mmoilh AUCTION SALE Satnrday, June 14th.-Alan Den-1 sem, 8 Liberty St., will seil by public auction bis household f urniture anid effeets. Watch for list in next week's Statesman. W. J. Challis, auctioneer. 23-1l OWEN NICHOLAS, A. L. C. H. Welsh Baritone Soloist Talent suppiied for Church or Concert work. BOWMAN VILLE Phone 325 Kodaks Kodak Films Bathing Caps Orangeade Lemonade Powders Drinking Cups Paper Plates Waxed Paper Thermos Botties Jeiiy Reans Sugared Fruit Jellies Crystaiized Ginger You -get ail of these at KERSLAKE-'S THE DEPENDABLE ORUG STORE Phone 49 TH4T WEDDING RING Let us show you a beauti- f ui Engraved Ring in 18k, green and whte gold. Orange Biossom $ 14 - S16 Bridai Wreath - $ 12.50 Ophelia Rose-- $8 - S10 MOORE 'S Jewelry Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHSf K î n S t W . B o m a n ill , C l l a o t t s p e t t e 8 - 1 0 B o w m a n v ille H o s p ita l, o n j1 Marcllig dne a Mr. W Adas, r. . H Colacot sent he uesayJune Ird. lD311, to Mr. and Nirs, KingSt.W.,Bowmnvileon Tues- weekend with bis daughter in Brant- Chas. Tabb, a son. daYs and Saturdays-35c. Phone ford. wooD-In Orono, on Tutsa, a 275 for appointment. 23-5 Dr. and Mrs. Geo Vogt, Cambridge, 2t1î, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewvis J. W'ood, alI Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, 109 Ag-r Mass., spent Saturday with the Mis- son oward Lewis. I ONRA Pr er Hsiaon nes St., Oshawa, announce the en- t es Percy. May 23rd. to Mr. and M6rs. L. H. Corner gagement of their only daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Prescott, is of Bîackstock, a son. jAudrey May, to Meredith Herbert visitlng bier daughter, Mrs. S. G.A BECKEL-In Bownîilile tospital, on Mofatt, eider son of Mr. and Mrs. D. ChArtran. 1M.Nay 23rd, 1930, tu NIr. and Nirs. Garnet Mofatt, of Oshawa. The wedding Mrs. E. W. undOha , s Beckel, Taunton, a suri. willtakeplac in une PASCO E-lui Bown nanville Hospital, on willtakeplac lu une.Sunday guest of ber sister, Mrs. P. 1 Saturulay, May llst, 193o1, to Mm. and Mrs. Mr. D. Coleman Warnica, Detruit, E. Greenfleld. Ilarold A. Pascoe. Solîna, a son. Micb., Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washing- Miss Florence Werry attended tbe LYLE-In Bowuîativii]e, on \Vednes- ton and daughters Joyce and Auna, funeral of hier aunt, Mrs. Wm. Wer- day, Jue 4th, 1930, to %Im. andl Mrs.I Fenelon Falls, were guests last weekr <~k Geo. Lyle, Prospect Street, a dauigbter. of Mrs. B. M. Warnica. They also Wodtok HARRis-In I3owmanviile lHospital, onl visited M r. and Mrs. J. F. Getoîrge Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coyle and son sunday, May I3th. 193o,. to Mr. and Mme. Smitbfield, -on Satuî-day. William recently visited Mrs. S. Hen- Edmunu] Harris, Iluckstoek, a daugbtem. derson, Coîborne.- OKE-In BowTtanville Hlospital, on Miss Mary Northway, Toront.o, and May 26th, 1930, to Mr. antid m.Watýr Miss Dorothy May James, town, vis- Mm. and Mrs. Edward Mayer and ohe. Enniskillrit, a daluiltri, Is li- ited this week about 40 memberg of daughter. Buffalo, N.Y.. visited alit el). tbe Alpha Delta Pi Fraternity holi- Mr. T. H. Knigbt's. ________________ daying in Lndsay and enjoyed a Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Branton, Osh- happy social reunion. Mrs. Norman awa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. DEATHS S. B. James accompanied themn. Harry Pye on Sunday. SMITH-in Oruîîo, ot