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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,' ~OWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1930 HAMPTON A number f rom here attended Zioi anniversary on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W Hleard and daugli ter, Whitby, visited at Mr. T. Wray'ý Mr. W. J. Cole, Toronto, spent las week with his nephew, Mr. E. B Cole. Mr. J. B. Horn and family, Peter boro. visited relatives bere on Sun day. Mrs. S. Williams was at Grani Valley attending the funeral of niece. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Robbins. Bow manville, spent Sunday with Mr: Levi Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole and Mrs J. E. Cole, Bowmanville. visited or Sunday at Mr. C. W. Souch's. Horn's Store is well stocked to suP ply your needs in the popular var. ieties of Swede Turnip Seed at sali prices. Sunday visitors at the home of M1 L. D. Sykes were Rev. J. E. Beckel Bay, Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Alger anc Margaret, Oshawa. Congratulations to Mr. Fred Bul lett and Mr. Tom Sykes on success. fully passing their first year S. P. S. University of Toronto. COURTICE Mr. Hugh Fitsrmns. Detro was wth Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Broc over the weekend. Mrs. Horsburgh and Mr. and M Gardiner, Cleveland, Ohio, visit Mrs. A. F. Rundie for some days. Mr. and Mrs. McNamara'- Agnes Short t'. Kenmore. and 1V. and Mrs. Bill Hazlewood. Buffa spent a fe-,v days with Mr. and MI à Jas. Shortt. Miss Mary Elliott. %vho has be( living iin an apartment in Mr. Bla) Courtice's house. bas gone to Vai couver. B. C.. to make ber home wil her brother. Mr. Alfred Elliott. M~ Elliott came ta accompany his slsti back to, his home. We hope tl climate in B. C. will help to brur back to Miss Elliott her good healt] Sunday being Conference Sunda, Mr. Gordon Lapp, Secretary of Boy Work. occupied the pulpit mornin and evening. His addresses to th Young men were highly appreciate and they were eclucative as welle interesting. Mr. Lapp has a wor derful gif t of delivery and he will t welcomed here at any time in th future. TYRONE Church service Sunday at 1a.: a. M. A number around here are sic with summer flu. Miss Viola Shortt, Apsley, visite Miss Leverne Burgess. The Tuxis Boys and C. G. I. T. wi bold a social everiing on Friday. Miss Mabel Virtue, Toronto, sper the weekend at Mr. Wm. Staples'. Mr. A. W. Annis attended Confe' ence with Rev. J. R. Trumpoure Cobourg. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr Percy Hayward on the arrival of fine baby boy. Sorry to report Mr. Wm. Halfaci critically ill in Bowmanville Hospiti witb pneumonia. Mr. Hugb and Miss Annme Mccul lough. Pontypool. vlsited their brc tber, Mr. Robt. McCullough. Messrs. Robert and Brenton Me Cullougb attended the funeralc their cousin, Mr. George Jamiesor Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Moore. Mi and Mrs. Fred Moore, Bowmanvil visited the former's sister, Mrs. Wil Wilams, Acton. Mr. Wm. Staples and Mr. Thoma Scott attended the funeral of thi former's cousin. Mrs. Frank Rickarc Newcastle. on Saturday. A number f rom bere attended an niý ersary services at Salem on Sun day and enjoyed hearing Rev. J. E Beckel. a fermer pastor. Mrs. Viola Smitb and Mrs. Herber- Burgess attended the funeral of Mrs Smith's brother-in-law, Mr. Ne: Smith, Orono, on Monday. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson anc family. Victoria Road, have been vis- itmng her sister, Mrs .Albert Hills and brother. Mr. Howard Couch. Mr. and Mrs. John Lillicrapp anc Doris. Mr. Ernie Jewell. Woodville Mrs. John Lillirapp and Miss Vel- ma Camnpbell. Cannington. visited at Mr. F. L. Byam's. Last Wednesday evening a sof tbal: gamne was played. Salem vs Tyrone at Tyrone. score being 15-1 in favo: of Tyrone. On Monday evening Tyrone played softball at Salem with Salem, the score being 17-16 in favo' f Salem. The Greatest Shaving Value Ever Off ered FREE The New Gillette Razor and New Gillette Blade wth your choice of Palmolive Sbaving Cream ColL.ate Shaving Cream Colgate Shaving Stick for 35c. Jury &Loveli Dit. ,ks Irs. ted n ee .Wr. hlo. Irs. ýen tke m- it I TYRONEI HAYDON WEST DURHAM INSTITUTÉ m Tyrone Institute and Ladties' Aid Mr. Wm. Ph.ilips, Tyrone. visited Annu&l Meeting &t Unted Church, held its annual meeting in the vestry bis brother, Mr. E. Pbilips. North Nestieton, Tuesday, t 0 th chrcbonWedesdy. ay Mrs. C. Brlggs, Toronto, visited at June l7th. s. 2lst wth an attendence of 29. Meet- hrfte',M.T lmn st ing opened witb Institute Ode fol- bers.fAh ers Mr uT. Seon M..h anlmetn fWetDr lowed by prayer. Roll caîl answered rsA. ceiSudydaMr he aia etngo etDr by pyin offee. Rportof ommt- erbStaitons, amponam WO«6nn'a Institute will be field by pyin 0ff ee. Rpor o!Commt- erbStantons, tihe United Church, Noqth Nestle- tees were read and adapted. Officers Mr. Roy Thompson, Bowmanville. t'on, on Tuesday, Junýe l7th, at 10 for 1930-1931 are Pres-Mrs. Luther Sundayed at Mr. W. Tbompson's. a. m. standard tùne. Election of Hooper; lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. Harold Mr. Adams and Mr. Stanley Head, officers and igenerail business. id Skinner; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. Albert Oshawa, visited at Mr. C. Avery's. Special sPeakers tfor this meeting a Clemens; Sect.-Treas.-Mrs. Norman Several f rom here attended Salem wilh be Miss E. Hopkins, Lindsay, also Woodhey; Pianist-Mrs. Tom Barr, anniversary services hast Sunday. Mrs. W. Esches, Coboconk, Federated Ass't.-Miss May Brent; Auditors-, Mrs. Albert W. Clemens. Mrs. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. C. Crossman, North Representative, is expected to be '.Dudley; District Director-Mrs. Simon Oshawa, visited at Mr. J. Crossman's. present. SMcCoy; Press Correspondent-Mrs.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eîîiott. Bow- Dinner will be served by Nestheton S. ladies. SViola Smith; Brancb Directors-Miss manville, visited at Mr. Milton Shem- President-Mrrs. J. R. Cooper, Or- Mae Brent. Miss Verna McCoy, Mrs. ons. n; Secy.-Trexs.-Mr-Q. Perey Van- Arthur Annis, Mrs. Jas Dudhey;1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Schemelt and Camp, Nestleton. 23-2 Branch Representatives-Mrs. Luther famiîy. Bowmanville, visited at Mr. le Hooper. Mrs. Simon McCoy. Mrs. D. Hall*s. RusComfortCmme-Mrs.Vil Siyt. Mrs. Emily Bradley spent a few r. oafr CMrs. Atbu-r As. StdingT days ast week at Mr. Bert Fergu- SOLINA dCommittees - Health,-Mrs. Albert so's9'fed.Ms A. L. Pascoe spent the week- Clemens; Education-Mrs. Floyd Dud- Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy end witb Kedron fruends. -ley; Historical Research and Current visited at ber motber's. Mrs. W. Rut- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunt and Mr. -Event-Mrs. Robert Hodgson; League ledge. Salem, on Sunday. Ernest, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and of Nations-Mrs. Russel Wright; Ag- Mrs. J. Wright, who bas been visit- Mrs. S. Bush. riculture-Mrs. Ronald Scott: Home ing in London for some months. bas Mr. and