PAGI sixTHE CANADIAIq STATESMAN, BOWMMqVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE l9th, 1930 i ittî tut 1 grigîndstone, i crossent WE HAVE BUYERSsa.bcsw 1 scythe, 3 laddersjs J ~ :~ ~ T g Write, Phone or See 1 igrck roll of chieken wire, pick, uW A L K ER1 ILSTi I I/BOB HOLDEN ejg cYOURhFAVORITE Pho12e 16a Il Phone 371W -- 92 Simcoe St. N. j ale at 2 p. m. fast time.SOPNCETEBWAVL OSHAWATermns Cash. Cleu. Autioeer. WUm WALKER STORES LIMITED Bu or t i MAPLE GROVE ANNIVERSARY ENNISKILLEN COURTICE 75TH ELDAD ANNIVERSARY K E R S J A K E ' e x~ F i e a h r g e 1~ c o n g r g a t i n M r . a n d M r s . C h a s . K e r s l a k e r e - M . O e s e a d r T r e 1 S n a n d M n a , J n 2 2 were features which contributed Mr. Fred Thornett visited lits bro-, Mrs. A. F. Rundle. Annhversary of Eldad United largeiy to the success of the Sunday ther at Biackstock on Sunday. I Church Sabbath School and the 75th Schooi Anniversary on Sunday. Mr. Wallace Stainton., Toronto MrEnetW dnCaliy. anniversary of the church and the B athiaengher btersngn Mrneta st Wen, Crsal City.ks Seldom have wethe ga crdbte singingvsited his father, Mr. Jas. Stainton. With rlaies hendnga e.ekfornmer Mt. Vernon congregation willl tha th prgra cntubutd ~reaties ere 'e held on Sunday and Monday.Jn generously by the schooi at the af- Mr. and Mus. E. Florrie were Sun-ý .Jn ternoon and evening services, 'under day visitors at Mr. J. Shackletons. Mr. and Ms. Archie Muir and Mr.12n and 25rd. 1930, standard time. C aps lieadership of Mr. Norman Laird of Mu. anti Mrs. S. Pethick. Floyd andi Harold Muir have gonie on a mnotor o Srmons v. ili be preached on Sun- Toronto, choir leader and ouganist Clifford. visited fiends at Newton- trip to Western Ontario where they day at 2 p. m. and 7 p. ni. by Rev. Blues - Greens - Reds - Yellows of Peain St. Indian Memiorial ville. Wl siMr.ur'reavs. TH.PAnroafrmrptr Silver aud GoldChchMtDes.hoknycan MraniMsAdrd.Toto Mr. B. 0. Young. Toronto . spenti leadership of Miss Lenla Taylor and to assist his brother. Mi. A. Laird, visited t h e e us isteir. Mi-S. W. 1 the wcekend in this communjjiîv andI the Eldad -hurch choir. and lu many combinations of m'ho on account of iiinces mas unable Swetmnan. accomipanied Our~ dramnatic dUt1 o .0On Monday at 2 p. mn. the 75th colors to take charge this year. The soiigs Rcv. J. M. Whyte and Mu. Frank Kendal Friday evening. Mr. Youîng ainnversary of the chur-ch will be ob- j PRICED ~were wcll sclected and the young Dorland attcnded the Shuineus' con- will always receive a warm welcomiesevdwnapatom etig il PRICED people seemced to catch the spirit of vention in Toronto. back to Courtice. bervd held. adlresetis wili e ien j 15c - 25c - 50c - $1.00 preccsion that hias seidomi if ever Mr. and Mus. Stanley May. Tor- Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks and Mus.ý Dr. J. B. Reynolds. Welcomne. and Mr. been exceled here. Miss Edna onto. vîsited with her parents. Mr~. Hugh Fitsimmons and Haruy, antd R. Luther Werry. iounalist. Mon- Assorted sizes. Swalloiv proved lierself a veuy cffîc- and Mrs.«E. C. Ashton. Mi. and Mrs. Marshall Soules mjotor- treal. and other former residents. ient accompanist as she presided at Our~ choir fLirniished the mnusic at ed to Lakefleld recentiyad spent Letters wil] be read from those un- A cap for every faucy. the piano and assisted iin ieadingthatunosevcatLgSut the day, bringing home Jack andi able to attend. The history of th e _______the choruses. The school was aniesr on Stînday. Billy- Soules who have been attencline church wvili be taken Up by the pas-! un ý ,1ably assîsted by Miss Oliv e Colins. iMr. and Mus. Melville Griffin spent school in Port Hope. toîr and an old-time choir will rend- soloist of St.' Clair Unitedi Chuuchi. Sunday sith the formers parents. er music suitable for the occasion Toronto. who