iay Miv3st, 1930, Mr. Owen Ncholas, A. L.C. H., Mms. Stewart Alger, Oshawa, spent N-lSmith, hlvu Iiîrî.itîd vf Elizabeth ,Welsh Baritone soloist, and a mem- the weekend with bier parents, Rev. 13arrabell, agit 82 yt-îîmn. ber of Trinity United Church choir. and Mrs. J. W. Bunner. JAMIESON-Iti \t I ay 29t1h, was a scefu otGtn tte(eorge Brown .Ii n it.n lus 32ni1 year. succsfsl cntesantuitthe Mms. F. L. Bragg and Mrs. Arthur Intermnt ut îiuyuo tnre 9th annual Eisteddfod held in Hanm- Saunders, Toronto, visited over the STINSON-Iti î.îuîiigton, i. îuu týir-uielil, ilton on Saturday when hie was weekend at M. W. S. Bragg's. on Thii hIay 2ii. 1930, l'honnas awarded lst prize and a purse of Ms ea1aso n Ms I- ni Y Stinson, îui I. <'trs uttr MissJeanDawon ad Mss Ml- amp~ton. -money in the baritone class. Bow- dred M. Lawrie. Toronto. were guests ROEl eci.u,.tt i, î,yIit nianville may well consider itself o r.J .Lwieoe h ek ROSE-91, i Nrtcti ,.S, igiero fortunate in having a man o o f Msm.. .i end litee wek ?,,] 1:31, Waiit A.Nicio nte Mlof Nicholas' musical ability ini ita midst. in iieîr 841h yeouir .He is in great demand for concert Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vansls'ke MARK-At th, -iu of lits i atîgltr. engagement-s and recently took parti were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert ireW . J.floiîiii rntrr.l, onl ît in a program ut the Royal York IVanslyke, Brighton. i a>;:0tl,. 19301. Mr .Iiohn îtr iHotel. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Melville, lrit;iin, lu lits STîli thear. iCampbellford. were recent guests Of ANDRUS it îti onlii. NiIbi lt Mrs. Atan Deiîîem. woleft o Mr 1-:1,ii l-î-tst I ltt Atirtsoitn Ie Tuesday for Allenhurst, N. J., a pop- AvMr and Mrs. Ralph Amnes, Carlisle And0s tanud tie lut, 1fiton Andrius, ular Atlantic coast ocean resoft to\vî. Av .nvîe. aget] 43 ý, ars. where she wlll assist lher mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Robbins, have BENNETT-li trl.iiiou SaiirlIa. Mrs. A. Mitchell. in operating a large returned from spending a week with 3Ia>- 3t'ut1:,1" . i-t ii, L..l-uei- summer hotel. was the guest of hon- lier brother. Mr. C. L. Brown, Detroit, I.,lotwhittîin lir:t tnt < or on two occasion during the past Mich. PRICE-in Oono, on Monday, .June week. On Thursday evening last Mr. Garland Lacey and Mr. Levi nl.ilt.(-oi- turtPt-.lIt-oii Mrs. Densem ;vas pleasantly surpris- Perry of Emmanuel College. 'Toronto, Itobnlnd of Violet MI. Ross. Interred hn ed by the members of the You-Go-I- are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fer- CRUatSE-titi i Ilut>- 3trt, 19311, Go Club who presented ber with sev- guson. attalIt renileucu- of hts sou. \11in, \V-- eral pieces of lingerie. Saturday ev- Mr. Goldwin Anderson. Miss3es ton, Thomasun Alin <iin luils 7tst y. ening the members of Rebekah Lodge Lucy and Isabel McMurtmy, Dý*.vîot, Iitu,-rdi<n tUion Xu.t-y Oshawa. also met at lier home ancL presented have been visiting at Mr. W. B. Me-. WERRY-At Wleii on uî -utli- hem ith Reekahgoldembem pn. Mrtr'>23rd,.Iio, 'Mhrgr-t Niibîutn. btlov- lie wth Rbeah ol eble pn.Murrys-il wif t-of Wm . W,-r. . lt, mutent -Miss L. M. Washington, Bethany. in t ii- i («iricne ('oîitttry'. Sistem-itt-law - as been spendintz a few days with o r...IL.Weiry, lIon ianvitle. friends in town guest af ~t B. M. _______________ Warnica. Mms. John Hyde, and son Harry, IN MEMORIAM Toronto. have been spendîng a week. WESTLAKE-In lot ing Yqemory of -with bei- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. joiiit Westlake, Nlto iiassed awîîy on ~ ,) ....McClellan. Ji- 35tlt, 1929. ~~ NN'.