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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1930, p. 4

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rHE CANADIAN STATESMÀN, BOWMANVlLLE, THURSIDAY, MAY 29th, 1930 PA Continued Clip th"sCertifco SAVE $35G Serve ~ ~ ~ ~ U, tgeeoay Caij e utifi( I1. At'!h,- inrn&c Serv wit i eroe- . I ;Callengsso l h t et anA w wil delvr-.t humr. On" fly kiiied nov, n-ans KES A SPECIALTY inteaod(-Ilsme tmne. --L...S. "R O N .P. C I1B41rIrl Bi~k-rpe3 at B'3wr'mnv:llfr' ni Orr-9- ilIn e"r, said a chbcken uc e r~~ ~ - 'h- 11 at w- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ', 'itr -nrt lo ie tlie', r' .r-r, an t t h tbr a- ,du'a(i. OPPOSITE B( GOVERNOR-GENERAL PRESENTS j -~ ~ __ __ -JELLICOE SWORD TO MILL- BROOK CADETS. [b PopularF IPmfln1 <1 Bring Prized Trophy ta Canada For * LJ7First Tiîme-F. W. Bowen, M. P., Xte atudayis osiivel th Lat Dy 1Takes Part in Ceremony at Ottawa ~te Saurda isPostivey te Lat Dy ~On the occaý.ion of the annual M f t bis Amazing Introductory Sale c.tlt insýrpection a-, Lam.d(owne Park, Otta\%-zi on Frjday afternoon. May 23rd. h Earl Jellicoe sword for rifle $450 ~ 1i hooting in 1929. was prosented by ,'-e Governor-Gereral Viscount Xil- lingdon. te memibers of the 403rd . . .. . . .. . . .. . alueMilbrook Corps, of M\illlr-ook Con- AilFortýnua:,ion School. Durham County, Ali Fo who on itin comipetiton -%vith cadetg from al ever the British Em- pire, and brou-ght the prized trophy to Canada for th,, fir _t timie. MailOrdes jOttawe Journal in reporting the Maildd3Oets .,nt says: When the wnners of Add 30centstrophies, nedals and certificates were licd up in front of thé brigade, Ris Now iExcellency extended warni congratu- cLintroduced t. ti1 Agi., ý.n ~omýeri at $1.50 a jar. owlations to ithe Nlillbi-jok Cadet Corps gaites- d~ol, Ld-a dloa fo amk on its success in winning the Jellicoe 3 Free, dur- pb- i .word. This han.lioome weapon was M ielr JURY & LOVELL at th-. salu ting base. in its miahogany ___ sfu o mnil1nimounting, as was a replies of the I3oman4)l King's Sbield, which the National ~ toeSi IRifle Association. by kind permission -- -.--, --1Iof His Majestv the King, awarded JW1 to the w inning cadets as a permanent 1 ouvenir cf thrýir triumph in the Emi- 1pire rifle meet. Thiýs bronze plaque OBITURY NWTONILLEbore the name of the Millbrook OBITARYNEWONVLLEcoi)pi, and the detail.s of the'competi- JohnMartn, Hydontien and score. JohnMartn, HydonA large nunvber cf yisitecs, as well 1HWs Excellency handed the sbieldt _______ as embrs ad ûneretsattededLieutenant B. B. Dawson, 3rd Prince O n the afternoon of Saturi.ay, May' the anniversary services beid by the o f Wales Dragoon, instructor oif the 17th, 1930, there passed inte th4, life! Ladies' Aid cf Newtonville United . iilbreok Corps. and to Captain beyond Mr. Jno. Martin, be.boeed hu-. Church on Saturday and Sunday, May nr Grcom dat fte band cf Mary Parkins, in his 75th 1 24th and 2.5th. On Saturday after- M'lre cdtshkn1answt year. noon, the Newcvasýtlc C. S. E. T. soft- theniws rml11 nd cngauitn Deceasel wa.s bern in Hamilton on bd ai e a ee vitors naetne- themi on their fine showing. Octeber 30th, 1855, being the so dgaeanistte etofll Prizes won in the Dominion cf the late Malachi and Eliza Matin. boys. A sumptuous supper was ser- Canada