~tate~m~m X7:4. 1-, -t.-i Tc, T r.i-rnrarted The Rowmainvi11e NewsA&u. - - - - - - - - - 1 - - M A " I - - r .,'T -T T I D Q V \ A V T T T X!rV - Clû 4l i ) e 9 fl('I o V c a r in H x rça n e e 5 c a C o p y N o . 2 5 Vol LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publisilers. BO'Vi VIi-V'IA V ILi~., -.-- -- - - - I Coats is now lirnited, so if you new coat at a big-reduction in They'll not last long at these HOSIERY SPECIAL A very special line of full fashioned hose, regular $1,50 a pair, reduced this week to $1.25 Specially good line of Silk Hose at ...........75c Orient, Mercury & Allan A Hose from 75c to $2.00 RAYON, CELANESE AND PURE SILKS Printed Rayon Silks and Celanese, 50c to $1 .35 yd. Pure Silk Materials frorn........$2.0 to $2.50 yd. NEW SPRING SUIT $16.50 TO $39.50 Here are Spring suit val- ues that will interest the man who wants fine quaI- ity and fit at a sensible price. Fabrics of com- f ortable weight and i-e- markable wearing quali- ties . . . worsteds, cassi- meres and twist weaves in the latest patterns and shades . . . correct single and double-b r ea ste d styles in sizes and propor- tions ta fit ail figures perfectl>'. See this beau- tiful new Spring assort- ment and select your suit at a decided saving. MEN'S TOP COATS $12-50 to $27.50 Boy' Windsor Suit. Made ta ineasure are greatly admiered and sell- ing f roin You cannot find better clothing values . . . sec th.m sund be convinced. Couch, iohnston & Cryderman CITIZENS HEAR HYDRO PURCHASE DISCUSSED Much Valuable information Given lu Addresses by G. D. Conant and F. L. Mason o! Oshawa Citizens filled the Council ROOM Friday night to hear addresses on the question of purchasing the local hydro distributing plant which vote takes place next Monday. Mayor . J. Elliott presided. Two prommnent men weil versed in hydro affairs in this district gave many pertinent facts in their ad- dresses. Gordon D. Conant, a mem- ber of the Public Utilities Commis- sion of Oshawa, reviewed the power situation in eastern Ontario which led up to the goverrnent buying the Seymour Power System and turned it over to the Hydro Commission. Tis body is now unscrambling the system by off ering the local plants to the various municipalities at very at- tractive prices. "The municipality owning its own hydro plant keeps ail its profits for use on its own system instead of go- ing into a central fund" said Mr. Conant. -I would be very much surprised if Bowmanville could not substantially reduce its rates besides taking care of its debentures and re- serves. Every other town has done so and so can Bowmanville." In conclusion hie stated that the pur- dbase was a manif estly good proposi- tion. Mr. F. L. Mason, President of the Eastern Ontario Hydro Association. and Chairman of the Oshawa Util- ities Commission, who is one o! the best informed men in this district on hydro affairs. gave statistics to prove the advantage and desirability of The annual Graduation Exercises of the Training School for Nurses o! Bowmanville Hospital wilI take place on Friday. June 2th, at 8.30 p. m. in the opera House, at which the public are invited. Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles, Ex-Chancellor of Victoria University, will be the speaker of the evening. The class of 1930 consists of Miss Hester Margaret Moorcraft, Bow- manville. and Miss Marion Henrietta Baskerville of Newcastle. A recept- ion will be held afterward at the Nurses' Residence. W. D. AGICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETS TO-NIGHT (THURSDAY) Ail citizens in town and- country interested in and ready to do your part in putting across Bowmanville Fair on Friday and Saturday. Sept. l2th and l3th, are invited and will be made welcome at the semi-annual meeting of West Durham Agricult- 1 ural Society which meets