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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1930, p. 9

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PAGE NMNE TRE CANADIAN S1TATESMAN, DOWMANVILLE, -PHURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1930 DON'T WAIT TILL THIS HAPPENS Get your auto insured to-day and be protected. The cest is smal compared with the returns in case o! fire, theft, accident or public liability. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville fBETTER ORDER ANOTHER TON 0F LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE- 77w Coa That Satis fin The old coal bin and the furnace have cer- tainly hiad a long speli of it this winter. Yet it isn't ail over now as there wvi11 be plenty of cold days and nights ahead. So better lay in another C oal That Satisfies. Our drivers are careful not to raise a dust or make unnecessary muss. We seil Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2$ Bowmanville Sold in BowmpLnville by McCLELLAN & CO. LTD. Excees acid le the cemmon cause' o! indigestion. It result-s in pain and sournes about two heurs after eating. The quick corrective je an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective, is Phillipa' Milk cf Magnesia. It has emaîned standard with physiciane in e .50 years since it4 invention. WOne spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia - neutralizes instantly many times ita volume in acid. It le harm- ï wPO SP HO D I _'ook's Regulating Compound c nes and ruigoratcs the whole aa oiberg&n 'le~rvous system. makes new Blood - mdiie. Sold in three de. rn old Veins. Used for NervoUs Igeeof tfttthý-No. 1.811 Ik'ehility, Mental and Brain Wnrvy N0 2 83; No. 3. 85 per box Despondn, tr vLjs of Enery. Palpitation 4 ~soI ail druggiata. or aeni (oi :* .,old by ail druggists, or mard i ln 'n rrepmhe. dru pkg. on re..ept of prive N..' p phl ieial THE COOK( MEDICINE CO. Ir.UE oug Wooo CUnc.coumoour. , 02TNT( aeiWnw necesaiyre sp ni1. Abnormelia ' auid diseascd conditions of the stom-NOA kLH ach do occur, but most of the distreass blaincd on that organ is not caused primari(ly by the stomach. /flnl1 W \X\ \X W-orry, r.ervous strain and anxiety arc- real causes of pain occurrigi the upper par,' of the abdomen. Thel business man -who works umder tens- ir',n, who hurries through his lunch, and who does mot take time to relax, rnay expe-ct to have an upset stomach. The onset of many of the acute dis- eases is accompanied by loss of ap- petite. nausea and sornetimes vromit- ing. In such cases, 'the stomach, as ,)ne oigan of the body, is affected b y a general disease of the whole body. Heart disease rrmay inean that the su;.-plýy et! blood to the stomach is flot sufficient to allow the stoynach to do its workpropeinly. As a result, it is difficuit for the organ to digest ifoods which. require a considerable, Urne for the process. Under such circum- stances, thýe use of foods which are diflicuit to digest -ma-y be followed by --- - distress, but the lieart, and not the stomach, is really to blame. 4 o N tIei When the stomach goes on the rampage, fwe should flot think so tt oT yI n.uch of the last thing ea.ten as be- ing the cause, but rather consider "Your Vegetable Com- t.his as a symptom of some condition pon sa oo meine which requires attention. on sagdmein. The st.onîaoh should not be abused. Anyone who is in poor heaith It la noit te be ex'peted that foods should flot hesitate to y it. and 'berverages ýcari be used indiscrim- When I was taking the e- inately without causing trouble in the table Compound 1 tried7Je ergan which is overburdened es a apl ivrPusI on il result of such carelessness. sml ie il on i Questions cenoerning Heafth, ad- the package. 1 have taken dressed to the Canadian Medical As- them every niiht siflce and I sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, can feel rnyself Improvlng. 1 will be answe-red 'personally by letter. amn so thankful for the good they do me that 1 have told Use -Mller's Woiim Powders and several women about k."