Mrs. Jack ReyrQlds. Miss Community Activities-Mrs. Sid- returned to ber home bere. Ruth and baby John. visfed witb ney Hoar: Legislation-Mrs. John R. Miss Helen Worden and Miss Rita Toronto friends. Trumpour: Temperance-Mrs. Luther Johnston. Toronto, spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe. Miss ViGodn olae roranoas ien s- end at Mr. W. T. Wordefl's. Dorotby and Mr. Wallace, Enfleld, Floydagn Ms.1Miss Verna Trewin. Oshawa, Miss 1 visited at Miss Mary Hogarth's. c James. Dudey, "riFting away withMuriel Moore. Hampton. spent the 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Chahhis and taes Dde ,5010. iss ar wwth eekend at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Miss Mabel, Bowmanville. visited gare.Motgmryt casben Misses Rilda and Luzzie Hockaday. Moore. A social baîf bour wvas spent Mrs.C otoeywobsbe Remember the Division meeting in tat the close. visiting at Mrs. H. Ashton's for sev- thi udySho omTusa eral weeks bas returned to Toronto. c1tee S. uny Scbool rombra At our League meeting hast Tues- try and be present for election of of- SALEM day evening it was decided ta with- Ificers. ______draw meetings during June and July. Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Pascoe. Los Ideal weatheir prevaihed on Suni- A goodly number attended the Angeles. California. are visiting rela- day. June lst. and the S. S. Anni- music demonstratuon Monday even- tives here and attending the Sbrin- versary provecI xa ery pleasant and îvn- resented by the school childreniers' Convention in Toronto enroute Profitable occasion xvhen Rev. J. E. tînder the leadership of Miss M. Or-ta a tbree months' trip in Europe. Beekel, Bay, a former pastor. delivr- chard. Everybody was delighted Jrune meetung of the Solina Wom- ered two very, excellent sermons. wtb the way in which the childreniens Institute will be held at the Ir. T-e-aftr-o-n-îscoure was ased1demonstrated their abilhty ta sing. 1home of Mrs. E. R. Taylor on Thurs- C bt, I -o-Trot.--m 'o 011 idy veig naccollInto Of y ilisie Moore; reading. Helen eon "The Ideal Kîngdam- and was 1Recitatians were pýlso well kive y'dyafe-an un 1t.M' .Adults, tea and concert 65c; tea 0 nil nnvraorrnt nbu'ws pn ncn espeiaissfors Lama Thornpson. Ada Beechc C. Caurns of Bowmanville wihl be the concert 40c; Children, tea and con League meeting was held May 28th tests. Attendance 25. Meetin- ~folk. The subject f or the evening and Ursul McNeil. ýspeaker. AhU l9dips welcome. cert 40c; tea or concert 25c. 23-2 wt rsdn isAde oln lsdwt upbbndcin h.1 was -The Joyous Christian" and was ____________________ y' for the older folk, altbougb mucb YS, splendid food for tbaugbt for bath I n m u :DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWAREt: m:t":tU::U Un:::: DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE:tU:::tt:::, ngYoung and ald was enveloped in bath ie sermons. Mr. Beckel enjoyed beng!. edamong old friends and renewing oldI asacquaintances. and the f riends U . ii Rre n10 weeplae bt ave him witb them r0 11inr be gai an tocame in contact witb bis cheery personality once maie.* ~ .A~L O JI Tbe singing by the S. S. was especial- * ly good. and Miss Greta Pollard,* "' Bowrnanville, rendered a very fine ê R LIW~_ 3full amaunt of financial suppart re- ... VIIV shIL uld kAIIyLFIImone questcd was granted. Manday ev- k ening, under auspices of the church, the play entitled "~Aaron Slick f rom nU .1~u edPunkin Crick," a coinedy in tbree . I 1 acts, was presented by the Dramatic ir i. in IflA Y Z fVuI Club of the Presbyterian Cburch, i e** n n B omnv le Janetville. It well deserved the name nt cornedy, as t bad a laugh for every 4 minute. and who does nat enjoya r- d laugh? The characters were1. iSlick and Lttle Sus Riggs. Mr. C.I~ .