THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th. 1930 _ ________ PULI HALH EPRTBYLA N 113CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN FIRST AID IN THE HOME A LEssO<Il FROM HISTORY OBITUAY R Por LI o! LT PEPliT Heath NurO 1or A3 0F BOW MANV IiE -h n l eas O x fo rd s o ;Er et d on A d u amlo H e l h s r i e o h a a i n E v e ry 9rb e s.c e r t a ' o v d n H a i t n o e n s a , M yp o r t s By-Law ofthe Corpoation ofMeAIicaI Association F>vwy battle's a. "cinch" th&t 6 'won; InHmloonWdeayMa Reportao o!tuborortonie- Health Nursic fo , 1- thebe C1214Sf Everyhi<' lea aftr at's ovdon;E ns-do n rS a iiO May: the Town o! Bowmanville to provide 1yLa Numberi6 1214repsedit telf N o . o f h o m es v isited 19 ; N o . o f for th e su b m issian o! certa in B y I s a g o pl n f r e ry a m yv- %s o u d w n it T - 2 t , 1 p ans s ed A n to s th e 111e individuals vlsited 201; No. af visits Laws for the assent of the qualifled A By-LaW, ta provide for t bS pare oodl for eer miyen er 'a on de! it e y 21, E930,n s ther A e th to: Adult cases 16 Prenatal 7 Infant electors o! the Town o! Bowmanville, borrowlng $71.000 UPOfl de- ta me pe ared e ta d eaih omeeu- valgo n tved!i 9v ed husband o! Alta Hl nrs tA 3, Pre-schoal 65, Re school absen- and to appoint a day on which toi benud to purchase the des whc a rs.I achhoe,-u Ws otl to< thd ra e geof 4rne t s Anri, beln tee 2 Rephsicl e!ets school take a vote thereon, and ta name j electrical distribution SYS- t 'r hou'd be Wiiabl then foce ewpe ar-boutt e age ro! 43 yer. H a oT ages) 2 R7; M yi cllan e vists 7 So- the places where the votes are tombe tem and business lcnown as ticles which may be used with ad- Will e oce n e ab ou , Han iron o O t., bupas2 rsde Mr.n No. o! Inf ant Welf are Con! erences turning Officers to take the vote at system- and ta authorize a ences. te isl bestr ta' reepe ttes Dertiare an aeare fins.H a pre-schOOlsver 18. lae certain agreenent for the les prpel labelled in a separate aif afeked oosd h ea 5 C nd made anY arind s Hein ash r 4 thols attnd.c 6;ifns3:eeyucple.urhase o! the said elect- medpicine cabnt oke an-uto Thcugh te rirrer, ws ful of ice He attended Calvary Unitd Churdh. WHEREAS the Municipal Couii rc distribution systemn and reach o! children Rv .E esih i atr a o! the Corporation a! the Town o! il1busu= cos nth ed entvsio ndsere n Sehool Report Bowmanville deent it advisable ta uies ce o h is i abnt ,acntruhhsln n oviistscol33Noo!submit ta the vote of the electors o! WHEREAS the Corporation o! the f irst aid out!lt containing sterile nigit ,cm otdhr o eCroration qualifled ta vote on Town o! Bowmanvlle in the County gauze and bandages, ta be used in Theii e Jing wste ton Prpenan class roani inspections 16; No. oet ble OPw dw n pupils inspected 670; No. o! readmis- 1 maney by-aws. a proposed by-law ef Durami cesires ta, purchase the dressng cuts and wounds. Lielyflng retyhumn a e , His dow.ts oe on ean ard sions 59; Na. o! special physical in- which is entitled A By-Law to au- electricl distribution systexrn in the Aramatic Spirits o! Ammonia. two elgbmn an s otoduhes lv n en r er i cae O f intng.And Wa0hintoTi crossed the DeW mather, Mrs. Burton Andrus, one sis- and dentist 12; Dental defects term- idistribution systemt in the Town of! said County o! Durham, and also the wte and cae !fitig inated 7. 