~arnib tan With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 22 STYLE ORIIiINALITI TheseIS IN EVIDENCE IN .ÇfýTheSMART COATS Values extrarodin- ary ! And every style is new, unus- ual, smart. Another shipment has just arrived and you'il be delighted with the selection. Clev- erly designed in Tweed e ff ects, pl1a in Tricotines a n d Broadcloths, with flare and straight line coats, some with capes. V1 Ladies' and Misses' $12 to, $35 Children's Coats' From $4.50 0 f course you'll need new Gloves and Hosiery to match the new Coat. HOSIERY SPECIAL A very special line of full fashioned hose, regular $1.50 a pair, reduced this week to $1.25 HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! Specially good line of Silk Hose at ...........75C Oient, Mercury & Allan A Hose from 75c to $2.00 RAYON, CELANESE AND PURE SILKS Printed Rayon Silks and Celanese, 50c to $1 .35 yd. Pure Silk Materials from ....... $2.00 to $2.50 yd- NEW SPRING JQdMIT $16.50 TO $39.5 Her. are Sprinir suit val ;0 ues iatwiII iiterest tise man who wants fine qual- ity and fit et a sensible price. Fabrics of cons- fortable weight and re- markable wearing quali- ties . . . worsteds, cassi- meres and twist weeves in tise latest patterns and shades . . . correct single and doubleb re as te d styles in sizes and propor- tions ta fit ail figures perfectly. Se. this beau- tiful new Spring &&sort- ment end select your suit et e decided savinif. MEN'S TOP COATS $12-50 to $27.50 Boys' Windsor Suits Made ta measura are greetly admLred and seli. ing irons You cannot find better clotlsing values . . . see thons and be convinced. Co uch, Johnston & Cryderman', PHÔNE 104 LIMITED BOWMANVILLE VOTE ON HYDRO JUNE 23RD. At a special meeting ai Town Couneil iseld Monday night a by-law was given its first and second read- ings ta permi tthe ratepayera ta vote op the purcbase ai thse local isydro distribution plant. The vote will be I taken Manday, Jtsne 23rd. Thse purchase price as fixed by the ilydro Commission is $71,000. lt la tthe intention 4sf council ta hold several public meetings ta give eectars an apportunity ai getting aIl the facts pertaining ta the purchase ai the plant. COMING EVENTS Saivation Army Tag ýDay will be held this Saturdiay, May Slst. Bowmanville Women's Institute. *will meet on Friday, May 30th, at 3 p. m. in S. O. E. Hall. Visit tise Delicatessen Shop in St. Pu'Letue and pron am 25c aftron etue n room an S25rda Cadet Inspection and Prize Day at Boys' Training School, F'riday af- ternoon, May 3Otis. Premier G. H. Ferguson will be present. Citizens are cordially invited ta attend this event. White Shield Club will hold tise lasti regular meeting of tise season ani Tuesday evening, June 3rd at 8 a'-1 dlock sharp in St. Paul's Lecture Room. Election of officers. Any meinhers holding tickets or stubs be-J1 lnigta thse quilt, please bring them.1 Sunday Scisool Anniversary ai Zion United Cisurch will be held in Churcis on Sunday June lst 19301I Services at 2 p.m. and 7p.m. Mr. Bod- dy af United Cisurclh P'ublisbing House, Toronto, will be tise speaker. gOn Monday evening, June 2nd, Tea iwiil be served at 4.30 p. m. League Foot baill game, Orono vs. Zion, 6.30 p.mn. Concert in churcis at 8 p.m. Programn by'Aileen Bamwden, Elocu-1 tianist, Jeran Johnston Stainton, so- prano, Antony Renlouch, voist All services on standard time. BUY THEM "Big 20" BOOK STORE Shriners' Decorations Pensamts Flegs Window Transfers