MI .~ 4 MI1E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMNANVILE, THURSDAY, JUNE l2tb, 1930 ¶~e aurgucst for ten minutes E VERY rnotor:st shoul:! know how to buy tires.. and make the Iwo tests on which your selection of thet ires for your car Pres our hanil * dowu ou the Good- year All-Weather Trend. * Feel the (T1p of the deep- jeut, sharp-edged blocks rshoulti stand or fall: Hlave ns show o n2 our interesting cord- testing machine the greater stretch in GoodyeCar Super- twist Cord over ordinarv tire cord. This extra I~~~~~ 3h- repaedi stretch gives the Goodyear- w ae pace inthecarcass ils great vitalit'. c eentre of the tread-where enabling it to withtand - jthey belong. road.shoc.ks. SHRINE OFFICIAL GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION King Street Bowmanville KEMP BROS., Proprietors The OldNcMau .ay5 - "EVER since I began work at 15, I have saved sornething every pay day and always spent less than I earned-now at 60 I arn able to retire in comfort. To you old age seems far away, yet the years pass quickly remember that money saved in youth is worth double the savings of middle age." YOU WIILL LIKE BANKING AT THE ROYAL The Rkoyal Bank Pof Canada0 Bowmnanville Branch Ste tht Pacific Coast this Summer.Enjoy the hospitality of Jasper Park Lodge in the heart of the Canadian Rockies.Tennis, swim-. rning, climbing, riding, motoeinE n en ihven aeeV:p± cuer,Victoria andh gorious Pacific Coast. Oaly a few days extra requlred to take the cruise to Prince Rupert and Alaska-pleasant corn- panions wondcrfulsights- totem pole vîUlages-gl aciers. Enquire about Low Tourist Pares, in effect from May 15th, to September 3th. Beautifully illustra fet folders available throughany Agent of Canadian National Railways. (q m ?rnadi J.Na-3tioi L G. Hefkey, Manager i i OSHAWA PREBYTERIAL Splendid Gatherlng of United Church Women Held at Ebenezer The third annual meeting a! the Eastern Section o! Oshawa Presby- terlal o! the United Church o! Can- ada held in Eebenezer Church an May 28th, was wefl attended and waa most belpful and interesting. The President, Mrs. W. Sterling, Orano, was in tht chair. Morning worship service was conducted by Mrs. J. R. Bick and Mrs. W. W. Horn, Hamp- tan. Minutes o! previaus meeting were read bp Secretary Mrs. J. C. Hancock, Newcastle, and adapted. The address a! welcame was given by Mrs. Frank Rundle o! Courtice, FORMER H. S. PRINCIPAL DIES IN GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Dr. John R. Wlghtman, noted Baltimore, Md., eçlucationist and a native o! Toronto, is dead in Geneva. Swltzerland. Dr. Wightman was barn 81 years ago in a bouse which stood on tht present site of the King Edward Hotel, and was educated at the Upper Canada College and grad- uated !ram the University o! Toronto with honors and gold medal in ethics and metaphysics. He later attend- ed John Hopkins University where be obtalned bis Ph.D. degree in 1888. He went ta Europe and studied modemn languages and was after- wards head master at BowmanvlUe High Schaol for elght years. From here he went ta Kingston and later OMIMARY Dr. Walter Scott Washington, Newark, N. J., Native of Durham County Dr. Walter Scott Washington, one a! New Jersey's best known alienlsts. died at bis home in Newark, New Jersey, on May 23rd, after an illness o! seven weeks, in bis 8lst year. For many years Dr. Washington had been a prominent figure in tbe courts o! New Jersey, figurlng in many famous trials. Until bis appolntment ta the office o! caunty physician over thirty years ago, Dr. Washington had a large general practise in Newark, but bis entrance inta the medico-legal field wha explained that the ladies af to John Hapkins University. He re- i caused -hlm -ta give -up- most a_!o the Maple Grave Auxiiary were asslsting tired 20 years aga.i general wark. He had been canneet- in entertaining and alsa in wishing He is survlved by bis widaw and ed with St. Michael's Haspital sever- that the gatbering might be nat