PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, T~HURSI1AY, MAY 29th, 1920 1l - M i/ 1J ' »ie Woinrz iMh#ey FEW women have ail the money they want, but cver woman can have a bank account, whcther she be the housewife saving from ber allowance or the business girl putting by part of ber salary. The woman witb a bank account is the one who can aiford the littie luxuries that make life more enjoyable. With money in the bank, she car> face the future with confidence and hope, prepared for any emergency. Ask for our booklet -A Neto. Horizon." ht will explain an interisting Saeings Plan. S907 The R>,oyal Banik of Canada Bowmanville Branch I. G. Hefkey, Manager A Real "BEAUTY FooD"y Health is always beautiful.- It gives color to the cheeks and sprightly vim to the movements of the body. Health cornes frorn the right kind of food. Shredded Wheat with milk is the Health Food supreme-contains al the vitalizing elements of the whole wheat grain in a digestible form-iron for the blood, calcium for bones and teeth and proteins for building healthy tissue. Delicious with fruits. SH.REDDED GO OVE RNIH-L 1lance Tr d %o.haSalvefi rt;bci vanised aoveraight ,sC.T. Scot .Soatha. S&Ial opspai n1 5 u ha .aoiiwhaW.AtaUdIuomIo. "No more stoootch trouble. Cecs ntlg" miles Mr . W Vhie. Th . .di 1y ndies- ion herbun esn like msalc wtt »Fruit. se rCo I~.n.sck headaches end overnight. Nervis, hem t quiet, sound sloop et ,c.. Rheuzaatium flila aw..y. Compei.oaclos Vùck. Got "±,sa" trom daagg todsj. NEWS FOR THE BUSY FARMER Reports received from practîcally aIl corn-growing districts conv'*ey ex- pectaiti<)n of increased planting. Es- sex an(l Kent will both hevemor Cern and more than averageat- tion is being given the crocp in Eligin, Norfolk and Bruce. Clovers, which make up the most valuable part of our hay crolps, re-' quire sweet soul. The Reactosoil, prepared by the 0. A. C., a simple and eccurate test, quickly tells whether or not the s-oil requires sweetening. A kit containing enough material te test about 100 s-amplets can bc obtained directfly from the coll-ge or irom your county agricult- ural repreisentative. Alsilce and Clover Gooci This year alsike and sweet clover are very moderete in price and bothi will produce an abundance of late pasture or may eut as hay. The al- sike can bc mixed with tîmothy and it, like the s;we-(t diover, can be sown any time during May or June. AI- falfe aIse wilI supply a lot of feed if Fown alone any ie during tiese two months. Further-norc, any of the crops niention-ed bere can be left over the winter and they will give a good crop the next season. Heavy Winter-Killing 0f the 670,000 acres of winter wNheat sown in Ontario last faîl, onîy 50'9.000 acres will bho barvested, ac- cording te an officiai estimate. The difference of 161,000 acres represents the amount winter-killed. The per- centage is 24, as com.pared wit .5 per~ cent in 1929 and 9 per cent the average for the tc-n years 1920-1929. Ont.ario aIseo lest 16 per cent et its hcy and clover crop by winter-kirlîing, a... eompared wit'h 5 per* cent last year. Turkeys Found Profitable Turkey bre dinL- i5 net the difficuît -undertaking that is gene'ralîy suppo- ed when the breeding stock and pouits arc properly handled. Es- sentials te success in turkey breeding are: dlean seoil, mature stock for breeding. free range. end above al, the keeping of the turk-ey floek away frorn other barnyard fowLs. June Meetings at O. A. C. June is well known as a 'busy one at the Ontario Agricultural College and thi- year. judging by the> nmeet- ings aîready announced, il is going te be even busier tiban ever. The ten- tative list includles: Wednes<Iay, June IS-Peel. Sim- cee, York, Ontario, Durham, Nor- thumberland, Hastings and Eas-ter-n Ce un tics. Trap the Borer The suggestion has been advance-d that a tra.p crop of corn consisting of about haîf a dozen rows of earîy sewn rapid growing cern, if put in as eanly as the ground is fit, will in mest years Ies>,en the amount ef injury ýdone the main crop hy cern borers, if the main crop is sown a few days later than the ideal date. The trap crep should be eut Iow about the end of the first week in August, wben al horer eggs bave been laid end &hould be removied and fed te livc stock. Chicken Stealing Unprofitable This businessof robbing hen roosts 15 