THE CANÂDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA.NVILLE, 'I!HU'RSDAY, MAY 29'th. .1950 US I~U~ UUtV SOLINA MrS. Jas. Hardy, Uxbridge, is vis- iting hem sons here. .Mrs.. Cookc and iamily, Port Pers-y, visited at Mr. Chas. Hows.aTn,$. Miss Peari Gerry, Toronto, spnt the weekend at 'Mr. W. T. Taylor's. Sunday Sehool this Sunday at 10 a. nm. on account of Zion anniveosary. 3Mr. and Mis. Sami Brooks and fami- ily, O*iawa, visiteid at Mr. Thos. Bak- er's. Mr. and Ms-s. Norman Mutton, Oshawa, visited at Mr. W. H. West- lake's. Mr. and Mis. Robert Philp, Burke- ton, wlere guests uýf Mm. and Mis. A. L. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossrman and Iene, Taunton, visited at Mr.. John Naylor's. Mr. and Mis. ES-nest Las-ner, Ralph and Lois, Blackstock, visited at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Mr. Chas. Shoertridge attended the funeral of bis cousin, Mr. Son4ey, in Brooklin on Monday. 'Mes;srs. Tom, Frank and Perey and Miss May Westlake visited at M.%r. Jack Avery's, Enfieid. Master Tom Baker has 'been con- fiaed to his bed with pleurisy, under the doctor's came. We -.ish him a speedx- recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Will Found, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and sons, .Mr. and Mis. Voat and faniily. Mr. George Barton and Miss E. Jordon,1 LILAC TEA AND MUSICALE witb DELICATESSEN SHOP ,on SATURDAY, MAY 3lst. 4 to 6 p. m. St. PauI's Lecture Room Desirable Business For Sale Ilvn i.sui lttul d1 iscontinueit-h,' all. luuutust %i sis,11 iii.-assels ofthe- i ~Suu 1 o. e. i'buu ilu Ioles thme of I, u tt ,r:ulo nlun ,tcsting ln- Sir i.,. tec. Titui- lure 1nosecondi- l, uIrsu sor other dbat, stock to toma usur H'el, luus,"buîuialUuit,-tI and am, oep, rn 10 inturrstctIlt-es to show ultumu of hubsnus Ion,, Vibb stil ai Llt?.uýtu, b rute. Cu'l . E- Rhder, b us-tiunv ulu 1- tf 4 E Toronto', visited Mr. and Mis. N. C. Yello'wlees. 'Messirs. Nelson Gage and Fred Rouike, Toronto, Mm. and Mis. Franki ,.Moore and fannly, Brooklin, rvisited at Mi. Frank Westlake's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitnell, June and Lorraine, uMi. and Mis. Jîi Reynolds, Toronto, Miss Ruby Aldswortb, Maple Grove, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mis. Jack Reyinolds. Rev. R. J. Merriman of MyTtie preached here very acceptably on Sunday afternoon wbea oui pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick, had charge of the ana iversary services at Manchester. Mr. and Lrs. Harry Grooms and family, Tomonto, Mr. end Mis. Ross Pearce and family, Mr. and Mis. Sid Brooks, Mis. Jas. Sbott, Courtice, were guests of Mr. andi Mms S. E. Werry. YMr. and Mrs. Chas. Macke , Brook- lin, Mr. and Mirs. Gordon White and Master Donald, North Oshawa, Mis. J. D. Hogartih, 'Mr. and Mrs. borne McClenan and i van, Aylmei-, visiteti 1Miss ,Mary Hogarth and 'Mrs. R. Pas- coe. Mrs. Thos. Pascoe andi Miss Mar- garet, Mr. L. T. Pascoe. ise Mar- jory andi Eiith, Hampton, Mis. Wal- ter Langmaid. Misses Sybifi and Vida, Miss Smiith, Mr. Arthur Westlake andi family. Oshawa, visited Mm. and Mrs. H. G. PasQcoe. .Ms.s Squire, teacher, andi pupils of Solina school entertaine;d theiîr parents andi friendes at Empire Day concert on Fiday aft-emnoon. A good pregram was given by the chilti- ren anti a nice lunch was seuved when aIl enjoyeti the social Urne. Annual Cadet Inspection AND Prize Day BOYS',TRAINJNG SCIIOOL FRIDAY MAY 309,1930 (Daylight Saving rame) PROGRAM 0F EVENTS: 2.30 p. m.