- the battie a«ainst worxns is won. Mrs. G. W. Posif, 363 Humo These powders correct the niorbid tS frOtro conditions of the stomach which nourish rworrns, and these destructive parasites cant exist after they comte in contact with the medicine. The wormis are'digested by the pow- ders and are speedily etvacuated with other refuse froi tihe bowels. Sound- mess is imparted te the ",,ans and the. health off the child steadily dm- provies. The annuai meeting o! the Orone Women's Institute vas held on Fil day, May l6th, a goodly numiber'be- i.g ýpi-sent. Musical numbers were I)lea.sing0ly given by Miss Helen Po-vi- "e-s and Mis-s Dorothy Rowe; readings by Miss C. -Colville and the Secretary. A _-enerous supply of fruit. and candy v-as provided by the cem'mittee and 'he usual social haîf heur enjoyet. The eect-ion of officers (for 1930-31 --su!tcd as follows: President-Mis. A. llenry:l;s1t Vice Prea.-1mr. a. tD:ck.son:. 2nd Vice Pres,.-Mrs. O0. W. 71alph; Sec. Treas.-Mrs. J. R. Coop- 2r; Direct'oriF;-îres T. Cowan. Mis. PCo%%-.n. r W. J. Stutt, M-s. F. -uch. MssC. ". -pie-it ~s t Pi' 'c M-"inr-rs.lien- MIr-.T Go--". V-'F. Tarnlvn on; Al.rtndo P. F lll!l. MrLs -Men: Cutte-li. Mis. A large au-Iiencp grp,"ed the pupu-s f'ir-rart ;n t"-.MuiclFesti,,val ;n the town hall Friday night, under Mr-s Rohb's dirc-cin Mr. Chas. W'hit.2 acte-I es cha'rman, and the -choo's vvho sanZ %'ere Sixth Line, 1nYterpri'-e, Providence, Antioch. Les- izard. No. 9, Kirby, Clarke Union, Orono. Th'e chorus work in each cae w as exceptionally good, and sýoqne very difficult selections viexe sung by some cf the sche-cIa, the se- companiments being wel.l playeti by Miss Helen -Poviers. 'The rasult of the girls' solo centest, the test place bcing "Rtobin Adair," vas: lst- Helen Scott, ýClai-ke Union; 2nt- jMary Tam'blyn, Oi'ono; 3rti-Eileen White, Providence; a.nd o! the bfys', the' test piece being "Golden Slum- bers": lat-Trewila Scott, 'Clarke Urn ion; 2nd-Kenneth Cain, Clarke Union; 3rd-Neil ïHanian, Oroneo; 4th---C-harilie Buckley, Orono; 5th- Lawrene-e Hanris, Oreno. -The jutiges Miss -H.. A. Mason eoff(Newcastle. andi Mr. T. W. Stanley, Port Hope. wore bilzh in their <iaise of the qrualty o! the singing. Mtrs. Rolbb, who vias responsible fol, the sue-ces of thie feil, showeti what reimarkeble Te- sut ay be obtained in a<dhool sing- in i a comparatively short tinie, andi certainly deservas great credit ~forherwork vith the childrn. Sow Clean Seed We have a supply of Government Tested Grass Seed of the following varieties: "A NOBLE EFFORT" FRIENDS SURPRISED ORONO Municipal Councils corne in far al AT SUPTS BENEFITS (Fm The News of May 22nd.) good deal of ragging but we don't of-11 Mr. Orm Gamaby vies the cweekend ten see such clever criticism as thati "For ten ycar'-, in spite cf ail the gue-st of Mr. Clif Cowie, Colborne. contained in a letter written in dog- i ntediciries I tuok, my health slowly Muriel ;Milison, Toronto, wasi gerel to the editor of the Richtmond bu- ;-arelv Pgrew vwors;e. One of my la gucst on Sunday of her friend, Miss 1 Hill Liberal, ýunder the hending "AEneWntr Noble Eff or":I : Mr. n.nd Mrs. C. T. MHr Toronto,, On the 3rd of March th.ý Counc'--~ cn ~ei eekend wà hbis maOther, met-what for they didn't know, Mr. on Miller. Jut rftdthere sub-consciously; Mr. Wheeler of Meaf-ord is visit-1 Juhas noifte &sei is aunt, 'Mrs_. Thos. H. Powers, They gazed around with listless and nephew, Mr. George 'Cain. c-yes, their faces wore a f rown,j Mrs. Win. Maguire of Bowmanville An inspiration came to one, who is spending a cou-pie of 'weeks with said, "Well, le;t's sit down." - her sis-ter-in-law, Mrs. Oscar Scott.I They sat, perhapaslumped would Dr. and Mrs. McClelfan and fa.m- be the word, upon the vacant chairs,ç ily, Toronto, viere weekend visitors And glanced around the quiet roOni at her-father's, Mr. Robert Foster. with equally vacant st.arc-s. The cheapness of IMother Graves' Their glances very seldom met, Wonnr Exterminatoîr puts it within 'twas plain they were over--wýrought, reach of ail, and it can be got at any Five people sitting in a room with i druggist's. out a single thought. 