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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1930, p. 10

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PAflW TI!N TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUNE l9th, 1~O i il The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT THIURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1930 A Mid-Season Sale of Newest Dresses &41wý'U u WEDDING SOLINA N iSinaia-rtui - vir ________people of Newcastle United Church Nobbin-Wallace Recent Visitons: Mr. anti Mrs. in the Community Hall on Wednes- _______Frank Westlake anti family at Mrs. day. June llth, was a decided varia- On Saturtiay. dune l4th. at three Duncan Camerons, Oshawa; Mr* tion f rom the modern trend off com- o'clock a quiet but pretty wcdding anti Mrs. A. L. Pascoe with iKedron edy plays. -Ten Nights in a Bar- took place at the home of '.MI. and frienda anti attendeti the annivers- Room'- containeti both humor and Mrs. William Wallace. 119 Agnes: St.. ary; Mr. anti Mrs. Wesley Penhal tragedy and an underlying lesson on Oshawa. when their only tiaugter., Vancouver. B. C.. Dr. Fletcher Pen- the evils of drinking whicb was very Katbryn Leone, became the bride of hall. Morton. Minn.. Mrs. Tippy forcibly brought out. Horace C. Nobbin, son off Mr. anti Dearborn. Mich., anti Miss L.M' The parts were all exceptionally Mrs. J. W. Nobbin of Gaît. Rev E. Penhal, Port Ferry. with Mr. and well-taken and the play effectively Harston, pastor off Simcoe St. Unitedi Mrs. Tbos. Baker; Mr. and Mrs.prsneiudrte iecon f Church, ofliciated. Westlake at Mr. C. Averys, Haydon; Newcastle's veteran director and comedian. T. W. Jackson, was thon- The rid, wb ~ws uattedet.IMn. anti Mrs. Alonzo Willams anti oughly appreciateti by the splendid Tas giein marnae y bratb r ,Miss Dorotby, anti Miss Betty Cook' audience present. ative won arwn of ivorsat , Port Ferry, with Mn. anti Mrs. Chas. The cast off characters was as fol- deep hem of tulle. fashioned on Hwa;Ms .E ik r.R os Princess lines. Hen veil was of tulle J. McKessock anti Miss Ruth, at Mn. Joe Morgan, the drunkard. who ne- and hantllylaceant cauht i Hilton Tink's. Salemn; Mn. anti Mrs. formpj 'ffter the death of his daûgh- ord aetlssois.ace f end îcape ef - hThos. Baker at Mn. L. C. Snowden's. ter anti became the leading "squire" fect over ber shoulders. Her bouquet Maple Grove: Mn. anti Mns. Ernest in Cetarville-Mr. A. O. Parker. wasof pheia ose an liiesof heLarmer anti family, Blackstock, witb Simon Slatie. lantiiorti of the "Sic- Valy of pheiarose sini iie of the ber motber. Mrs. W. T. Taylor, wbo kle anti Sheaf.,' once a nespecteti citi- teaise. MDu.Fing Ptber.ingofontoe i seriously ill; M r. anti Mns. Charle- zen wbo, sunk to tbe depths of de- kister. Me roF.Com, er Trnt.ton McBnide anti Master Burton. gradation, was killeti by bis son Yoistear the groom ang Bat te Peterbono, wtb her parents. Mn. anti Frank in a fit off drunken rage-Mn. piano by Mrs. C. H. DudleyB - Mrs. George White; Miss Margaretl Ernie Gilbank. manville, wbo also playeti the weti- MrKsokwt isMr aeIM. Romaine, philanthropist-Mr. ding inarcb. Osbawa. N. L. Rickand. Remember oun 75th Anniversany Sample Swicbell. a lively Yankee- Immetiiately af ton the ceremony a this Sunday anti Monday. Do not Mn. T. W. Jackson. reception was held, tbe brides motb- stay away because you bave not a Frank Slade, 'The Example"- er roceiving in a becoming jon0 special invitation. Everyone wel - Mn. Charlie Glenney. grey georgette with green antiblckcomo. Harvey Green, gambler anti black- trimmings anti the grooms nother Rememiber the Young Marrieti guarti-Mr. John Asbton. weaing a eo%,n ,off printeti chiff on Peoples Picniic at Lakeview Park,i Willie Hammonti. the pride of with black lace anti a black bat. Oshawa. on Thursclay. dune 26th. Ce vllld into disgrace anti kilI- tater in the evening the bride anti Come for dinnen anti stay foi suppor cd by Green-Mr. Clarence J. Allin. groomn lef t for Quebec. the bride anti have a gooti tiile. taryOi Moanifeti bekrd*s f e t travelling in a navy blue tailoreti suit ivduhe.woscicd rlf t witb bat. shoes anti lo%,es off beige. Diision meeting Tburstiay even-. save ber fatber-Miss Gladys Pol- ing was weli attentiet. Our mern- lard. The wedding guesi. numbered bership is steadily growing. New Mrs. Morgan. a faitbfful anti loving about flfty antid o presenit f rom'office"', elerteti foi next quarter aie: wi fe-Miss Minnie Selby. WintisorBafr. Gaît. Hamnilton, W.P1.-Einest Twist; W.A.-Evelyn Batod Mohitable Cartwright, a spnlgbtly Toronto. Bownanville a1ntiOba Tink: R.S.-Margaret Scott; ARS. Yankee girl anti Samples sweetheart The out off tow,ýn guosts inclutietiMn. -Peney Dewell; F.S.-Ralpb Wibur; -Miss Minnie E. Pearce. ant i rs. J. W . Nobbin. Gait. parents Teas.-B. G. Steven; Chap.-Alan Mrs. lade. the lantloid's wife. û,eom n.a~Ms S .Nb McKssock:Con.-Mauiice Baker; heartbroken oven the change in ber bin', Windsor; Mn. anti Mis.F. C. A.C.-Ruth McKe.Cs5ock; I.S.-May husbanti anti son-Miss Lillian Clem- Westlake; O.S.-LC.onaid Barton; ence. Org.-Ileen Balson; P.W.P.-A L. Mns. J. C. Hancock anti Mrs. Clan- ________________________Pascoe: D.G.W.P.-John Baker. it ence J. Allin acteti as promptens Was decitieti to meet twicea month1 wbile tbe Knox Orchestra f rom Or- AIT WTN ifor the summer, so next mneeting will ono provIdeti splendid music between M KN O be hrdyeeig uyd nte acta. Proceeds amounteti to $7500. Stînday Sebool roon._____ I une meeting off Win ns VteFO heHyr B-L Iwas hld at Mus. E. R. Taylor's on Vt O h yr yLw M IST A K EThursday afternoon. anti waa well attendeti. Tbep îrsitient, Mrs. Chas. NEWTONVILLE - IHowsam. openeti the meeting. Pro- Whenit s aquesionof our gramn was in charge off Group 2. We eyea you want competont honest werefotunate in having Mns. J. C. A tragetiy which cast a glooi oven Whenyougettha, yu ICairns off the Boys' Training Scbool. the w~hole neighborhooti for miles, a- service. We o e ht o n Mrs. A. L. Niebolîs off Bowman- round occurreti between midnight get what you pay for, wbether its antidl. Afersnig e bLisat a.m. on Friday nioining off isat shoes, an automobile, weorhn iannGeteyeLok examnination. Otbenvise you are Annie MeMasteix itb Miss Lerahagwe wben VianGetrude Libock chetOt eibe byyouseff î, heTaylor at tbe piano, Mns. NicholîshatagitnniAtoyGbon chetedeiter y ourelfor hebrou ,lit greetings f nom tbe Bowrnaf-' ageti 17. were trappeti anti burnedtit othen ffellow. ville branch. anti Mrs. Cairns gave death in the home off the former'sI Be honest witb yourself anti by an excellent talk on "Laughter", parents, Mn. anti Mns. Sidney Lock-' all ean be onet wih yur hh was much enjoyeti. Meeting ihart, near Newtonville. Mn. andi eyes. tbey serve you well, tbey are closeti v.ith the National Anthemi andi Mrs. Lockhant were at the barn min- woth thousanda off dollars anti Group 2 serveti refreshinents. ibtrke otpaumably f rom ethe it- youwil neer av anthe par.chen stovo. The bouse was in Wben they are in distress anti Palmer anti famîly, Toronto: Mn. anti fiames before they emnerget f rom the neeti belp. do not be stingy witb Mrs. J. C. Waller, Mn. J. R. Waller. barn anti discovereti the fact. Ai- themn. Give thein the best ser- MsOlvWaenMis EeyiWl-tbough every effort was matie to res- vice money can