7b Vol. LXXVI 'M. A. JAMES & S0] a Witfl Wflh.Il Lb incVI jorJi QLu Liic; A~'j >vvvLaLvLA"V -L - .. &0iln - " vn à .e... A x n àu fi a n r v No. 2 No%- lýiblishe& ALWAND OLEHERWISEU LADIES" SPRING COATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 0 I $1.25 HOSIERY' HOSIERY' Specially good line of Silk Hose at ............75c Orient, Mercury & Allan A Hose from 75c to $2.00 RAYON, CELANESE AND PURE SILKS Printed Rayon Silks and Celanese, 50c to $1.35 yd. Pure Silk Materials from ........$2.00 to $2.50 yd. NEW SPRING SUIT $16.50 TO $39.50 Here are Spring suit val- ues that will interest the man who wants fine quaI- ity and fit at a sensible price. Fabrics of coin- fortable weight and r.,- markable wearing quai. ties . . . worsteds, caiii- moes and twist weaves in the latest patterns and shades . . . correct single and doubleb re &s te d styles in sizes and propor- tions to fit ali figures perfectly. Seo this beau- tiful new Spring assort- ment and select your suit et a decicled saving. MEN'S TOP COATS $1 2.50 to $27.50 Boy&' Windsor Suite Madie ta meaure are gr.atly admred andi oeil- ing f ran You cannet finti botter clothing values . . Seo theni anti b. convinceti. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 04 LIIE OWMANVILLJ INC, A very special line of full fashioned hose, regular $1.50 a pair, Èeduced this week to e Our stock of Coats is now limited, so if you are looking for a new coat at a big reduction in price corne early. They'll not last, long at these prices. HOSIERY SPECIAL OLDSTD.O.& . O.EMLOEE WOEN'S INSTITUTE HOLDS UNANIMOUS CHOICE HYDRO ENGINEER ADDRESSES LOI PASSES. T & . O.REST LETIOY0EOFICRS M. ROTARY CLUB ON PURCHASE PASESTORET LETIN F FFCES0F LOCAL SYSTEM Mrs. H Robert R. Hoskin, Bowmanville Mrs Ilarry AllUn, New Fresident of We mbrofTwCuniadCathMr E ______1I Bowmanviile Institute WMre.eso!Tw Cucl n Ahei 1Chamber of Commerce Were Mr A highly esteemed and long -lime Get iie nesident of Bowmianville in the per- Teana eeig0 omn son o! Robert Rundel Hoskin passed ville Brandi Women's Institute washma May 7thaf er hld n te S.0. . Hll o FrdayFriday noon at the Balmoral Htel MissC ta rest on TuesdaY, ay21a!eredinteSO.EHllFiay, the Rotary Club were hasts to the ville, is an illness of eighteen manthes of af ternoon. Mrs. Frank Jackman, suffering borne witb greal ,patience. Pregident, presided. After the open- Mayor, Town Counicil, Chamber o! ceivedd Mr. Hoskin was bonn near Thorn- img exencises and reading of the min- Commerce and other citizens who ern HosE were given first hand information Mr tons Corners, East Whitby. on ides, Miss E. E. Haycnaf t was re- Mr Marcb 27, 1851, being a son of Thorn- cuested ta take the chair and con- .cancerning the Hydro projecl. of Moi as and Eliza Rundel Hoskin and duct the election of off icers whlch Mr. D. F. Drury, Assistant Engin- Birthda3 espent bis early years In that com- resulted as follows. eer of the Hydra Electric Power J. A. M( munity. He learned bis trade with Pnesident-Mrs. Harry Allin Commission, Toronto, was the speak- Princi Messrs. Darley & Robinson, Oshawa, lst Vice-Mrs. F. C. Calmer er and related many important facîs and Ele& laten known as Darley and Hosldn, 2nd Vice-Mrs. F. G. Purdy and staîistics. ads manufacturers a! ongans and melod- Sec't'y - Treas. -Miss Editi M. Th ansls aki vra h ather, andeians in 1872 in the old Sons af Weekes The mbuingstlesloalHin ao iflthe tMr. Temperance Hall on Simcoe Street Diiectos-Mrs. 0.H. i kelMrs. th sbubstnta lourlus it o5 maingsMrax1 South. The business maved ta Baw- A. L. Nichalls, Mrs. Frank Jackm~ran tecb yea wicb surlsa expieaned frmer( manvilie in 1873 ta the building onMr.WAdmM..B.Plad by Oshawa, Lindsay, Bellevile, Whit- Morris, King St. Wcst, now occupied by the Pianist-Mrs. A. W. Pickard. by and otier lowns in this district, Rv Canadian Radiant Company, Mr. Ass't Pianis-Mrs. Ruby Daniels. wahaepucasdtei lat. h' Henry O'Hara being President and i Roil Cali Sec't'y.