Rifle Associations-' winter ser- H1e moved te Darlingten w,& two vei in the W'll known and popular o mpttn wralo presc-nted and a baf years of age wit.h his par- anniversary style, after which the i h omo etfctst il ents and hams ived here ail his life. Se.lina young people presented "Mar- in th Cetor ps.ceTeficts eloi-g rying Anne" te a capacity audience, -i olwn O ue2nd, 1880, he was united who thoreugbly enjcyed this splendid fo the *Millbrook Co,.ps received OJn rae wt i o oroigpa. Muia ubr wi ve i dais avverded in the Imperial Chal- ie Sarig whhis r nWlio f oreinH pa. uscl umes er 1ivnlenge competition: Cadets J. Lutnn, donfe . ESix ci dr,Wiliamof Hayi-.1 by Solina talent: Piano duet, Missesj H. Gray, N. Davis. G. Rapernd don Mr. Das trut, yroe; 15.Helen and 'Muriel Baker; piano solo, Leut. B. B. Dawson, silver .edals; Wýoward Bowins, Mrs. George Fergu- MceereWcry eiainMS ~dt .CakC r ndG soncf shaa; rs.Heran ot-es Evelyn and Jean M;'lson. Rev. Todd. bron zemdas teand Cordon at home, survive. Thos. Wallace acted a: chairman. MrF..Bon.tepparr- iTbree chldren dîied in infancy, and1 The services on Sunday %ve'e con- ecal menihr orDui County. Mca Jo. Aama(Mael>preeces- u*ced y-Rv. E. H.cston of Simce vih consti'uonry embraces the Miii- ed Finitw o vears age. One sister, St. Cburch, -Oshawa, who delivered brcok Contin.atinn School. wvas intro- Mrs. C. Sherrie, Kenimore, N. Y., and splendid and inspîr.,n'g ad'iclesse in iuced te His Exce!linc, v. o con- one brother. Fletcher, of Eden, Mani- the fternoon and cvenin,- Rev. z, 'a t ula te1 th e M -mbol er u pon hav i ng toba, aIse sur-vive. Thos. Wallace occu.pied Mr-. Hars*tons'.- ucb a fine contingent cf cadets in H e had a ~ry severeattack of puipit on Sunrlay -výning. Specialhi arcf ntr. pleural pneumonia, being only sic'k music was rendered by the choir, a; Vis;count Willingdon complimnente ten days, and in spite of the very best1 duet by Mse Hilda and Else i\ 'ho boys h':,blý- on their excellent cf atten lance cf docýors and nursing, l-ace, and solo by 'Mcs. Arthur Red-,sbovving-, cor.nmeninri thein for Lhir passe.d pe-tc' fully izvvay. i knap. Proceeds over $~200.00. obvicus keen inLere..t in uruls, andi The funeral on Monday, May l9th, I ! rminding theni cf th- .m-inirol i ben from bhis home wes lirgely attended 1 eLCMO OUEFIS 1(fits cf iiitary training. dýclaring by relati;es and frie'nds.. The ser- 1 ILCMO OS LE "Cadet trainîner. inculcating dis- 1 viec- vun.; on',jîucted by his pastor, Mis.ý Laura Rose Stephenl Ott.awa, cipline and itrtne-ss. i.,a pe i Rev. J. R. Trumnpour, whe brought a Who for 35 years hazn't miis,ed ber1-r.renticeshi-n to fulci zýnýip asI confortinçg message te the bereaved annual lnstituto lecturing trip in a lovai stîbject cf the King and as aI cnes. lnt.erm'c-nt t.ok place et which s'.- bas addressed rural women member of the British EmpRire." Boý-he.sda C-metery'. at their nietngs-truly a lengthy Toc pal1 hearers were six nephews: an1 utvlai uicsrieta Mes-. Hrbcrt NleLaughl:in, Wil wrant s t anable public srvcention. To get ahead, first x-ou mnust have a McLuugnlin Ru-s-el M4cLaughin, Er- in Lbe formier vears wben she wa lo one te start with. .e.t and Melvin Bwn end Bruco Laura Rose, befoce lher marciege Nwith Ni eps o poewa 1,a, k " n. Mr. Stephýn, saewa-. a .eyppl-ýhou doat net understand. The flouýer bearers vwho bore the ~ * . euar, 'aul i .ul fi> xers. expressive cf the; *n.Lîue at Dnohe ('oîltv W mens de-~ p s,. urby frem his frienda, were . Atuee.