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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1930, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE WHERE R_100 WTILL "LANII)" NOW is the Thue to talk about your H EAT ING PRO BLEMS for the coming winter. Have your oit furniace overbaulet or a new oue installeti that will heat your home cofortabiY. Dont v.sit tluI colt weather comas. BUY THEM AT "Big 20" BOOK STORE Shriners' Decorations Peumats Flaga Window Transfers Gifts for Graduation Unique Lamp Shades Gifts f or the Bride Attractive Souvenirs Newest lWal Papers Lending Library Bet fiction at 3c a day J. W. Jewell Big 20 Bookstore Bowmnanville Your plumb ing and heating modernized ai E xtens ivse epl : rsfoie'hla'- Jinrg th.-hlitge :r0%vcls hi,î re ex- peetu'iLr r1C e t uh..inircI't r lrig- ibie u iari ît ali viil aZ ... L- UIoer' Errl;r.l, it h .r:.. rî.r by the Sealtra 'o wrll jjjtii irerutet fri- ornav rSe . .~t. H-ubert, \s lii b;.o îî ar in- stulli d~rîi.yfor.the Iraniling of this sr c' The photugra,,phas show: Lefi, the huge îniooriirg -ast ,canstrUctel in prepariitiofl for the arrivai of the R-100. Upper, track- mien i work installing siings rn preparation f or the s;pecial train:z v:hich mwill be operated turing the dirigibie'5 Visit. THE CHURCHES Trinity United Cburch-Rev. J. U Robins, pastor. SuntaY Serviceý il a. m,ýPreaching service anti bibl] schooi; 7 p. m.-Preacbrng service. st. Antrew's Presbyterian Church corner Temperance anti Church Sts Suntay School at 10 a. n.; MorninF worshiP il a. ni.; Eyenuig worshil 7.30 P. im. St. Paui's Church-Rev. D. W Besi, D.D., Minister. il a. ti.- Morniug Worship-"What Was Penr tecosi?"'; 7.30 p. m.Eyening Wor sbip-"Can We Repeat Pentecost?' 11-12.30-Suntiay School. St. John's (Anglican)> Church- Rey. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Whit sr.nday, June 8tb, 1930: 8 a. mn.- H-oiy communion; il a. m.-HoI communion sud Sermon; 2.30 P. It -Sunday Sehool anti Bible Ciass 7 P. m.-Eveniiig Prayer. ing in their pulpit on Sunday mern ing Rev. R. T. Richard';. Port Perri who preached a splendid sermo< which delighted ail who listenedt t. In the evening, Mr. Garlan Lacey and Mr. L. Perry, studentsc Emmanuel College, took charge. Ti former gave a splendid address f r< the words "And they stood eve nian in his place." Judges 7:21. Bo IYoung men give promise of becon inig clever ministers, worthy of the f hosen callhng. A much appreci: d det wvas given in the morning1 Mr. '0. Nicholas and Mrs. T.N Cawker. and in the evening an equa ly good solo by Mrs. G. E. Pritchar PERSONAL Optical Servie( During the past nine years G. m. BOSNELL, Optomnetrist has been renderiflg an Optics Service in Port Hope and adjoi ing towns. Owing to conveflient transpor tation many Bowmnville peopl have availed themnselves of! U service with evident satisfaction Mr. Bosnell gives the Port HoP Office his personal attention an will be pleased to serve others w' are in need of eye-service. Office Over Flood's Stor Port Hope Office Houes: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 P. M. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. nd yout can pcy by the mond UT NDER the (.rane Budget Plan 'tvc' cn Intall ')aîîy singlc (Crane fixture irn vrur prcent homle or 'xecacaOCmplictCI\'niduriize yoiur bath- room, kitchen, launidrv.ppigorhain ys1n You make only a sr-nall initial paymcnt wweîrthe work is completed - and pay the rest monthly. Why delay enjoyiug the cornm fort, beauty and con- venience of Crane equipment? Let us cali and explin everyching. Telephone us now. Len Ellioti, The PIunibet Phone 348 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, TUSA.JN t,13 The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT' THURSDAY, 'TUNE 5th, 1930 S .E HRHPRD Misses MarY and Ellen Bîcen Mrs. WV. F. Ric kard. Newcastle Sons of Eigland. under the direct- ,. -m spent usainTrto ion of W. Bro. Leslie Thompson DD f M I N M Tu. esDay ToxoLntoy i is The death of Mrs. W. F. Rickard. SP., Tyone. are holding thei dit- N EM M U M D ng at Mr JEW PhilP's. General Hospital lasi. Wednesday. Sunday, June 8tb when membes f U . MU *M M I Mr. Walter Douglas, Providence. cast a gîoom of sadness over this the variaus lodges in West Durbai, ** . ii R. I. spent the weekend here with whole community. Althougb she had1 will meet at the lodge rooms of Lodgeu p T his mother, Mrs. John Dougas. been in poor bealth for soine turne Wolverhampton at 2.30. pin. and Mr'. Walter Haigh bas returried to and at last criticallY il, still the hope i narch to- St. Saviour's Chuich Or- Newcastle as an emnployee of the J. perslsted that she might under the1 ono, for divine worship at 3 pi.. Anderson Smith Co., and is staying best of medical skill be restored in Members of Newcastle Lodge are re- Miss Madelinebeaeucscosdetcopi Bellamny of the Some days before hcr passing she of other lodges on this occasion. S Roden School teachjng staff, Toron- bcaio n veopsiromadueak beartpli-.AKGOVRST to, spent the weekend ai Major Dud-caindvlpn rmavekhut.JC GLVRSTA le'swih ie prets M. ndMr.She bore hie 'ekness wîth fortitude WINS SHIELD A L W. Bellamy and cheerfulness for the sake of lier and ail those she loved and 1 The competition for the Public JMrs. Frank Gibson. who has been1 perhaps none but bcrself fully real-1 and High Scbools' Basebaîl Shield rot General Hospital lasi Sun- f el. berng that captained by Jack Glover HUNDREDS 0F THRIFTY BUYERS HAVE day for an operation. Her daugh- In woman's sphere. ln community of Newtonville, a student at our high ter, Mrs. J. Anderson Smith Jr.. and and social life snd in the work of sehool. Tbe members of the team, FOUND MANY BARGAINS TO SUIT THEIR Jacqueline accompanied ber. ber churcb. she had taken a very are: Jack Glover, c; Roy Jns p: i F N YA DP C E -O K United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- active and helpful Part, lending bier Jamie Wright, lb; Fred Cowan. 2b; 1F N YA DP C E -O K ers, Pastor. Sunday. June 8th: il whole energies to whatsoever tasks Hubert Anderson, 3b; Billie Rowland,! à. r.-Morning Worship; 2.30 P. nm. she was called upon to perforin, s.s.; Albert Pearce l.f.; Chas. Aldread' -SundaY Scbool; 7 p. rn.-Evening neyer sparrng herself for tbe sake of c.f.; Herb. Gibson. r.f.; David Lock- service. Sunday Sehool Anniversary a Cause. In the Ladies' Aid of the hart and Norton Cowan. subs. bas been postponed to Sunday, June former Methodisi Church and in the The final standing is as follows:' c n 22nd. W A. of he Unitd Churc she fil- WonLost S E I L F R TII ed many important offices and for Jack Glovers 3FL C A S O1uS W E some years occupied the president's Tom Spencer's 2 2 MAPLE GROVE chair o! ibis organization. Having Geo. Graham's 