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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1930, p. 1

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~a~na~b ta i1;ai With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News ITV T 'V«VITT -Nrf A T A 1ft'MPO,9, 0,0TQ Pîlilicprcq BOWXM MNVILLEK ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE l2th, 1930 Vol. LAAVI Mv. Ai. d1i1IV J J.JN3,Lb &T-. .-- HOSIERY ! Coats is now lirnited, so if you new coat at a big reduction in They'll not last long at these HOSIERY SPECIAL A veî'y special line of full fashioned hose, regular $1.50 a pair, reduced this week to $1.25 HOSIERY! Specially good line of Silk Hose at ...........75c Orient, Mercury & Allan A Hose from 75c to $2.00 RAYON, CELANESE AND PURE SILKS Printed Rtayon Silks and Celanese, 50c to $1 .35 yd. Pure Silk Materials frorn........$200 to $2.50 yd. NEW SPRING SUIT $16.50 TO $39.%50 Here are Spring suit val- ues that will interest thse man who wants fine quai- ity and fit at a sensible price. Fabrics of com- ortable weight and re. markable wearing quali- tics . . . worsteds, cassi- Ineres and twist weaves in thse latest patterns and shades . . . correct single and double-b re ate d styles in sises and propor- tions ta fit ail figures perfectly. Sec Chis beau- tiful new Sprini assort- ment and select your suit at a decided saving. MEN'S TOP COATS $12-50 to $27.50 Boys' Windsor Suits Made ta measure are greatly admred and oei- ing f rom Yeu cannot find better clothing values . t ee theni and be convinced. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman PHONE 104 LIMITED DOWMAN VILLE LADIES' SPRING COATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES k H. G. Macklin. President. K. E. Courtice, Secretamy. B. H. S. "ISCREECH OWL" WEST DURHAM INSTITUTE Annual Meeting at United Churcli, North Nestieton, Tuesday, June 17th. The annual mneeting of West Dur- hamn Women's Institute will be lield in the United Church, North Neatie- ton, on Tuesday, June l7th, at 10 a. m. standard tiine. Election of officers and general 1business. Special speakers for this meeting will be Mis E. Hopkins, Lindsay, aise Mrs. W. Eades, Coboconk, Fedes'ated Rtepresentative, is expected to be present. Dinner will be served by Neztlçton ladies. President-MTs. J. R. Cooper, Or- ono; Se'cy.-Tres.-Mrs. Perey Van- Camp, Nestieton. 23-2 THURS., FRI. and SAT. JUNE 12 - 13 - 14 The original Gold Digger of Broadway Winnie Lightner in "SHE COULDN'T SAY NO"9 A Singing. Talking Bomabshell of Entertainmeflt. MON., TUES. and WED. JUNE 16 - 17 - 18 Dorothy MacKailI in "«STRICTLY MODERN" A lively comnedy-dramna with this likeable star at ber best. j Matinee Monday at 4 p. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 P. nm. Evenings at 8 and 10 p. m. Daylight Sav'ns Tîme. CON VENTION DURHAM COUNTY PROHIBITION UNION will be held at TOWN HALL, ORONO on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 2 p.m. standard time SPEAKERS: Mrs. Gordon Wright, President Canadian W.C.T.U. Rev. A. J. Irwin, B.A., B.D., D.D., Secretary Provincial Union Musical numbers will be rendered during the afternoon. Public Cordlally Invited iety were greatly privlliged in liaving as their speaker, an Monday evening Mre. Menzies o! Honan, China, who gave a very intemesting address on lier experiences and observations in China, o! the difficulties encountered in the work in the sdhools, hospitals, etc., and tise !ar-readhing influence o! the teachers and missionaries as illustrated by incidents coming under lier own observations. She also spoke ofa the eagerness witli whicli many a! these« people seek after the mes- sage o! the gospel comparing It wltb the tadiffemence o! many in our 0wn land who seeming-ly treat it witli in- difference. Musical numbers werE fumnlshsed by Miss Helen Williams ir piano solo and Mrs. Geo. L. Hall ir vocal solo. Rev. Dr. Best, ministei presided in lis usual genial manne: A number o! the members o! Tinit3 Y. W. accepted the invitation o! St Pauls and enJoyed