THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE lGth, 1930 ___________ PAGE Fa7 Ainount f0 be ralsed bY debentures C:. R.E. LO AN bearlng lnterest at rate o! 43/4 % per I, John Lyle, Clerk o! the Corpora- etE annu, amunto! botis Principal tion o! the Town o! Bowinanvllle, R . E.LO G A N and intereat to be retlred in twenty isereby certlfy tisat the foregotag boi years. fypewrlften paper la a frue copy o!f te Plunîblng, Heatins & Tinemiithing IThe yearly instalment o! bots By-Law No. 1214 wich pasaed ifs Th 26 --principal and tatereat ta eacis and fIrat and second readlng at a meet- ble 264 -Phon«- ev3ry year amounttag to *$5,577.08. ing of thse Couneil of the Corpora- an, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONT. Yearly tastalmenta on debenture tion o! tise Town o! Bowmanville tri debt f0 be pald froin revenue o! Elec- held on thse 201h day o! May 1930. Ha ______________ 1___ t ric Systein. John Lyle, Clerk. Mz tnt fook place ln Hampton Cen- ery. & Tue rnany beautiful floral offertaga T )re silent tribute o! tise love and es- S, emniIn which tise deceased was held. .ey lncluded wreatha, pillows, eni- ina and sprays f rom: Thse Wif e id Pamlly; Mra. Walter Howe, De- " oif, Micis.; Misses Carrie and NIlAi .rper, Rochester, N. y.; Mr. and If ia. Garfield Trevail, Taunton; Mr.! 1 î CROWN ATTORNEY W. F. KERR BY-LAW NO 1213 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Passes Away Suddenly at Cobourg A By-Law of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to provide By-Law Number 1214 A prominent figure in legal circles for the submission of certain By- in the United Counties of Durham Laws for the assent of the qualiled AByawtprvd fo and Northumberland was removed by electors of the Town of Bowmanville, Abrow t$o100 po de-o the death Wednesday evening, June and to appoint a day on which to benture to purchase the llth, of William Field Kerr, K.C. take a vote thereon, and to naine electrical distribution sys- Crown Attorney for the United the places where the votes are to be tem and business known as Counties. After attending ta court taken, and ta appoint Deputy Re- "The Bowmanville Electric duties on Wednesday, Mr. Kerr was turning Officers ta take the vote at I System" and t0 authorize a seized with a fainting speli at 6 every such place, certain agreement for the o'clock at his residence «'Sunnyside' WHEREAS the Municipal Council purchase of the said eiect- and Succumbed a f ew minutes latier. of the Corporation of the Town of rical distribution system and He was the eldest son o! the laite Bowmanville deexn it advisable to business. Senator William Kerr, K.C.. was call- submiit ta the vote of the electors of WHEREAS the Corporation of the eci to the Bar in 1887 and first prac- the Corporation qualified ta vote on Town of Bowmanville in the County tised law at Stratford, joining his money by-laws. a proposed by-Iaw of Durham desires f0 purchase the father in practice in 1890. He was which is entitled "A By-Law ta au- electrical distribution system in the named Acting Crown Attorney in thorize the purchase of the electrical said Town of Bowmanville, in the 1903 and made Crown Attorney in distribution system in the Town of said County of Durham, and also the 1905. A brilliant counsel, hie was re- Bowmanville. and to provide for the businesso! the distribution of elec- garded as one 0f the leading Crown borrowing of the suin 0f Seventy One trctS i oncto heeih Attorneys in the Province. Thousand Dollars ($71,000.00) for (herein referred f0 as "The System") Unmarried. he is survived by three that purpose"; on the teris and conditions set forth sisters: Miss Helena Kerr, Cobourg; AND WHEREAS The Municipal in a certain proposed agreement be- Morg;Dond Missonabl ever0f Council of the Corporation of the tween the said Hydro-Electric Power Cobourg; and Miss btel EvCarer said Town of Bowmanville deem it Commission of Ontario and the Cor- W. err KC.,Tornt; ad Fanis advisable ta submit f0 the vote of the poration, a copy of which proposed D. Kerr, K.C.. 0 Toro;ad.rn electors of the Corporation qualified agreement is hereto annexed and H. erras amembe of the Anglicanonvoas on money By-Laws, a quest- marked as Schedule "A"; He watoawhether thetsaidnelectors Church. a Mason and a Rotarian. aionast hhetesidlcor He was three times elected Bencher aei favor of securing a supply of AND WHEREAS for the purpose of the Law Society, and was an ex- electrical power or energy frorn the of purchasing the said Hydro Systein officia member. He was very prom- Hydro Electric Power Commission of it 15 necessary f0 borrow the sum o! met n IlCooug ctviie. Ontario. Seventy-One Thousand Dollars on inen in Il Cboug acivites.the credit of the Corporation at large The funeral service was held on AND WHEREAS the Municipal and to issue debentures therefor, Saturday afternoon f rom St. Peter's Council of the Corporation of the bearing interest at the rate of Four Church. said Town of Bowmanville deem if and three-quarters per cent per an- _________________________advisable tgi submit ta the vote of nuin, which is the amount of the the electors of the Corporation of the debt intended to be created by this RAILWAY TIME TABLE Town of Bowmanville, a question as By-law; ________ta whether the said electors are in favor of entrusting the control, ad- AND WHEREAS the amount o! Canadian National Railway ministration and management of the the whole rateable property of the <Standard Timne) electrical distribution system in the MunicipalitY, according f0 the last WEST BOUNO EAST EBOUND ITown of Bowmanville ta a commis- revised assesament roll is, $2290,855. sion ta be known as "The Hydro 4.07 a. mn. 8.42 a. m. Electric Commission of the Town of AND WHEREAS the amount of 8.45 a. ni. *9.13 a. in. j Bowmianvil]e" the existing debenture debt of the Corporation (exclusive of local un- 1.44 p.n. i n ~ NOW THEREFORE the Municipal provement debts secured by speclal 6.46 p. .21 . m. Council of the Town of Bowmanville rates or assessments) la $334,978.19 *7.26 p .60 p. m. enacts as follows:- and no part 0f the principal or inter- 7.47 p. m1953p. mes.s narer 11.24 p. m. 1. There shahl be submitted to theesisnarar 11.59i P. M. electors of the Corporation, qualified NOW THEREFORE the Municipal All trains are daiiy except thoêe marked 'to vote on money By-Laws, thse pro- Counci fteCroaino h which are Sunday only. Iposed By-Law entitled "A By-Law ta ciln f the CorporEaCt0fAh authorize the purchase 0f the Elec- TLOW fBwavll:NCSA Canadian, Pacific Railway trical Distribution System in thse FLO (Standard 'rime) Town of Bowmanville, and ta providej 1. That the purchase by the Cor- WEST BOUND EAST B0UND for the borrowing of the sum of Sev- poration 0f the Town of Bowxnanville enty One Thousand Dollars ($71,- of the said electrical distribution sys- 5.29 a. mn. 10.03 a. ra. 000,00> for thaf purpose," a copy of ten and business known as "The *8.05 a. m. 3.18 p. ma. which proposed By-Law is hereto at- Bowmanviile Electric Systemn" on the 3.01 p. mn. '8.45 p. ma. tacheci and marked as Exhibit "A" terms and conditions set forth in the 6.22 p. m. 11.27 p. ma. and f oms part thereof;. said proposed agreement la hereby Ail trains dal' except thoae marked* 2. That the foîlowing questions authorized. whio