1 3 150 PAIRS trained for a school teacher and af- U. Miss Ida Stevens is visiting rela- terwards gained considerable exper- DR1NTNW M NSW IEC N A H E tives in Toronto. ience in the application of lber train-DRLGTNW ENS W TE AN A SH E s: Miss Helen Metealf eeceutly visit- ing she was weil fitted for the ex- e ed Miss Stella Ross, Oshawa. acting duties often recuired of lber, Report of S. S. No. 3, Dalington, Leather sole, in high, cuban or low heels, Miss Eileen Allin. Vancouver, B.C.. and in the office of president and for May- III is visiting ber cousin. Mes. Ross Stev- other positions she was selected to Sr. IV-*Winnie Gibson 78, Flor- Regular $3.50, Ls ens. filU she always displayed fine execu- ence Foley sud Bessie Blackburn g Miss Dora Eames and Mr. J. D. tive ability and administrative skill. (equal) 74, Jrack Finnigan 60, tStella ON SALE $1.98 il Cator visited the latters parents, Mr. At different periods througbout a Forsythe 52. ' sud Mrs. Fuller Cator, on Sunday. a space of tbree or four years s;he Jr. IV-Harold Forsythe 60.1 V. Mr. Mark Blackbuirn bas sold bis gave much tbought and turne to the Sr. lUI-Ane Kush 70, Alo'yius - farin. Sorry to lose Me. snd Mrs. two Ladies' Aid plays, "The Dusi of Kush 67, Grace Trulil 61, Wilbuxr TENNIS SHOES AT B3ANKRUPT PRICES i- BlackbUu and family f îom our coin- the Eartb'* and "Deacon Dubbs.' be- Blackburn 60. r- munity. iug a member of boib casts sud al- J,,-. III-tBobbiýe Gibson 55, tfEun- THIS WTEEK. i Misses Helen Worden. Reta John- so one o! the msnagiug committee. ice Lane 44. ston, Toronto, visited the formieras The rehearsala andi the presentation Sr. I11iý--*Hazel Trull 76, * -graudmother. Mrs. A. Worden. on o! the pîsys ait 5 inany points must Foley 75, Helen Rundle 70, Beruiece SSaturday. have taxed bier streugth severely and Robert.- 6,6, Maurice Morphy 63, t- Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and inay have coutributed to the impair- Vert Gibson 60, tHazel Roberts 5, S OR ,-son Ray, visited bier parents. Mr. and ment o! bier health. tSannny VanGsmp 55. O A n.y Mrs. W. J. Lancaster, at Port Gran- Wben the Methodisi Church be- Jr. II-*Eddie Forsythe 79, tAr- M. bî on Sunday. fore union adopted tbe budget sys- thur Forsy-ihe 58. ei ,Neon5KuStWet Bowmianville Sunday School will be helti on 1 teim o! financing itself ai connex- .I*JnMetcf82Peg Sunday at 10 sa. m. standard turne.iouai work Mrs. ftickard was ap- Finnigan 64. y- No service in the a! teenoon on ac- pointed the general treasurer. And Pr.-~*Eveline Gibson, *.Maire Rob- 'n- count o! Ebenezer anniversary. afier the union she continueti to f111 ets, Viola Roberts, Gordon Truli. rY. Mi-. sud Mrs. E. W. Foley. Me. anti1 the office for some turne until other K. P.-*Madeline Meicalf, *Glenn on Mrs. R. L. Woeden. Mr. and Mrs. J. duties pressing upon bier impelled Me'icelf, *Louise Forsythe. el Angthhuddswoaedd to H. Munday. Me. andi Mrs. Harry iber to resign. much to the regret of *-oous t-Failure (eo e T. LeBoutilliter, Montreai. mn h udrd h te.e rid Vickery. visited their sisier-in-Iaw. Jlber colleagues on the Board. 