-tîîunk of you a. ne hsle, - Mms. Ross and Mm. Donald Rosa, Al] free fî-om grief anudlpatin, - -. -Mr. Guernsey McClellan. Toronto, .ýricj lnom- the hiappiy uays wili om ospent Sunday with Mm. and Mms. J. \Wlt,-u wtt shah 'inett.igtiiit \""~ ,<Mm and Mrs. Byron Moore, Tyrone, ks and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Bow- BRANTON-Iti loving îtteiiiory of our I~ ~umanville, spent Sunday with Mrs. dear dad, Henry J. Branton, who depamt- Wm. Wllias, Acon. d tItis lîfe lunre !,tIt). Win Wilam, Wo. e oflon st uand tltii tf > ot *Dm. and Mrs. Fred W. Crydemman, FoWhirnow r ste aIly l . i;n '0 Detroit, Micb., hav'e been visit-iuîgbis That vre cat cal] otîr owfl. brother, Mr. J. H. Cryderman who bls ivy on tîte with,-eth oak, retumned home with themn for a visit Whrn al] tltings else uecay. a iu the inotor city. Our love for you %viil stîlli bs greeii, And nevterfaue aa -Mr. C. M. Murdoff, Lindsay, Mr. -Sadly misat-u by Celia andDîck. and Mrs. S. R. Davey and Ileen, and ALYIloigm orof y Mr. nd rs. . NchosonNater-dear wifa, Bella Ha.nna Hamley, who ton, Mlch.. speut Sunday witb Mrs. îias.-id an-a>'Juie 4th, 1928. C. M. Murdoff and Miss Borea. *W. A. Hamnley. ~~~~~~~11 COING TO SHRINERS CONVENTION ? GARTON'S BUS WILL RUN DAILY To 224 Dufferin Street, Toronto,-just one block f rom Dufferin Street Entrance to Shriners' Headquarters at Exhibition Par'k. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i. 4 4 4 i :4 i i i i I i. r. P. --June 9 -13 BUS LEAVES BOWMANVILLE .............8 a. m. RETURN LEAVES TORONTO ..........10.30 p. m. Daylight Saving Time RETURN FARE $2.1,5 Make Your Reservations Early - Phone 346 or 412. With thousands of visitors in Tor-onto, motoring and parking will be veîry difflcult. Don't take a chance and be bothered xvith~ pOur oxvî cal ' hen you can ride in safety and comfort in Gartofl's Bus. T. A. GARTON, Proppiet - r. WRIGHT-In Io,.IUg zemory of Geom- gina Wright, who efl>red mb i-ut Jue 5t1l, 1925. ilother dear 1 tlîink of you, .And think of bow you dled, To tblnk vou coulda't sa>' goed-bye BEfore, yoîi closed your eyer. No one knows a motWirs womt Until shies taken from titis eartlî. W~hen 1 look ut youm picture a smile seema 10 5Say, Do not weep for me dear cbi]dren, We shah] meet agalun ome day. As I loved hier no t miss her, ln nîy remomy site Ilarm. toved, remembered, ionged for atwayB, Brlnglng many a sulent tear. -Sadly misseul by Hushanul, Sons anîd *Daîrgbters. WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY Vanstone's Mili 'will be closed ou Wednesday aftemnoons duriug June. July and August. 22-2 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE A LL PEftSO.',S havtng any claimi against tite Estuite ()f the Lite W illiam A. E. ]ayues, n-o is- on or abiout theu 2nîl îiay of March. 1929, ait tlu. Cil>' of West- mount in te Province of Queluec, ame rrqulred 10 titIthesairne nith proof thereof nilt iithe ondernigned-ih oîtheir solicitor flot 1at-- than June 16îlî, 1930, after n-hielîtî]dater thie 1'uta te i- w IIl.- s trihuteul antIai] ltlat of wblch, the Ad- minis]tatoîs thave flot recelveu1 notice nil] hie lia me I tis aguain.rt tI i-nu I iATEI i l t ownanvilîî tIis 2r luv uf May,. 