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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TEE CANADIAN STATESM&'~, BOWMANVILLE, 'PHLTRSDAY, MAY 29tb. 1930 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS KEEPING CASH FOR LIQUOR FAULTY FRIENDSHIP VERY DELIGHTFUL PROGRAM M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. Are there many folk like the writ-1 (Kincardine Revic-wý-Reporter) iMust we oui- faith in nankind lose, Presented by Harmony Symphony Barrister, Solicitor, Notary i er' who neyer likes te a vacant! Recently in a store a Young man 1 Recause in' making friends we' Orchestra at Boys' Training School lioney to boan on Farm and ToWn bhouse once the happy home olfa entered and chose a hat. This man 1 choose Property. Royal Bank Building, f amiiy he ham know%,n and visited bas a good job, earns fair pav, yet: Of t, tbose w.he look to us for gain The Harmony Symphony Orchestral Bowmanville. Phone 351. there? Home is lever a popular 1 fe asked the merchant te charge the Ret-urring naught but gifts of i A Toronto gave a delightfui progran i1 thon)e, bi.sterv has ne greato.r pOem, ccourit for thre hat. We could un- pa9anvitheBons'Tran' afternoon. W. R. STRIKE no dramna, no nove], whose theme is 'derstand the' reluctance of the mer- navle nStra feno, Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y not Home and Love and God. Take chant te do as wa.s requested. The Maï'bap of friend.s, iv, have a score, May 24th, uben a nu.mber of towns-i Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Home out of music and literature 'purchaser is a young mani who has A trifle less or a trifle more; People- were present and joined with %11oney to Loan. Phone 91' and it would be like taking warmth become more or less of a rounder. 00l oe is sure to be in need the boys arr I heir teechers in ai). Bowmavill, Ontrio. out ofth fire, swo&etness out of tbe He i wiling tobu a "crock", and O a helping hand and kindly deed. Pr'eciating tins singuiariy enjoyable; rose, ripenes.s fromt the peacb, the it simply nieant in this case, ýpay forAnaial-t eedouad event. 1-ubra fteBis W. F. ARD, . A. oul font te bod, Godfrontthe Ad allalert we ]nd ou aidMr. W. II. Hlbra fteBJs W. F. WAR, B. A. oul fromthe bdGo frmteIIehat or the "crack." He could Eager te sbow ive are net aifraid Training Schoo9l, introduced thre art- Harrister, Solicitor, Notary ski- - 'lO the rillions cf Young men! get botb because he fo.und a man who To grve of ourseives and our holdings ists and weicorrred th v isitors tir the àoe oLa. BnsfrSl.and Young women cones the, dream was gambling on bis promise te pay, tee; sc.i-ooî. Dr. G. E. Reanian, t-ne >up Mone to Loa Kond S rSal. of a home, te be a giowing centre of while ht- vas actuaI15 spending the Indeed, there is naught we wiil not: erintendent, rvas unable to Ire pi-sent, BOwmaen-ieley Btaio onStepabuyandese:riy 1't s merchant's money for liquer. -do. oigt ciet BowanileOnari. hoes:-the vision ef home that ene.bles the ,Business men have te carry many oThe ora chtade th.,ieto Office 102; House 409. multitude of werkers te bear up un- honetpele and assist them at cer- Wben le, Dame Fortune :,miles anew o rAtu .Sm ,M u s. Bac. _____________________--der thre toils of daiiy life. It is the tain times, but is there eny sane reas- And of oui- aid ourfrindr .Artb MissE . SEingosae- vision. cf home that redeonis the mu]-I on for giving credit te those wbo througb; orfin sLRAMwt isL iiga c DENTAL titudes from obscUrity, drudgery. waste their money en booze? t olhastes aivay fes other tbrills cofîpanist, r'endered a 'vide varietvy squalor and povertry. would seem a wiser peiicy te keep Whiie we remain te rsav the bis. ofromb"Raymencld bthv A r 1 DR. G C. ONNYA* * goodfs in yeur stoe,~ than take a frr Pamn"b . Thomas;j HRonor graduate in Dentistry, Torontc In oui- beybeod a tailor breught a chance en a promise to pay. Ho1aytmsw Is ]O araol TK fHfmn,0 University. Graduate of the Rayal book te oui- bere that we read with -Iligs-esubert i et ebch Lhnrn anr College of Dental Surgeons of On- a boy's keen-edged interest. Til We'e doar ne wit fredsbi ds - Aireas; overtr i-c esiis taio Ofle:KigSt.; Bowanville. 