sang "Beyond thc Mir. and Mus. Wm. Griffin. Our duamiatie club was given a and other prograni will bc furnished. afenonEad Th Susmpty sexeEddtoMs hearty reception in Kendal Fuiday Tea will be served at 4 o'clock tili Dawni in the"h u yptyi xedc oMs evening when they presented -Gypsy ail are served. THE DEPENDAULE DRUG eToRa MNan of Galîle'" in the evcîîing. She Chas. Xitue in the deafli of her Rover" to an appreciative audience.F At 6.30 aLageam 0fFobl Phone 49 possesses a very sweet voice and de- brother. Mu. H. Sanderson, Toronto. Th lad faina serFeoabe- lighted al with lheu solos. Rev.C MThMu ~e laies of Kedi srvdde d"M.adMs uhAii.Dr .lgtu uc fe Enniskiilen vs Solina. wiii be played.. E. Cuagg,. pastor of Kinge St. United .an s ugAn.D.C.ihtilncafr the play. »Church. Oshawa, was happy in ii i . ~ Siemon and son Boyd. Bowînan- At 8 P. m. a Splendid puogram will ville. vîsited their parents. Mi. and Do not forget the W. M. S. îîîeet- be ghveî by Mu. Duncan Cowan, en- choîce of subject. speakiîîg in the a!- Mus. J. Siemon. ing on Thursday afternooîî at the tertainer, Toronto: anîd the celebrat - uno n n Ica.. ou the Yo ng Mi a mi M s. W. H. Mooe and home of M s. W . H. Nichols. who is d Pains Road Harmonica Band. an i teevening citePreofJdautgters. Muriel and Elsie. visited superintendent of the Baby Band featuring Harry Laudcî'. Jr.. in the th et-based on the words d-l n l h ebr fteýn r esno i aae di P È% A ha!that hie hathi and buyeth that Mu. Beut and Violet Rice, Longadaltemmes0 h adar esno il aae di fii"Mt.1:4 nboth ad- Snt on Sunday. invited to bc present with theiu Whittaker. tenor sooist; Alfred Fur- ecuage and stimnulate ail to seek lu Our pastor, Rev. Mu. Whyte 'Brooks on winning highest standing win Whittaker anîd Sidney Rose:, hebe st and worthwhiile things of prcachingý annivcusauy services at Jin dieteties at O.L.C., Whitby. Miss Directo,; Jas.naglessN.H Roic V A LU ESprcsidedand pas-.T1-. StO Univertht pas-tedatMr. Brooks xithi Miss Aes'f Os h amin;Mngr-.H ty -adawva,is spendng teS iirmnhnolS. to.assîstcd at both srvcesincMrdcn r.Garln Lacey. studentof1i ukawhrteyavps- Special attention has been made to! H.Gto ernn tescuvîesintnMu MToonU. iest, sie tM.tions as dieticians. make this one 0f the most inmportant' expucsse d the, appuccia- Thos. McGlisý,. Mu. Laccy taught events in the history of the church alih okindly assstd ii makingu a vey able mariner.ladarl euonfodfins offiiai 0fthe chol t the Bibe ii jand ath e aulic -uin o! old î'e ndsre ch annix eusauy a succcss. On iMu. and Mîrs. Stanley Preston anîd BAILIFF SALE aî h ulcadalwoee e Modya eno rhrn fDuls ooto r n r.A sided at or' near Solina ou Mt. Vernon races was puovîdcd fou- the membeus Gilder., and daughteu Theinia, and~ Saturday, June 21st.-By xîtue of are invited to ibe present. ondath ftcnooAsnd puguam o!I o uglasW. . Toron oMaîî Mu s o!te h As dgme1, an execution issued out of the Fiust Admission: Tea and Concert- sof tbail was piayed bctwccni the pub- ited at Mus. Thos. Gilders'. Division Court for the United Coun- .ult 65c. Children 35c: Tea or Sprig GnsHalic schooi aîîd the young ladies team. Mu. and Mus. A. J. Knox, Mu. and ties of Northumnbeuland and Duuham Cnet-Adults 40c. Children 20c. quarters Gofes SHeca- the former winning by a score 12-6. Mis. J. D. Brown. Messrs. Jim, Le- and to me diuected against the goods Alan McKsok A. L. Pascoe. qurtrsOfes pcil t6.30 a League game of sof tball uroy and Miss Alice Brown. Orono I and chattels o! E. E. Downcy at the Supt. Coures. Sec'y. Prices for This -Month wasplayed bet'veciî Maple Girove aînd:we uîdy usso!M. , suit of Green Music Co.. I have seiz- Rev. J. R. Bick, B. Pastor. Salem, the former winning by one Stainton and Mus. H. J. Wcuuy. cd and taken into execution one En- Almeig nsadr ie run in over-tîme. score 8-7. A crowd jMu. and Mrs. H. Johinson, Mu. and