THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TUSAJN t,13 PAGE FOUR Boy SCOUTS AT PETERBoeO 1 MORE TRUTH TIIAN FICTION SCOLCDESISECE> '1FOBL No. 1 Bowmanville Troop, Boy 1 D. Morrison Sr. makes this obser-1 The High and Public School cadets Bowmànvifle and Enniskillen Played &co'a±s, went by eipeia1 bus to peter- vation in bis weekly comments ta presented a smart and creditable ArwGm - boro Victoris Day ta take part in the The Orono News. wbich one regrets appearaflce at their annual review on Scout Jamnboree at Nichols Oval1 to admit containS more truth than Friday morning bef are Cadets In- A large crowd of football fans wit- wich wua a great success. Over1 fiction.- spection Off icer Captain Isbester of nessed the Bowmaflville vs Eniniskil- 200 Scouts -were present fi'037the The 24tb of May in Bowmanville Kingstonl, and Col. C. W. Hill, Dom- lien game at the High School Midland district and ail were delig'ht- was one of tbose.quiet leisurely days inion Cadets Instructor. G rounds Saturday night, which after ed with the treatinent aecorded then sa f ar as the citizens were concernied, The Higb School Cadets were in- an hour's strenuous playlig resulted and te excellent sportsmfafshiP and with the exception of a f ew fire spected f irst, and put tbrougb the in a tie with 2 goals each. It was shown by the boys in the 'varions con- crackers tbere was nothing ta mar variaus manoeuvres and drils in fine an excellent game ta watcb with testa. Bowman-vliG 'Iroop w"S hon- the quietness of the day. The arn- military style by Captain Morley pienty of thrills on bath sides ta keep ored with te leading position in t11e1 bition ta get up anything in the way Vanstone. Other off icers were Lieut. up the excitement ta the end. Each parade as thev marched front the' of a day af domng bere seems ta bave Herbert Calmer and Sgt. D. Adams side scored in the first period. Tbe armorles throug<hte city streeta ta gone with the aid timers who eat in charge of No. 1 platoon: Lieut. second bal! opened with some f ast thet park. ed this life sometime ago. ad et Bill Ingram and Sgt. Newtonl Hack- playing witb the citadels of bath The local boys attending .Were only wave of excitemerit we bave now ney in charge o! No. 2 platoon and teamns being attacked at short and Scout Master S. S. Terry, Assistentlis the softball tournament between Lieut. Bradley Honeyman and Sgt. long range. Finally Enniskillefi Scout Master Harve'y Joint, Setion 'the various teams in town at the Harold Clmner in command of the jumped into the lead with a nice Commanders Edward and Gardon public school grounds or go out ta Signai corps. goal, but the advantage was only Fiamn, and Privaties Citarlie Caw- Hampton and witi)pss the girls' sof t- The display o! .gymnastic sturits. temporary as the home team evened ker, Harold Clmer, Bradiey Honey- ball teams there trounce one of the under the direction o! the !nstructor, the score, and neither team was suc- nian, Edgar Cator, Ted Bagnell, Dick rural teams !romn outside, or if not Principal I- W. Dippell, was partic- cessful in breaking the tie at full Wright, loward MLaughlin, Doug- interested, walk dawýn ta Cream o! ularly well done. time, game ending 2 ail. The line- las Fortier, Artihur Fortîir, Douglas Barley Park, buy a bottle o! pop and' At the d'ose o! the parade. the boys up: Ada=m, Ned Reider, Elford ICOx,I watch the grizzlies. An earthcauake were addressed briefly by Rev. R. J. Bowmanville: Goal-Bruce; backs Alex. Birks. might move us but nothing short Sbires. Col. Hill also spoke a f ew -Lobb, Davis; half-backs--H. King, Rotarians attending the Jamboree would prove very înteresting justI