tise evening tc- gether. Refresisments were semved ai the close and a social hour enjoyec by ail. Special meeting o! the Home anc 'Scisoal Club wmll be held an Wednesm day, June l8th, at 8 p. m. in th( Public Scbool. Ail members are mc. quested to attend as important busi- ness is to be discussed. The 9th Volume Of Hlgh School Year Book Edited by Students Is An Excellent Edition The launching forth of the 1930 edition and 9th volume of theý 'Screech Owl" is ithe culmination o! several weeks' insplred endeavouri and concentration on the part o! the editorial staff. We congratulate the latter. along wltIs the other pupils and teacliers of Bowmanville Higli1 School on producing a year book whlch is in no way inferior to f or- mer editions, and is in every way a worthy exponient o!f*wbat a Higli School magazine should bc. Staff o! the Screech Owl comprises Consulting Editor - Miss E. M. Sted- man; Editor-In-chlef - Winnilred Ricisard; Associate Editors - John Jury and Betty Morris; Business Manager-Kennetli Morris; Assistant Morley Vanstone; Consulting Busi- ness Manager-Jackr Minore; Advem- tisîng Staff-Winnle Lancaster, Greta Munday, Robert Corbett, Douglas Adams; Secretamies-Rutis Hayman, Violet McFeeters; Alumni Editor- Margaret Dicirson; Student Activit- ies- Nellie Kirirton: Who's Who- Muriel Henderson; Girls' Athietics- Beatrice Cryderman; Boys' Atlletics- Herbert Colmer; Circulation Manag- er- Jabez Vanstone; Chucirles- Ada Allin; Exchange Editor-Mamion RicIr- ard; Form Representatives, V.-Law- rence Ashton; IV-Kenineth Osborne; III-Bill Ingram; IIA-Elsie Carruth- ers; IIB-Edward Bagnel: IA-Dor- othy Edgar; IB-Chester Jury. (Continued on page 4) W. D. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Semi-Annual Meeting in Town Hall Thursday Evening, June l9th. Diectors, members and other citi- zens wishing to affiliate with the West Durhsam Agiicultumal Society are eminded that the semai-annual meeting will be held in Council Roor Bowmanville, on Thursday, June 19, at 7.30 p. m. standard time. The express purpose o! tis gathering il to lay plans for holding the Bow- manville Fair on Friday and Satur- Iday. Sept. 12 - 13. To put this exhibition across the way it should go requires the united effort of every public spirited persor in this comnunit-town and rural. Don't expect the other fellow to do any more than you are prepared t( Ido yourself. Show vour willin'ness tn do your Ipart by being at r1 i'eeting next Thursday niglit. It makes no di!- ference if you're a member or not, come anyway. Geo. F. Annis, Presi- dent: C. H. Mason, Secretary. MISSIONAEY EVENING vte on the purchase o! the local t Hydro system? cdl Answer: Monday. June 23rd, f rom 9 a. mn. to 5 P. m l 15. Will a public meeting be iseld id to discuss the Hydmo purdliase? s-1Answem: Yes, in the Opema House, ie1 on Friday, June l3th, at 8.15 p. m., e:when men f ully conversant witl thse ;-1Hydlra situation in Eastern Ontario ,iill speak and answer questions cit- izens care to asir. N. B-If tbcre are any fuirtber, questions ratepayers would like tu ask pertaining to the Hydro by-1aw and will send thein to The States,- man by Monday we will endeavor to bave them an.swered in our next is- sue. THE CHURCHES Tmlnity United Churcb-Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor. Sunday Services: 11 a. ra.-Preaching service and bible scbool; 7 p. m.-Preacliing service. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcli, corner Temperaride and Churcli Sts. Sunday Scisool at 10 a. m.; Morning woship il a. m.*, Evening worship 7.30 P. m. Rev. Tisos. H-. Rogers, Toronto, wlll preacis at botl services. st. Paul's Cliurcis-Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Ministel'. il a. m.- Momnlng WorshiP-"ýIn tise Time o! Trouble": 7.30 p. m.