lElE CANALJAI, STATESMAN,1BO0WMANEVTLiE] THURSD i LCAV gj, .130V OBITUARY IOBITUARY OBITUARY r-__ ___ W e're Rev. W. H. Montgomery, Rodlin Ezekiel Evans, Brandon, Man. Mrs. John W. Virtue, Enniskillen Re. 1. . Ment.gomerv, B.A., A de.patch to Winnipeg Free Press' .A well known and highiv -.peet.ed ~À ÇulIvB.D.. szon of the late NMr. and Mrs. tells of the death on -May l4th, 19:30,1 re.si 1ent of Enniskiiien in'the person A wfu*IIY aviJI Mont.gomnery, Passeil to the of Ezekje.l Evans, in the Ho.piti at (f Èlien Stainton, wido\v of John . great be\ nd en April 12th, 1930, at S'in, merl-and, B. C., w'%here he hail ý1rt.ue. passed to lest ai the. hoinî his h om e jr.Rosin, Ont. r Mont- çone 'tr on 'ales-ce a fter a ýwinter ùt ', f er (itught n-,Mr.J.. Tir:nî-1M A Q r ~ g, \ý xas born ;n bolina, Ont. on Long Beach. Cal. He had pncun'nia ner, I CI; Fulton Ave.. loi ?t. Stu -U Jt .:nber i9th, 1I t",i. He spent hi. .L:IUllx b'; a icarz aLtack A~hich Mr -. Vruc \was boî n ]il 'ru - .x ~ilfe on ,hf.! rm and attendel yd fna'a]. Ln:. in HI Sl. beiniz thv ,n ~ lag hol at Bo\%xnanviile. Later ,.i..-va bm rnin '-xr a ' e o nd uni \arrret AT LAý ,,il')1', 'le oiegthen "n-*M: h. 185C,. o t I o C, S o m (i tLIuiintoi ~U eî c or1k ifhe o: a ir~nu x oe, 'i 11y Mi. !1l>n T. v . a. Y l h a.u; e nam h x ~'nn M * ir. Montgomery. Tm"s n hs oh f E':cksuck, beini; a, Y.ge uf FEnn 1ý::illen. She xx a., alwa-ys' . o hy al -ho knýw hii-a mn 1n pon of Aniliewý% and -Mary JeU >I)Evan., ~\tin. work of the Me:ýhodist. of great character and personfility -a111 va- educated in the pliblie'( huich and choir andi t one tiliet Mu chitacwuj~ h)oIsr of tisceunty. In1879 h Wsorgaltist. Sl aarit ofýen remnark of the frivolous thing.s mariin l Elizabeth Letitia Little, '1872 to John Wesk-.y Vjiue vho pre- Ag-ain the (I 1t0[)le do and negleci God's ivork <aughter of the latte Mr. and Mrs. ' teceased her in Ma rch of192s. Mj: àie He ended hi, mninstry jinthe lù- born on th, farni new occupied m'ýher of a family of seven chiidren, mode of fiti i" ;ame Presbytery he suarteà s I m. LuMr. D fle Burnt. klîîerofxx o Vr: v survfivefuiz: arloal uo o ile yï fi - i e %vas .ngaged in the mercantile a ou ayEJhE., and Katc heltte 7e e eves to mourfi his ioss; his business at Wroeoer, prior to goingi M. Trimmer of Toronto, aiso Fier- are the gay 1 -feGerrud WrghtMontgmery, to Brandon in 1881, xvhen he, with a ence Aunger of Rimbey, Aitt. 0One trebrotherý, t wo sisterls, and a host number of other pioineers, iocated at -son Harr- died in youth, and an- fabrics, the i And why? WelI, Nwe aie of relatives and fiends. w hat was then known as Grand Val- other son, Webster J. Virtue. passed 1 that's unpara Th atfw weeks Yf bis life on _-. h .subequent great flood awa jrinJune of 1921. Sh . aise reasonably 1)lou(l of our' eath shouHl b a j.oy te those who cmelei hm te seek a more certain leave.s buhjnd nine grandchiidren andt bakerv goods, and mve ".'ere wvit.h himi ,., he often renaarked home anJ he went te Brandon. ýýVe great gran'dchiidren. One' Fiat. Crel shold e! e ue ~ "Ifjt' Gd'swil tetak me le V Mr. Evans 'ias county ciemk ot brother. James Stainton,aiesr sol e euen- die the dleath of the righteous, and Badnfo 186 to 1890 and es- vives her jr. Enniskiilen and in s-pite rne thing but the finest