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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STAT!~SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, 'PHIURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1930 THE CHURCHES EMPIRE DAY CONCERT ýThe N E W C ,St. Andrew's Prc>sbyterian Church, An outstanding event in the i- aorner Temperance and Church S t Joi ecs. ihadPbc________________ Uoening worship il a. m.; Evening Sciiools took place on 1'riday 'evening, worship 7.30 p. m.; Sunday School Miay L3ri in Unhe ommunity Hall, ut 2.3 0 p. m. n~en the 1-hrmonica Band, under its_________________ Trinty nite Chrch own auspices preseni.,ed a program of, Trniy nte Curhmusical numibens, addresse..s and Eni- NEWCASTLE Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor. pire Day seîectîons. _____ Iunday Services, il a.m. Preachîng 1 ne Harmionica Band under thý M. -d Iblin, Toront.o spent the sem'ice and bible scho«Il. 7 P.m. able leadrship of Miss H. A. 2Masoni, 'w'eekorrd wifh friends in Newcastle. Preaching service. Music Supervisor, has continued toi Mr. Kenneth G. H. Pearce, Port St. John's Anglican Church grow in volume, etfectiveness and Perry, was home over the weekend. kev. R. J. Shires, Rector. aoilitysince its last public appearance Mr otKeradamlT - .;uiday after .Ascension-June Ist. t nov comprises 34 harmonicas, .r ot eradfmlTr 1930. 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion whose music is enhanced and augmen-; onto. spent the weekend -,vith Mr. MMd Sermon. 2.30 po.m. Sunday tell oy tour uIkekeles, strummed by; Chas. Wilson. &chool and Bible Class. 7.Op.m.- Jessie and Miry 'vanDuýsen, Helen; MissAresta Martin and friend, ReigPrayer. lYce;t and Florence Spencer, on Toronto, visited hier parents, Mr. and StEveninniedghrc triangle, manipuiated by Gladys Mrs. Parnaby Martin. St. aul, Uite Cbrch Pollard, and orchestra beliUs played Mrs. Rd. Bragg, Shaws, visited at Rev. D. W. Best, D.D. Minister. by Roýy Jones. Miss 'Mason is the ac- Imr". S. S. Bragg's and at lher bro- 11.00 Morning Worship; 7.30 companist. ther's, Mr. J. W. Bradley. pan. Evening Worship. The Rev. Pro- Pincipal G. A. Coyne made a cap- Mrs. Ambrose J. Suisîl, Glen Road, femor J. R. Watts, D.D., of Queen's able and genial chairman. Reeve W. Rosedale, Toronto, announces the en- Theological College, Kingston wîll 1'. fttckardj was unable to be present gagement of lier niee½ 1rantza Mary prea<eh. 2.30 Sunday School. owng to the serious ilîness of Mrs. Kormann, only daughter of the late ____ -.hcard. Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen Korinann, CARTING AND TRUCKING Thl'ee selections "0 Canada,", to Erie Conant Walton-Baql, second Ail kinds of Carting. Trucklng an ~Tramp, Tramp, rramip" and "Merry son of Dr. and William H. Wal- Ubving; local and long distance. Wlidow Waltz", given by the band ton-Bahl, Palmerston Boulevard, Tlor- H. *OMBARD, who occupied tiered rows of benclies, onto, and Harris Lodge, Newcastle, Pèweu 03 Qusen St., 1Bowmanvilll. were played with the fine verve and th, wedding 10 t.ake place in July. spirit, yet with precision and polishled COURT 0F REVISION techniquýe, which characterizes the Youthful memibers of this organiza- r YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY Township of Cartwrright lion.I A patriotic exercise was splendidly At Newcastle Hold Anniversary NoLice is !