to-night1 (Thursday> at 7.30 standard time in Council Room. The directors and members are putting forth a determined effort tot make this year's exhibition an out- standing success. The assistance and cooperation of every public spirited citizen is urged and needed. Will you do your part? Then be on hand to-night at 7.30 o'clock. CELEBRATE 25TH ANNIVERSARY 0F ROTARY CLUBS Rotarians From Every Clime WilI Meet in Chicago, June 23rd to 27th. Vote for the Hydro Bylaw Some of the salient facts regarding the purchase by the Town of the local Hydro Electric System seemi to be these: First. the Hydro was created in the firsi instance to deliver power to municipalities at cost. but it was neyer intended that Hydro should l'un and operatc the electric system of each or any municipality. Hydro is not a corporation nor a company. They have no shareholders to receive dividends, no provision for the piling up of profits. They are only creat- ed to give each municipality electrir power at cost. The municipalities and the ratepayers o! each municipality are intended to receive the pro- fits either in lower rates or in cash returns. or company located outside of a municipality who owns their system. We pay for our power at a fixed rate and that is the end of it. Our profits are paid to the municipalities of Oshawa, Peterboro. Lindsay, Picton an-d Belleville who own their system and under the Power Act re- ceivÙ any profits received by the Hydro connected with the Central Ontario System. The Hydro Commission are trying to assist Bowmanville to get in line and receive the real benefits of Hydro, and of course we cannot understand that and become suspicious. The only municipalities (and they are very few) who do not own their own electric system in Ontario to-day are municipalities who orig- înally reccived this electric power f rom private power companies. In most instances these private companies were bought out by Hydro at the urgent request of the municipalities concerned and the ones who have not since bought their own systems enjoy rather high rates and see the profits therefrom distributed to, other municipalities who own their sys- tems and who are the only ones under the power act who may receive such profits. The only possible way the electric users o! Bowmanville can secure lower rates is to, buy their own system. The bug bear of "a run-down equipment," "a pile o! junli" and NEW HEATING SYSTEM IN PUBLIC SCHOOL Awarded to W. Len. EIIJott at $7140 At the meeting on Friday evening the Public School Board awarded the contract for installing a new heatmng system at the Central School to W. L. Elliott, local plumber, at $7140-00. Ten tenders were received, six of them bemng from out-of-town firrns. W. L. Elliott's and W. A. Clarke's tenders were chosen for spec- ial conisideration, the others belng considered too high. A long and wordy controversy ensued, and the matter was finally voted on with the above resuit. 1. The discussion then veered to the question of meeting the town coun- cil for the purpose of asking for the necessary grant to *carry out the plans. The chairman on being elected to appoint a committee to i- terview the council. delegated the whole board for this purpose. The tenders received for the heating plant were as f ollows: $6,937, $7,200, $7.600, $8.400, $7,200, $8,600, $7,140, $7.330, $7,143, and $7,500. Tri Robir 11 a. day Loyal serlo st. Best, Morn ditio: ship- Forgi Schoi local plait Soeontin terest- Celebi'ation o! the 25th anniver- other expressions one hears on the street is not founded upon f acts. St. inga commntsohe omade inuded: sary of the organization o! the first Each year maintenance and replacement is made in the local system Rev.1 Each of the nine municipalities Rotary Club. in Chicago in 1905, is according to the practice of the