~ Cllacott and Mr. Leslie Coombs pro- J..ontinuing our campaign to encourage people to buy hardware a vided excellent violin music between* i Pmoceeds over $40. At 6.30 * l~. re on Manday evening a large crowd in nowmanvilé. insteaa of sending tneir oruers out of town. we ;al gatbered at the bail field ta watch a somebtwenTyrneforSle îwbicb resulted 16-17 in favor o! Sal- 4êiii T'?@~ 1EU 'U I fusly Mr. Ewart Pollard. Toronto, spent . othe weekend at home, returning Sun- ___________ Nay seling day evening accompanied by bis r.pleasant visit witb bis daugbtem. * -00 M.enehWemry. Peterboro, S"'e'. RECLOTH spent Sunday at borne, gaing back an t:Very .,ratirying SCREE VVAASETS0 3' Sunday evening for scbool on Mon- ,_____ In black. We are seiling O .e day and returning again Mondany ev- 4 ayyrso hsdiya GRANITE WARE ýening for bahl game and ententain-My announicement hast week that 1 ayyrs ftiHdiya ment. tee pcilprés * MssMini Brrtt ~Iarn after the Hardware Business teeseii îcs _A vely handy, useful and 4 - visited Mrs. F. Honey. * that is gaing out of town" received 18"-14c yd. 28"-22c yd. accep)table assortiment of E.Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carruthers and 66 a most gratifying esponse. The 20"-16c yd. 30"-24c yd. kitchen utensils, in green or Mrs. Rutherford rnotored to Coîborne part that pleased me most was nat 2".î ~ 22cxdylo,1 icsi ahst ton Sunday ta attend the 100tb anni- sa much tbe increased sales we en- Cj , ....~. verar srvces0fth Pesyera joyecd. but the quick response and 24-0cy. 4-9cd.vî i>cu a IChurcb. On Friday afternoon hast geun prto oalyad.-p '-2 d 6-1 d $9.75 ifMrs. Carruthers ententained a nurn- gniesii flylyadc-p 6-1 c.3"3cy.SE 'R-ANR. ber of lady friends frarn town in eratian shawn by citizens in this in- -18"--40c yd. SE ATW RE UTM P - onor of ber mother. who was re- 04 stance. I arn tborou'ghly convinced ________________ UTMP sturning ta Coîborne after an extend- it was a step in the right direction ta AIoE Carrust iher iidinTrotAacSDGIO ETs osî ,i j dvsiwiher the mutual advantage of custamer GUARANTEED. H.Mrs. C. M. Caruthers and Mns. W and merchant. cîreen Gi,8tbs osl ýt day ast week. This week you will notice I have HUEODPITmdl opeewt y il Anniversary Visitors made reductions in the price of other namîc speaker, plug in foî, Ms. . . ordn.Mmgoods. some of wbicb are mentioned pick up and plug in for- tele- r. and Ms .L odn r in this advt. Space of coure- will vision. ,r an sE.H..da y nd r.ah a nd r. plnl3' permit listing a few items iin Grave. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vi- u dtec ek eua .$2.00 values foi, ,r kery. tawn. witb Mrs. A. Wilkins. Play fain with your local merchant Regular $2 0 f i, 179.50f$1.4 Mi'. and Mms. H',,i-rd ('helîr,. O- and I amn sure you will get a squar'e ~$4 ana. Mn. and Mrs. H. Wilcox. Hamp- ai','(' down, balance in 10 --- - - - on ms G dgr.Obaa * deal fnom him. Dont send youn l colors, only monthly pavrnients. This INTERIOR VARNICu g Mr. and Mrs. A. Belîman. Town. wît'îh money out of town until yau bave -80c QT. wonderf-ul radiio be .""' Mr. and Mms. C. Collacott. finst given yaui' local tnadesrnan anI a 69c QT. Misses Iva and Bennice Gihbank. potnt ofl orodr heard and - __n u- toe c~w Miý.s M. Rundlp. with Mr.opîtnt afl orodr enî u'soe and Mrs. W. J1. Cann. . T. A. DUSTAN. THERMIC JUGS GREEN IEFO R 111______________an WOODYATT GUARD BORDER "'ca Mc T-. Hac'nk Oono.Mn 4 _____________________An ideai thing to keep th- oiMr- H. M.Fcter. Town. M'r,;L MEALdr'inks hot foi' pienies, 1 gal- 18 juches high STamblyn. Town. Mr. G. Wicýht ] on size, ,lc Ft. providence.Mn. and Mî's. Bi,,elow ** Il -ATOR Tvroe. wth r. ad M,. F L.