'beek was "Sam Siick or High Life PAY UP WEEK W re dn it rens i i-'ArsTOe]"; e reus r'nisJoWeln- Office Phone 40. House phone 22. in New Yerk" by Judige Haliburton, a trss lamTel;Brus omJeyn X-Ray Equipment in Office. brilliant speaker and writer. A (Cellingwood Bulletin) oar;Te Dns om" ny Christmas gift front a very dear There are varieus kinds cýf days Yet, isn't ýit just a part of His plan,1 VIII", T.schaik.owsky. DR. i. C. DEVITifrliend frent The Canadian Treasury and weks observed in this countr-y l'rorc ssr t eoe et heabr bsetotawe l iebshc Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Series was "Fragments of Sant Slick" such as "D llar Day", "Cleen UP W d.i n a d axost re a amaeubr a icisre a chc.ýs , wihf Grdaec oa etlCleeinj'which is a chapter on "Home" that Week" and "Bargain Week," ail of Wh i-higlndaxost ea aaermscasre-hs8,wt Tronute office:l Deng t. olEast we bel1eve Statesman readers -will en-1 whicb seem te have great pepularrty, A thou-sandfoîd in ever'y way. ifinished perfection of tone andi Bowmanville. Office heurs 9 a. M.:1 ioy roading as we have. Judge Hali- accerding te tIre Smiths Falls Record- How should we icnow himi from tbe sired and transplôrted the audience'n 106 diyecp udy burton starts the subject by saying: Ncws. Heow wouid it do -te have a i-est, it h -ni fmseadhsmn Hoos 6pp.monaly e2tSua. Yes, Home la a great word, but its "Pay Up Week"? A w'eek in whicb Hed they net ail been put te test? 1 Vnotealsofmusicendh Eyes Ar Phoe 0. Hese hoe 83 Ifull ineaning isn'.t understood by ev- eexbd ol a hi et.Selt etakudfrwa ev Smiling" end "Thre Little Irish Girl" X-Ry Euipentin ffie. eti.or a e those who have a Jtt hin ow it wouild r>voluitionize had wei-e sung by Miss LilliaWeb b DR. R. E. DINNIWELL 'e rtoe hohv nt that things, how it would eese tbe burdens 0f Friendships goocd and Friend- tberougbiy delighted teadec fLonor graduate of Toronto Univer- cemprehend what it is; nor those of many a worried business man, howshp bdwih erdeig peoaiy an àty and menuber of Royal College eof' nth cuse of nature leave the i vtldpooepaeadcnet -Bessie Y. Nelson. manner as weli as ber cbarming voice. DetlSren. Lcne eold anid found a new one for tbem- ment in many a home bara-ssed by i-e- ____ rsGay ery b osae Detl ugen. L .ese oselves; nor those -who wben they quit peated requests for payment of a MisGay ery h osse Wac s i Otaioan the Dominion.1 shut their eyes and sqtrinch their debt that pro-bablv nei-er should bave "GRUMPY", WELL PRESENTED an exception alliy barmen ious iicI, Dentistry in ail its branches. 0f-[ faces wben they thmnk of it, as ff it been incurred, how it weuld sweetendepcnrlovi advdntyn fi"e: King St., Bowmanville, opposite fetched smething te their mind tiret life generally end smooth away manyj By Oshawa Little Theatre Players ind-cftigable i-eoitoire of sengis and Bank of Montres]. Phone 301. warn't pleasant te, recolleet; nor tirese of tIre bard places. it is a beautîful Before Bowmanville Audience redings, sang "eMab Lindy Lou" and - w h? suddenly rise se iigh in ife that custom the Chinese have of celebrat- reapne rcosy ovgru n MEDICAL their parents look tee v'lgar, or the inz theiri Newv Year's dayby ooking Thiro presentatin f the 4-at play repe