anly twa brathers, Robert o! Owen Sound, ai yesis. pleasant but profitable. This w8.5 and Ridley af Mantreal. and several Dr. Washington was barn near So- replied ta by Miss Isabel Laing af causins and nephews in Toronto. lina in Durhamn County, an February Newtonville wha suggested that ta h ean ilb ruh o12h 80 en o fJh n Ebenezer's well knawn reputatianfr Termiswl ebogtt 2h 80 en on afJonrn missionary zeal and generaus givlnbgs Taranta. Janet Scott Washingtan. He re- migh be ddedanoher redi ofceived bis early educatian at Zian miglt b aded nathr cedi o!public school and Bawmanville high hogptality.f oi The differenit organizatians in the castie, wha gave very beautiful schao1, graduating i 1869. He also section reported as f allows: thoughs n Psalm 121, closing with abtained a secand class certificate (m. a. stands for membershlp (an- prayer by Miss Davey af Orono. f ram the British Military Scbool at nualD; m. 1. for membership (life); The gathermng then divided inta Toronta for service in the infantry a. for allocation; r. for amaunt rais- group conferences led by officers His mriltary triiings tevienced ed; m. m. for number of Missianary from the Presbyterlal as far as pas- evn is i arytrinngeas byis ercet Monhiis sbscibe fo.)sible and afterwards dinner was se r- bearing and precise mariner. ved by the Ebenezer and Maple Mlssionary Socleties Grove Auxiliaries. He came ta the United States in Blackstock: m. a.-27; m. 1.-2; ' eoinleecssa h fe-17 n ete tRsamn a.-$240.00; r.-$164. DvtMicb.rissatte fe- 80 Rn etrning t Coog beat Bowmanville Trinity:im. ,a.-139. non session wre led by MapleMtend ete cogate Insur, titte m. 1-32; a.-$720; r.-$734,74, m, Grave delegates. Wnning the hoigesthnr Inise m.-62. The findings o! the Departmental Wclass, he asgadutedf om rsin iy Bowmnanville St. Paul's: m. a.-24; Conferences were presented by (j)- Mcla Clege, oratfom in 1876. m. 1-il; a.-$465; r_-$465; mm.-1 Mrs. Chapman, Christian Steward- MdclClee ooti 86 28. ship and Finance, who described dut- Dr. Washington returned -ta Ras- Cadmus: m. 1-24; a.-$60; r.- ies o! Christian Stewardship Secre- common ta practise. During the $82.39. tary; (2) Mrs. T. H. Eversan. Temp- eleven years he lived there he served Courtice: m. 1-68; m. a.-15; a.- erance. stressing need of temperance at turnes as coroner and caunty $594; r.-$641.55. education in schools. Sunday schaols. physician. village treasurer, scbool Ennlskillen: no report. etc.; (3) Mrs. Crozier, Auxiliaries; inspector and local health officer. Hampton: m. a.-41; m. 1.-3; (4) Miss Sparga, Young People's He wasaone o! the organizers and r-$315.00; m. m.-24. Work; (5) Mrs. Rogers, C. G. I. T.;i chaiman of the Board o! Supervis- Maple Grave:, m. a.-25; mn. 1-2; (6) Mrs. A. L. Nichalîs. Associate ors o! the Poar. For ten years he r.-$120.37; m. m.-25. Helpers; (7) Mrs. W. C. Ives, Mission was surgeon of the Michigan Central Newcastle: m. a.-70; m. 1.-28; Bands, reminding us that there are Railroad. a.-$725; r.-$1t34.59; m. m.-80. 27 places in Presbyterial without Dr. Washington came ta, Newark in Nestleton and Caesarea: no repart. Mission Bands or Baby Bands. 1887 and spent the balance of bis Newtonville: m. a.-16; M. l1-5: Mrs. Johnson of Toronto gave a 111e practising here., He formed a a.-$150.00; r.-$150; m. m.-23. very interestiùg and help!ul address partnership with Dr. J. D. Brumley Orona: m. a.-96; m. 1.-22; a.- referring ta the Anniversary o! Pen- whi;'h cantinued several years. In $485; r.-$520. tecost and remind.ing us that aurj 1894 he was appolnted Essex County Tyrone: m. a.-25; m. 1-2; a.- gatherings in many Points resembled1 physician, and held that position un- $66; r.-$66; m. m.-18. the gathering at tbat time. Our til 1902. Ym. a.-25 problems and difculties are much He was active in medical sacieties, Bowanile S. au's service now as then. We have met! being one teste president of the Essex m. 1-3; a.-$158.00; r.