PAGE THREE THS CANADIAN STrATESILAN, BOWMANYXULLE, TH[UffDAY, JUNE l9th, 1930 - I I _______________ I MÂNUFÂCTURERS' SPDECIALs OUTLET AN OUTSTANDING NELSONIVALUE Featuring the Biggest "GoId Seal Congoleum Rug" Saving Ever Offered the Buying Public of this District. GOLD ONGOLEUM SEAL JGS LARGE RUG IN TWO SIZES WITH TWO SMALL MATS TO MATCH 71/2 x 9 Feet With Two Rugs 18 x 36 THE THREE F0R $6.66 ONOOLUN GOLD SEAL GUARANTEZ IGISFMnONoeARMmWB GRMIRPtOWLTMoe *uoeSm w Du u 9 x 12 Feet With Two Rugs 18 x 36 THE THREE FOR $9099. REMEMBER - Every Rug is guaranteed lst quality-a guarantee of satisfaction or MoneyliOfSt Back. Compare the above prices with anything you can buy elsewhere and note the big savings. hs7ee These prices hold good tili JuIy 3lst. The de sign-A very fine and faithful adaptation of the quaint tile floors found in the old casties and inns of Europe. The warm, softly contrasting reds of the larger tiles and the bright colored insets give an appeal of utmost attractiveness-a truly pleasing eff ect. See special display in our windows. SUMMER DRESSES 140 New Summer Diesses, ail sizes & styles, $2.9 at eacb ........ 7wUZ 120 Summer Fugî Crey- shene and other Dresses, values to $5.95,$ 4 NEW SUMMER HATS Just arrived in ail the new- est styles and colorings, in- cluding lots of white, at Big Savings NELSON's STORE FOR BIGGER AND WALK A BLOCK BETTER BARGAI.NS AND SAVE A LOT MEN'S WORK PANTS $1.39 Pair 5 doz. only, sizes 34 to 42, in a good hard-wearing tweed, worth $1.79 a pair. A special purchase at a big disjcount enables us to offer them at$13 per pair .........$13 MOTOR RUGS Puri wool qualities in, two grades-makers' samples at a very big saving: No. 1, Reg. 3.95 27 for...............$27 for 2, Reg. $5.95 $0 .9 HAMPTON Miss Nora Kerslake, Toronto. vis- ited at home. Mrs. W. H. Ruse is spending ai week with friends in Trenton. Mr. Albert Elliott, Fort Erie, cail- ed on friends in the village last week. Several f rom here visited Toronto during the Shriners' Convention week. Mr. and Mr.s W. J Ranton. Tren- ton, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. J.' Virtue. Mrs. Percy Hilîs and Miss Winnie Cryderman visited their parents on Sunday. Several f rotn here attended thel Women's Institute Convention at, Nestleton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole, Bow- manville, visited with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch. Little Miss Mildred Hastings, Tor- onto. is visiting lier grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barron spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Hamilton and western points. Mr. and Mrs. J. Colwill and Mr. and Mrs. A. Trenouth visited at Maple Grove on Sunday and attend- ed the anniversary services. MAPLE GROVE Miss Violet Lodge, Oshawa, is vis- iting Mrs. Grant Bennett. Miss Nellie Snowden, Toronto Nor- mal. is holidaying at home. Miss Hilda Rowland, Newcastle, vislted Miss Nellie Snowden. Mrs. Macklin. Cobourg. spent the weekend wth ber daughter. Mrs. Samuel Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden and daughter Helen. Toronto, visited with their parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder and Miss Marion Warder, Bowmanvllle, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Orm Beatty and daughter Mary, Zion, Hope township, vlsited witb Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier and son * thur Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long- re, Hamiltofi, vlslted Mr. and Mrs. as. ïHone on sunday. This scliool section, No. 3, will be delighted to kiiow that Miss B. E. soucb. our excellent teacher, lias been re-engaged for another year. Miss Evelyn Lancaster, Port Gran- by, and Miss Elsie Wallace, Newton- ville. spent the weekend wltli the formner's sister. Mrs. Ivison Munday, and attended the annlversary. H-ere's a poser f rom tbe Glasgow Herald