Hydro Electric System everywhere. da owniing their plants made a profit drawing to the birthplace of Rotary 8 a.1 $51,864.71d otrinsan The books o! the local office disclose the proper amount being spent upon -Mo last year f rom $186.1in Oshawa trntetousnd Roarinsan ' to $366.34 in village o! Warkworth, members o! their families f rom more this equipment every year. Another point. you cannot reciveM.o besides an additional equity in the than sixty counitries. service f rom a pile of junk, and our service in Bowmanville is uniformnly Class system ranging from $40904.79 to In these twenty-five years. Rotary good.St $31709. Mr. Mason stated further clubs have been formed in almost Strn that these same municipalities shar- every corner of the World. There are I may be nice to play Santa Claus at Christmas but it is mighty cornd ed in the *22.000 profit made by the now 3,325 clubs with 153,000 mem- orbsns o omnil opa talteya on n rvd sun Bowmanville plant because we were bers, leaders in business and prof es- po uiesfrBwavlet lyi i h errudadpoie wr only tenants o! the system. sional if e in their communities. our neighboring municipalities, who own their local hydro systems. each 7.301 Municipal systems purchased f rom The activities o! the Silver Anni- with a nice slice o! our profits which should be going to reduce our own onto, government include Lindsay. Peter- versary o! Rotary are arranged i rates. Whit boro. Oshawa, Belleville, Brighton, three major divisions. The world Lodgi Port Hope, Napanee. wide scope o! Rotary and its inter- For the future. the St. Lawrence development is bound to come atten Bowmanville's hydro gross revenue national development are dramati- and with it available power for use in this district. if Bowmianvilie does Tri has grown f rom $43,400 in 1917 to cally presented on the first night.- not own its own system we are powerless to attract industries here, be- June $97638.59 in 1929; number o! users June 23rd, by an historical review oi f rom 660 to 1186, and H. P. deliver- o! the spread o! Rotar. around the cause our rates will be hopelessly higher than the rates o! our neighboring enirý cd from 1000 to 1817.3 H-. P. Capi- world, with ail the ~ international municipalities who own their own system. miss tal in plant in 19s16 stood at $42.377 presidents taking j..C.t. The inter-1 - af ter as compared wth $91,515.90 in 1929 national viewpoint is again empha-1 Wake up Bowmanville ! Get aoreast o! the times. Surely the ture and reserves o! $21.086.53. The dif - sized by noted speakers as the climax' people in the municii3alities who purchased their own system are not ail ReaÈ ference between the plant value and o! the convention. f oolish. EveryonC o! them are making big profits and reducing their Crav the reserve is the basis o! the sale Af ter the formai opening of the, ae rmterlclsseste ucae rmHdo oa price we are now asked to pay. convention, the Rotarians wiîî turn rtsf o herlcaMrte.teyprhae rmHdr.vc A comparison o! the value o! their attention to group discussions BY ail. means vote in favor o! the Hydro By-Law next Monday if f ror Bowmanville plant with other muni- o! business. f rom their own partic- yu ish the town t hr ntepoisan eev oe ae.lem cipalities such as Dunnvllle. Simcoe. ular points o! view. Each group wilyuwtosae nteprft adrciv oerrts St. Mrys.Pert andPeneangbe composed o! men o! the samne oc- Nx shwd the value of our local plant cupation. VEYSNIL UGSI N ex5 to be very reasonable. As a new experiment. ail the Ro- LBRL SLC . .HLAN VR ENIL UGETO leHdoEgne.in tarians in occupations related to the AS FEDERAL CANDID T rsetdt cho or b ulcchar awootena'ndustryumfrromt the wheepnSehool Teackers grou local plnt was a bunch o! junk and raiser to the clothing merchant. will Reeve o! Clarke Townlship Made ____ greatiy in