- --- --w -n.~. .flC~. mou THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNMNVILE, THUR.SDAY, JUNE l2th, 1930 -mmuE4 4 m Ià e BETTER ORDER ANOTHER TON OF LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal T'hat Satis fie The old coal bin and the furnace have cer- tain]y lad a long spell of it this winter. Yet it isn't ail over now as there will be plenty of cold days and nights ahead. So better lay in another ton or two of Lehigli Valley Anthracite-The Coal That Satisfies. Our' drivers are caî'eful not to l'aise a dust or make unnecessary muss. We seli -Coke. Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. Headquarters f or Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2 Bowmanville Dean Sinclair lÀalrd's Seventh Aunual Ail Expense Tour AIL Bapea.Ram OàA Oe Mo<sùquoied soneflpoeSao. You wi travel by adMý . tbrough Canada's indus -Mt thro ugh the Rockles Sth çrowI Banff, LakeLoiead z toVp.coue and Victoria ... wcat b aS east byanter... Over Canada', Scenic Route D..n SMnlarLar, doold s. .P.O.. Q....or Aay Canadian Pacifie Agent, or Wk. FuLuwo, Assi. Geeral Pa.sengar Agmni ToRomno, Om If FINAL CLOSE OUT 0F E C BANKRUPT STOCK SAL SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JUNE l4th EXTRA SPECIALS for THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Extra Special For THURSDAY 156 pairs of Womeii's Shoes in a vaî'iety of styles, in patent, bl'k and brown kid, îreg. sold at $5,00, To clear on Thursday $2.98 M e n's light-weight Oxfords and Woî'k Boots, Thursday OnIy $1,98 Extra Special For FRIDAY Women's % com f o r t- able house shoes, 1 Stl'aI, black kid, low heels, î'ubber top lift, sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, (no half sizes), Extra Special 99c Men's Khaki Pants, reg. $2,50 quality, Extra Special $1.49 Men's Work Shirts, î'egular $1,00, To Clear Friday 59c Extra Special For SATURDAY Women's white can- vas shoes, with leath- et' soles, in high, cub- an or low heels, reg- ular $3.50, On Sale $1.98 Men's silk and lisle Sox to clear/Saturday 4 pairs for $1.00 EXTRA SPECIAL FOR FINAL CLOSE-OUT WEEK Imported Japanese Cotton Sox for Men To Clear at 9c a pair. WE HAVE SLASHED THE PRICES AGAIN 0F Men's Running Boots Boys' Running Boots Women's Tennis Shoes Children's Sandal Running Shoes ROYAN'S SHOE STOREN OPPOSITE BOWMAN HOUSE BOWMAN VILLE DISTICT MEET AT OSHAWA In the junior section of the Dis- trict Meet at Oshawa, Harold Colmer won the 100-yard dash and the 220-1 yard dash and placed second In thej 10w hurdles. The relay tEanM of Harold Calmer. Winton Bagnell. Douglas Adams and Donald Williams won the junior relay race in 50 2-51I sec. beatlng the standard by two sec- onds. Competing in the intermed- iate class, Herbert Colmner won the 220-yard dash and came second in the 100 yards. These flve boys reach- ed the standards set. by the Ontario Athletic Commission and wiUl con- pete in the Ontario Charnpionship at Hamilton in August, having their expenses paid by the Commission. HOING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club flew their sixth old bird race on Sat- urday, June 7th, froru Caradoc, Ont., distance 158 miles air Une, wltU these results: Wm. Wallace, 3 Urs, 38 mins, 45 sec. Wm. Wallace, 4 Urs, 4 mins, 37 sec. F. Bottreli, 4 hrs, 8 mins, 16 sec. Pete Woolner, 4 Urs, 8 mins, 17 sec. Woolner Bros., 4 hrs, 8 mins, 18 sec. F. Bottreil, 4 Urs, 9 mins, 6 sec. Woolner Bros., 4 bis, 9 mins, 24 sec. Len. Richards, 4 bis, 9 mins. 58 sec. Len. Richards, 4 Urs, 10 mins, 55 sec. Pete Woolner, 4 Urs, il mins. 13 sec. BE A BOOSTER When a community becomes "dead" the f act is written all over it. Residents may trY and conceal thel true condition but to visitors they are! quite apparent. And once a town be- cornes "dead" it neyer stages a corne- back. Its residents are neyer pros- perous again, and those who possess foresight move to another town where