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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1930, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, THtIRSDAY, JUNE l9th. 1930 PAGE NINE DIDN'T BELIEVE SUCH 1 NEWS FORL THE BUSY FARMER T1 OBONO BENEFITS POSSIBLE Use Ontario Farm Produets 1 (From The News of June i2th.) "Use More Ontario falim producta" 1 Dr. and Mrs. P. Ross and family. 1Rheumnatic pains in my arms. legs was the Partial solution off the unem- I Detroit. were recent visitors ber-e. and back were so severe at times I ploynient situation as offlered by J.1 Congratulations to Mr. T. W. Bige- couldn't even sleep. MY f ood dis- B3. Faîrbairn. the nenw deputy-minis-'10w on passing his exama at the Roy- ter of agriculture. at a meetin g of!1 al Military Coîlege. Kingston. the Canadian Mannufacturera' A,..soc-1 Messr's Fred Brimacombe. John, iation in Toronto rere'itly. "In 50 Carscadden, Earle Fowler-. James and 4.. far as Lrban municipalities help to George Eagleson. spent a day withi Use Ontario farr-n products, just 50 the Shriners. far will they help to alleviate unem- Mr. Edgar Thornton. who in part- ploymnent.", nership wvith R. A. Fitchette, openedi Mr~. Fairbair-n said, 'Should we not a butcher shop in Millbrook, bas sold wake up to the fact that we are pro- out to R. A. Ford. Havelock. ducing farm producta equal to any Barber's Itch and Ringwormn are we import and that we should grow reiieved by the use of Douglas' Egyp- 4' and use more of tbem?" Atbuhia Liniment; quiet, certain re- a general depression in agriculture sults. Relieves the moat obstinate was evidenced througbout the world. cases. Mr. Fairbairn stated that conditions in Ontario were inflniteiy better than Miss Catharine Hall leaves for New in any other country. He aiso saw York Saturday where she will spend evidence of improvement in many ber vacation, guest of Mrs. Gibson export markts, pointing out that the and Mr. J. J. McCormick at Mt. Nor-wegian market offered an oppor- Ver-non. tunity for Ontar-io apples. Mr. and Mrs. AMf. Thompson and ______son Wili. Chicago, were Sunday via- Best Time For Dipping itors at Mrs. Annie Roy's. Mr. J. C. About a month after shearing, Thompson was aiso a recent guest of e.wben the sbecp have grown aufflcient Mrs. Roy. wooi to hoid the cipping solution, is Compiete in itacîf, Mother Graves* the proper time for dipping. and ail WoriT Exterminator does not require authorities agree that if the opera- the assistance of any other medicine tion is t0 be successful. it is essential to malte it effective. It does not f ail j THOMAS J. HEWJER that every animai in the flock from to do its work. the Young lamba to the oldeat ram Miss Ferrier. who is ieaving our agreed with me and I was habitualiy mlust have bis annuai bath. If any achool t0 teacb Engiisb and French constipated. My strength and en- individuals are overlooked, the ex- in Sarn.ia Collegiate Iristitute. was ergy lef t me and I felt tired and ternal parasites on these will soon presented with a leather covered tra- wornout near-ly ail the time. Sar- inf est the whole flock again. velling dlock and an address. gon rid me cf ev.ery rheumnatic pain I The job of dlpping sheep is quite Rev. Geo. Mason preached on the had. restored my appetite. and I nev- a simple one in most parts of the subject, "The Good Samaritan." on er have a sign off trouble with my country today. In many cases gov- Sunday morning in Centre Street stomach. I'm stronger and more ernment officiaIs have co-operated Cburch. Solos were rendcred by active than in s'ears. I didn't be- witb local groupa of farmers and put Wyvan Reid and Colin Taylor. Mrs. lieve such resulta wer-e possible! in modemn concrete tanks tbrough R. Brown, organist. -Sargon PuIs entir-ely rid me of which hundreds of sbeep may be Ver-y few ministerlal changes were constipaton.