becoming more -and more precar- ious. The Provincial Covernime-nt tbrougb the Provincial Police are making every e~ffort tei apprehend those who qteal cbickens, and te pun- islb theni witb a penalty thet the crime deserves. Honorable John S. Martin, Minister ef Agriculture, mo- cently repertod that Gencrai Williams hwba instructed his mec te make a strone effort te check this branch of crime and the results speak for tbem- selves. Imprisonme'nt bas been met- I ci ut te 92; fines te 24; suspended sentencê 12; disniissed 10; withdrawn 3. The, penalty in one case for theft of chieken.. was two years in Kington Penitentiary. THE DAY WELL SPENT If we sit. down at &et ef sun tAnd count the tbings thet we bave donie, A-'ni, ceunting, find IOne 1,; df-denying act, one word That Eased the heart eft bu wbo heard, One glance mest kind Tbat fell like sPunshine where it went The n we May count the day wel But f Ibro' ail the livelong day, W<"'Ve cased 1ne 'hoart by yca or'nay; If !hro' it al Wc'x0 e lne ne thing that wce can :ra ece, That brougbî ne ýunshine te a face, Neo ct mosI snal That hblclisom . s)uland netbing Thnieot thOt ,'a as wvorse than "Skinny! I Gained il Lbs. in 8 Weeksi and Boy Friend" "After t rying era gainýd il o n d 1)(-",of al'ta bl', fr> 'ni S. i xl. rin arid sarare aï-nazedl o jWEED CONTROL SUGGESTIONS By John D. McLeod, Provincial Weed Inspector for Eastern Ontario The Weed Control Act will be more rigidly en1forced d'uring the coming summer. This will apply te ail nox- ious weeds but particular eînpbasis will be placed on Perenniab o Thistle. Owing te the creepin.g nature of the root stalk and te the fact that seeds are blown long dis- tances by the wind Pe.:-ennial Sow Thistle is the worst weed wt, have on oui fanms at the pres-ent time. Methods of Control Sow Thistle thrives best in damp soil, therefore ýcfficient underdrainage is one of the first and most important factors in control of this weed. Sumier fallowing wheire practical is efficient providing aIl growth is kept down du-ring the summer. if necessary Sumnmer fallowing may be followed by a late smother crop such as buckwheeat or rape for faîl pasture. Dry Cleaning Method Sow Thîstile is in ils 'weakest con- dition just before ripening seed. Hay fields mney be eut a little eanly and, fiminediately plowed rather deep. Providing the weather is dry the land should not be teuched for tbree weeks or longer, providing no growtb appears. After the land is weli d'ried eut &umring the hot days of the summer, cultivation may be practised till late in the fall. Land should be left fer the wintor well ridged up se that tbe frost cen further continue the destruction of the roots. W-bore falil wheat or rye is grown these crops may be sown late in August or early in September. A spring or stiff toetbed cultivator is the best implement te combat Sow Thistle. The disk only serves to eut upthe rmots and make tbem more pre.lific. Couch, Scutch or Twitch Grass Thbe only two efficient methods of contnelling scutcb grass are deep sun-mm-c-r fallowting immed iately efter baying and the use o-f root crops. Every carm,&r bas bis ewn problenis witb regard te kilîing weeds. Gen- erai recommnendaîUons only can 'be g iven. Eacb farnier must study the weeds on his farni. and learn whe'ther tbey atre annuals or perenniais. Most annuais can be des-royed by aliow- ing tbe s.eeds te-,poiot and tben do- stroy tbem witb shaiow cultivation. FPenennials witih creecrier root stalks,i after plowing dowýn must net beaI lowed te show green Iuring the rest ef the summer on tb,;? strengtb will be renewed and effort-s on the part of the fanmer wasîed. - No weeds should be allowed te go te sc-ed. Road Superintendents bave ben given instructions te eut ai] weeds frorn fence te fonce on al roads. Tbnesbing machine eperatons sbould exercise more cane in cleaning1 their machines in m-eving frorn place(i te place. Destnoy ail weed Feeda 1 cleaned from grain. Do net take a, DARLINGTON FOOTBALL LEAGUE iOfficial Schedule of Gamet Ha, Been j Revised as Follows Nanie aftér teams is referee who %,Ill have chîzge oef that perticular game: May 2!-l.e-karid at Zion; Mason. 24--Orono at Enniskillen; Mason. 23-Selina at Courtice; M.on. 28-Bowimanville at Leskard; Hall. 31-Enniskil]en at Bwmanville; E. WVilbuc. June 2-Orono at Zion; J. Reynolds. 