needo! equipment. issued meet together to discuss the prob- Unanimous Choice on Second Ballot A an outcome o! the deplorable 5 the challenge that he wouid go over lems o! the entire industry. The -Large Gatheriflg of Liberals at South1 Ward School squabble aired R the plant with any citizen and he third business con! erence will be would de! y themtshw im$0 composed o! five representatives o! Orono atthe School Board meetings held in the entire system which was ob- each country. These men will dis- reety1h tfso h eta solete. He knew because he had the cuss international commercial rela- Durhamn County Liberals had a Public School and the South Ward suprviio o!theBomanile ss- ios, uchastir dffiulteso! x-very enthusiastic convention at Or- School signed the following petition TI tue.sono chaomnvle y- ing, staift!hs different esandard ono on Saturday, when several hun- which was presented to the school barr terri. !cbungess arcicde nd 0tn.adsdred supporters gathered ithe board for their consideration: Rt of Wbustnesundersigned. hereby peti-ati Then the convention will trans- Town Hall fIromail parts o! the rid- tion the Public Scb ,l Bord o! etheJu BIG JUMP IN COUNTY RATE formi itself into a "community ser- stato h ubi colBar fteJn -vice clinic" for the presentation o! 1 Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., was in Town o! Bowmnanville that they con- tr If the report o! the Valuators ap- experieni2es famiiiair to most comn- charge o! the meeting and as tn ie hsrin:Ta nteftr Dr. di pointed by County Council to read- mirnities. like federated community was his first public speech before the ail grievances, etc.. o! parents or just the assessment tin Durhami and service f unds, work wlth cripp eLietilr Association since his re- guardians against teachers, or griev- ds Nortumbelan is doptdppleLier he voced his thanks and ances o! teachers against parents or cori Nothmelindi aote.B0w-cbiidren. rurai-urban acquaintanceth wiilhav tonaie a add- pomoion stdentbanfuns. ris appreciation for the support he ne-! guardians be put in witing and sign- h manu-onviiaioan oyan ir if eiec d bef ore being brought bef ore the beC tionai $8000 yearly for countys pur-Brgg visitatithn, and boyr Banddgirl life ceivedb. poses on a 4 miii increase in taxes. surveys. Reports on these activities r rg xlie h eao o or;as htapersonai inter-1 Last yean this town contributed xiii be* given by representatives o! this convention was the nominating view be held with the person against ion $13,834.40 for county purposes. clubs in many countries. o! a Liberal candidate to oppose the whom the grievance exists before it int After the craf t and communitv Consenvative candidate, Mr. Fred W. be brought up at a public meeting." terE service discussions. the convention Bowen, in the forthcoming federai If this ruling is adhercd to. it wil LOCAL AND OTHERWISE will neyent to the field o! internation- election o! Juhy 28th. no doubt help to dlean up future yO 1 - ai relations. Thî'ee widely known Three men were nominated: John! troubles in a hess sensational mannen par Vote FOR the Hydro By-Law. men in public life xiii present ad-J Baker. Darlington Townsbip, nomin- and resuit in a bettcr nutuai under- Goodyear Picnic is Saturday. dresses at these sessions. Sir Henry,1 ated by Mebourne Wigbt and sec- standing between teachers, parents Mrs. W. L. Branton. Toronto, vis- W. Thornton, President o! the Can- onded by E. Souch; Tý. S. Hoigate., and schooi board. ite he sste. ns.W. . unnr. adian National Railways, will tahk on Bowmnanvilhe, nominated by Wilbur i 1 iedhersiter Ms. . . Bnnr. the importance o! commerce and tin- . Hoar and seconded by Geo. A. i FRAISES CHAUTAUQUA Mn. W. J. Cuiley was in Cobourg dsr nitratoa eain. Stý-ihcnis. M. J. Holînan, Clarke _____ hast week serving on the Grand Jury. Prince Iyesato Tokugawva, Presi- Township. noîninatcd by John Stew- Mn. and Mns. A. W. Pickard at-dno!teaansHoro!er. art an~d seconr-ed by George Mitchell.' (Froim St. Marn.