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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1930, p. 4

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PAON FOUR T~E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV]LLE, TH1JRSDAY. JUNE lth. 1930 Interesting Pictures from the Bo wmanville High School " Screech Owl " THE LITERARY SOCIETY EXECUTIVE, 1930 Le!t to Right- (Standing-M. Jones, J. Knox, Y. Tighe, R. Corbett. H. Best. B. Campbell, N. Osborne, B. Honeyman, E. Rickard, B. Cryderman. (Seated - Mr. L. W. Dippeli, M. Moore, S. Riekard. P, Clemence, W. Lycett, Miss L. P. Whitton. Absent-R. Lunney. THE TEACING STAFF, 1930 Le!t to Right--(Standing) -Miss A. V. Parker, Miss E. M. Stedman, Miss C. I. Ogden, Mr. G. L. Wagar. (Seated-Miss J. K. Smith. Mr. L. W. Dippeil, (Principal); Miss L. P. Whitton. THE PRIME WINNERS Le! t to Right- (Standing) -D. Williams, H-. Colmer. J. Blunt, S. Rickard, J. Jury, R. Wood, H. H. Colmer, K. Osborne. (Seated)-P. Challs, P. Clemence. J. Knox, W. Rickard, E. Sykes, V. McFeeters, E. Elliott, E. Carruthe'rs, A. Wilkins. Absent-D. Hoar, G. Weekes, F. Bennett, M. Lunney, W. Cole. THE GIRLS' BASKETBALL TEAM Left to Right-Mr. L. W. Dippell (coach, M. Vanstone. J. Vanstone (captain>, K. Morris, S. Rickard. H. Slemon, J. Minore, B. Honeyman. F. Blackburn, B. Ingram. M. Rose. H. Colmer, D. Williams, K. Osborne. Le! t to Right- (Standing-C. Oke. B. Ingram, F. Butler, H. Colmer K. Mitchell. J. Jury, D. Williams, Mr. L. W. Dippell. W. Bagnel, G. Veale. N. Osborne, N. Hackney. G. Adams. (Kneeling-K. Osborne, A. Williams, M. Vanstone. J. Minore (captain ), K. Morris, J. Vanstone. H. Siemon. Absent-L. Gunn. A. Osborne. Le! t to Right-B. Cryderman, M. Taylor. N. Berry, E. Sykes. M. Moore. M. Herder- son. E. Rickard, W. Rickard. A. Wilkins., Miss A. V. Parker (coach). THE TRACK TEAM, 1929 't. THE ORCHESTRA Le! t to Rght- (Standing-E. Bagneli. H. Colmer, D. Adams, H. H. Colmer, W. Bugnell, K. Osborne. Seated)-A. Wilkins, M. Siemon, F. Hewston, B. Flax- manî, E. Sykes, M. Taylor. N. Adams, J. Knox, E. Taylor. BLACKSTOCK WEDDING Mrs. M. Smith recently visited Mrs. VanCamp-Proutt John Barton, Enniskillen. Miss M. J. Parr has returned home Beneath an arch o! evergreens and a!ter a visit wth relatives in Toron- pretty rose-buds an interesting wed- to. ding was solemnized. when Margaret. Mr. R. G. Lamb, Lindlsay, spent second daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. the weekend with his sister, Mrs. T. George Proutt, Caesarea, and Stan- Smith. !ord. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miss Marjorie Marlow, Toronto, VanCamp, Blackstock, were united in spent the weekend with her mote'iarriage. Rev. F. W. Newell, B.A.. Mrs. John Marlow. B.D., pastor o! Blackstock UJnited Mr. nd rs.J. . MLauhli, jChurch. conducted the ceremony. Mr. nd rs. . R McLughin, The bride and groom entered the Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffrey attended the drawing room to the strains o! Men- Conservatve convention at Orono. delssolin"s Bridai March. played by The Young Peoples Society held Ms Laura Proutt, sister of the bride. its regular meeting on WednesdaY The bride wore a gown o! white fiat night in the basement of thîe church. Icrepe. with tulle veil caught with or- Mr~. and Mrs. H. Bailey, Miss F. ange blossoms. She carried a shower Parr. and Mr. Jack Smith recently o! carnations and sweet peas. Dur- visited Mr. andi Mrs. Levi McGill, ing the signing o! the register. Miss Çadmus. Susie VanCamp. sister o! the groom, . Mrs. P. Johnson and family, Miss safig sweetly "All Joy Be Thine,' ac- B. Ressor. Manchester, and Mirs. W. companied by Miss Dorothy Proutt. McClintock, Port Perry, were recent A dainty luncheon was served in guests o! Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. 1 the dining room. which was tasteful- Miss Kate MçLauglllin and anum- ly decorated in so!t shades o! pink ber of f riends f rom Peterboro spent and white. a very pleasant evenîng recently at The travelling outfit o! the bride the home o! her parents. Mr. and! was a navy blue suit, sand hat and Mrs. J. R. MeLaughlin. lovely fox fur, the gif t o! the groom. congratulations are extended to A telegram o! good wlshes was re- Miss Kate McLaughlin, nurse in ceived !rom Mr. and Mrs. Arthur training at the Peterboro Hospital, Bailey and Ross. who are travelling on receivîng a fine case o! instru- in Vancouver. ments as general proficiency prize. Showered with confetti and good Rev. F. W. Newell, B.A., B.D. pas- wishes the bride and groom le!t for tor o! United Church, Blackstock, a motor tnp.on thei frm rrtheyof took for his subi ect on Sunday even- wl ieo hi~fam nrho mng 'Jesus and Little Children." iBlackstock. There are three fine qualties that Jesus saw in littie children-!aith, love and simplicity. We May ail at- Ater a good programn a social trne tain them by our lives o! service was enjoyed with hot dogs and other and goodness. refreshments. It was decided to Regular meeting o! Victoian continue the meetings thru the Womnen's Institute was held at the sumrmer months and put more en-I home of Mrs. Jas. Strong, on Wed- thiisiasin and interest Into the work. nesday a! ternoon, June 4th, with an On June leth, the Young People held attendance o! 35 members and vis- their service at Mr. and Mrs. Clar- itors. Meeting opened with devo- ence Marlow's. tional exercises conducted by the1 Mr. Marwood Dickey. Toronto, was president and the Bible lesson read home last weekend. by Mrs. W. Archer. After the busi- Mr. Norton Van Camp. Elmira, ness session the !ollowlng program lIspent the weekend at home. was given: A reading by Mrs. W Grs.ofbl emofBaktc Crawford, 'A Cheerful Thought"; a Grs ta pl ehany firls a Lotson papei by Mrs. W. Archer, "Interest- Moayev ehnngirs Ltso mng the Whole Communty'; a read- odyenig mng by Mrs. L. Graham, "Ail in the Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Swain, Days Work." Meeting was in charge Margaret and Herbert, visited in of Group 1 conslsting of Mrs. Jas. Cavan on Sunday. Marlow, Mrs. John Marlow, Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hancock and Qor- D)evtt, Mrs. W. Crawford, Mrs. W. don. and Mr. and Mrs. K. Hancock Archer, with Mrs. L. Graham as con- and Shirley, Toronto, visited at Mr. vener, who also served lunch. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy's on Sunday. Le!t to Right- (Standing) -D. Adams, C. Cawker. J. Jury. Mr. F. Sutton. K. Morris, H. Best. (Seated-W. Horn, H. Slemon. M. Green. M. Riwkard. C. Jury, B. Honeyman. Absent-Hl Argue, N. Rehder. SCREECH OWL STAFF, 1930 Le! t to Right- (Standing -W. Lancaster, K. Osborne, M. Djckson. R. Corbett. D. Edgar,.IH. Colmer. M. Henderson, D. Adams, G. Munday. J. Vanstone, B. Cryder- man. B. Ingram, E. Carruthers. E. Bagneli, M. Rickard, L. Ashton. Seated-B. Morris, M. Vanstone, W. Rickard, K. Morris. Miss E. M. Stedman. J. Jury. Absent-J. Minore. A. Allun. R. Hayniafl V. McFeeters, N. Kirkton. C. Jury. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Council met June 7th. 1930, as Court of Revision and ail subsciibed to the necessary oaths, except Couns. Watson not able to attend. Appeals were disposed o! as f ol- lows: R. J. Montgomery, assessment tool hlgh. After explanation appeal withdrawn. N. Edgerton, assessment too high. No action taken; assessor instructed to inspect property. J. H. Morrison, summer home on grounds of Sec. 121, Assessment Act; no action taken. Mrs. Trip, summer home too high. No action. H. Philp. assessment lowered $300. owing to loss o! house. Some other changes in addresses took place. Moved Assessment Roll as correct- ed be Assessment Roll for 1930. Court adJourned. Regular meeting then took place at which followlng orders were pass-i ed:1 A. McLeod, 3 sheep killed $ 35.001 Prov. Treasurer, assesarnent tax 3.00 M. A. James & Sons. advt. Court of Revision, 3.15 w. w. VanCamp, Sec. Treas. S.* S. No. 2, Continuation 1500,001 R. J. Bruce, Sec. Treas. S. S. No. 3 200.00 H. Beacock, do S. S. No. 5 300 m. F. Emerson, do S. S. No. 9 300.00o w. G. Phlip, do S. S. No. 6 350.001 S. Malcolm, do S. S. No. 7 200.00 W. D. Bradburfl, roads and crusher 2636.80 Adi ourned to meet July 5th. 8 p. m. W. Beacock, Clerk. HOMING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanvllle Homing Pigeon Club flew its seventh old bird race on Sat- urday, June l4th, f rom Kentbridge, Ont.. 196 miles air line. The birds made fast time with these nesults: Pete Woolner, 4 hrs, 8 mins, 55 sec. Woolner Bros., 4 hrs, 9 mins, 3 sec. Len. Richards, 4 hrs, 9 mins. 17 sec. F. Bottrefl, 4 hms, 9 mina, 32 sec. Woolner Bros., 4 hrs, 10 mins, 25 sec. F. Bottreli. 4 lirs, 10 mins. 31 sec. Len. Richards, 4 hrs. 13 mina, 41 sec. Wm. Wallace, 4 hrs, 17 mins. 16 sec. I. Hobbs no report. With men as with automombiles knocking ls an indication of lack o! power. Rev. F. W. NewelI, B.A., B.D., Pastor Services June 22nd, 1930: Nestieton il a. m. and 7 p. m. Blackstock 7 P. m. Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles lias very klndly consented to take the Adult Bible Class at the Nestieton S. S. cvery Sunday. Rev. R. M. Patterson of Janetvllle conducted the services at Cadmua and Nestleton last Sunday. He la al- ways a welcome visitor to this cir- cuit. The Ontario Prohibition Union held a meeting ini the Town Hall at Blackstock Monday niglit. The an- nual meeting for the county was held at Orono on Wednesday afternoon. The annual S. S. AnniversarY ser- vices wlll take place at Nestieton next Sunday at Il a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev, J. E. Griffith. B. A., a former pastor, wlll conduct the services. See bis. The second annual Boys" Camp (Mattabanlck Camp) wlll be held at Stephenson's Point, Scugog Island, f rom June 28th to July 5th. Boys eleven years and over. wlth their leaders, are cordially invltud. It la entlrely interdenominatioflal. Board for week $5.00. Lef t to Right- (Standing) -E. Bagnel. G0. Veale. G. Adams, R. Lunney, N. Hackney, W. Bagneil. (Seated)-D. Williams, H. Siemon (captain), Mr~. L. W. Dippeli, B. Ingram. Absent-A. Osborne. You may be requiring just an odd piece of Furniture, a Veranda Chair, Hammo Couch, a Kitchen Cabinet, possibly a new Mattress. ýWe have them and our prices will suit you. Should you be considering fuî-nishing a home, let us quote you prices. F. F, MORRIS CO.'1 Home Furnishers - Furnit Phone 101 iture Bowmanvi11ý THE RUGBY TEAM, 1929 THE BASKETBALL TEAM, 1930 THE HOCKEY TEAIN, 1930 T= CANADLALN «ATZUL«, 13OWMANVMLIE, THMUDAY, JUNE lfth, 1930 PAGE POUR

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