buY. er, Mn. Jas. Wallace, Brantfordi; Mi. cue the littie tiaughtei anti the boy anti Mrs. J. H. Stephenson, Miss who worked for Mr. Lockhart anti G. M. BOSNELL, Optom Iris Margaret Stephenson. Hamilton: Mr. '.whom aIl helti in the kindest regard, OverFloo's Soreanti Mrs. Cecil H. Dudley, Bowmain- aîl attempta wene useless. The sym- Office vrFdsSoe ville, Mrs A. E. Woodrow, Toronto. pathy off this community is extenieti Port Hope to Mn. anti Mrs. Lockhart in their W110 BUMPED TOUR FENDER? bereavement, matie doubly sast by its office Hours I_____ tragie anti unexpecteti nature. WEDNESDAY each week Have you a tient in youn fentier? 9.30 a. M. ho 9.30 P. M. if so. I can take it out anti make Glenrose Note Paper in colon, your fenden look as gooti as new. speclal for Fri. anti Sat. 2lc. Reg. Toronto Office: It doesn't coat much, eithen. This 40e value, at Mellow's Drug Store. 2143 Danforth Ave. is the wonk I specialize in with the IGeneral Motora. Fred Churchill, Concession St. East, Bowmanville. Vote FOR the Hydro By-Law. A BOON FOR NEWCASTLE The federal governments project- ed work at Newcastle-on-the-Lake began to materialize last week wben a tug arriveti from Toronto, towing a scow load of plank and timber for the building of a retaining wall to preserve the beach anti a lantiing dock for smaîl boats. The work will be proceeded with at once and a number of local men will be employ- ed. The people of Newcastle and vicin- iyowe their good fortune in this re- gard to Mrs. Ida Stinson. a former Newcastle girl and a frequent visiton. bere at the home of hier parents. Mr.1 and Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck. It was through Mrs. Stinson's interest, in- fluence and good offices that a sumn for tbis work was put into the Do- fminion Government's estunates for public wonks. NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL Lower School Promotions I-Passeti in ail subi ects with an average throughout the year of Pýt least 75 per cent. II-Average between 66 andi 74 per cent. III-Average between 60 and 65 per cent. Names in order of menit; subjects after a name incicate faîlures; no one has been promoted witb more than two failures. 1Form I to Form II1-Edwin Han-1 cock I. Hubert Anderson III, David Lockhart III, Irene Brereton (Hist.), Mildred Bedwin (French'. Donothy 1Tnenwitb (Lat. Gram), Helene Hayes (Mlg., Lat.), George Graham (Alg., French). Font Il to Forre II - Walter Blackburn 1, Annabelle Hendry I, Fred Cowan 1. Jessie Van Dusen IL, Charles Alîdret IL. Leone Burkell IL. Jamie Wright IL. David Gray III, Gordon Garrod III. William Toms i tFrench'. Adair Hancock (French), George Buckley 4Fnench). Dorothy Bonathan (French), Florence Spen- cer (French), John Glover (French), Ruby Nicholas (Hist.), Marion Rinch (Alg., French). Staff: George Coyne, W. Bellamny. OLD T131E DRAM1A FILLS CONCERT HALL Newcastle Young People Score Triumph in Presentation of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" The presentation off the famous, Old-tirne temperance draina. '*Ten YOUNG FRONT QUARTER ~ MBROLLED IV UE4A.L BCK IRE WVVHITEFISH FRESH FILLETS lb. 150 M. 150 ib. ]La . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin, New- castle, returned on Friday f rom an eight months' trip to California, British Columbia, and other points in the Canad.ian West. They visited many relatives and met many old friends andi report a wonderful time. Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball has had Mr. Stanley Mils erecting a belfryl and installing a bell on the roof of1 Harris Lodge. It is an old beil of pioneer days, secured in Port Hope. It now rings out the hours of break- f ast, dinner and tea, flot oniy for the people of Harris Lodge estate. but for the residents round about. There wili be a meeting of the On- tario Prohibition Union in the Unit- ed Church S. S. Hall on Thursday to-ight) at 8 p. m. for the purpose of quickening interest in educationai temperance work. Mr. Fred W. Lewis, Toronto. will be the principal speaker and will direct the local or- ganization. Everyone welcomne. United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, Pastor. Sunday. June 22nd, Sunday School Anniversary Services at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Special music by the school in the morning and by the reguiar choir in the even- ing. Speaker. Mr. A. C. Denike, Havelock. President of the Layman's Association of the Bay of iQuinte Conference. No afternoon session of the Sunday School. A branch of the M.A.L.C.-Model Aeroplane League of Canada-was organizeti here on Monday evening through the efforts of Murray But-, 1er who was electeti the president. A group of about 20 young peole. mostly high school boys and girls attended the meeting in the kitchen of the Community Hall. The local branch has adopteti the name, The Gliders. Adair Hancock is the treas- urer and Jessie VanDusen the secre- tary. The Gliders plan to holti weekly meetings. Vote FOR the Hydro By-Law. Say BOAR" When Du.vlng Coffee!, ESTABLISHED Bokr .. won rnany new f ollowera dnrng the bripxe Convention. The tremaendoug bucceu of Bokar during the 1859 entlon was beyond opr most hopef ni ozpeçtatonoi. and we wl.h ho publiciy thank those user. who kindly expressed thefr appreclation of Its qllty ah tthe varions refreshment boatha. 'WIE E CNO Y ULS Ton are allways asured of the hghest quaUhY the maket affords when yon but' BeIo. Its matobless blend ECOOMYRULS"] and wlne-Uke rlchneaa of flavor are rapidi>' makfng It the peer of &H package coffees sold today, 1- GR9»O CERES BKAR COFFME SUPREME %-LB. TIN 230~ FLAVOR'tIGIIT INDIVIDUAL 2 TINS ST. ClIARLES' OR CARNATION EVAPORATED MLK i, 5 S5 > SUMM-ýEIZ'i-IE TSSOUP-i'IME Camp >el's ÇTW 2TINS I o FINE GRANULATED SUGAIR 10"am. 49e PRINCESS £OAP LÀ .L. t -Pkg. 21c JELLO, Assorted Flavors . ... , à Pkgs. 15c RICE KRISPIES, Kelloq'# I WjL - Pkgs. 25c DULMONTE CRUSHED PINECAPPLEIS *&47o CRABMEAT Vi ~ ~s Tin 37c SAILOR SAOIè Jar 21c Dranuton Pikie Jar 230 VITONE 49 310.if, 53. HONEY NUT BUTTER Jar 230 OLIVES sturfed JR250 Magie BaklngPowder 6T3N .JOHNSON'S FAMOUS FLOOR WAX 1- l69c Jap Caramlels lb. 230 SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE MARMALADE -330 Presertvinjr Time Vil soake Be Here FRUIT JARS D 9. :ý RUBRER JAR RINGS ZINC JAR RINGS _ MAYONNAISE Our Own Encore Brand-the Qu ii f Dre 31'-OZ. Jar....... 14c 16-oz. Jar ..... 47c 81/2-oz. Jar ...... 27c 32-oz. Jar ...... 73c 128-oz. Jar ........................ $2.39 TitGu I 1tlrAT Ai'INMrC PACUW , TIA C.. LIAICIEDOb CANADA ________ceived a visit on. Sunday from Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Trenton, re- Sid Knight, Miss Myrt le Snell, and cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Perey other relatives f rom Newtonville. Hare. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Toms andi Mr. Geo. Gaines was in Cobourg Idaughter Mary are leaving on Wed- last week as a petit juror at the as- nesday on a motor trip to Richmond, sizes. Que.. to visit Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Toronto, are Toms and family. again summering at their farmi home MrChliPanlisakggot west f th vilage.progress under the tuition of Mr. No. 2 Hawkeye Cameras in green, Percy Hare in the art of telegraphy blue or reti. Fn. anti Sat. specials at and the technical knowledge requis- Mellow's Drug