*s ,urnal-Argus) tended Janctviiie aniniversary onlPeieto h aaeeRdCos The nomniees were given an op- The Canadian' Cl:auitauqua came Sunday and were entertained at the President o! the Anineica-Japan Soc.- p iltro addrcss tie convention. to S.Mrsfrt~frttiehs home o! Mn. and Mrs. Norman Mc- ietv. President o! thf, League o! Na- Mr. Baker said tbat adrhcigh he had1 yeair. Il va; known oniy by reputa- Gi. Miss Marlon Pîckard assisted t ions Association. and o! many other b ý,2 born into a ipolitiuO'. f amily and'tica. Their progranis f roin first to the choir and sang the solo "Cross- important public organizations in %lsi wvinrricd politicaily. he wasflot l ast miade rn excellent impression ing the Bar" at the event.lg service. Jaaver pekt h oneto oy anxiflh1, to attain thbe position. and it wvas felt by most citizens that Cities Service OÙ Company Limit- in the naine o! the Japanese govern- but that if it pleased the people to(teycomingo! hawhtauquahad been' cd bas purcbased !nom A. W. Pickard ment. His daughter r nccntiy mar- liav'C him rirn as the Liberal candi-,ivr uhwrhx'ie hsya' the very desirabie King Street pro- ied the brother o! the J apanese date he would consider it. program Nvhich is to be put on f rom pryoccupied by Corbett Motor Emperor. and bis son is Japan's first Mn. Holgate expiained that he had June 6th to llth, looks to be just as1 Sales and Kemp Bros. Garage. The Minister to Canada. in the ast f ew years been a member go o r en terstd n ate educa- latter finm wiil stili carry on as us- Admirai Mark Kerr o! London, has o! town counicil and mnayor for sev- Atwoaeitrse nteeua ualbu wii di it Sevie po-for the subi cet o! his address at the eral ycars and was qulte expenienced tionai and spiritual bettermient o! the da ut iselCts.eviepr-ciosing session o! the convention. with municipal affairs and that if community, and the raising o! the Frd aner Cbur. adth"The Inter-dependcnce o!f Nationw01;bis nomination was sustalned he standard o! entertainment. should misfortune to hose bis Shorthonn bull. Bowmahvlhe Rotary Club wiih bc would give bis best for the Libei'al hold up botb hands for Chaur-aucrua. Broadoak, ast week. A post mon- represented at the convention by Ro- party and that be was sure that Dur ORANGEMEN ATTENTION! temr by Dr. Zeaiand reveaied a 3-inch tartan Geo. W. James who wiil be ham couid be won for Llberallsm. niait. and an oid coil spring in bis accompanled by Mrs. James. Mn. rHoiman expiained bis Quai- The officers and members o! stomchpiecin hislun, wichifileations for the position and gave Purpie Guards. L. O. L. No. 2384, wil inust bave been picked up nearly 2 WSYO L"M ER (Coftlnued on page 3) assemble at theiir lodge room at 6.30 year ago Ths isMr. arkr's ec-P. m., June 22nd. 1930, to attend Di- ond loss in a ittle over 2 years, los - vine service at Trinity United Churcb iuîg Fairlawne Comnet 2 yeans ago hast Does it need sharpenling or repair- at 7 p. m. D.S.T. Visitons wehcome. March. ing for the coming season? Lots COMING EVENTS Wm. Irwlu, Harold Henuing, o! folks have already had us put Rec. Sec. Won. Master. theirs i shape. Brlng yours In to.. Vote FOR the Hydre, By-Law. ____ SUMMER PRICES FOR COAL day before the rush. We use the Bowmanville Chautauqiua wlll be BUY TOUR COAL EARLY Ideai Lawn Mowel' Grinder which heîd July 18-19-21-22-23. Price o! Lehighi Valley Anthracite gives such excellent satisfaction. Coals f orthwlth wilU be: Prompt service assured. We do not Bowmnalville football team in aYs Until further notice oun pnices for Stove ......315.50 per ton give credit for sharpe!lig or repair- Courtice a league gamne at Hlgh coal and coke will be as follows: Egg $15.00 per ton ing lawn mowel's. It'a a cash tran- Schooh grounds Saturday. June 218t. Stove - -ýý--$15.50 per ton Chestnut $15.00 per ton saction. Bear this i mid. D.7.0pm.!stieEg&Chtnt 150prto Pea __, 312,150 per ton Alldread. Biacksmlth Ehop, opposite The public is lnvited to attend an Peu . .. .. 