that wll apply in any place: "Wouid your town be a better or poorer town if every one iit was like YOU?" NEW HIGHWAY SIGNS The new highway signs have made their appearance on the Kingston road. known as Highway No. 2. As was announced by théb Ferguson Government, some time ago, the name Provincial Higbway bas been changed to that of "King's Higli- way.'" The new signs, that bear the new name, are the neatest and most attractive we have yet seen in Can- ada or United States. Mounted on a metal standard, the triangular metal sign bears the new name and a crown, with the officiai number des- ignating the highway in black letters on a white ground. The new signs are being erected in towns and cities 1 to mark the route of travel and are easily picked up for they stand out lin sharp relief. WERRY FAMJlLY PICNIC Werry Family Picnic will be beld at Elliott Park, Hampton, on Wed- nestjay, July l6tb, 1930, from il a. m. to the close o! day. Relatives. please accept this invitation to .ioin this family re-union. Tlh3 oyes ame the gatiewyUo tbi brain. By theirmralthe wealth and the worlcings cdf m- borleem mds are yoi]rs. YOUR OBLIGATION to youxsêlf la a solenin onie bo ke.ep aAt ita beat the picalew e hfritgeof GOOD VISION. Do Not N.glect Your Ey.. Consult Our Optometrist R. M. Mitchell. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drucelts - Opteotrias Plâmo 92 ENFIELD Mr. B. Powell, Oshawa, visited at Mr. T. Henry's. Mrs. E. Annis. Whitby, is visiting at Mr. Frank Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Page, Toronto, visited at Mr. S. Page's. Mr. Lloyd Cochrane, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. G. Cochrane's. Mr. T. Henry was elected trustee for the school, filllng the vacancy caused by the death o! the late T. H. Stinson. Mr. James Tapp, Charlotte, N. Y.,' Mr. Silas' Tapp, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mount Dennis, vis- ited at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's. Mrs. John Allin and Mrs. T. Hoar. Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and daughter, Bobcaygeon, visited at Mr. Arthur Ormiston's. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh and family visited at Kirby on Sunday. Salem League will meet on Sunday afternoon at the usual bour. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann visited at Kedron on Sunday and attended an- niversary services. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry motored to Peterboro at the weekend brlng- ing Mr. Kennetb home wlth tliem. Several Salem ladies attended the1 annual meeting of the West Durhain Women's Institute held at Nestîcton on Tuesday. Mr. Wrefrod Cornisb is at Janet- ville lielping hMs brother-in-law -th work on a new barn andMr.W Cornisb is vlsting relatives at Burketon. On Friday last Mr. and Mrs. Cor- nisb. accompanied by Mr. P. Lang- mald of Oshawa, motored to Janet- ville and vlslted the former's daugb- ter. Mr. Cornish bas purcbased a new car. Several f rom this vlcinity attended the anniversary at Maple Grove on Sunday and Monday and report splendid services on Sunday wlth beautiful supper and splendid enter- talnment On Monday. Mrs. M. J. Hutcheson, Toronto, motored down and vlslted Mrs. F. Honey. On ber return Mrs. HoneY and Miss Marlon accompanled ber for a couple o! days' visit while tlie Sbrine Convention was in sway. Mrs. W. Fitze, Mrs. Fitze Br., Jan- etville, Miss Nellie Smitli, Oakvllle, Mrs. W. Britton, Mr. Wllbur Brit- ton, Eston, Sask., Mrs. J. Wonnacott,' Miss Carnie Knight, Mr. and Mrs. A. Knlgbt, Bowmanvllle, vislted Mr and Mrs. 0. Cornish on Thursday, and on Sunday Mr,. and Mr$. J. Herd and son and Miss Viola Cloynes, Oshawa, were viitors o! Mr. and Mms. Cor- nI.. LIBERALS SELECT M. J. HQLMAN (Continued f rom page 1) some of hMs views on the policies of the King goverrunent. He is at pre- sent Reeve of Clarke