THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE 5th, 1930 PAGE THTREE e t J 4 We carry a complete Une ofI 'Caterpillar" tractors, road ma- D)ouglas' Egyptian Liniment m- 73. chinery. and parts. lievea toothaehe and neuralgie. InL Ialuaile in cases of!ruar Toronio Tractor "hoa nd qiny. eeMabMfleFOUBIIE AdB'ATR LOTIN blrtandq s. K'ps~tl O BG E N ETRBRAN WALK A BLOCK AND SAVEALO Equipment Co. No Child shoul be allowed to suf- f Llmltd lt relie eau be got in a simple -' 510 King St. W. Tronta, Ontario but strong rerinedîr-Mother Graves' ___1--41b-- 1--41là- 8b6- 6 dtgIbb 14à b641*d1b1h 1 1h4 1- 1M4 4dd1 Ih 4e bdI --4 bIWI -- Worm Exterminator. t 2% IVOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL 1-ý-________________________________ 0F PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CELEBRATES ANNUAL EVENTSI U * WYTIyE. Ii Iry,'q lIPj Annual Meeting of Peterboro Pres- 0f Cadet Inspection and Pnize Dayý byterial HeId at St. Andrew's1 Béfore Large and Dirtinguished Church. Bowmanville I ah'nj St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,' The Boys' Training School was the Bownianville, was the scene of tiý scene of a brilliant and outstandin" A annual meeting of the PeterbG_: e--ent on Friday, May 3th, when Pre.byterial of the Xomen's Mis- annual radet inspection and prize p AS BT Chrhi aaao a 9hadal nhsateasml fprisionary Society of the Presbyterian giving were enacted, before a large 30th. About 60 delegates registered, mentarians. Kiwranians, Rotarians'ýe3 af ter which devotional period was and other friends of the school. iS B conducted by Mrs. Rork. Norwood. The cadets were lnspected by Cap- The various secretaries reported as1 tain M. Isbester, District Cadet Offic- follows: Home Helpers-Mrs. J. Eak- er for District No. 2, iwho was c c:Fr CDu ins of Millbrook; Welcome and Wel- companied by Col. S. W. Hill of Ot- lare-Miss E. Tedford of Norwood; tawa, Dominion Director of Cadets.I~ Literature and Library-Mrs. C. C. The company received the Inspect- Armstrong of Warkworth: Supply- ing Officer on the Inspection Line, Mrs. D. Bland of Coborne; Glad and tilen marched past the saluting 4 Tidings-Miss Nina Davidson of Pet- base in line. column of platoons, erboro; Press Report-Mrs. E. E. close column of platoons. The pro - Cox of Peterboro; Exchange of Life gram included drills in many format G OOD -BESL Membership-Mrs. D. Jordan of Pet- tions and physical exercises, in alo erboro. which the boys acquitted themselves i SAL The reports were discussed and in an orderly and precise mannerj hymn and quiet prayer. The dele- well as to Lieut. Earl Cunninghamw gates were served lunch in the their instructor. church basement. The boys who expertly put the O F OD MRCAD S The afternoon session opened with troops through their paces were:£ devotional exercises conducted by Squad Drill and Company Dril Mrs. Hall, Peterboro. Miss I. K. Movements, Capt. W. Broughton, -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Smith extended a welcome on behaif Lieuts. E. Brash and W. Murdock; of St. Andrew's Church ta the visit- Squad Drill wth arms, Lieut. M. -4 ors. after which representatives of Tomnlinson; Extended Order Move- DON'T MISS THIS I the sister soc4eties in Bowmanville ments, Lieut. C. Moody; Physical Hundreds of LdiscriAiatLAÂ shoppers avail- AOHRBGSA off ered greetings. Training Exercises. Company Sgt. - Mrs. D. Ewart, Cobourg, president Major E. Laflarx.e. The work o!f Sundour e hm evso h a"bo fee of the Presbyterial. delivered a very Captain Broughton, commanding of~- dten lvso th maybg aig fer E ls V -D e cmrhnieadal drsonfcro! the company of boys. 116 5Daeisls n1n~r urn~r e every phase of W. M. S. work. The strong, elicited much congratulatory D aeisls week-end o u Print