-Mrs. F. C. Col-. henhae pis as theipoantshathebynBs] Mn. A. Dariey, (brother-in-law of Mn.e. tin rate w auil helypbeieducedas the y ed a Hosin maagr.Thecatrcîsfo Rpresentatives ta District meei Fred W. Bowen, M. P. bave been in ail other towns Who yd maving this plant f rom Oshawa ta rs HAli, Miss Weekes, MnsF yo Bov:manville was carried out by aur CCamrMrs. W. L. Butlery, Mrs. At a largely attended and enthus- purchased the local systemn.Mr tawnsmen Messrs. . T. Stephens M.Jamesn iaslic gatbening Fred W. Bowen, fan Then Ibere is the point, 0tha asb and T J McMurtry. Laler this manu- Alternatives-Mms Armstrong, Mrs the past nine years conservativeI Bowmanville is being given a very Towfl5: fàcluring concera was known as the Wnenn, Mms. Sld. Marris. member in the Federal House for1 reasonable offer or seUling price for Mn. W. Dominion Ongan and Piano Com- Auditas-Miss E. E. Haycraf t, Durham Caunty, was the unanimous.1 the plant. The investment here is coant pany and moved 10 the present site r.J Thickson. choice of the county Canservatives at. stated as being $98,000 and lie sur-, Mn on Temperance Sre. lwrCommittee-Mrs. H. H. themr convention at Orono Wed.nes- plus o! last year was $21,000. The Mr1 Mr. Hoskin bas been a failli!ul Diiiing. Mns. W. E. Armstrong, Mns. day af ternoon. Mn. Bowen camn- Hydra Commission afiers ta sell Ibis chuirc emplayee of Ibis firrm for fi.ty-seven J. Westaway, Mns. A. Wrenn. menced bis parliamentary career in ta Bawmanville for $71,000 with Cuc years. A record few people can baast District - Representative - Mrs. 1921 when lie was firs1 eiected in a ownership begmnning June lst, 130fram i 0f. s anactin-mken nd rgulaon rankJackan.hbree-connered flght witb W. T. R. A good point may be mentioned bsd be was a veny tborougb and consci- Secretary-Treasurer's repart show- Preston, Liberai of Port Hope, and bere. If ownersbip begmns on June JMnr.a entiaus wonkman and no piece of ed total recelpîs inciuding balance a! Bert Reid, Prôgressive of Clarke. In lst, by thse lime the deal is complet- nJean hwork was iaiiowed ta pass f nom is $2 1.48 ta be $118.37; expenditures tbe 1925 election lie bad as bis op- ed and the pnoperty is handed aven Lambez bands unli praperly finisbed. EvenI $11453; balance on hand $3.84. panentth o.VnetMsyotetwifa gswlter Sunder in bis last illness bis tbaughts would opssenusdls er w balw m lie defealed by mare than a wiîl be about $6000 accumulated pro- avl wander ta the aid sbap and bis fel- be adopted Ibis year. Prognamn for tbousand votes. The f oliowing year fils ta Bowmanviile's credit, so Ibat 1 Gene 10w employees wilb wbam be bad new year ta start June lsI instead a! ie defeated Melivilie Hi. Stapies of tbe sening price minus the surpluS tan J spent 50 many happy bours. Mn. Hos- Selmera omel.ono, Independent, by a large wili be about $71,000. Tâe Hydro McLa * kmn was a quiet unassuming mani A vocal duel was nicely sung by majanily. will lake aven the debenluesa bell, N neyer seeking public bonors, a good Mrs. A. W. Pickand and Mms. 1. Mr. Bowen's name was the oniy 4¾3/4 Miilbrc neiglibor, fniend and faîhen. Daniels. one pnesenled ta the convention and Il' seems Ihat the governinent 1 rary On June 17, 1874, he was unihed Mrs. A. J. Reynolds gave a veny ex- thIe announcement o! his candidature bougil the local syslem in 1916 f romý Exhbi inmarniage witb Mary A. Hawken, cellent paper on "The Evlulion o a! ree ihpoogo hes eyorPwrCmay hn1n Ms Osbawa, wbo pnedeceased him in 1 lie Kitchen" wbicb was veny greaîîy Aog h pkrsoiongd ches. Sane yrn heuSunPower Compan leCo.ln- Mids Mardi 1913. To them were