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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIQJ-~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 5tb, 1930 tto ¶E BRIE$ s&G1UK)MS '*koxt l WI T~b ~ RTt OE os TLFè ct "II TIE HAND 0F TIME You can't push it back, but you can prolong your days by eating foods that keep the arteries soft and pliant, the muscles strong and vibrant and the mind clear and active. Shredded Whcat with milk supplies the elements that keep the body strong and supple -ceontains ail the needed vitamins and minerai saits for insuring health and strength. It's ready-cooked, ready-to- serve. Delicious for any meal, with milk or fruits. SHREDDED PlVeendedsogulckWSootha - p aj orlg e at "Newh SAIv"romdtgit o hy sk,i m!!i ia'sw "Aller >y .js of rleurnm, î~now in poefect heslth." errys Mr. A. Duch- arme. Thout.ands u-rile rheuosatIc tins, neurlîrs, vanish lise maglc wtb"Fruit.a rtives". Constipration, ladi- t etion end overnrght. Nerves quiet. ORONO <Froni The Ilews of May 29th.) Mrs. H. J. Hoidge of Lindsay is visiting ber sister. Mrs. Fred Tam- blyn. Mr. Milton Staples of Guelph was a weekend guest at Mr. C. A. Chap- man's. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Saunders and son Vernon, Toronto, spent the jweekend with friends here. The dance and euchre given by the Orangemen in the town hall Fni- day evening last was much enjoyed. Rev. Wm. Sterling and Mr. C. J. Tbornton attended the sessions of the Bay of Quinte conference in Co- bourg. Mrs. O. W. Rolph and Miss Helen Powers, A.T.C.M.. were guest artists at the .Bowmanville Music Club on~ Wednesday evening. ý The District cburch parade of the Sons of England will be held on Sun- day. June 8th, at 3 p. mi. to St. Sav- iour's cburcb, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mrs. Hoidge of Lindsay motored to Belle- ville last week to attend the gradu- ation of Miss Blanche Cryderman at Belleville Hospital.' The Orono and District Softball League opened their season with a game here on Tuesday between Or- ono East Side and Kirby, the latter winniflg 1* a close score. Mrs. J. H. Wesley of Toronto spent the weekend with ber aunt. Miss J. Carscadden, and other friends here. also visited ber brother, Mr. J. Car- scadden. Beech Ave., Bowmanville. Mýr. and Mrs. Adalph Henry. Mr.' Percy Lunn and Mr. and Mrs. S. M.I Hughes, the latter joining them at Dundas. motored ta Rochester. N. Y., where they visited friends over May 24th. The Kirby cburcb people in pre- paration for the Golden Jubilee cel- ebration whicb begins June 29th, are repairing and decorating the cburcb. Mr. Len Gamsby bas charge of the work. The Leakard football teani were defeated at Leskard by Bowmanville in their scbeduled game by a 4-0 score Wednesday evening. Quite a number from hert attended the match. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan, witb bis brother, Dr. George Gilfillan. and wife. matored to Kincardine for a weekend visit witb their sister. Missi Viola Gilfillan, teacher in Kincardine higb school. District L .0. L. semi-annual meet- ing will be held in Orange Hall, Newcastle. on Saturday, June 7th, at 8 P. m. wben arrangements will be made to attend the annual celebra- tion, July l2th, at Lindsay.. 1 Mr. C. W. Vinson was in town over Sunday on bis return from Avon- more, Ont., where he and Mrs. Vin- son attended the funeral o! ber father, Alexander McRae. Mrs. Vin- Bank of Montre, Makes Total Assets Are $822,599.648 -1 of Liabilitias to Public-Capital and Rest ACCount to $38,000,000- Gain For Half-year Periad. The half-yearly statement of the Bank of Montreal, makes a most in- teresting and reassuring exhibit. As is well-known, ail financial and banking institutions, with business in general, have had Lo face during the past six months the unusual condi- tions subsequent to the stock market crash, but it is evident from its statement that the Bank of Montreal bas been able to maintain its usual strong cash and liquid position and, in addition, to report satisfactory profits made for shareholders. The general statement, whicb is for the six months to April 30th. shows a number of changes. The paid-up capital now stands at $36,- 000,000, up fromn $34.548.760 a year ago. while the Rest bas been increas- ed ta $38,000.000 from $35.548.760, and is two million dollars above the paid-up capital. Increased Profits It is likely due to the larger capi- tal emiployed that the Bank has been able to report to shareholders sligbt- ly >xcreased profits for the six montbs. as compared with the cor- responding period last year. Pro- fits amounted to $3,543,017. up