'Ms. J. Tarnblyri, Mrs. E. A. Fe'wl- Thcse are the five who not long er, Mr. and lMma J. Eagleson visited since, convinced ycu of their worth, Mi' ndMs. iM. Dunbar at Perrýy- You believe it then, and stiUl be tevn las. week. lieve, the'y're the saIt of this old Mir. Jackson of Peterboro, accomnp-I earth. anied by Mr. Welling'ton C.owan andi Sincct that time bheir rinds are Mr. and Mrs. Eagieson, niotored tei numb, but really they have feit, Windsor the early part ef the ,.ek. That sone spectacular thing be 'For ftreatment eo4 caked bags in done before they start te melt.. covis, or garget, use Douglas' -Egypt.. Se there they sast with lowerin ian Liinient-the quick, sure remi- brows, their lips viere tightly closed, eody. SaNes time and expense.- Pre- Thought had been tee inuch.-for one JOIWTROKPE N vents blemished sfoek f or novi and then he dozed. The Cerbeltt Ba-kery presents a, Thery sat like this for quite a time, worst trouMies was my inability te more modern appearance with its new; when ene jurnped up and said, sleep soundly and niy digestion vient stucco front and plate glass windows. I've got it; I've got - ne - the from bad to worso until 1 was a con- Messrs. P. Martin & Son of Bow7nan- darned idea has fled. firrned dyspeptie. My appetite WaSville had the contract.. Once mo're impresaivo silence poor and 1 vias habitually constipat- Mrs. (Dr.) Rice and dauguter, miss veigned, to be broken 'by a -yell ed. 1 took six ýbot'tles -of Sargon Edra Rice, third-year student Toron- As one sprang te bis feet and said, avi I feel betteir now in every partic- te University, are spending a few "WeMI stop the village bell, ular than I have felt in years. I days ta to'wn. (Mr. Rice before lier Fromn disturbing the peaceful at- enje-y seven or eight heurs cf good marniage was Miss Ida Jaynes of this mosphere for which se 'many long; sleep now, get utp refreshed with a tOn We'll stop its daily claipper, and ke-en aç'pctite for breakfast, Mny foo<d Ris Worslhip, Mayor J. B. Moat, still its wagging tongue." agrees with mie fine and constipation and wife, Oaktville, and their niece, The Reeve spoke up and said "«Well deesn't bethee- me at ail. 'My friends Miss Ber-tha Gihuan, visited over the boys, yeu've donc gocsd work to-nighit, are surprised that a man of 70 shouid, weekend at ber bîother's, Mr. R. Z. Oiir position is solidified, for a time have such energy and vitality. l Half, and on Saluirdey notored te I had a fright, show 1 anmi better in my lo-oks and in Go0boUTg. I tell you candidly right novi, 1 my ability te transact business with Mr. Clarence Scott cf MocBain, couldn't think of a thing, ease andl without fatigue."-John Mich., spent the weekend with bis And was prepared te admit defeat, Thorapson, 'Superintendent of Can- cousin, Mr. Oscar Scrott. Cla.rence as and throw the sponge in tihe ring. adian Transfer Co., Toronto. a son of the late Peter Scott. The You have saved our reputation, and Sargon may be obtained in Bow- family left the Brand farm east of dragg'od us frein the mtick, manvilLe from Jury & Lovelli Nevicastle on the lake shore nearly And noix more faine will be your 5 0 ye-ars ago. L, due than you'd get f rom scrapping a -jMsss. W. F. and AX A. Rolph and 1 truck." Orin sby attended the funeral - Well; well, what a marveillous thing la A IA I sat week of W. J. Stephenson, at they've done, nothing but a hote-h, U M ii f f Osbawa. The services were cen- Stopping the knell ýoif the old irhe .U I IM .El ducted by the pastor cf King Street bell, te rely on a dollar viatcii. SIAICAi Unit.ed Chu.rch andi Corinthian andi As the dear ni-I folks are called Phoenix Lodges, I.O.O.F. % evas away, ne -more will -the old bell toll, Here is a e rfaln in bis Sth year. Bringing te the mind of listenignvrfling "$horty" Camipbell, well known cars, a prayor for the departing seu]. formn of relief from ecowo'oy entertainer, witb -is wife and The old bell still is useful-broad-1 sciatic pain: chilti, spent a ýfew days witb friends casting the're's a fire, in the section last week. At the Se thînk bef<re yeu do a thing that ciose, cf the operetta in the town hall nuiy raise some people's ire. on Friday, Shorty gave a elever ex- Before I close it must 'be si-*' hibition of western cowboy's expert that only time ean tell iy.M handling o! the lariat andi whip. If the -Counicil that's in office nov,' Ns.!