Of let n'Y Iast davs be like His."' tablished hinisjf in the 'business of of advanced yýeaiîs was able to attend everything in makig Ther liies beneath its shadow, pri-at e banker in 1890. He vvas of- the funeri,-.. Printed Buteon.heeeu our swi, dord, butdeclined, nominationito the Mrs. Virtue was taken Hilat hor Gogt m ak s our m o th ir a ie ben at u-stands thé cross m an fro ni 1892 t e 1896, and the it-i possible she %vas taken t e Toronto t e that maks yaur outhToam ustretched te sae izens honored him w-ith the mayeraîîy il-e home of her daughter, Mrs. Trinî- 1 water. Like a watcbmran set the guard the 'orthternof 1897-98. He vas mer,: ee s pent tire montlis From thiat etornal grave. Generai bospital and asseciatcd ith! health fc'r a time and w-as able te bc. BOX !1V AN TIL E hom. . SeehnBownavile1 the acîivities of the beoard oit trade. iarocuni the bouse. She iras, ho;x- BOW M NVI LE homa P.ShehanBow«nvlle Then, too, hecx-as an agricuiturist in ever, sejzed with an artack at miel- a reat xvay,-fer a number of years night on Saturdey, May 171h, froni BAKERY On Tbuksday, 1av2n a weli.. operating some thrcee thousand acres -,%hieh she did not raliy but passed kn\nrésident of owaiil 0f farM af in theý district. 1 n re- *quietlv away on Sunday vnng A. W. Jacobs, Proprietor the person of Thomas P. Shee-haýn, jlin, he identjfied himiself with the The funeral service 'iras h&d at Kinig st. Bowmaiiville ~ iaaYthGnera opiajMcthodist Church, and in politics wasi1'l'e home of ber son-in-lair, Mr. J. M. footfollowing a serious ece a stau.nch Gonservative, presiding ov-! Trimmer, on Monday evening, con-11 tien.* rr the local association for sume' ducted by R.<v. P. E. Pwl of St. He xas boi-n in Toronto 62 years ye ars. Barnabas Church, Toron te, and at ago, being teson of the late Thomas Surviving iMr. Evans are his widow, the United Church, Enniskilien. on Qui'bbling over small things kceps and Rachel Sheehan. On October' three daughteirs and four sons xxho Iu'ssday aftérnoon, conducted by ber thtmmdof lage ihngs .31d, 1905, he vvas united in marriag,, are: Mrs. I. A. Robinson of Brandon; pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, the inter- the mnd of lare thngs.with Lillian LePotty of Tonawandqe, Mrs. A. H. Kennedy Kingston: Miss mient taking place in Hampten Cýýn- N. Y. Thcy /ived jr. Teronto fer.a: Givendlyne EVans et home; Claude ctcrv. Her nepheir,. Rcv. Haroldj time, ceming te Bownanville about 1 P., at Summerland, B. C.; Jams A., Stainten, Ceurtice, assistcd jr. thte V 8years ago.1 Grande Prairie; Edin, Bank of ser1vic.. i Deccased se-'ed in tb'ê 23.3tb Bat- Montmeal, Mexico City-; and Gerald Tht rail bcarers iNere six nephcxs, talin, but oxwing te, physical disabil- E., Les Angeles, Cal. Messr.s._ Wn. J. ýStainten, Herb. JVYi'. ities xvas flot premnitte{j te go ever- 'Mr. Evans w-as an uncie cf 'Dr. J. Stinter., W'mi. H. Moore, Win. Ire- cea S. For somet time he has been' C. Devltt, Bexvnan-ville, beng the xin, idxvin Ormiston an.d Howard the faith'ful caretaker cf the Royal -:-oun-,ë-t and lest survivir.g brother Stevens. Bank building. He w-as greatîy in-: of the Dnctor's mother. The floral tributes werc nunieoeus i te re ste d i ni s p o rt a n d o ft cr o ffic ia ted ýa d b a t f l r ý r T r n o s a a as umpire