19301 THE TORONTO GENERAL TRU'STS CORPORATION, Toronto, Administrators Wm. A. E. Raynes Estate B>' M. G. V. GOULD, Bowmanville, Ont. Their Solicitor. 23-1 Notice to Creditors n the Estate of Heniry Witheridge Foster % Il lpeeoins et vt fg clltii musa gîtnst ithe i*tuite of II,-nry %WIlli-ýriIg- Icoter.lte i, iT'lownrt f Ioliaul] t lbh- oi u - tf Illirii tt ii, uu Mau- l o diluIl tu ou 1r1;. 1..',tHI l diiriay of (icloiur, 1h8. r r.- eeti> ot i'-il 10 si-ni l ii t iti-un - il lon t,î, u-u, - r tht- 21e1 lui> of , ] ý3u 'l ut p rticilriuii of tuf Iir 'ut u -ly ufut l ,]1. u-uiuil !tî titi>' .Iîî.19:, ft,. ua4- týs tiof tii,- Tuuititor 'i it luth ciltur-,- iti - rt 'l itiplt ¶0 t-toi-s nuI, l liii t' flull-. I l-I adit inlinvil, hi,-uîs 2îîîl lui>f W. R. STRIKE, I Solicitor for ExecutorIl. Desirable Bu'siness -For Sale lu uî uitIîui htte)iIiscontiuie the radioi lu,.it -u til sel]lte usscts of lte E-nr' Suit, s Co. Titis Incîudes tbree .1f lii lî 1), i ,uiîo franchise-s, testlug lu- Struu'Itit. utI. Theme tare no secortd- 11;t1nîl mutîlioq or otlier dead stock btu rta ns-,- . îîooti.u nhtiti e leun auîIted uand t re ui]iun lu lntemtste<l partl t10show volumeat,'of isl dnsion,, Wl]]selî a t attrauctivue prive. Appli> C. E. Rebder, BonItian vil]," -21 -t f CARTING AND TRUCKING AU in tds of Carting, Tnaolng am Phone MO *~flin., Sewmanvlllu W-n» POSITION WANTED-Young girl wants pjosition, two years in 111gh School. iteady to acoept afte-r J une l5th. Apply to Hutit Hayman, tBrown St., Bon man- vill'. 3-P* POSITION WANTED - By an exper- !,sncedl young wonian as houbekeeper in a small farnily, in towfl or country at once. Apply A. L. B., Box 313. Iiw- manville. 2- WANTED-Young mnan for clerîcal pos- Ition in oIflc,-s iust 1have High School edlucation and furnish reference. Apply to Labor Dept.. Goodye-ar Tire & ltubber Co., Bowmanville., 23-1 Articles For Sale SEED BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE Ap- l' ait Tyrone .%llls. Phlone 18lr22. L. J. Goodnian. 23-2 FOR SALE-A modern len lbuse, 321 x 16, locatEle on Scugog St. & Middle Road. For particulars phone 219J. 20- AUTO FOR SALE-Oldsmobile sedan, laie 1927 model, first class shape, bar- gain for quick sale. Apply W. F. Quick. 1'lione 226. 21-t ENGINES FOR SALE-One Massey- Harris and one Sharpley Muir, both In lirst class condition, r-ai bargains, too. ('orbett Motor Sales. 21-tf FOR SALE-Quantill of ns-e.l brick- w-it , alnu -al ng and sn-,l DI Ieioîy lo- tuto,s. Aîî11(Ji-- liros. Ilion-13i. 1<. IL 3, Ilowinvîlli . 23-2 Real Estate For Sale HIOUSE FOR SALE - 7-roonurd brick liotîs, ,on Qm ,,rn 1t. 1ViIl se hapo \-ohiLng.ý for souiller one. ApI'ly o 485, lJuwmariville. 23-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-()ri Mnc St. East, NeNvcasle, 6-roonied brick cottage, with one acre of land, garage. etc. Apply to .Miss 'oîîcli, 50 Orton Place, Buffalo. 22 - 10i FOR SALE-7-roomed brick bouse, wireul for stovei and ilght, YÏ acre of land, nu \t to C-anning factory. Apply on t.remnises to E. G..'Mitchell, Hunt Street. llownuînvlle.21-3 To Let FLAT TO RENT-Fiv,, roonis, %vater- works, electric Iights. Apply Statesman Office. PASTURE FOR RENT-Itoî,s,, or, cai- 1 le. \ I'IIi J. Ii*l' itîn, Fiiimn St., -ow-, nian\ ili-. 23-P* TO RENT-1-roonued apartment, witlu * 'i al rt vi iin,s and t-led 1-iv sio,,in the lowan Block. Phone 270. 213 -1w * GARAGE TO RENT - Also ('hevrolet e.if,,] sWu. . cli-nît. Aî>ply 10 Mrs. J B. li-1,l. i trehli . \Vest, Bon - ntanville. 