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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1930, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWANVMRL, THURSDAY, JUNE l2th, 1930 ESEN TIMEL Y SA VJNGS A penny saved is a penny gained. Buy your husbaand a new~ tie With what you save from these WEEK-END SPECIALS 50c Duska Perfume $1,00 Duska Face Powder Both for ................................O.0 25e Cigarette Lighter 35c Rexail Shaving Cream 3 c Botb for ..............................3 c 10e Tiny Tot Soap 25e Tiny Tot Talc. Both for ................................2 c 25e Tooth Brush and Holder 35e Klenzo Tooth Paste 3 c Both for ................................ $1.00 New 'Gilette Razor 35e Shaving Cream35 Both for .................................3 c JURY &LOVELL NO WAITING FOR OUR EFFICIENT PLUMBING SERVICE Q u i c k, prompt action taken on al calls, regular and emergency. W e have just increased our staff, and you can always depend on an immediate answer to your eall. Phone 66. RICE & CO, Hardware ,Opposite Post Office Bowmanville No Crip pied Child Need Be Neglectedl BIGGER - BETTER- DIFFERENTf Oshawa Rotary Fair Sponsored and organized by the Oshawa Rotary Club in Aid of the Funds for the Care and Treat- ment of Crippled Chîldren in Oshawa and District to be held in the ROTARY PARK, OSHAWA Wednesday land Thursday June 18 and 19 At 7.30 p. m. Each Night Entertainment to Su rprise You. Scores of New and Attractive Features Fun and Frolic for Young and Old Alike. Parades, Masquerades, with Handsome Prizes MARK THE DATES AND BE THERE, - BOTH- NIGHTS - Chevrolet Coach To Be Given Away Each admission ticket, at 25 cents, entities the jibuyer to an estimate on the mileage run in 24 hours by a 1930 model Chevrolet Coach, which. wiII be presented to the person making the closest estiniate. SEE THE CAR ON THE STREETS AND BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE SALEM Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, Kenneth Cain, Orono, visited hisl spent Sunday at home, cousin, Leslie Welsh, over the week- Miss Winnie Varcoe of the Post end. Offce Staff is holidaying lni Toronto., Mr. and Mrs. C. Collacott and Missî Mr. Robt. George lef t last week to Marie visited friends at Ebenezer on visit bis mather at Seven Oaks, Eng- Sunday. land. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Richards and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Exeter, is vis- baby Joan were Sunday callers at itmng her sister, Mrs. Fred J. Man- his father's. ning. Mr. and Mrs. L. Richards, Mr. and Miss Wilda Smith and Master 1 Mrs. A. Richards, motored to Burke- Douglas Nichais spent Tuesday at ton on Sunday. Oshiawa. Mrs. A. Wilkins, Mr. Nelson Wil- Mr. W. Todd of the Bank of Com- kins, and Mrs. L. Richards, motored merce recently visited friends ini ta Peterboro on Tuesday. Cannington. A number of Salemn folk attended Mr. Lloyd Varcoe of Royal Bank, the anniversary services at Ebenezer Whitby, has been transferred ta the an Sunday and Monday. branch at Brantfard. Sunday afternnon service will be Miss Evelyn Darau of Ontario Hos- witlidrawn next Sunday owing ta pital, Whitby, spent Sunday with Mr. anniversary services at Long Sault. and Mrs. L. B. Nichais. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper. Orono, Mr. Cedric Needliam, Camillus. N. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knight, town, Y., recently visited his parents, Mr. were callers at "The Maples" last and Mrs. J. H. Needham. week. Mrs. Oscar D. Davis (nee Mildred Mrs. Kinsman, wife of Rev. G. W. Pinch) and son, El Paso, Texas, re- Kinsman, and son Dana of Henry, cently visited aid friends here. Illinois, are visitung her sister, Mrs. F Mrs. J. H. Wylie and Mrs. W. I. Catar. Mactavish, Toronto, were recent Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator, daugliter guests of Mrs. Fred J. Manning. Beatrice and grandson Douglas, vis- Miss Alice Ling and Miss Elsie ited Miss Jane Carscadden, Orono, Devaîl, Toronto, spent the weekend on Sunday. at the home of Mr. W. H. Wood, Base Mr. and Mrs. G. Corniish, Mr. and Line. Mrs. Wreford Cornisli and babe, vis- Mr. Maitland Gauld was among ited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Winters, thase present at the Graduation Harmony, an Sunday. Dance at Hart Hause, Toronto, on Mrs. A. Wilkins visited with Mr. Thursday. and Mrs. J. Munday. Maple Grave, Marcelling done at Mrs. W. Adams, over the weekend and attended Eb- King St. W., Bowmanvillc, on Tues- enezer anniversary services. days and Saturdays-35c. Phone 275 for appointment. 23-5 Messrs. W. H. and S. H. Wood, SOLINA Base Line, were in Toronto Saturday attending the funeral of their cous- Miss Vera Squire spent the week- in, Mr. Clarence Thackray. ýend with her parents in Peterboro. Miss Anniue Reddon, R. N.. Oshawa, Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Mary Hume, Town, were Harold Pascae on the arrival of a Sunday visitors with theiir friend, Young son. Miss Mary Wood, Base Line. Misses A. Rutherford and Mary Chief Venton is on the war path Wales, Oshawa, visited at Mrs. R. J. these days after those xvho have f ail- McKessock's. ed ta get their dag tag or polI tax. Miss Lena Taylor addressed the Better take the hint if you havent young people of Centre St. Churcli, paid up. Oshawa, on Manday evening. Mrs. T. A. Garton and Mrs. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman, Miller have returned f rom Windsor Ross and Mary. Miss Lillian Dear- wliere tliey attended the Grand born. spent Sunday in Toronto. Chapter of the 0. E. S. during the Remnember the 75th anniversary a! past week., Eldad Church ta be held an June 22 Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Reynolds, and 23. Full particulars next week. Granby, Que., are visiting his par- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smales and Miss ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds, Betty. Miss Evelyn Tink, Mr. W. R. Queen St., and attending the Slirin- Westlake attended Decaration ser- ers' convention ini Toronto. vice at Erskine Cemetery, Dunbarton, Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Tonkini, Nules, and visited friends. Midi., have been visiting Mr.ý R. E. The Young married people are Osborne. Dr. Tonkin, wlia is a Ro- holding their annuai picnic at Lake- tarian, gave an interesting talk at view Park, Oshawa, on Thursday, the Rotary Club Friday noan. June 26th. Corne in time for diii- Il We regret the omission of the ner and stay for supper. name of Mr. Aibert E. AlUin, Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walters. Tor- ton, f rom the list of those successful onto, Mr. Mertan Walters. Taunton, in the Faculty of Medicine, Univer- called on their aunt, Mrs. John Pas-i sitY' a! Toronto. Mr. Allin lias com- cae. wha has been under the doctor's pleted the 4tli year. care but is slowly iproving. We wish to correct an error ap- Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitnell andr pearing in last week's Statesman, family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds,. wliere it was stated that Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reynolds, Toronto, Adams won the medal for smartest spent the weekend wlth Mr. and Mrs. cadet on parade at the High School Jackc Reynolds