1BawmanvllC. and ta provide for the -business o! the distribution of elec- Alcohol. rubbirig, for use as a lini- wae er,Mr.Egredr.antw Olga L. Tod. brrowing of the sumn o! Seventy One tricity in cannectian therewith. ment ta relieve pain in cases o! owe o'ewt rul ee brothers, Oscar and Walter, ail o! -ýThausand Dollars 1$71,000.00) for therein referred ta as "The Systema") sprains and strains. Spwe o'ewthtozlebst Bowmanville, alsa survive. His _______________________-that purpose"; on the terms and conditions set forth Carbolated aeie n ue s And yourspirits are soalcisi wet, fte asd wytoyasaa - j ~AND WHEREAS The Municipal iacetiprpsdareetb-tetetetobun.AlYfe ntilte sky with clouds i 5blk, The funeral was largely attended Cauncil o! thenIateen t ain rsd gr ee etrl o e bc ae Ditn a pic !ien c~ ~i W e e down upon your ,lýSk by f iends and relatives and the for- Coni fteCorporation a!th ween th jdHdoEeti oe ovrwt ic fcencto And look at there. Jtist do the thing; al tr'i butes were numerous and very You've seen xodsta said Town o! Bowmanville deem it Commission o! Ontario and the Cor adhd iplace with a bandage Thuhyuaeéoesiityt euiu.look like theewr o W 'eavisable tosubmit ta the vote of th-e poration, a copy o! which proposed O ! lve.Ad or the onv ThaUg yport are ihkd tl r abatf electars o! the Corporation qualil'led 1 agreement is hereta annexed and absorbent cottan, plaedite caN'- ee ar2 darkyou clas.ed themfairmar many y-awsa uet-marked as Schedule "A"; it fachid. Dissave thn Da-oephawri Town- of-,-.iIe u- aleà ult n to vote n ityyB y L a s o! anes ac ing t o. in w t ir e ye v -heI cror, tiast htete *ai tertor Afldci yÛud trtvifll cros s ep e1 rris Twno butnnvll u va, t wm mmj v on a ta hethr th sai eletors AND WHEREAS for the PUroel may be- used as a mild antietd__ VVA~Iosuprchao!ng the said Hydr Syte wash for makiflg a compress. sles ak tonepr eletrial owr o enrg frrn heit is necessary ta, borrow the sumn o! Syuo!Iea.Uenet-te lay persan shauld do while wi-Cuto eiin&Apa H d oEler c i ner fom iso ofthe, f I e ac s ne t h S~~~ Ontap! Hyro.lrcPwr omsina Seventy-OTse Thousand Dollars onl spooful olowed by a drink a! ing the arrivai o! the doctor ilslim- Cour oft Reiin pea the credit o! the Corporation at I n water, to cause vomiting. ite ta, aeb fewn things th fi surig yusl ulw a AND WHEREAS the Municipal: and ta issue debentures therefor. olo bobetctoapi A severe illness is no threatened .~îîg<fIeCuto einfrte f rom them rngteu- Couneil o! the Corporation c! the t learing interest at the rate o! Four o! scissors, a clinical thermometer, every tume a memnber a! the !amily T,,ow, cf jionma.nvlile' wil1 be held at the mer. said Town o! Bowmanville deeni it and three-quarters per cent per an- safety pins. adhesive tape. and a complains o! not feeling well, but a Cou.cril Elooîu in sard Town of Bowman- i -e ~advisable ta submit ta the vote o! num, which is the amount o! t hie gascn be conveX1ifntly sick stomach. headache or chili may ville~ ou Tursday, June 2th, 1930, ai Men s - --$0 theeet r o! the Corporation o! the' ebtit n ta be created by ths k p n t ecabinet, and *il b be the firt warning o! the anset o! 1-î L adies' f~ ros or o isin - - - 4 0 T w ofB w a vle aqusin a ;B la ;f ound useful. in carrying out the in- a severe illness. in l, - As,<.f1 Roll for the said Nluni- - - - $ 0 to~~~o nsehe o!e thed physid re inian when Th e trained physictan requires al (fili;iiit' for tii r ig<1 3.M i s , * letria itiuinsse nte uiiaiY cdn atenistratian and management o! theý h h hl aebepoet !~tI bv îtmyseit evr is patient's syniptors and the pro- arterth ai eoori A HEEA heaautli teei lles n h hm. iattenadeerie hecus !aors atndaafr- lieSh e Str Town o! Bowm-anvillfi ta a commis- revised assessment roll is $2290855. hort ta the persan who is used ta per treatmnent necessary. It ils gen- i sin t beknow asTheHydr ND EAShavlflg shelves crowded with bottles. erally expensive and ineffective. if JON LYLE, W. ciA D VS sio t beknwnas Th Hdro AN WERES heamontofIt is ta be remnembered that niost nat actually dangeraus, for the lay I kof thw Town of Bow.mvlIe. E ,Corporation_ (exclusive o! local im- ment with drugs. The niost that(Ihirnsel!. dayi of 1Nay, 1930. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal provement dlebts secured by special .__._.......___.................._lo_ Couincil o! thse Town o! Bowmanville rates or assessments> is $334,978.19 enacts as !ollows:- and no part o! the principal or inter- And why? We11, Nre are 1. There shan be submitted ta the' est is in arrear; reasonably proud of our electors o! the Corporation, qualifled NOWV THEREFORE thse Municipal bakery goods, and we tavt n m ny yL w.tep o Cucil a! the Corporation o! theth posed By-Law entitled "A By-Law t Town o! Bowmanville ENACTS AS 6 should be! We use no- authorize the purchase o! the Elec- FOLLOWS: l Aod G dSip cnr thing but the finest of trical Distribution Systeni in thse 1 everythingin making Town o! Bawmanx'ille, and ta provide j1. That thse purchase by the Cor-thâmteprai frSreWei everyhing aking for the borrawing o! the suni o! Sev- 1poratian o! the Town' o! Bowmianville eac da fo baing 000,00) for that purpse,' a copy a! -teni and business known as "The *WhneTABfrLISMEBie isto each dy for aking which proposed By-Law is hereto at- Bowmariville Electric Systein" on the la 9 la the b»ueh and bualle of prepuamt@D you wiHl app>reclate moire than ever the very convenientA&P tyo that makes your mouth tached and marked as Exhibit "A" ternis and conditions set f orth in the shoppng-eytbifli for the meal under th1e one roof. water. and fanms part thereaf;. sadproposed agreemnlt is iserebyWHR CtOYMLS presaa suasowoloe11 o syeshe. be subitdtateeetra!is 2. Tisat the Mayor and Clerk a! BOW A V LLE Copoation quaifiled ta vote on tise Corporation o! the Town o! ow BOW MmoneyL by-laws that is ta say: Are manville are hereby authorized, eni- A V D Vyau in f avar o! securlflg a supply o! powered and required ta execute the BAKERYelectrical power or energy fr rn The said agreement on behal! o! the Hydro Electrical Power Commission said Corporation and tise Clerk is A. W. Jacobs, Proprietor a! Ontario? . bereby authanized and required ta King St. Bowmanville . 'niat the !oîlowing question be attach the Corporate Seal ta the saidM ETG RCRS submitted ta the electors o! the Cor- agreement. XA O I R 0 --:j avor o! entrusting the cantral, ad- matters and tisings necessary for the SUGAR-CU«D SMOKED FINEST QUALITY SILVERBROOK CREAMERY ______________________ministration and management o! the performance a! the sald a greenient Electrical Distribution Systern in the on the part o! the said Corporation Town o! Bawinanville ta a Commis- are iereby authorized. x ___________________sian ta be knawn as "The HydroM.0Bt e2 ElcrcCommission a! the Town o! 4.* That for the purpose a!oresaîd IK AA Mlb 2 9 Bt e b6 Bowmanville"? there shail be borrowed on the credit 4 httevtsoth ado! the Corporation at large the suni le TO Il POUND AVURAGE SuunyarleOl Pasteiurlzed 4.ctr Tsa the vte o thse said o! Seventy-One Thousand Dollars Eue tors a e take on ti se ad an e entures sha l be issued there- C e m r Quaesiond at the f oloutg tus n' forin denomiatans o! not less than SWEET PICELED plaices and byi thers eputy Retr $000 each, bearing lnterest at the Oflie r, tand i P ol ClerksThe re in! g rate o ! our and three-quarters perS T M C O E named tat slac onsiay the votin cent per annuxn, semi-aflnually, and unàouldors of Porlk Ib. 20 0 TOMATOES QUALITV O23 5 shaîlg takeon placehe aneet fonrY tA S 23rdR CH the f orenoan until 5 p. mi. in the ai - tiepyin !teitrs.FRESH-SMOKED teméon.5. The debentures shan ail be h"A" - eron Sub-Divislons 1 and btdaofthe First day o! Septema- ,EI4 RSl.2 eEXTRA SPECIAL <J Biightfl u theLyle shaîl be Deputy Returnng ffi- lst day o! Marcis and Septeber lan cer and Anne Lyle shaîl be POil each o! tise