-Evening Wor- ship-'2How Our Vlew Depends On Our Point o! Vlew"; 11-12.30--Sun- day Scisool. THE SALVATION ARMY opening o! New Citadel by Coin- missioner James Hay, supported bY Hie, Worship the Mayor and members o! Town Council on saturday, June 2lst, 1930, at 7.30 P. uM. Speclal services sunday and foilowlng week. Watcis for furtiser announcement. Mm. and Mrs. Norman McGUi and Miss Marion Piokard, Janetvfile. and Miss Lamna McGiUl, Toronto Causer- vatary o! Music, were weekend visit- tors of Mr. and m. A. w. Picirard. technics, agent for Rogers Battery- less Radios, lightnlng motor trans- port, love a! dogs and hunter o! wlld animale. Billy bas recentl.y installed one o! tise newest Neon signs whlch stands out so promlnently It almost talks. Tlie exterior o! the store is also being lmproved with a coat a! paint. 1' LO1 N TEWS r7 t. i 1 Our stock of are looking for a price corne early. prices. a 0 0 Public, Meeting TO DISCUSS PtJRCHASE 0F HYDRO SYSTEM IN BOWMANVILLE wll be held in tise OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY, JUNE l3th. at 8.15 p. m. Dayllght Savlng Time 6 SPEAKERS: FRANK MASON, Ex-Mayor, Oshawa_ GORDON D. CONANT, Ex-Mayor, Oshawa and a R.(epresentative from the Hydro Commission LEARN FACTS ABOUT THE HYDRO By attending thie meeting and hear these speakers. An oppotunity wiil be given citizens ta ask questions pertain- lng to tise purdhase o! system. Free and open discussion will be welconsed by tise speakers. CITIZENS SHOULD ATTEND THIS MEETING M. J. ELLIOTT, Mayor. Il *1 LIBERALCONVENTION A meeting of the Liberal Association for the County of Durham wilI be held in Town Hall, Orono SATURDAY, JUNE 14 1930, at 2.30 p. m. (standard time) For the purpose of the election of offiters, the nomination of a candidate for the ensulng election, and the transaction of other business. SPEAKERS: Addresse will be dellvered by: J. C. McRuer, K. C., Toronto F. G. Sanderson, M. P., St. Marys, Government Whip and othfers. A hearty invitation is extended to ail, particularly ta the ladies. who are in sympathy wth the policies of the governnent of the Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. On behaif of the Executive Committee of the Association E. S. SENKLER, GOD SAVE THE KING. Sceay QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TEACHER GIVEN UNDE§IRABLE ABOUT HYDRO [AND UNCALLED-FOR PUBLICITY 1. Who are eligible to vote? School Board Exonerates IMss Colla-N Answer: Every voter who is shown cott of Charges Laid By Parents in the Voters' Lst as an owner. . Adptto !prnscnitn 2. How much is the Town payingoA Mesdaes J.fNicres on .ise-n for the local system? o edmsJ ikroG ie Answr: he um ! $1.00 rise man, C. Mason, F. Calver, Wood- by debentures spread over 20 years waranLrinadM.F.Cl wit inerst ayale1/2yealyat hever, waited on the Public School witaite rest3/7opybe er a rly Thes Board at its regular meeting last rateof ¾ % per nnun. hisweek and laid charges of ill-treat- j mens aylg te su o!$5,7'?.08ment their children had alleged to each year for 20 years. . have received f romn Miss Marjoriec 3. What does the purchase price Collacott, teacher at the South Ward include? School. It was a lively and animat-1( Answer: Wlres, poles, meters, ed meeting in which each motherC transformers, office equipment, util- told her story in a most dramaticf lty equipment, etc., withln the muni- and impressive manner as to how lier cipality. children had supposedly been iUl-t 4. Who fixed the purchase price treated. and how was lt arrlved at? A report of the meeting written in Answer: The Engineers o! the Hy- 'a most sensational and one-sided odro Commission; and is the same manner appeared in an out-of-town; amount as shown in their auditors' daily which presented Miss Collacott statement as being the net value of mn a very uncailed-for and unfair the local system. Independent ap-j position, particularly when she was praisals by other municipalities con- not at the meeting to defend herseif. templating purchase of local plants1 At a special meeting of the Board have shown the Hydro appraisal to held Tuesday night to hear the de- be reasonable. fense of Miss Collacott an entirely 5. How will the amount be raised? different aspect was given the case. Answer: The amount will be paid Miss Collacott in a straightforward f rom the earnlngs o! the local sys-'way dealt with each charge prefer- tem. red against her in such a convincing 6. WiUl it affect the local taxes in manner that the Board were unani- any waymous in upholcing her actions, ex- Answer: The municipal taxes wiil onerated her from ah charges made flot be affected one cent, either mnore agamnst her, and expressed confi- or lssas te dbentresare aiddence in her abiity to keep order in fr rom the eears ftre syatem ithe school. 