and attended the fun-E Cadet Inspection. This should have erai of their uncle, Mr. W. H. Half -1 been Gardon Adams. acre. at Tyrone on Sunday. Mrs. I. Tabb, who lias been ini the haspital for some turne, is now visit- ung her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Ward, HAYDON 25 Fairbanks St., Oshawa. Mrs. Tabb desires ta express her deep ap- Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley Sundayed preciation ta ail those who werè so at Mr. Bert Ferguson's. good ta ber during her sicltness. Bees for repair of Church wilUsoon The l900th annlversary of Pente- be in order. Kindiy be ready. cost was observed in Trhnity United Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashton, Port Churcli on Sunday wben the pastor, Hope, vislted at Mr. Les. Graharn's. Rev. J. U. Robins, preaclied semons Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jones, Toronto,- suitable ta the occasion. Thle solo- Sundayed at Mrs Theron Mountjoy's. b ists were Miss Nieli (of China) in the Messrs. Milton and Kennetb Gra-g marning, and Mrs. J. E. Anderson inbamn, Oshawa, vislted at Mr. D. ara- the evenhng. ha.ii's. Miss Agnes Vanstone, B. A., daugli- Mr. and Mrs. Disney and famlly, ter a! Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstene, Oshawa, Sundayed at Mrs. J. t Bowmanvllle, is pictured ini Satur- Wright's. day's issue a! the Mail and Empire, Practice Frlday evening directed aiong wth five other charming grad- by Mr. E. E. Staples. Everybody uates o! Toronto University, who welcome. attended the garden party held a!- Mr. Stan. Woollungs, Miss Helen ter the Graduation Exercises in Con- Westbury, Toronto, Sundayed at Mr. vocation Hall on Friday. H. Ashton's.h Mrs. H. W. Foster accornpanied Same 0f aur Young people took in Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster ta the cîty thietrip ta Toronto on Saturday giv- an Thursday last ta attend Convoca- en by tlie Continuation Sehool at tion at the University o! Toronto, Enniskillen. Ail report a good tirne. wlien their daughter, Doris C. T. P'os- Many frorn here attended the) ter, received lier degree of M. D. jfu.neral of Mr. W. H. Haifacre on 1 Dr. Foster made an excellent stand- Sunday. We extend ta Mrs. Hait- ing in her final year, rankhng second acre aur deepest sympathy. aof the flfteen Young women ho Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Adams and son, wroe. f tr awel-eanned holidayMr. and Mrs. Stanhead, Oshawâ, Mr. she will be on the staff of the Worn- and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sahina. an's Hospital, Toronto. we e Sunday visitors at Mr. C. Av- Shop Here for Tempting BAKERY GOODS Our bakery goods are famous for their ap- petizing looks and delicious flavor. Our breads are made for ail tastes and ail eat- ing occasions ... and our bakery special- ties are oh! so good! that our customers leave standing orders for them. BOWMANVILLE BAKERY A. W. Jacobs, Proprietor King St. Bowmanville ery's.I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Strutt, and1 Bernice Adams, were' Sunday visitors at Mrs. Jno. Martin's. AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 21-Mrs. RichardI Paoley, off Scugog Raad, Bowrnan- ville, wili seil alaoflier household furniture. farm implements, etc. See list in next week's paper. Sale at 2 p. m. fast tirne. Terms Cash. ýW. J. Challis, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE The undersigned lias received instructions f rom ALAN DENSEM ta seli by public auction at 8 Liberty St. South, BowmanviUle on SATURDAY, JUNE 14th. the following liousehlad furniture, etc: Dining Roarn Suite. 