-Thomas J. Heçwer, 7 pasaed in a few hours. Then, too, madle at general sessions 0f Bay of Hollis St.. Halifax. N. S. lit is possible to buy a dip in powder Quinte Coniference beld this year at Sargon may be obtained in Bow- for-m which oniy requires the care- Cobourg. Rev. A. K. Edmison, a manville f rom Jury & Loveil. jf ui f olowing of directions to malte a former popular pastor of Orono cir- solution which will not oniy kil ail cuit, goes to Queen St., Lindsay: Rev. the developed ticks but is strong Roy -Rickard. Oakwood: LB enough to last and kil any whicb Rev. W. H. Boombour. Pontypool. 10 flE<0might hatch f rom eggs witbin tbree Pittsburg North. being sceddb HOW LO T 28 BSUweeks. Dipping should be donc Rev. G. A. Adamson; Rev. John Wil- siowly and carefully and ever-y part of the animal must be immersed. is weil to let the sbecp dry in the In a afeEasyWay sade as slow drying prolongs the vA __ _. _ _ 1.t _Al. action of the dip. xiean flUw oner uïa.,a ýt -8. or fat, without diet. %vithout dangerous drugs or exercies. "I take a daily dose (-f Kruschen, an(] 1 have Iost two jnclîeq round the wait and hips and 28 11,9. since Iast summner. 1 feel very %vell on it and people tel me I look very fit. 1 an 5 ft. 4 in. ini height. -9) vears nid. and cone of a atout faniiv.' Miss E. L. Dont go lumnbering about wr-th a burden of unheaithy. exeess fat-you cari get rid of it easiy if you get the Kruschien habit. Kruschien SaIts provides the eaiest, safest and '.urest way to lose fat that you cari possiblv desire. By purifying your biood of harmnful seids, beiping the liver, kidneys and boweia to throw off wastC uateriil, they remnove ini a natural way the fatty deposits which poisonous waste matter has produced. Not oniy do you lose pound9 in weigb±, but you loge veanu in appearace. Little by littie, the ugly fat dinappear- alowly, yea--but mrely--and you goon elwonderfuly hehy iali n ERSIA You can acquire suntan without SUNBURN. This lo'eely new toilet creatiofi soothes, heals, beautifies. It is flot sticky. L dTuggu A11 ms FTo5tisand Jc s f f esu thoms dstrsuing podle Zcu,ses and pair by taklig ZUTOO TABLETS. i4armn- lau but effective, they buluro Who us moirr.amre sus-À or twe of &Mha . ÉYgRY- Ottle tablai, w orawy OEPE ftop thre palus.PER 90ox W1~~PHOCPHODINE., F.lC ,, .I,w.ortes the whoe 'erv(,,,s %ytetrs nmates new Burod in sOý I1\'ems. Uscd for Ner'oui Sj-,ebility. Mental and. Brain l5orry De,rs'nencv. L95s o Energyv. Palpitation à/ th UtciP.ri, f .iing Memory. Price$2 pie'box. 3 fori t 0Soled hy all druggists. or maied in plain pkg. un te. upt of price New p;.nrphlzid malei 're.TNE WOOD 199DICINE CO-XQRONTD.ONT ,ook's Regulatirig Compound A .qf., <liab i .'gdam medicinte. Sod iruILhee de- greeeof trenth-No. 1. S11 No..2. $3; No. 3, $5 per bx. Sold b Il drugg'ute. or sent 7id on reeeipt of pries. .-P. pamphlet. Addres: r THE COOKMEDICII4ECO. The Farmer's Problems Weare as yet in the schoolboy stage in regard to intensive agricult- ure in Ontario" was a rernark re- cently heard. Nature richiy endow- ed the soil 0f Ontario but there are parts Vrhere the response is flot quite s0 brisk as formerly. There must be as much returned to the soul as is removed in crops if continued bumper yields are to be harvested. The question to decide on each farm is, what is required and how may it most advantageously be appiied. The farms carrying a heavy stock are in the best heart but here the question off how to malte the best use of the feed growvn cornes up for considera- tion. Time to Repair Barn The best tîme to do any of the needed repair woî'k on the bar-n or buildings is in the late spring or early summer. The hay mows are then empty so that sis can be re- newed, posta moved if