-oearcf th o.< pa ccîl0 Mp-s. ILloyd Richards, Delbert w vrbadw btb n ' iarn, George Adame;, Charlie Ad- in a alt u cicsue e jnaine or r. -,rtot f her ao5dre s£es auis, E *gar Strutt and Henry Adamrs.Hresave"tmey rile r, I t iîa rbta icue:Stephen contribut d to the May rýn M M WXrea:h-Wife and FamiLy; Sprays-1 ber (, Fa,.ni &l)a:ry -f Pet., rboro__ Mr. andMr. Bruce Parkins, Mr. and . M'.Sinas Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-i that we wigb every b-ousekeeper:. Iwouid read and act on the advice ie'Avec':%, .and Mrs. Herbertlt-rin hecf de F OLor MclLau:,hlEn, Mr. and Mr,. Water Mj tb rei veR'osiîe Steperits 4* Oke, Mr. and Mca. Harî'y Ashton, and Th omo os fynianenJ Il y.n un~yScoe. witbst.anding tecampaigns ofde struction wbhicb bhave 'been wag d CARD0F TANKSagainst ît, is stili onu eof the most Jr-.Joh Marin nd am iy, ay-dangerous pests ,wlth mwhicb civliza- e ~ do-i, w j-h t.,thank their mary rela- cdtins afficd. De bentireyto . ivps and friends for tde kind syn- cand mitain b hve hpep eted U Everybody is ta rith hand floral offerngs receivcd sand mantainoue by cotiesopleit îlo"-ng d,.e sickneess anddeath cf te 'ethe d 'bouse fily cniue oexa . early an.d gety bue-banid and fether. *ad1 utpy 'o Pvrsisent effort is the only inaur- .nce against the heuse fly. Its rapid I. HARBOR propagation renders any intermnittent PORT DARLINGTON HRO CO. cainpaign n'ugatory. Tihe. fly mnust bc ANNUAL MEETING tacked first in its breedi'ng place, B wbicb is that o4f stable manure or; No)-:ce i>. h:reby given that the an- fiitb. It requir-es a peried cf about triali(:,'neiai Meeting cf the Stock- 10 dava for a fly to botch and be- ~W M NS5 h,) o1e f tic Port Darlington Har-1 corne fili grown Promn their breed- O E ' H b r ( onipan:, will be beld at the' ing pinaces tbey scater te food sup- __ offir" cf -:b ýcomipany, Foirt Daling- (pis nohm, 'i-e n hp,6 pils of Wo ton, Tow,~n cf Bowmianville, on Mon- -ari,.ying-,withb tb-m typboid, dysen- ~stLraps iii patent o î'-rn lvotJn.1930, et, tecy .nd other dissýase germa. e ie et e thý, . bui- of four o'riùck in the aftcr-iItsfotocal.otkereu- e szelftrg on i- rhe eection c,1 Directors I<>is notthi. inuly-o attsCp cf uTo Clear at 'c .te -a:d (C)m'ran', fuor nsuing tleht bise fly pcst. Witb th .me'ting! . .1? an I frtasco f suchb ,_now andl ire now about pas.el, mnan- WO EN SPC' nsasý may corne before the ure pile, shold qbo thoroughly re- ri.mvd and the surrounidings disin-l On Sale$ .A. McCiellan, frt. During the summer, if itev hav'e a limit S;ecretarY. nit feiLsiblu. Lo remove accumula tions' Pdic Eîl a ianville. 'May 21. 1930. o f manure daiiy, oit sbould be kept,j left iii black 21-21 w hece practics4sie, ini ciosed bin cor eean tnc o'Dror rereptacle, impurvious to flics. beigerubber hee, cr( Yard-' sbould be cleaned up and kept riberbel e 5ýree froqn wet and rotting manure I. ________ TNSPECTION of the Pontiac Big Six Ireveals a number of advanced features which enable Pontiac's big engine to deve- iop maximum power with remarkable case and smoothness. For instance, the enginc, itsclf, is the largest in any six priced se low. A carbureror of latcst dcsign is equipped