4-piece Bed- roorn Suite, 2 Iran Beds. Springs and' MattresFes, i Dresser, i Chiffonler, 1 Baby's Crib, 3 Odd Chairs, Singer Sewing Machine, Kitchen Table. 4 Kitchen Chairs, 1 Gurney Quebec Cook Stove, 1 2-burner Electrlc Plate. 4 Cangaleuin Rtgs. 2 Axninster Rugs. Curtains, Blinds. Chenille Cur- tains, 2 Screen Doors, Man's Bicy- cie, Dialies, Cooking and Kitchen Utensils, etc. Above articles are practically as 'good as new. Sale at 2 p. mn. (Fast timne) Terms: Cash. W. J. Chala, Auctioneer. CARTING AND TRUCKJNG Ail kInds of Carting, Trucking ond 1Maving; local a.nd long distanoe. H. BOMBARO Phone 630 Qusen St., *lowmsn v meI MO BIRTHS FATAt Bowmanvilie Hospital, May »Ilti, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Moffatt, a son-Ronald Bruce. WALKER-In Orono, June 3rd, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wailker (net, Vanda Bradley) a daughter-lletty Jean. WEBBER-At Manitou, Man., on Wed- nesday, .lune 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert HL Wcbber, twin daughtcrs, ail doing MARRIAGES OSBORNE-PEARCE-In Port Hope, on Tuesday, June 1Oth, Elva Geraidine, eidest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce, recently of Welcome, and Har- vey John, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. O.- ýorne of Hope Township. Rev. W. E. H-oney officiated. The happy couple will reside near Morrlezh., DEATHS DEVITT-In Toronto, on Wednesday, Jnîle 4th, 1930, Samuel A. Devitt, Cad- mus,.in his 71st year. TIPP-At Port Perry, June 3rd, 130, Sarah Ann l3arker, wiîiow of the late John Tipp, in hier 90th year. BURNETT-In Prince Albert, May 28, 1930, Norman Burn-tt, in hiS 22nd year, youngest son of Mrs. W. 13. Bickcll. OKE-In Bowmanville Hlospital, on' 'Thurstday. June ,th, infant daughter of Mîr. and ,lrs. Walter Oke, Ennigkiilln. HALFACRE-In Darllngton, on Friday, .Iiimn 6th , I:. x iian Il. 1taI facre, i n his 7lst year. Intc-rmi nt at Bethesda Cemetery. SYMONS-In Darlington, on Tuesday, June lOth,2, Dorothy Gertrude, infant divughter of Garnt and Florence Eurk Syrn is, aad1 ynrand l101 mon ths. COWLE--on Tuesday, June loth, 1,q30, th,î. Straclian House, Toronto, Miss IsaIî,lIna owle, formerly of Solina, aged 8., years. Intvrred at Prospect Cern- .'terv Toronto. SANDERSON-On Monday, June 9t.h. 1930, in Saint John, N. B., Herbert G. Sanderson. husband of the late rngaretta GilTord. son of Iho laIte Frnnk Sa.ndér- ,-on. C'artwright. ROBINSON-In Arithur Ilospital, on lDn1-iv lst. 1930. Charlotte Robinson, dau- ghtrr of thec lite Mîr. and Mrs. James Martin of AMton, Ont., and nice of Mrs. Suas ýWilliamsn, lýipto, nnd Mr, John Lan e Itow tilanviII. IN MEMORIAM In loxing memory of .Jabùz Moore who derarted this Mie Junc î2th, 1928. The rolling streams of 111e pass on, Bt tall the vacant chair Recalî,s the sntille. the love, tîhe voice 0f one who once sat there. Tiiri>, little words, forget-me-not. TheY don't se, m much, but mon a lot; Just ! riemory, fond and truc, To, show, dear husband and dad, we think of yoîz. -Sa'dly mis,îl iv %ifîeand Family. To Let Ho US E TO RENT-At 8 Liberty St. South. 6 rooms, furnace an(l bath, pos- sesasion June 16th. APPlY H. Bombard, Quoi-n Si. 24-1 TO RENT-l rooms. ;iII conveniences, ' iifor ,iectric rnage. AîiPlY te Mrs. Frank M. Cryderman, Silver St., Bow- nînnville. Phone 232. 23-tf HOUSE TO RENT-,5-rooed semi- detachcd house to rent, modern conven- lences. Apply te W. F. Ward, Bow- manville. Phone 102. 24-If SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - By month or the season at Williams Point, Lake Scugog. Apply A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. Phone 185. 