$1.75 Sq ithM n s . Weii insuiated, ice chamnb- - ------ DINNER SETS M'a'M. .Sia',rv and rIi 1*4i.. ers lined wth pe*JuîlLis jJ Mr wnvleMnand Mrq)i.Sch * elwih6pciCarpenter's lue rids Orono wit Mr.and rs. esisýing elfbl'rao(iseslil] bk inteî'est- Onono.with n andMr'c.A. Wesh i ~îstendiief igesatoî'k icI 9(l fl ce Mr n'!ACE; ,7ils- Jtitem:e inihe in])ie reeorset. M.and Mns. S. Mannell. ohawa ii et . , > s- with Mr. and Mns. G. Cornish. ~ w hite, ')' sizes, antid '~i ~ ~ 4e1m'0f Mn. Elgin Munday. Maffle Grove. pI icQ( at 48c____1 iset. reg. $20 foi' $22-85 Miss Evelyn Lancaster, Newtonville . 13.50 $15.50 $20-50 --"(eh -eoi'g- fol'Qtsto1- Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell and Miss Leah ,at' Base Line. Mn. and Mns. J1. Levett . RURBER LA NM WRe hve ît(îue(î1t.s f Town, with Mn. and Mr,, W. L. But-~ tery. . Long Handled NEO PD Mn. andi Miri. J kon Ms sM SOESJs h hn ohv okonmk,1 n u,. NE~ NPD You ail knowý this w'eli STRAINER PAILS - and J. Jackson, and Miss Wight, pet- j** aVOIG nousemaî1oin. eutee er o o M , a d r . A . B e r v 1 *a v i o u e a d ' n eb la d e s , s p e c ia ily p îi c e d o ilv I " u ' ' t î 4 c t Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Barrie gtaln *quity45$.Z-1.7 é nd Gordon. Providience ReIV. J, R ** 98C45$97$17 ' Pc.'roi nd snn Tycoo with Mnr -. and Mn':, W. G. Werry. . __________________________________________ Grave. with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ctei. Il A W îly. Hampton. with Mr. andi Mrs. E. ïO Jis . Foley, E. Hooken, V.iu s a Trimble. Maple Grave. Messrs, C. Ut n s Cs rr Swalaow. E. Foley and W. Munday, Maple Grove, Miss E. Lane. Mr. andH R W R :::::r:l Mrs. E. Osborne, Shaw%, with Mn.***éô £64flhT ' CS and Mrs. L. Richards. i ****.44444444444 I.:JDU irAN'SCAS HARDWARE t = --Uý$:= t DUSTAN'S CASH AD REt:ttt::# I I ENFIELD ENNISKILLEN FARMERS' CLUB Anniversary services wilh ebed Mrs. W. Sweetmnaf visited bier sis- Providence Farmers' Club wiîl at Enfield on Sunday, June 8tb. Rev. ter, Mrs. Holden, Oshawa. mneet at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. A. M. Erwin, Northminster Churcb, Mr. Jas. McGill, CentreVille, visited Earl Osborne at 8 P. m., Tuesday. Osbawa, wihl preach at 2.30 and 7 at bis brother's, Mr. Thos. McGiUl. June loth. Refreshmeflts of wein- P. M. Enniskillen choir wilh give Mrs. J. Sanders. Bowmanville, 15 erBa , H. . sbose 1pca usaJn visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Theo. President. Sec.-Treas, lOtb, tea wihl be served in the hall Slemon. from 5 p. m, At 8 pi. m. the con- cert programn will be given by Mrs. Mr. A. Colville, Mr. C. Lunney, Ross Pearce, entertainer, Ebenezer; Bowmanville, vlsited at Mr. J. H. WEDDING Rev. ROY H. Rickard, B. A., Pickcer- Freeborfl's. LakL ing, soloist; and Hampton Mixed Mr. David Brunt bas purchased LakLm Quartette. Admission: Adults, tea the f armn now occupied by Mr. ____ and concert 50c; tea or concert 25c;I George Reid. The marriage of MaY Estelle, Children, tea and concert 25c. Friends from here attended the funeral on Sunday of the late Mr. H. daugter of Mr. and Mrs. E T. Lumrb EBENZERStinonEnflld.of Tampa, Florida, and Williani MrNE ERS ThosE fi. M Gl, M s e a M Jam es Leask, Rylanda.Farm . Os awa, Ebe ez r A nn ver ar se vi es iî Gii dMrs. Roys M cG ill s R v isie- took place quietly in B loor St. U nitedi benee ed a ollow ser cesnday.June frind in BetYany on Sunday. I Churcb. The ceremony was perform- be hld s fllos:-On undy Jne fiens i Behan onSunay. by Rev. Dr. E. C. Pidgeon. Toronto. 