- ,*,*iNviL" . T nURSIAY, MAY 29th, 1930 WE-DNE.SDAY HALF HOLIDAY HAMPTON SALEM MAPE GROVE ____ lecture on his life in the lunioerHYDNAto si PotHp siai Vanatone's MAshtonjllbeinloPeortnHope____ Wedsne's ilfternoons durin Jn, Mir. W. Inch and son, Weston, vis- Mr-, W. Britton, Eston, Sask., Mr. E. W. Foley, spent Sunday McaDmHp set e dy where hie underwent an operation oo Weneda ftrn-nsduig united at Mr. T. Roiwe's. e Ir.D I pn e asls pedcts JuyadAgs.2- spent-the weekend with Mrs. Geo. wit.h his aunt, Mr,..p. M. Dor.fanf, week v]siting firiends in Oshawa. Jul an Agua. 2-2 Miss Lsobel Campbell sp.erVt a few C orhish. Harmnony. ENFIELD M.KnehadMlo rhm ____________________days with bier parents ini Elmvale. 1 Mr. W. Re l home from Toronto A number from here attended W.OshaMa. en the aknd t rhaD. COURTICE Rev. J. R. Bick and Mr. T. Salter j Hospital after undergoing an opera- MI. S. convention held at Ebenezer 1Mrs. John Hepburn bas retheurned Graham's.D Nil re ttedin coferncein obourg I tion. His condition is reported £av- on Wednesdaiy hmefomTronto. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Garnrard andj Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, B Mr ito Ibllyadfaiy orable. -Miss Stella Ross, O.sheiwa, a former1 Mrs. Palmer, Toronto, visited at family, Camp Borden, visited at Mr. home over the holiday. t'Toronto, visited their aunt, Mrs.W. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Willard and teachen bere,&pti te eeen wth Mn. Arthur Ormiston's. S m ae. Mr. Logan Willard and friend, Totr- NblMrc~ M W Chas. Garrard's. Miss Aura Osborne spent last wee s. NbleMtaýf Mr an Mrs Wer, wenSopnd, Miss Alice Ashton, Enniskillen, in Btadford and Toronto. Mr.-pei af and s o KLhetrnihowro- od y c esinTe M.Gordon Lppvill <cc yt hevisited kt Mn. T. É'jh'Sun.iayed with Miss Annie Trewin Miss Olive Hoag,. Toronto, spen ____ i fnenda.. M. and Mrs A. Wels and fam puIPit on Sunday. Pa&tor Stainton M.an Mrs. Ge "ý' anJ-1'i,"'nd and Miss Reine Bradley. tehldywt isMH ude -~~~ Mfis oaKrsacTooso vs lM. and Mrs. W.A . We ny and am-i attending conference. Mrs. Brant.on, OshIawa, visited at Mr. Practice for anniversary on Julyj Mr. Lou Webster and Mrs. Turn, ~ited hen parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. farnily, and Mr. S. Buttery attended Pastor Stainton held a reception l S. Page's. lst, will commence next Sunday at Toronto, werc :hüliday visitons a Kerslake. Clatorty viite Mr at Newtonviile on May servce on Sundev. when ten were I Miss Irene Bray and Mr. Worthbing-. 10.30O a. m. Everytbody come. fMrs. A. F. Rundle's. adMse Mr.Js ltotyvstdM.2t.rcev nofl e-esi. 1tn o r and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Mis. Hugh ïFitsimnions adM Mns.Jos 24h. ecevd ntoful me.beshi. Iton Toon.to, spent the holiday at Kedron, Mn. and Mns. Harny Johns Harry, of Detroit, aine visiting athe 0 . J. Clathworthy, Oshawa, who la Mr. amd Mrm. Geo. Cornish, Mr. Mnrs. Ray Sniowden, daughter Helen 1 Mr. S. Brey's. and fainily, Toronto, visited at Mr.j father's, '.%r. S. S. Brooks. quite poorly. and Mm. Wreford Connisb and baibe Toronto spent a few days with hen 1 Mn. Frank Smith, Bobcaygeon, j. Crossian 'S. M.adMs o er n A nuanber of oun ladies attended mnotoned to Janetville last weck and parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens.1M is.s Ruby Smith, Oahawa, and M.C. MssMtaAhtn rntMir 'il M nt o,% eti tearee and fm the W. M. S. Presbyterial at Courtice visited the formen's daughter, Mrs. The many friends of Mrs. Ferguson Naylor, 'Toronto, visited at Mr. F. 