jr. softbail gamnes. Mrs. Cha". T. Cresswell, let and uiul.fom Too nto, Ohshe a, i The funeral iras held on Monday ! _________n car d. These 'iere borne 'by friends .0 mornin.g te St. Joheph's Churc' Mnyhdtred n fmnvlt rem thbe ohurcb to funerai car. v /x . %vh-re Higb Mass wa.s sung hy Rev. aivny d reeplysyi maize itb AR 0 TANS Father P. P. Butler and the choir thtand evctydei the pessigtzet' CRDO i tO R rom the R. C. Churcb, Coboug h eeae nteIasn ors Ththeaerswer Meers Je.0'~'on Thursday, May Sth, of Susie May Thfaiyoftt[tMr.Jn The eGren, H. Wesrs.tuî a nd, h ai o h ae'%r.JhPAY CASH w Belian, beloved wife of 'Mr. Charles W itue iht hn h E E Ciarkcr. Beautiful fleirers from 'Cresrcl, PFowarnipanf.hePuli rîen 15and relatives wbo rendercd i slmmiaSchzol fateFox rarrer., Mane.,kindly assistance during ber illincss aBUY FOR i .asmptiigtinasrone h De-ceased aras the secend daughter and fer the ma floral offerings atý aanetdrebsiioisxsn of Mrez. Belîman and the late Ed-%8-ard time ef her dnath. ndSuraivinre h id-s5-sn c.nd:hrt dagbursJoseh, ohnBelîman et Boarmanville, irbere shre Alic e Da ehms,Joepxar, JEd:,I wa nhetducated and livcd during - na, Dthanevoa, o iboa r -t-e ey arofh le. Bo 1AIna, A ren thtund craal. of z .ee 7ung Wcst she taught scoeoi at Ren- ,orn- of the busie.st people in. the - -_____ Th- eerly ;trescettber tife.uBefore The -.ys ar th gaewayte he he iterent ookplae intheR.treax- ILake Short. Clar-ke, Salemi and world are oniy pie-king up tht beans T h t e~ C a r t h g a e w a t e t h t j T e i t e r e n t t e c p l c e r. h t l. ' o r ,' A r h u r . A b o u t 2 2 y e a r s a g o .le y s p ille d . braîn. Ba their miracle, thte C. Cene:-ey, Oshaxwa. iht wýi ntli arae.wt e welth and the workngs cf num- jAmong the relatives attending tht , ov ea unitt-i indaniaged th e __ berke-ss mind- are acurs. tuneýral axere: Mrs. Richard Hx'-mv tnxn ubndadl1-da 1 PRapid City, Hamiota, Eikhorn, Hart- YOUR OBLIGATION Mrs. Jobanna Kelly, [Mr. Richard n adFxarn.Hrls ii Kelly, Mr. Timothy Sheehan, Mr. i îcYn oxrre erls ii te eourelf i a slenin one te keep fJh hehn m adM o her h-home bore iras about ten years at it, best tht priceles eri-age oetJDaax-lty, . ary Cros ai ot Tr gc GOOD VISION. Dee; ad . AMary CrosstyofTor- Foll:aving an epération fer mastejd I Do NontoNeandctrYournna aewanda, N. ya- about fiffteen 'years ago, spinal m.n- * tI o Nsgetuit s an N . ingitis developed whicb affected ber A ~ OurReg stOtmtit.AD0 HJK limbs, ani for tht past six yeams par-A tl sa OuieitrdOtmtrs ADO HNSalized ber so that tht bas .blEn 1hEip- ' R. M. Mitchell. . Thos. P. Sheehen and famiîy less. Threugh al ber long years otfl R.M lichII& odesire to thank their niany triend patfeienghe bas been -%vonderfully for tde th e-, d sympatby ex- abletoteplan and direct lber home and Prhonet. 92 death of the husband and fathes. and fn qua%"ties e f womanhood wiilnet 41tom the beautitultfloral offeringis. soon bc fergotten by ber own dear - - uttoail w-ho knew ber and h u e o l _____came under her influence and cnjoyc I Iber friendsii it wxill 'be a bIýcssed r" u-' u~~~ nimmry. Her 'ar'e trt'tude &I n- and enduring patience iras anex a h B g SE D CO NTht funci-al .