aredaly exeptSundy. ie subnitted to the electors of thse 2. That the Mayor and Clerk o! -~ _____________Corporation quali.fied f0 vote On the Corporation of thse Town o! Bow-j noney by-laws, that is f0 say: Are manville are hereby authori.zed, en-1 Notice to Creditors you in favor o! securing a suppiy of powered and required f0 execute thej electrical power or energy from The said agreement on behal! o! the1 Hydro Electrical Power Commission said Corporation and the Clerk is1 n the Estate of Henry Wtheridge Foster of Ontario?. hereby authorlzed and required to Ail persons having dlaimns against tle 3. That the following question be attach the Corporate Seal f0 the said Eatate of Henry Witheridge Foster, late submitted f0 the electors o! the Cor- agreement. of the Town of i.ownanville, in the poration, that is f0 say: Are you in County of Durhama, deceased, w~ho (lied favor of entrusfing the control. ad- 3. Ail necessary by-laws, acta, on or about the SSii day of Ociol-er, 1928.mtesad h5,ncssr o h are hereby notified to send in to the un- mmîafration and management of the maersandeo thgecsary orete dersigned on or before the 2ist day off Electrical Distribution Systen t ieproneo the si sem June, 1830, fu particulars of their Town o! Bownanville to a Commis- on fisprtofte said Corporation1 dlaimns. sion f0 be known as "The Hydro are hereby authorlzed.t Immnediately afier the said 21st day Electric Commission o! the Town of 4. That for thse purpose aforesaid1 of June. 1930, the asseis of the Testator wili be distribuîed amnongst the parties Bowmanville"? there shail be borrowed on the credit1 entitled thereto, having regard only to 4. That the votes o! thse sald o! the Corporation at large the suni clars of whch the Solicitor for the Ex- Electors shail be faken on the sald O! Sevenity-One Thousand Dollars - ecutors shall have notice. Question at the following tlxnes and and debentures shail be lssued there- Dated at Bowrnanville this 2nd day cfplcsadbthDpuyRuntgfrndeonaos fltlsahn June, A. D., 1930. pae n yteDpt eunn o ndnmntoso o esta W. R. STRI KE, Officer and Poil Clerks, hereinafter $100.00 each, bearig interest at thej 23-3 Solcitor for Executo rs a. 9 that is f0 say; Thse voting rate o!fPour and three-quarters pert shal take place on Monday, thse 23rd cent per annuni, semi-annuaily, and1 day o! June, 1930, froin 9 a. m. In having coupons attached thereto for the forenoon unf il 5 P. im. In the af- the payment of the interesf.t ternooin. 5. Thse debentures shail ail be "A" Poiling Sub-Divisiona 1 and bated as of thse Firt day o! Septen.. 2 West Ward af the Council Room in ber, 1930, and ahail be payable in the Muhicipal Building, and John twenty annual intalments on thet Lyle shall be Deputy Returnlng Offi- 1sf day of March and September ina cer and Anne Lyle shail be Poil each of tise years 1931 to 1950 in- ' Clerk. clusive, and thse respective amounts "B"' Polling Sub-Dlvisions 1 and o! principal and interest payable ta j 2 Norths Ward, at the Pump House each of sucis years shail be as set on the North ide 0f Churcis Street forth in Schedule "B"' hereto annex- and between Temperance and Divis- ed.r ,à ~ion Streets, and A. H. Bounsail shaîl 6. The debenture as f0 botis prin-r be Deputy Returning Offilcer and cipal and intereat shaîl be payable Bxighten Up the hon.- Wesley Perey shall be POil Clerk. 1alwu oe fCnd tts "C"' Polling Sub-Dlvisions 1 and principal office of the Bank o! Mon- inside and out with Wall 2 South Ward in the Public Scisool treal ta the Cty o! Toronto or atd on Victoria Street between Ontario the Office o! the Municipal Treasurer t Paendd aitDe Steet, nd ame Nkesin sheTown of Bownanvflle, at Ç We can supply you with and Roger Bird shal be Poil Clerk. 