'Gordon and Miss Mabel Beech visit. iMn. and Mns. Albert Rundle. on Wedncsday. W. Fitze. who is laid up witb eaiad Abernet.hy, wiiii ho ple'ased to know1 Smith'-,. e<l at 'Mr. Aylmcr Bcecb's, Enniskil-j Mr. and Mns. W. G. Rundie, Ms Mn. and Mrs H. J. Wilcox and fam- knee. that she bas sufficiently recovered Mn. and Mrs. John Ormiston, Osh- len, on Sunday. IlVallantyne, and Mn. Poltini, Tonono RARE *iiy visited et Mn. and Mrs. George Ed- -Mrs. W. G. Wenny and Miss Thelna from hien iliness to neturn home. awa, Miss Helen Pascoe and Miss El- Mr. Norman Welsih and son, Tor- were Su.nday visitons oet Mrs. S.C gar's, Harnon5v. motored te Peterboro on Friday. Mr. Miss- Vida Worden. Toronto, Dr. sic Haddon, Wiko e ne guest t Hu oonto, M d opr. and M.-Rud. ENGAGEMENT RINGS 3îrs. Jebson, Miss Lilian Jebson Kenneth Wenny and Miss Murici Mut- Harriston, Detroit, spent t.he week- Mr. L. C. PascWek e's. e t Her oonto, MisRi. Coe and Mrs. -RMrdi.an<l Mrs. Wil<iani Westad and 'Miss Lulu Reynolds visitcd with ton nreturned with them and spent the end with the former's mother, Mrs. Mr. L. Stainton, Brooklin, Mr. a.nd H. Rahm, Burketon, 'Mn. Kennethison, Mr. Clarence West. Toron, A.esogdn and rotheroMn.aR.Le en- H. JaesMCorm.usall.aceb ttPedarnToontonvsitedat Mn. e. j wee holidy visiera ofMr.M an deig f u sltar e- Mn.ad n. elaeStito ndo Sna. Nîddery and chidren, Tenonto, were Avery's. Mns. Jas. Brown. gagement rings that gives Mn. Jin Stainton, Toronto, visited at Salcmn S. S. Annivensary wili be 'Mr. Hector Sadien, Mn. and Mrs. recent visitons et Mn. J. Hepburn's. Ms. S. J. Vanstone, NIr. end Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Jack Hanimel a thein a distinction flot gen- Mn.rb tito'held on Sunday, June lst, when Rev. Mark Blackcbunn, Miss Bessie, Mn. niesr evie-i-bed .HbsadsnsKnchadMs Dofnthy, Toronto. Mfr. end Mrs erailyobservd. Thee ring Mn. ack Chapman and friend,1 J E Beckei, Bay, a former pasten, will Farewvell and Wiibur Blackburn vis- at Enfieid on Sirnday, June 8th. Rev. 'Murray, Toronto, Mr. Fred CwigEwr iteadfmiTood with thein beautiful single Toronto, vere with Mr. and Mi-s. W. conduct afternoon and e'vening sein- ited the iatter's relatives at New- A. M. Erwin, Northminister Church, and son, Purple Hill, and Mn. and and Mis. Johnoon. Whitby. wene hol tztones represent the acme of Chapman, on the holiday. vices, and on Mondey cvening. June ce.stie on Sunday. Oshavra, wil preach at 2.30 and 7 Mns A. MeNeil visited at Mr. R. iday visitons of Rev. and 'Mi's. J. H the jeweiers' art. Our as- Svrai froim here attended the an- 2nd, at 7 P. im. a League soft bal Mn & Mirs. Ivison 31unday and son p. ni. nisiencor ilgieMNls. Stainrton. sortment includee stones of n,:vensany ,celeý1braiens at Enniskillen qzaie wili be piaycd between Tyrone Ray. Miss Ida Stevens., and Mr. and special music. On Tuesda-y, Junnc Mn. and Mis. S. Way Kent and The S. S. Anniveirsary service aIl sives in a vide range of an- icsok on 'May 24th. and Scloin teains. aften which Mnsr. Fred Wood and baby spent the lOth, tea wiil be servcd in the hall farniiy, Paris, Mn. and Mrn.Cc]xiih euli bnzt hrhSn attractive and unique nicunt- M.A iliett and N. and M.the Janetville Dransatie Club will week-end xith the latten's brother, froni 5 p. ni.. As8p.m te o-Ceosiacilhw, n.an n.R.dl , ue h, whn EeneRev.CC. sh- ng.FRgesvsited the fonnier's son present their popsular play "Ernie Mr. Howard Wood, Sutton. cent progrûi wiil be given by Mr-s.IW. Dûe and baby, Toronto, Mr~. and ington of Fenelon Faflis will prcac NL.Frel BMpitt. at Glenona rëcently. SliceX froni Punkin Creek"' at 8 p. League meeting Wednesday night, Ross Peance, ententamnen Ebenezen; I Ms. Harrv MclComb, Tononto, visit- -morning, aftenoon and evcning M-.