60%, on total). upý1t the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. the funerai o! the laie Mes. W. F. of Mrs. Alex Wilkins, Salem,. on SundaY Following the teatb o! bier uncle. Ruby M. Bragg, teseher P.LGIely Rickard on Saturday a! ternoon were .le and attended snniversary. iGeo. P. Rickard. she was appointed Mr n r.Wi .Pryhv ev n r-W .Rgr eto three former Newcastle bankers. Mr. )tf Mr. Ray Snowteu. Toronto, visited convener sud treasurer of the Par- Me. ad Mrs.Wm.SE.Purdyhave Rv. andMLsnd.sP..Rgers lS.tW. ~eybispaent. e. nd es W.J.songeEndwmet untwbcb u-taken a lease of the former Massey Saturday evenmng on a visit oter.aulAcono idsay. Mr. SuW. erthis paorent. Ms. ndeu sud daug.- olvgecnsdweble mor eh riune home and are running it as ator-son and daugbter-in-IaW, Mr. andi Sutton. accoinpaied yMr.St- ot n Heen rtuenoed n ag-vle osdrbl oeo irtm or Mrs. Raymnofd Rogers, o! New York ion, o! Coîborne, and Mr. J. Scoi m-ter ele eu dhaine with biei and attention. She bat also tak- ist accommodation bouse in con-1 City otoey fNpne ieir busband a! tee a pleasant visit with en a prominent part in the W.- M.- S.- juniction wiih Elinhursi. .Mnioero!N aee at- bier parents. Mr. sud Mes. R. R. ansd bat suang for some years when by Stevens. inluthe en3oyment o! better health, W. Miss Hilda and Mr. Edwad Foley. in the soprano section o! the choir.- -- [ai- Me. Wallace Munday. Misses Eileeu Iu the commercial l! e o! the vil- cd. Hockin and Vers Trimbie. visîted the lage she bat f rom uts inception in -formee's cousins. Me. sud Mes. Leon- 1923. been a nember o! the Womien's M ard Richards. Salem. sund attendeti Memioriai Library Aid and had rend- -.anuiversary services ou Suntay. jered the organization valuable ser- bie held on Sunday, June 15tb. Rev.J interesieti heTseIf ini the woek o! the C. E. Ceagg. Oshawa, will preacb ai Horticultural Society sud served for botb services. On Moutay, June some years as a tirector. The, Being Used in the Coluinns of l6tb, lu the evening, Cherrywfld Womens Bowling Club also countet young people wili preseni their play bier as one o!fis interestet members. ~ e 'Home Ties.' Supper as usual. iu receni years ber position as wife tJu. f14rê*N$ ê +'*U U 1ttt Furiher particulars next week. o! Reeve Rlckart bas involvet cee- LJ, The lasi League meeting o! the tain social obligationis anti respousi- season was beld WetnesdaY nigbt bilities wblch she neyer shieket un- 1wiih a recoed aiientanoe. Afier less absolutely unavoidabIe. President Miss Mari orie Stevens had She la survivet by bier husband opened the meeting, Me. Clarence andt tbee daughtees, Dorothy. Bye- ,a Alun. President o! Newcastle League. lyn sud Jean. snd one son. John: n- was called on sud the following pro- also bier wldowed sud now chiItlessau ewTp grain was given by the Newcasle mother. Ms. Geo. Siaples, ail o! Our Old Type OrNwTp Young People: Devotional iopic- whomn have tbe teepgsi syrnpatby o! r- Misa Vers Power; piano solo-Miss iheir bosis o! relatives sud frieuda. The half-YeB.riy tat«in c hýIhehl-erYsement o the le Bernice Gilbank; topie. Patniotismi- Particulars of ibe funeraI. une o! the Bn oThe haliaksa ot n Bn f-YntealY sam no! then uis Misa Purty; vocal duet-Missea Mur- largesi ever seen lu ibis community, stnk of Mo ntzea2, makeAsa inoeti-i n o Mandrea make mot n n. ing-M155 Jessd in eantus en - solo- ________ well-kn<ywf, al financial andl bank-A is weil-kiiown, ah financlal and pe -isJeseVnusn oo ing institutions, with businfes in bnking institutions, wiih business in NpEMssWCASTLpece;Eedig general, have had te face durjng the general. bave badt o face turing the