23-1 To RENT-4 rooms. ail conveieînces. wireul for elei-tric range-. Apply tb M.r Fr.. iii, -M%. Crydermnia. Silver Si., l4ow- nirauvilit- Phone 232. 23-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms, wat- erworks, bath, electric lights, located King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Ap- ply A. A. CoIwiIl. IZewcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-roomed bouse on Elgin St.. opposite public school, modern conveniences, possession June lst. Ap- ply F. Sutton, Elgin 'Et., Bowmanville. 19-tf of yoong cattle. Also young Durham cow. junt en,ýwed. foi, sale. AppI>' 10 W'. T. Perreti, Ila-ntîtou. Phone 376r34. 23-2Nw TO RENT-Furnishieul cottage to ent Rt flowmanville Beach (west side,), Jure 7th to 26th, $125 a day. Mms. F. W. Coucît, Ontario St., Bowmanville. Box 171. 23-1 STORE TO LET-Next 10 Royal Thea- tre. non- orcupleul by R. E. Logan. Pos- session Jutte 24th. Apply to J. J. MJason & Son, town. or 1Mrs. T. G. Mfason. 56 Palmerston Garileuns, Toronto. 23-2 Baby Chicks For Sale BABY CHICKS FOR SALE-From hlgh produc]ng stock, 225 eggs up. Anycue mequirlag Mn>' hatcheul ch~icks kindly phone 252J. F. W. Battie. Middle Road. 18-tf LAUNDRY WANTED AIl kînds or launary worlc dons prompt- y. satiBtsIttorIl3' and at reseonable price@ W7rPep oM Office Box 12. or cal Mrm. WV. Marjoram. King St. TC BowmsnvIlle. P-,p 479W Building Lots For Sale LOTS FOR SALE-Two very desirable Ibuilding lots, one on Centre Street and olter on Liberty' Street, good locations, c rentral. MusI be sold to wInd Up es- tate. App]y NMrs.' Normnan S. B. James. IPhone 35. 18-tf Il RICE & CO. HARDWARE ALLIN'S CORNER CROCERY We are prepared to give you prompt service, good variety of groceries, best quality and at reasonable prices. TIME TO BUY TURNIP SEED Our stock of Turnip Seed includes these varir ieties: Irish KIng, Grey Stone, Canadian Gem, Derby Bronze Top, etc., ail best quality and pric- at 80c and 65c lb. TRY BORDEN'S MALTED MILK With the sweet chocolate flavor, very nour- ishing, 53c tin. Hear Capt. Jimmy on CKGW Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.15 p. m. DO YOU LIKE OLIVES ? Then try a couple bottles of MacLaren's Plain or Stuffed Olives-2 boutles 25c. TOMATO PLANTS GETTING SCARCE Nursery advises us Tomato Plants are getting low. So you better order to-day or they may be all gone. LADIES SHOULD TRY THIS ONE Egg-O Ready-Mixed Cake, just add water, chocolate, spice and vanilla flavors, 25c - 1 lb:pkg FOR A QUICK DESSERT SERVE JUNKET No trouble to make, very tasty and easdly digested, assorted flavors, only 15c pkg. GET A GOOD STARI WITH CHICKS For a good substantial foundation feed chicks Ful-O-Pep supplies-:the best by test. Ask any successfu1 poiiltryman and he'1l recommend Ful-O-Pep. FRESH FISfi FOR FRIDAY HARRY ALLIN, Orocer PHONE 188 BOWMAN VILLE r - CJ.hic 5ummer Jjrocks We received Wednesday a brand new stock of Summer Wash Dresses bought to sell this week. Théy are exceptional good values, and the smartest styles and patterns we have seen thls season, al sizes, marked at $2.25 $3. $6. $6.5O $750 High Class Dresses Onîly 12 in this lot, individual model dresses, bought to sell at $20.00, mai ked down for quick selling this week at $15 000 BALANCE 0F HIGH CLASS COATS HALF PRICE ce» Si. MASON King St. N.xt to F. F. Morris Co. B'oîwanville Monday to Friday Inclusive PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1930 eGE SEVEN