7.TeMyrothCrpainÀ9 5. A True copy this By-Law s7. The Mnayorissfethe dCorport io Suwoth Ppe ad shaîl be published n tise Statesman as heslgn ssue tise be nted b s Sun orty Pper and newspaper as follows: June th, l2fh, thie Treasurer of thse Corporation, If Glide's Paits Vr- and 19th, 1930. and the debentures shahl be sealed a Gliden's Paits, ar- 6. On the 21sf day o! June at his wif h the seal of the Corporation, t] in the Council Chamber on The coupons shail be signed by the t nishes, ec Temperance Street,intise Town of Treasurer and his signature fisereto fi Bowmanville. ait il o'clock in the may be wrlften, stanped, lithograph- rr qWe'Il do the work, too, forenoion, the Mayor wiil n writing cd or engraved. a: if ouwih.signed by him, appoint two personsC if you ish.f0 attend tise final summing up of 8. Durlng twenty years, tise cur- Ci the votes by the clerk o! this Corpor- rency o! thse debentures, the respect- ation, and one person f0 attend each ive auna specified in colunn 2 o! a poing place on behaj.f o! the per- Schedule "B"' hereto, shahl be raised I Gseos ri tc ard stedinand desirous ofannually for the payment of thse debt n the affirmative, and a like numrnp1 payable ouf o! the revenues o! thse M e y e e e OBITUARY - Hopper Ward, London HoprWard, fat her of Poic Magistrate W. F. Ward, B.A., Bow Imanville, passed away at his home i: London, Ont ario, on Wednesda3 May 2lst, alter an ilineas o! eigis years f ron cmeeping pamalysis. Deceased was born in Valcartieî Que., on January 29tis, 1854. Hi !atiser's famnily noved fron Quebe to Upper Canada when Hopper wa 9 years o! age and they sfarted farin ing mn Metcalfe township, eight mile west o! Strathroy in West Middle sex County. In January 1891 Hopper Ward wa& united in narriage with Sarahs Fitz. gerald and they camried on famina until 1900 when he retlred and novi ed to Alvinsf on wheme he carried or an implenent- business for a shor fine, returning f0 tise farn unti 1919 wisen he refired and noved t( London where he spent has remata. ing yeara. He was a nember o! th(e Mefisodiat Chumch: a ie-long Con. servative; and for 33 years a men- ber o! Howard Lodge, NO. 58, I.O.O.F af Strafisroy. Thse funeral was heid fron tas latE residence, 22 Ridouf Street, London, f0 Strathroy Cemetery, service being conducted by Rev. Mm. Barnby o! Askin Sf. United Churcis. assisted by members o! the I.O.O.F. He was a quiet and tadustrious man and bis genial disposition made for hlm many friends. Beaides his widow he is survived by one son, Mr. W. F. Ward, B. A., Police Magistrate, Bownanville, and one daugister <Mary) Mra. Duncan McVicar o! London. A daugister Olive predeceased him. 25 years ago. Two brots also survive, Frank o! Grenfeil, Sask., and John o! Stratis- roY; and fwo sisters, Mrs. D. S. Campbell o! Adelaide, and Miss Flor- ence Ward o! Sfrafhroy. George Warren Price, Orono George Warren Price died at tas home in Orono af midnigist on Sun- day, June 1sf. Mr. Price had been in faiing healfh for sone montha, but was attending to his duties as C.N.R. station agent as usual on Saf- umday and aftended service on Sun- day evening in St. Savioum's Churcis where he was a regular and devoted member. Born at Gaspe, Que., he moved with tas parents f0 Port Hope when a child. Afterwards the family moved to Bethany wiseme Mm. Price's father was employed by tise G.T.R. Elere when a boy o! seventeen he also entered tise employ o! the G.T.R.. but in a short finie was transemred to M!adoc, continuing witis samne comp- any until 1908 when he resigned f0 take a position