from $3.491.651. There were also receiv- ed in the six months payments of $51.459 as premiums on new stock. These amounts, when added to the balance carrjed forward, brought the total available for distribution up to $4.330.059. This was appropriated as f ollows: Dividends and intereat on instalment payments on new stock $2.167.586; amount credited to rest accounit $51.459; provision for taxes Dominion Government $229,- 979; reservation for bank premises $600.000; leaving the balance of pro- fit and loss to be carried f orward at $1,281,033. In the general statement of assets and liabilities. total assets are shown at $822.599.648, compared That which expects return la no gift. Trying to -ru away f rom a fancied iii ls as futile as a dog's chasing his tail. You can't fiy with the owls at night and keep up with th~e eagles in the day-tme. The sanie artist drew a picture of a chicken où a piece of paper and threw lt lu the waste basket and it Iwas so natural *t ust laid there. mother for a few weeks. An artist sat iu a theater behind a bald' headed man. During interanis- Misses Vera Si! ton and Esther si an he leaned :forward and with a Pearson o! Toronto were guests o! soft pencil, drew the picture o! a Miss Edra Best over the weekend. rabbiL, on the bald head and it was Miss Siftan at the morning service s0 natural everyone toOk it for a hare. o! Park 5t. Churcb favored the con -________________ gregation witb a beautifully rendered~ solo, "The Lord is my Shepherd.' Ofilcers and members of Orono Lodge. A. F. & A. M.. made a frater- nial visit Thursday evening, May 22, to Mizpab Lodge, Toronto, wbere tbey demonstrated the second de- gree. The bretbren repart a hearty reception and a most enjoyable timne. Mr. W. E. Davey announces the marriage a! bis daughter, Velma Ruth, ta James Dane Faund. The Imarriage toak place at the North Yange St. United Cburch Parsouage, Toronto, on Saturday, Apnil 19. 1930. The happy couple are residing in Oshawa, wbere Mr. Found is engag- ed with the General Motars. The Harticultural Society is great- ly encouraged by the success o! their first Tulip Show held on Friday a!- ternoan. May 23rd, in the Publicity Club. The display of splendid bloomis was admired by aIl and afternoon tea much enjoyed. The judge, Mrs. MJ.Tamblyn. awarded the pnize ta Mrs. A. A. Rolph svhose collection came bighest ini point of colorn vani- etY and conformation of fiower. Otheîr exhibits warthy of honorable mention were made by Mrs. J. R. Cooper. Mrs. C. G. Armstrong and Mrs. Gea. Mitchell. .Millers Worm Powde'r are swee-t rnI palataU!e ta children, who show no hesitancy in taking thern. They w-il.l certainrv y ring ail worm troublesý tri an end. T'hey tire a strengthen- inzr andl stinîîîlatingz medicine-, cor- 1-'cinîr the rlîýor<ler-,rf digestion 'hat the w4voîmn cause andl inparting a healt.'n, tone to the systein ioF ,t t. nfiatudevclopnient.1 OBJTUARY Joseph W. Chapman. Kirby The- death o! Joseph W. Chapinan,1 well known farnier. and lifelong resi- 1 dent of Kirby Section, on Thiiurscay. 't-. v15 ?.ramxvth ch rtiing sud- IvIflat rivx a.ndlfriends. Jo?. ':: îr;.olvkrown. bad brin"f.- The frm-ýr*il Tef-î'îi'th 1 o~ ii-îa rai e-, Id j ' lby>y~ltI'în t 'k place, (),'a ~' r-" v I tto ii ,trn t> ltr-' s,îrioxiîr,'w îrow - )n(l -' '- rtEdmoil Ba11. De- d o a 'i hi, 76t h yeair. j ait b -tc Y~ ' h i.-i -. < ~ tu--,an-I th'e ax% fuI v < -j? îîh <i < andl pi»,t.t vr r-!(ý afnsPr.J. 1. >. e1lrtgz'ý,%.thm r-n y. Thr- rtln<,soothing smùke t "' <rrP'(t e.leaî-. the Ipas-j '3i itsand vives tuntreld relief. It bas hehindJ it Yeaîar; of succe.'s. lt 1< the eure reyne<ly for c-very sufferer. ai Statement YStrong Exhibit IÀquid Assets Are Over 51 Per Catt 1Has Been Increased to $36.000,000 -Profit and Le"a Accotant Shows %vitb $915.705,653 a year ago. 0f this, liquld assets are reported atr $373.450.296. equivalent to 51.03 per 1cent of liabilities to the public. In- icluded in theni are cash holdings of $94.421.408, ecjual to 12.90 per cent f of public liabilities. Current Loans Hlgher At the same time there is a some- what unexpected increase in current loans and discounts in Canada and these now are reported at $335.301,- 194, up from $314.464.137. While a portion of this increase may be at- alsote knonthet theresisuatinires tributed onthe wtheatistat ionit s ed tendency on the part of large cus- tomers to avail theniselves of bank- ing accommodation.N U As was to be expected, with the change in the general credit situa- tion throughout the world, the most important variations are in the calH O P loa dpatmnSHOLl oas PUan ada are down ta $27.460.856 f rom $39.359.779, and cal bans in Great Britain and the Utited States have Om o 1 been reduced to $68.028.615 from q $139.974.369. At the same time. bal- ances due to banks and banking correspondents elsewhere than in Canada - which to a great extent represented deposit6 temporarily placed on this side due to bigher boan rates - are now down to $9.