yardo gaaned remainder of the afternoon was tak- comment. rns2cy d en up with the presentation of re- At the conclusion of the parade, siberecads htw lae u om k porsrads dicusio.atedoysscduUsaithon.utnghaserobonyrndeedn hre rusng hers hehei oredSunourhale erhanisetht w ceard ot o m keThi isa uarnted as Inthe evening. greetxngs f Fbrcfae te ios oono ornetanfcurr' uie et.clo rit-ai atde Presbytery were brought by Rev. W for the King, f ollowed by the B.T.S.gradericaehdi e st ronfomade.M nfcuer'O te D p.elr rn llvtd Nelles, Port Hope. Dr. Insker of yens raeI -adiemde 4 KCnox Church. Toronto, in an i m-I The Bugle Band, generousîy pro- Yooiieycntfd swe -T usaFia n and a beautiful fine text- pressive address. paid tribute to work vided for by Mr. J. H. H. JuryadYupstvl n'fdeThisweekend -T ur aFiay and u re. These prints arie o! the Missionary Societies and ex- trained by Mr. David Morrison, sen- them, no matteî' how sun- Stra -tels he aso hsbgwrh3eayr u pressed the hope that their endeav- ior, made a pleasing contribution to Stra -tels he aso hsbgWrh3eayr u ours would be blessed with success. the afternoon's program. n h room. Wegurn1 Hcalled for a united effort on the The guests adjourned to Ferguson tee~ themogtad aran- clearance event -- the itemns offered' are better Iucky purchase at a big part of ail societies in the Presby- Hall where they were served tea by i e hmt tn at n au ~ ~ discount enabies us to of- terian Church. the members of the staff. Mrs. ou have the maker's va luetan ever. vve canL iiere '..escrlue efr them tti eyrdc The roll eall on Friday morning Fraser Grant o! Toronto and Mrs. . y fer teings - we niy sa v ry UiOSiy - showed representatives o! 32 auxil- G. E. Reamnan were hostesses, assîst-4 guarantee t replace thern many offrig -- e nl q"'ra ewofthe'lusyIow price. Dainty aries present. Reports f rom each ed by Mrs. W. H. Hill and Mrs. E. P.. or refund yu money ifL 1dsoi orkdis er were read. A self -denial week wasBrd.Tehlwaefciey.YU many bargains to ue outarneu. dsinsfr idis'Wer planned and the Peterboro City decorated with a profusion o! flowers not more than satisfactory as ein osi vr churches asked to co-operate. and colored streamers. Durlng this alodsgstosi 8r The following officers were elected: social perlod, Mrs. Reaman. Mrs. Te oei he ul-C rei n e o orevs- 'o'laeadproe o a Hon. President-Mrs. R. Hall, Pet- presntead Mrw iton e eets.Tey cn in thee quasi-gosnadsefryorevs- Y ul geadproe o a Groo rasntead Mr i ou ldets. te ndi ovl esgsBe Surprised." buy these with confidence ~ror.The Superintenderit, Dr. G. E.. and colorings incliuding -full y ardw de. Regular. Past President-Mrs. D. Ewart. Reamnan. gowned in his robe as ashtmieeecsyadVIV.ÂVUL Cobourg. doctor o! philosophy. took the chair heavv htmieefcs President-Mrs. C. C. Armstrong, during the program o! speeches.,il'rieda lsstanth 39e yar'd, 5bC. Warkworth. prize giving and music which follow- Alpie tls ha h o-........... 4 c ist Vice President-Mrs. C. Head, ed. millii CrSE WHAT OUR MANUFACTURERS' OUTLET _________ Clon.The final and decisive Oratorical -1o rd,îg~î~..r 2nd Vice President-Mrs. F. C. Contest o! the school took place with Noi gae,.gua 1.59 DEPT. OFFERS YOU THIS WEEK-END Harper. Cobourg. the following boys competing: Rus-____________ 3rd Vice President-Miss J. Gal- sell Lee, "The Progresa of Canada"; - For 98c yard. ikP nl braith, Bowmanville. John Dubiner. "Newspapers"; Gor- # 3 BIG OUTSTANDING VALUES THAT MEAN -SikPn s 4hVc rsdn-r.GT.don Watson, "The Life o! Sir Isaac .. No. 2 grade, reguiaîr $1.98 4tDice President-Mrs G. . Brock"; Joseph Noteman. "The Lum- BIG SAVINGS FOR YOU. 1 ny -tatatm DikoCmblfr.ber Industry o! Quebec." Ail four F or_1.9_ar._______ae 10gtein 5th Vice President-Mrs. W. J. speeches were well prepared andFo$13yad Mfark, Campbellford. spendidîy deîivered. but the prizes No. 3 grîade, regular $2.98 ,j~,r~UI the home o can save Corresponding Secretary-Miss G. were awarded ta: lst, Gordon Wat- * ZUMBER 1*~YO Harvey. Cobourg. son. and 2nd. John Dubiner. The 1 half .