desired. changes made in windows and doors. Iventilating flues installed. and other- needed equipment put in. Having thinga handy around the barn is a great advantage in lessening labor as well as in saving time. Dangers in Fenced Fields One of the greatest dangers on farmns th riany fenced fields 15 of piliig up' too many f urrows against t'.,e fences. On some far-ms this has bc-n practised for so long that cm- 1,9nkments half as high as the fence a-L around somte fields. Persistent back-fur-rowing here and there xviU hring suich land into shape after a time. one rule should be never to i 3.'a fild the samne way twice in ucce.ssion. With the proper iaying -ut and handiing off -lands- it is pos- sibie to keep fields fr-ee fr-om object- -nable "dead furrouw<' -nd ir:dees. i I h is the mnatter of having the shape1 off the land iii inid ail the imiie. Annual 0. A. C. Reunion Graduates and associates of the IOntario Agriculturai Coilege. with their wives and families. will meet at Guelph on Saturday, June 2ist. forj the annual reunion of the O. A. C. Alumni Association. This event. heid at a tirne when the college surround- iings are especially attractive, bringsi together hundr-eds of former class- mates f rom ail parts of the province. A feature of the 1930 reunion will be the unveiling of portraits of the late Professor Wade Toole, who as head of the Department of Animal Hus- bandry, won widespread recognition and esteem, and of Professor H. H. Dean, who has for many years head- cd the Department of Dairying. JLunch will be provided in the Col- lege dining hall. and in the afternoon the Macçlonald Hall Aluminae will b hostesses at a garden party. An in- for-naI dance will be held in the ev- ening. kinson, a former Oronoite, goes to Warsaw. MiIier's Wormn Powders are a pleasant medicine for worm-infested children, and they will take it witb- out objection. Wben directions ar-e foiiowed it will not injure the most delicate child, as there is nothing of an injur-ious nature in ils composi- tion. They will speedily rid a child of wormns and restore the health of the littie suifer-crs whose vitaiity has become impaired by the attacks of these internai pests. New officers of Orono Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 325, were installed June 5th, the work being well talten by Mr. Ber-t McIntosh and his Degree Team of Temple Lodge, Oshawa. I.P.M.-S. E. Allen; W.M.-Adolph Henry; S.W.-Harry Miilson: J.W.- O. W. Rolpb; Chap.-John Honey- well;- Treas -T. Smith; Secret ary- Dr. Neil Colville; SD.-Cari Biliings; J.D.-E. E. Patter-son; I.G.-RalPh Stutt; D. of C.-E. J. Hamm: S.S.- Dr. Ker-lake: J.S.-Dr. F. J. Cutteil: O.G.-Wm. Martyn. Following the installation ccremony a banquet was beld at The Kumrite, the Worshipfui Master presiding. Speeches were made by prominent members of the Craft, and ver-y fine musical num- bers wer-e rcndered by Mr. Pascoe of Oshawa. and the Orono Masonic Or- chestra. Mr. M. J. Tamblyn, leader-. Our life is but a littie holding, lent To do a mighty labor; we are one With Heaven andl the stars. whcn t la spent To serve God's alxn. ~George Meredth. TOTIND A POBCUPINE The prenence of porcupines in Ibis Part of the country la ver-y unusual. Robt. Duck tound one on bis f ar-m about two years ago and asat week Trafi Ranger Bille Rowland discov- er-ed one on bis father's f arm. Be- lng weaponless be secured the ser- vices of bis nelghbor-, John Hendry Jr-., who shot it, for if ail one reads about porcupines is true, they are not ver-y desirabie creatures to bave around. NEWCASTLE Newcastle citizens bave Iearned witb inter-est of the ordination of Mr.