- 660,804 from $35.597.167. Total deposits are now $688.067.-j 752. 0f this amount deposits bear- 418,937. re$4585,27an d-pIILLIPS W posits not bearing interest $130,- 1 ~ IAG'~ The statement, with its many fea- : tures of strength, could hardly make FrTobe its appearance at a more opportunedu oAi tume, and on this accounit the lead- >CISOA ing financial centres of the world will H EADACE undoubtedly welcome the opportun-' AUE ity of seeing how fully this nation- ~uSA TWO wide institution has taken cane of a situation involving many unusual, conditions. What many people cal1 indigestion very often means excess acid in the stomach. Tlhe stomnacli nerves have been Edgar Pascoe, East Whitby town- 1 over-stimnulated, and f ood sours. The ship, had 13 sheep -worried and kil] I corrective is an alkali , which neutral- ed by dogs. izes acide instantly. And the best alkali 1known ta medical science je Phillipe' Mr. Burt D. Taylor, Toronto, lor- Mik f Magsia. It bas remnained the merly of Bownaanville, was ele.cted s.tan!d.0ard ith physicians in the 50 Vice President of the National Ar, jar since its invention. sociation of fPiano tuners et Vdheir 7eçne apoonful of this harmles!, 1Lute- convention in Rochester, N. Y. - Tt XVill Prevent Ulcerated Throat. Persian Balai is alluringly fragrant. -At the first symptoms o! sore1 Adds a charming refinenient ta the throat, which presages ulceration and most finished appearance. Creates inflammation, take à spoonful of Dr. ansd preservies comyplexions of sur- Thomas' Eclectric 011. Add a little passing loveliness and texture. So!- sugar ta it ta nieke ît Tt teins and whitens the hands. Cools will allay the irritation and prevent and dispels ail irritation caused !by the ulceration and swelling ha ae weatiher conditions. ýSwiftly e!bsorbed sopainful. Those who werre llper- by h, tissues leaving neyer a vestige iodically subject to quinsy have thus of stickiness. A peerless toilet re- made theniselves immune ta attack. quisite. Invaluable toa all women who care for elegance and distinction. would Your pride prompts you to keep vour hair wl groomed... then for the same reason smartefl your <juil, unpolished shoes regular!y iwith a glossy "Nugget" shine -waterproofs the shoes as it polishes. ien Pain ornes >hours after eating leas alkali in water will neutralize in- stantly many times as rmnch acid, and the symptonis disappear at once. You will neyer u se crude metlîods when once you learn the efficienc. of thie. Go get a small bottie te, try. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excel acide. Eacb bottle contains f ull direcs tion&s-any drugstore. TheWek dysae iYetdy mnd Toniorrow, hdodemn Crnsaders W HAT a colourful array, and what a formidable one, were the crusaders who foughtto free the Holy Land f rom the Saracens. Mail-clad knights, with plumes nod- ding from their burnished helmets, rode forth on gaily caparisonçd chargers, eager to break a lance with their foemen. To-day Brantford Roof- ing leads a crusade against ugliness and the Fire men- ace. Brantford Asphait Siates with their vibrant colour harmonies are banish- ing forever the drabness of old-fashioned roofs. But they are doing more than giving unsurpassed Beauty to roofs. They are reducing Fire Risk to a neg- ligible quantity. Flying sparks and flaming brands cannot ignite these siates. Nor can the elements wreak damage upon Brant- ford Asphait Siates which are impervious to rain, sleet Sun and snow. They will not curi, bulge, shrink or swell. Their strength and beauty remain undiminished year after year. Arrange TO-DAY to have these handsonie, massive slates applied right over your old roof. This may save you hundreds of dollars in re- pairs ta ceilings, walls and interior decorations. Write for your copy of the Bock- let 'Beauty with Fire Protection" -a comprehensive treatise on the proper type, design. finish and colour for your roof. Eraniford aRoofs, Brantford Rooding Co. 1Umid, Head Oefce end Pactory j Brantford, Ont. Brmxb- Offieu adWarebouaes: Toeemmea.Windéor. Wimmipce ,Moafremi.H.hf*à. SaintJohn*. Nà..&M dSt. joha'.. N"d For Sale by IRICE & CO* e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1930 PAGE EIGF- RMIROVE Rm) IMEIUN

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