-Cadet Inspection.;11 4.30 p. m.-Afternooi Tea, Feliguson Hall. 5.00 p. m.-Oratorical Finals.1 5.45 p. m.-Distribution of Prizes. t is expected that Premier and Mrs. Ferguson will attend, also Hon. and MmB. Lincoln Goldie, H. C. Scholfield, M.P.P. and many others. A large out-of-town representation is ex- pected. -It is hoped that many of our local friends will attend, especially the ladies. Astounding Values IN Celanese materials, styles include little coat dresses and the regular sleeveless dresses, sizes from 14 up, and only 3*95 1 You can afford to buy two dr-esses at this exceptional price. The su1)ply is I imited. THE SMART SIOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. Cowan Block Bowmanville ENNJSKILLEN LOCAL AND OTHERWISE JMr. and Mis. E. Staples spent Suon-, Mis, C. W. E. Meath, Ottawa, la kday at Mr. J. BraiLy': visiting her father, (M. W. B. Couch. 1 Mm. C. W. Scott is leaving this Miss Cors, M. Scoutt, Toronto, spent week for bis home in Wh.ituby. the weoelcend with Miss Anna Bell- 1 Mr. Merton Pàmker, Toronto, spent nman. the -holiday with his famuly heme. Mr. and MSs. Geo. Pingle, Ottawa,I Mr. and Mis, W. Milis, St. Mairye4 visited his parents and other rela- were guests of Mro, Geo. Preston. tives. Oui'pS~~l;~y.J. M. Whyte, 's .Mis. AschieTaile pent the weekend avtem n renuce a t GCbourg. wilh huer sister, Mrs., lrwin, near Wel- 'ThUs. _G¶deis bas purochmloed comtc. a home on Churc1b St, Bownianville. Miss Wray, Tottenhani, visited ber Miss E. E. Haycraft spent the cousins, Mr. andi Mms Russell Gsiffin. wiekerid witb Mia. Walter H. Wigg, o Mr. and Mis. Ray Smiith, Oshawa, Oshawa. visited Mi. John Slemon Jr. on Sun- Misses bila Hominim andi Anna Buck- day. burst, Toronto, visited at Mr. H. W. Congratulations Vo Mr. andi Mms Hamm 's. Walter Oke on the arrivail of oa baby Miss Jennie andi Misa Marion Tod, girl. Toronto, spent the weekend ,xith Mis. Mr. andi Mrs. L. StaPles sisited Thos. Tod. the former's birother, Mr. E. E. Miss Mary oliamblyn, Torontos Staples.spent the weekend with Mm. and Mm's Mis. John Santlers, Bw'mranville, M . WTamnblyn. 1 visited hem daughtei, Mis. Theo. M. MisMd-eM.LwiToto Mm. and Mis. E. J. Fallis, Tomonto, avent the *olidays with hem mother, spent the holiday with Mm. and Mrs. M.I-s. J. N. Lawiie. J. Bradley. Mis. Jennite 4rafhani attendeti the Miss Elva Griffin, Toronto, spent anaiversa.ry supper at Newtonviuile on the holiday with ber parents, Mr. andi Saturday, May 24th. Mrs. Wm. Griftfin. -Mr. and Mm-s Roger Fihleigh, Toi- Mis. W. S'weetnian visiteti hem bro- onto, were holiday visitors with 'hem - ther-in-law, Mi. A. Sweetman, Scu- sister. Mis. John Grigg. gog Nandon Suday.Reuvý. A. V. Acosta, LL.B., Chicago, Mi-ss Cross]ey, Pot Hope, Mi. and spent the weekend with Rey. W. A. L Mýrs. Wes. Cathocart, Kendal, visiteti Bunner andi famiy, Liberty Place. Mýr. andi Mrs. Jas. Stmong, 'Manchester. M.Wle oletwadM We welcome to, our village Mi.Wle ooly on and Mr.