years 1931 ta 1950 la- 1' EA ___ K inside and out with Wall Clr. clusive, and the respective amouritsb eé-i Paper adPit12 North Ward, at the Pump House each o! sucis years shaîl be as set c t a e a n b r cl an ant nte oth side o! Cisurcis Street forth in Schedule "B" hereta annex-FO RIGRDIL elb2, o d 1 <J We can supply you mith 1 andtbetween Teniperan2e and Divis- ed. oIRNGOBOLN ion Streets. and A. H. Bounsaîl sisall 6 . The debenture as ta bath prin- Sunworthy Paper and be Deputy ReturniIlg pfâcrkand cpland interest salbe payable FANCY SUGARCURED SMOKED ST. ÇHAELES OR CARNATION Wesly Prcyshal bePoi Clrk. n lwfu mony o Caadaat the Glidden's Paints, Var- "C Poling Sub-Dvisons 1 and principal office o! the Bank o! Mon- EVAPORATED MILK ........... 23 2 Souths Ward in tise Public School treal in tise City o! Toronto or at Bie b nseecon Victoria Street between Ontario the office o! the Municipal Treasurer 13A C O N 2lb KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ** RS 5 iseeand Duke Streets. and James Nokes la tie Town o! Bowmanvlle, at FNTBU OZTOSN We'Il do the wvork, too, sliall be! Deputy Returnlng Offices' iolder's option. OUR OJW4 SUNNFELI)~ BIUND-B.L10U> RICE ...... 2 Ib. 1 Sc RAISINS .. b O w'swUTPI EAPLE NO. a TMN O.2 5. A True capy this BY-La shah sign and issue tise debentures - EMNEO IE ouwish. shi epublisised inteS: and tie saine sisaîl also be slgned by B kk '-B q newspaper as f ollows: June 5tis. 2th, tie Treasurer o! tie Corporation. CORN-Goldenl Bantam ........ No i 7 <and l9th. 1930. and tise debentures shaîl be sealed G o. P ithad 6. On tise 2st day a! June at bis Iwith tise seal o! tise Corporation. Sirloii ]Roast fa b. 32 e G n P i c a d lo 4e in te Cuncil Canber n Tie coupons sal be signed by tie __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _TEXAS-GROWN jTnperance Street, in tie Town of tTreasui'er. and his signature thereta Decortor IBowmanN'ille, at il o'clack in tise may be written. stamped, itisograpis PruneD IF o s ~ ~ b 0eTn a ol Z b .2 Decorator ~ ta aendn tise Mialor unimin wig pa 8.egae.P i e i Ro s EI b 0 ti e o es b t se c er ! h s ar o - e c Y o! t se d b e t rs tis e r c - QIE T Q A I YT I S I CR D V E R Y L E A N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 1 JrHI I7IJÇr, 1~t 1lsm~tae therein andi tnereto 26tis day af MaY. 9u ialyCRLN eseu are the gae hY atr attacised is as .!o11oWs5 READ a third tume and diay R1 LK M.16CA B GGOW bran. Bvy ther miracle, Ch Purcisase roferyf190NIGONE weelth and tise of nutil- cudes Electric equlpmlen'ta!e ry !190 YOUrksjjms aux'.". sort and description situate within I V IEFS R1OT* R A GOEI G 3Ibm 17 YOROLI.hO tise TownS o! Bawnianvlle now owned ehF O N E S21,.Z b ta~ure! sasolenin on ta ke, l not including sub station plant nor i Ieh LO N E S2lsA5 RROTS CALIOR '.N at lt-,bem thPcele-s heitare ofcontents o! retail store. %peLyeCera!tsCro'-S GOOD VISION. Amnouit ta be raiseti by debentui'es ,onLlCe5 fteCro Do Not Neglect Your Eyes bearing lnterest at rate o! 4% Per Joh ow fnanilQkedl FILLETS l.1 e~L1G._ Consult ~ni.m amount o! bath principal tian a! tise Taw !Bwavle Cosl nd nte'est ta be retireti In twenty isereby certifs' that tise !oregolng 1 ___ R. M. Micel Tise yearîy lnstalm'ent o! bath By-Law Na. 1214 wiihpse t- Mitcell yea"5l 4ypei.ANtTIC pae isTr aC trc o R. M îUL~h'" ial nd lnterest in each and first and second reading at a eet-j'1i~i RA ATUANTIC & P01I CANADA R.M icel& C.every year aniounting ta $5,577.08. i ng o! tise Council o! tise Croa s'i>uCN Drugits . Optoinetriots Yearly instalments on debenture I tian o! tise Town o! Bowrnnville phme9Zeb ta, be pald frai revenue o! Elec- held o h 6hdyo a 90 tre-ytm John Lyle, Clerk. BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83