Gifts for Graduation Unique Lamnp Shades Gifts f or the Bride Attractive Souvenirs Newest Wall Papers Lending Libra.ry Best fiction et 3c a day J. W. Jewel Big 20 Bookatore Bownsanville EXAMINA-11ON R-ESULTS SILVER WEDDING BOWMANVILLE FALL FAIR Univrs MedoiTcrntoe aulyo Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Shaws WiII Be Held Sept. 12.13 At a largely a7ütended meeting 0,f 6th year-1Mi.ss Doris C. T. Foster, The 'home auf Mr. and Mrs. W. C., directors cf West iDuarham Agricuflt- Bowmanville. Ashton, Shaws, was the scene of an ural Society held in Council RoSm 3rd year-Miss Dorothy M. James, lenjoyable event On Saturday, May Monday night at which President G. Rowmanville; Mis.% Bernita R. Wal- i 24th, when they celebrated the 2.5th F. Annis presided, it was'unaninous- lace, formierly af HBaimpton. 1 anniveirsary of their wedding. Dur- lY agreed to hold Bowmianville Fal _____1 ing the afternoon about 75 relatives Fair for 1930 on Friday and Satur- and friends fnom Toronto, Port Col- day, Sept. 12-13. Aften several KEEPINC. UP WITH THE TIMES1 borne, Whitby, Cobourg, Port Hope, months uncertainty as ta what action ______ IOshawa, Tyrone, Kir1by, Welcome, would be taken regarding tihe ftair Retail merchandising is unden- Bowmanvïile and Newcastle called this yean the decision Monday ta go going suoh radical changes since the to congratulate the bride and groom ahead was ueceived with great ac- war that it keeps a town nierchant on re aching this happy period in their dlaim and enthusiasm lby those pres- on his taes to be in step with the van married lie. ent. Eac~h one showed a willingness of fprogres-s. A local menchant's Tise guests were received at thse ta dig in this year tas nover before strangest campetitor da no longer thse door by Mrs. H. J. Babc*ock, siéster and put across an agricultural exhib- nman in the same line af business of ise bride, and were ushered into ition and show the like of which bas down tise street. dt's the city de- thse receptian raom by Miss Florence neyer been seen in Bowmanville. And partment stores and mail order Ashton. Tise bride and groom vere it can ~be done-if everybody puts houses which take orders and deliver aesïsted in receiving by Mrs. W. C. his shoilder ta the ivheel. their goods in a tbwn without.paying Allin, siSter Of thee lside. Mrs. FEber1 One of the first things to çbe done one cent in taxes toward the .upkeep Snowden, a niece, escorted tise guests is ta îaunch a caunty wide member- cfl the public institutions in tise cam- ta the tea oo. The house was ,hip ca.paign in wisicis a cantest will munt'y wiich Vhey truthlessiy invade. prettily decor'ated in white and pur- be wvaged 'between tise town vs coun- Out-of-town bakers peddling their Pie lilacs, narcissus, tuilips and other1 try ta see wîhich group can pile up goods cone under the same catory floçes . The tea table was centred tise largest membership. and in many instances tbey hav,- be: with a thret-storey wed.iing cake, Tedrcor a ilatrmd came a downnigeht nuirance too housei and silven candlesticks, while a delic- n'h e diectc s antill an mio- keepers wiso are interped mny bous lunciseon was served by six * eiin as n easo times a diay ta answer tisese "plead- fiece S, Mrs. Kenneth Cox, Mrs. CQar- creating greater interest in tise fair ing 'bell ingers." It's about timeI ence Allun, MrTs. Ewart Clemence, antructie xilitan.oe Anuaisr ameet- citizens aiso resalized