drqests for encore num- C M. old cottage tee 'mean for theni, r u l hi rýiors andpaying tiri. "Gi-umpy" by Os aw Lttl T eareb eastd reedi g " o n C-. W. LEMON, . D., heir fomer acqaintanes too ow. detplayersUpiWek BouwmanvianlieyOperan'Housevill Leecahinvar,"hi "Mammy"Ma eynnen andndber Grduate of Trinitv Medical Collegc, * * # excellent imitation of the Chinese1 on Tuesday evening, May 2tb pm- 13 Cbildrcn" and "Aý Swedi'sh Gir] on Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen But 1'111 tell Yeu who knows the custom.. It is a geod thing te bavei vided an exceptional treat in the way the Telephone." Offlee and Residence; Dr Beitha ceaning ufhmpdfesitto financiaily even if it! of higIr class dramatic entertairnment MIiss Webb and Miss Letroy aise formeradResidence: Duý th meanigef hme wanhd feas t ee; a be eniy once a year, but it ought te jand clerner acting. The performance1 favored'their apprecietive aulience foimer reiencPhoneChu5c.r 4Stre1tborneikeme nd ahaapp herfundIre m o-reof ten. jt is a religioeus duty was put on under auspices of St. îvith two duots. "Madam, will yeu Eowmnvile. hone259 44 be e a moi- n r-ynt hppyhoe andteo pa- onie's denbt.s. There is only John's Churcir Guild. Walk and talk wtiir me?" and "I love J. CLARK BLLhlandshn h e retrts aromaferigo as ne thing better, and tirat is te make The Play was di-ected and the cast! you truly." ThIe soloistas were ac- M.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~n D. t.e.F .C . Eî..O .IItr rvada]ta eivdsa edebts. But if you bave any, 'ou headed by John Craig, directer of theire ccmpaniecl Iy Miss Jackson, B.. F.essRta. . S Tueri). .P .the gavdand eeso t te ted scant-I vo read tins, fix a pe-y up ieek- Little- Theatre, wbo, in thereioie of Mir. F. Green and Sgt. An ti-son (Suceso t D. . . ily terstnd onedistan terso the eartband net tee fai- off-and pay them up. "Gruncpy", an affectionate nickname contributed an effeetive flirte and 1 _______ fo thoqdiksteaentdparts yeoflathetdu "Th Buterfy" yBn Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-.'The solitude chilis -im, the silence'frte uktrnrdusyytclie uA"hBtef,"b e-ij deen University; Fellow cf the Roya! t appalS îim. At -night sbadows foi- STILL GOING STRONG kind and lovabie cd lawyer, Mi-. An-- dix, acconirenied by the orchestra. Colag u Sugens Eitiurb.îowhl lks gbcaa f te eprtdl "How long did it take- yeur %vif e ity te demonstrate bis fine dramatiz A htumorous and highly diverting Office and Residence: Que(ti Str-eet, 1 and t-e walls echo back the sound ef to iear-n te drive?" ability. AM hi e charecters lvere weil note ivas struck îvith thre appearance Eowmanville. Plone 89. bhis footsteps, as if demons were Oc Mur: t 4r.m. 6te80 . lugin bm e ceo will be ten yeair% in Septem- suited te tIreir parts and combined of Mi-. Fred A. Eas.t. president cf th-e I * * be."te give a brilliant perf-or'mance. ocraa ntr -i facmda W. H. BIRKS, M. D. TIre least noise is heard ever the - ThPe ether characters were as fol- lin sailer zarb which par't - Mr. East Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 te 8.30. whoie bouse. Thre ock ticks se loiws: Virginia Builivant, "Grusnpy's" playe ta pexfection. He va.s ossisted 4 Teehoe10.leud --hdt eo ifrte- beautiful niece-Mrs John Pangman; in two rollickrng sores Over the 1 Office & Residence:. Dr. Hazlewood'si fects bis nerves. Thre stealthy Ens eoi oewthVrii oln es n Alt-Nc il formr rsideceWellngtn Sree',ýmu-', tres o anoy im wth iswbo is emplcyed te deliver e cesti ' Love a Sailor," by Misses Webb, Le- B W eavllntSret, moeie esonfte anof mthe ris rdiamond froni South America Vo rroy anti Jackson, and showered with former resiencetheiic esniicatin ef gte brgiarLondon-Mr-. E. C. C. Southey; Sus-bouquets cf appýe hlos.soms and lilacs BemaVil. ____. asndf tre wndnean the trerl esa an, Virgt*ina's maid-*Lois Mundy; on Iis -dep.