nis Player Piano which wili bc soid_____ i f rom tow;ýn and ncighboring village FMus. J. A. Stainton and son Clifiordý by public auction at Division Court attended the SuIpper in the spac- Toronto. spent Sunday with their Clerk's office, King St. E.. Bownian- The statesman wiil be sent to any 1 ions shed adjoining the ciîuuch and, nother, Mus. J. Pyc. the latter re- ville. Sale at 2.30 pJ. m. address in Canada to end o! 1930 enjoyed a bounteous and delicious Itunn oewthte o ii.R. I31. Jamieson, Bailiff. fou $1,00. meal served with the %vci-known lib I Mus. W. Reynolds, Mus Jean Lewis. euality o! the ladies, assisted by a fcew Mus. R. Cobb. Toronto. Rev. W. o! the nmen folk o! the church. At1 Young, Mus. Young and Miss Mar- f WALKER STORES LIMITEDt::: 8 BP. m. a good. crowd gueeted the garet o! Hornell, N. Y.. visitcd their voung people f rom Cheuuywood who aunt. Mus. A. Tamblyn, at Mus. H. J. presented their play entiticd "Home I errys Tics," t0 the delight o! al, evcryone Ouryboys played two lively games BASEBALL FAN taking his or heu part well. Total Io! football last week. On Wednes- s Her's ourchace o eui puocecds neauly $375.00. . June llth. Solina at Ennîskîl- WEMN yorslfwih at bpî, YRNEn. score 1-0 in favor of Solîna: on Yor_______at,_ lsTYON aturday Enniskillen at Courtice. 2-1 gloves and unîforîs. in favor o! Courtice. s Church service on Sunday at 10.30 Regular League meeting was held a. m. ~on Wednesday. Puesident Miss Aud- VA tei wili meet Fiday evening at rey Dolanî in chair. Edgar WrightA 1I 1 L teusuai hour. led in prayer; Bible ucading was tak- Mu. ami Mus. Routiey, Buookliný en by Annie Oke; and the devotional Mus. Powers and daughteu Helen, vis:-jby Rex'. J. M. Whyte. Miss Dalton PLXNOited at Mu. H. His'. and Miss Reva MeGili wîll be absent HERE'S A LUNCHEON SET AT 39c Mu. Frank Hatheuly, Dixie, spent for two months' holiday; Vera the weekend wth lits parents, Mu. Shackleton and Guace xveuuy were s The set includes a 36X36 cloth and 4 nap- TENISand Mus. Richard Hatherly. appointed to take their places as ist I Mu. and Mus. Norman Woodley, and 4th vice presidents. 2nd Vice kins to match; in colors of gold, rose and blue. You'U ueed a new racquet Mu. and Mrs. Tom Barr and Douglas President, Mus. Harvey MeGilI. then It hardly seems p)ossible to procure a luncheon this Suînmer. See our as- spent Sunday at Mu. John Barr's, took charge. A ueading was given 4 sortment at remaukably Weston.' by Harold Kay; vocal duet by Miss set for' such little money. low prices. Mu. Wesley Little, Waikerville, Dalton and Alice Ashton; topic was On Sale ....................................... 3 c e WATR POTSMiss Edith Saunders and Mu. Wm. given by Rev. J. M. Whyte. At- ê WATER PORTSLttle, Oshawa, Sundayed with the tendance 35. Al uepeated benedic- Mu. and Mus. Earl Stephens and C. G. L. T. meeting was held in the BATINS UITS family. Sutton, Miss Edith Taylor, basement o! the church on Satuuday, A HN UT Queensviile, Mu. Carson Taylor, Dix- June l4th, with Puesident Annie Oke $2.75HE V BAHJ Compiatte r'n i.semther, Mus. Wmittier.atdin ca. ifeLADIES' WOL di E Vin Y B T W] National j Mus. W. F. Park. ihymn. a!ter which ail repeated the Women's ahl wool Bath-1 ý.ýIi Advertised IM. Jack Reid, Goodwood. Mu. and Loud's Prayer. Miss Elsie Moore Heavy rubber bathing Mr.Wnî. S. Bragg and Miss Ruby r ead the Bible lesson. Miss Vera ing Suits in several color caoe, Bragg. Bowmanville. Mrs. Eurett a Shackeiton then took charge. Miss combinations. These are and colors; diin tye1 i Motor Boats, Woodley and Miss Clara Woodlcy Velma Orchard gave a guitar solo, Row Boats, visîted at Mu. C. W. Woodley's. I accompaniedj by Miss Elva Orchard; legulation style, made BiVau at attractive prlces. Quite a numbeu f rom heue attend- Misses Vera Shackelton and Elva Or- from aIl woI Bgvau-............... cd the Long