- MmIs. R. Price andi family, Uxbridge, Jgînald Sutton, Oono, spent Sun- -xhoaretakng ver-'%I. 0 L.Byes a.v at Mr. John Elifords, Blackstock. anstMoS.e.hikMr. and Mrs. B. S. Vanstone and 'a Mmr. an( ..S'Pti Clifford daugbtem 'Mary, Toronto, spent Sun- aînd Verna, visiteti the formem's day with Mi andi Mss F. C. Vanstone. niother, M-rs. J. Pethick, at Newton- Mirs. Walter Woolley andi baby 1 ville, on Sunday. Joan have been spending a week with- Miss Gladys Jeniieson, Bowman- Mirs Mabel Frances Elford, Black- ville. Miss Girace Hastings, H'ampton, stock. Mmr. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, visit- Mr. Jack Weekes and Mm. Geo. eti at Mmr. W. H. Moome 's.i Ives, Toronto, spent the weekend with -ý Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preston and the latter'.- parents-, Mir. andi Mis. famil'y. Teronto, Bemnice Nes;bitt, Arthur Ives. la Oshawa, spent the holiday with their Misses Elsie and uiirene Bagg, Tom- Pi mother, Mma. Thos. Giltieiis. onto, spent the. weekend with their - Mr. and Mis. Wm. Ingles and son, motherMis. W. J. Bragg, who is h Toronto. Mi. andti Mrsi. Will Smith slowly iinproving. and Wilma, Mr. and Mis. Benson Lennox, Oshawa. anti Master Trewin fMr. George W. Aflin and daugbtem 1' Scott, Oono, visiteti at Mm. Sidney Eiean, Vancouver, B. C., are visiting Tewin's. jhis sister, Mis. A. E. Gilders, and bis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kerr, Toi-1 father, MT. W. W. Allia. Ili onto, Mm. and Mis. Haroldi Allia andi Mr. andi Mis. R. D. Owen andi fani- Mm. Roy Webber, Newcastle, Mir. and iy andi Miss Hiltia Livingstone, Tor- Mrs;. ELmer Heriag and son Bolybie, onto, spent the twenty-fourtb with ne Mliss Barbara Wotten, Miss - Luella '.I. and Mim. Spencer Wood.t% Moore, Os.hawa, at Mm. and Mis. W. Mr. and Mis. WïlUard Stevens and %V 0. Herriag's. daug'hter Alma, Toronto, spent the- May 24th tes passed off ces-y suc- weekend witb bis father, Mi. F. N. cessfully. TPhe horse-sboe pitcbing e- Stevens. Ci sits we're, lat ia singiles, Mm. Will Mm. andi Mis. J. E. Elliott, Misses Ja .YcLaughlin; lst iin doubles, Ro<y Mc- Freda, Grace andi Mi. Normian Elliott Laughlin andi Adam Sharp; ?n.d, Aies spent the holiday at Mr. S. Elliott's, and Witheitige; 3rd Will McLaughlin Etienvale, and W. C. Hickling's, AI- andi Russell McLaughlin. Foot 190111 lenwood. tir game Tyrone vs Enniskillen Juniors Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Caaaelman Mr.bu meutti40infvr fhme teamn. Be Tea of f4-ine qaty of sho d abuinti- Graham Casselman, Morrisburg, Mr. Bo Teaof in quliryws srveth shd.Robes-t Nuiby, Madrid, N. Y., werue- antly in the -basernent andi in tesei holiday visitais witb Mr-. and Mis W. League bootball game, Orono vs En- R. Strike. aiski!llea resulteti 3-0 in tfavor oi home team. At 8.30 o'clock a large crowti gathereti in the shed. Mr. W. J. O Milîs, St. Mlamys, an olti En.niskillen MARRLIÇEs ' boy, spoke for a few minutes -on his CMEO-IOO-AthePr - 'boyhood days. reclling many interes- solnuge, Hamùpion, on W.-diesday, May ting incidents. A gooti concert was 7ili. î1936. by Rt-v. J. R. Birk M.