp ,F very Weil. i 'au.1dür Wtakncý.s b: 41ak<.s Li *» Mise-ryf! 'ay Ar.noyance,Troublesome Nigîs' 'VrecIcii Lives o huid S' f ms Wrter Who Tells Whit To Do For Quick Relief i1P r tri klgs,Nr- -n".le'l- bu- . sci ' I al rnt:; 1-l'risit- nb-a"nin.r ard pain, gc tting r; .1g*-are same of ne miore trul 5s.z. t. gsrthat s;îulhave nrf-ml' it'. to .i'î htfoise thî'v rea at o 5 0,i ni sa t v'r h (jiv -titu m-ii o su r rf s- -niftr e i-orhc\many n,.:<l re i'iihave' trie'<i '.thoii es 1-iin;'think \'aur coniftlion .11q, less or the. natural dfnsequî'nc-e wsîvancin, \'t-Orý unl ls a-fti 'hi'amrnV'f'f.e If 1i>t. iJ, jwcrth'- "IJRAT.-ABS" On a t rict gusrasfcce of hack rrn fir-s le)x pLIrc'ha.'4 ilf ( fi and if I rtg'« fplvv' -iiWt. 'I'a-'in- epi("f !Y. if ' boy hrr ne <rei-s' 't' w iiisds, of 4S obr'- an 1a -% it-- imprevement ins-ie of t-n uays. ttif III ile greatlv p -if t, i' oct help, they c --t voi r vour druZL-i.sttol. Continued -warm bright weather uring thse first two weeks of May did much ta iniprove t*he appeiarance cf ai-falfa, ciover and fafl wheat, and new se&cding recovered ta saine ex- tant, according ta reports coming in f ram all parts of -the province. There were many crops piowed under this spring, but' mnany farinera reported nat new seeding wbich they 'had in- tended ta plow under, muade wonder- fui recovery during eariy 'Ma y. Mlany sections reported that the lani has neve-r worked better 'han durirg -'he present montb af seeding. Fruit Needa Moisture An ad-cquate supply of moisture in the erchard 's cf great importance in -"?e growir.g cf a goo'd crop cf fruit. 1 LV E HAND/ I3usy Lans-ar hdrdl tasks day in and day out. Persian Bahm keeps the skin sot and IpL:able. Removes vtdness and relieves itritaticr-. IAt VOUT ý _, , PERfIAN D ALM-ý the oÙS k:20 USIPS DOUNOI' a*2 1I ave takcn Krssetîff Sato or7 seani, adenclose ruyoto i a' 50.t s î o"pitsi cf .ny recoirdt t.cv bet.'O.maritet-10 y.-ars, have 3 sis,, C2f. C> 9tas mo5' O as 20 isîîlîflis, t putdwnm yîittt gpparariet,, K rîischemuSatstomtalie f-c m "rnîg. t1ciiiîitit sîver tilIuk of startitil tile day %viti.,îît takitr.g themn. "am 5t. 5111.in lieght wey1ht 119 poinits. Icao assure yoss my busU la very Xrosd of me. Mn,.. R. Oeitssi teuecefie or iap.ttoa. prouerve Vosr helth. Charts a bearcty ara mais/ly a mt/er iof hea/ih, so aori'tali/Y and rigot.r. .AU1 ii/I b. yîîurs q aeap.,in yur failliils Me «* litUle doi/y dirnef a.' S/9 Wo-sotrow, antd co/iiti 'f'-,d sieurs angerbelore 3/ou are manif Krîtsctîen '-iats la obt&lnAble at drug and> dea tiscaotores ln Canada st 75c. a bottte. A btttei-îiitaii.s enoug ttoQ lut fo0 4 or 5 Moaltlî-.ood t"lb t *a.4,cmb aisday. OBITUARYi NEWS FOR THE BUSY FARPdER Mrs. J. W. Rae, Toronto 1<By Depeartmeuata of Agriculture) The death occurred on SturdaY: Au Enormous Lose af Agnes, wife of Rev. James W.! A prominenit suthority bas esti- Rae, Toronto. Decea-sed was born1 mated that twenty-eix million dollars in Hudson, New York, but had spentis Jhe price paid by farinera and. hier whole lfe in Canado. She was; patltry raim-rs for 4oss tbrou.gb dis-, widely known to Presbyterians in! eaSes in po.ultsy flocks in Canada in; Acton, Ayliner, Newcastle, Oronicj&he ponrt year. Most of this laags is; and West Toronto, where her husband 1 caused by internai pa:rasites and bad charges before his retirement.1 much of this is preventable. A ga.od: Theyhad bec--n living in Taronto for deal of it can be avoidc by keeping the past eight years, and she was a the y»ung chicks aiw-ay fruin the aduit member of Erakine United Ch=%rch. jbirds and on absolutely dlean soil. Rev. and Mrs. Rae and faiily uring. their residence in Orono were very! Carnpaign Agajint Weeds highly este ened. Anocng thosse who' The provincial authorities are attended the f uneral cn Monday last leavuurg no stonc unturned in their in Toronto were Mr. and Mrs. Ado]ph campaign against weeds. Many of Henry and Mx-. and M.