words, congratulatirig the company B. King, Batbgate; !orwards-Sinip- were C. E. REhfder, T. A. G2rton, Geo. now. on their formation of a signal corps. son, Allen, Hockett. Graham, Gam- W. James and A. J. Wadhamns. Harold Siemon was awarded the ble. medal for shooting and Douglas Ad-~ Enniskillen: Goal-McGill; backs ams the medal for smartest cadet on -Brunt, Ashton; half-backs-Wor- paae den, Ashton, McLaugblin f orwards TePublic Scbool cadets also -Bray, Watson, Siemon, Smith. made a good sbowing on parade. Referee-E. Wilbur. H ere' the D eseirtThe intercompany tug of war and competition for smartest company on parade. wo by platoon 4 and 2, were DURHAM SOFTBALL LEAGUE ('1 very interesting. Captain Isbester_____ ~~ u ~ r e i r . i e ~~and C olH ill both addressed the boys î N w o v l e W t d a ii e e s t t t-' * iency. tmo hi ed Drawing Up Another Schedule DURHM BY'S IFT Owing ta the fact that Newtonville DUHM COUNTY bO' GF as witbdrawn f rom the League, the1 - - -Boys' Work Board f ound it neces- For omeyeas afried i Fago.sary ta draw up a new scbedule. The North Dakota. bas several times sent two groups wiii now consist of tbese the senior editor of tbe Statesman teams: coy)ies of The Forum, but littie did Eastern-Trinity, St. Pauls. New- ~~ j ~~~vT11 , ~~we tbink the chief genius bebind csî.Cutc n rfo It's xvolesome that the chief genius bebînd that Western-Maple Grave, Providence, that very excellent daily journal was Salem, Tyrone and Hamptoni. a Durham, County boy tili we read in The umipire will be sent f rom a ICE CREAMlast Thursday's Port Hope Evening team flot playing. and the base uni- Giethis atce pire supplied by visiting team. Just dip your spoon into tsW. B., Black, Former Porti Hoper, New scheduie follows: ric cremy ms& o delct-Is Donor Of Beautiful Gift To Farg o Ch ureh Eastern Group able goodness. Then chorus- - - May 30-Orono at St. Pauls. wîth everybody else, "Wb Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Black, o! June 4-Courtice at Trinity. Fargo. North Dakota. bave presented June 6-Newcastle at Orono. don't we have ice cream the New Presbyterian Church tbere June 9--St. Paul's at Courtice. mor olen" Slvrwodawitji a very lovely Memorial Organ June 13-St. Paul's at Newcastle. moeotnI ivrod whicb will fit in beautifuliy witb the June 18-Trinity at Courtice. Ice Cream is a favorite wth grand new building. Port Hope June 2o-courticl- at Orano. everybady in the family. Serve it generously. Caîl friends are interested because Mr. June 25--Orono at Trinity. at aur store or phone 3 and we will deliver. Black is a native of this town and June 27-St. Pauls at Newcastle. WEDD'ING CAKES A SPECIALTY only five years ago when visiting July 2-Orono at Newcastle. __________________here sang several times in St. Pauls July 4-Courtice at Newcastle. Presbyterian Cburcb. July 9-Newcastie at St. Paul's. ~'I~~ P ~ V~ JE lU'P'TV~ ' The new organ. whicb was dedi- July il1-St. Pauls tTiiy e ' I I ET T~I cated eatly in May, is a three man- July 16-Oronoas at Corice. Bakrie a Bomavîle ad ron .ual instrument witb !orty-tbree July 18-Trinity at Orono. Bakeies t Bo manilleand ron speaking stops and 2219 speaking July 23-Trinity at St. Paul's. _____pipes. It is said ta be one o! the f inest July 25-Courtice at St. Pauls. in tbe west. July 29-Newcastle at Trinity. ___________________________________________________ Mr. Black is the proprietor of the July 3i-Trinity at Orono. Fargo Forum. be and bis brother July 31-Newcastle at Courtice. Sandy (deceased) and Fred started their newspaper careers with the Western Group Guide. Mr. Black's many !riends bere May 28--Salem atTyrone. are proud of the