-on these irnrorfýed Recording Secretary-Mrs. j. W. judges were A. E. O'Neill, M. A.,F For $1.98 yard.I Silk Panels. Cm Rork, Norwood. Principal Oshawa Collegiate. and L. l 0ichswd.ea.rlv' Treasurer-Mrs. Morgan, Peter- W. Dippel, B. A.. principal o! Bow- Al5 nhswd.50 doz. Pure Thread'ýSiIk -Hose to, save Ciaponetýt manville High School. F _____________i . dsponmet Oirnancial Secretary-Mrs. G. P. Piano selections by Arthur Ls~ REGULAR $1.OAIRAT21/ log,45 n-es w-Ie ~~rkeBrighton. ~ and choruses by the boys. under the,-PIATo aI Mission Band Secretary-Mrs. W. interspersed the speeches and pro- < 'ER egular $3 .98, $ 1 *7 Learmouth. Hastings. vided a delightful variation in the ~~~- ~ o Millbrook. Hon. George S. Henry briefly ad- Supply-Mrs. David Bland, Col- dressed the boys. highly compliment- -rayrdTiisaam eofw twenedthsew ep.11~ Welcome and Welfare-Mrs. Len I the staff on the splendid ideals they of ours ýto off er you. We made an, offer to a ieading Jr~~ii<a~ Gox, Tiaves-Mis Nina Davi Theiz were distributed as fol- . piecesoi 6ice Hosiery- Mill to dlean the decks of this lime and after Taffetta Goad éTidigs-is Daid lows:- wide, in four new designs. considerabie agmn they. accepted our offer. You Literature and Library-Mrs. W. Canadian History-Donor, Men'snarrbo gpuentl oea hs rc eoe l MnDa, ete or. Canadian Club, presented by Rev - Perfectiy free from dress- nevo',ougdrpreeskHoseat hîspnc beoreeAI Echogand Laert. rs Geo Mason in absence o! presdentig-te l daepr good shades and ail sizes, 81/., to 10. Reg. $LOO pr~. for Fo rps, cusxthios ed- Exhagead if emerhP- Rev. R. J. Shires, ta winner. Peter îg-teyiHdaeer 59c pair, or 2 pairs for $1.00 spreadsec-xr ev Mvrs. D. Jordan, Peterboro. Adams. - cly Not more flion 10iCi pan Infs Press-Mrs. E. E. Cox, Peterboro. Oratorical prizes. prescnted by Dr. Yf Young Women and Teen Age Girls C;. C. Bonnycastle, ta lst. Gordon - yxards to any custorner. can buy the balance of -Miss MeVannel, Peterboro. Watson: 2nd. John Dubiner. 0r Regular 29c yard, NUMBER 2 these chic fabrics at half Mrs. Armstrong. the newly elected General Proficiency. presented byl ny e ad....1 C president, spoke a !ew words thank- Mr. T. A. Dustan. ta Robert Blas'ik ol e ad......................l ipie oosBuRs lng the gathcring for the honour ave'rage 97', f il jos-Bue Rs sho______and______or________- and Grey Shot. Regular xhwnhr ndake orcooer-Mathematies. presented by Mr. M. L. 1IIIULIi g llUbiery Vau tion during the coming year. A. Neal for Mr. A. M. Hardy. ta Rus- $51oz.981 LsiyHserd,~ 8c Mrs. MeDougaîl. retired treasurer. 1sell Lee, 845,.5 IzenMisses' Silk and LseHs - good hard- $or......yard,..... 8C years, was presented with a bouquet iarship presented by Mr. C. L. Burtonwaigq ltyfrsho e.Crnsnalszs61, o! roses and a purse in recognition Toronto, ta Herbert Fardell. WC ran to 10. In ail the wanted colors. This is a regular 59e o! her faithful and able services. Best Cadet on parade, presented C ran value. This speciai pui'chase enabies us to offer them at- _________________by Mr. Harry Allin, ta Sgt. Major E.-ra xls NELSON'S " Lauara ,seecrtedal for ark s- 4piryo -ralecu bester. IFb iveuerchadise gif LaraSeod edl opark-ivemrhni - fyo9 c, pr. or 2 prs. for 8 8 c.Sue Bagi manship. presented by Captain Is-- bester, ta William Murdoch. b like sornething different ___________ Ladies' Athletic Merit Crests, prsntd - see these, el/4ys ogt cial Scretary, ta Harry Lee, Gea e4 inches wide. Regular NUMBER 3 3à -,Se iâ Nighwtgowns- 1ilj