-. C. noline Hartford has return- n. Admission 2,5c and 15c. 'Phenre May 21st, in chan'ge of 3rd vice presi Rev. Roy- H. Rickan i. B. Picken ciý at Mnr. E. Mountjoy's. Mondey afternoon there xvii b cd to h n hoe in Hlt;more afer xjll aiszo be special music between ident. ias wel attended. Rev. J.fing. sol oist; and Hanmptn mixed1 Mrs. H. Ashton, M s. E. Montgo mi- sports and supper wille seved fnom 0_1j D E t.-îtîng hber aughter. Mns. W. .J. acts.- Comeý and have a good laugh M. Whyte of Enniskillen put on a quartette. Amsion: AdIults-, tea en-, Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Grahams and 4.310 p. ni. At 8 p. ni. our youn S-nale. and help along a worthy cause. The veî'y interiesting pîrograam consisting and concert 50c; tea ncnet2c o- o n ii udydxith people xiii present "Gypsy Rover. Jewelry Mr. and 'Mrs .A. A. JhsoMn. S. S. necds your support. of 'io os readings and an ilustrated Children, tea and concert 25c. relatives, in Port Hope. Mr. Reuben Particuians later. Bow m anville the weekend with Mr. en < Mrs. Har tx 1_aorco cert_25c; son,_Roy an_ ____________ _____________________Holxvol. _______________________ -MisCaroline 5mai e, oh.4r IN. Y.. .visited ber mothen, Mrs. ml Ifor the weekend, aise) Mr. Elmen . Gouldinig. f* ~el-conîe Mn. ani NI-. Frank é* Spy n fmIvtot i"I .Teý-arn after the Hardware Business that W H EN O U ae Sp aifaiv toeousevilaz. e y*0 Mr. W . Cow ling. Mn Do a d ol ALéA I j rsidingin te Mb o nd Cole, SH isHelen MMaies, Toronto,.'Miss M.* e 1 Hills, Oshawa. crpent the weekend at * Yo soudhae r E. H. Cole's. is G i g u.f on ou shuld ave crean tht ' undlay Scboel xviiimeet next Sun-. sotftens the beard an<î leaves your day at 10.30 a. ms. an-I the cninnch s"rývic, ivill be xihIre"'î in the ov- . face snîooth aften. ning owinz to Zion antiivesir, Cf Rtv J.R. icklyrachd an'ier PAR des bth sary sermons at Manchester on Sun- ~T his means that you may buy quality merchandise in Bowmanville at prices that will meet and PAR oes oth ay, and Rev. R. J. Mirniain, Myrtie. anpne prety ncl wtr aevery cceaby hre un outside cmeiin Corne and examine the goods and compare prices. We list a f ew and onksperfctly n old ste .Mer. and Mis. W. Bunnett, Stouif- Hot may be used if your prefen it. ville, Mn. and Mrs. F. Tambbyn. On- w r onoMrs HoigeLinsayandMr.of the articles w r featuring for Thursday, Friday and Saturday: Double Size Tube-SOc Pency Cowling, Bomanville. were guests of Mn. and Mis. Jno. Cowling We -.ell Pnobak blades. on Sunday. They are guarantee<l to sb'-sf .' Mns. T.nnMountjoy, HdomnLet's T l It O eGARDEN 'HOSE iT O A NM W R Ir.