success lie bas at- May 30-Mapie Grove at Hampton tained and glad that hie and Mrs. June 2-Tyrone at Salem. Black were able ta make this beaut- June 4-Providence at M. Grave. i!ul gift ta the chyurcb where tbey June 6-Hampton at Providence. bave sa long made their home. June 1i-Mapie Grave at Tyrone. June 13-Providence at Hampton. Sof t-bail Squabble Squelched 'June 16-êealem at Maple Grave. ______June 18-Hampton at Tyrane. There bas been quite a littie Up- June 20-M. Grave at Providence. roar in the local softball league lately June 24-Providence at Salem. "Dutcb" Osborne renowned prof es- June 27-Tyrone at Maple Grave. sional hockey player was desirous of July i-Salem at Hampton. Afn, fut, through train tg matching his skill with the local am- July 4-Maple Grave at Salem. the West, leavi Trot ateur talent in the so!tball field, but July 7-Salemn at Providence. dalpegB30 r=anRgll* is adversaries would bave it other- July 9-Tyrone at Hampton. Winnpeg Bradon Regna, wise. awing ta the case probably a! - July is-Hamptati at Maple Gravi Saskatoon, Edmonton, Ja& !ecting the standing of some future July 17-Providence at Tyrane. per and Vancouver. brilliant participant, wboafater hav- July 22-Hamptan at Salem. EQUIPMENTr ing played against a prafessional in July 25-Tyrane at Providence. Radioe ipped Compait- competition is then himsel! a pro- mnent-O s.ervation-Library fessional. -Buffet Car with Valet Ser. Casey Martyn hawever called bis HO WMAN VILLE vice; StandardSleeping Cars, sage advisers ta council and they rwOFTBALL LEAGUE 1930 Touri-t Sieeping Cars, in pronounced that "Dutch" be obviated ing Cars and Coaches. f rom ail amateur so!tbali in the vic- First Schedule Usecihs rain onyourV eera ti> inity and sa the case was settled and June 2-Motors vs Front Street. TO EVBRYWHERE Sueur. veuradosIAgamog m the league begins aIl over again with June 3-Goodyear vs Founidry. ICANADA a !resh scbedule. June 5-Whiz vs High School. June 6-Pife and Drum vs Motors. I ( Y IM NOW Business is good because we hav.2 reduced our p îices to make it worth your while to buy clothing at our store. Compare prîces and materials and yau will b tter appreciate that we give you more for the dollar. MEN'S SUITS 25 Mens Fancy Tweed Suits I odd sizes and depleied Uines i, shades of fawn. gîey and browvn. The:,e reprgsent somne very higb class stttts. in ýawsto r3 00clearitng tht', week only, T OP COATS To lear t'îr' balan-e of Top (oats; on han-1 %we ,uwte the folloiing retiucticn: pegular tCO,'ilfoi. $23-50 $1495 Ili L uiar $22 .50 for' $16.75 T. B. GILCHRJST Directly Opposite Rank of! Montreal Phone 61 June 10-FroundSreeva Fieotors. U June 1-Hoih cilova oodyar Jue13-WihiZvsFontvstrode. June 13-FieadFrontvStreoet ar June 17-High SchooI vs Foundry. June 19-Motors va Goodyear. June 20-Fronit Street va High Sehool. June 23-Whiz vs Fife and Drumn. June 24.-Goodyear vs Whiz. June 26-Foundry vs Front Street. June 27-Motors vs High School. June 30-Pife and Drum vs Foundry. 'Juy 3-Front Street vs Goodyear, JuIy 4-WhiZ VS Motors. JuIy 7-High School va Fife and Dru JuIy 5.-Foundry vs Whiz. Frt and second teams in first schedt play three gamne series for winnersc 'ie um. of Second Schedule Juiy 1'-Whiz vs Goodyear. Juiy 18-Front Street vs Foundry. Juiy 21-High Schooi vs Motors. Jul) 22-Foundry vis Pife and Drum. J uly 24-Geodlyear vs Front Street. Juiy' 25-Motors vis WhiZ. July 28-Pife and Orum vs High Schooi. IJtuiy 29-whîz vs Founidry. I fuiy 3,-Front Street vs M itors. ,', g. -Foundry vs Goodlyearg. A ug . ýHioh SchOOnI '5 Wiiz. A tor . -Motors vs Fife and Drumi. Aîiq. S-Pife and Drum v s Front Street. A uç, -Motors vis Poumdry. A L". ý2-Goodlyear vis iii £chooi. iA, -; 4-Frotit Str eet vs Wii Z. u q -5-GoodcCr vs Pife and Orum. r îî, -P.