8 services wil be hehd at 10.30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Virtue and The bride looked cbarmaing in a and 2.30 p.m. (standard time) when daughter Laura. Mr. M. Parker, To r- French ensemble of nule green with Rev. C. C. Washington, B.A.. Fenel- ontorker. Sna it r.M large mohair bat and sboes to match, on Falls, will preacb. Collections in Pre.adcridabuutO pei ,aid of School funds. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Slemoin and oesarr id a ouuet 0f Op.he iae June 9, tea will be served at 4 p.m. daugbter Greta. Toronto, spent Sun- ross atndelily f iss vLeThebrid Football game Bowmanville vs.Cor day with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. wbo wore a pretty frock of tice at 6 p.m. also Softball game dur- J. Slenn. ing the afternoon. At 8 p.m. bn Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson and flowered chiffon, with a beige mo- ezer Dramatic ocet .wlîpesent Clarence Ferguson. Toronto,hairege bouquhet oswetcheand Th itset operetta ntMr. harebunqsuet o maetch, andah itsopreta Gypsy Rover." Admis- spent Sunday with the latter's bro- groom was attended by Mr. Roy sion: Adults. tea 50c. Oilîdren 25c. ther. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson. Jenkuxîson of Toronto. The bride and Concert. adults 25c: cljildren 20c. Our~ boys played a good gamie ofgro etimdalyfe hec- 'bfootball wuîîh a teamn of eiglit men gomlftimdaeyatrtecr LONG SAULT against Bowmanville on Satcirday eony on an extended motor trip _______ i îgh at owmnvile.resutin ina: hrough the New England States. On __________vll. eulin i their return they will reside at Ry- Annivei-sary services of Unit.ed tie 2-2. ln am saa Church wiPI be held as fcfllows: O nI Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preston and ln am saa Sunday, June l5th, sermons will belfamilyToronto, Mr. and Mrs. Am -________________ preached at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. byibrose Nesbitt and daughter Bernice. Rc v. W. Sterling, Orono. Music by Osham a. Mr. and Mirs. A. Gilders and in the chair. Miss Annie Oke led Enni.skihlen C'hoir in the afternoon; 1 daughter Thelmna. Bowmnafville, Mr. jin prayer. Devotional lesson was Tyrone Choir ln the evening. Col-, George Allin and daughter of Van- given by Grace Werry. Rev. Milton lectons n ai of hurc funs OncouverB.C.. visited Mis. T. Qilders Sanderson of St. Cuthbert's United Wedneslay, June 1 Sth, a lyorse-shoe Ion Siifda,ý hrho oonosn i pr. eomryetition vill be heild during the Good congregation wvas oit Sun- iation for the kindness sbown to afternoon. Tea served at 5 p. m. day evening wlien ouir pastor. Rev.: them on May 24th when i.bey gave At 8 p. m. an entertainiment wiîî be J. M. WhYte. Preached a splendid1 their play bere. 4tb Vice President. given by Bob Wilson eand E.- Leroy1 sermon from the text "The Kingdoin Miss Dalton. took charge. A piano Ken-ny, 'humorous entertainers. Miss; of God is within you.- The choir i solo was given by Vera Shackleton; G race Bonnick and Miss Gertrude1 sang two antbems. No service bere: reading, Norman Carrington; tapie PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,'ÈOWMANVTi.T. , THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1930

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