%I. Ray AI- wi given c.onsistiag of a play entitfleti bemi Blake ('ameron, son of Mr. Jas. ne "Proîoting Romeo" 'by the St. oCuth- t'umemon anti thett l ti rs. Camnemon, puo bei-t Unitedi Cîhumcb Young People, Zion, and Ninifred Frances, onIy îlaugh- Bo ' er of Murs. Roberti Gifford andl the laie Tomonto, assisted iby Edin Barker, P.nbert Gi fforul, Osaca~. ent.ertainer, and the Excelsior Bible Class Orchestra. Bey. Milton Santier- w son who is the pastor of St. Cultb.bert DEATHS Of Chur-ch acteti as chaimman in a very RICKARD-In Toronto, on Nednesday,--F able manner. Proceedc- over $400. Nlaty 28th, 1930, Be-sile Staptes Rickamd. eî, heIavu'd wife of W. l'rank Ytlckard, aged XI 4ytars. Funeral from the famuily esidenoe, COMING SMON Newcastle, on Satumtlair.May 319t.atSer-- i). m. (standard timt') for Bowmanville Bo cemretemy. B ENGLISH-i <suirwright. on Ntonday. Bo Nluy 6i1, 93. lanelEnglish, aged 75 yCuul5. EIÊ STONE-At Osluawuta, May 2Sîh, 193o. cor Nluuitiu E. Adair, l.ubIovedl wife or o. j. piy PiNK tttnva S-u-oo rbsitty, Mai, 20iii, 1930, Satuili,'Arthuor, i i, i v itotf .5 sut Sîinks. in it-r 54 iii mu, vî~um.lirs SHEEH-AN-Iui Toronto, on Thursday fru oiluuy 22nd, 193uu, Thiomas P. Sheehan: Pi> b <,un~,luVIV.,a ged 62 yîenms. lu,,termeul A' - t Oshauwa, HOSKI N-On Tutssuiay, 7iuy27tiu.19310, ut ]lis Ilaiue m-iu, ,Division Si.. tlow- i ulu n v iiiu. RobertIL.i iosk in. fat ier or loina .%I.L andiAlice '.%I. Ioskin. prc 1 CRESSWELL-Aî Foxwuumen. Nian., on meq ITIîimstiaY. tay 81. 1930, Stisite Mauy Bll- pui inuLuu, beloveul scif,- of chlumes T.Cress- usîlb iii ,mmud a t ayui ICii S'.Nlan. - SCOTT-Ilî Eaustl Witiby aoi the resi- 11,-le, of lierm lutigli i r. N i-s. Jolhn Sesbit, -Nbuuylst,. îu:io. Nlarguumet smiiiî, svi<ow Y ut Li- hi bu Itobiu .u.oîî, nltir :îroui Vr HULRLBERT-bîî Oshauwat, oit Tuîesday, PN 9lult - tii, 1:1,mi. t'utIvi n Iitirim eri, - I u- 05 of t he , t "a s î u rIheîi, anti ofut I I e loilis C.i itiberi n bu,.,-49thb yvam. IIN MEMORIAM Cc BRENT-itu l,s iu, luiuuly utuubt i ar Lost or Found LOST--On NVedtýsday, Nlay 21st, ini JIoUV.î iiI,, am"îl iursc coIItaifllfg two -Ys.rinnr tic.rttuIIi tIo MissBL. - ., Io,,ii LOST-iiuggy rug, biaea one bide, IfloCit .UIU i>IQwiIcjnt-clK tfler aide, lbat 1-twLV.c~il LowirnviLi II caiiu '1yrofl, Sat - uluay 111 gai, '%ay I tii. Finaer pltase icos at st atess a'uî i ltiq r at . F. -u.1 s t. o n eeî1. 'cý> jward. 22-1 Wamted' HELP WANTED-Aýt -Crcani of Barley Laînp, wornan for disil wmlhtng on Sun- uays. Appiy ai Camp., Bowinanville. 22-1* VWANTED--Uaýpable wVoman for gemeral oise% omit. Apply Miss 1. K. Smith, -ticession St., £iOV. nianville. Phone tî41. 21-tf WANTED-F'or Newcastle IPark, on#o outside toiiet in good condition. otîfy, sLtîn g pimce, fi.i.:U. Boria tiian, Viîllaîge VVANTELO - Fumnished roosn without oiard, lbm iwo îsccki, bcgmnniîîg Juin, l6th fi, Xt. Apply T. J., I>mawcr B., Bow- uia.nville. 22-1 ArtiCle For Sale COWS FOR SALE-J1 good mîilkiiig cows. Appiy tw Y .Ar vay, iianîptoi, Ont. 20-3* FOR SALE-Tv,.,Cofgoleum rugb, 9 x Vur anfd Jx 1i , eïach; ti.,oo ctte, alia V. IiSiSafld. IPhone .- FOR SALE-A moderu iehîn liouse, 3L x 16, locatt-d on Seugog St. & Ni(idlt Ioao. -or particulars phonie 119J. 20- FOR SALE-White imon coi and baby carriage. Apply to Mrs. R. H. Wesi- .