-now Rev. Lorne Thomas a f ew weeks since and bis appointment as Rector of the Ridgeway parish. He is now busil.y engaged with bis par- ishioners, in addition 10 "us ocher duties. in conipleting the buiIding and f urnishing of a new cburcb. Mr. Thomas, like Rev. John Bona- than of Montreai. is a graduate of Newcastle public and bigh schools and of Trinity College, Toronto. Mr. Thomas is the tbird Newcastle achool boy, reared in St. Geor-ge's Church and Sunday School, to enter- the ministry of the Church of England in recent ycars. The flrat 0f the trio, Rev. J. Harvey Gibson 0f Saugor. India. is a graduate of Wy- cliffe College, Toronto. A pîcasant surprise was sprung on Miss Wilmot on Tuesday, June 10tb. by the members orf the Women's Auxiliar-y o! St. George's Cburcb. The regular- meeting was beid at ber home, and at the conclusion of the regular business, the president. Mrs.1 Scott Howard, in happy terms cx- pr-essed the affection wbicb tbey al had for Miss WiJ.mot and stated that as she was going away for a long holiday to the Canadian Rockies they desired to present ber some token o! their regard and remem- brance. Miss Beatrice McIntosb then presented Misa Wilmot wth a travelling bag with ber initiais print- cd upon it. On bebalf of the brancb. Miss McIntosb wished ber God speed on ber journey and a safe rcturn. Miss Wilmnot cordially tbanked the members and said she trusted sheý would see tbem ail sa!e and well up- on ber return. A Corrector- 0f Puimonary Troubles -Many testimoniais couid be pre- sentcd sbowing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in corr-ect- ing disorders o! the respir-ator-y pro- cesses, but the best testimonial is ex- perience and the Oi is recommended 10 ail who suf er f rom these disor-ders witb the certainty that they will find relief. It will allay inflammation in the bronchiai tubes. What most people eall indigestion is usnallv excess acid in the stomacli. The food bas sourcd. The instant remcdy is an alkali whicb neutralizes acids. But uion't use crude heips. Use what your doctor wouid advisc. The best help is Philiips' Milk of Magnesia. For the 50 ycars since its invention il lias rcmairred standard with physicians. You wlll flnd nothing else so quick in ita effect, so harmless, &0 efficient. 'JIminediate Reief!1 One tasteless spoonful in water neu- tralizes manv tirnes its volume in acid. The resuits are immediate, with no bad aftcr-cfl'ects. Once you learn this fact you wiil neve.r <i'.zr with excessa cid la the crude wa ' s. Go lcarn-now-why thîs mcthod is8 supreme. Be sure to get tire genuine Phillipa' Milt of Magnesia prcscribcd by phÈ&l cians for 50 years in eorrccting eze0 acids. Each bottie contaas MIuiral-* tiong-a-ny drugstore. I à Yure away infront witk RED INDIAN Power/ 0 & Ë Vibrant with power ... your car is off at the flash of green . .. and away in front! McColl-Frontenac products whisk you over the level or up a grade with purring ease. And when you step on Cyclo Cas (No-Knock) Motor Fuel, all's quiet on the motoring front! Swift - silent-and saving, too ... this better rnotor fuel (as weil as Red Indian Motor Qil and Marathon Hi-Test Gasoline) has made firm friends ait over the Dominion. At the sign of the Red Indian,.fill your tank and crank case with vigorous McColl-Frontenac products. 'Ilicy mean more iles per gallon ... per dollar . .. and per vear 145 M COLIL-FRONTENA4C McCOLL-FRONTE-NAC OIL COMPANY LIMITED Cro oa t» - bl MAOTOS fuE A ncw motor fwe with drive -pep-and omà alemtv MOTOS 0114 Provides a per. fect filmof pro- tection between al, working PateOf thre A tralght gmine . .. eco. nonica... uni- formiy dean am ..u..am1 for Economical Tvanapovtation Auth orized Sales and Service Ostarlo Motor Sales Lamnted Bowuanvilje, Ontario -'j ...... . ... .7' m"Q NEnds ln Il Minute Ët TEM CANADIAN ErrATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1930 PAGE NINE J' P.

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