-$158.00. with one accord and wlll be sent out' County Medical Society, and was a Bowmanville Trinity: m. a.-40; with Gad's mesage. charter member and president of the a.-$200; r.-$215.16.HaeRudCuri.ws Essex Caunty Anatomical and Patho- bission Crcles Miss HzlRneCutc wslagical Society; a member o! the New Bawmanville Trinity: m. a.-19-1 chosen as delegate ta Wbitby Suni- Jersey State Medical Society; and a m. 1.-i; a.-$50; r.-$52.85. mer School. fellaw of the American Medical As- Courtice: r.-$l49.20. Offermng amounted ta $19.23. sociation. He was a member of St. C. G. 1. T. Miss Frankie Wood of Orona gave John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M. He at- Bowmanville Trinity: m. a.-64; a most interestmng report o! ber wark tended Trinlty Cathedral. r.-$18. at Sumnmer Sehool last year, painting He was married on September 3rd, Courtice: m. a.-20; r.-$10. a vlvld picture of each day's activ- 1879, ta Katharine Cankling, daugh- Newcastle: m. a.-18; r.-$10. ities and introducing the different ter of Richard W. and Louisa (Jera- DUssion Bands lecturers in -charge of the varlaus lamon) Conkling, wha survives hlm; Bowmanville Trinity: m. a-57; departments. also ane daughter, Miss Louise m. l.-i; a.-$35; r.-$70.81. "Loyal Messengers" Mission Band Washington; also three brothers and BowmanvUlle St. Paul's: im. a.-40; of Courtice gave a very interestlng twa sisters in Canada. The yaung- a.-$40.0O; r.-$45-00. a__3 exercise in costumes represtnting est brother, S. F. Washington of Courtice (Sunbeam): M. -~ chidren f rom different landis. Hamilton, Ontario, us a former coun- m. 1.-6; r.-$44.95. On motion a! Mrs. Best. seconded ty crown attorney. Dr. Washington Courtice (Loyal Messengers): m. a. by Mrs. Bick. it was declded ta, hold was a first cousin of the late Bey. -20; a.-$12; r.-$12.75. Hampton: m. a.-20; r.-$20.00 Presbyterlal first week in April. W. C. Washington, Bowmanvllle. Maple Grave: m. a.-37; mn. l-6; Deýegates nominated ta' Branch r.-$70.00. meeting were Miss Laing, Newton Newcastle: m. a.-30; nm. l.-12; ville; Mrs. J. W. Bunner, Bowman- Notice to Creditors r.-$100.00. ville; Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Courtice; Orano: m. a.-41; r.-$65.00. and Miss Frankie Wood, Orano. Tyrone: m. a.-12; m. l.-2; r- Mrs. Oea. Honey, Newcastle, gave In the Estate of Henry Witheridge Foster $13.14. a beautiful solo "Bebold wbat mani- Baby Bauds ner a! Love." Miss Davey o! Or- Ail persons having dlaims against the Bowmnvlle siniy: . a-102 on reerre vey biefi totbeEstate of Htenry Wltheridge Foster, late Bowmnvile riniy: . a 102.onorefrredver breflytotheof the Town of BowmanviUle, in the Courtice: m. a.-18. Brancb meeting o! last year, and County of Durham, deceased, who died Hampton: ni. a.-5. Mrs. Sterling called attention ta tbe on or about the 15th day of October. 1928, This year four' new C. G. 1. T. different casabu th ra re hereby itotified to send inl to the unl- and ne nw Bnd wre r- dalin wihariabut hss the ttcdrsigned on or before the llst day of groups n n e adwrer-daigwt arospae ftejone, 193o, fuparticulars of their ported. work. also explained the allocations diaims. Mrs. Johinson, the chie! speaker for this year and gave many helpful Imnwdiately aftcr the said 21st day for tht day, gave some very helpful suggestions that should make for of June. 1930, the assets of the Testator criticisms and suggestions arising out greater effectlveness in this iport- will he djstrjhuted amongst the parties entitled thereto, havlng regard oniy to o! the reports presented. ant work. She closed ber remarks dlaims of whIch the Soicitor for the Ex- Mrs. D. W. Best o! Bowmianville by quoting George MacDonald's ctors. shall have notice. favored wtb a beautiful solo, "I poem, "What I sald and wbat GoI Dtd tBow-manville this 2nd day of shal nt psa gai ths wy." sald te me," and an earnest prayer ue D, 1930. The Quiet Half Hour was con- that aur gathering may be o! great W. R. STRtKE, ducted by Mrs. W. P. Rogers a! New- 1 help in the different