îreiiy giveri tiat the first carrie.d out by pupils in costume, of Service, and Final Meeting of attitii of tie (i- ourt of R-vision for the M. Towîishiiî of Cartwright will be hehdin iss Purdys Junior Room.I Spring Season the Tow-n 1all, Ilackstock, on Saturday, Roy Jones, winner of the High lune 7thi, i93r, at 8 o'clock p. m. to hear Schoul Oratorical Contest last fall, The Young Pe.ople's Societ'y Anni- aud retermine the several compLints Of demonstraJc-d his capabilities as an versary services were held in the arrors or omissions in the Assessament Ugil for the said Mîîiniciiialîty for the orator of no mean ýorder iu an elo- United Church, Newcastle, on Sun- rear I53Oc quent address on "Empire Day. day. Da.dofM Bay. 9.3. A -ýMermoriaI Day" song was effec- In the miorning the pastor, Rev. W. W.EAofCrwi, ofteyPubndered by eight senior girls P. Rogcrs preached a splendid sermon T C- 2 C h r k Of C arL N T O r g h . f1hP u l i S h o l,'o l e . d b y w o f r o m t h e L e a g u e m o l o , i n w h i c h l e Tf3WNHIP 0 DARLNGTON i ad ections, "Annic Laurie" and urged the young people to set a stan- "CoingTho' Uneie Rye." dard and try to measure up to sorne- Court- 0£ Revision and Appeal JMIJ. A. W. Bellamy contribut.ed a one biggc.r and better than themselves fcýwe 1 l hosen and fitting remarks, înstead o-f someone inferior to the- Nota-,- is IirE-by" givezn that i,, Firsî after which Evelyn Allun and Harold selves. In the latter case they NouId MittingS o0- th,- Court of Revision for the iDeline sang a duet -The Emnpire la b- inclined to lhink themscives very Townsiiii) Xo Darlinrgton wvil be lîdld Our- Coumiury" with their usual ability. superior to lothers. at the Toon Hall, i h-Via, nitrsiginvto n theIntevnigMrG.LWgar Hlamnrton. on Saturdax-, lu ne 7t ! oinneesiginoain nte InteevnnMr .L.Wgr nt thi,- hour of -,.?o01. m. to hear lRmi program as wcll as -in music fd.udy [M. A., delivered an loquent and in- deterinine the 'severai complaints and] carried on in th,ý public schools, was Is iriug addrcse, on his view of the uMNÈSo'rLs i11 the %-sssenrt Hoi for the the first appearanoc of the "Tcy Or- s,-ven stages 'of life. He based his Suid NM'InicitpltY for the Year 1930. ohcstr agopo th une imrkonRvlins27 Thm Ail iî-rsons having business St' the r"agopofteyugs eak nRvltos27 T i Gearr arc requiesteil to attend as afore- poupils of the Junior Room, who used that overcometh will 1 give to est of W. R ALLN, Y irmen ts Ti systcm >îas the tree of life," and descri'bed in ar- Ci-ik fti, R.f ALi ye promoted bo each the sense of cordance with six other texts in Rev- Dtsfl(l0fl.Hamhytonmhio thed chiofdren.,Two sclec- dtos2and 3 beginning in the IrA 21--2îrontis2rdda f tions, in march and waltz time, were same way the stages of life of a man given very .cffectively, wjth Misa from chil.hood, when hiebcgins teo go Mason aI thc piano. A unique feature to school and learn, that is to "eat was the fact that on the samne even- of the trce of life" to the time of, , ing t.. first Toy Orchestra in Tor- flot dcath, but the triumphant new one.o made ils appearance at tihe Emn- lifc. when hie shail enter int the eter- TEN'ERSFOR