-ic in the churcb Just rrive at Ison, ber pat c, gave a vera' fie ad-jo rdyatron a twa n e w la u n d r, L~ ~ P O N V I L I Ztxv rn orning the rý 1L 1dRpdCity- for inteiment jr. tht cenm-'_______ M P T & Lery thoe, e. tlast rites being con-1 ashipment of choice Seed Corn, ail varieties. lucted by Rtv. Jno. Coxvan, et Bran-' Ion, and attendrd by a large circle 1 Dainp Wash $210 PER BUSHEL it toi-mer triends, sonie driving 1201S e on,20l, o lO Seilpiefr uatt.intcs t- att'ýnI tht funti-al.1ScProud20bsfr$.0 Spca rc frqatt.Beeiles ber busband sire [caves to î Everything -wasbtd jr. *mild suds and rinscd in ten nxeumn h -r passing tiro daughtems,1 changez of aater. Exctss axattr removed and the Full stock of Flour and Feed always on hand. NMa1jorie at Ncrrnaal School, and Jean 1bnlsrtre ap we n larayt at he. bes'des [atm- aged mether, bnîsrtrc ap ietaddameyt Mns. E. Beilmian, one sister, Miss An-1 bt ironed. batherslNlman t s tranfour l-2. Damp Wash, Fiat Work Ironed C. E. HO RN, Hampton Nrcn f btioxrd fu Ee ;E:I l, fr$ ______________________________________________________Arthur_____of___ Baxmanville. Tht beautiful floral offerings èx-1E hnaseinml suds and rinstd in ter presei th Icingsymath ofmon jdifferent vattms. Tht bodvy clethes are rcîurnec ____trends, including School pupils,1 damp ready te iron. Ail flat work such as table --- choo- taff and 'Sohool Board, W.'Ni. linen, bcd liren and toavels arc ironed ready for use __________________When me rcacb tie enti eo-fur hoard-WA H A LE cd resources. 1TO ONT W T I Ouir Fathe'r's fu11 giving la oniy Len Elliott, The Plumbe: i lv bsnolmtHs rceb1 MRS. F. BATEMAN His power ne boundary known un-I Phone 348 BowmanvilIe te men,1 For eut of Iris infinite riches in Jesua,i H _______________________________ Ht giveth and givcth anti givethL I again. Y SALE 0F FABRICS ST THE DRESSMAKER COMES INTO HER OWN' sane and sensible tht ost f ail. ýowmanville gets'a ly service The laundry 15 flot a new institu tion nor is "family wasýh" a new household problem, but itis laundy ha.s a new way of helping housewives do away with the irk- some parts of washing. A study of the list of ive different kinds of ]aundry service on the left aide of this advertisement will m'veal the fact that it la neow possible to have a-5 much or littie of the wash done as ,you wish - end pay on]y for that part of the work. This new systeni has beemn in operation in Toronto fo(r niany years and bas prw~en such a great comfort to housewive.s. that it is rapidly replacing the older forma of Iaundry. It is actually a money saving over en-y knowvn homc* metho.d. A rcmarkabie feature of this new form of laundry is that at fno stage of the work is there any rubbing. There is n niai-king - no starching - and eech washing la donc separatcily. a feature, that should commend itseif to ail good housekeepers. Each Tuesday our driver wilI cail at your home for your wash and wili return it on Thursday. To try this ncw scrvice jwst phone -Mrs. F. Batcman, King Street. S A FEATURE WELL WORTH NOTING Raz end eool rugs, niops, awnings, biankets and comiforters may be included in any of the above servýces tit no extra charge. PiEoivs $1 per pair. ' D AIU rr 1rrr-.II1JIL V L L LU LAUNDRY CO., LTD. ST. - BOWMAN VILLE 578 ALSH *KING )NE in le -~- s- g 1 1 TRE CANALIA-N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILIV, n d n e D FOR ANn niri iviroirn