îvay, Queen St., Bowma.nville. 21-2* SOW FOR SALE-Yorkshire sow, due lo lai mow Jun, 7t1. Apply %Vilfrld San- -1son, Enus.killen. lhlouue 383r3-1. 22-2 BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Nice %ick- rCaIriage, in gooLi shape, for sale ci.ez1p.AppîlyThoinas 1'ercy, iiowmnan- lle. 22-1 AUTO FOR SALE-Oldsmobile sedan, atc l17 motici, lirst class shape, bar- gain for quick sale. Apply W. P. Quick. Phuone 226. 21-t HORSE FOR SALE - A good heavy horse, 15 years old, wvill seil ciieap for quick sale. Frank 1"arn, Hampion.j Phuone 3761*2. 2- ENGINES FOR SALE-One Massey- Marris and one- Sharpley Muir, both in Ist elass condition, rt-ai bargains, toc. Corbett Moior Sales. 21-tf FOR SALE-On- Durham COW, Just re- nev(-d, with second caîf; aiso pasture for Iveive head of young caitie. Appiy %V. T. i'errItt, Hampton. Phonîe 376r34. 21-2w FOR SALE-A limited quantity of choice Tomato îplants, Sot soft bot oulse stuff, buit well-seasoned plants. lavo> lranci, iR. IL 5, l3owmanvllle. Phone 139r32, 22-1 I FOR SALE--Cedar posts and a nuxnber Cf large nIne-foot anchor ponts; also mber suitable for sleepers and other building purposes. Tweniy colonies of Bees ai a bargain. T. J. Cole, R. R. 3, owmanvllle. Phone 203r4. 13-10* Redl Estate For Sale I-bUSE FOR SALE-On King St. West, eJwcastie, 6-roomed brick cottage, witlî )e acre of land, garage, etc. Âpply to 'iss Couch, 50 Orton Place., Buffalo. 22-if FOR SALE-7-roomed brick house, 6îred for stove and light, 3/ acre of land, iext to Canning factory. Âpply on bremises ta E. G. Mitchell, Huni Street, Bo'manville. 21-3 To Let FLAT TO RENT-Five rooins, water- orks, electrlc lights. Apply Statesman Alce. HOUSE TO RENT-Seven roonis, wat- ýworks, bath, electrlc lights, located [ing & Ontario St., Bownianville. Ap- Ay A. A. Colwiil, Newcastle. 51-tf TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - In 3owrnanville, modern conveniences. Ipply to W. F. Ward, Barrister, etc., 3wmanville. Phone 102. 46-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-roomned house on lgin St., opposite public school, modern ýoveniences, possession June lai. Ap- dy F. Sutton, Elgin St., Bowmanville. 19-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Contining nine omrs wvitI aIl] modern conveniences; si-eiass garuien, î,lanted; ail] kinds of ruit; garage; possession June 2nd. Ap- dy on îuremisffs f0 C. N. Ruse, 48 Carlisle Lve0. Bomanv 111e.22-1* Baby Chicks For Sale BABY CHICKS FOR SALRZ-From high 'odîîclng stock. 225 eggs up. Anyone quiring May hatched ciîicks kiadiy 00ne 252J. F. WV. Battie, Middle Road. 18-if LAUNDRY WANTED Ail klndb or Taiunary work done prompt. isatisfactorly and at resonable prices mrite Pont Offce Box 12. or cadi Mrm. V Xarjoram. King St. Bl. Bewmanvtile. 