nd Miss Katle ennSencer:siangm- NWATEpat six nîonths the unueual condi- pasi six moutha the unusual condil- ho br-isAneWagaMuictin ubeuntt es- arket'____oua subsequeni to the stock market to Trnr. Me.Ivso MntY St. George's Chui'eb-Rev. F. H. Jctioh, butsquent te the tock marke t tofunr.Ms so udycrash, but it la evident from is state-crhbt ieven fro ls then took charge o! the social boue Mason. Rector. Suntay. June 8th. ment that the Bank .of Montreal bas siatemeni ihat the Bank o! Montreai re wben cotesis anti refreshinents weee Peuteeost (Whit Suudayî: 8 a. mi.- been able te maîntain its usui strOng bas been able to mainiain uts usuai re enjoyed by aIl. Holy Communion; 9.45 a. m-Sun- cash and liquid position and, in ad- stroug cash sud liquit position anti. day Sebool: il a. in.-Morniug Pray- dition, to report satisfectOrY profits in addition. Vo report satisfactorY Mire tnan iourn ninrCi] varrieS e : 'r;7 p .m.-Evenuing Service.mtefrshods. profits mate for sbarebolters. of apples have bet'n originateId .t Mr, anti Mes. Jerry Breen. tbeur The generai statrenem~t, which is Thbe general tatenientwîhi tiieradi adn (,overflii'fi i 'enri M.adfo h ixenh I pr 0tfrthli onh oApi 0 l.\lerninrl 'arin at Ottawa % itl- soli-in-law anti daughter. M.sdfo h-i notate l3The sfowhsix nmrofnhanges.rilTheb ii,,ls,*;yas Asto- rGeo. Wise sut their tbree chilti- shows s nu.mber of changes. heshwsa nbro! chandsea The. iii ie ar4.?5yOii ~. As en. Toronto, speut the weekend with paid-up capital now stands at $36,-ý pait-up capital o tnsa 3. haî',efflw9hae tcf.le ise :rend tue 000n-he-oo,000, Up froin $34,548,760 a year 000,000. up froin $34,548,760 a year llil%, b ti * ind th Lake. Mrs. Wise sut eblldren are ago, while the Rest has been in- ago, while the Rest bas been increas- thr i f irai iied j1(an p11 'ut. stayizg for a wbile. creesed to $38,000,000 froni $35,- edt o $38.000,000 froin $35,548,760, ed for future producition. Mes. A. E. Atinson anti son Goe- 548,760, and is two miillion dollaTs anti is two million dollars abort the Viv yar aa lretaaioliîîpliî don. Mes. H. Atkiusou. Alderman i above the paid-up capital. pait-lip capital. oive erî goiitilierrawaUl îs. Robert Allen anti Mes. Alleni. Toron-I Increased Profite jIpereased Profits of trrleii; ii Aye. l ase a o. Me. sut Mes. Lawrence Pirnkel t is ikeiy due 10 the larger capi-I It is likely tue to the larger capi- 1i9'i.l52 t ,r' i r se t21lanti son Don. Buffalo. were receut tleiiye htte Bank has been tai emiployedtihai the Bank bais been Lbarrels caiil rlera ieTurner visitors o! Me. sut Mrs. J. Brown at jable te report to shuarehoders slight- able to report to sharebolters sligbi- Vrile:, tuer'irîîpîrakî yn&wlîlîi jthe rowie Ts Rom. iyincr.a.e -fits for the sixj ly inci'eased profita for tbe six I mothsas onupredwiihthecorrs- oibs as ompret ith ihecr-ï lin Je1 rrie anD sw vcl lo eansut best there is, The Statesmnan is one of the firmt papers in this r WEDNESDAY, JUNE ea inh1IgKathleen Ispencer; eading part of Ontario to adopt this nem, and mor edbetle rit 8.15 1). n.uS. T.' bharp) duels-Miss A. wragg anti Aus- ille~~~~~ j di~~0l2c.titi Turner. A couple of braiu-testlng i OrchestriroAnd.5ee Iontesis followet, afier wbich lunch - Iwas ,servet. 1' -- 'j4 , THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1930 Bowmanv

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