24-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms, wat- erworks, bath, electrie llghts, located King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Ap- pîy A. A. Colw 111. Newcastle. 51-tf I-bUSE TO RENT-6-roomed bouse on Elgin St., opposite publice chool, mnodern conveniences, possession June lst. Ap- PlY F. Sutton, Elgin St., Bowrnanville. 19-tf PASTURE TO RENT-For eight bjead ouf young cattle. Aise Young Durham cow, just ronewed, for sale. Apply te W. T. Perri tt, Flampten. Phone 376r34. 23-2w HOUSE TO RENTr-6--roomed bouse, bathroonu and ail conveniences; garage; garde aIl] planted; on Ontario Str-eet. Apply toe1B. Furber, Liberty St., Bow- manville. Phone 438. 24-3 STORE TO LET-Next to Royal Thea- tre, new eccupied by R. E. Legan. P'os- session Juno 24th. ApplY to J. J. Masen & Son, town, or 'Mrs. T. G. 'Mason, 56 Palmerston Gardems, Toronto. 23-2 Real Estate For Sale H-OUSE FOR SALE - 7-roomed brick house on Queen Si. WiîI soul cheap or *xcbiange for smaller one. Appiy Box 485, Bownîanville 23-if HOUSE FOR SALE-On KinEz St. East, Newcastle, 6-roon-( brick cottage, w1th one acre of land, garage, etc. Apply ta 3iss Couch, 50 Orton Place, Buffalo. 22-10 iJune Brings R~ %.OdL.. Articles For Sale SEED BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE-Ap- piy at Tyrone Mills. Phone 18lr22. L. J. Goodma.n. 23-2 COW FOR SALE-Young Durham Cow, juet renewed. Apply W. T. Perit,: Hampton. Phono 376r34. 24-2 FOR SALE-Quantity of eating and seed Dooley petatoes. Apply Green Broa. Phone 133r14. R. R. 3, 130w- manvilie. 23-2 FOR SALE - Buckwheat, good grain, 90o bushel. Bert Rice. Long Sault, R. R. t Tyrone, %~ Con. north cf Sault Church. 24-3w AUTO FOR SALE-Oldernoblie sedan, late 1927 model, fIrst class shape, bar- gain for quick sale. Apply W. F. Quick. Phono 226. 21-t ENGINES FOR SALE-One Massey- H-arris and one Sharpley Muir, bath hn first class condition, real bargains, tee. Corbett Motor Sales. 21-tf The Statesman wlll be sent ta any address in Canada ta end o! 1930 for $1.00. Wanted MANAGER WANTED-For Bowman- ville Store. Experience unnecessary. $0Iiwi'ikly te start, aise share of pro- lits. Must ho able ta furnish $750.00 to $125000 cash deposits on merchandise. 4083 St. Denis St., Montreai. 24-2 Lost or Found TIRE LOST-Spare tire and rim, be- tween Bewmanville and Hampton or west of Hampton.- Kbndly return te Saîvatbon LOST-U'niforrn Peak Cap, '"O.L.D.C." between Bowmnanville and .ewcastle, on June 4th. Finder please return to Brownie Tea Roems, Newcastle, or Statesman Office. 24-tf LAUTNDR Y WANTED AIl kinds of laundry work dene prompt- ly, satisfactorily and at reasonable prices. Write PoBt Office Box 12, or caîl Mrs. W. Marjorani, King St. E., Bownianvblle. Phene 478W. k. EXTIRA SPECIAL!! SUIT VALUES FOR THIS WEEK-END A clearing line of about 25 Men's Suits, purchased from the manufacturer at a big reduction in prices, enables us to seil these fine quality Suits in fine hair-line stripe, grey stripes, ànd ,powder blue shades, also all wool navy blue suits in plain and f ancy eff eets. Values that would ordinarly seli up to $35.00 and $37.00. Our Special Clearing Price This Week Starting Thursday Morning ........... $24.e95 T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone el Bownianvme 4 Ail Wool Tweed Coats, reguar $14.00, To Clear- $8.75 1 Grey Covert Cloth Coat, regular $27.00;' To Clear- $1 6.75 1 Best Quality Navy Blue Tricotine Coat with Broadtai I Trimming, regular $31,50, To Clear- $20.00 6 only "Caravan Coats", regular to $35.00 To Clear- $22-50 Clarençe S. Mason Next to F. F. Morris Co. (à el i teductions Coats* - 1 --- --ffl ý- diGE SEVEN q

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