with an accelcrating purnl-p to assure rapid pick-up and full powcr at high speeds . and an automatic spark control enabica the engine to operrite efficiently, under al conditions. Tee thcse mitstIlie ad-'cd the principal fac- tors in Pîuî cxccrctional s.noith- ncs. . th, bar fltîîîic balancer w;lich countcràctstcruiia vibration in the cranks u:tI' . . . tha ncw, type of rubber rnoutiting .whih insulatcs.the cngine fromn the frit-tc.1 Sec the Pontiac Big Six. Arrangc for a real test on t:îc road. Thcn, whcn you arc con- vinccd of Pontiac's outstanding value.. use the G.M.A.C., Gencral Motors' own defcrred paymnent pian. PONT lACBlG SIX PRODUCT OF OENERIAL MOTORS of: CANADA, LIMITED CORBETT MOTOR SALES BOWMANVILLE IT 'S B ET T ER B FCA U SE ' C AN A'D 1 A PLUMBING? YES New Plumbing instalied, OId Plumbing r6puired or replaced. First Class Work our Slogan. R. E. LOGAN Plumbing, Heating & Tinsmithing 264 - Phones - 453 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Sports Oxiords Are the Style because of improvemeilk-zs n its 60 horsepower enine. 10W 111E CROWOS! R ovan'p s Bankrupt Stock Sale :*:* ta1king about the wonderful bargains that can be obtained here. Cornei your share. These are but a few of the rnany bargains offered this week.; )OT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT QOES $1.98 RUNNING SHOES MENS OXFORDS $1.98 . imns n-at real low prices. Only 14 pairs lef in brown f.4 , $4.50,vbrok- We have a table full of MNSBOS - $4oOvlu, CHILDREN'S SHOES Men'S g rcBOOTS i it $1.98 Me' 4. rd Bosi To Clear at 98c pair. caif leather, ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ To Clear $3.45 $2.T HESBOYS' OFRSOXFORDSXFOD-- - ted quantity Siz'es 21 ., to 5ý1, brown only MENSackOr anFwOhvetwS andi white, To Clear at $1.89. tables full epe1a sole5a. WOMEN'S HIGH- GRADE To Clear at $2.98 gula $450.SHOES $2.98 Regular $5.00 shoes. îes nd es- Ail these numbers sold at MEN'S WORK BOOTS quantity left. $500before. T leIas i as$.9 r Lt $3.45ToLera oasi.apr EN'S FURNISHIN'i DEPARTMENT LISH UNDERWEAR MEN'S CAPS H SHIRTS Men's B.V.D.'s, ail sizes, 300 Rglr$.0 5Shirts in lot, suits to clear at the BankruptToCer8< r$1.29___ Price 59c MEN'S SOX US MEN'S MATIONSRýu- r 65c, silk and lisle oth Shirts Men's Penman's Combina-- 4. Pairs $1.00 at 98c__ tions, regular $ 1.85, MEN'S SOX rs -. -- To Clear at 79c squly-eca rd grey and MEN'S OVERALLS 2 Pair for 25c trod stls, Inreîgod mak. always W ORK SHIRTS $20.00, OSle or$14925 In blue, khaki and navy blue $11.95 OnSli14 12 doz. to clear at 59c VAN'S SHOE STORE::. ýOWMAN HOUSE .9MAVIL You've seen oxfords that look like these worn for sports and nformal wear- you classed them aa amart but you haven't seen as much value, quality and style packed into one pair of shoea at this price. Bet- ter get yours now, thus as- suring yourself full wear from them during the aum- mer. Mcç~s -- -$5.00 Ladies' - - - $4.00 Misses' - - - $3.0 Elite Shoe Store W. CLAUDE IVES, Manager Flere sà It's \XhoIesomri lust dip y our spoon into this nech, c.reamy mass of delect- abe CgrDdness. Then chorus w-h evýrybody eite, "Why don't we have ice cream mare often ?" Slverwoo's ..c Cream :3 a favorite witii everybody in the famly. at our Eýore rr phcne 3 a WEDDINC CAI ME FOUR MA-- ýTTý ------------

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