-rture fi-cm tIre stage. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS tien. If Ire stroîls eut in bis grounds, Mste avis h danmen-d-Mr. D. B. C-% THEROPY r he squiri-el ascends tIre highest tree .. rtedamnd.r . .Cr ih h ign o 0Cnd" and chatters e.nd scolds at the unus-i lyle; Ruddick, Gr'umpy's faitîful val- a concert. ivhicb ivill long Ire remnem- DURWIN E. STECKLEY uaî intrusion, wrîle the birds fly et-Mr. H. J. Beg; -. V. Wolfe, te brda n ftefns fistp bonor graduate of Toronto , eeLaway screaming witir affrigbt, as if hMi-. G. E. Fleg r. Mac aion-en bir ih e a fting owan impe v CfCiorci wl ei h olager.'G.bEm.Jrvseivers rIe damLaen- e'1 ruhe oard in Beanilie wa- 9f hioi-ati wllbeb ir Bw~pursued by a vulture. They used te .Mi-. H. P. Schel]; Kc-hie, Susen's beau c. manville Office Tuesday, Tburaday Ire tame once, when tIre famîly in- and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. îiaîited the bouse, and listen with -M._H.C_______rie t bt Residenttal celîs made duinng for3- wonder at nete-, siveeter and more - rer-Mr. J.HP.MI W'!]- D'-s BILLS mooN ERAheir CTRS prtThte thqm mgs e n P ae n aln hétr, underth:dretin a"Forget tIre siander you bave bard; FUNRALDIRCTOS * pro.eced irc. -f Mrs. E. J. McGirr ef Oshawva, pro- Forget thre basty, unkind word; F. . MRRI CO Hi do alne eek bi .sciey, ape an Pant.vided pleasing interludes in tIre pi-o- Forget tIre quairt] and tIre cause; F.F.MRRSCO -Isdo aoe ekshs oiey, Ppe ndIi.g-arn. F )rget the whole affair; because Cemplete Metor or l and strives te assure hlm by mrute b ut 1 1 Tire memIrers of tire cast w-cie en-i1 Forgetting is the only way. Herse Equipment. jexp-,ressive gestures tInt Ire at least Ç XVe cnsupply yuwith etidafrthpYomncaiFrg heralyuhvea; 1 Al calîs prompytly iili neyer desert hmm. As ire paces Icn ~ YU 'thehaineaf:Mr.tandperor'nEnC. at Forget tire wtr you ba d; attended te. bis lonc>'y quarter-deck (as Ire calis Sunworthy Paper and Southey. i.adMs C . Forget tIre weetrer; if 's l ra; th rvlwl nfrn fhsbue Forget hlm seven days a week Bowmanville phone: theeslver iigbt of the moon eleaminz Glidden's Paints, Var- HOFGPGO CUtueo'tfrgtt pyyu s " 10 and 34. bore end t-leehetîveen tIre stem-, cf HMi FGENCLBorget toe.ovn get thre blu,j Brancl Stores- 'lhe azod trecs startle>. imn ith th nishes, etc. Bo*.mnil oaigPgo lb Orono & Newcastle. delus;on ofunreal whitc-rohci foi-msmnil om ienCu ALAIN Embiafmera Cals given pr tention. No tance. Moto service. Phc mamivlle, Ont. 1 AU( THE( Fai-ri and Ho Terrns modpri- Phone 197r3. FL G. KERSLJ Ronor Gradua Toroente. AI and cai-eful it MicElroy's foi Clar-ke MJ ----- ' Car Bit about the shady gi-oves as if M. WILLIAMS cci iying or pitviniz his condition, or and Funerai Directer. .erhaps w-aining hm tInt in a few rompt and persenal at-I1 sbort years ho tee muast john t-Iis lest --------2,f_ Ai _ f disembodiéd spirits. o xtra chrige L'0 lir or Ambulance at your eone 58 or 159, Bow- t. 3-tf, JCTIONEERS JO M. SLEMON Auct roneer lo-e Sales a Specia'ty. atc. Enniskîllen P. 0. 1-tf ETERINARY LAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc.1 Orono ste of University of il1 cases given promîpt attention. Office--Dr-. )rei- office. Phones: 921. Orona 18-I. P.MARTIN & SON BOWMANVILLE Building Contractors Plasterers - Masons Carpenters and Stucco IInterior and Exterjor Finisliers. Silo moulds foi . I or h:r,; ('oncrete :'f Anything from cellar to rcof. Call, write or pihone 497W. Estima'es free. Timo hangs beavily on bis bandý h~ ~ ~~~~i istre f ednks toc ear1 for' repo>se. >.c ie tIi-ou-s bim-,lsoî the sofa and muses, brut even medita ti,,n cabîs foi- a i-ucc. His boar 'amont- ils >oliturIre and li.s tongu, 's siec. Nature i>. wvear" ai- '.xbauý-' 'îandl s!e>c a, la-t conie.s i I: ' cli. Bu' al:is! hle aivak-es in thi irnorninz onibi-te re>.urnc -ii> duli, mn -,"mia).z; cour-e, ani at b-ýt 'ne fuli cooriprehen(!b-; wbat it is te ho alone Wm -ni 'v,%ont coreo t sec hinm, foi tlr'y mielt Ire raîked about, ai- 'ho ' r at îvorrd corme v'ould z.