more possibilities are pres- ented to themn. Bowmanville is a growing and prosperous community. It is for thp residents of this town to say whether or not progress will con- tinue. The merchants and business- men are the backbone of its success. On their business depends the pro- gress of the community. A prosperous community is the saine as a success- f ul. large corporation. The residents of Bowmanville are the stockholders of the town. The merchants are the directors. If the business, as oper- ated by the directors. shows large profits. the residents will receive I the benefits in dividends. A stock- holder who does his personal busi: ness with another f irmn and buys; Uts goods in cities outside, acts in! opposition to hîs own interests. It 1 would be a foolish move in business.1 Residents of this town buy in other places because they do not realize the harm they are doing themselves in doing so. Public spirited residents should instruct their neighbors. Tel them that you buy here and get bet- ter value for your money than they do in other places. Build up for in- creased civic dividexuls. Boost Bow- manville and Bowmnville merch- ants. Teach your child to Uold Uts tongue, He'll learn fast enough to speak. -Poor Richard. ROTARY CLUB OFFICERS Committees Selected For Comlng Year Wlch Starts JuIy lst. The newly elected officers of Bow- nianville Rotary Club which are com- posed of the following directors: President-E. H. Brown; Vice Presi- dent-D. R. Mornison: Treasurer- C. H. Mason; Secretary - Al Campbell; and Directors-F. c. Van- stone, J. C. Devitt, C. T. ROSS, Fred Cryderman and W. R. Strike, met at the club headquarters in the Bal- moral Hotel Monday night. Among the business transacted was the sel- ectmng 0f the following standing contmittees and making these ap- pointments: Aims and Objects-Fp. F. Morris, Geo. Chase, T. S. Holgate, J. H. H. Jury. Vocational Service-F. F. Morris, F. O. Mcllveen, W. R. Strike. Classification-M. H. Minore, T. E. Flaxman, T. B. Gllclu'ist. Programme--Qeo. W. James. L. W. Dippeli, G. E. Reaman. Rotary Information-J. U. Robins, D. R. Morrison, J. C. Devitt. Athletic-.ci. A. Edmondstone, C. T. Ross, Alan Campbell. Song Leader-W. R. Strike, Assist- ant-M. S. Dale. Membership-W. P. Corbett, Harry Allin, M. W. Comstock. Fellowhip-T. H. Knight, who will appoint a Rotarlan each week to per- formdutes f welcoming visitors. Attendance-W. L. Elliott, C. H. Mason, M. S. Dale. Editorial-Alan Campbell, who will appoint an associate editor each month. Pianist-D. R. Morrison; Assistant --C. W. Slemon. Boys' Work--C. E. Rehder, F. C. Cryderman, J. C. Devitt. Rural & Urban Fellowship-F. c. Hoar, Harry AllUn, T. H. Knight. Public Relations-W. A. Shane, T. A. Gairrn, T. .Gn crs Criple Chldrn-T S.Holat Conservative Association, aso spoket C W. lemon, F. C . . nso. ' on tUe Tarlff question; the formere C.ter.City nd TrC.ansotton___1blaming the serious unemployment J. Wadhams, E. V. Hoar, R. Corbett î aad nte igAmiita International Service - J. H. H. tion. Mrs. Fallis also made special Jury, G. E. Reaman, D. R. Morrison. reference to Mr. KCing's 'TFive cent speech." Mr. Lawson emphasized the im- HALLMAN GOLDEN WEDDING portance 0f doing work in Canada which could just as well be clone here A very fine two-column photo 0f instead 0f having it dlone across tUe .Mr. C. S. H-allman's father and border. He attacked tUe New Zealand mother who celebrated their golden treaty and declared it a waste of wedding on May 25th, appeared in a money to send ambassadors to other recent issue of the Vancouver Daily countries in which tis work is being Province which has just been re- clone by British Ambassadors. The ceived. These comments accomPany Government is inconsistent he dec- the photo: lared, in one day placing before the "Having faced the storms of lhf eI electorate a f iee trade policy and the together for flfty