- fs Mrs . T. ro Moutjoy, aompno TTHkORerELECTRIC A NM W R ýffllvisited oven the 2'eih with the forin- er' nothrMns. E. Bimac>mbe. and You hear a lot of talk -about "Buy W S IGM C IE KE SL KE S siYe, rs H. A. Bird, Mount Hanm- in Bcswminvilie" and "Bc LjWAS ING MAC INE hel 'on Ms.Birhan aymbecelead Youn Own Community," bti ayEnarnel tub, fully guaran- THIE DEPENDAmL.! DRUG STOPtE x'a kindly rc'me'mbered bv ber cales this --called lip loyalty has not te e rc Phone 49 friends with heautiful e~ants, flowens, heen foilowcd up by making buying . j ewpic cards; and other things. at home sufficiently attractive. Monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held on Tuesday, May 2th. at We are thenefone iaunching a dir-$1 9 5 ________________________the hosme of Mrs. W. W. Horn, Mns. oct and intensive campaign to on- 50 ft. '/'-inch, with Bick pre-aidi-ng. Mis. H. Cole took courage the people of Bowmanville charge ot devotional. Mrs. F. Rog- advcnt od er-s, leader of No. 3 Gnxu.p, took an . it odinnz their hardware culnsL W E C N Wcharge of tihe proirain:. appyropniate shopping in t&wn. To do this we culnsL W E C NLVV hynmns were sung, and Mis. Burns led have studied oun overhead and ad-,4 in fraer. Th foliwing braldsjusted pices to ineet mail order and ct bae Y VURU R 'I~ esponded: Mrs. H. Peters on Japen, ig de'partment store competition. SU M M LI< Mr-"rA. Allin for Afiica, and Mis. A. Tmçnbaig Peters on Indian wonk. 'Ph presi- Our priees'have -been reduced with 1 iknbaig dent, Mrs. Bick, 'thoLn pnesented fi< the exiooctation that our volume of Mac was a'hly and intenestinziy deait with.buiesilbe aeiayinesd.$ 1 9 Mrn;. A. and Mise M. Petons favored So it is up to citizens to do t-hein part QIL STOVE with a vocal <met. Roll was celled by giving us an opportunity to supplyI when each answ'r1eu to bier naine and yu needr and thus keep prices3 uies-ab to wck mayrsoddwt o. h>gt36" high-13'/2c ft. ROOF PAINT -es'lfron thte chanter in thse do'wn. spca itr rc 2 ih 112 t "tîdx bo k. Mn~. la wo thy cis 1 W e xoul glady cooperate with s e i i f c o ' r c 2 i h 1 ' 2 t 5 vwth praveir. Next m.c-eting at tlieth tesor-inBwavI n95 a g i' 'home cof Mr-. H!lton Petons on Tues-th4o8hehitohs i6Bowanviie i 'a;-. June I th. Evenvbody -wlcome. fightiiig outside conspetition, as we $ 5 0 realize a united front in î'educing __________________ IHN O SSR E O R pnicos will acconîpiish our objectipve IHN RO SC E ND O S BURKETON more successtuiR'- than by one store JA U IU * Mr. S. .1. Pedlan and sons Clarence tackling the job single hand ed. AL MIU undiKErnne* h, Mn. Parsuns, Swansea, ('uston. and merchents g2ai ri PERCOLATORS M.an i Mn. Walter Cochrane and :noie hy coopeî'atimn than bycsn 1(,-n. Boxx ,nianvîille, Mn. and Mre. y tiiiîn %ýa'(- Rabnm and family, Bunketon, eion * rd Cevcu Rahrm w nr weekpnd vis--So there's, our~ littie stou-v,. Noxv you rh in k cf iouf- "lioPolition" as SAE EGEfT. A. DUSTAN. ttîng Th-~ V P. S. h. id tb',in meeting, ' -let- ______ ing Suntia. atten<în with Mnr. L. _____j C1-rmb:-. 4th Vice President, in the 1I5 ie r-hair. ible readirg, Rg.Coms;-ÎAU ___1 ofth op_ Ci A D A 8 ft. St 2el Rods$2 9 Iirbsîh-; topc', -Mr. K. Souain; violin î' 19 balancr 1,ff( fat I'L N..ot' ; -IndVic tratvredue<î <(tm rs C'. Sniith:Su r mi- ..E<Jna RùŽvno]<l.. Djqt. Di rer' or orîlûn 1eask; AuejtOr.. .Mrs. a ,~nd Mrs. MýcK.sîîck ; j . szates t District Annual-Mr.C M A SO N ; iowsarnMrs. GordIon I.a..k, MrH , E Tink, Mr5:. .1. T. Rtundie;ý Pianis? 1MHAe BkNr;F!owtrCm F. F. Morris Co. Mr <<ryNl., Kesc %m c. S'nith Sic andVisiting ('om Mm. G. Leask, Mrs. H. Tink and Mmn. Dustan's Cas m4r 'Hardware PAGE SIX il Off uerinj ,;tockai prices. e N.xt to ïKino ' t. cssss sss:::=u THE CANADIAN ST,&TESMA.N. BoWMANVILIF- InTZTTPQnAV X9Aý -- .-