(oT rnake u hni a ubjc1 of scandah lM and t-ne- îvrld. like two people ti-ave1 line- '.n opposite directions, soon in la' ly We'I1 do the w'o'k, too, if you wish.j Geo. Pitchaird Ir Decorator Ue PHONE 489 BOWMAN VILLE' id il' id On [le el- in- Creae at a rapid rate the distance lctween them. He loses his interest in -wat la going on around hlm, and people lo5ze their interest in him. If Iis naine happens to bc- n'entioned, it may, occasion a listioss remark, "I Iwonder how h-lie-pends bis time," or "The poor chappie muý:t be lonely. there.' Yas, Yes, there are( many fodlks in the world that talk of things they don"t understand, anti they are prec- icus fewv who iippreciate the meaning of that ndearing terni "home." [le c nly kn(,wýN.s it, as. 1 have sar.d, w ho ha:s liv- 4 n one, amid a large family, of wbiah lho is the solitary surviving member. The change Ls like geing freým the bouse to the ,(-pulchre, with thi. Eifferurnce û,nly, one holds a liv- ng" nd 'ho other a deaci body. ye.s, 'J' you hiave had a home, you know %%,at it is, but if you have lost it, 'ben an b not tii] the.n do you feel its valQue. J. HERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Prices Phones! Bowincrnvil'e233 Toronto: '1 rinity 39 19J Aiýàrèss: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronte. 37-lyr. WVth it you can easilyand qurckly make dehejious- THE BORDEN CO., LIMITED 140 St. Paul W., Montreai Se,,. reFree Si. Charles Recipe IBook 'NAMk......................... .. ................................. r Quick Reief "' for Wom en Women need net endure permodmc parcs and herdaches. They caoi spare themiselves this sufering by takîng ZUTOO TABLETS. Mrs. Aibeni Wright, et Fulterd, whe cas relieved n 30 minutes of severe pain and headache, crote saying: 'Evcry wernan in the land sheuld know about ZUTOO TABLETS and chat they cr11 de." Just try the tabiets and knovv for yourseit hoc qurckly - thtiy stop the pain.-.a Il urday, Me.y i 7tI, fi-cm Guelph Jet. 75 miles air lino. The' birris made remai-kab½e time, flying fifty miles per houi-, vith tIre £ollowing resuits: Woiner Bi-os.. i1-, 29 min.s, 19 se c. F. Boatti-ci, 1 hi-, 30 min-, 5 cc Woelner Bros., 1 hi-, 30 mior-, 35 s-c. F. Bo-ttreli. I hi-, 32 mina, 44 sec. I. Hobbs, 1ii1-. 42 m-ms, 37 -rec. Wm. Wallace, î1 , 43 mins, 57 sec. Len. Richard-z, 1hi-, 50 mni ns, 4-5 sec. ien. Richard-', I1-, 51 omirs,8s >e c. Pote Wooner. 2 hi-s. 8 in 5 5 sec. Pc-tc W( bnci-, 2 hi-s. 9 mii n s. -1 -1 c. SMALL NEWS ITEMS (Souit St-ar News) 'Phe -iaLýi'n-s, thu b'as in a ooîvspapu-r maki, the mos-t int.>.ie ýtini- i-caiing. 'iueai-e tht' itenrrs iviich mean th-e netbîitic-s cf the var'ious I>spit' tof a rrmuniby, ail after ail, î'eade-rs arr irît-rested in e-tIrer :scoile, -loit tIr. - 'e doing, arr I bmw tIrc' lb-o,. XN'at a weaith of buian in- teciest ire oft u ried in a short itnir cf twe tor t-hi-ce uines! What dec-p signîficance many items boni-, signifi- cance t-bat often escarpea tIre reador. EDîTORS ARE HUMAN WIren a doubtful situation arise in a town it is quite the fashion te remark tbaî 't-be paper ought te say something about that." The average citizen feeîs quite certain ire cou4d i-un a ncwspaper better thantIe edi- ter doeis, and if ire were publisher of tlat sheet Ir'd show 