PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1930 FProfits and Costs are entirely ignored at this GOOD-BYE SALE NELSON s L ELIMNATON ad RLORGANIIZATION Si A "GQQD-BYE SALE"e of odd numbers and other lines which we are discarding, also a host of special items which we have purchased at a big discount for this sale. In order to make more space for our "Manufacturers Outiet Dept." it is necessary to reduce our stock $2000 within the next 10 days. To attain this object we have slashed prices mercilessly, and we know that this is going to be "The Biggest Money-Saving Selling Event" ever staged in this town. A SALE. FOR CASH mCOMPARE OUR PRICES Sale Staris Thursday, May 29, and Ends Saturday June 7e GOOD-BYE 6 only Water Sets - 6 fine tumb- lers and large size jug, 59 regular 98e, ............. 9 GO QD-BYE 300 yards Curtain Nets, regular 25e yard,............ 15e GO QD-BYE 25 Men's Summer weight 98 Sweaters, reg. $1.59, .......98 GOOD-BYE 3 doz. Tartan Pleated Skirts, sizes 8 to 12 years,29 regular $1.00 ..............29 GOOD -BYE 19 Misses' Middies and Wool Serge Pleated Skirts,98 regular $1.39, each ....... 8 GO QD-BYE 5 doz. Ladies' Spring2955n Hats, values $1'95 to $2.9, e GO QD-BYE 8 only 54" x 54" pure linen Table Cloths, with 6 Ser-viettes Aftl to match, regular $2.59 WJL-4 GOQD-BYE 15 only Nottingham Lace Panels, regular price was $1'.29 ea.69 Each......................... 9 GOOD-BYE 10 pr. white checked frilled bed- room Cui-tains, regular 98c, per l)aii......... 49 GOOD-BYE AIl Cr-ockery and Enamnel Ware at less than ............HALF PRICE GQQD-BYE 4 pes. lst quality inlaid Linoleunt a real buy at less than mil1 price. Don't fail to see these, $ 10 reg. price $1.50 yard, . GOOD-BYE, 8 pieces 2-yards wide Floor Oilcloth, ail lst quality, a regular 50e value, al 37 good clesigns, per yard .............37 GO QD-BYE 10 dozen Ladies' Broadeloth Bloomers, al colors and sizes, values 79c to $1.00 per pair ............................59e GO QD-BYE 10 dozen Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, regular29 price 59c,.................................29 GOOD -BYE 5 dozeri Ladies' Sumnmer Dimity Dresses, a regular $1.98 line, ail fast $1 0 ~co lors, each ......................... 10 GO QD-BYE 10 doz. Print and Stamped Aprons, reg. 29c, each ...........i... 9C GOOD-BYE 25 doz. Ladies' Slips, in Dimity, Broadeloth, Soissette, Muli, Lawn, etc., ail the wanted colors and white, values 79e to $1.29..................................59C GO QD-BYE 12 only Silk Bedspreads, values $ from $4.95 to $6.95,............$2 9 GOOD-BYE 50 packets Curity Cheesecloth, 5 yards to a packet, regular l)rice $35c, per packet ...............................2.7 GOOD-BYE 5 doz. extra heavy quality Fringed Window Shades, a very big special. Zhe regular value is $1.79. Not more than 98 6 to any person .....................98 GOOD- BYE 45 doz. Ladies' Silk Hose - a line we have reserved for ths sale, and the biggest hos- iery value we have ever off ered., A good $ 1.00 hose, every size and color, 64 per pair ...................................64 FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS GOOD-BYE 15 doz. Ladies' Summer Nighties, in plain and printed Crepe, Soisette, Lawn, Rayon, etc., ;ý lovely range of colors, and ail less than haîf p.1ce, values $1.29 to $1.98 .......................69e GO QD-BYE 2 doz. Cretonne Cushions at less25 than haîf price, each ..............2 t GO QD-BYE 15 pure linen double damask Table.Cloths, 68 inches x 68 inches, regular 79 price $3.29 ......................$17 GOQD-BYE 500 yards of San-Tan Silks in plain and figured effeets. This is the biggest silk value in the trade and you will have to be on hand early for this, al 39 newest colors, per yard .............39 GQQD-BYE 50 Swiss Lace Panels - You can use them as single panels or in pairs, reg. price $1.98, each ..........$10 GOQD-BYE 2 doz. Boys' Balbriggan Jerseys, reg. value 59e each,.................29c GQOD-BYE 300 yards of Printed Rayons, ideal for sum- mer dresses, 15 deàigns to select from, al guaranteed fast colors,29 values to 59e yard,..................29 GOOD-BYE 150 yds unbleached Table Damask.25 regular price 49e per, yard ........5 GQQD- BYE 50 pair double bed size Flannelette Blanets, grey only, regular price $2.19, per pair ............$179 GO QD-BYE 6 doz. pure linen Table Napkins, 19 regular 39c, each ......................... 9 WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT This ie a CASH SALE. GOOD-BYE 25 doz. Mqn's Broadcloth Shirts, plain and fancy Broadeloths, values $1.59 to $1.79, sizes 14 to 17 ...........Cs GO QD-BYE 100 doz. Men's Summer Work Sox, worth 19e a pair, a good range of colors and ail sizes,e>I10 3Pairs for ..................... 111 à emmod 1 zammm Lu aac 1