bora îwo enjoyed. Il pictured lie kitcben ao mnfh paeswo drse ne yIeSn i nuac a ai daughlens Misses Ida and Alle Has- f ifty years ago and lie presenit day lie convention on bebaif of Mn. The goverament ailowed the Hydra Russer kmwb rsiedwlbIhirfahe ndr ithe1 Bowen were J. Earl Lawson, for West 1 la run il for tbem, intending la makeî er. Fei caned for him most faithfully Mrs. Coimer's group senved ne- York; David Spence, for Pankdlaie;IilaIynComsonppetaIwhI tiouliai hslog lles.f resiments and a social lime was en- Duncan Sinclair. for Nath Welling- some lime. This was compleled Mrs.E throgh al hs log ilnes.Ian; A. E. Peck, for Peterboro; and about lwo years ago and now the Man The funeral 100k place on Thuns- joyed. IHdaCmiso aefuingt ln day aflernoan fnom lis laIe nesi- Arneetteemd totedMs oadFafso eebr. l do as tbey please witb the local sky ai dence, Division Street, service being lie Annuai meeting and Silver Jubil-syemloa conducted by bis paston, Rev. J. U. ea b eîeo rnio us THE HYDRO BY-LA The Hydra estimates Ibal since the cied tl Robins, o! Trinity United Ciurcb,1 day. June 17. Ail intending ta go wiil punchase in 1916 lbey have saved themr wia gave a very consoiing message la please natif y Mms. Harry AllUn. Bus To Be Taken Monday, June 23rd. local consumers $400,000 by iowered Mi&E lie beneaved ones. The bearers were1 leavps aI 9.30 a. m. rates. Ini 1916 the total nurnber Of bam., Messrs. F. C. Hoan. Hanry Baskerviile, Miss Aletta Smith, Glanfard Sta- Attention o local ratepayens is di- custamnens In Ibis district was 660,1 witb A. Mitchell. F. J. Manning, Oea. Van- lo.wl eIeQoenetsekrrecled ta tbe by-laws on page 9 O! now il 15 1200. page. coe, and W. J. Purze. The loa o-wbo will give an addness aI Bawman- Ibis issue giving complete delails o! Local power users should give Ibis'visit r ferings were very beautiful including ville on Friday. June 27 wien ail the propased purchase f nom Ontario Hy- i rn ela hui n ics ae tnbls!o ayneigibors and jYoung girls of the lown and District dro Commission o! the Bowmnnviile I sion. Terare mouan d guensuta Mne f iends. The filowe-bearers were1 are cordialiy ujt electnical distribution plant aI a cost lepoet u ibapatmkn mostly former fellow wonkers in lie o! $7 1,000. Citizens shoulct famil- 1.000 a yjean andt ie a lan buyng; gaex D. O. & P. Co., Messrs. W. H. Peara I$T.1,0JL00 aanyeuxhesanvd wtheprticlam b i forg700 Si b I John Stacey. W. J. Hoan. W. Trewin, S. ______ HFHi Ibis tan lvsaction by reaig lie by- t for$10.ure te imvesment d C. A. Joransacnion.bMclntyre, W.eL.yI cannaI be very fai r ofg. Mn C.A ohso, .MInye W . The congregatians aI St. Paul's' laws tboroughly, also repart o! Mn. Te1linuadlerte acsaso ElliotI. Johnn Hellyar. W. D. Short, lasI Sunday were very much gralifled Drurys address on front page. 1he laievn ue adlexptens !liakeM C. A. Cawken, Jule Roenigk, W. B. witi tbe visit o! two niembers o! lie ItI is intended to bold one or more t h eeu n xes fteftk Tapsan and others. Ba !Qit ofnnei i e- public meetings aI wici autslnnd- Bowmanville distribution plant for Mr. Among thie friends f nom out ! ons oRay Pof Qune nessrJ. M. thawer ing men conversant witb lie hydro lie pàst year are contained in the tend town were- Miss Hawken, Miss P .D.sansd Rev. Prof essor J. R. SWatt, aeti uspr !olrio will following data presenled by Mr. Banc D.. adRv.Pofso J .Wat, rjctiI T ar fOna 1ara lips. Mrs. A. Doney. Miss Stewart. D.D., bath a! Queen's Tbeolagical address the meeting and be prepared1 Drury: or Mn. ahd Mrs. Baskenville. Mn. and Coilege. ta answer any questions citizens wisb Revenue Han. Mrs. W. R. Hoan, Miss Ruby llaZ, Dr. Shaw ah lie moraing service la ask bearing on Ibis imporantl Domestic Llgiling .... ý$28,520.93 Jusîlc Mrs. Marks, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. preacbed on the Chrîstian's Jo and praject. Commercial Lighttng ..... 