Sault annîversauy Sun- chaud each gave a chapter out o! the _ '- heaud Rcv. W. Stirling, Orono. veuy insipiring; Misses Alice Ashton ________________ pueach two excellent sermons. . and Annie Oke favored wîth a vocal & c e Mus. Wm. Little, Su.. Mirs. R. Me- duet: Miss Elsie Moore gave a short WOMEN'S Faulig, adMu.Dnald e a t- Mr. was sgptianonst y s. AnTh euo HADAEBuenton McCullough, Miss Rena Oke. The remainder o! the meeting 1 BLOOMERS 49cSU YFR C SF RS Currllugnd MssDoKale e -1 and u. eadn:in ontsol ys s heanmeSU N RO F RS jOPposite Post Office, Bowmanville tended the Lttle-St. Andrews wed- 1 graph quilt made by the giuls was W'omen's balbî'i g g a n _______________________ding in Oshawa on Saturday after-j auctioeîed off on May 24th and was, lo es hde fpnPite0inte n noon. ipurchased by Mus. D. ugmaster. h anssd eso ik rne iiisad ________________________ Mu. Wiilis Stewart and daughter.j and on June 7th. Mus. Burgmasteu s peach 49d srn art, Mrs Rnad cotviitd t hepuesented the same quîlt to Miss An- oxta'cre i, c. mr designs and colors. Mu.h o naeSo t i it, vsitBrdwnatPt-e Oeextra large thSizes, fo erboro. and visited Dr. aîîd Mus. a bithday gift. oe hs rse. Do Stewart,_LosAnthessdresses. Droph Sart, Los ngeales, Cafounia. o± PRINTED OILCLOTH mid-summer needs xvhile go Brown's. C ___F__ AKSSQUARES The Women's Iîîstitute and Ladies' Mu.lan.Mus.saunetstyonssnd N e Aid xiii hold their June meeting inMj d r.GrntSmn n mi fam e -es inspstn the h ly de~sire to thank their many Sqaî'in 'ne resfo 36t tevestuy of the church on Tus- finsad gbusfou hymNewoth i u e tgen. ol day. June 26th. at 8 p. m. Mus.' E. path y and kiîd ness shown in their s. eoh nble&gen A. Wright, Odessa, wili adduess the rcn eevmn:adfrtegc( audySeil......... meeting. Names wil be ueceived four ecetfbeflrav ruemtsn. o h odpten iz l~xtra pca.... the autoguaph qnilt. Special i msc1 Sa69da is being puovided. Al ladies mwel- I 1.1c ],eacA Q More women use it than any other. 10 Cakes for 39c Bi ake - High Quality GUEST IVORY SOAP For face and hands, as fine as soap can be 5 Cakes for 23c WHITE HOUSE TOMATOES One of the fin est grade put on the market and only 15c tin. FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY We Seil Strawberry Boxes HARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 HOWMAN«VILLE ý=WrnUWALKER STORES LIMITED =tt=±: SPECIALS f FULL FASHIONED HOSE 98c A new low price for service weight full-1 fashioned silk hose; ail first quality goods; in such colors as flesh, afternoon, light gunmetal, suntan, white and allure; regular ' $ 1.50 value; Saturday Special ...........98C. i CHILDREN'S SUN SUITS [G CAPS 39c Children will enjoy i caps, in white, black these Sun Suits; mnade of th a fine knit jersey; in col- îth srap.ors blue, red, maize and ............. 3 C,8 green, with white trim; i size 2, 4 and 6 yrQ5 Each..............5 c BOYS' GOLF HOSE i LJMMER WEAR $1. Boys' fancy golf hose, Voiles, in a wealth of in a wide assortment of plaid effects, size 1 Do flot fail to look 7 to 10, pair . ....3. ý9ce in and secure your s od selection is avail- KIDDIES' HATS 49c i siz 14 o 20 and Haîf price and less is 42.e 14t.0 n the story here. Hats are $2~i1gg made for srnaller girls, .~ j *I~)~) silk and straw and ail silk. f On Sale Saturd ay 4.<~ at ....................i [NE PATTERNS WINDOW SHADES Standard size window eci feature to our shades, rnounted on easy ornes to us highly running rollers. These come in shades of white, ('~picrearnand green. Justa .......... 2 c- lirnited nurnber to69 MEN'S ATHLETIC COMB'S. 79c i Men's Athletic Combinations of good quai- ýy naincheck. These are exceptionadîy weIl a(e. SI)ecially priced for aturday at.................................. 79c. RESLimted 41 P & G Clean-up WEEK OXYDOL Just a littie Oxydol and the washing's ail donc 2 large pkgs. 43c CHIPSO "Quick Suds"' l