%rs. John J. Gil- the bighwayrs have the usual pralific fillan. 1 croxis along the sides of the roed. Bc-sides hier husband, three daugh-j Seme of the farins througbout the ters, Misses Mabel, Lottie and Agnes, country hav4ie crops of weeds wbich at hone; one son, Dr. C. A. Rae, Tar- wrill scon bieEripening and spreeding; onte; two broithers and &ne sister in1 their seeds to, the four winds. De-I1 Winnipeg, survive. linquents in this respect will be giv-, -' an opportunity to explairs the reas- on for their contempt of the .aw as Mrs. Amnanda Wilbur White, Brooklin'soon as the weed inspecter makes his, rounds.. We read recently a guardian an-' Stîi Time ta Plant gel's prayex that greatly iinpiessed! There i3 still plenty of time ta get m -as such a petition as any good in corn or rooits and both crops are m tlher :st.zht inake orver her new- essential for feeding ail kinds of live lb-irn cffspring - such a another es -.k adgtepaeo re t he -suject cd'f this obituary, Amanda 50k aigtepae0 re Wilbur. beloved wife cf Mr. Job! graLss in tho. ration long after the ý%"-e f Brý,_k'n, hoafera long! s1eason for grass is ov-er. Corn isz Whlt of r~ kîn, ho ater panted any time after danger of n*rs.ý pas,d te her eternal rest on 1f rost is pa&ssed. Manigels should be Thursday, May &th, and whosse re-,pti arye~ys httese miains were f jllo'wed ta Groveside1xviiin hae theearly mse hte ur- Ceecvon Sat'urdoy afterrnoon,,15 aeth al oitr. Tr Ma -. .b large concourse of n-Ps are nt plant:d before th sc r-ltivsforer ch-olatf-,neigh- ond week in June and may go in until bors and other friends, for it aboeultlx'ey are Ifab l a cnsedtosgh andy known that she w-as a very devoted r'ivake liaable eed 'etuh andoo wif ad mthr. A few st-ntences ' -eh make most of their grow-th in of the pleading pray7er ta the Great enry' f]! Ihuler ran somewbat thusy: Let me moud the young souls en-ý trus.'ed to niy care ffrcm the begin-ý Low Producer a Liability nire so that my influence shall bo thei The dairyman, and for that mat'tr flrst co tùuch then. Let my voice :he ovner of any class of live stock, ,re the firýt music they shahJ hear; and cas enough ta c3ntend w'th without my 'face with ioving siniles tnse faircst uting p wTh buno hesflow pro -i- «on of their earlie;st consciousness., duces, h ure ite awpo L_ mne have charge of their bodily ducer ia feit most. in time offtd controllinz fo -d and ra;-ment, ac- -carcity and low price of dairy pro-> i n and repose. Let ne controi ducts. She is a iiabilîty, but yet it1 'heir cris thinkiag and dictete h; rather difficult for the dairyman ta h-ýir first spoken wards. Let mne clj. mnal-- up bis mimd ta send her ta the f,: r hem se many loving kindinesses block and take h«r lc.z-. This que- as ta win theni intG a matchlEss lave tien af keeping records -of milk, cost for me. Let mie have' this power of feed, and ge-t - rid of po or cons ,-rough ail their young years and 1 has been dtscussc,.] tînes wthout wihll undeftake t.he task. Supr'enae1 numnber, and yet t nn-y low producers ýWisdom answers: Thy prayer 1*6 continue ta occsupy a stall and con- granted. Be thine tlie Mother's sume as much f eed as its stablemate trust and po'wer and be Home thy which the recoxds prove has returned shrine. ;ae sufbstantial profit ver the cost csfil Amanda Wiibur was born on the' ieed and labor. e Seventh Line ai Darlington on March n 28tb, 1860. Herr father was Thomas Buckwheat Very Ueeful Wilbur and bier grand'fath.r, Clark, Wilbur-a pioneer who camne fropil n spzaki-ng about weed contraI it Ne v York State and settled an the :s a good plan to pu, in rape or buck- land wheo-e his descendants stililiEve. t ah eat, cwo crops chat cao go in rightf Sh. received hier education at Brad- up za the mi*dd'e of July. Thse firsth e;'s Sh' lwrere in 1871, 2, 3 an,- narned maltes a siplendid she'Lp pu;-t-s 4 Editor M. A. James was ber teach- ure wh 1teltecfcusi n C..". excelled as a producer of feed grain.k Semarrie 1 Job White and i iiec î, 1-ti cao aso be piowed under for, :i farm onûzth-xvest of Br3okin unti cnriching the soi]. Buck'wheat isc ti c-nvers gawV' fbeyin veî ne of the most pûpuar cropa ta sows in' c Erooklin village. Three cbi'dren nthorhdabu tfistfJl, were born ta thein, al sirv.viog: --n-,,lling thle weeds and surplus i M!t1or. W., of Toront-o;' Norman J 'noisture and furn:shirg splendid i th ch mestead; 'Mabel. Mrs. Wil- feed an,] a nun for poults7 and 'hogÈ. l'am P. Richard&on, cf Brooklin. qo.