organhzatians ..23 Solicitor for Executors. j New Championship Golf Course !an VHERE IN CANADé Safeguard Vour Ckidren's Health Give them the protection of a, General Eledcti I1efrigerator G o ' h eal h le th e m ous prelou asetof yo= childrPn . . . and you eau safeguard it by keeping their food always fresh and whole- @ouse in a General Electil Refrigerator. Foy a f ew cents a day aGCeneral Eleetrie Refriges'ator preserves muiik and other perishable foods safely bclow the 50- degret danger point sud re- moves the healtis menace of elightly-spoiled catables. The General Electrie Refrlg. trator lesa10trouble -free ln operation that it uever even l'e- quires oiling . . .o almplified that there are no fans, heha eor stuffing boxes to get out of order. Ail the mechanlismla Sealed lu Steel . . . proof forever against the destrue. tive effects of air, dlrt sud milture, Core ne land let un demon. strate the superiorlties of the General Electric Refrigeratos'. I!N- 110- Easy Tenus Arranged - Susail Down Payment and Balance Within 24 Months. GENERAL0UELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REIFRIGERATOU THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO Bowmanville - Ontario *Uniante.d hy CAI<AD!AN GENERAL BLECTRIC CO., Limis! They ne'er grow old, Who gather gald, When Spring awakes, And fiawers unfald. Rub it in for Lame Back.-A brisk rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 0OÙ will relieve lame back. Tht skin willI immediately absorb tht ail and it wl penetrate tht tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and be canvinced. As tht liniment sinks in, tht pain cames out and there are ample grounds for saying that it is an excellent article. stop that -qq Head Aching Why suifer headache, or any other pain, when ZIJTOO TABLETS, taken when fee it commg 0on, %wilI give relief in 20mi2ts.Hamines aies and re- liable. Usod by thaus- ands~ Crops, property and livestockiW e stroyed b>' fire and ightning laut year amounted to more than $2,000,000 lu Ontario. That's one of the cessons mo mass>'farmers are now using RIB-ROLL -the original new-style roofing. h <1*5.. fin, oimtinates up.keep, increases property values and lests a lifetime. Pro- tact.d against Lightning when properi>' grounded and equipped with Preston Pointed Ventilaors-as required by the Lightning Rod Act. Each sheet h«s even riba--a nail ever>' five anches. ht is wonderfully easy and inexpensive te la>'. Made of the famous "Council Standard" qualit>'. Under the mont evere weather conditions RIB-ROLL keepa every building on the fea= aie and secure. FREE BOOK "The Preston * Book, About Berne" ha watts mnoney ta you. Cuves a worid of information about modem barn building. Write for . Guelph St, Preston, Ont, Use Mb-Roll Rooflng and Preston LedeHed Halls RIB-ROLL and PRESTON LEDHED a"le fous an unbeatable roofing rombination. The asilàenmi adonrltity designed ta use wlth metal roofing. No puntching or direading required. Romarkably eazy and speedy ta use. The lest on thdi. es» o. plteley secte the naei hoe-mnaling it rust.proof. weatier-proof and water.proof. Write for ire@ samaleof RIBROLL cnd PRESTON LEDHD Preston S"Tr. ust Barns No, barn made equais the arenath ant fir. te. Mirn qualistes af the PRESTON STEEL TRUSS BARN. Liuil with rugged Steel Tausa. Braead againsrt int pressure frome 1 nge No bercome tross.beams. Wh .uae.wllusd More than 1.000 ia Ontaia--not on.eas 1, pgi à Il neng. We use vour timbers and maielàbfr loa sfor dien. Preston Barn VentlIators Abolish danger of apantaneoua rombuatton. tee Preston ventihators f or roof, aide WaUl atjus a. windows cnt wide Cloors. They draw ouas 0 tearm, maist air ant ensure proper veatilation. eel 1v4ucts VtdI Toronto sud Montreai SPECIAL We offer attractive ternis to respousible farmers on roofing and sidlng for needed repairs for their buildings. Write for full particulars. a IL . a"' ILLsO-M PAGE PMV 0 3905 1544 0 JASPER NATIONAL PARK - ilw PAC 1 F 1 C COAST -.,/AI A CVA