10,624.50 Mrs.« Frank Hnwken. Peterbona; Mrs. Ed- Pence in Believing. His exposition o! Be il definilely understoad Ibat Power.1. .. ..... .... 53,794.16 wards. Peterbara: Mms. Arnot, Miss wbat il is, in whicb believing, the lie purchase o! Ibis plant wiil nol Street Ligliting ... ,. 3,66».2 Ida Arnoh, Miss 1. Kerr. Miss Edna Christian finds joy and peace, held add one cent o! taxes to lie munici- Miscelianeous ...........1,038.08 Kerr, Mn. and Mrs. White, Oshawa, close attention o! everyone and le! t pality as this is provlded for In the Mrs. A. E. Lue, Witby. w hsy is hearers grateful for tbe message debentune changes which is pai out $97,638.59 F "Go-ih.sepwl! esy il contained. In a short talk ho the o! operating expenses. Expense F hothiose we lave, boys and girls on "Let Your Ligit 1h sbhould be noted liaI wliere a Power (Estimated on 1929 And watch dean faces glimmer Shine" the stary wilb wiicb Dr. municipality bas purclinsed ils locali basis) 1817.3 H. P. aI on the stair, Shaw iiiustraled il ending wilh thbe'bydro plant, without exception, lie $33,88 .._. ., $61,570.12 And ican f aiit footfalls inthie Scottisli boy's repronchful question, rates bave been reduced immedinteiy Operation and Mtce... 7,864.25 rooms above "If ye can wiistle like liaI, wby wene f ollawing sucli purcliase. Debentune Charges approx.. Sound on the quiet air; ye whistlin' like yon?" carnled ils IToal Op'g. Expense, . 69,434.37 Yeh f eel no fean, tbaugb loneiy own lesson and wii be nemnembened 43/44, 20 yrs. (7.86%'/) 5,577.08 they must gobyadadyuglie BRILLIANT UNIVERSITY Renewais, 2 % 1,420.00 The rond of Slumnber strange ob- 1nleeeigD.Wlsgv STUDENT_____ livion: f esb and powerful presenhalian o!f IToal Expense $76,431.451 Dark always wenrs ta dawn. the story a! the Gaod Samarilan, in- Recognition o! oustanding adn- Net Surplus ..... $21,207.14 Sleep is 50 gentie. and so well we veinIbsamiradwndfu demic cleverness was given ta Howe know, shony wilb a significance tint le! t a H. Matyn, son o! Mn. and Mns. H. 2.' !dbnueise Wienever tbey have gone, deep impression on ail. G. Martyn, Stralford, ah Convocation ____ Tiey wili bc safe unlil lie marn- In lie moraing lie members ofthie Hall, Toronto, an Tliursday, when i ing ligil. Mission Band were present in a body. be neceîved the Goveraon-Genena.i's EXAMINATION RESULTS Good-nigbt. good-nighl Il was thein flowen Sunday and îîey gold miedal, thie Maurice Cady schol- brougbl baskets o! iovely bloomsthie arsiPs the Ameridan University, University of Toronto- Good-nigbl. sleep well. beloved, fragrance a! wiicb fied lie chunci. schalarship, and lie E. J. Sand!ord i wben lie lash In lie evening Mn. R. M. Mitchell gold medal in philosapliy. M.' Fnculty a . Arîs: 4th year--Gnnde Slow dusk bas fallen, and your n~ aîefcmeylesl Js Martyn gradunhed in Arts f nom Vic- B.-Mn. F. Mennili Fergusan, Miss sheps no more Lover efetiey h sl "eutarin University. Mn. Marlyn 15 a Agnes Vanstone; Grade C-Miss Make music an lie empty upper L o!o My ________grandson o! Mrs. Jas. G. Rickard, Donolhy K. Bonnycasîle. f loor, Bownanville. Fnculty o! Arts. 3rd year--Grade And day is f uily past. SPECIAL PERMANENT WAVE. C.-Clnrence H. Fergusan. We wha 50 ligbtly let you go Faculty of Music: Mn. Francis Sut- alone. - For manlb o! June we will give thie Port Hope i now ondaylig sav- hon bas passed thie third yenr exani- Evening by evening, from aur regular $10,00 La Moxn 011 Wave ing lima.' inatian whicb entilles hlm ta lie de- trust! ul siglit I for $5.00. Our experienced expert We are indebted ta Mn. Alan Keiti gree o! Bacielon o! Music.