-vvie aqaar h..- ,,sý,,,. and Warm Weather Hepful ReAd how this amazing in- vention gives Puffed Grain& the virtual nourishment of hot cooked cereals. W HEN Professor Anderson found the w" t shoot wheat and rice grains f rom guns he solved" an importan problem. He gave these crisp, delicious, ready-io-eat cereals the virtual nourishment of hot cooked ceircals. Every Prcin af wheat and rice contains 125 million food cc.ls. Every food celi must be broken beforeth grain can bec onpletely digestible. It takes long hour of cookîng.ç to do this. But Professor Anderson found a bc-ner way. le seals grains of wheat and rice in bronze gins. Revalves them in fiery avens. Then fires the guns. Thrs causes 125 million explosions in evey grain It blasts open every tiny food cell. Puffed WL.-at an~d PufTed Rice are thus made completely dige.stible Hence practically as nourishing a3 bo« ccokced cercals. The grains become 8 times normal size. 'fley hmw ail the butrery cru-ichiness of fresh taast. Tbey are made ta taste like sweet new nut-meats. Neyer before %vas rich grain nourishmentr inde so deleatably gaod ta eat. You owe it to your farnily to give themn this extra deliciaus grain food that tastes like nut goodies. Order Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice froin your grocer today. The Quaker Oats Company................ QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICE f the soil is io-w in moisture in 'the' early part cf the season, the fruit is r lot :ike;v to set weli. If there is a -hor-age cf moisture duriing the susu- ner end auturnn the fruit wîll notI nie up weil and if the soil is dry r.-han the winter &sets in, the danger fram root-kiliing is much greater, hence the importance, af conserg - naisture when tîbeti is any likelihood oFf there being a shortage. Wluat la known as thse sod-mulch systetn ofi orchard management is an excellent conserver of moistuTe. Grams is spread over the soi] under thse trees.. preventin-g the growth oif weeds and grass and saving the unoisture. Help The Aifalfa Ontario's alfalfa fields have ex- perienced saine hard knocks dunîng the past twelve manths. Lest sunu- mer's droîuth permitited only sparse growth, and alternate freering and' thawing early this spring caused sanie serious îheaving aof-the plants especially on the heavier soils. But! hard luck bas neyer permo.nentiy dis-! couraged an intelligent Ontario fariner. Actul tests comducted un- der the direction of the 0. A. C. Col- lege show ho'w weakened fields car, ha helped. Six alfalfa grawers in Western Ontario top.dressed their- alfaifa fields last sumnier -with farti'- izers high in patasb and phospha'tý and secured gains cf1 1360 ]bs. to S940 Ibs. of gre'en crop par acre. 0f course soul must be well drained if it is, te grow gcod alfalfa y'ear afteî' vear and generally it should ha limed' (,,ne ton ta the acre) once in four, voars mn as ta lteep conditions favor- able for elfalia growtb. Waoo Demand Strengthses Wh!le it is a little early in the cea.