7. If the by-la s pahesyse m Miss Collacott was supported in 7. I theby-lw i pased fomber remnarks by Mrs. B. M. Warnica, wbat date does the town begin to be school attendance officer, and Miss credlted with runnlng the system? Margaret McGregor, assistant teach- Answer: June lst, 1930, and f rom er at the South Ward Scbool. that date the town will be credited In future the School Board wil Iwith the en tire revenue. i be weil advised to suppress such out- 8. Is the equlpment to be pur- breaks whicb are supposed to have cliased !rom the Hydro modern and emanated before from the same in good shape? source wbo bas the reputation of be- S Answer: We are assured both by ing a chronic and habituai agitator. the Hydro engineers and by the local ____ representative that the local system neyer was in a better shape and that LOCAL AN OTHERWISE ahl maintenance and repair is up to edate. . Cobourg tax rate for 1930 is 51 s 9. Why is it that the Hydro will milis, an increase of 3 mills due to sell a business to the town f oi $71.- higlier county tax levies, law ex- 000 that shows a yearly profit of penses and deficits. ef rom $15,000 to $18,000? Summer session o! Counties Coun- Answer: Hydro was first establish- cil o! Northiumberland andl Durham ed to allow the municipalities to sec- will open at Cobourg, Monday a! ter- ure power at cost. The Hydro was noon, June 16th. 0neyer meant te, maire a profit for it- Mr. George B. Clapham, former 0self but to pass it on to the muni- resident o! Bownianville and brother cipality. The municipalities in West- of Mrs. W. J. Morrison will sing over .ern Ontario have been reaping this radio station W. G. R. at Buffalo on :benefit for years. Bowmanviile is Saturday, June 14, 21 and 28 at 7.15 -now being given the same opportun- p. m. Mr. Clapliam now lives in Buf - ity. falo and is a soloist at LaFayette 10. WiIl the purchase by the Presbyterlan Church. i. 1 former Town of the local system lower the friends and acquaintances wlll look rates in town? forward te hearlng his brillant bar- Answer: Yes, the rates wiil be low- itone voîce over the air. ered in the course of a year pr two. I Ed. Witheridge and PRalpl Ames il. How wiil the local system be' are up to their old tricks again. At ,g managed and mun if purdhased by a church tea at Columbus on June ýg the Town? 2nd. in whlch horse shoe pltching * Answer: It wlll be managed by a was an a ttraction, this local pair of * commission elected by the ratepay- barnyard golfers cleaned up every- * ers. thing in slght including some of the betshoe-tossers i tedistrict.In d 1.What nelghbormng municipal- cîdentally they won first prize and a , tehave purdhased their local sys- $5.00 pair o! cuff linkrs eadh whldli ýe tems f rom the Hydro during the past will be an added attachment and Ls f ew years, and have the rates been decoration to their Sunday-go-meet- r since lowered in these municipalities? nwadoe te nswr: ellvileLindsay, Osh- Bowmanvllle's principal business Ly awa. The rates have been lowered, street is getting more like Broadway in al thse mnicialites.every day wlth its Great White Way h 13. What control, if any, does the o! illumlnated slgns. Over a dozen rn Hydro Coniission retain over the, electric signs of varlous types and local system after the purchase by szsmynwb pte nete re szsmynwb pt nelh ntbe Towni? sde o! King street. The latest pro- Ln Answer: The Hydro Commission gr(essive mercliant prince to adopt Inr will supervise the local system, and this modern method o! attracting at- r. gives the