that patronniz Mises Lillian and Morjary 'Clemence wtucivel exheditiond lheof J e to ing such outkide concernis is onîy crip and Mabel Jewell. Mrs. T. C. Bragg 1 I Vehedmide fJuet pigtise ta'wn's finances and a hin- and Mrs. Maria JeweIll, sisters of thse luc ute la diacet oclSerhns ogvetebride, poured tea. g In the meantime mark it down- service and values you expect. lI The bnidesmaid and groomisman ai Bowmanvîl]e Fair, Sept. 12-13 19~30. thisconnctio T. . Dutan akestweny-ifveyarsa, Mrs. Hi. J. pa'b-1 --A __ cock. Boe-,nnville. andl (tr. rt some very timely and pointe<1 re marks in 'his advt this week in whicI he urges coaperation on the part oý mercisants and citizens i makinj Bowmanville a good market town. FARMERS' REBATE 0F TAXES At a special meeting of towi council Monday night farmers witii the corporation madle tiheir annua appeal for certain re(bate of taxes ii conside-ation of publle utilities whicl they do not enjay, ucis as water works, sewerage, tire protection sidewaiks, etc. Th&petitian wil b considered by a Court ai Revisioi on June l2th. Parbiculars ai ru bates gran-ted for 1929 are as fal lows: r. Applicant- Carruthers, W.H. 40 !W00 6 21A Tuerk, P. A.. le 1000 2% m2 Wenny. W. G. 50 15005 Cooper, H. G. 11 100e 2 Squair, F. L. 33 15006 Hendenson, Wm. 60 29008 Cale, R. M. 60 30(0 P'oster, H. M. 100 65005 Faster, F. A. 60 70005 Battle, R. H. 50 36006 Hernington, R. . 13 28002 Mazon. G. 13 27002 H-aLgIs, W. T. 10 19002 iEIlott, M. J. 7 6 60006 Hume. A. 13%, 24002 Leach. T. F. 10 21002 Cawker, T. W. 18 54002 Pean'oe. I. F. 13 28002 Bellman. A. 52 30008 Mutton. Neil 52 36006 Muiton, Net! 30 12006 Muttan, Net! 30 12006 Gilam. W. H. 13 12002 Armistead, D. W. 16 13002 Bellman. A. E. 83 65005 BoUlmais, A. E. 35 10006 Burnns, M. 28 15008 Munday, M. M. 10 5005 Munday, J. H. 40 17005 Simpson, Wm. 100 80006 Bantan, W. L. 10(1 70006 Brown, Jas. Ion 59006 Brookdale Nurs'les iflO 6100 2 Hamley. R. H. 154 106008 Taylor. W. J. 113 6300 6 Ruridle. C. J. 30 15005 Ca.wker, C. J. 72 5600 6 Wight, Chas. 45 23007 Fox, John 19 2000 Bowmanville Ciautauqua held July 18-19-21-22-23. Conservative ConventionI Liberal-Conservative Association of Durham Convention wilI be held at ORONO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4th, 1930 at 2 1). m. standard timne. for the purpose of selecting a Candidate to contest the riding inî the comning Federal Election. SPEAKERS: J. EarI Lawson, M.P. Plrovincial Treasurer Liberal- Conservative Association of Ontario. F.W.Bwn M. P. - and others. .Public are cordially invited. God Save the King. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, President. Alan Campbell, Secretary. fi tc w N rX gi 01 E Fi ci p si m B N 0-1 E T ai ei si m m h_ ClecK, 5Witv aulu.i-rt r LOCAL AND OTHERWISE [ of guests. ig In the altenrnoan a pleasing po Mrs. J. U. Robins is attending the! gramn of music was contributed by Dominion Board ai the W. M.S£ o Misses Phyllis 'Clemence, Ada Allun, the United Churcs now meeting in Grace Bragg, and Mn. Jack Asten of Toronto. 3Toronto, a cousin. Mur. and Mrs. Royal Quinn and At 6.30 the brothens and si.6ters a! j Joani and Mr. W.m. Quinn spant the vn the bride and groom, with their iam- halidays with the latten's brother in in iHies, enjoyed -a sumptuous supper, Owen Sound. t at the consummiration ai which Rev. Miss Hilda Curtis and Miss Jean i n J. U. Robins af Bowmanville, propos- 'C uLt is, Toronto, spenth'ie holidaly eh ed a toast ta the isappy couple, te with the formen's mothier, Mrs. Johni r- whicis bie groom n esponded. Short Curtis. Caî-lisle Ave. m, speeches weire also given by Mrs. J n be Asiston, Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Messs. Mr. Leonard J Henry, Ottawa,Mr ni W. C. Allun, W. J. Clemence end Ar: and Mrs. Stanfley EIIiott and famiWr, .