wif h tise C.N.R. at Parry Sound, lafer going to Torrance where he was station agent Up f0 tise year 1911 when he cane to Orono f0 be tise flrsf station agent on this line. Since 'then Mm. Price has been identified wif h evemy novement for the betterment o! thecornmunity in ahich he lived. He was keenly in- terested in every kind o! athletic sport and had nany warm, frienda who nourn tise passtag o! a good man and a frue friend. In 1909 he married Miss Violet 'Ross, daughter o! the late Hugis Rosas of Madoc, besidees'rWhoi, ise lea-ves three brothers, Alf red of Edmnonton, Alta., Herbert o! Toronto, and Wal- ter of Bethany; and one sister, Mrs. WiTlliam Byems o! Betisany. Mr. Price was a liMe-long Conserva- tive and an Anglican. Tise funeral took place on Wednes- Iay, June 4tis, from St. Saviour'a Chsurcis, Orono, to Sf. Mary's Ceme- ery, Betisany, and tise large nunuber attendtag testified f0 the esteemn in visich he was held.--Orono News. T. Harry Stinson, Enfilk One o! Norths Darington's hlghly espected fariners, an uprigisf citizen and a worthy neigisbour passed to rest af ter a very short llness on T'iursday, May 29 tantise person o! Harry Stinson aged 52 yeara. Deceased had a severe cold whicis .eveloped tato pneumonia and ah- thougis a doctor and trataed nurse were in attendance tise ligist o! 111e went ouf. Mr. Stinson was born in Manvers tantise year 1877 betag a son o! Mrs. John Stinson. Mr. Stin- son died several years ago. Affer laving isis home ise worked ouf as if arm labourer, later buying a ,resising machine and thresing tan1 ue townships o! Manvera and Cavan or a number o! yeara, where he1 nade many frienda and acquaint-i inces. Mr. Stinson was an ardenti 'onservative and a life long mein-i ir o! tise L.O.L. Society o! Cavan tnd ftrustee on Enfield Scisool Board. h Auguat 1908 he was united in narriage wlth Ezillais McCullough mly daugister o! Mr. and Mrs. Robf.c EcCullougis o! Ponfypool. In tise 1 r 19180h mve'f.DaIlg-n ce in YThe s observe tP le and£A r :S Ue pafeauns il te rn is 1 l al e 'aur car in perfect iineha.,ical condition-particuIarly BRAKES, > ~~STYLdE'iING (iLAR and IHIÀADI I'lS. ýn ~2 cGIVE YOI-B NDIVIDEI) ATTENTION TO YOUR DRTVING. rb In passig traffkc be sure there is a place, for vou in the trafflo lune ahead. 3 Never attempt ta pass on curves or steep grades. 4 In entering main streets or highwvays, or in approaching a railway crosaing -where a fuit view of the track is obscured-STOP and LOOK. 5 When other vehicles try t0 pass you-LET THEM PASS. M'When making a right turn. keep to the riglit of the highway; when 9 6W making a left turn, Ïkeep to the centre. y Ahi as SIGNAL before you slow down, stop, or change your coure, and s 7 neyer BACK UP before ascertaining that the road behind is clear. The Keystone of Safety on tbe King's Highway and ail other roads and streeU Hlghway Conuutte Thse HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Oadrmn and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. Ormiaf on, Mr. and Mra. Harold? Ormniston, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ornuiston, Teacher and Pupils o! En- field Scisool and Enfield United Cisurcis. Many letters and telegranis o! synpafhy were received by tise bereaved ones. Relatives and friends were present f rom Toronto, Detroit, New York, Peterboro, Pontypool, Janet vile, Bethany, Lotus, Balyduff, Millbrook, Cavan, Manvera Station, Blackstock, Bowmanviile, Orono and Oshawa. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. T. H. Stinson and fainfly, En- field, desire 10 tisank tiseir man friends and nelgisbors for liseir kind expressions o! sympathy tanfiseir re- cent sad bereavenuent, and for thse beautiful floral offeringa. OBITUARY Mrs. W. B. Tonkin, Oshawa Surviving hem isusband by only eight days, Mrs. W. H. Tonkin died in tise Oshawa General Hospital, in hem sixty-seventh year, on Satur- day, June l4th. Mra. Tonkin was a resident o! tise conmunify since iser childhood, having been born in tise district. Sise was an active nember o! intg Street Churcis, wisere she woshlpped with hçr husband, who was one o! tise best-known laymen o! tise congrega- fion, betag tise official local preaciser. Tise deceased leaves five daugisters, Mrs. Artisur Orr and Mrs. Clarence Heard, Mrs. Wilfred Howe and Mra, Jean Lee o! Windsor, and Miss Win- nifmed Tonkin o! Montreal; and six sons, William, Ernest and Arnold, Oshawa; Edgar and Leo o! Lingle, Wyoming; and Harold o! Sf. Cathsar- ies, Ont. Thse funemal service was held af tise home o! tise deceased, 83 Ritaon RLd. South, on Monday affernoon. Rev. C.E. Cragg o! King Street Uniited Chiurch conducted the service. In- ;erment was made at tise Union Cemetery. WRITE SHIELI) CLUB On Tuesday, June 3rd, a vemy suc- essful season was closed by Tise Whte Sisield Club, a splendid nuni- er o! nembers turning ouf for this fal meeting. A very lengtisy bual- iesa session was evenfuaily dispensed wifS. Treasurer's report disclosed a ýplendid finamicial standing. Elect- ýon o! officers for tise nexf season was as !oUlows: President-Mrs. T. xouhd; Rec. Secretary-Mrs. Black, ore.Secretary -Mr.Blumt; reasurer-Mrs. A. Darch. Tise wiming number for tise quilî as 29, held by Mrs. J. Buttonshaw. Annual plcnlc la f0 be held on Vednesday, July 2nd, af Lakevlew ýark, Osawa. Motisers, be sure to, .eep fisadate iantaid. Particulars afer. A dellgjhtful fume was tisen enjoyed n games under tise direction o! Misa difis Peardon, lnterspersed wifis iana duefa by Mrs. M. A. Neal and &ra. J. Clark Beil, concluding witis tumorous readings and .lokes by tise tter. Ice cream and re! resisnents n greaf varlety provlded and aerved' ýy tiseiselpers, were greatly apprec- àted. Good-Nlght song and Nat- mal Antisei concluded a most en- >yable evening, witis everyone look- ng forward f0 meeting agali n i arly f aîl. aid Grass, "And whifiser track isese creaturea ahili black ýo woebegomie, and penitent anid meek?" risey're mortals bound for churcis," ýaid tise liffle Silver Bircis: ['hey hope tb gel f0 Heaven ,nd have tiseir sins forgiven tishey talk to God about il once a~ week." -Bias Carmien. Junior Farinera of Northumnber- Be lazy sometimes, I advlse. land, Durham, Hastings, Peterboro, Don't blarne yourself, and thlnk you Lennox, and Addlngton Counties wlU shirk. hold their annual picnic and sports It's very wlae to realize day at Presque Isle Point, near That restlng Is a part of work. Brighton, on July 4th. -The "Cheerful Cherub.1 BETTER ORDER ANOTHER TON OF LE H1G H MA LLEY m .Coul fl* ot afin. The old coal bin and-the furnace have cer- tainly hiad a long speli of it this winter. Yet it isn't ail over now as there will be plenty of cold days and nights ahead. So better lay in another ton or two of Lehigh Valley Anthracite-The Coal That Satisfies. Our drivers are careful not to raise a dust or make unnecessry muas. We seli Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. Headquarters for Builders' Supplie& J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or Z~ Bowmanvmie DON'T WAIT TILL THIS HAPPENS Get your auto insured to-day and ;be protected. The cost is snaQli compared with the returns in case of lire, theft, accident or public liability. J. J. MASON & %SON Real Estate and Inhurance Brokers Phone 5W King St. E. Bowxnanville -rà -%