Store-98c. ite for the position of operator and Miss Rilda Rowland, who is home station agent. f rom Normal School, Toronto, spent Mrs. W. Bellamy suffered a severe the weekend with Miss Ne'lie Snow- stroke, aff ecting the whole of her den, Maple Grove. left sitie, early Sunday morning. She Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Hare and Jack bas been staying with hier husband visiteti Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle.; at Major Dudley's anti had not been Brighton, and also f riends in Belle-1 feeling any too well since returning ville over the weekenti. i f rom her borne In Brighton a f ew Mrs FrnkGibon s epotedtoweeks ago. She was taken to Co- Mrs.Frak Gbso isreprte tobourg Hospital on Monday. be making good pnogress towards re-, covery since ber recent operation at Mr. W. E. Purdy of Elmhurst and the Toronto General Hospital. Crest House bas added outboard St. eorg's Curc steplere-motor boating to the other sports in- ce ySt George s C hrch ,stee le. re- dulgeti in w ith enjoym ent either up cnentl rc k byof lighrting, y Tor- town or at the lake. We may men- undr poces f rstoaton y Tn-tion rowing, canoeing, swimming, onto architects anti carpenters. cask-nolling, flshing (which is good Faste this date in your hat-Wed- this season). arcbery, badminton, nesday, July 9th.--Strawberry Festi-1 croquet. basebaîl. softball. football, val on St. Georges Church rectony! basketball, bowling, tennis, boxing, grounds, Newcastle. Everybody wel-, borseback riding, motoring. bicycling. corne. 25-11 walking, picture taking, not to men- Mr. Richard Jarvis. formerly i intewne prsnwoto the employ of Mr. W. Adams, butto h itrsprsnwot0 now with Mn. Clark Wardlaw, Wes- Free! at Mellow's Drug Store- ton, spent the weekend at Hotel Everready Razor (golti finish) and Newcastle and met a number f l two blades, witb eacb 50c tube Ever- f riends of this locality. ready Shaving Cream. y k 0 WHEN YOUR VACATION BEGINS Be ready to get away at once Corne on in - get a SWIM - C"P All the most f ashionable styles in the latest colora 19c -75c Water Wings - - 50e Ear Plugs- - 25e pair é'iay Bail and Tooth Paste 49e SUMMER S P ECIA L Refreshing Fruit Jellies 29c IL Just the thing for hot weather. Jury &Lvi When we test eyes it is done properiy. DRESS UP FOR THE GOODYEAR PICNIC White and Colored Dresses in Celeniese Crepe with figured trimmings, also white di-esses with polka dot trimmings, very smart and stylish. At the prceyo can aff ord to buy couple for Sumî-ner wear. ,9 We are featuring this week Flannel Coats in pastel, white and cream shades. THE SMART SHOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager Co wan Block MEA 78 A & P QUALITY BEEF A S4 Ty Prime Rlb M. 29o Blade lb. 24e 874aYT RIB lb. 25e «aonSLCE'b. 39.@ vwib. 37a FANCY YOUNG LONG ISLAND wY"UCKLINGS lib. 33a AVERAGE WEIGHT 5 LBB. FRAY BENTOS BRAND) ,"ORNEDDEEF %, 19a I'RESH CAUGHT LAKE NIPIGON FRESH FLOUNDERS ib. 12 COOKED MEATS Dolled Ham slilced lb. 49c CornRed Beef slleed ib. 25o Jt,1lle4 Veal slice.d lb. 42o 'AY'in-ers smoked lb. 22o »JILICA4 TESSEN ITEMVS PREPARED IN OUR OWN PLANT %SPAIREIRIRBSSTIaoEt» lb. 290 POTATO SALAD M lM. 23o COLD SLAW FRrlib. 5 FR UITS and VEGETABL1ESt BEETS , # x 3 Bunohem IL0O BEANS, New Wax............ 2 Ibs.-27 TOMMES, Texas-grown ..... 2 bi.27 1ANANA SRLPE 3lbs. 190 )RANVALNCIA..............Doz. 69c ')NIONS, New Green...... 3 Bunches loc JE ON .NEWA Do EMON:aMSSIN A mZ.33-, JETTUCE, Canadian-Grown . .2 Heads 9c i'OTÂTOES New 7ibn. 250 BOWMAN VILLE STORE: PHONE 83 i.- -- ____à THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, li).10 PAGE TEN

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