'em, you bot. As a mat-t-rorf fact, if le Iras horse semse Ire would do just as tire editor- does -put 11,e soft pedal on famiiy rows, circ-squabbles, scandais net involvinrg principles, and sud mot- ters o! mine)r impeitance as wiil ad- juast theniselves with the passhng cf time. The newaspaper critic ougbt net te experet tIre newsperper man te adivanco or attack arty proposition wbicb heho bimelf hasn't tIre courage te support or' assail over lus o'wn signaturie. Thre editar ha willing, even eagri- to push any pi-oject in the publie interest. But Ire is net will- ing te pull chestwuts eut of thre fi-e for individuaire or m-inoirites-Ex- change. STARTLING Thre con-rzation cf a Long Isand dhurcI rérai this anneuncement in thbe weeklv bruletin: "Tire ladies of tins cdurcI lave cest off clothing of ail kind.s. Th4ey sray be seen in tire Ibasenrent cf thre churcir any aft.o-r- neon tîls iek Ï9ot Mon! IHere IS eeonomy! T IIIRIFTY motorists la increasing nm bers are coming ta our sbop for a big. value, Iow.eost tire. It is Pathfinder, thse Cooti vear-btrhlt, guaat ee d tire which o'lers Goodyear quality at a small outlay of mortey. Let Parirfinder keep down your tire invest- r.ý-nt, yet keep up yonr tire satisfaction. So! it andrIget aur prices. SHRINE OFFICIAL GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION King Street Bown'anville KEMP BROS., Proprietors Many a mon ba.% found that throw- Troubles are like babies-the 'more rg mud is giround iost. they arL, nursed the ibigge r Vkey grow. "' BADY CAN Novi WRIGLYS Îl[AT !ANYIHING il rar vd a rnchittbt h ^rit w;"4 wili j! . buit th flel 1as iveak. %Vlielr% vr lie tti-rtirtiig rrlr. libo WRIGLEYS ~~~to savl.) 'I't- 4o a,nr!,,e 1WwrlI jray'the Dospeliait vt-ror . It -ad thn eql ~~ows~~ ~ in Iris nnwriris V/cary miles sem shortet "Si!re t hekî r er i 'rl'rrr uistof and the day ta brightened when 1I Irikfl nerr S it s 'rite lfferviit!. and you have Wnrigley's with you ilv .i,VnrrrI i ir'v.ecing[lie - lue sugar peps you up. lus delcoua flavor aa to ny SnjoymeflL soiir-tn vste 'rime. bt isnce ire hrr* taken Krnischen Saits9 lie raieat anrd erijoy lrt--r is prît in front of liirrr." Mli -uart il irail cnditins, errerarif niet. nvcrwor, lack of exerer-,e, and ,() oni, are Imiyrnte Ihave inirîriomis t'fre<ts in the long rrrn prev(Iding due prerritioin ir trot taker. -r.J-iSelis siritlîl le venir aé z1:ri c .B i leic r veaimsing t ire body ef iriiirris sug.l,.rrcl;'anti painlessly, tlrcv;tts- a vitallrm'r of giving new life ainditalrtv tri tire r-. .imtlessg Milon, ci celIs of wlin'ievery tbodylv 15cornposed. 'i'iat is n-li phy~sicirmos neyer hesitata tir reeimîrnund krrînclerr Salta. The New Duranf Four APPEARANCE PERFORMANCE COMFORT VALUE ID1 1230 A DVANCED engineering principles applicd te, the ncw Durant Four give it riding and driving qualities comparable onîy te auto-' mobiles of much highcr price. Smooth, light. pressure '"stceldrautlic" brakes provide maximum safety, double action hydraulic sbock absorbers assure riding cern- fort, whule tire sturdy classis, large front and rear axies, deep, comfort.sirapcd cushions and ample nterier roominess make cven the Iongest journeys a pleasure. Go now te yeur Durant dealer for deWals which he wiIl supply without obligation! DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED TORONTO (LEMMIE) CANADA Rugby 'Tr-ucks, Fourt Aod Sixcm-$-l.on anrd 1-t« capatitits lUIkANiF A G 0 O D c A R THICKSON MOTOR SALES il 0 e Durant, Four Cyt ider, Standard Sentais Mode) "4-07' 1't. Nb. PAGE TWO TRE CANADIAN STATESMA.%4, BOWMANVILLE, THLTRSDAY, ýMAY 29th, 1930 1 r 9 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 533

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