~~ Miss Fers 'Chapman, daughter cf will be as u-zefal as the bell. Mr..Isaac T. Ghapman, Kirby, under- 1Take Aspirin tablets and youll avoid w,%ent an Operation Tu.c-sday, at Osh- OH!ITS Y SOMCH neetiless suffering from sciatica-lumbago- awa Hosipital, for remneval &~ tonsils. OH! T'S Y STMACH and similar excruciating pains. They do- Severe bemorniiege necessita'ted a relieve; they don't do any harm. Just maker blood transfusion, her father furnisb- Canadian Medical Association- sure it is genuine. irng the reýquiired blooti. She vins Health Service - J later reportedti t be mu-h improved. Foo plya n iporantpar in i'I.~ ' I Ut I~ Sores Fiee Before It-There are Fohe scuringandimprantatin cf RADE MAR [O.many who have been afflicteti with thealth. We ae iiLdtainvins.o4ld ,AR ROsores and have drivoen them a ùay with hestte lie adre tolivetat we - - --o- -- Dr.T-ho mas' Eeetric Oul. Ail sum- eat o lvý,andnot iveto atwhI ilarly troubled shoulti ]ose no time in is one way cf saý1ng that vie sheulti <' applying this splendid reniedy, as not eat te ex.cess. ln addition to hr sntig!-ei eb a.I excess, it shoulti be taken is heap, bunthig its ew'cr oin e a I into censideration that the body de- expressed by its low price. manda a r%.,li-baulaneed diat which viiiO ueayeeiga ag n include milk and mailk products, fresh, O usa vnn ag n green vegetables and fruits. appreciative audience filkd the tevin Proper food and proper igestion M U hall and heard with much pleasure are cf an importance that cannet b. te operetta, "Thbe Gypsy Rover," overe-mphasized. The stomach does icfjfl 9ChFf presenteti by the Ebenezer Young its work day after day and does nit People's Sociertry. At the. close the very often fail te do so. It stads, i-'5-u I wl players viere serverd wîth refresh- a fair ameount o! abuse withou ~MSO~uIsmcKaim'mffiUB ents by the W. A- Group, Park St. test, an-d, as long as it dees its wok ___ under vibose auspices te without attracting attention, vie do- net give much thought te this invport- Relief from Asthnia. Who cari de-' ant organ.dicilot scribe the conipleta relief from su!- Pain or dsoiot in any part of1 fering vihieh foliovis the use of Dr. the abdomen isa ept to be blam-ed on JD. Kellogg's Asth-ma Remedy? the stemnach, Iwhich is then said te be.'..- Who cari'express the feeling of joy upset. 'eu-y often, the last thingi WORM ~tl'et cornes vihen its soit andi gentie eaten is thought te have disagi'ced 1 influence relieves the tightcned, chok- with the stomach. e n rrt air tubes! It bas matie asthia-tic When there is discomnfort or pain FWW WE affliction a thing cf the. pat fer i n the region of -the stomach, there ~A swr As pJo thousands. It neyer fails. Good isorething wrong. but it certaini y fm.oem î'4U cNuo.. druggists everyvihore have soid it for- does net mean that the stomach îs 1 !:mýU:z2,ONUv ==%.iAvears. McCleIIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phones: King St. E.1 228, 274 Bowmanville Clean Even Heat!1 That's what you want. Tbat'a what you get viien you heat with the famous READING ANTHRACITE Penrisylvania Hard Ceai sold in ah asises. Solvay Coke for Sale. HENRY L ATHROPE, Phone 520 IL ~iV SAME FLAVOUR TEA New SAN[ QUAUTY c A LB. BROWN LABEL ATAL GROCERY STORES be roda- 'l ways? A faded, battered hat is hardly repectable . .. yet no worse -*0., than duli, gray-looklng shoes 1~\ '3' *... your morning tollet should\\î always include a "Nugget' shine-which waterproof& the sdt hoesl as it poliéhes. 4 8110E POLI8H fk ufA UT oieuè ,.fk a b»Wt Acid Stoniach lees andi tasteles and it8 action is quick. You will neyer rely on crude metheds, never continue te sufer, when you learn lîow quickly, lîow pleasantly this premier method acte. Iease let it mhow you-new. Be' sure te get the genuine Phllips' Milk of! Magnesia preseribeti by physi- ciane for -50 years ini correcting exces acide. Eachi bottle centains full direa. tions-any drugstore. No. 1 Red Clover No. 1 Alsike Pine Tree Timothy No. 1 Purity No. 1 Alf alfa Utah Grown No. 1 White Blossom Sweet Clover No. 1 Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover (Limited Quantity OnIy) . WE ARE OPEN TO BUY A LIMITED QUANTITY 0F FEED QATS viz-4 m

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