-thur Clemnence ai Whitby. St. Cathenines, spent tie hoildays with l- A siNone flowen 'basket filledi with Mr. and Mms. S. J. Henry. Fýremier Supreme nases was prettily 'Mrs. A. H. Densem, Bowman-ville, presented ta Mrs. Ashton by littie and M'rs. J. IF. Goyne, Oshsawa, are Louis-e Cox, a gnand-niece, wisile Mrs. vi.siting their brother, Mr. Russell C. W. C. Allin was pneFented with a Williamis, Niagara Palls, N. Y. bouquet ai rases by Mabel Clemence, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allun, Mn-. Ir-lI a niece. Mrs. Ashston e~oueceived win R. Bragg and son William, visit- a nurr.ber .ýf other be-autiful gifts. ed tise former's son, Mn. Harper AI-l 6) _______lin, Pickering, on Wed-nesday. An M ns. Jas. Courtice visitad lber 2S* LOCAL AND OTHERWS cousin, Misa (Mary El'iott at Courtice 50 _______on Wed'nesday. Miss Elli-ott la leav- oa0 Dr. and Mrs. Howard Rickard and ing shortly for Vancouver, B. C. 12. Elinor, Part Cokborne, were weekand Oh! It's My Stomaah! Evenrione io guests ai bis mother, Mrs. E. Rick- 1 î'cad tise article with this heaudrmg by 50 ard, and Miss Florence Rickard, Cen- Tise CanAdian Medical Association. oe tre Street. Its advica is exceedingly valuabla. 50 Mn. and Mrs. Cordon Rice and Bet- Mur. Donald H. IBoeown, formerly 00 ty, London, Mr. Harold Rice, Touronto, driver ctf C. N. Express, has been aqp, 75 and Mrs. Wilbur Clapp, 2Belleville, pointed a motorcycle traffic afficer 76 were holiday gucast9 ai Mr. and Mrs. .with tise Provincial Police and will 001 Chas. F. Rice. make his headquarters at Arnprior. 001 Mrs. D. J. Cisam.bers assistad Port Mrs. Herbert Airgue and daugsten 5,0 Hope United Cisurcis Chair on Sun- Helen accompaied Mns. Argue's sis- day mornîng and i'endered a solo ter, Miss M. Benson, ta Peterboro, % rhicis was very mucis enjayed by thse wisere, they will remain for a faw '600 congregation. weeks visiting their brother, Mr. E. 2'0 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weekes and Biensan, George St. 20Edtis, and Mr-. John Nixon, Toronto, Mr. Lamne Plummor, popular local 00 spent the weekend wit Mir. and Mm. druggist, sustained a badly spmined 25 Gea. Weekes and Miss Editis Weekes leit ankle on the holiday. Mr. «50 at Kalmar Villa. Pluminer was on a fiâhing trip near 001 Miss Agnes Bellinan, Co'Llingw'ood, Pontypool when tise accident occur- oo who is taking a Medical Course at red.-Port Hope Guide. 50 Tcoranto University, was recent guest Ms .L ihîsatne e 50 ai her grandmothcr, Mrs. E. Beian, oita at tise Conservatary ai Music, î.o0 at Baisam Gn-cve. Toronto, put on by Vise pupils ai Miss Loo M'r. and Mns. Chas. Fletcher, Ton- Neilye Ciii, ai wisich Miss JeanI i.4 onto, Mns. Roacis, tawn, Mn. and Mrs. Brown, a niece ai Mrs. Nicholîs, was 25 Haroi.id Lockhart and sois Edward, one ai-tse leading artists. Al Hamiltan, were holiday guests af Mn. Miss Marjonrie H-ut-chison lçft Mon- ý,8 r.nil Mn. T. F. beach. day on a triip ta New York City, ac- S50 Mn. and 'M'm. Walter Lott, Oshawa, campanying her cousin, M'rs. Turn- 60 Mn. and Mrs. George H. t, M. bull (nee Miss Fleming), whose hus- *1n0 r.LwsBunidadMre, ad tv r unul a eet .0 bondon, Ontario, spent tise weekand ly killed in an automobile accident. b.at 'Mn. William J. Foun-d's. 1;he proceassai elimination in a )Ni-s Gladys Buniner, Dii'ector ai "Good-Br.