Township and has held several responsible postons with the county counicil and other public institutions. Two ballots were taken which rtc- sulted in the selection of Mr. Hol- man. The choice was made unanim- ous on motion of Messrs. Baker and Holgate. Mr. Holman expressed his thanks and appreciation of the vote and confidence placed in im . He claimed that the unemployment problemo was flot the f ault of the Dominion, gov- ernment. His opinion was that the provincial governments should ban- PRICES REF.DUCED IN WALL PAPER 5c. RL Clearing out discotinuci linos sud remuants at unhosrd-of values. The stock i. Umited. GRADUATION GIFTS You wiII fini an excelent selection of giftt hero reasouabiy pricod. Our Loaning Llbrary off ors tho beout of fiction at the lonat oot. Se a day wbile you rosi the book. J. W. Jewell Bis 20 Doob*tore Dowmnsisnll die the unemployment situation. He expressed bimself in full accord witb the policies of the King government ànd its recent tariff revision. He was very enthusiastic concerning the Federal action as to old age pensions but was not in sympathy witb the provincial administration regarding tMis project, in whMch the local mun- icipalities are burdened with a large portion of the cost. Owing to other appointments the speakers scheduled for the conven- tion in the persons of J. C. McRuer, K.C., Toronto. and the Government Whlp, F. G. Sanderson, M.P., St. Marys, were unable to be present. Mr. A. MacGregor, K.C., Toronto. ably represented them in a fine speech concerning the recent Dun- ning Budget. Mr. MacGregor opened his address with a short sketch o f his acquaintance with Durham coun- ty. His eminent professor in college days was Sir Allan Aylesworth who was quite well known here and who ran as Liberal candidate at one time. He also studied with Mr. E. S. Sen- kier of Bowmanville. so that he was f airly well acquainted with this part of the country. Mr. MacGregor explained at some length Mr. Dunning's Budget. One r1f the main objects is to deal with other cowitries in tariff! matters as they deal îith Canada. If United States imposes a heavy duty on some articles dangerous to their trade why should not Canada do likewise, he iýs.kec1? The speaker wvas ciuite script- ur-ally inclincd and several times made bis point clearer by the use of lines f rom the Bible. He explained that Britain had neyer tricked Can- ada or in any way schemed against her in regard to the trading tariff s between the two countries and that in the future she could more than llkely bc trusted in a like manner. He explained the superiority of the Dunning policy over the close, self- contained pollcy of the former Con- servative government in that the re- cent budget of the King government off ered much greater opportunlty for expansion of tradte, and the use of more locally made products and mat- erials. In conclusion lie complimented the gathering for nomlnating an able man like Mr. Holman and wlshed Durbam Liberals every success in the coming election. Mr. Bragg expressed his gratitude to Mr. Macaregor for his very fine and informative addresa and closed the meeting witb three cheers for the new candidate, Mr. M. J. Holman, Hon. MacKenzie King and King George. The election of officers resulted in W. A. Meadows, Port Hope. belng elected Prealdent, E. 8., Bow- manville, Secretary-Treaaurer, and Vice-Preadents f rom each munici- Wome's bownnndtee. cepe iIII Elite Shoe Store Step into a pair of our comfort- jji able fittjng Pumps, ini black kid or brown kid, with cuban cover- ed heels,....... $7.50 pr. We have Just received a new lot of Men's Oxfords, speciallly priced at .S -ý. 7.00 pr. Our Sport Shoca are a knock-out:111 111111vun b,-. FOR HEALTWIS SAKE EAT CORBETS WHOLESOME BREAD Wedding Cakes A Specialty "W. P. CORBETT BaIoeri.s at Bowiuazwille and Orono .~ ~ e .5 m 1 à p- - ---- - -.-.j 1 nWa.