4-Leskard at Solina; L. Ashton. 6-Enniskillenl at Orono; C. Powtr. 7ZZona at So)lîna; Lobb. 9-Bo\v'ville at Ceurtice; J. Baker. 11-Leskard et Orono; Wni. Mc- L.augh]in. 1i1-Solina at Enniskillen; E. Wi]bur. 14-Zion at Bow-manvilieý J. Baker. 14-Enniskillen at Courtice; J. Rey- nolds. iS-Solina at Orono; Lobb. i18-Zion at Leskard; L. Ashton. I 21-Courtice at Bew-manville; J. 23-Enniskillemnat Seline; J. Balson. 25-Oreono at Leskard, Wm. Me- 25-Courtice at Zion; L. Ashton. 28-Solina at Boiw-manvi]le; C Adams JuIy 1-Leskard at Enniskillen; K. Hall. 2-Zion at Orono; C. Powers. 5-Courtice at Solina; J. Belson. 7-Beov'viýlle at Orono; C. Powers. 9-Courtice at Leskard; K. Hall. 9-Solina at Zion; C. Adams. 12-Orono at Bow'vili1.e; E. Wilbur. 16-Sol ina at Leskard; K. Hcîl. 16-B-wmnan,çille a' Zion; L. Ashton. 19-Orono at Les_-kard; J. Balson. 19-Leskard at Bow-ille; C. Adam. 23-Zion at Enniskillen; Jt Baker. 23-Courtice et Orono; C. fowrs. 26-Bownianville at Ennis'killen; J. Reynolds. 26-Orono at Courtice; E. Wilbur. 30-Courtice at Enniskillen;, Powers. 30-Bow'ville at Solina; J. Balson. Auguet 2-Zion at C<>urtice; J. Baker. 2--Enniskillen ait Lea-kaird; K. Hall. 6-Les.kard et Courtice; Lobb. 7-Enniskillen at Zion; Adams. Referees please advise E. Wilbur, Oshawa 16411r24, if unahie te handIc, the gamnes. chancý on feeding theni te the chick- ens. They are bound to get back on the land. A weed insprecter or advise-r bas been appointed in every municipality. He is p]ac.e-d there to assist the farm- ers with their weed probleni. Hei aiso appoi-nted te protect the ipEn wbo is trying to contre] we.cds against the careless farmer who allows his weeds te mature and blow seeds over the neighbouring farms. Secure the bulletin -Weeds of Ontario" from your Agricultural Repre-sentative. 0f the hundreds of thousands of owners T ms amazing record ofte General Electric Refriger. ator is made possible by many exclusive feature. The hermetically sealed rnechanism is mounted on top of the caibinet. Ail the machinerv is sealed air-tiglit in a sturdy steel ca8ing. It is dust.proof, trouble-proof paid a for SERVICE and neyer needs to be oiled. Corne to our showrooms and see the new all.steel modela *. . warp.proof and ex- tremely durable.; We will gladly demonstrate the accessible freezing regula. tor and many other pointe of superiority. ER-50-B Easy Termir Arranged GENERALO*ELECTRIC ALLÉ - STEIEL REFRIGERMATOR THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO Bowmanville - Ontario Gueanteed by CANADIAN GENERAL BLECTRIC CO.._ for Econornical Tasotto Authorized Sales and Service Ontarlo Motor Sales Limited Bowmanville, Ontario mf They Ihou2ht îtWould Neyer Eappen A FLYING EMBER from a nearby burning house set their roof ablaze. Just a cruel prank of the wind and in a twinkling Fire, the Destroyer, had taken an un- shakeable grip. No matter how careful you are ta safeguard your home from the inside it will flot help you when your in- flammable roof is threatened by a nearby fire. Turn that over in your mind NOW, when there is stili opportu- nity to rid yourself of the old- fashioned fire-inviting roof. 1Brantford Asphaît Slates give positive protection against sparks and wind- blown ernbers. They reduce Insurance premiums and protect your house and fami- ly against the ever-present fire hazard. Brantford Roofing de- signs are renowned for their colour harmonies and hand. some appearance. Their beauty adds immeasurably to the value of your home. Permanent resistance to the weather under the most varying climatie conditions is another famous feature. Brantford Asphait Siates will not peel, warp, shrink or bulge, and give years of hardy service. For summer or town homes-for schools, churches and public buildings, Brant- ford Roofs are equally desir, ,able-not only for security but also *for econi)my and easy application. Write for a copy of the booklet "Beauty with Fire' Protection". It suggests to you what the proper type, design finish and colour of your roof should be. Erantford Roofs .Brantford Roofing Co. LUnuted, H-ead Office and Factory; Brantford, Ont. Branch CA" and WartuIous: Toronto. WLudsar. Winnoet. Montre&l. H.Lifj. S £.>rn l. N.B.. and Se. Johns. NSJd. For Sale by BI?]CE & CO* THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSIIAY, NL4Y 29th, 1920 PAGE EIGHT Limi