ýe Sale" ai merchandise la be1Re1V&aus Education oi Bird Mer.or- very effectiuvely told in an intereat- ial Chýuncb, Chicago, ll., spent tise ing way by L. W. Nelson on page 5. weekénl with her pairents, *Rev. and For tise next week Nelson's Store is Mrs. W. A. Bunncn, biberty Plave. bound ta be a mecca 'for thisnfty Miss Catherine Hague, Toronto, u amen in sea.rch ouf biggein and bet- wha isas recontly cam'pieted tise Pub- etr values. Tisey'll net be disap- 1;c Healts Nursing course at tise Uni- painted e'itiser. versity ai Toronto, wÎli be in towmn A very plleasing a vent took place, e uffew reeks workinz with MissTod.- a tisLe hocme ai Mrs. Kilpatrick on' Many aId friends in BawNmanville ITe- ay ývening, May 20th, w.hen ber end vicinity will b., soamy ta leamn &-nîiy and neigisbors met ta wish hanr that Mns. Pisilip 'Tyler was f ound la .e and happy voyage ta England. dedin bolatien -home i Va- B.i ii ch vcning shc. was presented crouven, B. C. an Su.r.d-y. Mav 18th. Nih an umnbrella, a token ai respect ai Mn ~ F.Ward, b' hiernttle grand-daughter. Ms Frierds o r , .WrM agis- G* 1 ork'e who accompanies lier pe Fra.. ill sy'mpathize with .~im xin sd'd n h in o h acn ho deats of isis father, Mn. Hoppers tiepan frtse'ncgI IWard, ai London, Ont. Mn. Ward a-i1s ing!rg. lle frea'bnxenta were ser-1 i ias -been canfinied ta his ýbed for tise yd and ,.verybody went home aiter past eght, ynr:. nv'nur a mitry pfeasant evening. part eight rn.T.HretM u- Just w'hen Mayor Eliott and caun- ?u.rn n.T.HrtLcu- cil had concluded that Dept. ai Puis- 1 Y axnn unce tise engagement of their lic Highways was not going ta bill Vo)Ung:st daugister, Stalla Jean, tam the town ion its shanre af building tise Eldon John Stacey, son ai Mr. and i c;nc ete roa.d last year irom Ii-berty ,Inc. J.risn S'tacey, bath ai Oshawa, tiSmnig atkepaei ue t. t oBoys' Training Scisool along th«emariag totak plce n Jne. came tise accounit at Monday's council Mns. Wmr. Lingard, Pert Hope, ha meeting fer $7,500. At that tise received word af tise deatsoaihem gavernnient was very generous in ab- brother, Dr. Allen J. Byam, Des corbing tise major portion aitise coat. Moines, Iowa, on May 19tb. Dr. It's a certalnty a ipermanient road was Byam, was born in Part Hope 59 yaars badl y needed and is naw mach ap- s-go and was edqcsited tisaee'and at pnec iated. Dartmouth Collage, N. H. Hae is Pupils and teachers ai Central Pub- survived by his wifa and ana son. iliScoaasmbeontela n Petelbonro Presisyterial ai tise 1 Empire Day, Friday, May 23rd, at 3 Women's Missionary Society ai tisa o'clock wben a patniatic program was Pr2sbytenien Churchin x Canada, will givc.n. Tise program consisted ai hald its annual meýting in St. An- sevara. well.4nandered cisonusas under drew's Prcsbyterian Cisurcis Bow- itise leadershsip ai Miss IFlelen G. Mon-' manville, an May 29this ad 3Oth.i ris, 'Musical Director; tse pledge and An open meeting will be 1eda salute ta tisa flag; and a recitation by! ni. on May 29th, wben Rer. John In .- , Kay O'Neil. Rev. R. J. Shines, nec- sten, D. D., Knox Churcis. Toronto,' ton ai St. Johsn's Cisurli, addressed will be tise speaker. Everyona is i tise pupils on tise Britiss Empira and cordially invited ta attend Ibis nsaet- 1 Mr. Chas. P. Rica, Cisairman ai Pub- ing. 1 lic Scisool Board, also spoko.- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. Rowland M. Cale is v'isiting friends at Waubashene, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. 'Huifley rnotored to Brockville over e)e weekend. Miss Teresa iMurphy spent the weekend with relatives in Lindsay. Misses Margaret 'Rowland. and Mise 'Jeaves spent the weekend in To- ronto. 1Nlis. J. H. Thomn, Toronto, was guest of Dr. and Mrs. John Spencer on Tuesday. Mir. and Mrs. S. G. Ch'artran and ~Iorence visited bier mflher, Mrs. FilizaIbeth Wood, iPrescett. Considerâble news was crowded cut of this issue owing ta late arrivai. PIease send items in eariy. Mr. and Mrs. Raosa CoMwlI, Toronto spent the weekend with his grand- no-ther, Mrs. J, T. Colwili. Mr. and Mrs. ,Harry ýRose, South 3-ay, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mliss E. S-pry, and atlher friends. Dr. and Mrs. M. :B. Annis, Lind- osy, spent the holiday rwith Mmr. A. E.McCready and Mrs. Fleming. Mrs. W. G. Penny and Audrey, T'oronto, were with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. Jos. Byers, over the week- end. Miss 'Carnie I. Painton, Wlhiçbby, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Painton, West- naunt. Miss Marguerite Armstrong, Peter- >oro Normal, spent the week-endi with her parents, <MT. and- Mrs. W. E. Arin- strong. Rev. J. U. Robins, President, Rev. )r. Best, Reiv. E. A. Tonkcin, Rev. Geo. Mason, Rev. W. A. Bunner and Rev. J. W. B'unner are i Co.bourg this wecek attending Bay of Quinte Conference. Council -bas aiwarded' contraet for er.ecti9n of new bridge at old electric ight plant rwest of J-ackman's ta the Ontario Bridge Co. at $1,185 for concrete and $1,575 for steel work, total $2,760. Mn. and Mrs. L. K. Farr and D)ora, cf Aurora, Mr. a'nd Mm Byron Had- dy and iBetty, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eladdy end Jack, and Miss Agnes K. Fladdy, Toronto, were holiday visitors at Mir. F. A. Haddy's. 1Publie Seho-ol iDoard will open ten- ders Friday nig'ht for new heating system. Ratepayers shouild get ini on this meeting as it is sure ta be in- tenesting judg.ing f roin the lively sessions whiob -have led iap 'ta this great rentýwe.ý R otarians Jim Devitt and Elmore Reaman Cave interestine impreeons of the district Rotary conyention at Nis*ara 'f'ls at the Rotary Clib luncheon on Fniday. President elect W. J. Mills off St. Maday-sRotary Club, and a D>urham Coun-ty boy, was a visitar at the luncheon and spoke bx'iefiy. A good turnout of xuembers af Weilingtan Lodge No. 19, Sons af Engiand, attended service in St. John's Chunch on S'unday- morning, ,when Rev. R. J. Shires, rector, prelached a suitable sermon. The member., afterwards held a short ser- vice at the eenotaph endI placed a wreath ta the memoiry off their lal- len member. THURS., FRI. and SAT. MAY 29 - 30 - 31 "THE SACRED FLAME"P A powerful drainatic stary, with Fauline Frederick, Conrad Nagel, Li.a Lee and Alex. B. Francis. MON., TUES. and WED. JU NE 2 - 3 - 4 Spning Tonic for what ails you! Wiljh La'wrence Gray, Alexander Gray, Bcrnice Claire, Loui se Faz- enda and Fard Sterling. Hear "'Cnying for the C.arolines" and "Have a Little Faith in Me." Matinea Monday at 4 p. ms. Matinea Satuiday at 2.30 p. ms. Eveningie t 8 and 10 p. ms. Daylight Saving Tins. I V i 0 "-\ 0 1 &L'o dm lk-é iý[t 0 Mau L