REDING pirt- Day Celcbraion in Massey Hall. nal kingdom of Ced, and be his Son. TENER FO DEDGNGMr-. R. W. Wallon, whose baritone The Young PeopP.t's Choir rendcred SEALEDZ TENt'I.:Rs, addressed to the solos are a source of never-failing anthcms at boîh services snd aiso con- oders gni i n,il-ir i edrfor pî'easurc 10 ihis townspeop]e, favored (ribut-ed s duel, "Somcbody Necds Dredr i, gPort Hope., Ontario-, îýilllie. with two fine palriotic seleclions. Îou," by Marion and Winnifred Rick- sDeoeîv* 1 ntil 12 O'ciock noon (dayight After ".Men of Harlech" and "The ard, nnd solo "Just "For To-day" by vrengjeresday. Jub, cne , 1930. Mocking Bird" played by the band, Grace Bragg. aie iinthei forîri .sul)iiîîli by the 1)--_-.oync introciuccd Mr. G. L. Wag- The Younig-Peo'ple's Society held partimtnt and iii accorlane,- iiti fte ar, M.A., of Bowm anville, who gave the last regalar n-e-ting of the spriur oed ,-t foi t îe,-. a fine addross on " Born Long, BorniIsa-- Mouday evening, -with the re- cAnilitil iliondîî forai oi t,-n- Short-A Studi in Education for tiring presideint, Clarence Allin in the dmc 10OI ai( on app)lication to tite- îemocracy." Mr. Wgr -oi chair. Aflîr considerable an dl nt tm i in t or. at uti-i,-Olin oronto, veninterestin sker, indluded in discu. sion the foq-lowing business was ont bis address m-uch information as well transactcd; John Ashton- elecleï Te-j- r-iuts incii,- il- toiving of as v3luable suggestions and conslruc- president for the remeinder of the thë- andttoii froillt i,- work. tiv, ideas. with regard to the. improve- vcar; Gordon Ashton appointcd del- Tl~. r . i , s - ti,-r i a t w îjcli are - m en t o f th e p r c,ýen t systeni 0if ed u- . e qat-- 10 th e In tern a tilon a l C o uiferen ce iàell-i to,i,-tiîlei on titis work, cation. lu Toronto. on June 27-29; Vera %" on or bi a-_ thdulr-irstîlinan-o A duet "Say Au Revoir" with Rosa Power and Florence Ashton appoinlcd ooLil rh-o i tua harve-firsî«Dcyn-fCowan paingteharmonica and dcl-egates 10 Bay of Quinte une jb&-ei and r iniî-r-îct anadia sine., Roy Jones thetelis, w-as cxccrkionally1 Sch i-ol at Oak Leke; decision ivas I qkr maid dat'..imelodious ad lsthorough-ly -njoy- t dacamnp-f ire adrecrea.l __ i tn,],t-byld ion meeting with refreshments, in la -cc-if--il cii-qi, on a, chartered bauk,i IMYabf,- loth-i- or-uer of the Ministî-r f' ýrcipal T. A. Rodger, in a short the near future, in place of the. usual' Pbtie %Worl.,, for.î-,-rcent of the on-speech, expressed the apprecialion picnic excursion; plans werc discus- tcct p)riet-, bot to0chl-qîî to le for 1- and thanks of the school to ail who sed for visiting Maple Grove Wed- tba ivp iiin'ir.-,l jiihîîs. :onuîs of il,, assisted on the. prograin. nesdey evening; and for League play 0min O CaofRXnaaor lion is of t h- 'herom o ~,n i. Pti:î Pilw y i ýomîîany The ~ girls of lhc- Senior oo pre- o June I lth. mout î s-cîriior tionis utia 'eated inlpca costumes a stirring Program in charge ofi oec ~si- c-qi -,i iat. tuiai od ageant1ý,o'Miss Canada's Reception." Asen t iep'-sident, consiste lix nu-,lTe Senir boys of fc., Harmonica of: Devotional topic, Charlie Glen- N. 'l-stAtlNS Baud joiued in two rousing numbers ney; piano and guitar duels, Bernice s-.