- Intolte mystery o! sleep's un- is also well quaiified ta give excellent former Bawmanville boy. now o!f____ known- wonk in mnrcelling, finger-wavirig, Ne-,%ark, N. J.. for n copy o!fIlie Ev- We need nat fear to-niglit, sinmpoa, modern bain dressing and ening News conlnining thie obltuany MUSIC STUDY CLUB DethiIs 50 gentle-dark will beauty culture. For panticulars or of Dr. Walter Scott Washington, break la dawn. appoinîment phone 131. M. E. wiicî wiîî appean ln next issue. New Officers Elected - Mrs. C. H. Love wli be saf e until the mora- Rowland, Operahar.1Dulys rsdn ing ligit. Millers Beauty Panlor If lie writen a! lie letter wlioDulYaPrset Slee wel, ood-lgb! -slgned hlmsell "An Old Plaugh Boy" -Nancy Byrd Turdn er. !whici wns mailed !rom Oshawa ta The foflowing ofoecems were elected -NacyByd_ urer WHO BUMPED YOUP. FENDER? lie Statesman will send bis correct aI lie annual meeting af lie Baw- -anme and address, nat for public- manville Music Study Club on Wed- CARD 0F THANKS Have you a dent in your fender? ation, lie letter will be publislied. nesday evening, May 28th: ______ f so, I can lake il ouI and make Han. President-Mrs. F. H. Moady. Mise Ia ndAileHoki dsie ou fndn ok s oo a pw. Mn T-S Hlgte Pesdet !lie PrsdetMr.C.-H. Dudley, A.T. Matines Monday et 4 p. n.. Matin«. Saturday at 2.30 p. mi. Evouingie t 8 &Bd 10 P. nM. Dayliglit Saving Time. L'I V. d'.0 s2.ou a Y ear in Aavance H, S. Freeman recently vlsited and Mrs. E. R. Freeman's, St. ries. A. W. Graham, Kenilworth, is maIller, Mrs. Jennie Gra- ýLorne Villa, on Tuesday. Gertrude B. Grant, Bowman- sllsted among those who re- diplomas and pins at West- )pital, Toronto. P. G. Pozier, Inspector Bank ontreal. spent the King's .y as guests of Mr. and Mrs. 4cçlellan, Church St. cipal and Mrs. Johnston, Bert lanor motored to Collingwood pent the weekend with lier Mr. Geo. A. Lunney. Harold Fox and daughter Set, Windsor, are vlsiting the s grandmother, Mrs. D. T. and other relatives here. R. J. Sbires, rector of St. Cburcb, was recently honored ;iop Sweeny by bemng appoint- Member of Executive of the of Toronto. Jas. D. Hogarth, Hampton, en appointed Clerk of the ship of Darllngton, succeeding 7.R. Allin, who resigned on ac- of ill bealth. Francis Sutton, organist and leader of Trinity iUnited r'. is receiving congratulations his many f riends on obtaining egree as Bachelor of Music. and Mrs. Ernie Akister, Misses and Marjorie, and Mrs. Will «t and daughter Beatrice, erland, visited f riends in Bow- Ille on Sunday.-LindsaY Post. eral John Hughes, Mayor Mil- J.Elliott, Bowmanville, R. S. .,ghlln, Oshawa, Wesley Camp- Siestieton, and Percy Stinson, ook, have been appointed Han- rDirectors of Lindsay Central biion Board.. ss Ida Dempsey, Miss Merryl dson, Mn. Ross Davidson, Mr. ei Hudson. Miss Marion Ward- èversham, spent the weekend the latter's parents, Mr. and R. H. Warder. )nday ai lernoan seventeen air- Es swooped out o! the western and attracted the attention of residents. The machines cir- lhe town and then departed an eastward jaurneY. ss Minnie Ashmore, Birming- SEngland, is enjoying a visit ber sister, Mrs. Oea. W. Hum- t.This is Miss Ashmore's first la, Canada and she is greatlY in with tbis country. rand Mrs. H. L. MartYn of inavon, Sask., announcethe en- ment o!teredrdaughter, rie Winnifred, ta James Donald doch, son of Mrs. N. J. Murdoch aunt Forest. Ont.. marriage ta place the latter part of June. r.W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., will at- 1the 20th Century Liberal Club juet at the Royal York Hatel, nIa., on Thursday evening, when LErnest Lapointe. Minlaler af ice. and the new lady senator, ýWilson, will be the speakers. ~C)A L THURS., FRI. and BAT. JUNE 5- 6 7 MON., TUES. and WED. JUNE 9 - 10 11i A -T Y Mff A %T'WTTlr lr Y,- i-%xTrr A -0 M rIITJIrTP.gT) AV TT T NF, P;tb- 19,10 iiiyi£.i- xim:-tý T.ý T11A Rnvuirninville News au as %iupy