years, Mr. and Mrs. next day a protectionist policy. B. S. Halîman, 606 East 46th Street, Every muriicipality in the riding Pioneer residents of Waterloo Town was well represented at the meeting, sUiP, Ontario, who have made their which was declared one of the most home in Vancouver for the past 20I enthtisiastic Conservative conven- years, celebrated their golden wed- tions ever Ueld in the riding. ding anniversary recently when their children presented themn with a purse BAC TOK IRUTN S of gold. They were marriedii L KSO CRUTNW Waterloo County on May 25tU. 18801 and after residing 30 years in tUe! Rev. F. W. NeweUl, B. A., B. D., Pastor East came to Vancouver. All of IServices June 15tU, 1930: their children: Mrs. G. V. Oberholt-1 Cadmus-10.30 a. m. zer of St. Jacobs, Ont.; Mr. G. Hall- Nestleto-2.30 p. m. man of Vancouver; Mr. C. S. Hall- Blackstock-7.00 P. m. man of Bowmanville, Ont.; Mr. O. Cadmus S. School anniversary ser- S. Halîman of Winnipeg, Man.: Mrs. vices last Sunday were very success- B. Dyer of Chatham, Ont.; and Mrs. f ui. In the mornlng our pastor A. Cortz of Vancouver, are alive. preached a speclal sermon to the Five of them were Present at the an- children. The evening service was miversary celebration. Twelve grand- held in the shed owing to tUe large children and one .great grandch.ild, crowd. Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles was June Uyonne Grey of Bowmanville, the speclal speaker. complete the family." Our pastor expects to be at Janet- ville next Sunday morning. Rev. R. Take time to deliberate. but when M. Patterson, Janetville. will preach the time 'for action arrives, stop at Cadmus and Nestîcton. thinking and go in.-Andrew Jackson Blackstock W. M. S. Ueld its reg- -ular monthly meeting on Wednes- day, June lltU, at the home of Mrs. Roy Taylor. The program was in charge of tUe White Group. Nestleton W. A. will hold its regu- lar monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. J. Bruce on Thursday after- noon. A large crowd attended the sup- per and play at Cadmus on Monday, June 9tU. The Janetvllle Dramatlc Club presented their very popular play "Aaron Slick From Pumpkin Blackstock Y. P. League took tUe form of a Surprise meeting on Wed- Y URnesday evenin.Program was in dent, Mrs. F. W. Newell. 'T j Nestleton Sunday ScUool is plan- - ning to hold is annual anniversary EY ES services on June 22nd. Nestleton Y. -P. Ljeague with Mrs. S. Malcolm and will be in charge. IýV d' j IHEIK LAKiE 1 The eyes are the gateway to the brain. By their miracle, the wealth and the workings of nutu- berio.e&s mindUs are yours. YOUR OBLIGATION to yourself is a solenmn one to ketep at its best the priceles.,lieritage of GOOD VISION. Do Not Neglect Your Eyes Consult Our Registered Op>tometrist R. M. Mitchell. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggiste - Optometrista Phone 92 HOW'S YOUR LAWN MOWER? Does it need sharpening or repair- :.rg for the coming season? Lots of folks have already had us put theirs in shape. Brin.- yours in to- day before tUe rush. We use tUe Ideal Lawn Mower Grinder which gives such excellent satisfaction. Prompt service assured. We do not tgive credit for sharpening or repair- ilng lawn mowers. It's a cash tran- saction. Bear this in mind. D. j 'lldx'ead. Blacksrnith Shop. opposite Salvatiorg Army Hall, King St. Etst. Bawminville. 23-tf Men clamor for liberty, but liberty is being confounded with appetite.- Selected. Elite Shoe Store Step into a pair of our comfort- able fittmng Pumps, in black lid or brown kid, with cuban cover- eci heels, $7.50 Pr. We have just received a new lot of Men's Oxfords, speciallly priced at $7.00 pr. Our Sport Shoes are a knock-out:111 Women's brown and elk, crepe ltIhJ g soles $4.00 pr. Women's black and white, $4.50 Pr. Men's Sport Oxfords, crepe sole, $5.00 Pr. Heaiquarters here for Tennis and- Outlng Shoos for the famillY W. CLAUDE IVES, Manager CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION F. W. Bowen Again Chosen Conser- vative Candidate in Federal Election Durham Conservative Association met in Orono on Wedn'zscay, June 4th, and unanimously chose Fred W. Bowen. conservatix'e member for the past fine years, as candidate in the coming general election. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Bowman- ville, president of the Association, was in the chair and shared the plat- form with Mr. Earl Lawson, M. P. for West York, David Spence, M. P. for Parkdale, Duncan Sinclair, M. P. for North Wellington, A. E. Peck, M. P. for Peterboro, Mrs. Howard Fallis, Peterboro, Mrs. Fred W. Bowen, Mayor M. J. Elliott, Bowmanville, and other officers of the Association. Mr. Bowen thanked the convention for their confidence in him, stating that it was an evidence of confidence in the Conservative leader, Hon. R. B. Bennett. He outlined the policy of the Conservative Party and vehemently attacked the Liberal Tariff policy which he declared lis flooding the country with millions of dollars of farma produce which could be easily produced here in Canada". He ekpressed the belief of the Tories in Empire preference but above ail in "Canada First." Mayor M. J. Elliott, in a brief ad- dress called for a united effort on the Part of Durham Conservatives to elect Mr. Bowen. Mr. Peck, as rep- resentiative of the neighbouring Pet- erboro County, also extended his wlshes for success to the Conservat- ive party at the poils on July 28th. Duncan Sinclair, M. P., in a short but forceful address, spoke of several is- sues at stake in the campaign and condemned the Liberal Ooverniment for its inactlvity in helping the un- employed and for its tariff pollcy,. David Spence, M. P., and Mrs. Fal- lis, lst vice poresident of the Ontario Gyproc Gives ZPERMANENT I PROTECTION M ADE from Gypsum _ JYLrock, Gyproc Wall- - board does not burn. And this year it has a new - smooth Ivory finish that needs no decoration (when panelled) al- though you can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. * . Structurally strong, in- expensive, easily and d quickly put up, Gyproc 1;~~~:* 'Wa1Iboard gives perma- the wvalls, ceilings and j .;î partitions of your home. <J Your dealer's name is - 1 listed beIow. Ask him for complete details of this pioneer Canadian fire- 4 safe Gypsum board or write for free interesting- book, "Building and Re- i modelling with Gyproc." - ~1 GYPSUM, LIME AND 7NEW OuDMV For Sde By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. -w-- r~ 2~~ PAGE PMV PAGE TEMEE WEEK-END9 SPECIALS 1200 yards Silk Fugi, to be cleared at Q haif price, regular 59e - 3 yds. for 99CI Full-F.ashioned Hose, a real buy for the weekend, ail colors and sizes, *9 c regular $1.50 pair,................ 9 C Crinkie Bedspreads, only 25 in the ltt exr ,îg size, regular $2.39, each... . 9c Summer NiOties - 400 in the lot, al travellers samples, including Nain- sook, Crepe, Soisette, etc., value to 9 c $ 1.98 each - 2 for .................. 9 . 35-inch Curtain Madras, a fine quality in two lovely designs, regular value 9 c 29e yard - 5 yards for ............. 9 e 36-inch English Vat-Dye Prints- they boil-lovley designs, regular 3,9e yd 9 c 4 yards for ............................... 9 . 40 doz. Men's Shirts, ail brand new goods, a very special purchase in plain or striped broadcloth, regular 99c $1.59 to $1.79 values, eaeh ........ 9 C 10 only Silk Panels, note the generous size, 21/1. yards long, 45 inches wide, 9 c regular price $3.98, each ........... 9 . Here's big value - Pure Thread Silk Hose, in ail colors and sizes, a reg- ular $1.00 Hose. This is the biggest hosiery value ever offered in this vicinity - guaranteed pure silk. 99 . 2 Pair for ................................ 9 I SNELSON'SSTORE FOR BIGGER AND WALK A BLOCK BETTER BARGAINS AND SAVE A LOT e 0 0-0ý