- son as y"ct ta forecast prices for the 1930 tvc.c, clip, the Dominion Live 1ýock Brancb reports that wooi pricez have earged consistently ta lcwer. aevals since January 1, ani pre"en' --;ce indicati-ons arc- that local bu-; S wP] he oiffrisug arce md eig'.,t ,en cents per pound for uog-iaîe woiLs. With n!s'va!hing rrice levele ,Pi«' hsswan inclination " 'r r -"r s ~r 'e"5e.calp - fl s'r.'umc'et )f '!apre-i'-s t h- Ili nite t5ca mifls than for s - -'lihs na . The 19-10 c'ip ci "fi -i -iroin racl-cl x-sicli will r- t 1 ý able in env larme quantitis's u-'l lat-ter part cf 'May or early'in .l- asnd it k net possible o's yc '- -ate what pricer wiil he p f hese. Plant Importe Increase Canada's appreciation foi-1. aestlsetic in parlts, gai-den fn50ý, teur horticulture la reflec'ted -:! amazing increasa whicb is reror: e in the insplrtaticns oif trac-, -hril roots, perennials ani bulbe. [n 1, fhe Planrt Iiisîseccio Service na-'hi' SIomniOhn fisoartient cfArit- xam-in,.-d 900,000 plan:",. <'e.. ports c,-f entre: whiie in 1929 b" 'r-', )P! -, ini àwas fietr I~0ll '"-'OCt on -fttonS are maina-n'-'t1 U!niX. "!. Johan, Quc-eliCi(tx'. M f -'-al.0-es i.Tor- nto. Niazsr a Kil -Winîi"er. Winnippg, Est-van an V îr. ss.r. wbis- inpos-ts-l pa sus-s' ixtminc<l taeensure frerilein r'n' fl.'eti l . »- 'ý-titd'plant lç'sr Persian RaIna is i--s'bi - ian' as '-immer fia-vs-r,. C - mrsuntain snp unE. Wondîrf,"l': - v g.,rating. Sftýns and wxvii's'-5 fi-an(s'. Nakes t-iin .-it'yuiio- v',uuhiiu!. Useil hy vomen as a p-i- decr haqe and as a neerlees aid tsi lave- Iv complexions. Used by men as an effectiv'e hair fixative an shaving In- t i,)n. And for childre-n, nothing s-îothe.e andl prateots thair tender eltin like tb" <rlelicately cocl Per.sian pilmi. The c/oéce of Tens of Thou sands' .5 e Jk Prestonr Barn V. nîiators hobve prover. their .uPrame svalutas à J-a prevenive of spon. rances, cosntus otn by keepang air in. constant crcuaotions. Prestoni alvanized Tanks are gu.ra.si.ed. Sire 3 fi. in dia- moet and 2 fi. drap'. Cash. prime L7rO. Oblong tank, 6' x 2' a 2'. ea.prica $10.55 ... -bulti of 20 goge gatvanized iron. Appearance ane bai solcl Rib.Roll roofing ta thousands of farmers . . . but it i econmsmy, fire protection and permanence that atti ps it sold. Wheres'er you go usi Ontario these l-andsome roofs are familiar land-ma-ks ... protecting millions of dollars worth oif crops, stock ar-J property. RIB- ROLL's success has caused it ta be widely irmîsated-but Rib'Roll alone hastherigîdity, case of erectbon, dîvrabihîty, low cost and absoute ire protection which make i thtie foremois roofing value ir. Canada today. An Unbeatabie Combinafion RIB-ROLL Roofing and Preston LED-H-ED ziails make a roofing combination impossible ta beat. The cost cf layirig RIB-ROLL te lower than ncari-/ ail other types of roofing. WVhen you use LED-HED nails yau get a rigici. handsome. tight-jointed roof that de- ie's ire and wca.sher. The nails are speci- ally desigr.ed w;-sh leacl heads which dam- pletely seal the naîl hole. Tiiere are no awkward washers . .. no threading or punch. ing. Write for samples of RIB-ROLL and Preston LED-I-ED nails. Preston Metai Celings The enduring quality ansd beauty of Prestcna rnatai ceî'rsgs have made thena one of the. mast popular types cf ceilings for stores, homes and offices. Preston METAL CEIL. INCiS arc permanent. They retain chaeir good houka indefinitely. Economy Notai Lath Art efr i.% e'b o, e-ur o f the famous Eo. oms.y r i (,nrfdoubte-memlii Met.[ Lath-. a meat.i!lutiscai can be suiptrd, terted and r. a'.rrrid a- ha pty asNo. t Wood Lah.. It gi tee'00"p.rfect key ., au.ins, iS'i- k.y f ... ds - - ...elimunating strak,,.,cacks, fat1. ire ptaetrrand providîtsg great ire protectioni. Md.., csi PRESTON STEEL TRLISS BARNS the greaie ibarn value. oda>'. "q Eastem iSteel ftwj Guelph Street, Preston, Ontario Facioriez end Office, ai Toroato and Montreel iEastern Steel Products.Lirnitedi, Guelph Street, Preston, Ontario. PI.a,ç cnd iterature cmn P,-Mon STEEL TRUSS BarnsQ Cl RIB-ROLL RoofnD Q ED.HED Nad, C).l. BaD,,,Do Hard..re,e L&îh [J. OsChIitems in whicb yo. ame ro Addreus.-......... u N NERVIS AIL SI4OT N 0W dedtyMrAf.- FIN E paidieatoan tive-rm drgit'd a Your Breakfast Sho t f rom Guns 80 you don't have to cook it Yy