local commission every as- tention to lis store is W. J. BagneUl t j sistance ln the operation o! same. 1of the Grand Central whose business 14 Wnt dte re te uouetoiicceam vnecndr, mtalero pyro 5c a Copy No. 24 $2.00 a Year in Advance Mrs. L. A. Tole is spending a week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. G. W. Taylor, Tomonto, visited is sister, Mrs. W. J. Clemens. Mm. Sam Hoar, Toronto, recently visited is sister, Mms. S. Candlem.' Mrs. E. C. Southey, Saily and Jim- mie, are holidaying at Lake Coudh- ichlng. Mi's. Agnes Wmenn is visiting Mrs. R. Tudor, Toronto, and Is enJoylng lie Shrilners dolngs in the Queen City. , Mrs. Jas. G. Ricirard and Mrs. T. C. Clemence are vlsiting the fommer's laugliter, Mrs. H. G. Martyn, Strat- ford.e Rev. J. W. Bunner lias been at- tendlng Tomonto Conference sesions and the Shriners' Convention and visiting f mlends. Mrs. L. Jukes (nee Amy Blanchi- ard) and daughter Nomma, Wlrii:peg, Man., vlsited their aunt, Mrs. W. J. Clemens, on Sunday. Miss Margaret Foster and Miss Edna Emmerson, and Miss Mildred Lawrie, Toronto, spent the weekend witli Mrs. J. N. Lawrle. Miss B. M.-Sargent o! thse Public School teadliing staff, wlio has been il at lier home in Peterboro for some weeks. lias resumned her duty. Mrs. Jennie McGibbon and daugh- ter Margaret, Toronto, were mecent guests o!flier brother and sister-In- law, Mm. and Mrs. W. E. Armistrong. Dm. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastle attended the graduating exercises o! Toronto Univemsity wlien their claugliter, Miss Dorothy Bonnycaâtle, obtained her B. A. degree. Mm. and Mrs. William Wallace, Oshawa, announce the engagement o! their daugliter, Kathryn Leone, te Mr. Horace C. Nobbn.a son o! Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nobbin, Gaît, thse marriage to take place this month. . Rt. Wor. Robt. White, Past Grand Master o! the Orange Lodge o! Al- berta, is spending a week in Durham county and will visit Bowmanville Purpie Guards Lodge on Frlday niglit. Full attentlance mequested. Mrs. Jas. G. Ricirard, town, and Rev. and Mme. Roy Ricirard, Pickrer- ing, attended tise Convocation a! Toronto University an Fmlday when the formem's grandson, Mr. Howe Martyn, Stratford, reçeived bis de- grees and scholarshlps mentloned ta ilast week's Statesman. Miss Aileen Wight, daugister a! Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wighit, is mecelv- ing congratulations in passing wltis honors (76 marks) the Junior Piano- forte Examination in Music, held at tise Ontario Ladies' College, Whltby. on June 4th. Aileen is a pupil o! Mrs. J. Albert Cale, A.T.C.M.. A.O. C.M., Bowmanvlille The engagement is announced In Pasadena, California, o! Vera Mar- guerite. daughter o! thme late Mr. and Mm. James Lawrle o! Bowmanville, to Mr. Winsten Josephs Leachi, son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Leach, Pal- myra, N. Y. The marriage will taire place on June 20, at Santa Barbara, Cal. Milss Vera Nieli, who won a Rocke- f eller sdliolarship when she graduat- ed in China, and is now taldng a post graduate course in Public Health in Toronto, accomPanled Miss Marjorle Robins o! Toronto University for a weekend visit at the Parsonage. She delighted Trinlty congregation on Sunday morning by singing tlie fav- orite solo "My Tasir." Mr. and Mms. J. F. Martin, Detroit, Midi., Mr. and Mme. Fred T. Ashton and daugliter Jean, Toronto, form- emly o! Enfleld, gave us a f mlendly cail on Wednesday. Mr. Martin is a native o! Bowmnanviile, being a son o! Richard Martin who conducted a confectionery and bakery business ta the store now occupied by Mrs. F. Batemaqs, opposite Kerslake's Drug Store. Mr. Martin says lie was born in a frame building where A. L. Nids- olls' store now stands. This is thse first visit lielias made to bis native town ta 53 years and if It lad not been for the Shrlners' Convention lie would not have been here now. He lias been employed for many yeams with the Detroit News. si r

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