312.50 per ton Coke _..... $1-1.50 per ton Salvation Army Hall. King St. Eumt, informai musicale given at the Boys' Buckwheat .... $ 9.50 per ton A discount o! 50c a ton wlll be ai- Bowmaliville. 23-tf Traiig School Monday evenlng at Coke ... 3 11.50 per ton loedof tes piesf r as wt eight o'clock, dayllght savlng time.1 A discount of 50c per ton will. be owded f hsrncsfrc l. Mn.. p. Converse Smith wilil conductimade for cash wlth order. I re.John A. Holgate & son Vote FOR the Hydro flY-Law. the musicale. MoOleuln h&V. . i (i p LADIES' SPRING COATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES mi, rnity United Church-Rev. J. U. is, pastor. Sunday Services: m.-Preaching service and Sun- School. 7 p. m.-Members of il Orange Lodge will attend the 4e in the evenmng. bPaul's Church-Rev. D. W. D.D.. Minister. il a. m.- ning Worship-"Faith and Con- )ns"; 7.30 p. m.-Evening Wor- >--'The Christian Experience o! giveness"; il - 12.30-Sunday 001. tJohn's (Anglican) Church-. R. J. Shires, Rector. First Sun-' after Trinity, June 22nd, 1930: m.-Holy Communion; il a. m. [rning Prayer & Lltany; 2.30 .--Sunday School and Bible s; 7 p. m.-Evenng Prayer. tAndrew's Presbyterlan Church. aer Temperance and Church Ste. iay School at 10 a. m.; Morning ship il a. m.; Evenlng worsMP p. m. Rev. Peter Taylor, Tor- owiil preach at both services. tby, Oshawa and Bowmanville ies of Daughters of England wll cnd the evening service. rinity Y. W. Auxllary held the le meeting in the Ladies' class m of the church on Tuesday ev- ng with a f airly good attendance. ýs Spargo, president, presided, and er the opening exercises the scrlp- -was read by Mrs. H. H. Dilling. adings were given by Mrs. A. W. iwforth and Mrs. R. H. WestawaY; ,a solo was splendidly sung by ýFrancis Sutton; and the chapter n the study book "Prom Jerusa- ito Jerusalem" was most -inter- ingly taken by Miss Lena Hladdy. xt meeting wlll be held on July ;h, Quarterly tea on the lawn of s.W. R. strike, Horsey Street, in 3rge of Mrs. Melbourne Wlght's )UP. SCHOOL TRUSTEES' AND EATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Dur- n County School Trustees' and Lepayers' Association wiil be held Orono Town Hall on Tuesday, [e 24th, 1930. at 2 o'clock p.m., indard time. Election of officers. an address, by rJ. B. Reynolds, Port Hope, and scussion on various matters of vital ncern to every ratepayer will be &program for the afternoon. Col. E. E. Snider is also invited to, Spresent and f irst hand informnat- nf rom him on educational affairs the county xvill be of personal in- *est to everbody. Come with a good numbel f rom )ur school section. prepared to take irt in the discussions. L. H. Winslow. Ida, President J. Baker. Hampton, Secretary. ROYA L THURS.. FRI. and SAT. JUNE 19 - 20 - 21 "SHOW GIRL IN HOLLYWOOD"t With Alice White, Jack Mulhail, Blanche Sweet and Ford Sterling. Partly in Technicolor. MON., TUES. and WED. JUNER 23 - 24 - 25 George Arliss in ' THE GREEN GODDESS' With H. B. Warner, Alice Joyce and Ralph Forbes. Hear the magie voice of Arllss in this thrlilling drama of fanatical vengeance. Matin..w Monday at 4 p. m. Matin«. Saturday at 2.30 p. m. EYOise at 8 and 10p. m. DalgtSaviag Tim. v HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! -0 Our stock of are looking for a price corne early. prices. m . 1PHONE 104 LCMdiTED 1 1 -- - --r.7 vv tt 1 uni Ili £-lu N ni-ilxi'MAXTVTI.T.V nMTA-RTO. TI-iUMýSLýAY. JUNE 19tli, 193() - --- - - - - - - 1 1 - -1- - --- 1 1 BOWAANVILLE