'bone 478W Town of Bowxnanvillie RICE & CO, Hardware 'Opposite Post Office Bowmanville HARDWARE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES -M We are prouti of our reputation as the tradiqIg cent»e for people who are thiifty anti who lilas to geut peisosial ses-vice. We feature quaiity foods at dependably 1aiw puices. We emphasize service, too . . . not anly in' oui couiteous attention Vo aboppers but in o'ur conven- lent ànd prompt tielivery of phbone oemos F'or a quick dessert try Junket, 6 different flivors, I1se pkg. Delicious Orange Mafnmalade, large 40 oz. jaur lic only ..................................... ic Moemy who trlati Fairsex Toilet Soap are p]acing repeat oréers at.......................... 6 cah.s 31c Foi an emergency keep a aupply of sot drinks on hanti. Try a tiozen Canada Dry. Mangel S'eet-Yellow Leviatuban anti' Gima* White Sugai' Mangel Sueed-50c Mb. bulk; or 60c lM. P4&. AIl goves-nment teated 1929 set. HOME GROWN VEGETABLES NOW HERE Onivuns, Rhu-banb, -Asparagus, Sqpinaich, LtLue, aIl» Tomatoeo, Ccunbera Headquarters for Poultry Supplie. IIARRY ALLIN, Orocer STURDY WORK CLOTHES THAT STAND THE GAFF -pDýýIGH H.edIigIut TB. LiILCHRIST l>rsctly Opposite Bank of Montrea*l Bowmsuiv1 Hoadldobe Sturdy fabrica . . . &tue* atitching . . . eut that e& Iowa pI.nty of frac, ac" and avoids strain. That's id bus- work clothe. stand up ce weUl. Yeu can't turs se&a, and thse materwin tough as eleplmsa it' S these super quadity wukà sarments-at super value. HEADLIGHT PRICES REDUCED now selling at $2e25 Union' Made Overai ANOTHER GOOI> OVERAIL clearing at $1.49, Whether it's woik clothes or deeuu clothes yiou will fiid best values at oiv - in h lu ls lit li iui, t 1923lii . siuuii c I t ;hi st, " lu, ia. 2 th i, o.., :1. 55,uii lu ,-r uuun iri un,s ii t- mîuiss ilh, . f usi fthy ace-, . co W lît,,ss iluy kinul uand )villing iuand, Tliy fond and cuunesi came, _____________ IOum homes art- iark without ihee, C N\Ve miss thee evefywhere. C. -Rlusband antd Famlly -ourtfl.or...2..±..on &App nI1 Noel iusy hvgiven tlhutth i ue Ors iil ig of thlue. iluu t of ls ii)î for the uuwl orf losvtinviIIe s, iIl]lie lut-lui ai thet )i It toouun SifT.a IdTOss-u 0friowm, lu - Il, ut i tIirsileuv, luin,' l2tli. 1930, ;ut 3l' m. lulliu i uuîuîI i fflm inu I, sus- uil uuullupl,il f immrors oirumissiolis ýlilw, A s Ro,,-u l l foi tbi l N '%iuni . AI picîsoi. his-ing Iuusin,-ss :lt the' uurl~ ~ ~ t uu, --uuuMuit,,ulbnul:1us Lfol,-- JONLYE Jr f l own LLf 'i-m t li os t i s m91u111 I uiq ofr' 1i9s 0.<12 &-uction Sale! Household Furniture and Effects Saturday, May 31&t. Thé uatie-signied bhas been instruct- V o seîl by public auction tbe bouse- ,d effec.ts cf Ms Elizabeth Sps-y n, the late Nathan Horne. Th .e uraitume anti houiueholti effects of oth will be salti at the- some place-- tthe rear of Spry's resitience, ',n-poDrance St. or 'back of Corbett's ;arage-on Satumtiay, May 3lst, at .30 sharp tiaylight savàng tinie. A let of vatuable fumiVore will be iclud-etinl this sale such as tiining nom anti pas-bm f « t r ,ver hoice hetiroom suitU nattiesses, unings, dishes, aa er gieneral îusebold effects. f An upiright Dominion piano la good ontition L- inclutiet in the Iist. 'Be suie to e there on ti-me. Ternis ah. H. Mason, W. J. Chalis <31muk. Auctiujneer. WHERE QUALITY COUNTS SEASONABLE NEEDS f«W FZCTION Nesto and Perfection. 011 CoiSioves and OrmJ1S 011Stoves Screen Doorsj Wmnclow Screens I Lawn Mowers j - Paints - Varnaishes I Our large stock of hardware miakes shopping 'a pleasure m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DOWMANVILLE, MHUR-SDAY, MAY 29th,1980 PHONE 186 Bowbt"VILLE - PAME aitvm