-tary. Rule Eritanuia" and "Sidew-alks of and Iva Glbank; reading, Wiunifred ukepartîîî,-nt of Putiea ~'iîs New York," followed bhy a humnorous Rîrkard; vocal duýt, Muriel and Glad- OtLWt ii ,. tilWtR. 1-2-read:ng bý-y Jocssie VanDu.sen. ys Poll5frd. An interlude iu thc program was providcd whcn Roy Joncs, president TYRONE Iof th. band, called Miss Mason to the_____ piatform and briefly convcyed to bier Mrs. L. J. Goodman and sons Clar- tbc appreciation of tthe baud for hier ec n ar -etth ekn able and -unthusiastic services, while %ih friends in Woodstock 'a.nd lu- Dunrcaîh Dudlcy pre-outed a lovely geisol.. Miss Marjorie Robe rtson boqTh;c loc and Miss Vera Turner, Toronto, Te thrýe clco-ing ntinîhots hy the -,nth. eeed ib t.ltr' Eanc wet-e "Sus-ýex bv the. Sea,"1:pn h ekn ihtelte' "AnilChrus fon "1 Tov sir" st0er, Mrs. Floyd Dudley-...Mr. "Anil hors" rom"IlTroatoe"and Mrs. W. J. Bt-ad I and family, - -,~ I.~f> *; and God Save the Ki w.h'vicb xvas Ob;ava, visited lber parents, Mr. and re,-aled w itb the entite 'as-cmiblv 2,ir. James D)u(Iiiý- M .%r. and MIrs. 7 hearîly joining in the. s'nging. Artlu-' Barbet-, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mor- -The. Baud and Miss Marîn arc, to ruon, Miss C. MacKcnzie, Torointo,I - 1~ ~ » - . - -e-c ngratu]tted. îlot only on the. fine if~îpe-nt the. w-cekend aI Mr. Willis quality of'LO:ir iuzic and P-"f St-wal' and Mr-. Ronald Scott's. ... EIORSE ROUTE a,(c, but oin their prec;-,. andi orderly Mir. . Hathcrly.-.-pcnt afew- days at Pure Bred Ciydesdale Staliion apparance and fa-inimtion in tlikingXNIr. Harry Hoocey't5, Bownianville .... - BLACK MODEL (16880) andl cccu,,rî,,-ing their position- on the Mis- Mue Camieron, Toronto, recently P,,,e Cit'zns cf Newe-cstie shoulcivi td er parents, Mr. sud Mît-s. H. 1'ePeýrty of W. J. Ormiston, Enfield br- prou 1 tii bave sncb a tutlenteel or-. le-o -- is rcc MaKa Wilî make the.ceason cof 1930 as gîxizatlon h':i hpir mieL-t. siunen ....... liscdwih rc-nd.- ii f.ILo'w., -Wil bave b's o-n stable ISilver le/lntaken a .ht eoo lentthnville-Mr. Fh rank Hatbeul Tmsday, May 27th, and procced to .tnirutt--h tr) $36.50. lixie, speut a fexx- days îith bis par-- & E, Werty's Solina, for noou; J-e nt.M-un Mr.RHte-y --- thlime t> John Sanidercock'.s, Town- n Il-. d Il-.. Ha- ste-d a.. Lime, iight; Weduesday noon at W. Mr. Getorge Hendc-rson's, Kirbv- bic. ýI i 41to-.c b- on um. it-tu- i's 92 e;hi- ne N Ohaa1W t uletiiît ,d e -tloi, t-ut- 1xiii Vtun(h im Btu-, M isslc.gti i J -~~Il . Tt I-tîpî.Sik- '. .Mr. anti Mrs. Real Estate -Insurance To iM- 21-2 J. Coulson, Ca -irnsiîc uaIMr- .Pc 'rct.. Bo«v.ý jjA uctititit i sSeho. Roifit. T iron , vMrtJ ____________________________________________________Laura Virtge. ýSTLE INDEPENDENT FEE FREE FREE TUSAMY2t,1930 _£a8dMdDV Misses Nellje Garrod sud Hilda M ýrs. Fret Gî-abom %vas operatcd Rowaud, Toronto, spent tht. weck- 1ou successfully fç pitre at theTor- NEW( end et their respective homes,. ontp General Hos;pitaionwe (" ie d ay. * Newcastle friýe-uts at-e sorry to Mr. Louait. Gibson of t@@ 8lîalt Turda, ri**an learu tal Mrs. Jas. Douglas is cnit- .Siap Company, Tor-onto, spent tht.e hrdyFia n icaIly ill ln hospitalin l Toronto. weekend w-Lb bis parents, Mr. and~ to int M -1. .Gibson. . L R Z L ETI Rcv. W. P. Rogers anti Mr. Fred MsXJl- ati