-Poîndry vs Hîcjh Sohoot. Ai.,9-Goodyear vs Motc A uc 21 -Hilh School sF" Street. A.q, 22--Pife and Drun) vo Fîrst and second teamsi n e conid sched- uie play three gamne serins i r mînner of second schedule. Winners of fr st and second schedule play fîve camne se rie. for chamPionîhiP an(:up ITfMItI ItlU.rn%7 'yLLD ~~S/ Jecial Sel/mng of FkOCKS So Pretty That You'Il Want to Wear Them on the Very Nicest Occasions This Summer PORCH AND STREET DRESSES Styles are so very very piquant, so iovely in their feminine way thîs season. These gay littie wash frocks can't r.eally be cali- ed house f rocks for they're so prettily designed, so) chaîrming in style, and scý v'ivid in color. Perkv lit- tde pelums are here, I)Uff sleeves, frilly neckhines, flare skirts, scallops, pîp- ing, dozens of details that make them smart for af- ternoon wear. Sizes 14 to 16. WOMEN'S DRESSES Figured Celenese, dark, colors, long sleeves, sizes :36 to 46, originally priced as high as $10.00, now groupeil at one price of $4,e95 The Smart Shop GEO. R. MASON, Manager. Cowan Block Bowmanville mmm FOR BOWMANVILLE M.ERCHANTS ONLY Being one af a series of chats wth Bowmanvilie businessmen, in whbch it is suggestcd how they may increase their volume af sales. Speeding up your Turnover your revenue fal off it's turne Vo look yourr busine;ss squatrely in te eye. Looicing, you're Iikely ta find two particularly dis.- turbing factors. One is that sonie of Your cu-stomerrs are shopping outsid- «rf Bownîanville. The other is that the&e same custaniers, and some otiiers also, are buyinig from mai rder houseis. Dikstu*'ing as these conditions are,a" is a way of getting around theni. Advertising, that is, where it can do voua the most good, adv'ertiFing where your custcxmers ar-2' certain to see it-advertising in your local, home newvspaper. Your own a<vertising is essential. There's no doubt#of that. %uît if your nierchendise turnover j.s t., spe-cd up and stay that way, the advertising support of the manufacturera whoee commodities you hocndle is just as necessary. 0 AXnd you can go a long w'ay ini enli,-tin£,, 'he szupj3yîr- ,)f theFe manufactumrr quitàc easily. When the saleemen aif the Trnanufactu-ieresm who.-e good.s a ou stockx cali on you, imprees thern whýh thi.s thought: If vou arc. to do a.ny sizable imount of business nyu must keep Bowmanvbl's folk cornir.g to yoiîr stores and that ntdv(rti5sing in you.r local, honu esppr 'u own and that of t11w manuifacturer-- s therefore an ab- Make this thougM timiprcssive enough and th, - ies- men are bound to ci(mvey it to ther honie AfiCes "e a<vertising mon(r.yý are îlecided upon andadr:*.n nîcîlia ,eected. Bo',,vianville Haming Pigeon Club y ou tE lield their flfth oId bird race on Sat- iiirdayt. May 3l-St. f romi Thamesfaîrd Ont-, distance 130 mil-s air line. with 1" ýsc resultS:I Pete wooines. 2 brs. 52 mins, 49 sec.I Woolnier Bros.. 2 brs. 53 mîns, 23 sec.~ Moolner BrOs.3 hrs, Il mins 59 sec, TI h e C a i Len. Richards. 3 hrs, 14 mins, 52 sec. F. Bottreil, 3 brs, 35 mins. 50 sec. I. Hobbs. 3 hrs, 52 mins, 43 sec.______ Wm. Wallace, 3 hrs, 53 mitis, 35 sec. This newspaper has joincel with the town newapapersa al over the country in a nation- wicle campaign ta convince national aelvertisers t h a t they can hest assist 1maI1 town merchants by advertla. ,rtisinq aid of the manufacturers whose goods teir saleanien to recommend your local home newspaper. 4 ,nadian Statesman IL: 1930 - à THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1 iioMING PIGFON CLUB Ym, nned the adve $2 @95