M.s. . J.Rage an Grahaun are lu uttendance at tht. Bay Mr.Tad t-oîît.oJ.caedon and ~ u uso esweo of Quinte Conference aI Cobourg. agtrTrnocaedw t oou Ls mrw f hear tht. New-castle Schtîols' Hirmon- pucaeo oeaf Miss Florence Keenan, Oshawa, ica sud Toy Baiils ou the. evcning O-f I)icaeo oer af spent tht. weekeud with ber cousin, Empire Day, andi rema:n-d over tht.e Floî'azelle pi-eparation e Mrs. W. J. S. Rickerd, and family. i hol'day w-Lb Mrs. John Douglas. ihn ra ,Ltos -Mrs. Cecil Hoiirocksansd deughters Sec "Ten Nights la a Bar-room' sigCeaLtos arc again aI their s-ummier home, by Young Pcople's Society lu Coni- etc. (oniyoet ut Half-a-iHill, Mr. Horî'oeks coming munily Hall on Wetluescday., Juîe Il. ..Sign your name and brin dowu for the weekend. Do'î miss tbis famous, olti-time __ Secret Seven Socitym- et on Sut- temperance dramna. Admîis'sion, ont.Ne...... urday aflernoon aI tht. home -of tht. andi aIl, 25c. No reserved seuls. a e............ -secretary, Mary Chaplin w'lth tht. Mr. W. H. Gibson's bai-a on tht. FREE FREE FREE president, Eilecu Clark. la coutirol. former Jacob Cob-blcdick farm wasý Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer and buî-ned to tht. ;pound Friday afteir-j -----_ _ Kathleen atlcuded the funerail of Mr. :100n. Tht. bouse is occupicc b y ont. Holis C. urbers oter, Mrs. o' Mr. Gibson's employees, Mr. A deuf e v. F. H. Mason, rector of St. Calvin Hurîbert, lu Oshawa lasti wck. Gibson, z:nd family. Origin of tht. -Georon -urh teue htoyo l it-c is uaknowu. tif Toronto Diocese. Mr. Ed. Mor- Master Bruce French, Toronto, i-e- tnwsly representative from St. turncd home 'May 241h, haxing cou- Mciý. Wm. Thomias, Toronto, and j Savîour's Chut-c-,Orono. chuded a nuonth's visit withu bis mncît. daugbtt.r, 1Mrsý. Ralph Kernaghan, St. George's Church-Rcv. F. H. and aunt, Mr. sud Mrs. Herb. Toms, I haeb-e iiin isReaTo a oRco. Suuday, June laI: sud family. anti assistiug ber la putting tht. home- 9.45 s. m.-Sunday School; il a. M. Mr.Alf Bennett, Tc.-on-co, visi'ied like touches 10 het- ne'.. domicile la -Mot-aing Prayer sud Sermon, Holy hîs suster, Mca. Glendt-nninga. sd*à s ht. former S. O. E. ball over Herb. Communion; 7 p. n.-Evening Pray- daughter, Mrs. Geo. Gray. sud family Tonm'sý barber shop. et- sud Sermon. tht. fit-st of tht. xvtek andi also called M--Alex DeMaio, a foramer psipular Mi-. Geo. Parnaîl, Mr. andi M-ca. ou Mr. RobI. Covsu. ctudent tif ont- H:gh School and an LeFevre andi childrcn, Fred end AI- Mr. sud Mrs. Eric Tomis and bti bil Hni-ir Preiietnt of tht. Harmionica be-t, Mr. Nelson Parnahi and Master t-eu, Gwcndolyu sud E-lc Jr., vis-ited Panti. Mr. Alt-a Rfýblilaun-i Miss John Polger uvere w-ct.lcnd gut.sts of his fathet', Mii-. Jos. Tomis, sud bis De\ýluhî and fî-ends. ail of Feterboro, MXr. aimd Mca. Wm. Parnaîl. The sister sud brother, Mrs. Mark Allin att-.fijýed tht. ronce-t under tht. att- 'lesta of Mrs. Parnaîl, w-ho haud been sud Mr. H. J. Toms, anti their fam- Pc, iý f tht- Ha-mnica Band on Fr1- iii1 fotr- a year, uvas t-epct-ted lu last iEles over tht.wee-end. t11ay cvea!ng. î's Stetesmian. FREE FREE FREE )RUG STOREE STLE turday this week onIy duce T PREPARATIONS Free, with each $1.00 size package of any sisting of Cold or Van- ace Powder, Sham.,poo, r). Cut out the advt. it in. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- 1ers, Pastor. Sunday, June lst, Con- ference Sunday: il a. rn.-Morning Worship; 2.30 p. mn.-Sunday chool; 7,p. m.-Emening Ser-vice. Rev. W. B. Tucker, B.A., B.D., Tepresenting the Lord's Day Alliance, will occupy the pulpit at both churcfh services. A nuinber of Newcastle relatives attended the silver wedding- anniver- sary and reception of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton during the afternoon and evening of Victoria Day, when a large nimber of guests called and presented their congratulations and best wishes in person while niany in more distant parts conv&yed their F"ntimns and greetingýs over the Bowa! produtof wai bch the worMd', largest Importers of fine coffees are justly proud. 9 lu du to «*treedo MuL gpwer that A & P foodshops cau seni this superior product at such a ridicu- ilouy 1ev wP". tNO MTER WHT PRCE YOU PAY FOR COFFEE-BOKAR CANNOT BE EXCELLED 1059 PCa FLAVOR AND QUALITY. And thon, too . . . Bokar bas been twice signaUly honored-first in 1928, when It vas selected as the officiai WHERE ECONOMYR mSals * effee of the Byrd Antaretie Polar Expedition, and, lastly, by being selected by the Rameses Temple Shrine Coimttee as the official coffee of the mammoth June Shrine Convention. MEA 78 .il-ays good and wholesome. A & P's modern refrigerstlngr system keeps meats and fish in their very best condition. i ANCY SI GAR-CURED SMOKED ]piecuic]HA MS 5 A lb 7 qa riaLegs ib. 31. M ~Fronts 'b. 18,c en a l25a E\""A SPFCI'sI! FINEST QUALITY ýâ Rack BACON B±, the Piece lb. 37C Lentre Cuts or Sliced Mb. 39o T:ZJ.JUICY A & P SELECTED BEEF lenup ROAST ib. 27e BlEF QULALITY 01 NC, RO'ISTING ~O koast MIl. 262 C A ~ dBeef ..... Meat Loaf """( R)%!" lt .......... Lb. 27c Ham, Chcken and Tonguc F1'L)lT(Oe,4: ni-,b Pickles, Sweet Mixed ...............hiit 31c FR MUITS undciVE E w - RI .Ena TEXASt- FIRNI AND) RIPE 1I'EIIERC.-LAR<,E, CRISP' IFADS CARROTS Calitornia lb. 19,. 2 £or 25o - 3 for lec 2 for 1 5- CARBAGE New Green 2 £or I q.2 CUCUMBERS New Green 2 for l'a P OT TOES NEW BRUNSWICK 15-11B. 1 POTATOES New Carolina 5 ibn. 2. GR OCERlE S DOICARCOiFFBzE SOLD IN 1-1-B. AND '.'-LB. FLAVOR-TIGHT TINS Mb. Tin 490 Y2-b. Tin 250 EXTRA SPECIAL-OUR OWN NECTAR BRAND T EA BLENDED lb.39 Heinz K -1 C'- cLARGE '.a-P .. .... .... .. OTTLE 21 Raisins S ....................... 2 Pkgs. 2c FINEST QUALITY BUTTER SILVERBROOK 6i Sunnyfield Pauteurlzed Creamery2mu6 o Peas GREEN '.NO'...,. . 2 41 Surprise Soap.................. 10 Bars 47c FINE GRANULATED10bs Mazola Qil -Tin 3Mc "ItrKt ASSORTFD Fo'ited Meats i.1>Jars 25c S 0 S CI1e ar c-pr~4 PARI-sÎNM Linch Rolils '10i" of 2C .Each 9c 3 Cakes 23c 2-LJI. JA R I3OTT'I. 47c 4 ý?r DELIVEREI) FRESH D.AILY TO OUR STORES WHITEFISHLARE NPH Nlb. 16le HALIBUT STEAKS ib. 28e Freshly Smoked FILLETS ib. ]j9g Tun~ EREATATIrAN'ruc & P.&cwwc T~ ' -_____L M à i E k i> II NADA BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 Fly Sw.-att-!Yi................... Calay Sccnp.................... Pi'cy'~'TVýrmaade.... Liquid Wax, Jcklison's C on 1Sat itrod [LEI full cons îg it PAGE Tffl THE CANADIAN STATESiXAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1930

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